* and wounds. YEAR 80---NO. 252 Granulation of the Eyelids Ys Cured by Dr. Chase's Ointment-- Scores of Uses for the Great Soothing, Healing Ointment, Most people know Dr. Chase's Ointment best as a cure for eczema and itching piles. Nor is this to be wondered at when you think of the remarkable record made In this class of cures. But there are scores of other uses for this ointment which are onty dis- covered when it is kept constantly at hand. Mrs. Martin, 13 Carroll street, To- ronto, formerly of Bowmanville, Ont., writes: "We-have used Dr. Chase's Ointment for years and found it invaluable in treating skin irritations and all sorts of burns In fact we would not be without it in the house. It is 4 most excellent treatment for gran- ulated eyelids, from which I suf- fered without fnding anything (0 help me." Wherever there is itching of the skin or a sore that refuses to heal you ¢an use Dr. Chase's Ointment with fyll assurance that it will prove entirely. satisfactory. 60 cents a * box, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Tcronto. PATE NTS HERBERT J. 8. DENNISON, REGISTERED ATTORNEY, 13 Sing Btreet est, Toronto. Pa nts, rade-Marks, ns, ht right, protected every. whore: ighteen years' exper fence, wr te for fookiet. For nursing RE -- 'Na-Dru-Co Laxatives offer the important advant- age that they do not disturb the rest of the system or affect the child. asc. a box at your Druggist's. Patios! Dive snd Ehomient Co, 3 Singleton Notes. Singleton, Oct. 21.--Theére was no service in the Methodist church on Sunday, owing to the illness of the pastor, Rev. Humphrey. N. B. Mer- riman had the misfortune to have his hand badly bitten by a dog. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Kerr, Jr, a daughter. Miss Ella Smith has re- turned after two weeks' visit with her mother at" Sweet's Corners. Mr. and Mrs. J. Proud have returned af- ter a visit with (heir daughter at De- troit, Mich. Mrs. N. B, Merriman went to Brockville on Monday to see her father at the general hospital Leonard Stout, who" has been visit- Ling friends #& New York city, has re- turned home. Brewer's Mills News. Brewer's Mills, Oct. 21.--Plough- ing and apple picking are the order of the day. Cattle buyers are still plentiful in this locality. Graat prices are being paid for all sorts of stock. A number from here at- tended the sale at W. Anglin's, Pine Grove, on Tuesday last. Miss Olive Todd is yisiting in Gananoque. Mise Georgia Hulbert, Seeley"s Bay, and B. McAlpin, Taylor, were the guests of Miss Eva Helferty, on Sundav. Miss Lizzie Smith at J. Kelly's, Tay- lor; M. Murray and sister at J. Tier ney"s; Misses Nettie Cowan and Ena Wilson visiting Mrs. R. W. Spence for the past few days, have returned home. a Clarendon Report Clarendon, Oct. 20e--Archibald Campbell is in Montreal on busi- ness, Miss Myrtle Leishman is spending a few days around Apple- ton. Mrs. Barker of Parham, is visiting her brother, William Barr. Miss Bushell, of Mississippi, visit- ed her sister, Mrs. John Barr Lyon Appleby, Kingston, spent the Thanksgiving holidays at home. Miss Campbell and Miss Appleby spent some time with Kingston friends last week, James Campbell, Jr. made a trip to Kingston reeéntly. Earl Pigeon was the guest of Clar- endon friends over Thanksgiving. You never get "Short Count" "when buying a box of EDDY'S MATCES THE CHOICE OF GENERATIONS The price you pay buys you full quan- time. 'tity -- every Remember this when buying matches, Always ask for EDDY'S. 86 Brands for all demands. Old Folks Find Croxone Relieves All Kidney and Bladder Miseries DRIVES RHEUMATIC PAINS AWAY, FEW DOSES RELIEVE BACKACHE AND BLADDER 'DISORDERS, » -------- Sleep disturbing bladder weak- nesses, backache, rheumatism, and the many other kindred ailments which so commonly come with de- clining years, need no longer be a source of dread and misery to those 'who are past the middle age of life. Croxone relieves all such disor- ders. because it reaches the very cause of the trouble. It soaks right into the kidneys, through the walls and linings, cleans ott the little fil- tering glands and cells and gives the kidneys new strength to do their work properly. It neutralizes and dissolves the poisonous uric acid substances that lodge in the joints and muscles, causing rheumatism; and makes the kidneys filter and sift out the poisonous waste matter from the blood and drive it out of the sys- tem. It matters not how old you are or how long u heve suffered, Crox- one is so prepared that it is practi cally impossible to take it without results. There i¢-nothing else like it. It starts to work immediately and more than a few doses are sel- dom required to relieve even .the most chronic, obstinate case. An anginal package costs but a trifle and druggists are authoriz- ed to return the purchase price if Croxone should fail in a single case. - here to-day of inflammation, The | Bai Ib B KINGSTON, ONTARIO, John Barr has returned from Glen Tay where he has been working for the C.N.R. A horse belonging to James Ward, stage driver, died Isaac Kirkham and Robert Boles have re- turned from the west. At Yonge Mins. Yonge Mills, "Oct. 22.--Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Ferguson, of. "iy bg are spending a couple of wéeks days with the former's mother. Mrs. M. Ferguson. Miss Edith Avery re- turned to Brockville after spending the holiday with her father, S. I Avery. Mr. and Mrs. J.. A. Derby- shire, Misses Helen and Mildred Derbyshire. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mo Laren and little daughter, Mary spent Monday at. G. A. Purvis'. G. F. Murrell returned to Toronto Wed- nesday morning, after spending =a few days the guest of H. T. Gibson. Little Miss Louise Kilmury is a pat- jent in the St. Vincent de Paul hos- pital, Brockville. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and children, of Brockville, spent Monday the guest of Miss Ber tha Cook. Doings At Arden. Arden, Oct. 21.--The teachers who attended the first meeting of the North Frontenac and Addington Teachers' Association were the Misses Alexander, Detlor, "Gendron, Clarke, Clow and Border. All report a most successful meeting. Many hunters are passing through for the north, where they will capture some game. Mise Jean Heat is the guest bf Miss Gene- vieve Detlor. Miss Ruby Heath is at M. Weese's; Mr. and Mrs. Ross are at S. Alexander's. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Loyst have returned from Kingston, where they have been for five months. Mr. and Mrs E. Hayes, Miss Detlor, Claude Williams, Dr. Crowley, J. E. Hayes, spent a few days in Kingston. Miss Clow is at J. E. Barker's. Cecil Barker is home from Toronto for a few days. R. Crozier has moved into Claude Williams' house. Mrs. Brown is at Tw Tamworth Tidings. Tamworth, Oct. 22.--After under- going extensive repairs the Metho- dist church, Tamworth, will be re- opened on November 2nd. Rev. J. P. Wileen, B.A. Napanee, will con- duct the services. Mrs. Pomeroy, Buffalo, visited her sister, Mvs. L. P. Wells, for a few days last week. Mr. Elliott, Toronto, was in town renewing old acquaintances. Wwil- liam Hanna and wie, Toronto, were in town for - Thanksgiving. M. Hunter and M. Wheeler, Kingston, were in town over the holiday. Miss Brown, Chambers, visited Mrs. Richardson on Sunday last. Mr. Nuderhill, of the Sterling Bank, To- ronto, visited friends here on Sun- day. Mr. Smale, Warkworth spent Mr: and Mrs. James Donovan. Stanley = Wagar was' in town last week. Telephone Line Erected. Mountain Grove, Oct. = 21.--The Shivshing in this neighborhood is fin- ished. The Bell Telephone company is erecting a new line and has reached as far as James Price's. D. McDon- ald has his. new barn completed. Wil- liam Cowdy, carpenter, did the work. There was - a raffle at Neal Kellar's for a thankigivi Jake. Mr. Kellar was- the ul Sompotitor at a shooting 'match at Edward God- frey's, and won Pag turkeys. cheese Haary of J. Cronk is still operating. Curd Boiler have finish- ed sawing lumber. The Arden fair: was well attended. D. Cox secured first prize on his driv- er. 8. Price secured a number of rises, There was a farewell party at . Crozier's recently, and a dance in the hall. D. Stetive has purthased a house in Ar Budget From Athens. Athens, Oot. 22.--George Clifford is erecting a new house at the corner of Hill and Church streets. George Camp- bell has erected a cottage on Mill street South. Mrs. lewis Stevens has moved to part of the double house on Prifce street. Harry Clifford has moved to the house vacated by Mrs. Stevens, he having purchased it. Ben- net Barrington, Union Valley, has purchased the Noal Williams house, cornet of Church and Victoria streets. Mrs. Sterns Knapp has returned to Athens and leased the flat over Chae sel's tailor shop. She has accepted position in the Fatom grocery, Coe man Kilbbrn has purchased S. Hoi- The | lingsworth's Airs tp at Wight's Cor-| 'ners. Philip Hollingsworth, Plum Hol- low, has leased Joseph Kerr's house, Wiltse street, and will take. possession at once. A. M. Faton has been ap inted tax collector. J. H. Ackland as been appointed manager of the town hall. 'Mr. Ramsay who has been associated for some time with Prof. FURS FOR A CANADIAN WINTER A new model of moleskin, in 'which leopard skin and skunk are retained for decorative purposes. The coat has all the fashionable curves. Smith in the lochl department of agri- culture, has resumed his course ut the 0.A.E. Guelph high school. Field duy was observed last Friday. A large crowd assembled to witness the ev- ents. An excellent concert was pre sented in the evenin Mrs. Glenn Earl was "At Home" to her friends on Tuesday of Just week, for the first time since her marriage. Her mother, Mrs. Barry, New Dublin, received with SICK, SOUR STOMACH, INDIGESTION OR GAS Take '"Pape's Diapepsin" and in Five Minutes You'll Wonder What Became of Misery in Stomach. Wonder what upset your stomach --whieh portion of the food did the damage--do you? Well; don't bo- ther. If your stomach is in revolt; if sour, gassy and upset, and what you just ate has fermented into stubborn lumps; head dizzy and aches; belch gases and acids and er- uctate undigested food; breath foul, tongue coated--just take a little Pape's Diapepsin and in five minutes you wonder what became of the in" digestion and distress. Millions of men and women to-day know that it is needless to have a bad stomach. A little diapepsin occasion- ally keeps this delicate organ regula- ted and they eat their favorite foods without fear. If your stomach doesn't take care of your liberal limit without rebel- lion; of your food is a damage in- stead of a help, remember the quick- est, surest, most harmless relief is Pape's Diapepsin, which costs only fifty cents for a large case at drug stores. It's truly wonderful--it di- gests food and sets things straight, so gently and easily that it is really astonishing. Please, for your sake, don't go on and on with & weak, dis- ordered stomach; it's 80 unnecessary. tish FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1913 her, and a number of her husband's relatives assisted. A series of evangel- 1slic services are in progress ' in the Hethodint church, under the leadership of Rev. hun, Troyconference N'Y, Wolfe Island News. Wolfe Island, Oect 22._Oscar Henderson spent Sunday here visit- ing friends. Joseph Eaves, King- ston, purchased a fine grey horse from E. Briceland. Michael O'Brien lost a valuable mare last week. Its death wa8 caused from bot flies eat- ing holes through its stomach. Wm, Mosier and bride have returned home after an extended honeymoon trip to American cities. Smith Brees. lost a fine horse from indiges- tion of the stomach. Austin Me- Donald and br'de have re urned home, after sn extended honeymoon visititrg Toronto, Niagara Falls and other places. H. Todd and wif-, Kingston, spent Sunday on the is- land. E. Walker, who has been in the Kingston general hospital for the past two months, suffering from typhoid fever, has returned home much improved in health. T Greenwood, Jr., who has spent a week in New York, has returned home. John Kingsley has about completed a cement hog pen. Rob- ert Henderson and family left on Tuesday for Grenadier Island where they will reside in the future. The remains of the late Michael Ryan, Kingston, were interred in the Roman Catholic cemetery on Sat- urday morning. James Mackey, Watertown, spent a few days here visiting friends. James Ryan, Rosiere, N.Y., spent a few days here visiting relatives. Mrs. P. Dawson is confined to her home through ill- ness. Mr. and Mrs. William Wells, Cape Vincent, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cattanach. Peter Ward, Watertown, N.Y., is visiting friends here. John Greenwood has rented Mrs. William Henderson's farm. Archibald McDonald is re- novating the house he purchased re- cently. SOCTAL VICE PROBLEMS Report of Moral Reform Board of Methodist Church. Toronto, Oct. 24.-- Waste and wil fulness, temptation to overdress and perversion in modern fashion, licentious displays appeals to eye and ear, the whole question, the in. experience of youth, wretched sur roundings, starved affections and many other factors enter into the problem constituting a challenge to the constructive Christian thinker.' The foregoing is from the report of social vice presented to the Tem- perance and Moral Reform board of the Methodist church by Rev. "W. 1850ey Hall, at the meeting at the politan church. In regard to the social evil, satis- faction is expressed at the more hn- mane 'point of view with regard to the victims and the substitution or the hospital and home for the law court and the prison, as well as the amendment made this year to the criminal code, which for the first time seeks to put offenders of both sexes on a par. Further steps are recommended to be taken in connec- tion with British Columbia, whiéh is regarded as a scandal to Canada. The committee on amusements re- port recorded an emphatic protest against those exhibitions which make' a frank appeal to the sensual in men by the exposure on the stage of semi-naked women clad in flesh- colored *'tights." "We would suggest, port, *'that in causes in which act- resses desire to appear in tights they be compelled to use some color which should not in any way resem- ble human flesh." " says the re- AUSTRALIAN RECIPROCITY London Paper Hears Western Men Urging Speedy, Adoption. London, Oct. 24.--"Traveller'" writes in the Standard that in Western Can- ads practical men are combining to urge upon the government at Ottawa the desirability of hastening -an era of reviprocal trade arrangements with Australia and other British dominions, "We are sure that they will receive an intelligent and sympathetic hearing by - Canada's brilliant minister: of trade," thé Standard states. Charity begins at home, but we don't always find it there when we call. OF SORTS RUN DOWN of" Got THE BLU from KIDNEY, BLA a BOER, NERVOUS EE cans nIN ER HONS, THE MOST INSTRUC! Sr REE et TELLS ALL about thew Er pe GRAND UNION Ci Bet nd Map Thomas Copley Telephone 987 Drop a card to 13 Pine strect when wanting anything done in the carpen- tery line. Estimates given on all kinds of repairs and new work; also hard- wood floors of all kinds. All orders will receive prompt attention, Shop 40 Queen street. PAGES Xx TO 12 INL TS HENRI Thanksgiving Day cursions SINGLE FARE for ROUND TRIP Good going Monday, Oct. 20th, Re- turning on same date. SINGLE FARE and ONE THIRD for ROUND TRIP, Good going Friday, Oct. 17th to Monday, Oct 20th," inclusive, Good to return on or before Wednesday, Oct. 22nd. Tickets to intermediate points be- tween Toronto snd Montreal will not be valid on trains Nosfi 1 and «+. AOMESEERERS' EXCURSIONS TO WESTERN CANADA, each Tuesday until October 28th. Valid to return for two months. Ask for particulars. 3. P. HANLEY, Rallyoad and steamship agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario streets. New York Fruit Store Sweet Oranges, 20, 30, 40 and 50e. per dozen. Grape Fruit, 3 for 25¢, and 4 for 25¢. New Figs, 20¢ a 1b. 20¢ a lh. Phone 1405 LESS MEAT IF BACK AND KIDNEYS HURT TAKE A GLASS OF SALTS TO FLUSH KIDNEYS IF BLAD- DER BOTHERS YOU. Malaga Grapes, 314 Princess St. Eating meat regularly eventually produces kidney trouble in some form or other, says a well-known au- thority, because the uric acid in, meat excites the kidneys, they become overworked; get sluggish, clog up and cause all sorts of distress, par- ticularly backache and misery in the kidney region; rheumatic twinges, severe headaches, acid stomach, con- stipation, torpid liver, sleeplessness, bladder and urinary irritation. The moment your back hurts or kidneys aren't acting right, or if bladder bothers vou, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water. before breakfast for a few days and your Kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon : juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to them to normal activity; also to neutralize the acids in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder .disorders. Jad Salts cannot injure anyone; makes a delightful effervescent lithia water drink which millions of men and women take mow and then to keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus avoiding serious kidney disease. Agent, Geo. W. Mahood. ---- -------- STR (FALL SHOES Our men's tan storm calf "blucher with viscolized sole | cannot be beaten at $6.00. Other tans and blacks at from $2.60 to $6.00. Custom shoes to order. THE : SCOTT jollic 200 PRINCESS ST. Branch, 206 Barrie street, J flush cidgged kidneys and stimulate |- CANADIAN "PACIFIC BEST NEW TRAIN FOR WINNIPEG and poiuts East thereof GATE CITY EXPRESS Commencing October 26th Leave Toronto 2.30 pam, Dally Arrive Winnipeg 8.25 a.m, Dally (Second Day) Through equipment: Compartment Observat'on Car, Standard Sleeping Cars, Tourist Sleeping Car, Dining Car, First Class Coaches, Colonist Car. VANCOUVER EXPRESS Leave Toronto 10.20 p.m. Dally Arrive Vancouver 11.30 p.m. Dally Through Equipment: Compartment Obsérvation Car, Standard Sleeping Car, Tourist Sleeping Car, Dining Car, First Class Coaches, Colonist Car. General Change of Time October 206th .F. CONWAY, CPA, City Ticket Of- fice, Cor. Princess and Wellington Sts. "Phone 1187. OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENCY C. 8S. KIRKPATRICK 42 Clarence St, Phdne Sod SAILINGS from MONTREAL and QUEBEC LAURENTIC ~ Oct, 25th CANADA - " Nov, ist MEGANTIC . " A. Nt TEUTONIC - Nov, 15¢ *The I Canndian liners ' Rates from: According to steamer and &c- commodation. First Class One Class us Cabin "an no & a Secoud Class $53.75 Third Class - $3128 and $32.50 Ask the nearest Rallway or Steamship agent for particu- ars. REED DOMINION (QI ] "Montreal to Bristol" Home-like Comlort and Accommodation Conditions for home-like comfort on the trip 10 England sre made well-mgh leet by the moderiily-coustracted RMS. Royal Edward R.M.S. Royal George Both bonts are record holders, On each io personal attentive sbrvice 10 each passeager-- and r-o-0-m y accomodation. Lv. Montreal: Str. Le. Bristol, Eng. Oct. 4 Royal Edward Oct. 18 Nov. 1 Royal Edward Nov. 15 Nov. 15 Royal George Nov, 29 »Jas. Morrison, Asst. Pass Agt.. 226 St. James St. Montreal, Que. aTE---- Mutt and Jeff Get an Invitation to a Very Swell Affair T WONDER, WHICH 1S eg MITE TIE OR & BLACK ONE I'D: €o < INE FORGOTTEN GEE 1 NEAR GOT tn WRONG. MUTT HAD A Wire ONE. HE MUST Know - TL CHANGE THiS TA GLAD 1 GOT & CHANCE TO CHANGE TIES ~ WHITE ONE NE TO Know, NE READS ALL THE THEATRS JEFF naD A