J A lr -- es, YAR et _-- Men's Fine Boots SATURDAY WILL BE THE BIG DAY This is Our Ninth Annual Sale of Men's Fine Boots All the odds and ends, samples and broken lots put on sale. Shoes, Regal, and other good makes. All boots on sale are Slater either $6.00 or $5.00 original price, and ean be bought at this sale as low as $2.50. Last year our Sale was a huge SUCCESS, This year it should be better. We are giving you some great bar- Men's Regal Patents, both button. dnd laced, marked Men's Slater Patent Laced, medium wide toe; a good shoe, REI Sale is for 3DAYS Thursday Friday Saturday .$3.50 $3.25 Both Slater and Regal Shoes have the original price stamped on the sole. , We are selling these lines cheav. 'Men's Winter Tan Boots, heavy soles, marked Men's Tan Button and Laced Boots, good weight, marked .. $2.75 $2.75 cer sees ass Men's Calf Boots, leather lined, Goodyear soles, marked ....:./$3. Men's Patent Boots, good styles and the best patent, marked Men's Calf Blucher cut laced, good soles, now. ............... .$2.50 .$3.00 Men's Patent Button Dressy Shoes at $2.50, $3.00, $3.25; all $5.00 shoes but not all sizes in each kind. - Our Sale Shoes are all 'purchase we refund the money. Remember, Only 3 Days. THIS WEEK ONLY. Automobile Accessories enits Rajak Poss a, a ee, ae Seana as ase we SE EE SRREERL 3.00 Wie la sie we aa ee ea a we bber cement, % pint .. .. .. .. .. ok Ea tensa 138 " se ae swes we 1,50 5 .35 i mm... F conmeetions ..... -. .- - -: - each Ah a aes ee dd LDS EN 2 KABA LE , and if you are not satisfied with your To Rave your winter's coal in now. of "stoil."™ It can't spoil or go out Shue -- MONTREAL STOBY ABOUT OFFI- CERS PAY NOT TRUE Col. Gaudet and Mayor Lafferty Are Not Drawing Pay For Perfor- mance of Fhity'At Quebec. Ottawa, Nov. 14.--That a story to the effect that two men were drawing pay for one man's work at the Quebec arsenal, published in Montreal, has no basis of Fact was learned in an inves tigation into the circumstances of the affair, . The story stated that -both Col. Gaudet and Major Lafierty were on full pay for the one position of super intendent of the arsenal, though Col. Gaudet had been released from his duties some time ago and Major Lai- ferty appointed. The real fact, it was learned at the militia department is that while Col. Gaudet is drawing full pay, Major Lafierty is being paid only his ordinary remuneration as an offi- cér of the Royal Canadian Artillery, and 'has not vet commenced to draw his pay and allowance as superinten- dent of the arsenal. When Col. Gaudet was succeeded he was given leave of absence until Oc tober 15th and Major Lafferty took over his duties for the reason that it was desired that the ammunition-- which had been defective under Col. Gaudet's administration of his duties SITY FOURTH ANNIV RS ARY Specie] Services Are To Occasion. On Sunday and Monday the First Congregational church of the city will celebrate its sixty-fourth anni- versary, The church was organized in the year 1847 under the leader- ship of Rev. Kenpeth Fenwick. Amongst other names of the charter membership are to be found thase of Massie, Hendry and Fenwick. The 'main part of the present building was dedicated in 1865. In 1884 the Sun- day 'sehool hall 'was added. A few years later both church and hall were practically destroyed by fire, but wera immediately repaired and addi- tions made at a cost of about $16, 000. Dr- Fenwick served fhe church froin thé time of its organization un- til 1876, when he was succeeded by Rev. Dr. Jackson. It was at this time that a call was extended to Rev, Hugh Pedley. Mr. Pedley, however, declined. Dr. Jackson took up the work in 1877 and continued to serve the church for the next seventeen years. Since Dr. Jackson's resigna- tion in 1894 :the church has had as pastors Rey. Alex. Richardson, Rev. D. M. Solandt, Rev. J. Charles Vil- llers, and the present pastor, Rev. BE. Leroy Rice, called to this' church in May, 1910. During the past three years the church has gained steadily in numbers and in financial strength. 'Mark the FIRST CONGREG ATIONAL CHURCH --should be brought to a high stan- dard again as soon as possible. This was done pending: action by the minis- ter of militia, who was expected back from his European trip on Octobet "15th- The minister was delayed and consequently Col. +(iaundet's leave of absence expired before his return. It was extended for another month and meanwhile only one officer is drawing full pay as superintendent and that is Col. Gaudet. . As regards the Statement in the 'Benapaper story in question that Col. Gau was being held as a hostage, the view was expressed in militia cir cles here that if being allowed to "draw full pay pending the minister's {final decision he is being treated with Hi considerasion. THE f ISH | INDUSTRY {OF CANADA IN N 1013 AMOUNTED pL $34,000,000 ! Slightly Less Than In Catch In the Maritime Provinces Was Above the Average. | Ottawa, Nov. 14,~A decrease in the value of fish caught in Canada in the | Jast fiscal Sear as compared with the Jldss Bue ae is noted in a state 'ment prepared by W. A. Found, sup- erintendent of fisheries. The total val- tue of the catch was $34,000,000. This jis slightly less than the preceding jiwelve months, but reports for the fish- ing season which is now drawing to an end, however, indicate that this de- | crease will likely be made up in the 'cateh for 1913, which will probably total $35,000000. These reports show that in Quebec the season has been a very fair ome. In the maritime pro {vinces the catch was above the aver jage, the total takings of codfish being very large," and this fish constituting the bulk of the catch. | The Ryitish Columbia catch was fea- tured by the fact that this is the "big" Year in the shlmon industry there, the (cateh, in spite. of recent alarmist re rts about the Fraser River sockeyes, pn ing 'quite up to the mark, though in more northern streams it was a lit- tle less satisfactory. In Manitoba, Al. berta and Saskatchewan, the fish har- vest was about the usual one and this was also true of Ontario, though that province, controlling its own fisheries, |does not send in reports to the dom- mon. 1912--The FIREMEN WERE CALLED To Blaze' In Archbishop's Palace Thursday Night. | A =mall fire in the archifishop's pal- ace on Johmson street required' the lattention of the men from the Brock street station about 10.20 o'clock, on Tuesday might. The blaze started from some unknown cause in a cup board in the pantry, off the kitchen but was easily extinguished with chemicals. The damage will amount to ahout $25. "The call to the fire men was given by Father Hanley over the telephone. ----reei-- An Apology. We wish to apologize to Mrs. Or lando Overlook. Ih our paper last week we hat as a heading, "Mrs. Overlook's Big Feet." The word we had ought to have used is a French word pronounced the same way, but spelled fete. Ii means a celebration and is considered a very tony word.-- North Dakota + Paper. 4 On Noviniber J 12th, at Belleville, Miss Perlina Dora Maud, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rankin, was mar- ried to Nathan Irwin Unger, Paradis. Yalley, Alta. Thomas Kelly, Picton. reported to Shed thas be had bten relieved by a sifanger with whom he ou the night. A mmo doesn't have to Okt In order 1g speak well 1 oo The sixty-fourth anniversary will be celebrated by special services on Sunday. Rev. Hugh Pedley, Mont- real, will preach on Sunday evening The church choir will appear vested for the first time on Sunday. THE WHIG'S JUMBLE. A Lot of Short Items Run ir To. gether. "Buy corn pads." Gibson's. Fine printing and book-binding at Whig office. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. Phone 564. Rev. Mr. Jenks, Clinton, has been invited to St. Jude's church, Brant ford. "Buy hot son's. Police Constalle McGinty, Peterboro, has retimed from the force after thirty years' service.: Ladies' up-to-date dressmaking. Terms moderate... Miss A. Keyes, 221 Princess strédet. A large number of smallpox cases have brokem out in Collingwood and an epidemic is feared. A power plant costing millions of dollars is to be built on the Cana- dian skde of Niagara Falls. "Fry Huyler's Saturday sweets," Gibson's. Ex-Sultan Mulai Hafid has escaped from the tribesmen who "captured him on his way to Mecca, and has arrived there safely. "Baly hot son's. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 2I King street. Leave orders at Mo Auley's book store. John W. Laidlaw, resve of West: minster township, has accepted .the nomination' as candidate of the Past Middlesex Temperance Alliance for the provincial bye-election. "Buy hot water bottles." (fb on's. Two persons were killed and five {were seriously wounded in the town lof Wana, Spain, in a fight Hetween li- herals and Carlists growing out of jthe results of the municipal elec- tion, Loose leaf manufacturers and book- water bottles." (Sb- water * bottles." (Xb- Whig office. Arthur J. Hill has proposed to the Board of Works of San Francisco to guarantee "the 'city a net revemue of $151.60 per car per year from ad- vertising in the Municipal Railway cars. The general membership of the Bricklayers', Masons' and Plasterers International Union of America bas voted against an affiliation with the American Federation of Labor. Low Spirits from Weak Nerves Low spirits, Ceprussion, iscour- agement are a form of neryous dis- ease. You worry over little things. and at the slightest ailment appre- hend the gravest dangers and dis- eases. You form the habit of look- ing at the dark side of things. Indigestion is a frequent accom- paniment, and yon probably do not sleep or rest well. The ¢ause of the trouble is to be found in the ox- hausted condition of the nerves. To gét well you must build up the fee- ble, wasted nerve cells by use of such treatment as Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. This great food cure forms new, rich blood, and thereby nourishes the nervous system back fo health and vigor. There is nothing liké new nerve force to bring back hope and confidence to the weak and dis- couraged. This treatment works in natural ways to restore health, and, therefore, cannot fail to prove of benefit to you. Put it to the test and vou will be surprised with the build- ing-up influence that will result. 3 . A binders. Work guaranteed, at The| A pure, doesn't scratch and positively will not harm the hands, Large Sifter 10 Top Tin, AVC. 5; : In The Bathroom -- 'on the bathtub, wash-basin, mirrors, lavatories and all metal fixings, use Panshine. It is perfectly wholesome, has no disagreeable smell ; and leaves nothing but absolute clean- liness behind it. ANSHINE linoleum, - woodwork, white, clean powder that At all Grocers Ps CHAMBERLAN'S WEE "MAY BE GIVEN TITLE The British Nation Would Like to See Her Made a Vis- countess. London, Nov. 14.--In connection with the silver wadding of the Rt. Hon. and Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain on Saturday, which is to be kept quietly at Birmingham, the sugges tion has been made in ministerial quarters that, although it is known that Mr. Chamberlain 'himseM would never accept a titular honor, the na- tion would be gratified if Mrs. Chamberlain became a viscounitess, as a mark of the esteem and 'grati tude to the whole people, regardless of party differences entertaimed to war her, During 'her husband'e later" career, in brilliant eunshine and' in shadow, at the height of his popularity and the depth of dislike she has been his. devoted, graceful, self-forgetting companion and sup- port. Mr. Chamberlain's first wife died half a century ago, after two years married life. He married his secs ond in 1868 and lost her in 1875 His 'third marriage has given him happiness througholt almost his whole career, since he ceased to be: long to the liberal party. Some men who learned to crawl when they were babies never seem ' to have gotten over it. disease. Agent, Geo. LESS MEAT IF BACK AND KIDNEYS HURT TAKE A GLASS "oF SALTS TO FLUSH KIDNEYS IF BLAD- DER BOTHERS YOU. Eating meat regularly eventually produces kidney trouble in some form or other, says a well-known au- thority, because the uric acid in meat excites the kidneys, they become overworked; get sluggish, clog up and cause all sorts of distress, par- ticularly backache and misery in the kidney region; rheumatic twinges, severe headaches, acid stomach, con- stipation, torpid liver, sleeplessness, bladder and urinary irritation. The moment your back hurts or kidneys aren't acting right, or if bladder bothers you, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy? take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast fer a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity; also to neutralize the acids in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts cannot injure anyone; makes a delightful effervescent lithia water drink Which. millions of men and women take now and then to keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus avoiding serious kidmey . Mahood. BE SURE You Get The RIGHT OVERCOAT) | If you're ready to buy it now just remember one thing; Keeping von warm in cold weather isn't the only duty of a good overcoat; a good blanket would do as mueh for you. Our overcoats have the style, the individuality, the artistic air of distinction that every man is glad to present. coats. Cf lars, Many smart new choosing apparel. stitched edges, ete. identify you as a man of taste and You should not miss seeing these over- ideas in belt-backs, shawl Style points that will discretion in For our own good as well as yours "we want you to have the best overcoat your money here $3.50, $11.50, «an command. It's at $13.50, $15.00, $18.00 and $20.00 The same ales are bei ing sold elsewhere ; at from $2.50 to 5.00 more. Bring the boy here for his clothes. Boys® suits and overcoats that will give good sat-: 'isfaction, $250 to $1000 "rr RONEY & CO. 127 Princess St.