Elegance and Economy MEET er In Our Overcoats You want just the kind of avercoat we have and we want you to have it too. You will be interested in the double breasted, three button model, in the full belted coat, in the half belted single and double breasted, in the shawl collar, in the weather tight collar, in the button- through and many others. Chinchillas, tweeds; rough and shaggy and prices -- look -- $12.00, $13.50, $15.00, $18.00, $20.00, $22.00, $25.00 Don't think you ean do as well elsewhere? You can't. : p LIVINGSTON'S BROCK STREET. A little out of the way, but it will pay you to walk. fabrics, Sale Saturday, 8.30 O'clock No selling argument is necessary. Saturday's prices are less than the manufacturers' cost of the goods. Weather conditions have been unfavorable and goods must be sold. 27 ladies', misses' and children's evening cloaks. | Regular prices $15.00 to $25.00. SATURDAY, $4.98. © 60 ladies', misses' and® children's winter "coats. Regular prices $15.00 to $20.00. at SA" AY, $4.98. 17 ladies' eloth rain coats, made special for late fall weather. Regular $12.00 to $15.00. 0 SATURDAY, $4.98. 75 silk Jersey top and satin latest shades. tticoats, in all the Regular $2.50 to $5.50. al SATURDAY, $1.88, 117 silks, nets and marquisette blouses; goods selling regular $3.50 to $8.00. oot SATURDAY, $188. ~~ : 87 hea cloth and tweed skirts, all good winter ights all sizes. : » SATURDAY, $183. Na Another proof that when we say "Sale,"' the. quality stays up and the price comes down. pani an im EX-CONVICT IN TEARS THE DATLY BRITISH WHIW, | THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 10183. the thairman that he had to tell, af: ter he had been sworn, but the wit- ness declined. Pressed further he said *\ "If IT Have Lo @BSWee the question, 1 AS HE TOLD OF HIS LIFE BEING ! RUINED, Another Ex-Convict Said If a Man Was Not a Criminal When He Went #n, He Would Be When Re . am will say no." J "But you have si a statement to the contrary 1" asked Mr. Stew- ; ar te i "You can't contradict your witness," Mr. Whiting. {| This matter was then dropped and awn had received no medical ther matters 4 leased. A That he taken up (Continued from Page 1.) The ex-convict continuing his storey, broke into tears, dud said his life had been wrecked as a result of his term in the prison. He blamed the "tubbing" for his serious condition, and trembled as he went on with his story. He said he had spent over half his time, while in the "pen." in the dun; cell, i Wi daclared that he was the on ly man outside of the insane ward, who had been given a "'tubbing." While in the dungeon he was given a dinner every five days. He had been refused medicine at the hospital. He . also declared 'that a "star" prisoner had also been refused medi treatment. | Witness declared that the treatment accorded him was persecutive on the pare of the deputy warden; sould not give any reason why tl t; should have ted Bum. uy Questioned by the chairman, witness said that Warden Platt had spoken to him about his -conduct. | To Mr. Whiting witness said that he got into trouble four or five months after he was in the "pen." The order for him to be put in the dungeon was given by the warden. "What was the offence for which you were 'tubbed' ?" asked Mr. Whiting. Assaulted an Officer. "I was not told, but, I' guess it was for revenge, because 1 assaulted an of- treatment when he asked for it, was a made by the witness. He h never asked for 'treatment when he did not need it. He had asked the surgeon to examine him, but the sur- geon had refused. : Asked abot the food, witness declar ed that it was not "tasty or clean." Witness said he worked on the farm, and complained that while there he was ill-treated. POSTAGE ON CHRISTMAS WHIG. On we announced that 6¢ in postage would be required to mail each num. . ber. This, it should be covered not only the coated t but the regular edition as well. portion can be mailed to any address in the Postal Union for 4c. PEPE FREE ebb | THE WHIG'S JUMBLE. A Lot of Short Items Run 1 To. gether. Trunks, cheap; Dutton's. Safety razors, $1 to $7, at Best's. The anti-saloon league made a big ficer."" tried in the court, for assaulting = a guard. Keeper Madden had told him on one occasion that, the deputy had it in for him (the witness). Witness said the deputy was not present when he was "tubbed," and Mr. Whiting wanted to know. why he He replied that the deputy had once told him he would get it. He could not give any reason why the deputy should have anything against him. Witness declared that Keeper Madden had told him the deputy had it in for ifa. The witness denied that the deputy had spoken to him about his conduct and asked him to Le of good be haviour. : ' That immorality in the penitentiary was something frightfyls was the startling statement of the next wit- ness called, also an ex-convict. Wit: ness swore that many offences were committed. He had spoken to one of the guards about it but the guard, whose name was Wilson, had replied "that's nothing." A Startling Statement. Mr. Stewart asked the witness ii he knew anything about grafting in the *'pen." "To a certain extent I do," was the reply. He said that he had been offered a half plug of tobacco to place suits of underclothing in stone waggons going out of the "pen." The ofier had been made by a convict. Witness pointed to the deputy, and told the commissioners that the deputy had placed him in the dun- geon cell, for securing a chew of tobacco from a man who came into the "pen" on a load of hay. While in the dungeon cell, the deputy came to him and told him that he would be kept there for thirty days. Wit- ness .also stated that a guard, John that if he did not keep out of trouble, he would get it good and Stiff, 3 'John Hughes was called and he and the witess had some cross fir- ing. Hughes stated that all he said to witness, was to ask him to behave himself. ; Witness said he had done nothing to be put into .the dungeon cell. A man did not need to do much, to be put in the dungeon cell. Talking in the cell would send a as 15 the dungeon cell. He declared that a man could not learn a trade in the "pen." Witness had a trade when he went into the prison, but was re- fused permission to work at it. Witness was also refused medi, cine, he said, and he charged that when an officer "got sore" as he termed it, on a convict, the latter did not receive his good marks. Mr. Downey asked the witness if system, having to do with the stool- pigeon system and the tale-bearer. Witness said he did nol know any- thing about this. "If a man was not a criminal when he came in, he certainly went out one," declared the witness. ; "And was that your experience," ton. "No; it was not. I am living an honest life and intgnd to continue doing so." . The commission adjourned at one o'clock for lunch. Afternoon Session. Another ex-conviet who left the "pen." in July of this year, was put on the st when the commission re- sumed this afternoon, and was ques ined ag 10 the trafic in tchaceo. He m in the hands of conviets. convicts have two or three plugs tobacco at one time. Witness was questioned as to {he knew about the charges of al offences ted Witness, explained that he had been! blamed the deputy for the treatment. ned Hughes, had told him, (the witness), he knew anything about the "snitch", - givem away by ber father, charming demonstration in Washington. Give your friends musio for gifte;, Dutton's Store. Sub-marine C. 14 was- sunk off the British coast without loss of life. Dr. John Caven, Toronto, died af- ter suffering from Bright's disease. A local option campaign, which will cover! the province of Alberta, is plan- Xmas. Splendid Leather Lined Club Bags, for $5.50; Dutton's. President Wilson is ill again witha cold, All engagements ave ocan- celled. Leather collar tmgs, 75c. Best's. Viscount Ennismore will shortly sail for East Africa on a big game expedition. | "Christmas packages." We send to all parts of Canada from Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, The liberal party will contest every seat in the province of Quebec at the next federal elections. A strong deputation at Ottawa, ung: ed further restriction of immorality and race track gambling. ; Black Sateen Underskirts, 50c; Black | Moire Underskirts, 91,00; Dutton's, | "To all parts of Canada" we send | Christmas packages from Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. The total cash value of the salmon caught in British Columida waters this year was $7,619,714.75. Best's spperiy stock of gift goods is the oue you want to see first, You'll profit Ly seeing it. he king 1s contemplating build- ing a new yadht with which to re- peat his successes at Cowes. Wool Toques 25¢, Clouds' 25c, Mitts 15¢: Dutton's. Fire visited a King street ware- house, Toronto, for the second time in two months, causing $25,000 loss. Sale, $2.00 White Blouses, $1.5 Dutton's. Centralization of cheese factories was: advocated by district dairy in- structors at a meeting in Morrisburg. Latest march and two-step, "'Stud- ent Daya", 15¢: Dutton's. Hon. Mr. Klaine, miuiste "without portiolio, may lv civen of the vacant seats in the po legislative council. "High class perfumes." Gibson's. Handsorhe Dresden Ribbon, also Xmas Ribbon, Dutton's. Leather goods for gifts. Best's. | It is stated that Premier Soott, Re- gina, will leave early in the new vear to make a trip around the world, wee our Corsets, 50c, 4 hose suppor- ters; Dutton's. At Trenton, N.J., Louis Kuechnle, a revulyican state '"hoss," was com: mitted to jail fora year on a charge of corruption. "High class / Christmas perfumes." Gibmon's. : Heavy Silk Neck Scarves for Xmas. gifts; Dutton's. \ Princess Mary is delighted with the prospect of visiting Paris in the spring with their majesties. It will be her first trip abroad. We have the grandest variety of handsome collars, Gold Bead Veils, Fancy Bows, Bead Bags, etc; Dut- ton's Store. Suspicious circumstances attend the death of Charles Favello, of Ford witness was asked by Dr. Bthering-' City, whose body was found beside | the G.T.R. tracks in Walkerville. Buy the best piano "Newcombe", Terms easy Dutton's Store. Col. Harry Ward, Port Hope, is 'almost certain to be made judge of} Durham and Northumberland. shareholders of the C.P.R. are dis- appointed with the new "melon." | Smiti-Ralloch Wedding. ! A charming wedding took place - at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Balloch, thodist church. bride, who was in a gown of i duchess a w shadow lace, i PPE P bbb bbe sad F. B. McCurdy & Co., 86 and 8¢ Brock St..H. W. Nelles, Manager Closing Prices, Dec. 11th. Montreal. Montreal Power R.&0.. Dominion Steel Canadian Cottons pid- New York. KOPP 1. iis wcsisien Saririnns Smelters C.P.R. .. Reading Union , Steet .. Erie .... Atchison ... . Northern Pacific Lehigh Valley .... McCurdy's New York Reports. Irregular recovery is expected in stocks. Reading is reported in a condition to 'advance. New Haven for the first time in for ty years, passed dividend. Bank of England and German bank rate unchanged. : New Haven directors recommend sep- arate management for connect cut of company through election of L. 8S. Sterrs. Washington despatch says congress will pass at this session a bill de signed to control the cotton ex- change. METHODS FOR PROMOTING An Increased Tourist Trade for the City of Kingston. At the meeting of the Board of Trade on Tuesday evening next, one of the matters which 1 be discues- ed will be methods SL A an increased tourist trade for Kingston. A report from the retail merchants' committee will bring to the fore again the guestion of the proposed abolition of the market toils and its attitude regarding - the forestalling by-law. Dr. W. Spankie, warden of the county, will speak in this con- nection. 4 The entertainment committee will report on the annual banquet of the board the middle of January. There will be a report regarding a better railway connection on the C. -P. R. from Kingston westward, and the Ontario street freight siding. To Take Action. A meeting was held in the Iroquois hotel, on Sraday morning, by the different. members of authority in the townships of Hinchinbrooke and Port- land for the purpose of finding some remedy for the state of affairs which exist by the drowning of certain lands by water. The trouble arose over the Napanee River and Improvement com- pany damming back the water and submerging this land, which in sum- mer time is detrimental to the health of the people living in that locality. U the company does not efiect a re- medy, a suit will be entered. Not So Deaf. New York Mail American girls are said to make themselves deaf by the fashion of binding the hair over the ears with ribbon... However, the trouble can- not be serious. Even the ear-band- aged girls are still able, in nearly every case, to hear the words "ice 'eream," spoken in a low tone of voice. Tea Aprons 25¢; Black Sateen Aprons 25¢; Dutton's. But" the girl with a small foot may be able to set it down hard on a man:s neck after he has faced the par- son with her. "High class Christmas perfumes." Gibson's. A hous: of mirth is one in which the wife laughs at all her husband's stale jokes. Heinz's goods at Pickering's. Nearly all men are too lazy to think for themselves. Thinking is hard work. Propose to a girl in a canoe and you'll have two chances of being thrown aver. Second hand Mason and Risch piano Phone 1544, Slippers Special To-Morrow TO-MORROW we will have ready the following that are just in time for Christmas ying, 200 Fine Linen Hemstitched Guest Towels Stamped with pretty design, ready to work, or can be us: ed without embroidery. Pion, 25 Each Hole Proof Hosiery Put up in Fancy Gift Boxes. + FOR WOMEN - 6 pairs ladies' fine black lisle thread, guaranteed for six months, with guarantee ticket in each box. $3.00 box. 6 prs. good quality black cotton; guaranteed for 6 months, $2.00 box. : 6 pairs fine quality black cashmere or tan shade if preferred; guaranteed for six months, $3.00 box. For Men Holeproof Socks 6 pairs put up in fancy gift box, guaranteed for six months. If a hole appears within that time they are replaced. Six pairs in box for $2.00 box. Handkerchief Exhibit Worth coming to sce. Thousands of gift hand- kerchiefs now ready. Only a few can be mentioned here. Come and see the others. VERY FINE SHEER pure linen handkerchiefs, with pretty Armenian lace edge; put up in Christ- mas hooklet; ready to -mail or for gift use. 60c 25¢ 86c Dainty Irish handworked handkerchiefs. 2hc, 3b6c, 49¢ Men's initial linen handkerchiefs, 25¢c, Women's initial linen handkerchiefs, 2be. Men's linen handkerchiefs, hemstitehed, 12 1-2¢, 20c, 25¢. VOTE FOR THE BOY and FOR THE GIRL You would Like to See Get a Christmas Gift. N LAIDLAW & S Faney handkerchiefs in gift booklets Faney handkerchiefs in gift booklets for Men and Boys Good Leather Slippers for men 2t $1.00. Good Carpet Slippers, wool lined, for men, at $1.25. Good Leather Slippers either Chocolate or black at $1.50 and $2.00. Felt Slippers for men, 50¢, T5e, and $1.00. - Dr. Jaeger Pure Wool Slippers at $1.75. Leather Slippers for boys at $1.00 and $1.25. The Lockett Shoe Store