PATENTS HERBERT J. 8. DENNISON REGISTERED ATTORNEY, 13 King Street West, Toronto. Pa- Trade-Marks, Designs, Copyright, protected every- where; eighteen years' exper- lence. Write for booklet . . «78 DAILY BRITISH WHIG, 1 and. advertising concerns of the United PICTURE ST FAD States have already placed their or- ders. America is going to follow the - + sample, just as if it did in the mak- STARTED IN GERMANY, TO OUT- ing and distributing of the pictme DO CARD CRAZE : postcard. And with American energy fi and ingenuity, it will develop and ex- ; : tend the usefulness ...of the picture All Kinds and Colors--Had Trade stamp to the ? ; Co | been: enticing the enthustasm of ail Thesks. { Europe, young and old, for the * [ered and popularized a successor. It uttermost. Origin and Made Big Hit With Children, LIVE STOCK SHOW Something new under: the sun! Reduced Rates To the Big Exhibition Here's really a new craze which has At Toronto. Excursion rates for the National Live. Btock, Hortioultural and Dairy Show, which opens at. Toronto on Novem! 17th, have been announced the ocean and invade our ports as by She Suiluay compabief as follows ; well : the lowest one-way first-class fare is i ya» Germany that discovered $2.50 or less, round trip tickets to and mace utivereully popular ihe Toronto, including admission coupon picture postcard; and now e Nw custom of sending and 'collecting to the show, will be sold for the low- v 3 est one-way first-class fare plus 25 these 18 onthe wane it has discoY- ni, Theg tickets will be good fgo- past tix months. It is the craze of the "picture stamp"~--and before many weeks, it promises to sweep across looks as if it is & very worthy ue Notember 18th to 21st, returning pei gg MgB fig pute (>, rom. stations, Kingston, Shar. cird 4 y cA" bet Lake, Renfrew and west--but not Ri a west of Azilda, except territory _ in- Reclame Marken" is the German in iL A name of this new fad. They we- cluding above--round trip tickets to semble: postage stamps, though they Toronto, including admission coupon ASOD BASH | ng n irs wh i e of Cuticura Seap and Box of Cuticura Ointment Cured, Lowér Onslow; N. B--~"At first we aught my child's trouble was his teeth. whole body was a solid rash and at the arm pits and elbows and RA thighs the skin came off as if he had been scalded. It was a very thick fine rash, f red in color and intensely 3% itchy and burning. The skin just wiped off leaving a 5 raw sore with little specks "yor of yellow matter in them. » skin on every finger split down om ch side and looked ikon ruffle. His toes out in little yellow pimples and tho tom of his feet did the same and he would he could not walk, that there were pins jcking in his foes. - 3 "The agony of itehing and burning was pmething frightfal. 1f he got a chance he ould scratch the kin right off and make a ore, but to prevent that 1 made mittens him out of eotton. Bvery night from o'clock until three in the morning would have fo be taken up out of bed d rocked, his sufferings wore so bad. "With no t cure in sight 1 got Cuticura p and' Omtment. 'Tho first night the child slept the whole night i ugh, the first night for four months. I am thankful to say the cure was complete and I just got one cake of Cuticura Soap ard one box Olntmont," (Signed) Mrs. Sarnuel Higgins, May 17,1913, Quticura Soap and Ointment sold every- 'where. For liberal free sample of each, with 82-p. book, send post-card to Potter Drug & Chem. Corps, Dept. I, Boston, U, 8. A, For Saturday only; 25 per cent. off all trimmed and untrimmed felt hats. Special sale for Sat- -urday only. Miss E. D. Hamilton 870 PRINCESS STREET, OP. d|almost every known masterpiece. ; All than i¥ conmmonly supoae. t to the show, will be sold at the lowest one-way first-class fare plus 50 cents; going November 17th to 20th, give, returning up to November are usually a little larger. Like them, they come in sheets, are per- good forated, and easily torn apart. They inclu aro bright in color, adhesive, of 4 uillese 'variety of subject and PUT. (¢) Judges and exhibitors on Thousands and thousands of these Render. oF picture stamps are « everywhere id Wostervelt evidence. Stationers' windows fair-', y ly glow with their bright bits of reds and blues and greens; stores devote entire counters to their display and sale, and setrcely 4 boy or girl in the great empire of the kaiser i8 without an album, large or, small, nv which is a growing col- lection of '"'marken." ; The craze for collecting these (for it has truly assumed the proportions of a craze) has passed up into the older generation, to the grown-ups, who find pleasure sind oecupation in collecting the high class "marken" which ave now rapidly appearing on the scene---reproductions of famous masterpieces in olor, in monotone or etching, brilliant poster effects and veritable gems of #rt. sur- standard form or judges and certificates signed by A. P. Manager, will be sold round trip tickets to Toronto without admission coupons from all points in Canada in the Eastern Canadian Pas- senger Association territory at the lowest one-way first-class fare, good going November 14th to 19th inclus ive, returning up to November 26th. The Modern Maid. It was getting late at might when the servant girl returned from the shops with various domestic purchases As she was explaining the transaction her mistress, she cried out sudden- ly: "There! If I haven't forgotten the "am an' eggs for breakfast!" "That's a pity," observed the mis- tress, but added, with kindly philoso- phy, "Never mind. The shops will all A i - be shut now. We shall have to man- What are "Reclame Marken," what age in the morning with bread and called them into being and what are " ee : hey 'used for? i Kepide lil on Less than | Sighteen months ago an go encuired al ana Bye ; mportant uth Germén manufac « les on' turer of chocolates and sweets is ellen, 1 Suppose Nod. x have sued several highly attractive pos- yo. eco, rp emis: ter showcards advert his wares. «y, »" : o : When the popularity of ghese posters ey. X it ed lien, ~ 5 was at its height the firm ®onceived un't do m Yor unless Tm % 3 the idea of having them reproduced fo y PEOperyY In small label form, of the size and, character of postage stamps, with, , gummed backs, to be paster on each | It'w Slow Werk, ee leter mand postoard they semt out-- 1b Was on an East Texas train. The and they sent out &. 'g*eat amany.. little coffee pot of an engine, having One of these little mictiires was also "heerod | laboriously over serpentine placed within the wranger of each rails, jolted to a restful stop at no place in ticular. Time passed ted- 1 ny piece of chocolate. iously. Some of the ors stalk: ~ Bafore long the children were buy- of nervously up and mi gon aisles, Ing Hheis Shocplate stick Sor He while Sthers drow their jel hate down idea had caught on and other manu- YOSEF ete ea an ry a at Ys facturers followed" the example as ductor came through. quickly as the lithographers could, "Say, friend," said a guerulous voic- bet set to work. Soon an import- ed old man, "as near as you can tell ant coffee roaster was distributing what's holdin' ns?' : "stamps." Bakers of bread and! "We're taking on water," was the biscuits, cocoa manufacturers and explanation. : milk dealers, and in their tradn hum=! "Well. whv don't vou git another dreds more followed with etamps {l= tonspoon ? That one seems to leak lustrating in attractive form come of something dreadful !"'--Pulitser's Mag- the most popular fairy tales. In this azine. way appeared Red Riding Hood, Cin- ---- drela and Robinson Crusoe, each | Tih story told in a series of some half King George's Collections. dozen pictures, which the ehildren| King George of England bas al- were eager to gather and hoard. | ways had a seamanis fondness for In the same way sete of mili making collections. One of th t stamps were issued--pictures of pleasing of these is that madd by sorts of soldiers, German and French, the king of photographs of babies. English and Russian, infantry, calvary {This hobby befrays his well-known and artillery--and sailors and ships, affection for children. The collection | men-of-war 'and marinés of all nations. '0ORtAInS a number of child portraits And then came series of animals, wild issued for advertising purposes by and domestic, birds, butterflies and in- {food proprietors, and furniches some geots, buds and blossoms. roomical studies. Another favorite butcher and baker, grocer and candle- | hoby of his is the collection of print- Hstick maker was making effective bids (©d matter about his children. As to attract the children to his shop { the king has five sons and a daugh- offering these stamps free. : And the ter and the papers print many para- | children came, that's 'certain. graphs and pictures about them, it | But all this proved merely a prelude ' Can easily be understood that the to the craze of the picture stamp. Art king's albums art voluminous and blishers--and in Germany their name | TUMeTOUS. y that the time was ntario where || pA, . SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1913. / h Coat with raglan sleeves. In velour cloth, waistcoat of collar of black velvet, handsomely color. BREAKS A BAD-COLD IN A JIFFY! TRY IT "Pape"s Cold Compound" ends cold and grippe in a few hours-- Don't stay stuffed-up! You can end grippe and break up a severe cold either in head, chest, body or limbs, by taking a dose of "Pape's Cold Compound" every two hours until three doses are taken. It promptly opens clogged-up nos- trils and air passages in the head, stops nasty discharge or' nose rum- ning, relieves sick headache, dull- ness, .. feverishness, sore throar, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blow= ing and snuffling! Kase your throb- bing head--nothing else in the world gives such prompt relief as '"'Pape"s Cold Compound." which costs only 25 cents at any drug store. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, and causes no inconvenience. Be sure vou get the genuine. * , Legs. New York Life. Legs are vecd for various purpos- es: to display in windows, to provide cold feet in 'winter, to cross, to wear silk stockings upon, and to rest on while getting out of one's auto. It is kaid that they were once employ- ed for purposes of walking. Legs come in 'mmense varipty, especially on windy days, and vary in size from a match stick to a meal bag. Every leg has a calf that follows its parent leg around and wever leaves it. Legs also come in pairs, except just after a war. Then some- times a leg will go about all alone without even a chaperon; at other times # will have a half brother made of cork or weod, as he purpose than for what it has been intended by an all-wise Providence. Bui we are wandering from our sub- ject. Legs also come in gros When not in use, they are hung carelessly from the side; at a dinner party Sipming for them to enter the lists with collections of a more artistic quality, of greater variety and.of a superior character of stamp. As a uence Somsetuet adhe wos © Teaumition and Makes Face Young -- Tightens Evi Ties into requisition . firms have issued fotmid: | ("Aurilla," in Woman's Sphere.) i of excellent material, A fretful expression, a wrinkled face embracing every imaginable wubject, and a faded xion do more to including 'miniature reproductions of drive the male members from home It was are now sold to countless gollec- one of ies this wp tak- an a mew face, ion of Sistinevive ar Mike cold tiring, washing it off treatment sul- ile ru ili If King 81, Wet great care should always be displayed to use up good cork for any other Coat and skirt in velour de laine, waistcoat of Bulgarian plueche. In a varl ety of autumn colors. Bulgarian plueche with + attached embroidered. Cam be made in any COMMENTS BY ZACCHEUY Who Discusses Question of Men and Wickedness. A--Aviation, the achievement of the age. B--Berkn, Paris, London, in conquest of the air. U--Crossing the Atlantic next. D--Distance, at narrowest part, be tween Sierra Lorne, on western coast of Africa, and Cape St. Rouge, in Bradil, is 1,000 miles. li--Fiffecting 200 miles an hour, trip were' accomplished in five hours. F--Kavoring mere northern route, of course, would be longer, harder and more perilous. G--Great delicacy in Rome, once upon a time, was bear's steak. Ws may have to go back to "Bruin" for flesh meat if prices in Canada stop not rising. H--Hotel world mean time. I--in no sphere of business, (aps, has progress been more J--Judging from the number ol ambitious buildings being. put up ier the purpose in all leading centres up- to-date hostelries must be 'considered an essential condition of every city's aggrandizement. h--Kewn-sighted corporations know this and act accordingly. L--Llean men are "awful" wicked, says Bishop Maybee, of Washington Methodist church, M--Mark of goodness and superior ity to be fat ! N--Now we'll know whom to and look up to. O~--On the other hand it might he well to rememfber that your ° big bellied men have seldom been noted for quickness of perception or action. It took the little Japs to thrash the huge Moscovites into docility. P~--Petit homme ! ' grand homme ! Q--Quebec, Halifax, and Esauimault may soon be strengthened militarily; well, that womld be better than chas- ing the ooin out of the country. 'R--Recently, in East India, a monu- ment was raised to a° man because he was the "worst lar" known. Heav- ens! Don't raise a shaft to Zac cheus, please. Lean vieing keeps advancing per- mark- trust in distributing them under the table! S--NScorn, however, was meant in damage as possible. A Bright Girl's View. Glencoe Transcript. "Your editorial deploring the fact that $0 many young women are tak- Ing men's places in office and shop is amusing. Why don't the men marry us and Keep business for themselves. If you can have the not'on that women prefer banging typewriters, or selling goods over the counter to make homes for lov- ing husbands and prattling kiddies, why then, you are a goose of an edi- tor, and an unobserving man. All this talk about the modern desir: of women to be independent of man is jabsurd. The pictures you gee 'in the magaz nes of happy bachelor girls are lying documents--there isn't any stich thing as a happy bachelor girl, " though there might be such a thing as a "merry widow." Little Surprisés. Chicr ea Tribune. I ----*"No, sir, you haven't a single tooth that needs any attention." { "Put your money back in your pocket, Mr. Kajones. You've made a mistake in your dates; this note isn't due for six months yet." ' + "I have detained you afte | hours, oung man, to notify you next Fit and fer your salary will be $10 a week more than 'You can go now." x "Hiram, I'm not nk mind er bu anybody. can see that you're ask. rd many. vou; why don's you 3" 3 "I'll gladly change berfhs with you, Mr. (Quggley; I prefer the upper one. Even Paddy. The little girl was expounding the ological problems to her younger sis- ter with fine confidence of childhood. "We all came from heaven, baby. 'and we're all going back there some ulity on the infant countenance, for she proceeded: "It's really trie. Why even daddy came from heaven once." 2 in order that they may do as little . [pile of dirt.' inered-| and the above case. T--To deter others. U--Unigue way, all teach love of truth. V--Varavity, the best policy. We-Word of man should be late. X--Xaggeration, another form of un: the same, to invio- truth. IY--Yeot, how few guard against it. ~ZACCHFUSB. Inspiration Suggested a Way Out. It 'was the morning after, and he was telling the fellows at the office about it: "Tom and I spent last ev- ening with some friends and were returning 10 our hotel at a rather late hour, We walked in the middle of the street, for we felt so good that we wanted room in which to expand. At a place where some work was being done there was a pile of dirt about five feet long and abomt ten inches high. ' Arm in arm we 'made an effort to step over the ob- struction. We met with utter fail- are. Try as we might our feet seemed to be too heavy to lift over the obstruction. We were about to give up in despair and resign our- selves to being marooned on that lonely street for the rest of, the night, when I had one of those rare inspirations that come only to men of - genius. 'Tom' I exclaimed. 'We are saved: we will go 'round this And we did." HOW'S THIS? We offer' One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case of Catarrh that ean- not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. ¥F. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, O. We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for ihe last 15 years, and be. Heve him perfectly hoporable in all business transactions and financially able to earry out any obligations made by his firm. Walling, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- mally, acting directly upon the blood surfaces of mucous e systems, Testimanials sent fret, Price 75 cents per tle. [gM hy afl. Draggists Take Hall's Family Pills for consti.) + pation, ; ; « she [SALTS IF BACKA AND KIDNEYS HURT STOP " EATING MEAT FOR A WHILE WF YOUR IS TROUBLING YOU, When you wake up with backache and dull misery in the kidney region, it generally means you have been eating too much meat, says a well- known authority. Meat forms uric acid which overworks the kidneys in their effort to filter it from the blood and they become sort of paralyzed and loggy. When you. kidneys get sluggish and clog you must relieve them, like you relieve your bowels; removing all the body's urinous waste, else you have back- ache, sick headache, dizzy spells: your stomach sours, tongue is coat- ed, and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment, channels often get sore, water scalds and you are. obliged to scek relief two «1 three times dvriag the night. Either consult a good, reliable physician at once or get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemor juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish Kidneys, als to neutralize acids in the urine so h no longer irritates, thus ending blad- der weakness. Jad Salts is a life saver for regular meat eaters. It is inexpensive, can- not injure and makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink. Ag- ent, Geo. W. Mahood. OF YOUR HOME your office, your store, or your factory, all the antiquated, foul- smelling, disease-breeding plum- bing and Then Get In modern, sanitary open plumbing that, in the end, will be worth all' its cost and more: Let us furnish you an estimate on the work. o ' 66 BROCK STREET, Phone 385. Residence 836. AN ETRE Wintér Tours CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA and THR SUNNY SOUTH. Fast trains leave Kingston daily making direct connee-~ tion at Detroit and Buffalo for Flor- ida and southern points, and at Chi- cago for California and western points. We can make all arrangements to bring your family and friends from the Old Country. Special attention will be given them. . For full particulars apply to J. P. HANLEY, Railroad and Steamship Agent Cor. Johnston and Ontario Sts. G. 5. KIMKPATRICK 2 Cinfence St, Phone MN - R.M.S. P. New Service. MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICE (Under Contract, with fhe Government of Canada). CANADA WEST INDIES. FORTNIGHTLY SAILINGS by Twin-scr~w Mail Steamers from ST. JOHN, N.B, and HALIFAX, N.S. ty Bermuda, St. Kitts, Antigua, ontserrat, Dominica, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Barbados, Grenada, Trinidad and Demerara. Exeellent accommodation for 1st, Gnd and rd Claw Pawengers. Steamer. Ca: t St Joha, | Halifas. COBEQUOID 23|Dee, 5 J. Howson, RIN. R. CARAQUET RL Dec. 7 5. Smith, RAN. R ALEU Dec. 19 Dec. 21 Jan. 2 Wan. 4 Wan 16 SPECIAL FACILITIES FOR TOURISTS, kor Illustrated Folders, Rates &c., apply to the J gonciesof THE ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET Oo.; ot iu Halifax, NS. to PICKFORD & BLACK, Ltd XMASIN THE OLD LAND Special Christmas Sailings via Allan Line § Dov: From HALIFAX A ec. Dec. From ST. JOHN, N.8., To GLASGOW SCANDINAVIAN ~4 Dec. From RIAN SONIA "These Steamers cill at Halifax, sailing 12 and 14 Dee. ¥ 1 Fi 13 Be From AND 95 King St. W. TORONTO LINE LEAVE TORONTO CANADIAN PACIFIC BEST NEW TRAIN FOR WINNIPEG and points East thereof GATE CITY EXPRESS Commencing October 27th LEAVE TORONTO ARRIVE WINNIPEG - (Second Day) THROUGH EQUIPMENT: Compartment Observation Car, Bleeping. Cars, Tourist Sleeping Car, Dining Car, First Julonist Car. VANCOUVER EXPRESS ARRIVE VANOCOUV THROUGH EQUIPMENT: Compartment Library Observation Car, Stand. ard Sleeping Car, Tourist Bleeping Car, Dining Car, First Class Coaches, olonist Car. . GENERAL CHANGE OF TIME OCTOBER 26th Particulars from F. Conway, C.P.A., City Ticket Office, Cor. Princess and Wellington Sts, Phone 1197, : ER « 11.30 p.m. « 230 p.m. 8.00 a.m, DAILY Standard Class Coaches, - 10.20 Pp ALY | Children's Good ing Shoes Wear- Children's Shoes "JENNINGS, OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENUY | EERE ERIE