THE TORONTO NEWS SUGGESTS A MEDAL FOR HAZLETT Varsity Owes Him One--McGill Will Entertain RM.C. Rugby Team At Montreal Saturday Evening. Coach 'Pud" Hamilton will leave the Montreal team at Ottawa and will go to his home at the Canadian Soo. Toronto News: Shaughnessy, the MeGill coach, lost all his glory in one day. Now E. 0. Sliter of Queen's, is the big man in' Canadian football. Hazlett, of Queen's, should be present- ed with a medal by Varsity. He gave . the blue and white another chance, which they should be able to take ad- vantage of. - Varsity's line was 'in great form on Saturday, and with the back division tehing in i cal accustomed style Queen's will have-to hustlesto hold the blue and white. . Ottaws yers spent sixty-five min- utes on ti fence, and Argonauts dhigty-five in the game at Ottawa. In the B.M.C.-Varsity game there was not. a penalty, It looks as if the Im: iste had something on the "Big Four" in the matter of clean football. Toronto Telegram : Varsity did not im the public as' a great foot- ball machine and odds are offered that even if they do trim Queen's and . McGill and land in the Canadian cham- pionships, Tigers will make an awful mess of them. at the finish. » Ottawa Journal: The 'Varsity root- ers gave the Queen's yell when the dcore came in from Kingston Satur- day. But haps they won't feel much like doing any shouting for Quéen's when the score comes in this week. Fhe second McGill team play against St. Michael's for the intermediate championship. The first of the games takes place on Saturday in Toronto. Montreal Gazette: R.M.C. will be entertained on' Saturday, probably 'to a theatre party, * but n® definite ar- rangemients have been made as vet. Savile Lawson, the: ' big train," is ready to nto the game agai She Hi Tigers. if the ee Ben' Sinn] 'has been mentioned as ton, and he and Mdec- t likely pair up, which' ory to' Var- 2 do wonders with 'this coming win- "The annual meeting of the Intercol- legiate Hockey Union will be held in Montreal some time this month. It is likely that R.M.C. will make appli- cation for membership in the senior ranks. Toronto Globe : The ¥'good" players on the Ottawa team this season will receive a bonus. If the extra monmey is awarded on a basis of goal-gettin, it will induce selfishness. If award any other way theré will be no end of dissatisfaction among those who feel that they have been slighted, The Brockville club will retain. its membership in the westérn section of the Interprovincial. An effort will be made to have the' Aberdeens of Otta- wa grouped with Arnprior, Smith's Falls and Brockville. This arrange- ment would freeze out Perth, who were "formidable competitors for last year's district championship. HENRY D. CLAYTON U. 8. Representative and Impeach. ment Prosecutor. "Chairman Clayton, of the U. 8. House Judiciary 'committee, not only bids fair to land sooner or: later in the United States senate, but to be, in the next few weeks, the Nemesis of another federal judge charged with of- ficial irregularities. His committee has | making accusations - against Emory Speer, of the Southern let | district of Georgia, -end will decide up its, he is a tar: Regarding that' over McGill some due to the editor of r his inapiring word t sportemanship and " Presbyterians. Also decisively, "yo editor" | invoke the saints to. y to victory in Kingstdn saturday, as somethin will A to stop Hazlett and his mammoth punts. y Hockey, Nutes. e. Sask., is frozen over skating has already The ico is two 'inches The Maisonnouvs Hockey League of Montreal has changed ite coat and will be henceforth known as the Montreal "Dubbie" Kerr, star Ottawa hockey player, announces his intention of re- turning to the game at the coast. Kerr was signed up by Lester Patrick last season, but he which Shey hope it an. international shai I {nor to fill the unexpired term You Might] TrykThis; on ite course of investigation. In case impeachment should be voted Clayton would be the ranking man chosen by both houses to present the case before the senate with all the solemnity and fustian of an English ceremonial. Of the mew impeachment cases in the history of the world Judge Clayton has participated : in the same official lcharacter in three. His briefs in the IArchbald impeachment form a hand- 'book of great value on impeachments, {their history and law, going back from the earlier English records. Hith- erto, his friends point out, impeach- ment cases have been prosecuted with- 'out any definite systematic progedure. His work will be an authority for all succeeding 'cases. 'Clayton has prominent in' politics for many years, |conspicupus in 'the mime past congres- ses, and his i by the ator Johnson, precipitating a lively controversy brought him a storm of encomium. Personally he and his wile are delightful people and popular in society. ¢ saat Some people will even dodge pleas sure in. their eagerness to run' and meet trouble. HOW'S THIS? We offer. One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case of Catarrh t can- not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. ¥. J. CHENEY & €0., Toledo, O. We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 Jears, and be- lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions a financially able to Sarty out any obligations made b; s ' y Walling, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarch Cure is: taken inter- nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents Sold by all Drugsists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- pation. v - ere -- p-- SOME OF THE PLANKS Of the Rowell Programme Of Social Legislation; y f Toronto, Nov. 5.--It iF interesting to note in connection .with the Peel bye election the line of attack taken the liberals. That its results in Bramp- ton, where the chief struggle occurred, were successful, is proved by the de cisive change of that town from the conservative to the libaral column. In the first place the Rowell pro- gramme of social legisiation was preached day and night. A few of the planks discussed were the following : Rural life: Improvements and in- creased privileges and attractions in country life to stop the course of ru- ral depopulation and to foster the movement "back to- the land." . Education : The infusing .of new vi- tality into our ellucational ston to develop the best in our children. Tax reform : A fairer adjustment of the burden of taxation not to. penal- ize thrift and improvements, Temperance orm : The abolition of the bar and clubs and the curtail | ment of shops with complete elimina: tion of the liquor traffic as the ulti- mate g : Workmen's compensation : The secur- ing af adequate compensation for losses arising from injuries sustained in the course of work from any cause whatever. Factory laws : An adequate and just factory law designed to meet modern conditions and to protect the inter- ests of working men and working wo- men. Child labor : The abolition of child labor and the guarantee to every child of the opportunity for health and edu- cation. Housing reform : The substitution ot a and sanitary dwellings for dilapidated, over-crowded and unheal- thy houses. Another very effective line of argu- ment used by the liberals was that the Whitney government was suffering from inertia and that it was to the interest of conservatives as well as of liberals to show by their vote for the liberal candidate that they were opposed to this lack of initiative on the part of the government and de manded that they should move more energetically. A TERRIBLE PREDICAMENT Man Held For Sevem Hours in Ad- : justing. Wheel. Halifax, Nov. 6.--Artemus Oickle, an employee of -the Cook Haynes com- pany, while .at work directing the movements of He big steam shovel at the south end terminals, was caught in the adjusting wheel of the mam- moth 'machinery apd held for seven hours in a death grip. His body was in such a position: that if the. w. i moved wix.inches one way ot. other it meant instant death from de- Rpitatidh for the man pinfied betwech After and strenuous work on the part of his fel- low-empioyees, expert machinists, doc- tors and hospital attendants, the pin- jon supporting the big. wheel was filed apart, and, amid the chéérs of hun- dreds of onlookers, the imprisoned man was released with no worse injuries than a fractured forearm and a bruised and eramped body. oN. several hours' | heroic Slips. Most amusing are the slips of ton- gue which so. often lead to embar- rassing situations. . At an sVening party a lady said to « her partner, "Can!you tell me who s that exceedingly plain' young man Sef rsitbing. opposite ? ; Sen: hat is+my brother," was the' re< y. _ "Oh, I beg your pardon," she said, in great confusion, 'I did not no- tice the resemblance. At' a certain concert a lady asked a gentleman how she liked the duet she had just sung. '"You sang charm- ingly," was thé reply; "but why did you select such a horrid piece miusié *"* . "Sir, that was Written by my late husband," was the indigtant reply. "Ah, yes, I did 'not mean--but why did" you select such an ass fo' 'sing with you ¥ "Oh, you brute!" screamed the lady, "that is my present hus- band." Even the funniest play won't keep some fellows from going out between the acts for a smile. Home comforts sometimes depart in cigar and tobacco smoke. easy job sexker is ushally idle a good share of his time. : of ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1913 FINANCIAL MATTERS CALGARY, OIL BOOM ON DESPITE WARNINGS Ca of Nearly Ten Per Cent, In Net Vor Four Months. j Edmonton, Nov. 5.--Ten oil and gas companies organized in Calgary have been registered with the Pro vincial register of companies in as many days since the Calgary oil boom began. These ten companies have a com- bined capital of nearly $3.000,000, three with a capital of half million each, three with a capital of a quar- ter of a million each, one with $300, 000, and two with $200,000, Power Earnings. Montreal, Nov. 5.--Net earnings of Montreal, Light, Heat & Power Co. for the four months ended Aug- ust 31st were $968 624 gn increase of $85,622 or nearly 10 per cen: over the same period a year ago. August which is a poor month for all lighting companies, showed net earnings of $248,117, an increase of $20,789 or 9.1 per cent. Following the large reductions re- cently made in lighting rates. both gas and electric, the figures are con- vineing testimony of the rapid growth of Montreal and suburbs. New York Seat $41,000. New York, Nov. 0§.--The New York Stork Exchange seat of Tho- mas G. Cook, board member of the firm of Fiske & Robinson, has been sold to Richard Wharton for the sum of $31 000," or $4,000 below the price paid for the last previous seat sold. $20,000,000 Railway Project Coming Seattle, Wash. Nov. 5.--Plans for a $20,000,000 railway project, of the Oregon-Washington Railway and Navigation Company, a Harri- man line. in the United States Land Office at Olympia to-day. The line proposed will parall-l the Northern Pacific and the Chicago, Milwaukee Cascade mountains and will have ocean terminals in Tacoma and Seat- tle. Bell Telephone Doing Well. Boston, Nov. 5.--For its fiscal year' to end December 31st it seems proba- ble that gross income of the Bell Telephone system will run between $218,000,000 and $220,000,000, the first time that the $200,000,000 mark has 4 would ro a ould compare Sa per cenb.: w with a growth of slightly over \ 000,000, or 11 per cemt. in the 191% year. Gross earni of the fiscal year 1907 'were "$128,000,000, which means that in six years a total of $92,000, 000 has been added to the revenue of the Bell system, a yearly average of better than $15,000,000. Spanish River €o. Estimates. Toronto, Nov. 35.<At the annual meeting of © Spawish River Pulp and Paper. company, "President Watson made an estimate of earnings for the current year, 1913-1914, 'of $1,500,000, based on an eutput' of 300,000 tons of paper from thé various mills owned y Lhe company as also from the sale of timher aveas. i ings from the Lake Superior mill, which 'the eompany did not own in the last fiscal year. ~ This will 'mean an increase of approximately $1,000,- 0 a 4 2ommpany will have to make du the present year as, com-: pared with last year. Growth of C.N.R. Toronto, Nov. B5.--The Canadian Northern Railway company's report for the year ended June 30th last, gives some . interesting figures of the expansion that has place in the last ten years. Mileage operated has increased from 1,276 to 4,552 miles since 1903; traflic s have risen Foe $89,170 to Bd 500, and ht receipts from~§1,896,- 350 to $18,561,026. Srmininh Have $500,000 Capital. 4 3. Montiul is to have a_ne® apartment house mn the Oldfield Apartments = Oompany, Limited, whose incorporation is an- nounced in this week's Canada Ga- zette. The capitalization is $500,000, its incorporators are Donald Munro, the' West Coast Railway, were filed ia! the name of D. J. Farrell, president! and St. Paul Railways across -the, This includes earn- P! SE One Sometime Yourself of Outremont; James Seath Smith, Romuald Delfousse and others. 'The. Canadian Carriage and Storage Company, Limited, also is capitalized at $500,000, will carry on the busi- lmess of cartage contractors and warders. Frederick W. Rous, . oi Westmount, Peter Leo Smyth, Claude Herbert Grundy and others are incor- porators, Grand "Trunk Earnings. Montr Soselrafic. garmings of the cud railway for the period ending October 31st, were: $1,712,303, compared with $1,648, 054 for the same period of last year, 4n increase of $64,240. Financial Notes. The city of San Francisco will sell $4,675,000 harbor bonds on Novem ber 3lst. The British Columiva Copper Com- pany has blocked out 4,000,000 toms of. 3 per cent. ore. The London Grocers' Tiazette says that teas are higher than they have been 'in five years. A receiver has been appointed the American Motor company. $£500,000,000 of Erie bonds are to be the next furore. A general mort- gage is to cover the entire proper ty. The Standard Bond Corporation, Limited, Halifax, is offering $50,000 of a six per cent. bond issue of $125,- 000 of the Oharlottetown Electric Company. s It is stated at offices of J. P. Mor- gan & Co. that the $12,000,000 ofier- ,ing of ome year 5 per cent. New | York Central "motes have been all sold. The Bankers Bond company, of To- ronto, has sold $109,000 worth of bonds of the city of St. Catharines 4% per cent. debentures at a price to yield 5.20 per cent. A new Ottawa compmny, with a oa- pital stock of $10,000,000, to be {known as the Ottawa Traction com- pany, - Limited, has been granted a charter by which it is authovized to 'make, sell and operate electricity and electiic machines. \ | Tt is understood in London [that an issue of £1,500,000 five per t. ten {vear notes of the Canadian. Northem Railwayswill be made shortly. The notes will be put out at 95. Union Pacific announced on Tuesday a decrease in. net earnings for the last quarter of over $1,500,000 and | the stock gained half a int mn net on yesterday's New York market. Sailor-artist On Grand Trunk Ship.' A sailor-artist has been discovered 'among the crew of the Grand - Trunk steamer Prince George which runs be tween Seattle, ' Wash. and Victoria, Vancouver 'and Prince s B.C, in the person of Boatswain Harry 8S. (Cowper, who last week won the . gold 'medal and diplomas at the Prince { Rupert exhibition for the best oil "painting of a local subject by a pro- vincial artist. Mr. Cowper submitted three canvases; all of which were placed at the head of the competition, the gold medal being given to a can vas entitled. "The Steamer Prince John in a Southeaster." 'I'ne preture had been painted on board ship for a diversion, under the advantages of a 'tween deck studio lit by an artificial light, and subject to the motion of the boat. But the disadvantages under which it was painted is..not reflected in the paint- ing which is full of artistic merit. Naturally Mr. Cowper's shipmates wry leased at the honor which came to for the "Prince George" with the winning of the prize. "Yesterday and To-day. Yesterday the earth was all aglow ~ With summer heat and wind; To me it seemed so fair and good, Your smile was' sweet amd kind." You saia you loved 'me, loved me true, I had no care or fear. The world it seemed so good to me i Dear heart when you were near. To-day it seems so dark and drear, i The years so long and cold. You said, for me your love had ceas od, Life nothing now can hold. As through life we jowrney on Our ways so far apart. For ever I shall cherish, dear, Your image in my heart. a --E.J.A. Nov. 1st, 1913. The difference between pride and vanity depends upon - whether we have jt or it is possessed by som 'one else. . dis- | WALKING AS PUNISHMENT Professor Has Novel Means of Sub- duing Bad Pupils. Paris, Nov. 5.--Prof. Roand" has devised a method of punishment for pupils who are idle turbulent or un- disciplirted. Instead of making them remain in to write lines, or do simi- lar tasks, he makes them walk fife miles. They are required to produce from their parents a certificate that tho walk has been taken. The professor is so pleased with the results obtained that 'he is re- commendiag his method to other sohoolhasters. x Bottle Made Long Journey. Rochester, N.Y., Nov. 6.--When the Beaver River wa at flood height last March, Clarence Mitchell wrote a' note, signed his name and address and seal ing it in a bottle, tosséd the bottle in- to the flood. : Last night he received a letter from Frank Farthing in Glasgow, Scotand, saying that he had picked up the bot- jtle on the Scottish coast two weeks ago. The bottle, to reach its landing place, had floated down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers to the Gulf of Mex- ico, and making its way out into the I Atlantic, had drifted to Scotland. FOR QUARTER The Dominion Government bu ONTARIO TOWNS to yleld *i¥ INVESTOR 53-4 to 6 per cent. Write for full particulars. Brent, Noxon & Co. Jdembers Toronto Btock Ex- change. Canada Life Bldg.. TORONTO. DOMINION GOVERNMENT CHARTER OF A MILLION Charter issued te Btafnds, Hol stead & DePencler, Limited is an absolute illustration ef the solid system on which this firm conduct their real estate enterprises. Montreal, with its population of over six hundred thousand peo- ple and hundreds of enormous industries make the real Hrusattions in city property the safest and most profitable ia Can- estate J. M. and F. J, Hughes, who represent Starnes, Holstead & DePencier Limited, have their permanent office at 58 Brock street, Kingston, and every week adds to the satisfactory increase of thelr WE 80-88 BROCK ¥ER FOR SALE Province of Ontario 4 per cent debentures Due November 1st, 1941. Interest payable May 1st and Nov- ember 1st, at Toronto, Montreal and New York. FREE FROM ALL PROVINCIAL TAXES AND SUOOCESSION 2 DUTIES. Price 93.50 and Interest yielding over 4.40 per cent F. B. McCURDY & CO. ST. KINGSTON, ! (Members Montreal Stock Exchange) IMEN'S FINE BOOTS Our stock of Men's Fine Boots was never in better shape. Tan Calf, Gun Metal, Patent Colt. Buttoned or Laced Blucher. $4.00 & $5.00 H. JENNINGS, | King Street. 5 By "Bud" Fisher a [LH w= Wn TT I wi ' NOY A BAD | SHOW 1T? {