- - 3s [uTiLmes COMMISSION[HALLIDAY ELECTED RIGNEY, ROSS, TOYF AND BIRK.|AS REEVE OF PORTSMOUTH IN ETT WERE ELECTED, CONTEST ON MONDAY, 5 . J ---- v Dr. Itoss Headed the Poll With May.| Defeated Reeve John Fisher by or. Rigney Second, R, H. Toye Twenty-Four Votes In a Keen: Third and J. 1. Birkett Fourth, Coutest-~audidates. Made Short Mayor-elect Shaw, Dr. A. E. Ross, : i ap mectors. T. J. Rigoey (retiring mayor), R. H. James Halliday is reeve of Ports. Toye and J. H. Birkett will> con mouth, defeating Reeve John Fish. stitute Kingston's first | board of |®F In a keen contest on Monday by commissionsv: 10 govern the public | Majority of 24 votes, . Theivote utilities. 'Chs ratepayers voted; on stiod 106 to 82, As the counciliois . Heavy Tans, Heavy Blacks, oil and bright leath- vere re-elasied by acclama: 1, the ! Monday dacsed Ve Jost Tour e ire inteiwst centered i. the cong ers. The best grades ave $7.50, $7.00 and $6.00, but monber by "ur of his officn, test for reave, and Dota siles got we show many good valués-at $5.00, $4.50 & $4.00. Dr. Ross header: we noll, with .T. out id worked hat. : : J. Rigney, R. Li¥ Foy. wad J, H, t the elections a year ago, Reeve : : 5 : . : Fisher defeated R. J. Baiden by 24 - > Jinkeus sexi in order. Those ho Tones There were five ated be We bo Fine Shoe Rep ir Pi 432--We Call GR and Deliver All Work were R. F. Elliott, S, R. Bailey and |;0r2 1 fhe contest Monday, threo . - Tr bd - THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1914, If you look in our windows you will see a few of the good things in up-to-date footwear. : h ' : , We have a very compléte stock of proper foot- wear for the winter season. S 5 A. AB BNE A Nem ~ | Special {Bargain 5 Business ay Commerkid] ENVELOPES Now forward, a special line of No. 7, white wove; well gummed high-cut envelopes. . Only 75¢ Per 1000 Best value for business, commercial and general household purposes, at UGLOW"S 141 PRINCESS STREET iv J. . Donaldson, being Diarked for Halliday and tw The first 'three elected were regard- After the returns had been' an- ed as sure of heading the poll in |pounced in the village hall, the the order in which they actuaily fin- reeve-clect and defeated candidate ished. The fofrth man seemed to be | addressed the electors. uncertain, but the majority of ex- |" Mr. Halliday thanked all who had pressod opinions seemed to favor R. supported him in the fight, and F.. Elliott. The organization that | stated that he would do all in his backed J. H. Birkett, however, was power to promote the interests of the strong * enough té carry him very |village. During his term in the] close to ex-Ald. Toye, council, he had endeavored to the When it was evident that the eléc- [best of his abitity to give the elect- tion had gone in favor of those al- ors the best possible service, and], ready named Ald. R. F. Elliott ad- | would continue to do so. 5 dressed 'a gathering in the - Whig bu- Reeve Fisher tendered~ his thanks siness oflice. He remarked that he [to all who had supported him in the bad been defeated, but had no ecom- |contest. plaint to make at all, He thanked hiy friends for working in his . in- Arch Supports : miss mmn our. || Attractive Styles i La \ Special Sale of Chocolates ; in ; : White Rose flour for, al purposes. For Friday and Saturday at H ockey ; CE . | ; = Boots Thomas Lambert Maker of Men's Clothing A Bargain We have in stock a few ready to wear overcoats, models from the House of Hobberlin. The overcoats are |terests, and only regretted that they = > had thei i worth $22.50 and $26.50. We offer them at $16.00 and |} their work in a lost cause. Rd, $20.00. its Thomas Lambert who, he said, were able, good and true men. ry on All the candidates the Whig sup- He hoped they would car- | norted. 'Save one were elected. ' 167 Princess Street IE 6 Will soon be here. We are prepared for it --ARE YOU 72 Bee our selection 'of OVERCOATINGS before purchasing elsewhere. also for Cake, Icing and making' Fudge. v ~ Overcoat Weather CRAWFORD & WALSH ------ 1913 ---- "CADILLAC" 5 Passenger Touring Car FOR SALE Newly Painted and overhauled, fully equipped and guaranteed. This car is in perfect conditiog, and can be purchased cheap for quick sale. W. J. Moore & Son 206 Wellington St. Men's Black and Tan $3.50 ' Men's Lightning Hitch ; $2.50 and $3.00 Women's Lightning Hitch $2.50 and $2.75 Boys' Hockey Boots, Sizes 1105 $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50% « « Boys' and Girls' Hockey gBoots $1.50 and $2.00 Hockey Boots aA EE | Byron Gordon, who has the departments economically and successfully, and in the best in- terests of Kingston. The vote resulted :, Rigney, 1,687; Toye, kett, - 1,364; Flliott, 1,052; Donaldson, 635, Ross, 1,917 1,412; Bir. L124; Bailey, ---------- HAWKEY ELECTED REEVE Of Kingston Township Over Byron Gordon by 30 Votes. In Kingston township on Monday Joseph T. Hawkey, ; reevie, was elected ™meve over occupied that position for the past two years by a majority of thirty. The con- test was one of the keenest, ever fought in this township. Mr.' Haw- key had a superior. organization and went into the fight to win, ust ay he did when in the wrestling game. The figures are : For reeve--Joseph T. Byron Gordon, 385. . For deputiy-reeve--Denson 393; A. E. 83. For councitbors--B. Kish, 204; Jas. LiF. Sproule, 255: John A. Red- den, 233; William McAdoo, 226% John McKeever, 225;, F. H. Stover, 207; William Pillar, 170. Tho first three were elected. ini MUST DEBAR CHILDREN Hawkey, 415; " Coulter, Weller, 277; John Clyde. From Selling Newspapers in the Hotel Bars. Rev. A. E. Smart, the inspector for the Children's Aid Society of King- ston, and Frontenac, has sent notices around to all the hotels notifying the bar tenders to stop children selling pewspapeirs in the bar. A case came before the inspuctor about a little girl who had been in one of the local hotel bars selling papers, and was not act- ing in a proper way. Mg. Smart would like to have this state of af- fairs siopped. Coffee by the Ton. Generally we . think and speak of coffee by the pound, but by looking at James Redden & Co's advertise ment, in © to-day's Whig we see that they speak of it hy the 'ton. Almost five tons sold during the past year is truly a marvellous record. This large | amount, of coffee is all roasted. on the premises and ground gs required by their elecfFic mill. Perfect freshness, guaranteed purity and high quality make a combination hard to heat. Anyway the people think so, judging by the quantity' Messrs. James Red: den & Co. soll." We wish them still greater success during 1914, Weather Notes, The Atlantic storm has/passed to the eastward of Newfoyddland and no other important théturbances are indicated at present. The weather is faitly cold from eastern Ontario to the maritime provinces and mild from western Ontavio to the Pacific coast. ---------- White Rose flour pure and whole some, : A site has been purchased at Lang's Cove, Esquimalt, for the new drvdock to be constructed at a cost of $4, 000,000. Left to Itself "Eczema Spreads When left to itself, eczema, as a rule, rund on indefinitely. Evea with careful treatment' it is often obstinate in resisting curative meas- ures. : x The cause is often difficult to find, but you can readily obtain relief from the dreadful itching by the ap- plication of Dr. Chase's Ointment. This "treatment cleanses the sores and soon sets up a process of healing which, leads to complete cure. Patient and persistent treatment is necessary in s.vere cases, but ap You can readily see the improvement from day to day as Dr. Chase's Oint. ment is applied you will be encour- aged to keep on until you have drive en out the disease and restored mas tural, healthy skin. Attention to the general health is advisable in order that the cure may be lasting, but you can depend on Dr. Chase's Ointment to stop the itching and heal the skin. So well does it accomplish, this that many cures it brings about are almost like miracles. Put it to the test and you will be surprised and delighted with the results, # the, deputy- | I [%3.75. Royal Naval College examinations will be beld in Kingston on May 13th. "Buy Listerine" at Gibson's. At Cape Vincent the river is still open, a year ago that last boat cross- ed on January 3rd. "Palm Olive Soap" at Gibson's. Birkett was the surprise in the vote for Utilities Commissioner, He will do good service. All trunks and suit. cases reduced this week. Dutton's. William McCammon, market alk, is making an inspection of the local butcher shops, and issuing licenses to the same. . . "Buy Almond Cream' at Gibson's. Howard Folger, after a very serious illness, is able to be around again, greatly to 'the gratification oi his friends. "Anti-Uric Kidney Pills" for kidney troubles. Sold only at Gibson's. Sale! Men's $5 patent colt boots, $3.85. Dutton's. At Alexandria . Bay, N. Y., an election will be held January 24th, to decide whether the town will have license or not, Bovs' sweaters, 50¢. Dutton's, "Jock supports" at Gibson's. W. Norris and C. Beaton, of the firm of W. Norris, Toronto, are in the city to do'some asbestos coating to pip- ing in the locomotive works. Clouds, 23c.; scarfs. 250.; toques, 25c.: mitts, from 15¢. Dutton's. "Buy Listerine" at Gibson's. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. and Miss Donaldson, Kingston atten- ded a New Year's dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. C. Moore, Belleville. Men's lined pig-skin mitts, 50c. Dutton's. "Buy Listerine"' at Gibson's. The Salvation Army's new citadel will 'be dedicated on the afternoon of Jan. 10th and on Sunday after- noon the 11th will be the citizens gathering. Women's gaiters ton's. "Buy Almond Cream' at Gibson's. William Manley Brown, Amelias- burg township and Miss Lena Es- telly, Glbert, Thurlow township, were united in marniage on January 3rd Trenton. Mem's lined Dutton's. "Palm Olive Soap' at Gibson's. Miss Lorea Shepherd entertained friends at her residence in ~ Algon- quin on December 29th: The out of town zuests were the Misses John- ston, Kingston. "'Buy Listerine" at Gibson's. Sale! Men's $1.30 gun metal boots Dutton's: The teachers of Princess Street Moth: odist Sunday school, a few days ago, presented Miss E. Wilder, the superin- tendent, with a five dollar gold picce as a slight token of esteem. THE WEEK OF PRAYER from 50c. | Dut- Mocha gloves, 75c. Was Opened in the Fivst Congregat- ional Church. The week of prayer has come around again, and in several of tha different churches throughout the city services will be conducted each evening until Friday. ) The opening service was held in the First Congregational church on Monday. A good sized gathering assembling despite the Busy evening it was, when most people were pay- ing more atténtion to election re. turns than toward religion. Although Ald. Abraham Shaw, the mayor-el: eot, who had put in a strenuous day's work in making his rounds from one end of the city to. an- other, he did not, tired and all as was, neglect to attend this prayer meeting. 'During the conrse of the evening's programme, a splendid talk was giv- on by Rev. GG. 1. Campbell. The sub- upon whch he spoke was "The Individual and 'Christ.' The point upon which the speaker dwelt with instances Jesus Christ is not ime pressed strong enough upon the mind, and"that there should be more evangelistic work carried 'on to further this end. ---- Curling Games. Three scheduled games were played. at the curling rink on Monday ev. ening. The rink skipped by J. RX. Asselstine won from . ¥. H.. Birkett by 11 to 8. Skip P. G. Lyman won. from Skip G. Hanson by 11 to 10. Skip W. M. Baillie lost to T. R. Carnovsky by 10 to 7. Many a man who has claimed tq have been forced to the wall did the work himsell,. ' Many of the so-called self-made meg Donaldson } emphasis was that in a good many | $6,000 do mot prove by their work, that they. did a good job, : Fine Furs We show the popular styles and are offering exceptional values. This is where you will find bargains not to be found at any other store. Bargains in Muskrat Coats, Fur Lined Coats, Men's Coonskin Coats, Muffs, Neckpieces, all styles, fn all kinds of dur, etc, Campbell Bros. Designers and Makers of Fine Furs, ERNIE MARKS AT THE GRAND, Company Presents "The Canadian Gentleman" to Crowded House. The Ernie Marks" Stock. company opened a week's engagement at the Grand opera house last evening, an immense audience Ueing present The company consists of -some old favorites, with the irrepressible "Ernie" at the head. The piecg pre- sented was "The Canadian Gentle- man." Mr. Marks scored in securing this play. It is a big feature in high- 'class dramas and one of the master- pieces of the season. The story cen- tres dround the career of a young heiress,stolen by the gypsies, and her final restoraton to her father. Miss Carol Liynn, in the role of *'Carana," the stolen gypsy girl, was charming in her part, and carried the audience by her gentle and winning ways. Harriet Carrolton (Marie "LeTour) in her part as the adventuress, well portrayed the arts of a woman who hates; and whose schemes dre baffled. Miss Leda Gardner, "Mother Zara" the old gypsy hag, was perfect in her role. "Polly Brighteyes," by Miss Hazel Brown, was bright and cheery and acted well. Webb Chamberlain, Wesley Berney and Charles 'A. Taff; as ""Zepo,"' took their several roles cleverly. The specialties were mirth. provoking and were put on by high- class comedians. - The Two Browns in their singing and talking number were warmly applauded. Gus How- ard's singing and dancing were a fea- ture of the entertainment. while his rendition of "When the Twilight Tells the Story to the Rose " won for him a vigorous encore. Frank Clay- ton, the "Ha! Ha! Man," with his jokés and his imitation of the bag- pipes and his tomato. can caliope, proved himself to be a real fun mak- er. ; -- To-night the compalfy presents a pretty drama entitled "Sweet Clov- er." ------ . MARINE LOSSES IN 1913, Fiftéen Vessels Wrecked, Sank, One Burned. : The year just closed was the worst for marine losses in the history of the Great: Lakes. The loss to boats during the season will'run close to 000, the largest amount ro corded in one season, as well as the largest loss of life. The freatest disaster of the season occurred on Sunday, Nov. 9th, when the Great Lakes were swept by the worst storm in history, 254 persoms going to death and many steamers being lost. During the vear fifteen vessels were wrecked, eighteen sank, and one burned to the water's edge. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days. Druggists refund money if Pazo Oint- ment falls to cure Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles. First application gives relief. 50c. - E. E. Maphard, formerly of Fair- field, died 'on- Wednesday last at Wa- terloo, Towa. He was fifty years of Eighteen . 20c Per Pound A Few Odds and Ends Left Over From Our Holiday Library Tables in fumed oak. Solid,/ Mahogany Pedestal Parlor Tables. i The Latest New York Designs. Reid Quality; Reid Low Prices. JAMES REID The Leading Undertaker Phone 147 for Ambulance PLEASED WITH REMARKS Exe pressed Towards French. J. E. H. Howison, 179 Montreal street, writes to the Whig to the fol lowing efiect, "in regard to the ad- dress of Hon. Mr. Lemieux, and which lead to some remarks in an editorial in she Whig : "IF Have read with great pleasure your editorial of Tuesday last, head ed 'Harmonizing the Races,' and 1 desire to tender you my most sincere thanks for the sentiment which it ex presses towards the French "I am of your opinion that the Nickle idea concerning the French is the correct one and I have fiot the slightest doubt that by the inter change of thought Mr. Nickle, precon ized in his address to the commercial travellers at their recent banquet, the people 'of Ontario and Quebec would | | SAKELL'S, Next To Opera House | VC ; The ARISTOCRAT of NECKWEAR IN 56 DIFFERENT SHADES Watch our window for dis- plays, and when you think of Bengaline in plain shades, think of us. 3 COLLIER'S Toggery Shop The Home Of Neckwear Men Will Wear STOVES AND RANGES. We have @ large stock of Stoves and Ranges, also.new and gecord-hand furs niture, carpets and quilts. Come and see me If you want to save money on all kinds of household goods. » H. SUGARMAN, 242 Ontario Steet. Oboasite Craig's hnlenals understand each other the better," * Mr. Howison further discusses the attitude of a tontemporary on ths same question, and hick had lead to a short controversy, and without result, when he sought to present' some of the obstacles that, in his opinion are in "the way of a "better understanding and more cordial rela: tions hetween French-Canadians and their Engligh brothers, The sixteen-months-old child of Mrs. Charles Leggett, Edmonton, diel in Athens, on Friday night, from pnéu- monia. Mrs. Leggett came east" two weeks ago. 3 e Eebruary next, at 12 o'clock noon. By order of the Board, Toronto, 16th December, 1913. THE STANDARD BANK Quarterly Dividend Notice, No. 93 Notice is hereby given that a Dividend at the rate of THIRTEEN Per Cent. Per Annum upon the Capital Stock of this Bank has this day been declared for the quarter ending 31st' January, 1914, and that the same will be payable atthe Head Office in this city and at its Branches on and after Monday, the 2nd Day of February, 1914, to shareholders of record of 23rd January, 1914, 3 The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will be held at the Head Office of the Bank in Toronto on Wednesday, the 18th of GEO. P. SCHOLFIELD, General Manager. ey THE ROYAL B Capita) Authorized . Capital Pald Uy Reserve Funds . ly 325 Branches LONDON, ENG., OFFICE ~ : Bank Bldgs-- Princes SV. KINGSTON BRANCH, - age and his end came very suddenly. K OF CANADA INCORPORATED 1869 v $ 25,000,000 11,660,000 13,000,000 Savings Department at all Branches. NEW YORK AGENCY E E. NEWMAN, Manager.