Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Oct 1913, p. 4

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Published Dally and Semi-Weekly by THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING ©0,, LIMITED, il . . sident AR Gu na. "Minaiing Digetor c.- Treas Telephones: Business oMce .... .... «ore cons M3 Editorial rooms .... .... . asses 329 JOD OMIO8 «ovr cus sos ses' sss seee 398 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Aas Edin. ? 6.00 r, deliver n city .... v ear If paid in advance i. N $5.00 o At by mall to rural offices, 3.80 year, to United States 3.00 and three months, pro rata. (Beml-Weekly Bditlon) year, by mail @ year, to United States and three months, pro rata. A ed is one of the printing offices in Canada, REPRESENTATIVE: . 32 Church Bt. . 51.00 L best job 226 Fifth Ave. rthrup, Manager. . Tribune Bldg. Frank rR "Nort rup, Manager. {gard for a solemn Hon. Mr. Graham. pact, Mr. had not. In Macdonald, Man., the -electors could not be bullied or bulldozed, and prisoned without cause. it has been impossible to expose the rascality that marked the tory con-| duct of this election. In Richelieu, in Hochelaga, federal elections, and in two provincial elections, the machine was worked without regard to what the consequences would be. Promises, were made and broken. Bribing only held good when the conservative can- didate was elected. | Chateauguay is expected to surrender to' the corruptionists on the ground that the people will not reject money ofiers. * The people will be thrilled pres- | ently with the talk of what the gov-| ernment will do. The Rogers pro- gramme is an open violation or de- fiance of the law. It has been intimated that the libe- ral papers are unreasonable when they find fault because the iederal lye elections are not held simultaneously. They have been calling attention to the fact that Mr. in this as in other matters, has failed to tice what he preached. Mr. Borden should have regard for his word. Borden, prac- { SCHOOL BOARD VS. COUNCIL, Friction has occurred lvtween the School Board of Brantford and the City Council, and with regard to the erection of a new school. In the western city the population is grow- ing and provision must be made for the increase of school attendants. The They had some re- he has become too broad-minded. Rogers once, like Peter, {tion belonged to the few. thinks it is the he seeks a parish where he liberal workers were arrested and im- preach this to the people. Until this day certainly a wniaue experience. claims Lancet tine will likely THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, 'He thought that salva- Now he and may Here is privilege of all, The [amcet, a medical authority, that the average man could be cut out to his physical well-being. Rest and sleep have done for him more than food. 'In the morning he is at his best and 'he can work for hours without feel- 'ing the strain. Here is one way of reducing the cost of living, but, the to the comfrary, it may be one way also of increasing the cost of the breakfast of "the dead. A redistribution of seats bill is pro- mised at the next session of the le- gislature, and Hamilton is ambitious of a larger place in parliament. It ' wants four seats, only and | 'strong representations along that be made at 'loromnto at the proper time. Hamilton has not been fortunate in impressing on the Whitney government what it wants. Ii it were less subservient of the government it would fare the bet- ter. It is the independent man who commands respect. : PUBLIC OPINION| He Realy Is. Windsor Record. And now it is to be inferred that Doe. Pyne is no longer the Orange Sentinel"s "grand old man elo- quent ?" four, " WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER Wise and . Otherwise Hash is the stuff some queer dreams are made of. There 'sn"t anything more than a hero out of a job. pitiful One boy can do an errand in just half the time it will take two boys to do it, It is easier for a man to acquire a reputation for being clever than it is for him to keep it up, When a man's enemies make a dis- play of friendship he always wonders what he has that they want. No, Cordelia, a young man isn't nec- essarily slow because it takes him a long time to fasten a pretty girl's glove There are several rapid calculating machines on the market, but so far as rapidity is concerned none of them has anything on the old-fashioned gas meter. So long as we lcve, we serve. 3o long as we are loved by others I would almost say we are indespensible; and no man is useless while he has a friend. -- Stevenson. Whe Paid Fer It? Magistrate--You are being drunk and your name? Culprit---Angus MeNicol McNab Magistrate--Hm-----! Who paid for your liquor.--Lendon Opinion. charged with disorderly; what is 1, 19138. BOYS' CLOTHING DEPARTMENT BOYS $7.00 and $7.50 Values for SUITS = Ee, ll iii i ------ ehh srr 5 $5.00 Norfolk and Reefer style; bloomer or plain knickers. Sizes 26 to 34. Money will buy a lot of things. nelish ¢ tie y s « ror<teds x . "i 's g g y X Hot a eat Wie tor salty of oy 8 2 = English and domestic tweeds and worsteds. Good colorings; neat patterns. dog or the friendship of a baby. EE a= \ ; The SHme At Home. school trustees had plans prepared She Knew the Symptoms. for a school, the estimated cost of which is $60,000,. and the council, after examining the plans, decided that certain items of expense could be eliminated, and that $45,000 would be sufficient for the school. The re port proceeds : Ottawa Free Press "Whether the trustees will accept | Ilion. George E. Foster told how he the $15,000 by-law, which will be put saw the Chinese paurhament increasing through the City Council without a its sessional indemnity without any vote of the ratepayers, is not know. povular warrant. Well, he needn't If the board tells the council the a have gone to China to see that. mount is not sufficient, a by-law will | | -- be submitted to a vote of the rate | Loss By Illness. Money, Cincinnati Enquirer THE COUNCIL-AND PAY. ¢ The close of the municipal year is approaching @nd--tho-question of Cowneil vs. Commission government is discussed academically. It cannot, or need not, be discussed in any other way, however, (because commission government is out of the question. It cannot be had legally in Ontario. There is not a general law ander which there can be a change of gov- ernment, and it would be §mpossible, Boys' Sweater Coats Penman's make, 75¢. and $1 Boys Shoe Special $3.90 Shoes for $2.50 Strong leathers of gun metal, ealf and elk skin; box we trow, under the present aspect of things, to seoure a special act from the legislature. Of course, the premier of this pro- vince 'professes to have a profound regard Tor public opinion, and if the people of several towns voted in fa- vour of commission government Sir James Whitney would «hardly say they could not have it. The Windsor Record and Woodstock Sentinel have ' been giving the mibject wome attém- tion. The Record thinks the council would be very much improved if the people generally took a larger and wider interest in public affairs. The Sentinel regards the commission as superior because it trained men for civic service. The advantage does not lie so much in the longer term | or in the pay, as in the fact that commissioners take the offices for which they are best fitted, and retain them year after year, while the coun- cil will persist in changing its com- mittees every year, and in contribut- ing by this changing to their manifest ineffidency. The Record thinks that pay would make our members of the council more devoted, and that' the expenditure would be profitable. The Whig does not think so. The council system fails to arouse the interest which ob- tains in Britain, and fails to carry with it the sense nf responsibility am integrity which are apparent in Fag land. Pay would arouse the spirit ol cupidity and it would wreck insteall of improve tha council plan of gov- ernment. A conservative paper announces a reduction of duty, by the United . States tariff, on the following articles 'of food : Oats, butter, beets, stor- age egge, peas, currents, chooolate 'and cocoa. Which means that with- - ouf reciprocity, without an arrange ment for a free exchange of natural products, as the Laurier parliament proposed, the cost of living will go higher. Is that something over which the people should rejoice. © CAMPAIGN IN CHATEAUGUAY. The Chateauguay contest is on, with "Hon. Sydney Fisher, minister of agri- _ culture in the Laurier government, as "thé liberal candidate. The Montreal 'Herald, which used to be liberal but has been woefully weak on liberalism _sigee it passed under now manage: : "ment, intimates that there is some 'doubt about his election. The doubt originates in the projec- "tion of Rogers' methods in the con- _stituency. Some one has suggested ~ that his official: title should he "'min- ister of elections," rather than minis ter of public works, since it is his duty, apparently, to bribe, if possible, the electors of any constituency with 'the corrupt promises of public works. "The record of several bye-elections is 'very discreditable, so far as he is eon- ~ "oerned. In South Renfrew his party ignored an "agreement which was made between the parties, that if the conservative 'went in for the local house by acela- the liberai the Suing bees od, to have been marrow enough when wer, payers, the gmount to be raised to | be £60,000." The question arises, Has the coun: cil ahything to say about school ap- propnations ? It has a local sig- | nificance because the council of this city pared down the budget of the Board of Education, for general ex: penses, cutting out one item which must be provided, namely, the cost of the evening, commercial and in- dustrial classes which 'are about to be | established. = The board cut out this provision without consulting with the trustees, and so realizing what it was doing. Later the coumcil agreed to supply most of the money required for an addition to Victoria school, but delet- ted an item for cement walks alvut the school. Whether the council has la night to do this is a yuestion | which must sooner or later be settled, and probably by an appeal to the | court. 'The trustees ave burdered with the care of the schools, and the education of the children, and their work [should not be hindered by the council--unless it has the power to check, supervise, or change the school budgets, and this is disputed. EDITORIAL NOTES. The word, ori- and meant to .ex- Graft, what is it? ginally a auriosity, press an unusual condition or ox | perience is now so common as to re quire a definition. Grafting is a common thing. At least one would | infer this to be the case so frequent | is the reference to it. ls it akin w| thieving ? Is so, what a lot of peo- ple are under suspicion ? Brantford has held up a, Sunday | school superintendent who deserted his wife and family in England and took flight for Canada with another | erring woman. 'The Sunday school did not send the man wrong, but it suffers as much as if its associations were bad, Religion is burt when one of its examplers play the humbug and the hypocrit. | The Stratford Herald the education department troduce the moving picture into the public schools." It "might" do any tool thing, and keep up the reputa- tion it has established during the last couple of years. Geography by lan: tern views has been tried, in American schools, but not geography by mov- | jes It remains for Dr. Pyne to im- mortalize himself in the Hicgess show business | In' 'February, 1911, Mr. r. Border was worried about the combines, snd wanted them suppressed. He was then in opposition. Now he is the premier of a government whose members have become travellers and explorers, who, | when the house is mot in session, and even while it is sitting, ave seeing the worlkl. The combines, the menaces of the people, have been practically li censed to "do" the people as they please. A slekeyman in Montreal who seem- suggests that "might in- uvttawa Citizen The loss in the United States by ill- ness to its population is figured at 750 millions per year. The margin for patent medicine profits seems to be still fairly large. A Hard Question. Brantford Courler. Some of the wandering Doukhobors out west who abandoned their lands now want compensation for them. By the bye what com tion has there been for Johnny Cn uck in getting lhold of such a gang? 'they Would--Not. Montreal Herald Chicago meat packers have suggest- ed that the United States govern- ment might raise cattle to sel?! to them at cost in order to relieve Lue meat famine. No doubt the packers would be pleased to sell the finished product to the people at cost also. Oh, This Is Dreadful. Montreal Star When Mr. Poiret, the famous cos tumer, was asked the other day in New York, how should a woman choose her gown, he replied : "She should choose it in the moming, to match her soul. She should con- sider the temperature and the place where she is going. Certain _ma- |gistrates have no doubt as to where | women who wear Mr. Poiret's gowns !are going, nor as to the superiority 'of asbestos over every other mater: SMUGGLERS SENTENCED Go To Penitentiary For Smuggling Aliens, Oct. 1. --ieorge W. Wood and Fdwin Ashbaugh, United States immigration inspectors; stationed at | Cornwall, have returned from Syra- cuse, N.Y., where théy attended the | United States circuit. cpurt before Fed- | eral Judge 'George W. Ray, in the cases of the United States vs. Samuel Fleuma and Guiseppe |Stupiello, two | Italians, and G. W.| Martin, Mille { Roches, Ont., all charged with smug- gliag aliens into the | United States pear Cornwall. Stupiello was sentenc- ed to two years and three months in the penitentiary at Atlanta, Ga., and Martin to one year and one day in the same institution. | Fleuma, who had been released on Hail of $1,000, did not appear when called, and bail was forfeited. It is expected that he will be arrested in the near future and sontonce passed on him. Judge Ray, who tried the cases, is the judge who sentenced Loupo, known, as "The Woli," to forty years in prson for committing black hand atrocit'es in New York city some time ago. Cornwall, To Be Executed. Saskatoon, Sask., Oct. 1.---Jessn Hammond was sentenced, by - Justice Newlands to be hanged at Prince Al- bert penitentiary on December 17th. Hammond was convicted in the su- prewe court of contributing to the death of an infant. Hammond was convicted on January 24th last and sentenced to be hanged, but a new trial was ordered. Boy Accidentally, Shot. Brockville, Ont., Sept. 30.--By the accidental of a twenty two, calibre rifle, Alexander Ford, a boy of sixteen of age, was shot while aroed n the woods near Brockville. The bullet embedded itself in the cali of the leg. It is said he will recover. Too Much Excitement. London, Ont., Sept. 30. Mrs, Brem- Camlachis, who intended a George--Ah, the soft and moonlight-- Evelyn--Please row. for shallow wa- ter, George, if you're: going to get sentimental. tender Net Much. "I hear Brown's been again." "Yes" "That's splendid! He must be ite an important member of the concern now." "Oh, I guess not. The office boy still calls him by his first name." -- Detroit Free Press. promoted Mutual Admiration, "You are getting very bald, sir," the barber. "You yourself," retorted the cus- tomer "are not free from a number of defects that I could mention if T cared to become personal." -- Louisville Courier-Journal. said Commendable, % "What reform are you interested In now? "I'm advocating that people be paid double for their work when they don't feel like working." Very Cautions, A clerk was sent to call on Mr. C.-- the meanest rich man in the town, to try and induce him to purchase a bur. ial plot in the new cemetery. In half an hour he was back again. "Couldn't get him?" asked the man- ager. "No," said the clerk. "He admitted that the plots were fine ones, but he said that if he bought one he might not get the value in the end." "Why," said the manager, "there's uo fear of that: the man will die some day, won't he? "Yes," said the clerk, he might be lost at sea." "but he says It Was Never Used. "When Scones was at Oxford he was a most excellent tellow and had only one enemy---soap. He was called "Dirty" Scones, One day the wag Bolus went into his rooms and, re- monstrating with him on the untidy, slovenly and dirty state of everything, said: 2 "Upon my word, Dirty," it's too bad! The only clean thing in the room 's vour towel"--London Tatler. Cause for His Fright. "Hamlet Fatt is timorous about ap- pearing in this town" "Stage fright at his age? Why, he's been on the bodrds for years." "But this is the first time he was ever billed for two nights In one 'place.""--Loulsville Courier-Journal Does This Explain Term? Bix {with newspuper)--Here's a par. cel of land for sale. Dix---~A mortgage on it probably. Bix--Why do you think so? Dix--A parcel is generally tied up, you know.--Beston, Transeript. Warning Mianie. "What is your name?" "Minnie. mum." "AN r"ght but we expect a maximum of work out of you'---New Orleans Times-Democrat 3 Practice. "I could hold your hand forever!" ke exclaimed rapturously. It you did" she replied "you might learn how "Life. calmly, ARS ny 2 A suttul Soper sizes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. calf; solid oak tanned soles; hand sewn =Goodyear welts, Boys' Stockings All sizes. Fast Blacks, 35¢. values for values for §0¢ Greys, browns, blue, Plain or fancy trim. 25¢ Don't miss seeing these lines. ' ete. BIBBYS 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET. F. J. JOHNSON The Leading Florist. 824 King Bt. All seasonable cut flowers in stock. Wedding bouquets; floral designs of all descrip- tions a specialty. : Phones: Store 889. Residence 1818. Farms For Sale The following is a partial list of farms we have for sale in Kingston district: . For further 'information apply to T. J. LOCKHART Over Bank of Montreal, Clarence St. Phone 1085, or 1020. KINGSTON, ONT. A man laughs at ecars when a wo- man tows. (hings a. hiv, 2 TINS There is Danger in buying goods of a doubtful reputation--as to cleanliness. READYMAID BRAND purity and 2 TINS FOR 25 CENTS CONCENTRATED SOUPS is made with selected meats, vegetables, spices and herbs, carn fully blended and prepared in a kitchen that is a model of cleanll- ness. Henderson's Grocery 50-61 BROCK ST. PHONE 279

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