* | BANK - INCORPORATED 1688, £ TORONTO DI ) No. 128, Out of Every Wage some portion should be banked reg- ularly, either as security against the proverbial rainy day or as a founda- tion to future prosperity. $1.00 will open an account in The Bank of To- ronto, and interest is added haif- yearly to the balances on deposit. Market Square, Kingston, George B. McKay ! -- EO ---- 1 For Sale That attractive business property consisting of two stores Xo. 119 and 121 Princess street, known as and Weese's blocks of the city, between Wellington street and Bagot Terms reasonable for quick buyer. 'HOWARD 8. FOLGER Spence's Millinery Store Picture Store in the centre of one of the best business street. For full particulars apply to 44 Clarence Street J. O. HUTTON Office, 18 Market street, Kingston. Fire, Life, Aceldent, Blckucss and Plate Glass Insurance Real Estate Bought and Sold, Bonds and Debentures Bought snd sold. » Telephone 708 FOR SALE KINGSTON 86 BROCK ST. PHONE 08 Frame dwelling, all modern, Bev- erley street, price $3100. Solid brick dwelling, all modern Frontenac St., price $4200. " Frame dwelling, all modern, Vie- toria street, prica $2700. Frame dwelling, all modern, Vie- toria street, price $2450. Building Lots 66 x 132, Livingston Ave, $500, 66 x 182, Frontenac St., $950, 33 x 108, Frontenac St., $350, 83 x 140, John St. .... $325. Life, Fire, Accident and Health J. K. Carroll, Magr. When You Are Looking for a Drug Store where you can get what you want, when you want it, and at a reasosable prices, That Drug Store is | Our cut glass room solves the question of "wondering what to give the bride. We Dawe the finest stock of eat glass in Kingston to choose from. > : i. R.]. RODGER 847 KING STRERT. I PATENTS Herbert J. S. Dennison, REGISTERED ATTORNEY, King Street West, Toronto, tents, Trade-Marks, Copyright, protec ted where; eighteen years' lence. Write for booklet. 13 Pa- Designs, every- exper- Thomas Copley Telephone 987 Drop a: card to 13 Pine street Nheh wanting anything done in the car tery line. Estimates given on all k o repairs and new work; also nds TER ve prom atte o 40 Queen stre of. pon ? Records Exchanged All kinds of records, Victor, Col- umbia, Edison Blue Amberol, Edi- son two-minute, for exchange. Also phonographs, gramophones and graf- onolas for sale. Call and let us ex- plain our plan. ALLEN'S Phone 252 113 Brock St. \ NOTICE TO ATA: LADIES OF KING- STON AND DISTRICT: We are lowering our rates on all ladies' garments from November 156th, and if you want good bargains for your money, call at British American Ladies' Tailoring Phone 854 207 Princess St. $45 Overcoats for 310 Finest Im orted INCIDENTS OF THE | LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF + GENERAL INTEREST, "256¢ Liver Pill, 10e." Gibson's. Visiting cards, printed or engraved, lat Whig office. J. A. Sinclair, of Cannington, in the city on Monday. Giibery ses cdrn, peas and tomat- oes at $1.00 per dozen. B. F. Hobart, of Conaecticut, spent the week-end in Kingston. Miss Adeline Holder, of Battersea, is vigiting Mrs. W. Carroll, 336 John- son street, Lieut.-Col. R. E. Kent has been el- ected a director of the Ontario Hor tioultural Society. Mrs. W. J. Robinson left to-day for California where she will spend the next six months. Hon. Samuel Hughes will be chief speaker at the School of img dinper in Grant Hall on 3rd, "Buy Gripp Tablets," Gibson's, Miss Lois Percival, of Kemptville, n student of Queen's, was the week-end 'guest of Mr, apd Mrs. Harold Ryan, Net . St. Luke's Women's Guild will hold Christmas sale and concert in church hall, Wednesday, Dec. 3rd, afternoon and evening. It is likely the Board of will have a banquet some time in January. Speakers of prominence are being secured for it. Only fair-sized audiences greeted the production of "The Mountain Girl" at the Grand Opera House on Satur day afternoon and evening. Mrs. James 'Minnes, Gore street is seriously ill with pneumonia at son's residénce in Ottawa. Her fam- ily have been called to her bedside. "25¢ Liver Pill, 10¢." Gibson's. Mrs. A. €!. Courtice, widow of former pastor of Sydenham was the Min- Dec. Trade + a street for the Toronto Board of Education. Queen's and Royal Military College are opposed to interference and Var sity says to stop it strong men must be sent 'to the annual meet ing. . Sergt. Gillice, umpired the game he tween Signallers and No. 7 company at the Armouries, last Thursday even ing, instead of Sergt. Gilbert, as stated. Jarrett Fralick, Bath Road, was taken to the gemeral hospital in 3. 8. Corbett's ambulance on Sunday, suffering ; with an attack of appendi- citis. On Monday morning fifteen officers and non-commissioned officers came from Riv. Du Loup to undergo a course of instruction for fifteen days at the barracks. Mr. and Mrs. Hayter Reed, of Mon- treal, came to Kingston on Saturday afternoon and remained until Mom: day. Nr. Reed is chief of the hotel . {system on the G.T.R. *'Zoc Laver Pill, 10¢." Gibson's. W. H. Marshall, forger, and Ger hard Andrews, bwamist, who got three and two and a hali years re spectively, following their convictions, were brought to the penitentiary on Saturday. Gilbert sells eorn, peas and tomat- oes at $1.00 per dozen. The soccer trophy is displayed in the window. of E. P. Jenkins. = There are two more games to be played be- fore it oan be awarded. The teams which will play off for it are C.L.C. and Ship ard. * "Buy Gripp Tablets." Gibson's. Thomas Bullen, who has been in the Hotel Dieu for a month, having un, dergone 'an operation "to have - the big tge of the leit foot amputated, was alfle to leave the hospital on Monday morning. Mrs. I. "6. Nicholson, Livingston avenue, returned home, Saturday, af ter apending the past month with friends in Matawatchan. She was accomnanied Jos by her sister-in- law, Mrs. C. Stron "95¢ Liver PIL "10¢."" Gibson's. On Sunday evening Jumes Reid's ambulance was summoned to the City Park where a member of. the R.C.HLA. was suddenly taken ill with a fainting spell. He was removed to the station hospital. Mrs. John Alexander died in Rech: ester, N.Y., on Tuesday, after fom vears' illness. She was a resident of Kingston and in 1851 was married to Dr. Alexander at Oswego, N.Y. week they celebrated their sixty a cond welding anniversary. The flag on the pole at the King: |§ton Collegiate Institute grounds H {he Mrthday of J. B. Walkem. K.C., the donor of the bag. Mr. Walkem { would not admit that he had reached jthe age of three score and ten. Movements of Vessels, The Stones Neepawah passed down The steambarie Navajo cleared from Richardson' s elevator, with a cargo ol grain, for Glenora. The steamer Waheondah passed up flop Sunday. 10 % to 15% off 'Antique Furniture During the next month or so. Big reductions off all our large range of fine antique Furaitare, Now is the time to buy for your Christmas pus, pre- sentations,, No nicer present could be selected. Call and inspect our wide range of suitable gifts. You can save moncy by taking advantage of this oppor- Bry All ordinary furniture, | 0 stoves, ele., will be sold at most sea- sonable prices. L. LESSES - The schooser Ford River arrivel Charlotte, with coal for the J Montreal Transportation company. The * steamer Tueblow, of the Cana dian Cement Co., Lipited, has ar vived in port, and will be laid wp here for the winter, M.T. Co's elevator : Steamer Key- from Port Colborne, discharged 56, bushels of wheat, and steamer Key V., also from Port Colborne, dis ela 87,000 bushels of wheat; tug Bartlett cleared, with the barges Ham- ilton and Mande, for Montreal; steam: ers Stormount ' and Kinmount, after discharging grain, cleared for Fort Wililam, to load for Georgian Bay; tug Mary, light, from Montreal, clear: od for Montreal, with three grain ; tug Emerson, from Montreal, grain barges for Montreal. The steamer Dundee passed down from Fort William to Montreal, on Monday morning. The steamer Simin ho sstboud, nn Monday ort borne, with Montreal. The tenmer of Hamilton went west on Sunday night. The steamer 'Sowards was floated frow the shipyerd dy dock: on Mon: day. The steamer ohn Duncan will! be the nest to go - | Tuesday, Methodist church, is to be a candidate was flving on Monday in honor of; four light barges, cleared with thres GRAND zou: Nov. 25th Return Engagement of the Beautiful Drama of Ancient Rome Which Was Seen Here Last Sea- son. The Light Eternal Presented By the Same Cast as Be- fore with LOUISE DUNBAR and JOHN MIL- TON in the Leading Roles. Prices 25c, 506, 75c, $1.00 SEATS NOW ON SALE. MONDAY, DEC. 1 ~ LOUIS MEYER 1 INTEODUCES "The lay that Makes tae World Laugh." "The Funniest Play Within Memory" Direct from 13 mnths' run in London. "ALL STAR pRIISH COMPANY." CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion I¢ a word, Each con- secutive tnsertion hereafter, half cent a word. Minimum charge for one Insertion, Z0ec; three Indértioms, 0c: six, $1; one month, §2. HELP WANTID. A Soop PLAIN COOK. APPLY TO Mrs. RB. W. Garrett, 52 Johnston St AT ONCE, A GOOD GENERAL TIN. smith. Apply to Bennett & Halli- gan, 191 Princess street. COMPETENT STENOGRAPH write shorthand. Apply te W. Craig & Co. R MUST y letter a. Jd. resentative in every town. Mrs. Davidson, Desk 8S. Brantford. Apply to ngroom girl Hotel, Funter, Royal Ont. eet eee $2000 PER DAY FOR A LADY REP. IMMEDIATELY, A FIRST CLASS DIN. Napanee, LOST A FUR L INED MITTEN, FINDER Kindly return to 264 Princess St, 'and receive reward. OCT. ISTH "JACK" BLACK AND TAN hound, blind in one eye, Nov, 12th "Trailer" brindle hound, tan ears. black spot on left side Reward R. E. Sparks, 188 Johnson St AT MIDDLE BRANCH OF CLYDE, black and white dog, black and white bitch, Black and tan bitch, marked X.P. all hounds, Apply Jas. McMillen, C.P.R, Renfrew. POSITION WANTED MAN WITH WIFE AND FOUR CHIl~- dren, baker by trafle, wants a pn- sition. Willing to attend furnaces or do any kind of work. Apply at nis office. BOARD AND ROOMS. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH HO also table board. Apply 138 AT ONCE, lor maid; Apply to Mrs. Vernon Eaton, Barrie street, $15.00 WEEK AND travel gppointin 4 ves. Prank . Brantford, EXPENSES aterson, AN EXPERIENCED PAR. aod references sasentisl TO 1oeal representa- Division lington St. oboosite post Bp we ARCHITEOT WM. NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI tects, etc. Offices, 268 Bagot Bt 'Phone 608. GENERAL SERVANT TO irening. Queen street, Ja LIGENT 1 Ton thly Sona "for papers: "no eats, 3,969 Loe hia roses AN ASSIST house 'work; no Washing or Apply to Mrs. Benn, 28¢ POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants' Bank Bulléing, corner Brock and Wellington streets. Drop & card FINANCIAL. YRONTENAQ LOAN ND a ment Society; stabi shed 1863: president, Lt-Col, Henry R. Smith NVEST. Parties will 'arrive Nuvember 12th and December 10th, now, The Guild, St. Montreal, broke St, Toronto, and Entire Production Travelled Complete. Prices 30, 75, $1, $1.50, Seats on Sale, Friday. on 25, "Fhe Truth About SOCIALISM" This book has gone through five edi- tions since last February, the fifth edi. tion of 100,000 copies just off the press. 25 At Miss Bucknell's, King & Clar- IC ence Sts., Uglow's or MeAtleys Salmon Cheaper YOU CAN Now Cape THE VERY CTA: ETT TLE 20¢. PER TIN CHIVER'S ENGLISH JAMS. AND MARMALADES ' Famous the world over for PURITY QUALITY and FLAVOR Made al the famous Orchard Factory in «ilver lined pans, un- der ideal hygienie conditions. Put up in glass jars, and tins, ° Four family grocer can supply Fenwick, Hendry & Co. DISTRIBUTORS, FOR SALE SITUATIONS VACANT. $150.00 FOR SIXTY DAYS TO ANY thoughtful man or woman ture, Bible House, Dept. O,, ford. WANTED----GRNERAL. C ARADLE oa COUNTRY DOMES- fos. about 71 Drum: and 47 Pem- for helping us circulate Rible litera- Brant- money isrued on city and farn properties, municipal and countr, debentures: or igagen purchas fenosits rocelved and interest al SA Near, Manager, 3% Qarence Street ERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Avallabi- assets, 35. 187,215. In addition which the policyholders have foi ey the unlimited lability ot city property insured at. lowes! possible ratea. Before renewing old or giving new ousiness ge rates from trangs & Strange Agents. 'Phone 328 BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN_ START TWO ROOMS WITH U Apply Box 2011, i OF eg office. NEW AND Company, 556 Princess St, .. PHONE, SECONDITAND GEESE feathers. Anply Kingston Mattress cree a mall order business at home; x2 canvassing; be your own boss Send for free booklet; tells Heacock,. 2,969, Lockport, N.Y CRARLES H. LEEDER, ARCHITRCT builder and contractor. Office, cor Princess and Montreal streets (over with light housekeeping privilege must be near street car line Ap ply by letter. Box 390, Whig office. TWO OR THREE FURNISHED ROOMS stating rental ete, King Edward Theatre), Prices cheerfully given. All'kind of high rade architecture, drafting and esigning. Phone 1441, s JARPETS CLEANED AND LAID. cycles end baby carriages remalr ed; also a large »umber Cyoles for sale Geor, 3 King st "Phone 103 JUST ARRIVED-A FINK ment of new sultings from for your fall «ee them, Ashby the Tailor, man that suits you. 74 Brock St LEMEN To oh and have it Fores up into up- to-date suits. manship guaranteed Pressing and the shortest notice. foway, 1 Bibby's Livery. to t, nl. of boi Muller ASSORT- ta choose suit. Call and the RING THEIR Price and work- please. repairing done or Thomas Gal- Stree Rear PERSONAL, IF THIS SHOT LD COME UNDER THE notice of Mr. Roston Baldwin, will he please communicate with "Sa- tan" SM. band R.CHA HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, marks and all -growt blemishes rempved without I, 27 yearn Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Throat ar Sk an Bagot Street. BIRTH- s and skin anently eXperien e Eye, Sacha. SCALP" MASSAGE FOR halr, dandruff, etc. ectricity (new method). Latest treatment in "shampooing, face massage, manicuring, chiropody, Up-to-date styles In hair work. FALLING treated by el- tomers and friends that we ing our place renovated. hand furniture. Princess street. Nex: drew's church MUSIC. WE WISH TO INFORM OUR CUS. are now open for business after hav- We are now open to buy new and Second J. Th 338 to Bt. An- Mrs. Herod, graduate masseuse, 159 Wellington St, Phones 1485. Hours 10 to 12 am, and 2 to 5 p. m., and by appointment. 7 MEDICAL. DR. J. B. HUTTOY, 238 KING STREET, Office hours, 10-12 am., 2-4.30 and 7-8.30 p.m. Phone 1261. DR, DAY HAS MOVED TO 271 AL- VIOLIN tine Cochrane, 78 Gore St. ston. Telephone 136, King LEGAL CUNNINGHAM & MUDI ers and Solicitors, Clarence Street. Kingston, Frame house, No. 102 Vie- toria street, two blocks from street car line, recently decor- ated throughout, 7 rooms, all modern conveniences, W.C., bath and furnace, hard wood oors down stairs. Possession Nov. 1st. Price $2450.00. Ap- ply R. E. Burns, 40 Frontenac street. -- NAPANKEE'S MUSICAL CLUB, Entertained the Kingston Ladies' Musical Club Saturday. . A number of the talented members | of the Napanee Ladies' Musical Club 'gave a splendid recital of modem 'compositions im Comvocation Hall, Queen's University, on Saturday af ternoon. The programme substity- ted that of the fourth regular meet ing of t%e'Kingston clnb. | The nunfbers were well received. Piamo solos were played by Miss Luella Hall, and songs sung by Mrs. Framidive Vanluven and Miss Pearl Nesbitt. Mrs. A. Leslie Howard oontsfibuted the recitative and aria, "In Absence and the Return," by W. D. Armstrong. Mrs. Cameron Wil son played om the violin some ol | Fdwand German's works. Mrs. Van- BUSINESS NOTICES. KINGSTON SH Yrithe pnd SE Ph mn Qrean 11 wo Sdartint" Rates { Ur ROLSTRLER- . Ww. 3. BAY UPHOLAT a, RK Pairing aol carpet wor na) mattress renovaiing Diop a ear hg #15 Gagot Btreat. 20. Auction Sale November 26th, at inceas street, T will offer for sale at public auction the store fixtures, ete, of the late A. J. Rees, viz: Show cases, candy jars, Na- tional Cash Register, soda fountain, tumblers, spoons, ice cream fregzers, ors, moulds, electric motor, fan, nN jor safe, tables, chairs, gas stoves, peanut warmer, candy boxes, ice cream pails and many other articles. J. E. JONES, A On Wednesday 10 am, at 166 F DEPLORES THE WORLDLINESS, Of This by the Rev. Dr. Ryckman. laven, Mrs, Howard and Miss Jean Light sang 'in trio, with Miss = Hall & sccompanist. NM Palowing the recial the visiting ladies were entertained at the a of Mre. James Massie. Earl street, and deft for Napanes in-the evening. Kivrgston Poultry Won. AT the Nationel live stock and poul- i rs Mow dn Toronto there were about {2.500 entries in peultry. Holland 'Broa. showsd nine birds and won on reven. They sold five of the winners {for a good price. ; interenlonial Makes Money. Ottawa, Nov. 24. --The Intercolon- ial has been making doers for the government this year, and al the { present rote will show a syrples of considerably more than a millibn dollars. + Rev. Dr. E. B. Ryckman made some very pofmted remarks from the pulpit of Sydenham street Methodist church Sunday evening, when he based a Jrte of the wordings of the age on the scriptural text - not comformed to this world" He =a greed with the definition, "Haman so ciety organized apart from God," as the Test for wicked soviety, amd in the realms of human affairs, Pusiness, polities, ete, he spoke to an atten tive gpnaragation. guarding them a gainst the ktfluence of worldlioees. Referring to business he sbt forth. some lines which a Christian man cannot Tollow, for i may retain bis business reputation but not a Christian. ere are many strokes of business, said the doctor, which cannot stand the test of the sermon on the mount or the golden rule. . Hie, in this conpection, mise refer: INSTRUCTION-MISS CHRIS. UDIE, BARRIST Law Offics, n fred street, next to Cor. of Breck BL TasInE Victoria Park. Phone DENTAL. A, K. KNAPP, B.A moved to 256% L.D.S, D.ILS, RK. Prin Jess Street. DR. ©. ©. NASH, DENTIST; Di. T, RH atom, sistant, 113 Princess treet. hone SPARKS AND SPARKS, 169 'Wellington Street, novsky's, Kingston. LKNTINTN (over Car. one 346 S. H. SIMPSON, LDS, DDN, DENT. ist, corner Princess and Bagot street, Entrance on Bagot street Telephnne 626. DRESSMAKING. ose, iL i FOR SALE. ENUING VICTOR VII our shuite twelve | se Tor $35.48, at D Princess st LB A FINE LOT OF WALNUT AND OAK ares, the best we have ov had Joasohable price, hone 7 A NUMBER oF WORK suitable for cab or trial If desired A. B. Weller, A .oR's HHORSKS, delivery, Om Price $35 to $150, Rideau Stock Farm. PRIVATE GREETING CARDS FOR Christmas. The largest asso! nt to choose from in the oitx. 1 3 W. e, 39 Clarence one S-COAL HEATER AND both Guerney Oxfo oa a condition. oy gang, this week 0 pm. STOCK ON WELL pihgton fowls. April and May year-old hens, ply to Lieut Col. BRED ul Ca About "putiets, dy ohas 30 cockerells, A Wood, Barriefie a. ts tes er ee ee $1650 NEW FRAME HOUSE, ALL IM« provements, NEW BRICK BUNGALOW, ALL HOUSR, improvements, Dov FRAME aon ar new, CEMENT PLASTER, IMPROVE. wa fine location. BATEMA GARDINER, INSURe ance, Money to Loan. F's Clarence 8t., Kingston. . 70 LET. on UNFURNISHED 422 Montreal St. FURNISHED rooms, Apply ONE SEVEN-ROOMED HOUSE WITH all improvements. 492 Barrie St, FURNITURE, McCann, 5 roe TWO FURNISHED ROOMS SUITABLE for married couple for ght housse keeping. © Apply 138 Ordnance St OFFIOR IN CLAREN Chambers. Apply Conningham 8 Mudie, 79 Clarence street. STORAGE FOR clean and dry. Blreet. DWELLINGS AT az 1%, ni, also offices, A ete, oCann's Real Estate Agency, 82 Brock st FURNISHED HOUSE, light, gas and furnace. Mrs. A, H. St. ELEOCTRIO Apply to Kendell, 166 Sydenham FURNISHED ROOMS WITH without board. _All modern venlences = Apply 152 Sydenham street. y 7-ROOM FRAME HOUSE, 1ST OF DE. cember, B. and CC, and gas, 198 Stuart street. Apply to J. R. Lald: law, 248 Division St. DETACHED FRAME HOUSE, 'WARM, six rooms, mood cellar, moderate rent, small barn at back. Apply 262 Victoria street. dry, airy rooms; your own log and kev. Frost's City Storage, 3 STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, 'o- Too Queen St, Phone 5260. 9 | TEN ROOMED BRICK HOUSE. ALL modern improvements, Kan aad he ectrie light; vacant Dec For it. particulars apply 230 Sadoram TO RENT, OR ON SHAR L grain 'and dairy hrm Bacaiman ] sardiner, Insurance, Real Money is to > Loan, 67 ingsto THREE ROOMS AT 138 CLARENCE street, for light hovsekee ping. J furs nigshed or unfurn'shed, pin C., Hot water heating, lorie ene gas for Quoiing opty on prems ises, or to ooke arence a CATERING. ESTIMATES FOR BANQUETS, | IN ners, balls and parties, eto: on, Shtiery a and linen to rent. Avply to Mra. J, J, Lackie, 69 Bagot. one $03, ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR RALL pers, banquets, dinners, a Silverware and cut ord B rent. Kor particulars apply H. Toye's King St, store, WE CATER TO PARTIES, BA Wedding breakfasts, banquets, also rent dishe table Hnens . silverware MP. Reid, 30 oo stree! v 17 Alfred b trest, Hambrook, Phones 843 or 303 FOR SALE OR TO LET. FRAME 4 ROOM DWELLING, acres good land, orchard 40 trees; GENEVIFVE MARIE PILLEY, iste, 417 Albert street. MOD- drive house and stable, Tewer's Mills. J. S. BH. McCann, $2 Brock : The of orde a few days order now and help us maintain service. JAMES SWIFT & CO. first cold day brings a rush rs. If you will need coal in our efficient delivery nce to the liggror business and land peculation. "Workdliness,"" he declared, "is breaking down ths family altar," and | he 'took occasion so criticize the thea tre, and the wiolation of the Sabbath by excursions, the operation of rail as one of she of theatre he stamped most ' deplorable hindrences Christian church. to him that the reformition . of iwould be a great benefit. Put or Ryckman went the whole distance and said to abolish it, for a reformed theatre would not pay. . i "25¢ Liver Pill, 10¢." Gibsen's. 8 {band, three ways and stesmbosts, and so on. The | Death of Nowe Inland Lady. On Saturday afternoon Mrs. Geod- riend, of Howe Island, passed away iat her residencei after an illness . of 1 She leaves a hus daughters, and one son. {She was a Roman Catholic in reli- gion, and the fuperal took place from al weeks. | she Roman Catholic church to the in C had oi [ond cemetery, where the remains were Ine man had sald |, 4 Fire in a Stable. At 8.30 o'clock, on, Henday W a fire in » stable at n a street, owned by "ohn Aardhall. gave the firemen a. rum, The dammge will ssoount to $25.