Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Jan 1914, p. 1

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Daily KINGSTON, ONTARI mm-- YEAR 81. NO. X CHANGE OF TREATHE ~ 15 T0 BELDECIDED ON Or. F. M. McPhedran of To- ronto Has Been Called. : INTO CONSULTATION HE HAD PREVIOUSLY TREATED SIR JAMES WHITNEY, ATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1914 OPPOSE SITE OF CHURCH . PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND " Reyorted by Premier In a Prospa. HA ESBURG STRIKE : ous Condition. : : Ottawa, Jan. 10--Premier Math- : y p ieson stated here that Prince Ed- ward island was in a prosperous | condition, and was affected but little! by the commercial depression. felt in other parts of the dominion. The fox industry "and the oyster fishery were important features of the pres- ent prosperity. The province gets a revenue of one per cent. of 'the value of the young foxes born each year! of this tax and the value of the young foxes was $3,700,000. "Next year it will be double that amcunt,! as the industry is growing ranidly.! The oyster industry brought a government revenue of $7,000 from some 5,000 acres under base, which ie the new system of preventng de-' pletion of the beds. Oysters had risen in value from $1 a barrel years ago to $10 a barrel, and this led to closer fishing , and 'threat- ened to depléte the beds. The new policy will 'preserve them. The mackerel fishing was a great boon to the fishermen last fall. The fish were twice the ordinary size and very abundant so that the men made} as much as $100 a day each in some cases. THE NATIONAL DEBT 'IS $303,562,104 Revenues For Nine Months Increas- _ ed--Customs Revenue Was Smaller Than Before. Ottawa, Jan. 10.--The national debt of Canada now stands at $303,- 562,104, an increase of about halt miilion dollars during December, ac- cording to the financial statement is- sued yesterday. The funded deb} payable in Canada is $803,460 and in London $267,541,621. The te- venue during December amounted to $12,931,466, of which seven and one half millions was derived from cust. oms. The eckpenditure was a little over nine and one quarter millions December's net revenue shows a de crease of a million and a quarter, compared With December 1912. For the nine months of the present fiscal year the revenue was $127,571,762. This is an increase of three millions over the same period last year, de- spite the failing off in customs re- ceipts during the past two months. In customs revenue there was net decrease of £391,215, the figures be- ing $ 38,294 as against $84,747,- 008. ut from the latter must be deducted $1,817,499 of Chinese re F THE UTMOST AN ATTEMPT WAS MA TO BLOW UP CROWDED Pi GER TRAIN ~ Pause Military Competition Serious Than bec City, 'Quebec, Jan. 10-- The proposal - - - honor of General Wolfe on uno BY Liberals to Curtail His Avenue des Braves is opposed by the| ' » Navy Estimates. felt against the idea of honoring Se ---- Wolfe, but objects to the site which! troops at the time of the engage:| ment which decided the fate af Can-| 1x 1 r0¥D GEORGE'S ANTI-NAV. es, which commemorates the repulse | of Murray's men by General Levis! The ®ame argument has already| Position -- Military been employed by Lieut.<Col. W | In Europe More In Honor of General Wolfe at Que- MAY BE ASKED of Canon F. G. Scott, the Canadian poet, to erect a memorial church in Quebec St. Jean Baptiste society. The society does not pronounce it-| has been suggested for the enurch THE WEAKE for the reason that this is hardly | within the area covered by Wolfe's] ada while it commands the avenue leading to the Monument des Brav- AL CAMPAIGN and forms part of this second bat-| 18 Hien the Anglo-German tleground. ! Would Have on French Wood, author of the "Fight for! N 5 Canada," and other works, who al-| "val Rivalry, New Measures Are to be Adopted to Bring Relief in the Drawn Fight That the Premier Has Been Wag- inf For His Life--The Irritation of Confinement is Being Felt. New York, Jan, 10.--New measures to turn the scale in the hitherto drawn fight that Sir James Whitney has been waging for his life during the past woeld, are anticipated by watchers round his bedside to-day. This morn- ing a new. factor was introduced into the situation by the arrival of Dr. F. M, MdqPhedran, Toronto, for consul tation with Drs. Pyne and Biggs, who have hitherto been the patient's sole medical attendants. . Dr. McPhedran treatad Sir James, in Toronto, for sev+ eral months por to his departure for the south in search of health. it is probable, however, that a change in treatment, or any rate, som | additional measures, have been in contemplation by Dr. Biggs and Du Pyne, and they wished to have Dr.i McPhedran to consult with. - All three physicians were very uncomununicative to-day. . 3 Sir James is beginning to feel the irritation of confinement. Last even: ing bo was decidedly weaker in ner: vous force. His was not the lessness of returning, strength. No Change in Condition New York, Jan. 10.--The 9 bulletin says "No change in James Whitney's condition this morn- ing." ' 5 11.30 a.m.--Official bulletin says Sir Track Layer Discovered the Dyname ite -- Johannesburg Trades Fes ation Applied Pressure to | Strike a Success. Johannesburg, Jan. 10.--There h been an astonishing change in situatin since Thursday might, in the railway strike seemed to be flasco. The strike leaders, seol that the movement had hung appealed to the Johannesburg t federation to-day and the Pederati applied pressure in such a man as to bring things to an immed head, as a result of the situation one of the utmost gravity: 2 Dynamite is being used by the strikers in the territory adjacent to Johannesburg. An effort was to-day to blow up the Cape mail bes tween Denver and Jeorge Goch. An unsuccessful attempt to blow ug a train was made between Witpoor] and Liupaardsviert, three sticks dynamite with a donator attached having heen discovered : the foreman tracy layer just before the arrival of a crowded passenger train from Zeerust. 80 takes the position that to. build; London, Jan. 10.--Premier Asquith's a church in honor of Wolfe at this forthcoming visit.to Pais is explaived particular spot would be "in the as a family affair to meet his wife in nature of an insult to the French|South France, but it is expected he will also mest some members of the 1 00 Mey SEEKING { French government in Paris, regarding 9, 0 | disarmament proposals. | The Daily Mail, in a prominent arti- WORK IN TORONTO cle from "A source of unquestionable authority," declaves {that the serious [intentions of Lloyd George's utterances Unemployed Increasing -- Tremen- | have been under rather than over esti { ' - mated. I'he contreversy. between dous Number of Men Idle mn | Churchill and Lloyd George has re- United States. {sulted in what is practically a dead- lock, and probably Churchill will be-re- Toronto, Jan. 10--Toronto is now |uired to curtail his estimates. feelirz the effect of trade depress: Churchill's position is therefore very ion, fifteen thousand men,according to {Serious," says the -Muil. "The pos- conservative estimates, are walking sibility of Churchill's retirement from the city streets in search of employ-| the ministry is being more and more ment, and this number is being aug- actively discussed among liberals. : mented by hundreds as the weeks go| The weakest point in Loyd George's by. It is also estimated that 2,500 [campaign is the effect the Anglo-Gen Leading offi- ! cials of the - Holiness Ary a [men lost their jobs between December man naval pause would have on thy Gas of hh nr Ry French niilitary position. This is faced ol x mr veer : 20¢h and Jar. 3rd t $ thureh with hy laige Jollowing om -- {by the Nation which has led the paci- TRS Rian tn 3 School K fo Idle In United States | licist movement throughout. Military esti gs , i i re seri ¢ iio. *Sovoal tons havo ban | C1Velang. Oi Jan. 10 One competion in mors serous for th regarded as posgible sites for the | Million workingmen of the union ;- d fOr taly he two ; ¥ ba new' institution and Brockville is |8teel and metal trades are idle in wad Snfortune aly the two cannot bx looked upon in the most favorable {the United States to-day The wage 150 le light of central' location {1058 due to unemployment and short 3 3 is fiftv in 3 hly. 1 ! and proximity to . the field of lahor. in Is fisy mi ons Jhoutly ae m------ Bishop Horner, the head of the sect, |hundred and sev ne Jsa | Arrested in Détroit After Rununinz 1 other officials, were ih confer- | 2'® also Idle. The wage loss t@those | * 4 ok " on » xy oa b Ne Eired by S¢ ve ral | 18 computed at millions Off With Widower. ence here and e ro to seve | " hi a properties Far ace «s desirable in month, | Windsor, din, iT Tiring of her l- order that it might be worked by the ---- | derly spouse, Mrs. Mae Attkinson, a YT, comely matron about twenty-five years Hein t} BURGLARY AT NAPANEE i James Whitney's condition is un- | stude Bis While idle in 3 Sunie io We left her home in Chattan. co $ Hitgl the winfers heets, Since o | Wednesday, and came to Windsor in changed: ] , i in 1 er's Drug Store Scene of -------- foundation in 1895 the headquarters Hoops R n oe , 4g | company with John McCubbins, wid PROFITS INCREASED of the mavement. have been in Otta- ; 0 De ry. na ower of the same place. Mrs, Attkin- wa. , Napanee, Jan. 10.--On Thursday son brought along her daughter, Vio- night burglars entered IY. L. Hooper $11a, aged six years vz rot away h sever: on el a . z : i Lirug en avd got aay with several The husband, James Attkinson, | venue, which is this year included in RUC ie ATs worth of lountain lo... oul "a Swaftant charging the | miscellaneous revenue so that the pens eather goods, and fancy. perl ooo City Niliieting ths: CRIE-snrHhrerant- customs TEED FOr tS hing were '$82,929,509. fumes. No clue to the burglars can't (HC No arrested," the woman at | months of 1912 Hug and Kiss Cost $13,500 JOHN H. BIRKETT. the Utilities Commissioners .elected last Monday. HIRES ASSASSIN SIR RODMOND ROBLIN, Premiter of Manitoba, who recently intimated: that he might support total prohibition, but had no use for "abol- ish 'the bar" or the three-fifths handi- cap in local option campaigns. MAY LOCATE IN BROCKVILLE One of Had Religious Against' Suicide, Jerwick, Pa., Jan. 10.--William Lich- tenfeld became weariod of this life, and having scruples about suicide as he feared his soul would be dammed, hired an. assassin to kill him, is the belief of the police who have tried to solve the mystery of his death. Lichtenield, alter discussing suicide with some of his friends, offered any one of them $30 if they would kill him. No one took the offer but. the police believe he did find some ore, as. the 30 was missing when: Lis dead body, riddled with bullets, was found. As He Scruples Looking Up Location For a Training School. Brockville, Jan. 10. - Natives Have Risen. Pretoria, Jan. 10.--All available mils itia and armed polive at Bloemfontein to-day were rushed by special trains to Jagersfonteir, where mine thousand ngtives, emboldened by the chaotis conditions refulting from the rai strike, wers making a al at on white Boers and British. Tt is ro- ported that several whites were killed, and many houses looted and burned. . Transvaal and Natal.are an armed camp. Every available militisman is under arms; the.government is reports ed here to be ready and determined to use drastic measures to put down the uprising, of natives, and will: promptly with rioting of railway em- is, afternoon's dicates that three en natives were. wo! the j id said that Prem tha charge of the troops personally, 1. M------------ Dissohition of Partnership Sale We intend to turn'our entipe stock into cash during 'the nD, Jan+ uary. Come early snd secure somes of the bargains. W. Carroll, tailor, 206 Princess street. -------- 3 Men's $4.50 gun metal boots | $3.75, Dutton's. W. 8. Hughes, inspector of pris ons, returned to Ottawa on Friday. Will sacrifice No: piano. Phone 1544. rest. because its SHE MARRIED FOR MONEY a.m. ow twelve al 7 -------- A Veteran Citizen Edward "HH. Ball, 137 Ordiince street, one of the oldest residents of Kingston, and probably the oldest member of the Masonic body in, this district, recently. reached his eighty- eighth birthday. ' Mr. Bal is a "Cor- nishman by birth, but came to Canada when a young. man, He has Been a member of the Masonic order for 46 years, and was tyler of the city lodges emo an "was a salesman W M. Brennan' for over fwenty vears. Though suffering from rheumatism, he is otherwise in fairly good health. Mr. Ball has led a useful and active life and his many friends extend congratulations. He is now living with his daughter, Mrs. Revington, Ordnance street. WILL BE NO SPLIT IN BRITISH CABINET Conservatives Sadly Divided And Trying to Create a Naval Scare. London, Jan. 10.--The tory party at the present moment is engaged in that highly divefting gymnastic operation of jumping out of the frying pan into the fire. The sooner, have they told us they would die in the last diteh in defence of Ulster and lay the empire in ruins, than they would pose as saviours of the empna by trying . to create a nayy scare. The old school | which will have nothing to do with tariff reform are mow clamoring that their very existence depends upon the navy. Never had a leader more divid- ed forces. » One can also. say with confidence hat there is no dillerence between Mr. Lloyd-Georgasand Mr. Churchill. on the question of armaments, and that there will be no split"in the cabinet. Mean while the liberals are diverted by 'the dilemma of the tory party at home, and rejoiced at the progress the Lau rier liberal party in Canada is mak ing towards (rue social reform. ---------- A Lively Runaway On Friday evening Pdwards Frasso narrowly, escaped -serious injuries at the corner of Montreal and Ordnance: streets, when the horse he was driv- Dies at Century Mark ling took fright and dashed along Welland, Jan. 10.--~Mrs. Jacob Eas- | Hontieal Seect. Yilen thie re ar terman, of Wainfleet township, who HY 2 15 forbes the vehicle wah bom in.' Germany. and was. 100 | struck the steps in front of a house. yours old. is dead, She has been in Jue. Erasso was dragged along - the | F..L, REINFORCE THE CONDUIT Insurance Made a Drain Upon the Fund. ; Toronto, Jan. 10---Despite the loss of the steamer James Carruthers Jota in the season, the St. Lawrence & Chicago Steam Navigation com- pany statement compares very favor- ably with. its predecessors. The company collected $272,794 from, the undenwriters on the James Car- ruthers, and provided for the full balance of $61,096 being left at the insurance account. The directors promise tha new side tank steamer to take the place of the James Car- ruthers for delivery. SCORED A TRIUMPH F New York Expert Gives Advice on Montreal's Water Supply Montreal, Jan. 10--J. R. Freeman, the New York expeft:on the water situation, has made his report and advises the city to reinforce the pre sent conduit at once. The work will be under way in forty-eight hours. If the conduit is strengthened the ex- peet._does not anticipate anv further trouble. Mr. 'Freeman was brought here by a commitiee of citizens, headed by- Sir Thomas Shaughne Mr. Freeman is also strongly in { vor of another source of supply by the construction of a steel and ce- ment conduit from the Lachine: eanal to the city pumping station. e re- commends that the new conduit = he eight feet in diameter. Of late a number of A 3 x 1 i Jefr y i +s have been committed | @ Detroit hotel and the man in Wine Boston, Jan. 10.--Because Charles Pf ¢ culprits were boys | 50Fs where he was . awaiting the ar ed or toare O¥S {rival of th two children from Chat ; Webber, sixty-four, hugged Mrs. Har riett. E. Lamberton, 62, he will have ar 3 before the | bam. The woman, who had over ¥2, to pay $13,500. The administratrix of « of first |000 in cash, says she married her hus- ded | band. who is about sixty years old "hurs- | BIDE years ago, for his. money. the estate of Mrs. Lamberton has just the ! been awarded a verdict for that amount. Mrs. Lamberton, when trying to elude the hugs and kisses of Mr. Webber, fell downstairs and broke her leg. She sued for damages, and died pending trial of the suit. offences sentence, day n work of these vo Mrs. W. H. Boyle a mumber of Wer friends afternoon Mrs. A. 1. spending a month with Kemptville, W. T. Crouch, Port Arthur, spent a couple of days this week renewing acquaintances in Napanee. Mr, «and Mrs. H. T. Stirk, of Moose Jaw, Sask, spent the holid; with Mrs. Stirk's mother, . Mex erton VanLuven; 4Bridge street They left for their home in the west this week L Mrs. Garret Neely, of Go- , are visiting friends in bil but the is not be FIVE MILLION RAISED Indemnify lelatives Home Rulers. Belfast, Ireland, Jan. 10.--A\ fund {has 'been raised amounting to 'five mil lions to indemnify rélatives of those who may be killed or wounded among the Ulster unionist volunteers in re sisting home rule, according to an an nouncement made by Capt. James Craig, uniop'st member for East Down, { Ulster, at a gathering of unionists | here. He =aid the sum required had | been exceeded. to | was | y | To on Hoy friends of Anti. Elected Officers. The Portsmouth hockey elub officers elected in the village hall Friday night were : Honorary, James Fxi- liday, John Fishers Dr. A. Ross, W. F. Nickle, Frank Burke, Dr. E. Ryan; president, A. Gravelle: vice-presidents, IL. Brown, T. H. McGuire, sr.; secre- tary-treasurer, P. Dowsley; manager, I'. Nicholson; captain, T. MaoGuire: coach, Capt. William Fenwick: mas- cot, J. McGein. Eastern Ontavio Apples Won Sweep- stakes uf Rochester, N.Y. Rochester, N.Y., Jan. 10.--Eastern Ontario a have again scored a trivmph. the . exhibition of the New York Horticultural Association, here, an exhibit "of Ontario apples has awarded the sweepstakes prize in a competition open fo all the world The display consisted of three boves of Baldwins. In the early fall Ontario also won the sweopstakes prize in com- petition at Cleveland, open to the con- tinent. . . & THERE'S LOTS OF WORK FOR FARM LABORERS Ontario Commissioner Tefls English- is in very good condition | Brantiord, Jan. 10.--From a reli men There's Plenty of Work | able source it.' was learned that a {deal had been completed for the ab- For Them Here UPSET. THE PRESBYTERY | sorption by the Canadian Pacific of : m-- 'the Lake Erie and Northern. Chief London, Jan. 10---Stories of Women's | Fngiteer Kellett, of the L. BE & N., employment in Canada have (I DE I ES das much exaggerated declared J {in connection with the transfer. Clark, distributing immigration ent for Ontario, who has just rived h with the. intention taking a party back in_Marech. Mr. Clar stated there: was a _ and to-night at 8.30. great dearth of farm laborers, and T w | Fecruifs. om be fond to proceed NE with thé s ne Work. Many men Tod : : ' ! » g a " TEOOIY i now in .the CHit®™vho wore lasted |2¥King that the presbytery receive! 'he 2 3 a deputation Begin ong the unemployéil were men! MRonE Ae J Ra The moderator, Rey. Dr. Burns, brates Advertising who lad made their money in. the : o Fm Her moving that the resolutions lie: on| . Bi F, and simpl enjoying P day. country, and were simply joying the table, salt tig ao) pion] -- . The Public Servic¢ Corpora- tthemselves. Mr. Clark stated. As t Téa : far as Ontario was concerned there TE al es _beyond the scope of | derful parts as a scholar at the Little Ss Y. tions in the large cities are finding it is good business to o 4 ol i Prof. Patterson ar-!<.mi rk h y was. plenty of work-even. in the} "" i : 1 51 Seminary in Quebec that he way citi In his view the undertaking gued that the history of Scotland | splected for preferment. He enjoyed develop the co-operative spirit. Acting as a leader it is the May Absorb Ontario Road Boy Murdered in Teain London, Jan. 10.--A startling tra- gedy was discovered: at' the Shore- seven-year-old boy being found by ditch Station, of the North London railway, yesterday, the body of two boys, in an empty compartment. There were marks on the neck in- dicating strangulation by a thin cord and the body had been carefully pla- ced underneath the seat. "Sagein Hair Tonic." Gibson's. PALLY MEMORANDA Srnle Marks Co, Grand Opura house 15 pm. 11 un- been M. ag- ar- of Lively Discussion Over Suffrage Proposal. London, Jan. 10---A lively dis cussion ensued at the Edinburgh | presbytery upon requests presented | by the, Northern Men's Federation | for Woman Suffrage, tp make over-| tures to the general assembly 1n favor of votes for women; and al- 50 from another suffrage society | BIRTHDAYS OF NOTABLE MEN | Saturday, January Tenth. Most Reverend louis Nazaire Archbishop of Quebec, chle- his seventy-fourth birthday to- v. His grace was born at Levis of humble parents but showed such won- City Counéll fnaugural meeting, ne: ight h 1 corner, top of page 3, rig and corner, obabilities. at covered rink this afterioon Good ice. See for pr Band A Disastrous Five Binghampton, N.Y., Jan. 10.--Thera were serious explosions, with two un- identified men 'burned to death and several injured, during the progress of a fire which threatened to des- troy the whole town, to-day. The damage is $100,000. It started in the chemical works. BALLS--At his father's home, 8 + bury, W. Fark Bei on Jan. v i beloved son ol rt Balls. Funeral was held Rida y, 9th inst, Sand ry. Hill come! : BURNS--In Kingston on Jan. Sth, 1988 Mrs. P. Burns. Funeral (private) will {ake place day morning at 9 o'cl rom Montreal St. to St. Mary's solemn req e sung for the edral, where a ul. (Cleveland, Bho, papers please mass will 3 : road for some dis 5 this country for over sixty years. a ome distance MADE CLEAN GET-AWAY Smit of admittagte. It is our treat and we want all our patrons to enjoy these He Was Helped by People Known dine Yeatures. to "the Winnipeg Police. | Winnipeg; Jan. 10.=With a revolver séeured from persons unknoww, Joseph Krafschencho, held for the murder of Manager Arnold, of the bank at Plum Coulee, this morning, at two o'clock, in the city police cells, up his two-guards, backed up to a window, dropped into 'a lane whete an auto Beginning Monday. of And for the balance of this month the King Edward Theatre has arrang- ed for two big: Jentures cach week. There will be no advance in the price CUTS RICH MELON Ohio Oil Pays 100 Per Cent. Divid- end Jan. 20. : Bradford, Pa., Jan. 10.--As a divi dend earner the Ohio Fuel Oil com: pany, a local corporation codtrolled and opfrated . by local capitalists, stands in the #fst rank. After pay- ing 300 per cent. 'on the capital company comes right back after the stock in wvidends last year. the new year with the first dividend for 1914, amounting to 100 per cent. This dividend will be paid on Jan. 20th. ' Officialgy of the corporation say the The Kingston Orchestra The Kingston Mozart Symphony Og- chestra, held its first rehearsal in room lone at the Y.M.C.A., Friday evening, there was a good turn out and great interest is being taken by the mem- bers, who will meet every Friday for practice. «4 Service Discontinued rich dividend of 1913 is expected to be surpassed during the coming year owine to the higher prices they are veceiving for their product. William Brooke, an Englishman, was arrested in Toronto, charged with sey- : wie . showed it was impossible to separ- | stincti i i of big public works, the Welland Cinid the distinction of being the first Canal and the Union Station at|3te Political from religious and mor- | scholar of Laval University to win the Toronto, will mean & great deal of al Juestions. 1 Presbyterians had | prince of Wales Gold Medal, after high priced labor. Hor R reputations SRPOSIE [which he 'pursued his studies for He 'thought many employers were] UFNS Tae for Ireland, and. this{ ori vears in Rome. On his return taking advantage of the * so-called EE Purely B uel question |, Quebec he was immediately placed he lightin financial depression as an excuse ou br 2 fused * ion the stafi 6f Laval. Later he be- general rule for the lighting for discharging men and cutting a rorery refused to makel,,,, nrifcipal of Laval Normal school t t together with - overtures to the genera! assembly, | 4 : : : company to go 8 wages in retaliation on the unions. genera SemDbIY, |. 4 then in IN88. Bishop of Chicou- the manufacturers of supplies, hut consented to receive the deputa- | coi. A fiw years after vo wis op the dealers, and the sontrast tion, ; jed coadjutor of Cardinal Taschereau, ors, and plan un Se an, t |sucoeeding that moted prelate as Arch- Wr Sad Adhd ir ; NAP ANEE SUFFERED jishop ol /Quebee in 1598, : the contractor wires a house | Sunday I Eleventh te makes business for A DISASTROUS IRE Sunda; 2 3 re Sonar of electricity and a ; ) F | Lieut-Col. D. 4 Robertson, hohor- customer for the seller of ap- ary lieutenant-colonel of the 48th pliances, : Mack House and Opera House De. | Highlanders, Toronto, and ove of the In many cities the electrical bas ! | organizers of the regiment, has two interests have got togetiier on stroyed -- Other Buildings hobbies, one being soldering sud the co-operative newspaper cam- : other farming. 3 v paigas > : n Danger. | county, where he wai born, he has chief idea of these is to Napanee, Jan. 10--F ire which broke | fine 600-acre Jaturon whieh je Jiteps spread the desiie for electric- out in the Mack house about 4 a.m.|one of the best he s of sl ont orns: ity--by showing how it can be destroyed the hotel,.a three storey|in the country. He has recently re- made to save time or labor or briek structure, and the opera lionse! turned home from Scotland where he money. - a two storey brick structure adjoin-| arranged to bring ont a shipment of As the uses and the users of the electricity * increase there is more business for all concern- ed. Besides evidencing a com- spirit these co-oper- ative electrical campaigns have been g business getters, : urers and dealers generally might study en burglaries. t FS Paris clerical. authorities have con- demned the tango as absolutely im- "Coleo soap," at Gibson's. ing. For a time it was feared that Highland cattle and will make' was" waiting, and made a clean get- a larze section of the business quar- ter might be destroyed, but the ef: forts of the firemen succeeded in confining the flames to the two builds 8 were extinguished. The loss will not exceed $15,000. The origin of fire is net known. : 5 experiment of breeding these hardy Is in Canada. successful, he will have accomplished a valuable 'work. ings, and at 'an early hour the flam-| Colonel Robertson is a lawyer {lives a jolly bachelor life in Toron- ani; to. © ' : " Perfect comfort of Wel: [shion sole boots for men or women. * Dutton's, Beh I his efforts are | ih joi. Ta everyday life and |}is escape, and shortly. yesterday. He is Dr. Vernon's ev: [Canadian west. away, before the city police were on Up till 10.30 a.m. he had not heen we-arrested. The poliee say they have a line on those who assisted in will He was committed for trial, the most desperate criminals | init Joseph Switt, Jr., is in Montreal. make arrests as one of in "the Notice is: heraby given 'that steam- ér service between Kingston : and Cape Vincent will be discontinued after Séturday, January 10th, owing to weather conditions. : +» Oysters; Our Policy To make you want our oysters as much as we want your business. Car- inovsky, on the "corper." © "Coleco soap," at Gibson's.

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