furs | REGIIERED Persian Lamb Neck- No far is more durable or more satisfactory than Persian Lamb. Black furs are fashionable. reason. We anticipate a big demand for scarfs, ties shawls and muffs this season. The assortment here for your inspection i is complete. dirs 31 and eurve you prefer. You may select the styie Ties, searfs and shawls here at $10, £15, $20. | Persian Lah pillow muffs, range from $20.00 3 to 9 $37. 50. Chairs ok Chairs they're - smashed. Our line "break They are Rattan and Chinese easy rockers and are good Wr parlor.'$3.00 up to 00, Rugs; earpety, linoleum, ete, cur- tains; great range; all . mewest varieties in shade and. de- Repair and a done. a j Yours, T..F. HARRISON 800 on Bibbs Garage oye Garage CHARGES. REASONABLE CAREFUL DRIVER, 5a Phone's 201 &917. Yliolntesing work BUILDING LOTS x 105 | t +1 ¥ for a nice lot 33 | } £132 Earl street, near [pb I Albert street, ; - HOMES 43150 , Limited For this DOING SPLENDID Sy REPORTS AT CONVENTION WO. MAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY ---- , There Was a Very Good Attendance At the Sessions In Queen Street Church On Thursday-- Interests ing Addresses Were Delivered--A Musical Programme Was Given. With a gobd attendance from near: ly all the auxiliaries, and rejesenva- tives from circles and bands, the niath annual convention of the = Wo- man's iopary Society was held in Queen street Methodist church Thurs day afternoon and evening. Mrs. William Craig, district organ- izer, occupied the chair at the opening session. Encouraging reports of the work were given by. nine auxiliaries, two ciroles and two bands. It was shown that over $1,300 had been raised dus- ing the year. Mrs. Cradg stated that it would Te impossible: for her to continue the position of district organizer. Mn. Melvin Taylor, Gananoque, was elect- ed to take her place. During the afternoon addresses were delivered by Miss Daisy Chown, who spoke on life in Japan, as she had seen it on her recent visit; Miss Sun- bury, of the Gananoque circle, gave a paper on "How to Maintain the In terest in. Circle Work™; Mrs. G. LL finite Aims"; Mrs. Scott, medical/ mis- sionary from Ceylon, gave an inter- esting acoount of her work. She was the first lady doctor to go to that place. Miss A. Brebner and. Miss F.. Val leau favored with solos and Sydenham street circle rendered a chorus. Tea was served in the school room. Rev. G. I. Campbell presided at {he avening session and paid a warm tri bute to the work carried on by, the women' in their auxiliaries. Others who took part were Rev. with hours of study daily, should not be handicapped with poor eye-sight. It takes but a few moments for us in examining a child's eyes, to know whether or not their eyes focus properly. Why not make sure on this point to-day. J S. Asselstine D. 0. §. Registered Optometrist & Optician 343 KING ST, PHONE 1019 A AL A RHR Sst. Optical Work Exclusively. John Webster, Rev. 1. M. England, of Cataraqui, who conducted the de votional exercises, while 'addresses were delivered by Miss E. McLean, of Spencerville. She spoke on her work among the Austrians aad. appeared in Austrian costume. T. P. Harrison spoke on his trip to China and Japan. and at the close of _his addcess Mrs. Craig made a special appeal for the continuance of the good work. During the evening 'Miss A. Twaeddell Bland William Eva delighted the con: vention with solos. : An invitation from the Cataraqui auxiliary to hold the next annual convention in their church was, re- ceived and gladly accepted. - will buy three [B|: Sclid brick, 8 Carpets) and Rugs Fall of 1913 We have passed info stock sixty-seven bales of Carpets and Rugs. Our purchasing pow- er is equal to any carpet house in Canada for low prices. The value we can give you is better than formerly. R. McFaul PROF. W. G, JORDAN Of Queen's Theological Hall. Called the strongest preacher in Canada. AN EXPENSIVE AUTOMOBILE That Used By the Engineer's De- partment Under Discussion. The automobile purchased some jtime ago, for the use of the city en gineer's department has been play: ing up high jinks.. The members of the Board. of Works were shocked to learn that a bill had been sent into the city, amounting to $80.30, for some repairs--or at least a batch | of repairs which had to be made to the machine. The automobile purchased for the department was a second-hand - one, and at the time some of the mem: bers objected very strongly to secur: ing it, but at any rate it was pus chased, and now it looks as if it white elephant on the city's py Just a short time ago men in the engineer's department started out to do some important work, and the l'auto became stalled on the street, Tt was out of business for a few days and a livery rig: had to be secured to fill: the "bill. "The car will, no doubt, be under discussion at the next meeting of the Board of Works. PRISON REFORM COMMISSION twin Sit But "Thre Days Next Although the sotsions of the Prison Si Refoten Commission will be resumed in Kingston ou Tuesday morning next, at tem o'clock, the sessions will only {last three days, when another adjourn- will have to be made. J. P. one of the commissioners, is - any longer than three , and thus thers will ent. yi Homey! Homey! in comb, honey in 5 and 10- J. Crawford. o Merchand, a clerk in Best's lf store, suliered burns to the fsce i bands hy acid on Thuewday. They, wore Campbell gave a paper on "Some De- |¥ Fl six o'clock Sat THE LINEUP GIVEN Queen's Semior Team Got At Noon. Queen's rugbyicts left for Mont: real shortly after ome-~¢'clock on Friday noon. Both teams are in good condition, and confident of put: ting up a strong fight with: McGill on the gridiron on Saturday morn- ing and afternoon. In all about one bundred and twenty-five took in the excursion. . The semior line-up, as announced, will be: Flying wing, McCartney; halves, Lewis, Haslett, Hill; quar: ter, 'Quigley; scrimmage, McQuay, McLeod, O. Kennedy; wings, P. Ken- nedy, Watts, Mcllquham, McLaugh lin, Ellis, Robbins. Rodden an Dunsmore might probably play. The seconds to play MoeGill I1. are: Flying wing, Cooke; halves, Hara, Martin, Smith; quarter, 'Box; scrim« mage, 'Raitt, McCormick, Pierrie or Putnam; wings, Fredea, Lumb, Grace, Kennedy, Slimm, Hagey or Millan or Cole : The management of the cadfts' team, which clashes with Varsity here on Saturday, has announced the line-up: Flying wing, Brown- fiell; halves, Clark, Barwis, Macau- lay; scrimmage, 'Greenwood, Me- Keen, Wilkins or Stewart; wings, Shoenberger, Ross, Dobbie, Strat- ford, Kittermaster, Matthews, The Piano Makers Downed. The shipbuilders and the piano mak- ers met in battle at rreen, on Thursday evening. | builders | proved too much for the piano makers and {rimmed them to the tune of 27 to 5. The rinks were: Shipbuildérs--J, Jamieson, N. Num sie, A. Mcintosh and J. 8. McMillan, Piano Makers -H. Breathwaite, I. Sleeth, W. C.. Crozier and W. H. Wormwith. ) Away The _gAip+ Honoring An Event. At sunset, on Fritlay evening, the Jewish people commence a fast day, which will continue until sunset on Saturday night. The ceremony to be celebrated is known in the Hebrew tongue as "Yom Kipur," meaning a day of forgiveness. Special services are. to be held in. the synagogue on Friday evening and all day Saturday, during whickr time the Jewish people are to take part in these services, A week ago Tuesday the Jewish race held their New Year's serviees, which, according to their reckoning, is the year S674. We Have the Grapes. Delaware, Red Rogers, blue and green grapes. Prices, 25¢. to 35¢. bas- ket until noon, then 5c. less. After gix o'clock Saturday night they will all be marked Ic. less than régular prices, at Carnovsky's. Steamer Lambert Ashore. While on her way up, light, Thursday night, the steamer on John low Crossover Light. A Kingston Vd will likely be sent to pull the vessel off. Only, One Hundred Baskets. Green gages at 25c. Any unsold at y 'you may have Carnovsky's. THE HAT STORE. NEW FALL . HATS Our big stock of hats includes all that is new in the hat world. It's easy to be suited here, because we show such a hig variety of all the best makes. For to- morrow, as a special we have just rece vived some more new shapes in soft hats with velvet bands, and more tweed hats. FR @: ol | | ft Je" We 'are making a specialty of men's cloth Jip oeats with fur collars. the bowling Lambert ran ashore in Blind Bay, be- | N the third divisional tions ir city ticket office, corner Wel- I 2ac Music Lovers Library 35¢ The Music Lovers' Library is the first real attempt to provide high-class music at price, in a form that will satisfy the most fastidious. * popular Embracing Selections from compositions of the Great Masters, a Song Section, Opera and Ors- torio Sections and a Pianoforte 40 {oc 48 pages. Full Music Size. 11 Trovatore. aul Jones. Chinese Honeymoon. Cavalleria Rusticana Faust Piccodmind, Selected Songs. Bach, Selected Works. Beethoven, Most Popular Pleces. Stabat Mater. Waldtufels Famous Dances. Favorite Seottish Songs. Tenor Songs. Baritone Songs. Contralto Sengs( music section. Open Flat. La Cigale Best quaiity paper. Handsome colored covers. " Bohemian Girl. The Dollar Princess. Rigoletto. Tannhauser Mozart Elijah Tschalkowsky, Selected Works. Selected Works. Mendelsohn, Selected Works. Oratorio) Famous Violin Solos. Mezzo-Soprano Songs. Soprano Songs. 'Bass Songs. 50 Nursery Rhymes. 160-162 PRINCESS ST. Here Are Items That Spell S-A-VIN-G-S Specials in fast black wool hose, in ladies' girls and boys' makes, at 25¢. the pair. Specials in ladies! eorsets at 50e, T5e, $1 a pair. Special in ladies' elastic white or grey, 25¢. a garm Specials in heavy fall 50¢. a yard. Special in single bed size comforters each. Specials in plain whit flannelettes, extra wide w November ribbed underwear, ent. dress 'goods, at 39¢, and at 89%. e, also dainty idth, 10e. a yard. striped Nobhy ceats for stylish ladies." Popular priced. Fashions Designer for November, 10¢. | ¥ ey 3 . . Standard Fashion Book, winter number. Book and any pattern 20e. Standard Fashion Sheet, free. Standard patterns, LATE MILITARY NEWS Hoped That Many Instructional Classes Will Form. In a resume of, the training in area for the year, 1912-13, it is noted {prt classes of instruetion were held for the 3rd Dragoons, 5th Dragoon Guards, the 15th, 40th, 41st, 45th, 46th and 56th regiments. It shows an increase over last year. The colonel commanding points ut that these classes are intended to assist all officers and N.C.O.s in making and keeping themselves efficient in their duties, to enable all wishing to qualify for certifi- cates, It is hoped that officers, commanding units, will endeavor®te organize as many such classes dure | ine: this winter as possible. It has | een shown that this is possible in rural 'as well as city corps. Regimental exercises were | held: i for the officers of the 14th, 41st iand 57th regiments. Tactical exer- ciees, staff tours and war games were held. It is desirable that' commanding officers of units and/ seconds in command should go through the militia staff course, the theoretical portion of which is to be held this year at Pet>rboro. Signalling classes were held at dif- ferent points, as well as courses in musketry. C.P,R, Ottawa Service. * AHemoon train leaves Kingston af 1 pm, a at. Ottawa 5.45 p.m. Joave Ottawa at 10.26 a.m; arrive Kingston at 3.20 p.m. pe and steamship tickcls at Camadan Pacific lington and Princess streets. Queen's Students. : Wiil find the biggest stock of men's hats in the store of George Mills & Co., 126 and 128 Princess street. Rideau King To Ottawa. Rideau King for Monday and Thursday at 6 a.m. Ss ---- Homey! Money! 10¢. Ottaws every | and 15¢. each. Maple Slabs A choice lot of dry, maple slabs, that we can recommend for fire- wood. Stove lengths, $2.00 quarter cord. Stove lengths, $3.75 half cord. S. ANGLIN & €0 Coal and Lumber Merchants, Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts. PHONE 919. FOUNTAIN | PENS Smith Bros. tain pen at $1.25 each. is fully guaranteed as a good practical, "Adanac" foun- lasting pen. Our initials are stamped on the barrel of this pen to insure good faith to you in this respect. Smith | Bros. Jewelers and Opticians 830 KING STREET. | three nvery & will be found in this tial variety to the beautiful handled kinds made from the finest Sheflleid steel, and the latest Proguet of the knifé makers' art. Whether you want it for use or ornament we have it--at the price you want to pay. Examine our show case. NRE HARDWARE ay 3 pad 19. store, from the cheap and substans| Baltic seal, electric seal, genuine seal coats, at W. F. GOURDIER'S FOR $4500. A yice suburban home, stone, with eleven rooms, el- ectric light and city water. Good barn on premises with e acres of land. ei E. W. MULLEN REAL ESTATE » Buying, Selling and Renting Phones 330 and 1436. i Open Saturday Night TI 8 O'Clock.