} om -- NN DARL SSS Thanksgiving Day Excursions SINGLE FARE for ROUND TRIP Good going Monday, Oct. 20th, Re- turning on same date. SINGLE FARE and ONE THIRD for ROUND TRIP. Good going Friday, Oct. 17th to Monday, Oct 20th, inclusive. Good to return on or before Wednesday, Oct. 22nd. Tickets to intermediate points be- tween Toronto and Montreal will not be valid on trains Nosfl 1 and +¢. until October 28th. Valid to return for two months. 'Ask for particulars. las od EAN Te oad an: eams| nt, Corner Johnson and Ontario streets. "ANADIAN "PACIFIC FARE FOR ROUND TRIP Good going Monday, Oct. 20th, re- Good going from Friday, - Oct. 17th, to Monday, Oct. 20th, inclus- ive. Good to return on or before w , Oct. 22nd. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Hach Tuesday auti] October 28th. Winnipeg and return , . 50 Bdmonton and return Other points in proportion. Return Hmit, two 8, , C.P, City Ticket office, sor. rincess nd wel ngton streets, CG, 8. KIRKPATRICK Phone 56% OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENCY 43 Clarence St, Cruising Steamers from New York. | $S.VICTORIA LUISE iomiug Mn ¥ S.S. AMERIKA Largest Steamer eget / booklet, stating cruise _- HAMBURG AMERICAN pied mss A Or local agents DAILY BRITISH WHIS, \.¥ COUNTRYSIDE TIDINGS WHAT WHIG OURKESPUNUENTS HAVE TO TELL. News irom Villages sad Farms Throughout the Adjoining Ooun~ ties--Rural ¥Xvenis, and Move ments of the Y"eople, ---------- Disposed of a Farm. Washburn's Corners, Oct. 7.--Corn cutting is about completed for the sea- gon. Mr. and Mrs. Steward, Ottawa, were guests at 1H. Stevens' recently. Miss B. Singleton leaves, this week, fof Kingston, to resume her studies. Mrs. 1. A. Flood, Mallorytown, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Nixon, last week, Visitors at W. Hamblen's : Miss Soper, Saratoga, N.Y.; Mrs. Carss, Athens; Mrs. G. Whaley and daugh- ters, Hard Island. La Nixon y disposed of one of his farms to E. White, Forfar. Mrs. John Seofitld and family are the guests at illiam Ns, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Suffel were exhibitors at Frankville fair. Our Sabbath school closed on Sunday last. -- Atkinson Jottings. Atkidson; Oct. 7.-- Everyone has finished threshing and report a fairly good turn-out of grain. Silo filling is the order of the day. The recent rain has made the ground in good ¢ondition for ploughing. Mrs. Hen- ry Johnston is giving an aftermgon tea in aid of the Ladies' Aid of Sand Hill church, on Oct. 7th. Mrs. John Gillespie and Miss 'A. Carpenter at ¥. Atkinson's; Mrs. Steacy, Lansdowne, at F. Conner's; Mr. and Mrs. A. Hun- ter and daughter at Mrs. H. Todd's; Mr. and Mrs. A. Donaldson at JL. Wood's, Joyceville; Miss Nellie Hall has returned to her home in Brock- ville after spending the past week ad roomy . Lo. Montreal, "! 8tr. Lv. Bristol, Eng. Oct. 4 Royal Edward Oct. 18 Nov. 1 Royal Edward Nov. 15 Nov. 15 Royal George Nov. 29 J. 'Asst, Pass Agt.. 226" - St. James St. --- Jin mouth and stomach headache, you | ¢ with Mr. and Mrs. McCormick. Miss Jessie Maitland at W. Maitland's; Miss Alecia Shortall at D. Brown's; Miss Madden at G. McCormick's; M. Shortall and 'Mrs. Doyle at L. P. Shortall's, Pittsferry; Mr. and Mrs. G. Johnston at F. Johnston's. 3 Junetown Jottings. Junetown, Oct. ren, of St. Anne's, Que., spent Satur- day at his home here. Clinton Av- ery has returned home after spend ing a few weeks in Brockville. Our teacher, Miss C. M, Glazier, will at- tend the Teachers' Institute at Brock. ville on Thursday and Frglay of this week. Miss Gertrude Scott, of Gan anogue high school, spent the weaok- end with her parents here.' Several from here attended the county S.'S. convention held in Mallorytown on Oct. 1st. Farmers are busy plough- ing. Miss Evelyn Purvis, of Brocg- ville Collegiate Institute, spent the week-end with her parents here. Arden Warren spent Sunday with friends at Fairfield East. John Earl, Athens, was a recent guest at Wil liam Flood"s. 'Messrs. Arnold Avery and Norris Ferguson spent Monday e's ends I If what yeu just ate is souring on your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, refusing to digest, or you belch gas "and eructate sour, undigested food, or have a feeling of dizziness heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste "lean get blessed relief in five min- utes to show you minutes. "Pape's Diapepsin less; tastes like candy, though dose will digest an y for 7.~Leland War-|Rev -- | DENTAL STUDENTS ' STILL SMILING AFTER A THE FIGHT. Have you a friend or relative i took on an added interest as the duck hunting at Graham Lake. Mrs. Hanson, Philadelphia, spent Satacday at Jacob Warren's. Is Seriously Il. Glenvale, Oct. 6.--Rally day was observed by the Sunday school on October 5th. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burnett and Miss 'Maud Binnington, of Havelock, who have been visiting at Mrs. J. Cramer's, returned home to-day. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cooke and daughter, Cataraqui, visited at George Topliffe's 'on Sunday. A number from here attended the fair at Odessa on Fridgy. Miss Mildred Orser and Miss May Cramer, Wolfe Island, and Miss Mary Hamilton, Tiehborne, spent a few days with their parents here. Mrs. B. Gordon is in Kingston at the bedside of her father, who is very low. Mr. Leon. ard's many friends here are sorry to hear of his serious illness. Robert Gibson has erected a fine cement silo. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Clark have re- turned from their wedding trip to Toronto and Buffalo. We extend congratulations. The township crush- er is at work here, repairing the Glenvale swamp road. Golden Wedding. Battersea, Oct. 7.--Mr. and Mrs. Robert Payne, two of the oldest and most respected inhabitanta of the vil- lage of Battersea, on Loughboro Lake, celebrated their golden wedding last Fifiday. Robert Payne and Ellenor Jandine were married by the late 7. Andvew Wilson, formerly" of Cooke's church, Kingston, on Oct. 3rd, 1863. They have three children ed from them : 'Jobm, in British Co- lumbia, and Robert and Jessie (now Mrs. Stonness, lately of Sumbury), in Alberta. . The worthy old couple re tired from farming life thirteen years ago, and are mow enjoying a peace- ful life of retirement in the village, near where they have lived for over fifty years. © May they live long to prove that a life of hard work and sweet content is far more productive of hdppiness and peaceful contempla- tion than the mad rush and excite ment so prevalent in modern life. : Funeral of 'W. Nugent. Railton, Oct. 6.--Potato digging is the 'order of the day. Some have finished and report about an aver- age crop. The weather has been all that could be desired for this work. The funeral of the late William Nugent who died in Kingston, took place to St. Patrick's church where solemn requiem mass was sung by Rev. Father Staley for the repose of his soul. The remains were placed in the vawit. The county stone crusher and steam roller has com- Moon's corner leaving it in splendid condition for travel. School is pro- turned home aiter an oxteénded visit With files near Odessa and Wil- Hi Ig fii i living, but these are now far separat- pleted the road from this place to Belleville; -|R. A. Cai id | public CORNER» | CAN YOU RECOGNIZE HIM? n this melee. It is the famous an- nual scrap of the Ontario Dental College, which boasts of having stu. dents from and graduates in every city in Canada. The scrap this year result of the whr paint. Grove, was the guest of the Misses Newman for a few days recently, . Inverary Notes. Inverary, Oct. 7.--Miss McKeever at- tended the teachers' convenfion in Kingston, consequently there was no school Thursday or Friday. Mrs. E. Patterson spent the week-end at the Hotel Dieu, with her sister, Mrs. Dil- lon, who is very low. *Her husband is also at her side. Rally Day was observed in the Methodist church on Sunday morning. Rev. A. Shorten de livered an. excellent address on Sab: bath sehool work. Miss Thelma .Ger- 'aldi presided at the organ and furn- ished splendid music. All the silos are full and the threshing is done, so the farmers have setfled down to plough the land. William McAdoo is buying nogs and cattle through this section. He is paying $8.40 for hogs. J. G. Taggart: called at the school to-day and left the money and ribbons which were awarded to the children at the school fair. Georgie Moore obtained the largest amount; Maggie Belle Ar- thur. received the next. Revival ger- ness Movement church. Revs. Wise men, Raymond and Webster have charge of the meptin Miss Blanche and Thomas Wills, Athens high school and - Ford Wills, Morton,. spgnt the weok-end with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Holmes. Bert. Geraldi is able to be around again; as is also Elmer Shepherd. Lila Lake, of Kings- ton, is visiting at her home here. 4 Amherst Island Fair. Stella, Oct. 8.--~The Amherst Island Agricultural Fair was a great success, The showing of horses, cattle, sheep, swine poultry, roots, ladies' work, ete. was never better. A great many red tickets were carried off.) Never hefore were so many strangers seen on the grounds. At noon a first-class dinner was served by the congregation of St. Paul's cgurch, in Victoria Hall. There sed away in the Kingston general ospital on t. 21st, an old resid- ent. of the island, in the person of Mrs. John Ennis. had been ap in- valid for some years. She is survived by two sons, Robert and Hugh Filson "lof the Island. Painters, decorators and paper h , from Kingston, have Ar ik on the interior and exterior of St. Alban' church, and rectory. Both are much improved in appearance. Rev. J. C. Dixon, was called suddenly "away on Friday last to the funeral of hus brother, Dr. J.C. Dixon in Montreal. Rev. A. L. Me- Tear, of Bath, Thanksgivi services in St. Alban' and. Christ's church emerald on Sunday last. Nr. and Mrs. A, E.. Howard and son, and Miss M. Hill, are in New York, on the annual excursion. - The island' dred tons. J. McMullen has returned home, from the west. ta isitors: t. and Mrs. NX. Allen, y RB in, Hamilton; Mvs. ghey, Portsmouth; Mrs. = R. Ben Crom. Kiger Hie. an Loy 3 It. a Mrs. D. MeClement, and = Miss Me- " Died Suddenly, On Tuesday. Thomas Harkpess, of Tamworth, died very suddenly in one of the institutions, on Tuesday evening. The man had been in the best of health all day Tuesday. Dur- ing the evening he had been playing a game of cards with some of the 'patients, when he was suddenly taken iil and fell off a chair. The men summoned a doctor who had he passed away. The late Mr. Hark- . | ness "was seventy-one years of age By occupation he was a farmer / | he had lived at, Tamworth for years. Heart failure 'was: given as the . jeduse of his death. 5 ---------- - Shaw,' Tweed. left Monday for Campbeliford, where he. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1913. . u LETTE CTT TE Vd * "Swift's Premium" -- _Hams and Bacon j= as there is only one standard of -~ "pure" gold--only one standard of a "perfect" diamond--so there is only one standard of "Premium" Hams and Bacon. None but the finest and choicest meats are selected to carry the brand "Swift's Premium." When you buy "Premium" Ham or Bacon you may be assured that it represents nothing short of perfection--for it has undergone the most careful processes of inspection and selection before it was considered worthy to bear the mark "Premium." The "Swift Premium" cure does more than give a delicious and characteristic flavor--it makes the meat firm and tender--always dependable, because always the same. Look for the * Swift's Premium" Brand before buying. Swift Canadian Co. Limited Edmonton \§ UNE (6) FI | ACETYL HARIA Premium\¢| 3 Toronto = Winnipeg = " [Ll vices are being conducted in the Holi- |. - Rugby and Association Suits Best Foothalls Stockings and Shoes Everything you want for the old game. We are giving 20 per cent. discount on Tennis racquets. Come in and look our stock over, Treadgold Cycle and Sporting Goods Co. * 88 Princess Street - . Angrove's Old Stand. Phone 529, has a geod supply of éoal this fall. |. J. 8, Nelson has secured over five hun- the man removed to his bed where}, The FIRST CALLintheMorning COWAN S PERFECTION ors FOU have an. Un is \ appetite COWAN'S ® erfection COCOA. The fragrant aroma is so tempting. ~ And what food that you enjoy as much as Cowan's Cocoa is. so nourishing--and so easy to digest? Breakfast----Cowan go together. 10c. TINS--K L8.--3% LB.--~AND | LB. TINS AT ALL GROCERS , The COWAN CO., Limited TORONTO,