| COLLEGE OPENING Queen's University TEXTBOOKS Queen's University students will find a complete stock of text books and requisites for all branches and departments, in ° ARTS, SCIENCE, MEDICINE and FACULTY of EDUCATION Including: History, Mathematics, Biology, Geology English, Political Economy, Botany, Mineralogy, Drawing. Moderns, Philosophy, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering. Also a complete line of the recommended mathematical in- struments, slide rules, set squares, T squares, graded pencils, note books, exercise books and loose leaf books of every description. PENNANTS, PILLOWS AND BANNERS FOR DEN DECORATION . All 'students cordially invited to look through our attractive stock, UGLOW'S 141 Princess Street Bde & G Grates the whole ne. vous system, makes new ood in old Veins, Cures Nerv rus Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, pondency, al Weakness, I'miswions, Sper matorrhec, and Effects of Abuse or Kuvesses. Price $1 per box, pts tforge. One wili please, ah by Ml For Choice Groceries, Faney Pickles, Fancy Olives, Cured oats. M 880 Princess ». Phone TES, ill cure. Dold ¥ gEisty or ma dain pkg. on receipt of price. New pa led, Word Medicine On faded free Tho Toronto. Ome Prompt Delivery, | , ~ SOMETHING ~NEW ' Women's Pat- ent Colt Buttons, Cravenette- - top, Receding toe. ~ Women's Black Suede Button High toe. ALLAN M. REID 111 PRINCESS STREET 4 GUN REPAIRING A SPECIALTY W. J. Moore & Son Phone 815. HAT ABOUT YOUR CLOTHES HAVE Y®U. PLACED YOUR id FALL ORDER? Our Selections for Fall were verys. carefully mode and we would 4 2 oo i 2 % pleased to have your = approvil. QUEEN'S AND CADETS RAIN THURSDAY Walter Ellis, Last Year's Scrimma- | ger, 1s Oui Again With Queen' s---- The Junior Intercollegiate Sche- dule Not Yet Arranged. Queen's and R.M.C. both had light | rugby work-outs in the drizzling rain | on their réepective campuses on Thursday afternoon. Both teams were never more hopeful than at present. The cadets have somewhat of a lead on the university boys in the length of time they have been at, work on the gridiron, and certainly show it. But the tri-color has plenty of good material, and "the only re- fret is that there is but one week left before the opening games of the season. Fry, the R.M.C. wing man, whose shoulder bone was dislocated the first of the week, is doing well, and will in all probability be in the game again in the cadets' run for honors in senior company, Walter Ellis, in Queen's scrimmage last year, was out on Thursday again, and a Pickering college con- tribution was tried out at quarter. Queen's seniors need men for this position and outside wing. The drawing up of the junior sched- ule, in which K.C.1L, Queen's 111, and R.M.C. II. are to compete in this group, has been left with the two lat- ter teams. A meeting will soon be called. The games in this group must be completed by Nov. 19th. Intercollegiate Tennis, The intercollegiate tennis tourna ment will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, the match- ©8 to be played at the Mount Royal courts, Montreal. Four colleges will be represented--McGill, Toronto, Queen's, R. M, C. McGill will have an exceptionally formidable team, including the Que- bec champion, George Laing, who ig captain of the McGill rugby team. Soccer On Saturday. | The third doubleheader bill of soe- cor will be pulled offon Saturday afternoon.; If an early start can be arranged Loth games will be played on the cricket field. The C.L.C. team | meets the R.C.H.A., and the Ship- | yard and Departmental Corps: eleven | will figure in the second fixture. The soccer' games have attracted a good | deal of attention this fall and the | leagwe promises to give the follow- ers of that sport good exhibitions. Baseball Record. i National league--Philadelphia 8-3- 4; New York 6-8-3, i American league--New York 0,| Philadelphia ¢ (called end fourth inning, rain). } CASES TO BE HEARD | By Justice Teetzel In High Court | Next Week. | The following jury cases will be tried at the sittings of the Supreme Court of Ontario, Tigi court division, which opens on Tue: ay afternoon be | fore Justice Teetzel. Duncan 'MeCrimmon, plaintiff, and The Dominion Construction company, limited. The Asterber company, John Asterberg and John gd ed ants. The plaintiff's claim is for dam. aaes for injuries received from a rock falling upon him hy the negligence of defts, where- by his leg was broken and he was otherwise injured and bruised. The , defence is that the accident was caus. | ed by plaintii's own carelessness and | disobedience of orders given by de \fendants. John Laskowsky, plaintiff and Mo. | Martin and Murdock, defendants. The plaintifi's claim is for $2,000 for in- | Juries to his person caused by the negligence of defendants. The defend. | onts deny they are guilty of neglig- ence and say the plaintif's injuries | were caused by his own negligence or that the accident was an inevitable | one for which they are in no was re | sponsible, i The following non-jury case is in the docket: Frances Mecliroy and Mait- land Mellroy, both being infants un- der the age of twenty-one years, who | sue by their next friend, Hannah ' Scales, mother of the said Frances Mecllroy and grandmother of the said Maitland Mcliroy, plaintiffs, and Wil. liam Mcllroy, personally and as ad- ' {ministrator of the estate of Archie ('. Moliroy, deceased, and Jacob Walroth | and Isaac L. Smith, defendants. The plaintifi's claim is to have the admin- istrator of the estate removed, and for an accounting of the trusts funds that came ie His hands. De- fendant Mcllroy debies that he has any funds belonging to the estate of Archie C. Mellroy. Defendant Wal- roth and Smith who are s as hondsmen of the administrator submit their rights to the court. . On the criminal docket are the fol- lowing: The King vs. Frederick Gabriel and Alexander (. Mains, indictment for arson. The King vs. Fdward Woodcock, dictment for rape. MAY HAVE BEEN HERE Four Arrested At Niagara Fails For Passing Bogus Cheques. Four people, two men and two women, have been placed under ar- rest, at Niagara Falls, on a charge of passing bogus cheques. While it is not known for certain, it may be that some members of this party operated in Kingston. Both a man and woman operated here, the wo-. man passing the cheques, some few months ago, while just three weeks Ago, a man put through several bogus cheques. The work has been carried on extensively throughout Ontario, but in the arrest of the quartette at Niagara Falls, the police believe they have the parties who are re- sponsible for a great deal! of the trouble, Night Classes ENCOURAGING REPORTS | = b HAD LIGHT PRACTICES IN THE ON THE WORK OF VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES, The Order Has a Nurse Available Night and Day--Work of Collect- ing For Order Not Yet Finished Report of Nurses For Past Three Months, The committee of the Victorian Or- der of Nurses held its regular monthly meeting, Thursday afternoon. The work of collecting for the order is not vet finished, but very encouraging re ports were received. An important question before the commiitee was how to advertise the fact that a nurse is available day and night. Of course, the doctors are really the ones who could give most help towards this end, by advising their patients, especially in maternity cases, to engage the Victorian nurses. The committee w to emphasize again, that the charter states that the nurse is available not only for those cases, where little or nothing can be paid, but also for cases where the sor- vices of a nurse, required only for oc- casional or daily visits, can be paid at the rate of a trained nurse. In this way the salary of the second nurse would be met, and it would not be necessary to appeal for increased generosity from the public, who al- ready have so many demands to meet. There is no reason why Kingston should be one of the four places in ; Canada which have more, many times ' more, i non paying than paying pa- tients. Almost every one could pay a tittle, and there are many who would gladly avail themselves of the services of the Victorian nurse if they felt it was not charity, but » business pro- position. The following is the nurse's report for the months of July, August and September : Visits madg, 522. deno- minations, Baptists, 4; Presbyterians, 6; Methodists, 11; Roman Catholics, 15; Anglicans, 32; and one each from | Salvation Army and Congregational: ists. Canned fruit was received from Miss Wales and money from a friend for use at the pursc's discretion. The nurse's address is 302 Queen street; telephono 609, IN MARINE CIRCLES Movements of Vessels Reported Along the Harbor, The steamer Arabian is out of the dry dock of the Kingston Shipbuild ng company, and will clear for Port Colborne. The steamer John Rolph is under going repairs in the dock of the King- ston Shipbuilding company. The steamer Aberdeen and the barge Rob Roy, coal laden, from Chaslotte, discharged at the C.P.R. wharf. The schooner Britton was in to-day, coal laden, on her way Charlotte to Gananoque. The steambarge Jeska and the steamer Sowards, coal laden, from Charlotte, are discharging at R. Craw- ford's wharf. The sloop Ariadne, with wood from Rideaw canal ports, is also discharging at this wharl. M.T. Co's bulletin: Tug Emerson, from Port Dalhousie, with two grain barges and one light barge, cleared, light, for Charlotte, and will return with the barge Quebec, coal laden, for Montreal; tug Bronson cleared for Montreal, with two grain barges; steamers Kinmount, Rosemount and Fisher, all grain laden, are discharg- ing. The Fisher is from Duluth, and the other twd vessels from Fort Wil- liam; tug Glyde, from Prescott, light, The steamer Prince Rupert will pro- bably leave Sault Ste. Marie for Port Arthur, on Sunday, after temporary repairs. he due up Belleville Masonic Visitors. A team from the Eureka Masonic lodge of Belleville, came down to the city on Thursday might, and visiting Ancient St. John's lodge, No. 3, ably exemplified the work of the first degree. The Belleville Masons were entertained afler- wards. Raglical Changes Probable. Radical changes in the system which has prevailed for the past twenty years or more in the peniten- tiary will likely fellow the investi- gation by the commission is the opinion of those in touch with the situation. At Home or Abroad Health follows wise sel- ection of food. Grape-Nuts made of choice wheat and barley, is a erisp, delightful food-- ready to eat direct from seal- ed, air-tight packages, which keep in perfect condition. port from steamer City of Ottawa was from Montreal on Friday. Girape-Nuts is coneen- trated, easily and quick- ly digested--generally in about one hour. It contains the vital food elements required by Nature for rebuild- ing and sustaining both body and brain. 'There's a Reason." for Grape-Nuts "Canndian Postum Cereal Cou, Tad, THE ASCOT AS GOOD AS EVER Tans, patents, gun metals, velour calf and win- ter calf --In buttons, lace and bluchers $4, $4.50 and $5 You are invited to inspect these new goods. ABERNETHY'S F all Hats Our swell new styles are pronounced by all to be King- ston"s best hats. Austrian Velours. English Velours. Soft Felts. Derbies. $1.50, $2, $4, $4.50, $5. Campbell Bros. The Largest Importers of Hats in Kingston. 2.50, $3, $3.50 GRAND OPERA HOUSE "Peg O' My Heart" Produced Thursday Night. On A charming comedy is "Peg 0° M Heart," which was produced at thi Grand last night. The large audi cote was delighted with the play of J. Hartley Manners, wifich is human throughout. Every character is good and even "Peg's" little 'dog, ""Mi- chael," scored a big hit with the au dience. Miss Flsa Ryan, in the title role, was simply great. One of the best old lady actresses seen on a Kingston stage is Mrs. Fanny Addi- son Pitt in the role of "Mrs. Chi- chester." Gilbert Douglas,! as the simple-minded young Faglishman, is a splendid actor. Every role is in the hands of an artist, and the production is emjoyaile. The scene is laid in England, but "Peg" brings Tre land to the fore, and in the = cours her tutorial training draws a map of Purope, with the Emerald Ide occupying the greater part of it. Miss Ryan's litt:e dog, "Michael," accompanies his mistress everywhere When Miss Ryan returned to the Ran dolph Hotel after the play "Michael" led the way upstairs, and when his young mistress lingered at the flont to converse with some friends "Mi chacl" returned and coaxed her to leave. When he was ignored he be- came disgmsted and trotted up to bed himeeli. "Everybody knows Michael," said 'Miss Ryan, as she missed her little companion, and was informed that he had "turned in." whole "The Pink Lady" Matinee and Night "Fhe Pink Lady" is unlike any Am erican musical comedy in one detail Lhe story that holds it together is ad- apted from a modern French farce "Le Satyre,"" in three acts, which ran for a season in its original form ai the Palais Roval in Paris. To present this play with music lends a greater scope to its pleasing possibilities. Tt will be seen at. the Grand on Satur- day, Oct. 4th, matinee and night. "Oh, I Say." For the first time upon a Canadian stage, . "Oh I Say" a musical farce from the French of Keroul and Barre will be offered by Sam S. andlee Shubert at the Grand on Monday, Oct. 6th. The farce in ite original form of three acts is now running in London and Paris where it has made its audiences of the capitals, sit up and take notice for two seasons. The title selected for the English adaption for London is a happy one expreésing as it does the English exclamation of surprise and the attitnde of the Lonm- donerupon witnessing a breezy French farce. |The piece has been staged hy J. L Huffman and A. L. Helbrook for this country, and dances' arranged by Julian Alired. These who have seen the dress rehearsals hint that the piece will justify its title in its broad sense. A ngmerous chorud has been selected for the offering, and handsome wets and colorings for the stmorphers. Some of those in the cast are Walter Jones, Alice Yorks, Hert Clark, ¥abel Hamilton, Josepn Phillips, (lara - mer, Tyler Brooks, Flavia Aecaro and tizabath Arians. ig S--------- ICE CREAM We make the best and purest Ice Cream ir Kingston. Call in and try it. SAKELL'S Next to Opera House Phone 640 OUR PALL ENGLISH | saacadasnssssstasamasen: IMPORT JeoRTs COLLIER'S TOGGERY SHOP 1olexam Princess Near Clergy. Where students are welcome and their patronage aps preciated. MEN'S WEAR In the better grades at reasons able prices. If in doubt ASK ANYBODY Students Attention! You'll need cleaning and pressing done this term. Ask your friends about us. Send us a suit for a trial, NEW METHOD 119 Sydenham, near Princess. "Phone 214, 1I°Cloth of carpet squares, oib cloths and linoleums. New designs and pretty shades, at JAMES REID'S PHONE 147 THE LEADING UNDERTAKER LESS MEAT IF BACK AND KIDNEYS HURT TO FALL OVERCOAT SEASON IS HERE See our big line of new overcoats, latest patterns and lowest prices a the city. From $7.50, $8.50, $1u, $12, $15, $18. We have them in browns, grays and Beaver, TAKE A GLASS OF SALTS FLUSH KIDNEYS YF BLAD- DER BOTHERS YOU, Eating meat regularly eventually produces kidney trouble in some form or other, says a well-known au- New fall suits now in at prices to suit every pocketbook. Also [nil line of BOOTS, SHOES, CAPS, UNDER. WEAR, SWEATER COATS, ET. ISAAC ZACKS 271 PRINCESS STREET. | thority, because the uric acid in mest excites the kidneys, they become overworked; get sluggish, clog. up and cause all sorts of distress, par- { ticnlarly backache and misery in the { kidney region; rheumatic twinges, | severe headaches, acid stomach, con- | stipation, torpid liver, sleeplessness, | bladder and urinary irritation. ! The moment your back hurts or ! kidneys aren't acting right, or if ' bladder bothers you, get about four {ounces of Jad Salts from any good ' pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in a ' glass of water betore breakfast for a few days and your kidneys wiil hen act fine. This famous salts is nade from the acid of grapes and emon jwise, combined with lithia, ind has been used for generations fo | lush clogged kidneys and stimulate hem to normal activity; also to neutralize the acids jn the urine =o| it no longer irritates, thus ending dladder disordets. Jad Salts cannot injure anyone; makes a delightful effervescent lithia water drink which millions of men and women take now and then to keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus avoiding serious kidney disease. ] FURNITURE WANTED. CAN ; | ot indy Jk me Rao TE Dave sunt MILK AND CREAM | of Juin iy ih ma now, oth) oO | furniture of all kinds at ressonsble May Be Bought For the American | prj Market, | EH. SUGARMAN, 252 Outarfe Street. . | Opposite Craig's Wholesale. It is stated that there has been a | move in this district to buy very | -- large quiEntities of milk and CTOAM | musa fer shipment to the American mar- | ket, the preparations being made in | view of the new American tariff | gong into effect. It is also stated that cattle are in great demand, and that some deal- ers arg making up carloads for the mark#t across the line. HOOD'S Kingston Business College Head of Queen Street. Courses In bookkeeping. shorthand, typewriting, ecfvll service general Improvement and all commercial subjects. Rates moderate. Informa- tion free. - H.F. Metcalf - Principal Price For Houseboid Goods away and want to 7 Then me. PILLS: