(Continued. from page 2.) The Badminton Club met as usual on Wi y afternoon, - and quite a oe rr o the, members were among them n, . Hemming, Mrs. KE. 3. B. Pense, ong Dawson, Mrs. Frank Strange, irs. Herbert Saunders, Mrs, FE. |. Pense, Miss Mabel and Miss Marjoris i. Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick, Mario, Miss Dorothy and Mise Kathleen Carruthers, Miss Phyllis and Mise Chatlip Shortt, Wiss Aileen, Miss May and Miss Roso Rogers, Miss Mingio Gordon, Miss Madge Dawson, Mies' Graco Hemming, Colonel Panet, Professor, P. G. C, Campbell, Profes- sor Callandar, /Captain Constantine, Messrs. Harrison, ¢Rae, Carruthers and E. Van Leslie, 7 * 5 vn Mra. John Donnelly, tertained some of Mise ly's friends at thy tea nefday in honor of Mackay, and Miss Helen Simpkins, of Belleville. The drawing-room was prettily decorated with pink carna- tions, and in the diing-room the Jolished tea-tablo at which Miss Edna looth presided, was artistically oen- tred with crimson carnations. Earl street, on- Doris Donnel- hour 'on Wed- About fifty friends Waddell held a' very jolly: surprise party at Mrs, J." Waddell's home, on Earl street, on New Year's eve, the young pécple dancing the.old year out and the new year in to delightful music played by 0'Connor's orches- ira, of Miss Lucy - . . » Mrs, 'Lenett Young was hostess af an informal tea on Wednesday after noon, in honor of Miss Dora Oldrieve. Mrs. Robert Fraser presided at the tea table, while Miss Edith Fraser and Miss Bessio Robertson assisted in looking after 'the guests, Miss Bessic Smythe, West street, was hostess at an informal bridge, esterday aftetioon, in honor of Mrs. EB. H. Marvin,Sof Syracuse, and Mrs. Andréw Forman, of Montreal. Mrs. €. W. Belton and Miss Belton will recive at 246 Albert street, on y, January 9th, from four to #ix o'clock, ir wea, Mrs. P. E. Prideaux will receive at her new 'home, 25 Wellington street; next Thursday and on cach' Thursday during: the season, . Mr. Milnetellp, of McGill Univers Als who has been. the gutst of Dr. Mrs. John Waddell, Earl strect, | « will return to Montreal to-morfow. Nan Saunders, Alice street, has been visiting her aunt, Mrs, Hawley, in Napanee. - Miss Susie Shorey, whol came from Sydenham for the = McGinnis-Richand- son wedding, was the guest of Me. Richardson, Stuart street, while lin town. k Miss Blossom Vafleau, of Ottawa, is the guest of Mrs, James Stewart, Ba- got street. : Miss Lillian Mundell is in Ottawa, visiting Miss Edith Garland. Mr. James: Stewart, of . Oftawa, t New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart, Bagot streot.™ At the double wedding to-day (Sat- urday), in St. Alban's church, Otta- wa, of Miss Hylda Marguerite Moore to Mr. William Sewell Lawrence, of the Royal Canadian Engineers, and Miss Whilemina Gladys Moore to Mr. E. J. C. Schmidlin, also of the Royal Canadian Engineers, the ceremony was of a military nature. The brides are the two sisters of Mrs. Lawrence Bo- art. Mise Hylda was attended by Miss Marjorie Low as maid of honor, and by two bridesmaids, Misses Lila Ste wart and Joyos Smith, of Montreal, the latter a cousin. Mr. Leslic Good- eve was best man. Miss Whilemina was attended by Miss Doris Jarvis as maid of honor and her bridesmaids were Misses - Yvonne Buplessis and Molly Murphy, of St. John's, Que. Captain Loggie, C.0.C., of Calgary, was best man, ° hose who acted as ushers were Cap- tain Osler, R.C.E., Mr. Hamilton Tr- win, RC.E, Nr. R. S. Timmiss H2., = Migs Charlotte |. E.,' of Toronto, and Mr son Following . . the ceremony at the church Major and Mrs. Bogert held 4 large vecoption ab the Chateau Lau: rier, - - - - - Mes. Clive Betts, formerly Miss Edna Kigg, of Bowmanyille, received on Friday afefnoon for first time Psince her marriage, " when a great number of ladics took advantage of this opportunity Yo welcome the Mrs, Betts received hér guests hand- somely gowned in shadow lace, with overdress of white charmeuse, made with a Medici collar of real lace. The tea table was prewily arranged with a Cluny lace tes cloth, centred with a shower 'of vellow chrysanthemums in 1a French silver basket. Mrs. L. H. Baker, in blue charmeuse with picture kat to match, poured tea during the afternoon. Those assisting in the tea room. were Miss Constance Sanderson, in Alice blue crepe, hat to match: Mise Sylvia Johnson, in dark green velvet, velvet hat to match; Miss Hu- mer Greenwood, in flame-colored crepe large black velvot hat with flame col! ored plumes, and Miss Barbara Weav- er, in a dainty white embroidered lin- gevie frock and' white hat.--Calgary News.' w? wire ew Messrs. W. Kent Macnée, Walter Campioy, George 'and Stanley Driver, William Burton, Garfott Lockett, Har- ry Wade, Charles Mills and Laughlin Hughes were guests at the bachelors' dance in Belleville on Now Year's eve. Mr. and Ms. H.. B. Taylor returned ,| to Montreali on Friday, after spend- ing New Year's with Mr. and Mrs, Charles Taylor, Johnson street. Mr. Laughlin Hughes went to Gtta- wa, yesterday, to spend the! week-end with his parents, Major and Mrs. W. St. Pierre Hughes. 5, Miss M. A. Walsh, superintendent of Pembroke hospital, is visiting Mrs. Thomas Lambert, Clergy street, for a few days. . Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Craig returned to Ottawa, yesterday, after spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. W. (i. Craig, Barrie streot, and Mr. Albert Scobell, Cape Vincent, N.Y. - x ox ox Mrs. J. G. Taggart and Mrs. Alec Murray returned to Toronto, to-day, after spending Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Campbell, Barrie street. Mr. J. C. Irwin has returned to Galt, after spending the holiday with his mother, Mrs. Chamberlain Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. George Graham and their little son have returned to Frankford, after visiting Major and Mrs. James Hamilton, Sydenham streets Mr. F. McMartin, loft, yesterday, for Chicago, aiter spending a couple of weeks with his children and the Misses Johnson, Earl street. Miss Elsie Gillies, who has heen the uist of Mrs: J. 8, R. McCann, Wel- ington street, returned to her home in Carleton Place to-day. , Miss Gladys Burton is spending a few days with Miss Edna Booth, Un- ion street. J. or - - - - ct Mr. Robert Tannahill, of Jelleville, was a guest in town for the McGin- njs-Richardson wedding on New Year's day. : *Miss Amy McGill" returned to St. Anne de" Bellevue, to-day, after spend- ing the Christmas holidays with Col onel and Mrs, S. McGill," King. street. Mrs. E. H. Marvin, who has been the guest of Mrs. William Skinner, Gore street, will return to Syracuse on Monday. Capt. Keene Hemming, who is spend- ing the holidays with Colonol and Mrs. T. D. R. Hemming, King street, is' spending a few days in Toronto, before returning to Halifax, N.S. Mrs. Hazem Hansard and Master 'Hazgn, of Winnipeg, who have been visiting Mrse J. B, Carruthers, "An- nandale," went to Montreal on Wed- nesday. Miss Charlotte McKay, and Miss Helen Simpkins, of St. Agnes' Col- lege, who have been spending the holi- days with Mrs. H. B. Mills, Bagot street, will return to Belleville on Monday Mr. Basil Fullerton, of the Bank of Toronto, . spent. New Year's: with his mother, Mrs. W.. B. Fullet'on, in Gananoque. .! 3 Mr. A. M. Kirkpatrick, who has been the guest of Professor and, Mrs, A. K. Kirkpatrick for the past two weeks, will return to Ottawa on Sunday. Abaut 16,000 Fenian. raid have so far received grants. velerans Ale' Andor- charming young bride to Calgary. \pins dropping if "Abe" Shaw i 4 week | The Man ~ On Watch pany, it got stung in regard to the agreement with the town council on the Princess street paving question, ' The Lampman never before knew the street car company to get the short end of anything. and the council of 1913 should be Aprofd of putting "one. over" on Hpghie Nickle. The Lampman has read thet paving agreement and sees nothing Jnlit gividg the company any "say" in the selection of pavement." There's no use talking over what was intended putting into it. To sign an agreement without re ading it, is like signing one of those little documents which after- wards turns out to be a promissory note. There should be lots of eloquence in the town council during 1914, with the entrance of Dr, Richardson and Hugh Nickle to the horseshoc And the Lampman expects to more than in the ial , DIAKES on § hear chair and tries 1 certam counci mai put the «The mayor-elect of | K ton follow the example of "Ms: the town of W atertown, ago issued a questing the people to a certin Sabbath Watertown: announced are the best asset ofa municipality. As both Councilmen. Litton and Shaw are keen churchmen, the Lanipman feels that cither would relish the task of writing out a.proclamation' to the inhabitants of this town to gosto church at least olice a year \s there are some very prominent people who never go to church at all, and others who go only when y are pall-bearers ners at a fhneral. there wl ground for a "Go To Churel "in Kingston on might igo, of N.Y. whoa proclamation re go to church on His. worship of that the churches A local lawyer was very much in- censed on Wednesday because he was re fused long-distance telephone connection with Napanee. He says that when he sought the reason of the hold-up, he was mformed that he owed twenty cents tor a previous call. The man of the law thinks that this was cash ferms with a vengeance \s the toll had not been demanded of | he thinks: that his credit, should bh d,s and the Lampman thinks so The Limpman understands that there is a by-law the town books requiring sidewalks to be. cleared of snow within six hours after a storm has ceased. Like many other' by-laws Kingston has, this one is not enforced. The first the Lampman would Hale t fore the police magistrat town officers who fail to opposite corporati 1 parks, made clean new should see to it that the t enforce the by-laws \ not b¢ a mere fi ircheady but should keep his eyes open, and be reads to sce that the ordinances of the town are enforced where there is daily neglpct As William McCammon the handy i an of the Council, may not hive ar iarket tolls to collect shortly, the Lam would suggest that thé mawor a Id a more duties to his 1i&(" 4; § scek | in by-law enforcement on mayor othcials mayor: should Wii in ms ayl If future mayors of Kiggston follow the precedent set by T.77J. Riguey in giving the kids of the tow a Christmas tree, they will find it ragher expensive if they do not possess 4 long purse When a mayor runs an: ection and re sponds to the demands made upon his pocket during the year, he will not have any of his $300 Jionorarium left. The Lampman has always been of the opin ion that only men 5f leisure and means should aspire to be mayor of an old town like Kingston. And furthermore, the Lampman would advocate an amination for mayoralty canllidates the week before nomination, with the town clerk as examiner. If the applicant was found deficient in knowledge 'of muni cival sovernment, and with regard fo what is taking place in thé' town depart- ments, he would debar him from hay ing his name placed on the ballot, ex According to Prof. W. L. Grant. .a man who builds a good house should make a good mayor The" Lampman considers this as rather unsound logic, for, bringing. mathematics into. play, a Rh 'man who can shoe a horse well shoud Acgording to the street railway com- ONE DOSE RELIEVES make a good professor of Latin in Queen's 'University, which. in mathe- matical language, 1s absurd, © The year 1913 was 'certainly 'a good ang. for "RE. George 4. Starr, for not onlalid this pop p afar attain to the "dignity of dean: 8f "Ofifsirio, but he also won his" Spurs As Kingston's marrying parson in that notable 'year For sevefal vears, the Sydenham street Methodist parsonage was the Gretna Green of old Kingston, Whe will win the palm in 19147 x : --~THE TOWN. WATCHMAN. \ THE FOLLOWING SUBDIVISIONS Where the People Will January, Sth . The following are the polling sub. divisions for election of mayor, alder- men, school trustees and utilities om- mission, on Monday : Sydenham ward, No. 1, at No. 88 Gore street. J. J. Lovett, deputy te- turning officer, Sydenham ward, No. 2, at No. William "Street. W. C. Macdonald. Ontario ward, No. 3, Ontarib hall. F. J. Quinn. . Ontario ward, No. 4, at Ne. 216 Bagot etreet. John Johnson. : St. 'Lawrence ward, No. 5, at J45 King street. A. E. Loscombe. St. Lawrence ward, No. 6, at No. 206 Princess street. James Stratford. Cataraqui ward, No. 7, at No. 72 Queen street. James MeGall. « Cataraqui ward, No. R, at No. Wellington street. George Derry. Cataraqli ward, No. 9, at No. Bay street: William Wood. Cataraqui ward, No. 10, at corner of Montreal and John streets. James A. Donaldson. Frontenac ward, No. 11, at No. 149° Sydenham street. John Henderson. Frontenac ward, No. 12, at No. $3 Colborns street. George Clemghan. Frontenac ward, No. 13, at No. Colborne street, Hugh McBratuey. Frontenac ward, No. 14, at No. 63 John 'street. Charles Hibbert. Frontenac ward, No. 15, at No. John street, Robert Cowie. Rideau ward, No. 13, at No Division street. William Saunders. Rideau: ward, No. 17, at No. Princess '4treet. James Berry, Rideau * ward, No. 18, 'at Brock street. R, James. Rideau ward, No. 19, Upper William street. H. Rideau ward, No. 20, University avenuei 0. F. Telgmann Rideau ward, No. 21;.at No. 678 Princess street: Johp Peters. Victoria ward, No. 22, at Earl street. M. Lawless. Victoria ward, No. 23, at eorner of Union and Division streets, 'Chester Wood. s Victoria ward, No. 24, ni King and O'Kill streets. Webster, Victoria ward, No. 24, at of Beverly and King siveets. Bates. Vote On 02 No. 220 Gl 11 21 270 621 No. 346 at No Holder. at No. 246 BE 299 No. at Ww. corner Ford corner H. C. Mrs. George Thompson, Deserontu, died on Christmas night from paraly- s She was sixty-three years of age. Three sons and two daughters survive James: Copeland Moorehouse, De- iroit, and Miss Ida V. Yeldon, Brock- ville, were married on 'Wednesday last. William Rothwell, born in Lanark county in 18305, died on Tuesday at Regina, Sask. COLD---NO QUININE "Pape's Cold. Compound" makes you feel fine at once--Don't stay stuffed-up! Take it now b Relief comes instantly. A dose taken every two hours un- til three doses are taken will end grippe misery and break up a severe cold either in the head, chest, body or limbs. It promptly opens clogged-up nos- trils and air passages in the head, stops nasty discharge or hose run- ning, relieves sick headache, dull- ness, feverishness, sore throat. sneezing, soreness and stiffness Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit: blow- ing and snuffling! Ease your throb- bing head! Nothing elge in the world gives such prompt relief as "Pape's Cold Compound," which costs only 25 cents af any Grug store. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, causes no inconvenience. Be sure you get the genuine. j tions or party ties. Citizen's Candidate For Mayor 1914 ALDERMAN ABRAHAM SHAW To the Electors of the City of Kingston Ladies and Gentlemen :-- At the request of several hundred electors of all classes, and irrespec- tive of politics, I have decided to of. fer myself as a candidate for Mayor for the year 1914, as an Independent Candidate, free' from political afMija- If elected, I promise to safeguard the interests of the city generally and to serve all the people to the best of my ability. J. W. LITTON. 2 To the Electors of ST. LAWRENCE WARD Having been requested by many of the electors of your ward to rep- resent them, I beg'to offer my sere vices. In consenting to be a candi- date for Alderman, it is only because of my desire to see Kingston grow and prosper, and take her place with other cities of Canada many years younger, and if elected I will devote my energies, in assisting to accom. plish this work. , Wishing you all a Merry Christ mas and Happy New Year. W. J. FAIR. wis To the Electors of VICTORIA WARD Ladies and Gentlemen ;-- As a life-long resident of Victoria Ward I respectfully solicit your votes d influence to elect me alderman for 1014. If elected I shall work for your best interests and the city, gen. erally. H.W NEWMAN Victoria Ward ~adies and Gentlemen: As the result of the waiting upon me of a strong deputation of work. ingmen, I have decided to offer my. self as an aldermanic candidate in Victoriatvard. If elected I shall al ways act in the best interests of the workingmen and of the ward in gen- eral Yours sincerely, MARSHALL P. REID. ~---- Rideau Ward To the Electors: Acceding te the request of many ratepayers of Ridean Ward, I am again a candidate for alderman. I trust that my service sa the past has : ta you, and I contismance of your commended itself would. ask a coufidence, » D. COUPER. To the Wettirs or ag Si FRONTENAC WARD I am a resident and taxpayer in Frontenac Ward. I believe.in a iness administration of city affairs. am opposed to the. city hiring non- residént foreigners on city work and allowing citizens to remain idle and suffer for the want of employment at such a season of the year. If you believe as I do, then elect me as your alderinan. . WILLIAM J. SAVAGE FRONTENAC WARD To the klectors: Your support at the polls is res spectfilly solicited to elect me as re- presentative of Frontenac Ward. Al-{' though not at present a resident, have considerable: property interes there, which keep me in close touch with the ward. If elected I will serve you to the best of my ability. My best wishes for a prosperous New Year. S. R McCANN Your Vote and influence are respectful- ly solicited for DR. F. WAUGH for School Trustee for CATARAQUI WARD To the Electors of CATARAQUI WARD At the request of a number of the electors, I have consented to stand for School Trustee for the two-year term in your ward. Being a heavy taxpayer and interested in the city particularly in your ward, I solicit your vote and influence. ISAAC COHEN, UTILITIES COMMISSION ------------------------------------ To the Electors of the City of King- ston: Having been an active, member of the City Council for fifteen years, five years a member of and three Years Chairman of the Light, Heat and Power Committee, I beg to sub- mit my record to your consideration and respectfully solicit your votes and influence to elect me as a Come missioner of Public Utilities. R. H. TOYE. Kingston, Dec. 31st, 1918. To the Electors: At the request. of many citizens, I am a candidate for Commissioner. Wishing everybody a Happy New Year. : A. E. ROSS, M.D. Citizen's Candidate To the Electors: - Having served five years on = the Board of Education and three years on the Bofird of Health, I advocate pure drinking water, removal of meter rents, free hose for unenclosed lawns, and respectfully solicit your votes and influence to elect me as a Commissioner of Public Utilities. bas- | is JOSEPH R. DONALDSON. RR. F. Kingston, Dec. 81, 1918. To the Electors: If it jy your desire that I should serve you, your interests will have my best attention, and whether I am elected or not, my hearty wish is that you and yours may have a happy and prosperous New Year, 8. RB. BAILEY. ' To the Electors of the City - of Kingston: Having been nominated for the of« fice of Commissioner, I shall feel honored it elected to sérve on the Commission. I have been officially connected with the leading manufac. turing establishment of the city for thirty years. J. H. BIRKETT To the Blectors: I would pectfully solicit the vote and influerice of those ratepaye ers who feel that my election as one of the Commissioners for the Civig Utilities would be in the public ine terést. © T.J.RIGNEY. MOTOR CARS for NRE Bibby's Garage BROCK STRERY mm i y NAREFUL DRIVER Phone's 201 & 917, \ THAT TOBACCO With the "Rooster" om It. is crowing louder as Be Sow Seng Only 46c, per pound For smoking AT A. MACLEAN Ontario Street. Kingston Cement Products: Factory has cement blocks eills, bricks and lintels always on hand at reasonable prices. in cement made to order. Corner of Charles ad Puli Manager - IL. F. Norman { rr ARS, SENOR | THIS 1% a THAT PRE or ONE Peso : INE GILA MONSTER | Ti i NS UPon THE Same TLL SELL wr : For 5 You 1 lutt Bought the Wrong Breed of Gila Monster By "Bud" Fisher : Ar ? 7 \ | HERC'S WHERE I GeT RD OF | JEFF'S PET SNAKE. Tye ~ NI : \ NST TAL ENEmy OF ALL snares! || TLL | th 4 hy od BREED OF Anna | | TAKE | - ne : Iw} 1 : Yn : Fues = [ Tue pur Hm RIGHT in) | THIS KEEPS MIS SNAKE AnD | J Box WHERE JEFF GOOD BYE . SNAKE 2000 EBX [ HERE Wa Go Yo THAT | Snake, He's CHewng i THE LIFE oUt OF Hin. | WON'T JeFF BE SORE WHEN HE FINDS out WY Gita Monster HAS EATEN HIS SNAKE