sarumDay, sano rr; Canadians] [20% [ THICK, GLOSSY HARR TE "WBITEA"" | || You Get Unquestionable NOX A COLD) | adores lite Comin | oJ |. wim orl ascibes unis PURITY and FLAVOR IN ONE DAY : : Move Falling Har. February It you care Tor heavy hair, that glistens 'with beavty and is radiant The best Caygh Medicine for child- ren. 25¢. per bottle, at all drug in the Chino-Japanese war then brogrees, But Lawyer Lan. fs still at large. They have never been able to cap- ture him. in Whenever or Wherever You Open - WHITE 2 Chief Colman, of Newcastle, i fond of telling an amusing tenlol about the late Hon- A. S. Hardy, premier of Ontario. When Mr. H ly Was a young and unfamed lawyer struggling for his place in life he had occa! once to i for the regularly-nominated liberal candidate in Brant county. The Jate Hon. E. B. Wood, later well known as Shief jus tive in the west, was an older man, and, though a liberal, he was oppos- ing the® regular party candidate, through one of those queer twists in politics that make the game s0 ex- citimgy Mr. Wood then never called a a garden utensil, but hit straight and styenwous from the shoulder. At. one big meéeting he referred to a nrevious meeting and to some statements made there hy 8: Hardy, and he concluded by flatly calling Hardy *"'a young pup," The future premier of Ontario said nothing until he was called on for his address, and then his only reference to\ the hot words that had escaped his 'opponent's lips were surely pro- phetic for what he said was this: "And the day will yot come, I he- lieve, when the 'young pup' will far exceed 'the old dog !"' / "Is St. Valenting in league with the Stork?" is a question that a great many folks are asking themselves nowadays 4s it has been discovered that Febru- ary l4th, St. Valentine's Day, is the most * popular birthday anniversary of the year. More human beings, are born on that day than. on any other, if sta- tistics gathered by the Dominion "NOB- BY TREAD" tire people are any cri- terion, ="We aré told that in the Sprirg (say in April and May), "a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love" ~~S0 it is not surprising that February 1s a busy month for the birth registrar. Each of the February 14th brigade of grown-up habies who 'now own motar-cars in Candda, is blessing his or her 'parents for their foresight and thoughtfulness in having made' St Valentine their patron saint, as all who have acknowledged their allegiance to him are tobe presented by the Do minion_ Tire Company, of Berlin, Ont, with a DOMINION Tire, Plain or Nobby tread, comnlete with inner tube, for their automobile. Among these fortunate motorists, horn on' February 44th, are the following :-- with Mfe; hag an incomparable soft. ess and is fluffy and lustrous, try nderine. Just one application doubles thé beauty of your hair, besides it im- mediately dissolves 'every particle of dandruff; you - cannot have nice, heavy, healthy bair if you have dandruff. This destroctive seurf robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very 'life, and it not overcome it produces a feverish- ness and itching of the 'scalp; the hair rooté famish, loosen and die; then the hair falls out fast. If your hair has been neglected and is thin, faded, dry, scraggy or too oily, get a 25 cent bottle! of Knowlton's Danderine at any drug store or toilet counter; apply a little as directed and ten minutes after 'you will say this was the besi inves*- ment you ever made. We sincerely believe, regardless of everything else advertised, that if] you desire soft, lustrous. beautifnl hair and lots of {tno dandruff--no itching scalp and no more falling hair-<you must use Knowlton's Dan- derine, If eventually---why not now? This apt anecdote comes aptly from the eloquent lips of T. W. McGarry, M.P.P. At the Fie "sunimer picnic at Mount St. Patrick, Ont., one vear, there was a galaxy of witty speakers, including : Hon. Charles Murphy, then secretary of state, and the orators vied' with each other in tflling the thousands present the most / Trish | stories they could remeber. T. W.: McGarry. downed them all with thig one : 2 At a celebration in Amprior a nian who had imbibed too Terr of liquor challenged any marr in the town to a fight. Emboldeped by the lack of takers, he offered to "lick" any man within a twelvemile radius. Still none" accepted the challenge! Then the intoxieated man, noticing some men in the crowd from» Mount St. Patrick, said, "Sure I can Tick' any man between hers and the other" side of Mount St. Patrick!" At this, one of the brawny Irishmen from this Mountain stepped forward and with one crack to the chip sent the boaster into dreamland. When the drunken fighter recovered his semses, the Mount St. Patrick man was standing over him, and said," "Now, ye spalpeen, do you want any more ?" : "No! No!" replied the prostrate man. "'Sure, and the trouble with me was that I took in mare territory then I vould covar." stores. MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE « Tdyit for a real thirst-quencher---a comfort producer wh:n you need 'the stimulating influence "* a glass of pure delicious ale, "ft nature." Sold by RIGNEY & HICK 2V,136-138 Princess Street, Kingston, Brewed and Bottled by NEN By a Stomuch Specialist. As a speclalist who has spent many years in the study and treatment wf stomach troubles, T have been forced to ie conclusion that most people complain of stomach trouble pos. stomachs that are absolutely healthy and normal. The real trove] A. ble, that which causes all the pain and difficulty, is acid in the stomach, us- ually due to, or aggravated by, food fermentation, Acid irritates the deli. cate lining of the stomach and food fermentation causes wind which dis. tends the stomach abnormally, caus. Ing that full bloated feeling, Thus hoth acid and fermentation interfere with and retard the process of diges. tion. The stomach Is usually healthy and normal, but irritated almost past endurance by these foreign elements, acid and wind. In all such cases and they comprise over 90 per cent. of all stomach difficulties--the first and only step necessary is to neutralize the acid and stop the ferméntation by taking in a little warm or cold watsr immediately after eating; a _tea- spoonful of bisurated ma 18 doubtless the best nas effective antacid and cqrrective known. The acld will be neutralized and the fermentation stopped almost instantly, and your stomach will at once proceed to digest the food in healthy, normal manner, Be sure to ask your druggist for the bisurated magnesia as I have found other forms utterly lacking in {ts peculiarly valu- * nble properties. PJ QQ . -- -- 3 British Columbia Canadian humorist and college pro- DUNCAN---Minager B. ( Telephone fessor. is this, though I do not know . who originated it: That among his fellow professors he is classed as a humorist, while among his fellow humorists he is copsidéred but a professor. Throughout Fastern Ontario and beyond, | Rev. Father Dowdall, of Fganville, is admired by all for. his magnificant presance, respected for the vigor of his mind and the atren- gth of his big frame, and loved by those of every class and creed for his kind = heart and his humorous head. He is over six feet in height and broad in ample proportion and | there is humor and wit in every inch of him. One Stnday, when greeting ---- - ----= his panishioners before church, he was EE ---- {asked 'by one farmer from near Figan- NOLANS | ville to pray for rain we ; jus roceries drought in the section reaten Pre ols O Olives, Sane fe to the cmops there, 'He pro- 2 mised to make the necessary petition sss Phone in church that day. A few mo- Promt Dulin "™ Feats after, hetgrented another par- > ishioner from the other end of his ---------------------- parish, and this man complained that COMB SAGE TEAIN in the low-lying land of his district BFELESS, GRAY HAIR -- ¢ . ". 'Brav nesia," which STER--The only really Man- "R--Capt. 'J. V. Isaac, A McCutcheon, G. Gintzberger, ' ( Goldberg, G. V. Fraser, The Manager Pacific Properties, T. W, Wyndham VERNON--W. B. V, Bailey VICTORIA--]. S. Walsh WINNING THE CUP ------ Sir John Gibson Fond of Telling the Way. Sir John Gibson, lietitenant-gover- nor of Ontario, celebrated his seven- ty-fourth birthday on Thursday. He is fond of telling . about the time he helped the Canadian ~ team win the Kolapore Cup twice in one day at Wimble- dom. It happen- ed in 1875 when Sir John was in the heyday of his fame as a crack rifle shot. The dominion team, of which he was a prominent member, was pit- ted against a British team in the cup matches. For some reason Few business men in Montréil aro more popularly known than Rod. Sangster, the "Semi-Ready" tailor. He is a big man in business, but only five feet two inches in stature. The Semi-Ready Special, the house organ of the big tailoring firm, once pub- lished an item to the efiect that the! advertising mapager had a desperate time keeping one of the big Montreal newspapers from publishing this per- sonal : "An empty carriage drove up to 237 Jameés street, and Rod. Sangster got out." Between laughs, Alberta CALGARY--E. B. Curlette, - Arnold Rea, Y. R, Copp. EDMONTON--]. W. Howard LACOMBE--C. B. Feaen MUNDARE--A, E Milne, MUNSON----R, V. Wilson. RED DEER--C. A. Little Skaters Attention! We want one trial at grinding your Skates. Having purchased the latest and best skate grinding machine In the world, and having experts to do the job, give you the chance to have your skates sharpened with the keenest edge, mak- Ing skating surer and swifter and a revelation to pleasure skaters. Treadgold Cycle and Sporting Goods Co. Phone 529 Angrove's Old Stand Saskatchewan BRODERICK-=A. K. Dahl. CARON --Frank Crowe CUDWORTH--W. V. McPherson GAINSBORO--E. S.. Lundin GLENSIDE--] % Stoeher, MOOSE JAW---A. J. Sutton N. BATTLEFORD--Th Griese & Wood PRINCE ALBERT--F. W, Arm REGINA--Henry Black, Alan Hetherington ROULEAU--C. M SASKATOON--~G W. Stephenson, The Manager, C. 1. Tanner Lyd Company the crops would be ruined ynless the rain ceased and the sun shone and dry winds blew. = This second man also asked that Father Dowdall pray fof a ceasing of the rain. And Father Dowdall promised he , would do so -at that morning's service. lLa- tor the two farmers happened to meet and each learned from the oth- er of the contrary promises made by the big priest. "How can 'he fuliili, both promises 7' they asked. TFven their reverence for the day and their the good natured Sangster could console himself with the thought that Rev. D. Currie, of Wallaceburg, who kept a continual humorous warfare going with J. Fra- ser, afterwards member of parliament for Kent county, one evening infro- duced that brilliant lawyer's speech with the words, "We will now have fifteen minutes' intermission, during which Mr: Fraser will make an ad- dress." : Manager, Peterson Grandmother kepfiher hair beauti- fully darkened, glossy and abundaut with a brew of Sage Tea and Sul- At the anniversary social evening » phur. Whenever her hair fell out Or took on that dull, faded or streak- ed appearance, this simple mixture Was appiled with wonderful effect. By asking at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy," you will get a large bottle of this old-time recipe, ready to use, for about 50 cents. This simple mix- tire can he depended upon to restore duty scarcely prevented the two men from smiling at each other across the church when Father Dowdall began to offer up prayers for this good and that, but the smiles were repressed by admiration when he calmly ve titioned for rain where it was needed and drv weather for the sections where that was beat, After service he said to one of the men, "Now, natural color and beauty to the hair | ses here, 'Sheehan, 1 did not go into and is splendid for dandruff, itehy scalp and failing hair. A well-known downtown druggist Says everybody uses Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, because jt darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied--it's so easy to use, too. You simply dampen a comb or soft brush and' draw it through your halr, taking one strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; after another application or two it is restored to its natural color and looks glossy, soft and abun- dant. Agent. Geo. W. Mahood. dry WR BLL Scranton Coal Co's Coal Selected ' from the celebrated Rishmond No. wh and Onfario. No. 1 nes, the Anthracite Coal Mines in- Pennsylvania, Place your order with THE JAS. SONARDS COAL C0. North End Ontario Street. ---- the or details because the Tord Knows partionlars, better than'you lor I Pat Bulger." « atelle - Louis F. Heyd, the well known, and. polidcian of, Toron once told this story at his own ex- pense. He said that he was gener- ous in giving advice on legal and general matters to all round his office from his partner down, or up, to the office boy. - He liked to have things done just right and he never hesitated to correct an erorr or make a timely suggestion for improvement or advance--that is, until he over: heard one day a conversation be- tween his office boy and another offi- ce boy from another city office. "Watch wages?" asks the office boy: "Ten thousand a year!" replies Mr. Heyd's boy. "Aw, quit your kidding!" "Sure," insisted Heyd's boy, "I get four dollars a week cash, and the rest im legal advice,' . It may not bé generally \knorn that Hon. Geo. A. Cox ance conducts ed a photographic business in Peter- borough but such is the fact accord- ing to old residents of that district, many of whom remember and re- pect the family. One of tliese told men some. years ago that Mr. Ccx's sign in front of 'his photograph gal- other of the Renfrew Baptist church in 1810, Rev, J. Sullivan, M.A., of Mon- treal, one of the most gifted and elo- quent of the Baptist divines in Can- ada, made an impromptu witticism that is worthy of anecdotage fame He was explaining the difiidence he felt in giving his lecture while so mafiy other clergymen of so many other denominations were behind him on the platform, al the clergy- men of the town and district being present that evening. He said that while custom gave him confidence in facing the ordinary audience, it was another matter to know that behind him were men who knew his.subject perhaps better than he did and whose training enabled them to see his er- rors and criticize his' mistakes. "However," he continued, "I will emulate the precept of the great apostle, and--'forgetting those things which are behind'--" and as he expected the remainder of the quotation was drowned in laughter in which none joined more heartily than *'those things." Cameron, the well apd widely- Known traveller for the Queen City Oil company, whose well filled form typifies the happy prosperity of his firm. and whose long connection on the road" makes his firm a national institution to most people, told me once that the late E, B. Eddy"s best story concerned an incident that oc: curred when the late maker of Hull was young to the lumber business Mr, Eddy was sitting one day in his office musing about a passing dull ness that had struck his business when a quiet looking young man en- tered with a determined business air. or other the Britishers failed to turn up at the appointed - hour in the morning and Sir John and his team- mates fired through the match and were awarded the cup. The Cana- dians, however, refused to accept an honor won in this way and insisted on shooting the match over again. This was done in the afternoon and by downright good shooting they won out, Enterprise, 31, The tea attended on ithe Methodist From Enterprise, Dec. meeting was well Christmas . night dn Church. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Simmons and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Loucks and family were the guests of Jacob Loucks on Christmas. All were sorry to lose from their midst A. Walker and family. Mr. Walker has Yeen a store keeper here for over thirty years Iso was a ' leader in the' church. 'Mrs, Walk: er was the leader in singing in the choir, and "Miss Florence, graduate in music, was the organist. Donald was a violinist, and all of the fami- ly,-even to little Luella and Verna were musicians. Although Enter- prise is in great mourning for their loss, they will he Toronto's gain, Mr. and Mrs. 'German Wagar, Mr. and Mps. Alonzo Walker, and Mas- ter Donald took their last dinner of the year in Enterprise with Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Loucks. They then went back to call on Mrs. H., W. C. Wagar, their aged mother. Born to 'Mr. and Mrs. John Coleman, a daughter. Mrs. Elizabeth Mellow is visiting old acquaintances here, G. A. Black is doing a rdehing busi ness in Enterprise. Miss Evelyn News 'has, 'N. Bourdon, Chas. 'S" Bridgman, ( Quinte o ford Cold Storage Gregory Harvey. Pipe Line. Turner cote. ¢ Hopkins, F. YORKTON---R. A. Black Manitoba BRANDON--J, Bosman NEWDALE--H. Thomson PILOT MOUND-T. A. Cohoe RATHWELL--D. Caswell. WINNIPEG -- Thornton Andréws, V. Alloway Ontario AYLMER--M. Kidd. BELLEVILLE--], V. Jenkins, Hotel BRANTFORD--T he Manager Brant- Co, LF Ld, H BRECHIN--Richard Sheridan. CHATHAM--Jas. N. Richards, M FLAMBORO CENTRE--E, Blagdon, HAMILTON--The Manager, Ontario INGERSQLL---Chag, E. Rogers LEAMINGTON--]: S. White LONDON--Dr. H, Williams MARKDALE--H_ Mercer, Knowing that you can obtain thoroughly 1 and learn what a differenfe the system they insure better, nerves, and bestow the ch The Unfailing Sold everywhere in Canada and There is Comfort in who is troubled with he extreme nervousness and depression of spirits ought to try (The Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World) well adapted to Jou needs. rm of sparkling eyes, a spotless rosy complexion "and vivacious spirits. t women have learned, happily,that Beecham's Pills are reliable and Prepared only by Thomas Betcham, & one tried and proved remedy Every woman ache, backache, - languor, By purifying ey will, make. i quieter gestion, sounder "sleep, housands upon -thousands of Home Remedy H ire, England, U. S. America. In boxes, 25 cents, MILTON--T..F. Little MOUNTAIN--W. S, L. Merrill NANTICOKE--Arthur C, Brown. NAPANEE--Alfred Alexander, W. Carson. NEWMARKET--R. E. Schmidt. NORTH BAY]. 'B. Sauve. OTTAWA--Dr. D.C." McLaren OAKVILLE--W. S. Wood. PETERBORO~The Manager, J. I. & Sons N~--L F. Fraser, Queen St. CENSBORO--John HW. Alekander. ;ETOWN---Joseph Moore ST. CATHARINES--Mrs, H. Sbuth- TAMWORTH~--Chas; R. Jones 0 TORONTO-B. C, Fetzer, Richard R M. Spry, The Manager, ANTS and INVALIDS Pure; Full<cream milk and the extract of selected Get the + Well-Known ._ mal ted grain, reduced to powder form. "Do you sell beechwood?" queried Wagar, of Fifth Lake, is visiting at the stranger. Enterprise. Mrs. James Fenwick, a "Yes, sir," replied the lumberman, resident of this place. passed. away eager for business, and with bright a few days before Christmas. ~ Mr. visions of possible big orders. "We [and Mre Robert Huffman and Miss can give you almost any quantity Sadie Huffman, of Toronto, are You want on the shortest notice, 1 visitink ad their mother's," Mrs. A. can tell you. Do you want it in the Huffman : log, or--" "Oh, I don't want anything like that much," interrupted the young stranger, now visibly uneasy and embarrassed, "I just want a bit for a fiddle bridge." - lery read "Cox and Sun." PaSsers- by, knowing that owner knéw more &bout Spelling than the sign appeared to indicate would joke Mr. Cox about the sign pointing out that he had ne partner, he had no son then, and anyway the corect spelling world 'Sun. Then Mr. Cox would rud his hands and smile appreciately and say: 3 "No mistake-at all!' I have ta hava a partner in this business! Couldn't get along without him! And RyriewBros., Ltd.; W. Harris, Armand 4 N. Heintzman, Leslie G. Reid," W. H Arland, Malcolm H,.V. Cameron, E..S Rogers > 3 WESTON--<O. Mathers WHEATI =J. A. McDonald WILLIAMSBURG Dr. M. W Locke YARMOUTH CENTRE--E, S. Hob- SALTS IS FINE FOR KIDNEYS, QURY MEAT FLUSH THE KIDNEYS AT ONCE WHEN BACK HURTS OR BLADDER BOTHERS No man of woman who eats meat regularly can make a mistake by flushing the kidneys occasionally, A . is fled all Tou3 3 Nsil-known authority. "Meat}iNF partners name is spelled a forms uric acid which clogs the) ri€ht S-U-N"Siii. % kidney Jores 0 they sluggishly fil- . 0. e ter or strain only part of the waste \ iti- @ There are often etrenuous politi and poisons from the blood, then cal doings in Lincoln county, and you get sick. Nearly all rheumatism few cxcitements in this line are com: headaches, liver trouble, Nervous: | jete without E. A. Lancaster, M.P. jess, constipation, dizziness, sleep- for the riding, commonly = called essness, bladder disorders come "Lan." by closé acquaintances in his from sluggish Kidneys. ". | constituency. This brilliant and he moment you feel a dull ache hard-work lawyer is a fighter, de in the kidneys or your back hurts, | termined, persistent, and usually sue or it the urine is cloudy, offensive, { necstul because he fights fair and full of sédiment, irregular of PAS | with right purpose. On this account sage or attended by a sensation of he is a hard man to defeat or dis Round Package Delicious, Invigorating 'Nourishing The Food-drink for All Ages. Superior to tea, coffee, éocoa. A quick lunch digested by the weak- est stomach ; prepared in a moment by briskly stirring the powder in hot or cold water. Keep at home or when travelling. In Lunch Tablet form, also, ready to eat. : Ask for HORLICK'S Origiral-Genuine All Chemists, Hotels, Calés and Stores. FREE SAMPLES UPON REQUEST. Avply to Gitmour Bres. & Co., Dept. NM, Montreal, Winniver school board refuses to operate the Roman Catholic schools on the basis proposed by Catholic ratanp vere, - iw Wi anford ev-mavor of Winniveg, elected head of a commis ta enduire into the economic feasibility of Georgian Bay schemes. FEEL HEADACY, DIZZY, BILIOUS? 'GLEAN YOUR LIVER! A DIME A BOX Sick headaches! s¢ 2 al > TY TY New Brunswick Aids FREDERICTON --Miss ay. MONCTON--L. H. Price. PERTH--Geo. E. Armstrong ST. JOHN--]J. Walter Holly. Nova Scotia - HALIFAX--G, A. Wotten SYDNEY--Jas. J. Morley. WOLFVILLE--F. H. Christie. / Province of Quebec FARNHAM~K. Fatullo, - MONTREAL--W. J. Leduc, J. Kel- lert. T. W. Matthews, Dr. A. Marsolais, J. H. Heenan. Aunie Me Fvans, The favorite joke aboui Prof. Lea- cock of MeGill university, Montreal. - den "Always a scalding, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from zny reliable phar' macy and take a tablespoonful in a count, and so, often desperate meas- ures are taken to injure or embarass ing food in the bowels or trace headache: Cascarets will remove the them to lazy liver; delayed ferment-cause by stimulating the liver, mak- a sicking the bile and constipation poison SHERBROOKE--~Mrs B. € Howard. ST. HUGHES --]J. FE. Phanent M.P.P, 5 HYACINTHE--P. R. Pavan, Wedding at Odessa Odessa, Jan. 1--A pretty wedding a sumptuous repast was served. Af- ler toasts and speech-making, ° the bride slipped away to change her gown for a travelling suit of brown tweed, and picture had of white beav- er. The happy couple left amid con- gratulations, and showers of rice and confetti, for Ernesttown where they met tht eight o'clock train for Belle ville, Toronto, and other, points West. The bride received many costly pre- dents, showing the esteem in whiah she was held.- On their return they will take up residence at Odessa for 4 short time. Y him. Some years ago E. H. Phelps, then mayor of Merritton, .was. going down street in' St. Catharinés, Mr Lancaster's home town, when' hear a newsboy calling, ! Read all about it! Lawyer Lan. captured! Lawyer Lan. captured!" "Now, what on earth has Lan. been up to now? And what on earth have they been doing to him now?" (De asked himself. Callug over the) newsboy, he questioned him. "AN about Wg heading fv rage! wyer , captured! uy 4 paper" gasped the boy who could hardly hand out 'papers fast enough. ane the first page he fou beading 'Lio Lang underneath a story of stomach. Poisonous, matter, gases and bile constipated move on and out of the bowels. One generated intaken to-night straightems you out the bowels, instead.of * 'g carriedby morning--a 1¢-cent box will keep out of the system. is re. _.urbed intoyour head clear, stomach sweet, liver the blood. When this po.son reachesand bowels regular, and make you the delicate brain tissue it- causesfeel bright and cheerful for mohths. congestion and 'that dull, sickeningChildren need Cascarets, too. P&I) CANDY CATHARTIC Maver : took place at the home of Mr. and There. were also 21 Born on February { MIS. gene Smith, on Wednesday, 2th, who are one-quarter as old as they | Decemba 31st, when their only 'ook. In view of the fact' that their daughter, Eva Eliza, Was: united in chances of winning a tire were slim, | Marriage to Joseph B. Smith, s6n of these will receive a consolation prize 'of [Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Smith. The + Dominion Inner Tube, teremony was. performed' by © Rev. W. H. Reynolds, of Kingston, in the presence of immediate relatives The bride entered the drawing room on the arm of her father, and was attired in a charming gown of bro: riage to A. Hamilton, Thomasburg. |Gaded 'silk. She wore a wreath of On December 17th, at Vancouver, Orage blossoms, and carried a show- Wev. C. L. Thompson. aged seventy, er bougyet of bridal roses and lily died after a month's illness. He was Of the valley; ihe ceremony was per. formerly Methodist minister at New- formed beneath an arch formed by hurgh. : : {banks of flowers and evergreen. Af-| N.J.Gillies bas been elected mayor ter the weddin, ceremony the party of Cornwall by acclamation. : 1 1 where] oe glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush clogged kidneys und stimulate then to activity, to neutralize the acids in urine so it no longer causes irritation, thus ending bladder dis- Ses Le at > Ima . a 'effervescent lithia-water drink Which all regular meat eaters should take now and then to keep the kidneys ig oe oT, thereby tions. Agent, Geo. W. Mahood, At St. Andrew's church manse, Belleville, on Tuesday, Miss Helen! Rutherford, daughter of T. M. Ruth: | erford, Roslin, was united in mar- w The Fort William and Port Arthur street railway has been taken over by each city separately and will be managed by the councils, with Mana- 'ag operating manager il for both, *