1 City Council to = pany ther Was Revoke in View Aik "ing of Letter At the meeting of the City Council, on y night, a letter was re ceived from the Kingston Retail Association, asking that the council revoke the license issued a a hort time ago to the Takito com: Se - puny, or A. G. Johnstone, represent: ng the said company, having been fined in the police court for misrepre senting their goods. The letter was referred to the Finance committee. Ald. Couper put in a strong plea to bave the matter dealt with by the 'council at once, stating that the merchants were anxiou® to have the matter dealt with as speedily as pos sible. 'The letter, which was signed by {Steacy & Steacy, John Laidlaw, R. W. Raldrob, George Mills and Howard "Marshall, stated that the council, under Eon the ision of section 253, of the "wo omunicipal act, had the power to re voke a license, used under this auth- ority, and is. not bound to give any wis ppason for revoki the license. AlL ad : Ry not give any rea- " gon in thia case, there was reason for doing #0; because the holder of the ~ sa license was recently found guilty in 23 the pulice court, of fradulent misvepre- sent , in connection with the sale of his , and was fined $100; the prosecition having been taken up. by «a representative of the Dominion gov- ernment, "We think the license should be re 80 88 to protecg innocent pur: % and the merchants of the city who are carrying on a legitimate busi . mesa," the letter read. * Ald. Elliott's Report. » Just bolore the council «Ald, Elliott arose on a question of = ""Sitice the last meeting of the coun: cil," hesaid, "certain information has reached the city concerning Mr. Sam: =* "well, who has asked the council to sub- SALTS IF KIDNEYS ~~ OR BLADDER BOTHER Kidngy and Bladder weakness re- sult from uric acid, says a noted au- thority. The kidneys filter this acid : the blood and pass it on to the , Where it often remains to rh and inflame, causing a burn- ; ; Bg sensation, or setting up Fh on at the neck of the blad- . der, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night. The | in constant dread, the . Water passes sometimes with a scald- + ding sensation and is very profuse: 2 nd there is dificulty in avoiding + Biandder weaknuss, most folks call lt 1 use they ean't control urina- Ir « «While it Is extfemely annoy- ~~ Ing and sometimes very painful, this i... is really one of the most simple ail- s its to overcome. Get about four Re of Jad Salts from your phar- macist and take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast, con- ttinue this for two or three days. This + will neutralize the acids in the urine "#0 it no longer is 4 source of irrita- ; to the bladder and urinary or- hich then sct normally again. is inexpensive, harmless, is made from the acid of grapes d n juice, combined with Mthia, and is used by thousands of : )iks Who are subject to urinary dis- "orders caused by uric acid irritation. is splendid for kidneys and " oa ) bad effects whatever. have a pleasant, effer- la-water drink, which bladder trouble. a of Police Court Finding. adjourned | EE -- eee License of Takito Com Ynit a by-law, granting a certain sum money, a loan of $10,000, and guar antes the bonds for $75,000. I am in- formed Mr. Samwell had a similar by- law in Fort William and Owen Sound, and did not erect any mills. 1 would suggest that the city clerk be authorized to write both cities and get an official report. I do this in the intpeents of thé city and Mr. Sam- well. d. Elliott further stated that he bad received this information and he considered that he would not be doing his duty as a representative of the ratepayers if he did not bring it to their attention. Mayor Rigney said he thought such a matter should be brought before the council in the shape of a motion. There would be_ nothing before the council unless there was a motion. Ald. Hoag pointed out that the city bad information from Fort William. He thought this letter would answer the questions raised byAld. Elliott. Ald. Hoag stated further, that he had conferred with the mayor of Fort William, as chairman of the Industries committee, but as for Owen Sound, he was not in a position to know what had occurred there. The letter he re- ceived from 'the mayor of Fort Wil liam, was in the possession of the city, and could be read in council, if the members so desired. Ald. Sutherland stated that at the last meeting of the Board of Trade he understood the president to state that he would secure information from Uwen Sound. "My only object in brin ing this matter up," remarked Ald. Elliott, "is to have the matter attended to offici ally." He had received the informa tion and he thought the council should: have the benefit of it. Ald. Graham said the information should be secured. There was no use voting for a by-law if nothing would result from it if it passed. Ald. 'Ross said that letters from Fort William should be read and the city clerk then secured it and read it to the members. The {etter ,which was from the may- or of Fort William to Ald. Hoag, stated that Fort Wiliam had passed a by-law similar = to that proposed in Kingston, but that Mr. Samwell had * been unable to come _through with the scheme, He had, how ever, assigned his rights over to the mayor, antl the latter had put the busintss umder a new company, and the industry was now making good. 'Thiz ended the discussion on the matter, but the city cierk was in- structed to write to Owen ~ Sound to receive the desired information there. : Ald. Fair's Objection. Some time was taken up with the report of the Board of Works, owing to an objection io one clause in the report by the chairman, Al. Fair, who was present at the: meeting of board, having out' of the vity. He objected clause 3; which rec the ap- pomntment of. A. J. Pettigrew , as vlerk in the city engineer's office at a salary of $700, Ald! Fair was in favor of the report with the excep tion of this one clawpe. He explain: el that the rt was now not suf ficiently | si . He asked that: the | matter be réfarred back to the board stating that at the meeting two weeks ago the members had decided upon a_ reorganization of the engi- neer's department. He wanted to see the matter disposed of in the wey it was talked of at the board mect- ing. : a. Couper moved that rule 33 he suspended and that the report be allowed to go before the council in suficiently signed. . Ald. Harrison' said he always felt x 3 ER [ nr-------- ot like backing up a chaitinan there was a move on tap to reorgan- ize a certain system. He felt the chairman should be given time and that matters should mot be rushed. There was much discussion on the matier in which several shigrnen took part, also the mayor. ma- yor peinted out' that if Ald.: Fair 'J objected to clause three of the report then the report waw not before coun- cil! Ald.. Couper's motion, seconded by Ald. Elliott, was then voted on and defeated; which means. that the gues- tion of the appointment of a clerk for the engimeer's office goes back to the board again for further discussion. Reports of Committees. The report of the Civic Utilities committee was adopted, awd during a discussion on it Ald. Elliott pointed out that the new street lamps asked for, it was just a question: of expendi- diture which will be involved. The question of lighting the streets b ht Ald. Graham to his feet and he delivered a stirring address on the growth of Kingston.* is growing," he said, "and we want to pee her grow; to help make the city grow we must have good street lights I don't eare if it costs $5,000, give us the lights. There are manv streets in the city where there are no lights." Utilities Committee. 'The report of the Utilities com- mittee was passed and recommend ed: 'that the tender of the KFugene Phillips Electric Works for two (2) tons of No. 2 double-braided, weather-proof wire be accepted at a price of $20.22 per 100 1bs., the above price to .inelude delivery f.0.b. Kingston. That the chairman and manager be authorized to call for tenders and award the contract for 50,000 im- perial gallons of gas oil. That eleven (11) channels and 1- beams be purchased from Selby & Youlden at a price of $122.50, their tender being the lowest, That twenty (20) bH-ampere, and ten (10) 20-ampere single phase, 60-cycle, 110-volt, A. C. Wattmeters be purchased from the Canadian Westinghouse company at a contract price of $10.71 for the 5-ampere, and $15.88 for the 20-ampere, and that twenty (20) 10-amperé, single phage, 60-cycle, 110-volt, A. (X Wattmeters be purchased from the Packard Eleetric company :.t a ¢on- tract price of $10 each; the above prices to include delivery f.0.b. Kingston. That the chairman and manager be empowered to call for tenders and award "the contract for 2,000 feet of 2 inch, 200 feet of 2% inch and 200 feet of 3 inch lap-welded wrought iron pipe. That the sum of $25 be paid Chas Chambers, as a complete settlement: in connection with damage to his horse and conveyance, That the chairman and manager be empowered to call for tenders for one 68-inch water meter for use in connection with the supplying of water to the Grand Trunk Railway system at the Outer Depot. That the tender of Thos. Angrove for approximately seventy-five (75) service boxes, be accepted at a price of $2.90 per 100 Ibs. this tender being the lowest, and that the chair- man and manager be empowered to call for tenders and award contract "MY BACK HAS NEVER TROUBLED ME Sie Taig 11 PLLS Lyons Brook, N.S., Feb, 26th, A"¥You are perfectly free to use my name in any way to benefit GIN PILLS, for they desérve the highest praise. My back has never troubled me since taking GIN PILLS, and my wife feels much better after taking GIN PILLS for her back. She thinks GIN PILLS will make a complete cure." JAMES L. NAUSS. GIN PILLS will always relieve Lame Dack, Sciatica in Back and Legs, Rheumatism, Burning and Scalding Urine, Painful Urination, Weak or Strained Kidneys, and always prevent taking cold in the kidneys and bladder. Every box is sold with a positive guarantee to give prompt Félief or money refunded. soc. a box, 6 for $2.50, Sample free if you write National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto, 177 uilt Patches We have 1500-Ibs. fine all 'wool patches cut from best quality cloakings just the thing for winter quilts. Sh fr ae no Sw fr > THE DATLY BRPTISH WHT for the necessary manholes and castings for use in commection with underground conduit system. : The report of C. C. Folger, gen- eral manager, re arc lighting, was adopted The report stated that provision has been made for a sta- tion equipment capable of looking after an extra circuit of seventy-five (75) light, and in she accompany- ing list, a recommend for fifty-five (5%) lights has been made. At the ppesent time we have three circuits in operation, and to proper- ly equip and provide for the outly- ing districts it will be necessary to sub-divide the city into four dis- triots, which will make a better dis- tribution, closer regulation, and les- sen the annoya and inconveni- ence from interriiption of service. In a great many places new lines will have to be built, but these ex- tensions can be made permanent, so that the residents in the newly populated areas can algo be supplied with incandescent lighting: these latter circuilg being carried on the same poles. The total approximate expsnditure required, including station equip- ment, lamps, poles, wires and over- head construction, erect, ready for operation, would be twelve thousand dollars ($12,000), and the guaran- teed revenue from same from the city would be two thousand, seven hundred and forty dollars ($2,740). On recommendation of the Board of Works it was decided that the request of the following petitioners for the removal of trees in front of their property be referred to the city engine with power to act, viz.: Mrs. William Good, 81 Clergy street west; J. C. Mitchell, 49 Clergy street; Samuel Rees, 430 Brock sireet; John Jenkins, 154 Ordnance street. That the petition of-C. A. McPherson and others for concrete walks on the east side of Alfred &treet, from Alice street to Union street be granted if sufficiently signed. These recommendations Finance committee passed: On the communication from W. J. Baker, asking for rebate of $45 fer six months' license, that the re- quest be granted. That the sum of $100 be paid to Mrs. Ethel King, ahd $60 to Mrs. Dutton, on the recommendation of the city solicitor, in settlement of all claims against the corporatibn on account of injury. Council passed these recommenda- tions of the Property committee: That the offer of the manager. of the Bank of British North America to pay the sum of $100 to the city for the satisfactory heating of the bank and caretaker's quarters be ac- cepted. That the tender of McKelvey & B'rch to 'pay the sum of $63 for 17 old stoves, pans. boards, and old pipes lately in use in the city build- ings be accepted, being the highest. of the Ask For Sewer. William Bassam ana others pres- ented the following petition, which was referred to the utilities com mittee: "That that part of the main, laid on lower Alfred street, savaiateen years ago, be connected with the main -on Alice street, for sanitary reasons, feeling that in a short time it will be a paying investment 71or the' city, and a blessing for ycur petitioners." : In presenting the petition, Mr. Bassam stated that he had been a resident of Kingston for upwards of thirty-five years ard living on Lower Alfred street during that time, nad seen many changes im that part of the city. "l.can well remember hoW pleas- 8d I was when I got my well dnish- ed," he added, "and we were able to ge! a pailful of good water, and when the corporation gave me a two- plank walk from Union street, to my house, and a coal-oil lamp on the but after awhile the Board of Health came alopg and condemned all the wells, telling us they were full of typhoid and other germs, and that they should all be filled up Rv this time the cityShad bought the water works, -and how. glad we all were in due time the well was filled in and the city water turned on, that we would be able to have all the pure water we wanted, but what was our feelings when in a few years the medical men and the news- papers commenced to talk about the danger there was In drinking the water from near the dead ends. "Now, Mr. Mayor and aldermen, there is one at my door. I have made no complaint and have taken the water for a long time, knowing there was no revenue to come from the balance of the main from my TURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1043. corner of Albert and Union streats;. raouse oh Alice street, bul now there © likely to be a number of consum- ers, 1 would respectfully ask you to ive this to the utilities com- mittee their careful considera 'ion. Hoping that they in their wis- dom, will connect the mains at once, 1 might say the drain is down sey- en feef deep from Union to Alice, there will only be earth to remove." Other Business Taken Up. A letter was received from D. A. Givens, city solicitor, stating that the city was now in & position to pass payment for $970, to the Cana- dian Pacific railway, to cover the enst of ties, lahor, ete., in connection ith the railway siding which was aced for the Frontenac Tile & loor company. A letter was read from J. H. Mng. nee secrétary of the Board of Trade, with regard to the request of the in- dustrial commissioner of (ho C.I'.R. desiring information relative to in- ducements the city has to offer in- dustries. The council of the Board of Trade asked that the city formu- late some definite plan on these lines. 'The matter was referred to the civic industries committee. "The following other matters were referred to various -commriiess: Petition of carters to open tei3phone station at the foot of Johnson street, E. W. Mullin, re sale of house aear fire station on Brock stiest, te the city. Montreal Transportation company, asking for renewal of exemption of taxes. G. Y. Chown, re remission of tax- es oa lot 9, Alfred street. Helen Fraser, asking for remis- sion of last year's income ax. John Jenkins re tree "amoval: Elmer Davis, re sewer and water connections on Thomas siteet, N. E. O'Connor, re concrete walk in Clarence street, fror: Wallinz"m street to the intersection of, Brock street, The council passed a by-law, Ir the construction of a small sewer connection pn Princess strzef, be- tween University avenue and D.vis- fon street, to meet with the require- ments of some new houses, Mayor 'Rigney presid2l at the meeting, and the other ~ma2mbers present were Ald. Couper, Clngston, Elliott, ¥air, Graham, Giila:ple, Harty, ®anley. Harrison, Hoag, Kent. Litton, Peters, Ross, Shaw, Stroud and Sutherland. DIESEL DIED PENNiLESS Financial Difficulties May Explain Disappearance. London, Oct. ' 14.--The Berlin Mor- genpost learns that Dr. Diesel, inven- tor of the oil engine, who mysterious- ly dispppeared from an Antwerp steamer, left his family entirely with- out means and in the greatest need. He was known to have undergone great financial diflicnlties in the early stages of his work, but after the sue cess of hie motor it wis understood that he became wealthy. Ur. Diesal owned one of the finest mansions in Bavaria, costing £50.000. He was in no way a reckless busi- ness man, but if he lost money iv buginess enterprises his death is ex- plained. The man who is kind to his neigh- bor is sure to get some consideration in return. Back Was Lame For Two Years Stomach Troubles and Weakness of Kidneys Cyred. by Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. There is an enormous amount of suf- ments and stomach "troubles that could easily be avoided by using Dr. Chase's. Kidney-Liver Pills. "lf you eould only realize the scores of every- day ills that arise from a sluggish condition of the kidneys, liver and bowels you would not be long in giv- ing this medicine a trial. ~ rs. Edward Silewart, New Rich- mond West, Que., writes : "I want. to tell you how thankful I am for using our Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills jor stomach troubles and backache caused by weak kidneys. I was un- able to wash any clothes for over two years on account of my back being lame. 1 read the Almanac and began using these pills. Two boxes made a complete cure. I can do my own wash- ing and other work now, and want to say to lady friends that they do not kuow how much I appreciate Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills." 2c. a box, all dealers, or Edman- son, Bates & Co., Limited, Tdronto. fering from liver and kidney derange | ss Here SUIT AT YOUR SERVICE ~ with complete stocks of WARM UNDERWEAR FOR LADIES, MISSES, GRIS AND: CHHADREN. TNION | MERINO, WOOL and FLEECED LINED, EVERY PRICE FROM 15 CENTS A GARMENT UP. (HILD- REN'S SLEEPERS, FITTING ALL AGES, Sweater Coats for Men and Women About 8 doz. Penmans Pure wool sweater coats for men and women. Samples. Values to $4.50. * To clear $1.69 your choice Boys' and Girls' Sweater Coats 6: doz. Penfuan's pure wool in plain and fancy com- bination colors; plain neck or collar style; fitting ages 3 to 12 years, To clear 49c your choice Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose Penman's special seamless, all sizes, 35c a pair. 3 pairs for $1.00 6 doz. Black Cashmere Hose Fine quality, seamloss; regular 35¢,v 'a. 8 Special 25c a pair Suits and Coats 80 sample suits and coats, just received are on sale at 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT. J : SEE OUR WINDOWS. 132- 134 | MENDELS | PRINCESS ST. Kingston's Only Exclusive Ladies' Ready-to-Wear . Store. T.J 0'CONNOR - . Sales Manager. adh. ES Lindi mB S, AUTOMOBILE | | FOR SALE CHEAP Five-passenger touring car, McLaughlin Buick, Model 17; fully equipped. This is a snap for a quiek sale. Apply : ad 'W. J. Moore & Son 206 Wellington St. Phone 815. and men's suitings. Each piece measures about 8 by 12 inches, over 1200 shapes to chose from, also all the different trimmings for ladies' hats, - DRY GOODS iE Next to Redden's Grocery.