Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Jan 1914, p. 6

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McGILL HOCKEY TEAM J READY Baseball Played This Week in Al- St. Michael's to i A. Senior Group. : The Montreal Mail says : Gill hockey team is in # con- dition for the game with Queen's on next at McGill. Two prac | They Win ©. The Me- © well, and there is some new blood, | One thing anticipated this year is a | hard fight for the positions. Hooper and Brophy are the pick of the new | freshmen, and both men have good chances of landing a position. Hoop- er was tried at wing position on | sav Seaasions, and seems to be | oro ly at home, Brophy, too, Seve that Xe could play hockey as ! well a8 football. 'He plays well in the forward position but needs a lit- tle practices as yet. It will bé a difficult problem decide who 'will play the goal posi- tion. Two men star in that line-- « Mann and Montgomery--and both want to be in the net. It will not likely be definitely settled who will take the position until the game on iday. For the defence positions, Rughds, Rankin, Davidson and Wick. son will bly fight it out. Ran- kin and seem the most pro- hable men, however, as they are both # heavy men, and used to the posi- tions, Tor the forward positions there is plenty of good material. Parsons, « Brophy, Masson, Hooper, Kendall, Deviuth and Sutherland. It will give the coach no end of trouble to make # = geleetion, %o Kingston's Good Juniors The Peterbore Review says of the Kingston Frontenacs O.H.A. junior team, which defeated Peterboro 10 to 4: "In 'Rube' Millan, their captain, the Kingston brigade have one of the lightest and fastest centre men ever séen in action at Brock street rink. He skates like lightning and his rush- ing and back:checking are superb. His brother, Norman, at rover, also played a good game, and worked at his position to perfection. The two wing men, Derry and Gook, are very speedy, and, being heavy, use their weight well." Baseball in Alberta It is so mild in the west that a seven-innings baseball game was play- ed, Thursday, at Medicine Hat. Soe- cer and lacrosse are also being play- ed in the province, and farmers are busy harrowing, Hockey Notes New York hockey fans are clamor- ing for a reduction in prices. At St. Nicholas rink it is $1 to $2, and the speculators sometimes make patrons pay a hali dollar more a seat. Toronto News: St. Mickael's are .ealled to win their senior group, but they might find some opposition. Os- goode Hall, Kingston and Varsity * have pretiy fair teams. Westport Ice Races The programme of the amnual ice races at Westport on the Rideau Lake has been announced, There will be five events, free-for-all, three-min- ute class, 2.30 trot, green race, and a race for local horses. The dates are Jan. 21st and 22nd and the purses amount to $400, Covered Rink Very Busy Since the athletic committee of © Queen's university took over the man: agement 'of the covered rink, business has rapidly increased.. For the past week ho men have heen kept so busy with hockey practices and skating thay it 'has been almost impossible to make ice during the day time. From the time that the doors are opened in the morning the ice is in use until mid- night, All the hockey clubs are given practios hours, which takes up a great deal of time. Fall ana Winter Importations. Prevost, Brock street, h received all his fall and winter pirtations for his order tailoring department; t variety of patterns to choose ; Fons also his ts' uruivhingy shd ready-made was never assorted. -------------- ukon Bishop Begging i © London, Jan. 10--Dr. Isaac Strin- wer, Anglican bishop of the Yukon has - artived in England, and expects to Mn until summer. The object of his visit to raise funds for his - diocese, which is 200,000 square miles in extent. - For bread and pastry, White Rose requires something besides mo- . hey. to correctly bestow charity. at © FOR QUERY, { Iris supporters in Parliament. of the Premier in existence. It is FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE SHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS HAVE TO TELL News From Villages and Farms Throughout the Adjoining Com tes--Rural Events, and Move ments of the People. Sand Bay Personals Sand Bay, Jan. 9--8chool has re- pened with Miss Hazel Haskin as teacher. The patrons of Fairfax cheese . factory are hauling ad from John MeDonaM"s woods, Miss Eliza and Charles + Denvaw spent Wednesday evening at W. MoDon- ald's.. Wilmer Tye, Long Point visit- ed Vinea Groffs. Miss Eva Running is recovering from an attack of scar- et fever. Miss Florence Giffen has returned home from' Buffalo, after vieiting friends there, A number from here attended the funeral of the late John Lappaun, Trevelyan. A former resident of Meleombe. At St. Lawrence, Wolfe Island St. Lawrence, Jan. 8.--Rev. Father MeNeil held the annual station = at G. Morgan's last week. Mr, and Mrs Elma Bolten, returned last week af- ter an extended trip to Toronto. Miss E. Walsh of Howe Island, has been engaged as teacher for No. 13 school. School section No, 8. is undergoing a general remodeling, and when com pleted will be classed as one of the best equipped schools in the district. Wallace Mills spent a few days at J. Russel's Martin O'Brien, of Central, spent last week at G. O'Brien's: Mrs, T. Dignem spent the week-end at Kingston Mill, Surprise Party at Sunbury Sunbury, Jan. 8.--~On Tuesday even ing an enjoyable time was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cawley. About twenty couples ol young folks 'assembled and gave their ever genial host a pleasant surprise The evening was spent in dancing and excellent music was furnished by David Marshall, to whom much prajse was given. During the evening daint: refreshments were served by Mrs. Cawley, who was ahly assisted hy yo WI it comes to self, we brike a high estimate. | To Ward Off Winter Complexion 1ils there's quite so good as ordinary mer- wax. Rough, . chapped or skin, inevitable in this is. gently absorbed by the and replaced by the newer, fresh. beneath. face exhibits race of the wax, the latter Leing "at bedtime and washed off ing {empera- "tures. I advise you to try this sim- ple treatment. Get an ounce of mer- colized wax at any drug store and use like cold cream. will help r once, and in a week or ion will look remark- { vote of thanks was tendered to ! shown' to the several of the young ladies present. Before the close of the jolly party a Nr. Cawley for the kindness merry-makers and a most pleasant time was brought to a close 3 the wee sma' hours of -the mornmg by the singing "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow," and "Auld Lang Syne." and Mrs. Seandimiuntly, Two Deaths at Lapum's ; 1 Wilton, Jan. 9.-Two deaths ooccnned at Lapum's on Tuesday, Richard Browd in the morping and W, 'Histed in the evening. The former had been suffering from cancer for some time Hesidas the widow * there survives |= daughter, Mrs. YVandwater, and two sons, John and William Brown. The funeral service was conducted in the Holliness 'Movement church on Wel: nesday. Although a very old man, Mr. Histed had been in good health until a couple of weeks ago when he fell and broke his Wp. The funeral was hotd Thurs day morning, meeting at the home of his daughter, Mrs: Levi Brown, and jete ing to the Methodist church A-ndmber of friends a the fun: eral of: the late Charles ard, 3 brook, on have Sir James Whitney about to ins pect his new outo, shown as he appeared at the moment he | Booth, Budget From Athens Athens, Jan, $--The skating rink has opened. A room in the town hall has been phinted and decorated for the use of the 'Women's Institute, ia series of three lectures will be | delivered here by college professors this winter. On' the eve of her de- parture for hier new home on Mil street, Mra. James | Steacy, REigin | street was surprised by her neigh. { bors on Wednesday evening"When a unomber dropped in to say farewell. The guests brought teshihents, which were served before the com: pany dispersed. Melzer Ferguson and family gre moving to the Addis. on house, Wiltse street. The Mun- Toe property being vacated by Mr. Ferguson, has been ' leased as a manse for the use of Rev. Mr. Ush- er, who comes shortly as pastor ot St. Paul's Presbyterian chureh, A call has. been extended by the Bap. Uist church to 'Rev. Me, | rown, Or- illia. Evangelistic services are in progress in the Holiness Movement church. In Christ church Sunday afternoon were conducted the fun- eral services of the little child « of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Leggett, Bd- monton, Alta. With her three child- ren, Mrs. Leggett .was visiting at the liome of her father, E. Pair, where the babe, sixteen months old, suc cumbed to an attack of pneumonia. Among the students who were home here for the holidays were. Miss Leita Arnold, B.A.. 'Faculty of Edu- cation, Toronto; 'Wallace Johnston, and Guy Halladay, Ontario Dental College, Toronto; Miss Bertina i : i { PREMIER OF ONTARIO The Premier is accepted an automobile from one of the best unposed pictures Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mills have re twimed from a visit at W. .Jordon's, Campbellford, and were accompanied on thein return by Mrs. Birdsell. Miss Jean Baker, Harrowsmith, visited = ag her uncle's, W. Forsyth"s last week, Mis. L. 0. Perry has been quite ill, William Faversham Company The largest mail order sale in several seasons is in progress at the Grand Opera House where a special clerical force has been engaged to attend to the rush of orders for William Faversham's all-star pro- duction of "Julius Caesar," which will be the attraction Thursday ev- ening, January 15th. Mr. Faver- sham's spectacular presentation of the ever popular Caesarian drama constitutes the mast notable Shakes- | James McLean, James Mackie, Ken- WATER RATES 60 UP Green, Victoria Universty, Toronto: Miss Bessie Rowsome, Albert Col- lege, Belleville; George Holmes, neth Rappell, Queen's. Kingston; Miss Pearl Stevens, Miss Ola Derbyshire, William and Charles Booth Model School, Kimgston: Miss Irefie Me- Lean, Miss Mildred Hickey, Mies Nel lie Brown, Normal School, Ottawa ; Miss Eulalia Wiltse Business College, Brockville; Miss Bessie McLaughlin, Moady Training School, Northfield, Mass, IN ORDER TO MEET THE CREASED ASSESSMENT. IN- Many Citizens Were at a Loss to) Know Why Rates Had Been Giv- en a Boost Cutting Off Hose and Bath Rates Strongly Advoca- ted. Did you get your bill from the eity hall or water gervice this quarter If so, did yon notice that the rates had been raised ? | 86.50; 5 vic. a _ First dose of Pape's Cold Compound} relieves dll the grippe -- CO t Jontains no quinine, . Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blowing and snuffling! A dose of "Pape's Cold Compound' taken every two hours until three Aqset are taken will end grippe misery and break up a severe cold either in the head, chest, body or limbs. It promptly opens clogged-up nos trils and air passages; stops nasty diséharge or nose running; 'relieves siek headache, dullness, feverishness, sore throat, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. quickest, surest relief known and costs only 25 cents at drug stores: It acts without assistance, tastés nice and causes no inconvenience. Don't accept a substitute, TORONTO STOCK MARKET The Prices Paid at the Union Stock Yards. ' Union Stock Yards, Toronto, Jan. 8.--Receipts were again moderate. 77 cars, 545 cattle, 3,070 hogs, 258 sheep and lambs and 58 calves, Cattle--Good to choice cattle sokl readily at firm prices, but the com- mon and medium were inclined to- wards lower quotations. Good butoh- ers' steers, $8.25 to $8.50: medium butchers' steers, $7 to $7.50: common butchers' steers, $5.75 to $6.50; choice butchers' heifers, $8 to $8.10; common butchers' heifers, 87 to $7.50; choice cows, $6.50 to $7; good cows, $5.50 to 20; canners, $3.75 to $4.50. Feeders and 'stockers--Only a limited number of stockers 'and feeders were on sale, and prices for them rémained about steady. Choice steers, $6.50 to $7 and $7.25 was paid; medium steers, $6 to $6.50; stockers, #5 to $5.75. Milkers 'and springers--Supply was limited, selling at $55 to $95 each: bulk sold at $65 to $80 each. Calves--Omly 58 cars were offered not enough to go around. Choice veals, 810 to £11.50; common to good 86 to $9. Sheep and lambs--Receipts of sheep and lambs were meagre, which caused prices to be firm. Sheep, $5.50 te culls and rams, 34 to 24.75 lambs, choice ewes and wethers, $8.75 to $0.25. Hogs--Receipts of hogs being fairly liberal, which caused prices to be easier, Selected, fed and watered 38.90 and $8.65 f-0.b. cars, and $9.17 weighed off cars. L. A. ZUFELT'S STATEMENT Evidently quite g large number of citizens have received their accounts, as thers have been a great many com- plaints about the matter. 'The faot that the Mates would be increased was announced in the Whig some time ago. The accounts * have been sent the | rounds within the past few days, and a Whig man met a number who did | not know that there would be an in- crease, and were very, anxious to know what was the reason. I'he increase has been made as & re- | sult of the raisin of the assessment. | The general water rates are based on the assegsment, and thus the rates had to be readjusted to inaccordance with the assessment. | The Whig has for some time been ad- 'pearean production of our times, Besides, Mr. Faversham, the cast in- cludes Miss Julie Opp, R. D. Mae- | Lean, Miss Odette Tyler, Pedro de Cordoba, and' one hundred others. | No such array of historic talent has been gathered in a single permanent organization since the days of! Barrett and Davenport. | Scenically, too, thie production is caluclated to eclipse - all previous efforts gt realistic, colorful and artistic setting The seven massive seftings 'were painted ' by Joseph Harker the London artist who has » his credit: the painting of "Kis- met," from designs furnished him | Useful New Invention Enables Anyone to Play Piano or Organ With: out Lessons -------- A Detroit musician has in ated a wonderful new system which enables any person or little child to learn to play the piano or organ in one even- ng. Even though you know abso- 'utely nothing about riusic or have neyer touched a piano or organ, you 'an now learn 'to play'in an hour or two. People who do not know one note from another are able to play their favorite music with this meth- od without any assistance whatever from. anyone. . This new system which is called the Numeral Method, is sold in Can- ada by the Numeral Method Music Co. of Canada, and as they are desir- ous of at once making it known in every locality, they are making the following special free trial and half- price offer to our readers. You are not asked to send -any vocatlng the striking off of the hos and the bath rates, and there are many citizens who feel that this should be! don. Already some of the new com: missionens for the utilities commission have been questioned as to whether these rates wall he cut off. No doubt this matter will he up for early dis: | cussion: | treet GLADSTONE'S RIVAL DEAD i Lord Cross Defeated Grand Old Man in Own Constituency. | London, Yan. 10.--~Lord Cross, who ! had the distinefion of defeating Glad- stone in his own comstituency over thi Trish Church Disestablishment bill in 1886, died on Thursday, at the ripe age of ninéty-one. & The son of a prosperous common- er, he was educated at Rugby and Cambridge, entering both the legal profession and the political arena early in life, He became an authority on poor law work and magistracy, and was made home secretary in Disraeli:! cabinet in 1874, where he gained legislative amendments on in- dustrial housing conditions, and also introduced the Prisons bill, which transferred responsibility from local authorities to the imperial govern- ment. As secretary for Indid under Lord Salisbury in 1886, he was created a viscount. Nine years later he was again included in the cabinet as lord rivy . seal. "He retired from politics in 1900, AUTOS TO GO FASTER Speed 'Is Increased Along With the Tax. a Quebec, Jan, 7.--~The government bill amending the law respecting mbo- tor vehicles has also been printed. It makes provision for increasing the speed of motors im cities from nine miles to fourteen miles an hour, and in the country from fifteen miles to eighteen miles an hour. » The increase of the tax is $5 for money until you have tried and are one cent unless you desire to keep There dre no express charges to bé paid, as everything will be sent by; mail. Simply write a letter or post; eard to the Numeral Method Music Co. of Canalia, 116B Curry Hall, Windsor, Ontario, saying "Please send me the Num- | eral Method on seven days' Treo' trial." If you are satisfied after try- ing it, the Method and fifty different ' pieces of sheet music will cost you only $5. although the regular price of these is $10. You should not da- lay writing, as the Numeral Company ! will. not continue this special half- offer indefinitely. will fit ERE i bt dB Sie RE, satisfied with the new method. The | tors. " ie, Company is willing to send | After April, 1915, no motor shall t to you on one week's free trial, carry a red light. and you Will not have to' pay a a new clause declares each of the existing classes of ma- that every person driving a motor vehicle all stop wherever signalled or ed' upon to do so by a peace officer or anv person authorized by the pro- vineial treasurer." Will Sell Twenty Holsteins Credit sale of twenty Holsteins at Newton Orser's, Kingston town- ship, two miles west of Kepler. Wed- nesday. Jan. 14th, at 12 néon. A. J. Garrett, auctioneer. The = wiselgoki man mav be the { I advi poorest kind of a ser, Too many "that freedom of speech does not utlnde profanit {That Ontario Must Fight For | petitors in a foreign market with ou | best production," said I.. A. Zafelt I Own Butter Market "Whereas formerly we were com of Kingston, speaking at Cornwall on the development of butter-making i eastern Ontario, "we will now be fighting for possession of our owr local markets, where all our grades good, bad, and indifferent, will be ir constant competition with the best of the foreign makes. It is quite evident 'that much of our butter will not command the highest . price and will gradually grow in disfavor unless we put forth every effort te mgintain a standard, if not better than at least equal to, the host of the foreign imports." "I believe out buttermakers have more knowledge and are using more skill in the manufacture of the but ter than they did formerly, but we are faced with the fact that the cual ity is not keeping pace with those improved conditions. "The bulk of the creamery butter of the near future will be manufactured in a few large centrally located creameries, equipped for the manu facture of butter and ice cream a: well as catering to the sweet cream trade. The small creamery, if it ox iste at all, will be found in the out lying , districts and where the large creamery cannot enter into competi: tion. Just what effect this will have on the industry is hard, to sags but it is evident there are elements of danger in this new situation, and 1 would caution those about to enter this field to go slowly." SERVED WITH NOTICE Stratford Ratepayers Contest Quali- fications of Three Aldermen Stratford, Jan. 10.--Acting for cer- {ain ratepayers, J. C. Makins, K.C., bas served notice' on AM. Dr. J. P. Rankin, Ald. D. A. McLachlaw and Ald. C. A. Down to resigh, as being not legally qualified to sit in coun- cil. Lack of property qualiffeations and arrears in taxes are alleged in the case of Dr. Rankin and Mr. Down; and the former disqualification against Mr. McLachlan. Messrs. Me Lachlan and Down. showed their in- tention of fighting the case, as both took the declaration of office after receiving the lawyer's letter, and it is' expected that Dr. Rankin will also allow the courts to settle the question of his right ta sit as alderman. Try every way possible in your power to make a smile take the place of a scowl. J Some of -the worst problems we have to meet are caused by unjust conclusions. : Buy the best piano, "Newcombe," Dutton's store. a CHa bas been known to make foolish liars. Hair falling out? Troubled with danaruft? | |i 'Want more hair? An elegant &ressmg? | Reale of oolarad tem eri, regular $1.50 for 9%c. = Dutton's.' 19201 Co B.S "Pape's Cold Compound" is the]l [Tollowed by "spreaders." excavated within every month.--Joe zine, attacked vegetable tissues as well as distinct from those of today. r MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Reeve--W. Bi Sine, acel. 908; Thomas Lum ey, ; .Shortts, 187, F. B. How» 192; F. Morden, 178. . Ameliasburg Township Reave--Willoughby Anderson, 397; Joseph Adams, 236. Deputy-reeve--Fred "Ward, 280; ©. Cunningham, 272. Councillors--R.. C. Hubbs, 323; T. Wallbridge, 317; Howard Huff, 163; Jesse Choate, 164; S. Stapleton, 146. First 'three elected. Hilliar Township Reeve--R. E. Clark, acel. Councillors --Levi Palmer, William A. Foster, W. H. Morton, W. J. Lock- in. D. Anderson, Joe Yo The circulation of the blood is one of the most perfect pieces of me chanism in ihe universe, Besides carrying nou ment to every part of the body. the blood collects the waste products and passes through the Kidneys in order that these poi- sons may be eliminated. : Hence you see the tremendous im- portance of keeping the kidneys in healthful working order so that they free the blood of these impurities before they find lodgment in some weak spot and set up serious dis- ease, Aching back and aching head- trouljles with the digestion, deposits in the urine, constipation and bil- lousness---such are the symptoma which indicate the need of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, The liver is awakened to action, the bow- els regulated, and the kidneys made vigorous in thei: work of purifying the blood. In the great majority of homes Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills are kept at hand to use in just such cases. They save many doctor bills, and by keeping the digestive and excretive Systems in health do much to pro- long life and bring comfort in old age, ORRINE FOR DRINK HABIT So uniformly successfal has OR- RINE been in restoring the vietims of the "Drink Habit" into sober and useful cltizéns, and so strong is our confidence in its curative powers, that we want to emphasizé the fact that ORRINE is sold under this posi- tive gudrantee, If, after a trial, you get no benefit, your money will be re- funded. ORRINE costs only $1.00 per box. Ask for Free Booklet, G. W. Mahood, cor. Princess and Bagot streets, URIC ACID NEVER CAUSED RHEUMATISM 1 want to prove it to your satisfac. tion." If you have rheumatism, acute or chronic--no matter what your. con. ditlon--=write 35a for my FRER BOOK on "RHEUN ATISM-Its Cause and Cure.". - Thousands call it "The most wonderful book ever written." Don't send a stamp--it's ABSOLUTE- LY FREE. JESSE A. CASE, Dept. 600, Brockton, Mass; U.S.A. Furniture! Furniture! ell, South Marysburg Township Reeve--Albert "Collier, acel. Conncillors--Arthur Bongard, Rose, Albert McCrimmon and I. Welbanks, accel. Ed. Ww. Wellington Village Réeeve--D. S. Ainsworth, 146; D. Saylor, 109. Councillors--M. B. Clark, 162; W. E. Garrett, 132; T. T. Harris, 131; W. H. Hunt, 126; G. F. Hutchinson, 17; 8. C. Saylor, 79; Niles 'Searles, 59. First four. elected. S. Athol Township. Reeve--Milton W, Young, 190: Ansel \. Richards, 111. Councillors--Thomas Mastin, Harvey Stark Williams. Edmonds, J. , and Fdgar ------ Hallowell Township Recve--~McDonald, 271; Majory, 330. Deputy-reéve--Store ; Ferguson," 48 Councillors--Statiley Tripp, Angus Thibault and J. W. Brough, accl. ------------ DIGGING THE BIG DITCH. How the Steam Shovels Make the Dirt Fly at Panama. The steam shovels stand on terraced levels and in fifty minutes load a train of eighteen flat cars, which are up- ioaded in fifteen minutes more amid a shower of dust. The line of cars is All through the cut puffs of steain here and there indicate where the shovels ure burrow- ing their way and pushing the work forward. Watching shovel 221, | stood 0 engine No, 298 when she was at work. Engineer Harrison, bis hand '0 the lever, was pushing the cars up n due course as the steam shovels illed them, while the conductor, rais- ng and lowering a flag, directed a 'shove-up," so that even while loading it is sometimes necessary for an en- sneer to keep his hand on the throt- le. One shovel accomplistied proba- iy as much work in a day as could be fone by 600 men, and there is a great feal of rivalry among the operators to 'make the best record: ' The record of steam shovel 228 for one hot day shows' iow the dirt flies mn the isthmus. Thre¢ hundred and thirteen cars were loaded in 470 min- ites. lo the language of Larry O'Gra- dy, this was "going some," almost an . iverage of a car a minute, with eleven seconds grace, or & rate of a cubic vard of earth every seven seconds. A remark was made by a sad eyed man of unknown nationality, "It looks as though the dirt bad wings, doesn't t? - Over 50,933 cuble yards of rock mve been taken out In "twenty-five working days by one shovel, and a 'ompleted tunnel through the cut is off all Xmas and Fancy Goods Mitchell Chapple in National Maga- ERIN OX 0 A ANNAN LL \ Basteria. Modern Investigations as to the ord ) in of diseases have brought the little p rrganisms called bacteria into so much srominence that search has been made o ascertain whether they existed dur- ng the early geological periods. Not vng since the fact was announced that Regnavit had discovered bacteria in oal. Continuing bis researches, he found evidence that bacterin were probably éoeval with the first appear- ance of organic life on the earth. They ---------------------------- \ \ ARAN} ORANG VI i. AL AL) RIV YY VL VU AA A AAAARMYETS the bones and teeth of animals; but, as a rule, they belonged to species sick- store "Sunday hours." in case sof ness Gibson's Red Cross drug < store is open all day. Leading Undertaker. Phone 577 N Amerien's Great- est 4 To the i. NasToN TUESOAY, JAN. 20th . to replace hair on the heads tiemien, who hav Ww ave lost their hair, By his beautiful, 3 tural hale Siietions, , EVERY WOMAN AND M: ean be made to look youmkér and have the natural protection to the he which Mesns HEALTH, COMPO] AND APPE! ANCE. . DIES. do not miss this . Bee his TRANSFORMA. y PWITSER TR See Ms POMPADOURS, WIGS, CURLS, BTC, a a L "THE DORENWEND SANITARY PATENT TOUPER" Cx SS » BMEN (WHO ARE BALD) % ect And adorn your bald He wit bh Roman bale: Tn order to have a cons on of the wondertul at in the art of aie const eta: bald man should call and see the large sample stock of "HAIR TOU : an ; ind FULL WIGS" which Pref, \ wend will be showing. Th wonderful are 20 taal in appearance ™ t dew ON securely to. any head RE all over the FULL » 15 to 20%

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