Ela ggestions FOR THE ae: HOME DRESSMAKER Panel effects are very Jopula: this season and this. one-piece frock em- ploys the idea- guite sitccessfully. It i$ made of soft silk with a hairline of lack, the background being either PE a A We Sugge: ow Right withes to the problem of diey us etvise. She muat be Nip an elimination blue, gray, green or rose. Tt is trim. med with narrow silk braid, a collar of satin and a vest of shadow lace. Buttons may be added to the front of the skirt, if desired. he following materials are required to make the dress: 5 yds. 36-in. material @ $2.00 per yd ..... sressieesiana, $173 . 7% yd. 27-in. plain material for vest and panel @ $2 yd. 3% vd. 18-in, silk for collar. 3 yd. 18-in. net or shadow lace Diet For th In tet For the Plump. supply of common food. It is an tween meals, a well-chosen trainer of unnatural condition. It is also con- | athletes advises a spoonful or so of trollabls. The thing to find is the jelly made from any of the elatine right method of control. * Some per- | products, unsweetened, flovoron with sons of my acquaintance have had {lemon, . excellent results in reducing simply dieting does not mean going hun. by cutting in half all food supply. gry. It is generally all eat much, main Only Thing Good Enough Te Stand Such a Thorough Test Here is something you can try sixty days--just as a test--without having to risk a cent--- - . Something which in the last twenty far years has saved thousands of Tup- tured people from having to undergo Jperation. Yeo Something so strengthening to the "Bptured parts that ¥ou can work right along without the slightest dan- sel Something absolutely guaranteed tn Keep rup 8 from coming out--ijf it}. doesn't it Will cost you absolutely b. aothing. ' You Don't Have to Risk a Penuy Cured many of them after everything else, including operation, had failed to do any good. Neo Belt--Xo Leg-Straps--~No Springs The Cluthe Truss does away entirely with belts, leg-straps and springs. Peo- Ple who have tried it say it is as com- fortable as their clothing. It is water. broof--will hold in the bath. Also berspiration-proot -and easily kept clean. Get World's Greatest Rupture Book So that you can Judge for yourself, We want to send you & free book we have written--a cloth-bound book of advice. People who Jhave read Ag=in- luding physicians--say it fs the best ook ever written on Rupture. 3 It sums up all we have learned about rupture in forty years of day-after-day We don't ask you to Pay out a penny | experience. It deals with rupture in 2n the strength of any mere promise or | all its forms and stages. Explains tho aims, angers of operations. Shows why wearing elastic or spring trusses Sooner or later almost sure to shorten your life. Aud it exposes the humbug "appHances," "methods," "plasters," ete. Puts you on guard against throw- ing money away, It shows why 60-days' trial is the on- Iv safe way to buy anvthing for rup- ture, and Ww the Cluthe Trussis th only thing you can get on such a long trial, because the one rule Persons vary in their ysical . has a. ) Othersyorsit all sweets, starches, al cobolic beverages, and {at-forming products. 'The body, taking in no fats, turns for needed fuel to that bles that grow which is already stored up. One of the most important rules' [with the excepfion of carrots, to remember is to take no liquid 'nips and. all cereals at meal times. Thoroughly masti- oatmeal; all sweets, starches, cate your food and the need for land aream. Theresis the skim milk dict. as a iquid will be lessened. Drink all the means of reduction, but it is taken pure fresh water you ean during the day, ouly limit the periods to at instead of food and is strenuous. '|least an hour before or an hour after | Some persons complain that the eli- eating. mination of bread from their diet Hot water and lemon juice is 'n- |1y a hardship, . Gluten bread is per- dorsed by all obesity specialists. | mitted. So is crisp, dry toast. When They also seem to agree in the {you seo the fat vanishing and the i of some effervescent mineral figure growing lovely and the fine, wafer the first, thing in the morning lalear outlines of the face emerging from the fat you'll forget to ask for --proferably vichy. be- | forbidden foods. : $14.25 After arranging the patterns on ma- terial to cut it to best advantage, put aside the pieces that are not to be used immediately and proceed to make the waist. First adjust the vest on the- shield lower and side edges even. Lap front edge of front on vest and shield to small "0" perforations bring- ing double "0o" perforations together: stitch to position leaving edges to left of center-front free for opening. Close under-arm seam as notched, close shoulder seam. Sew collars to neck edges as notched. Gather lowér edge of front and back between double jut agking you to risk a ce "TT". perforations. Sew stay to gath- It it doesn't Keep your rupture from ered edge, centers even, small "o" oming out or 'bothering you in any perforation at under-arm seam. vay--il it doesn't prove every claim : we make~--then you can send sit back > Now, adjust the strap on the sleeve, | {na it won't Cost you a penny, enough to stand eh a tHE good corresponding perforations even. ose h 1 . : See What It Does wn ADd it tells all' about thd Cluthe £ osc seam in the usual way and n- This guaranteed rupture holder--the Truss--how it ends constant expense. sert in armhole. To make the skirt, | ramous Cluthe Automatic Massaging | "OW vou can try it 60 days, and how turn, first, the lower edge of front | Fruss--is made of ao absolutely mew | little it costs if vou keep it. and back gores on slot perforations. | srineiple., It is far more than just a| Tt tells--in their own words--the ex Lap right front gore on left, cen- (russ. perience of many former, sufferers You see this gives their names and addresses--per- ters even (double "00" perforations | --is selfsadjusting, haps you know some of them, indicate center-front) and stitch, Ad- % Rn, sluntary Just inserted section bringing folded Sh -- . dns Wt Pit 1t bit > . p 9 "a" - ¥ ° o-day---don u 0 edge of front gore to small "o" per- this buok may be the means of add- forations, notches even, leaving edges Ng many years to your life and of re- to left of center-front free above large fotring 3 to full strength and uge- "0" perforation in inserted section ' 48, a for opening. . Lap back gore on side letter oy Lhe Coupon or. simply say in gore to small "o" perforations, notch- es even and stitch. Close remaining scam as notched. Plait extension, a letter or postal "Send me the Book." --THIS BRINGS IH mma: creasing on double "oo" perforations, lap to single perforations and press. Box 274--CLUTHE COMPANY 125 East 23ra St, NEW YORK CITY Gather upper edge of skirt between double "TT" perforations. Sew to except milk i We will make you a Ruaranteed "Upture holder especially for your case ~make it to your measure--and let you try It sixty days. Let you give it a thorough test with. nt. Fits Senloing undertaking. Its go imy on of ty: experts that fat is an Make the Most of Your Looks. | By Anna Held's Daughter. . To Be rautitul Tia must begin early. ery mother of daughters should bury the truth in her heart. For il she is a trus mother she de. Sires that her little girls shall pe- fome beautiful women, almost as 'Mauch as she desires that they shall women. Beauty in it- friends and. happiness, it goes, Only the undesir- 1 qualities, that are = sometimes, but not necessarily, united with it, cause trouble. The beautiful woman will almost always be found to have had a hap- all 3 over- II the desire for food is felt i minutes | con- and than jinto the garden for a few before breakfast. That meal sibted of a big bowl of cofiee milk (containing more water vither coffee or milk) and bread. After breakfast I was' sent out into the garden before my first class. Again, before the beginning of he next recitation I was sent into the garden for ten minutes, After every class we children went outdoors for at least a Tew minutes. When the weather permitted, we apent all our study periods in the garden. Watidl 1 was fifteen years old I was { sent to Hed every night at eight o'- clogk. Detween fifteen and sixteen I too much excitement, too much pet- ting. There are thres things which "the {girl who is 'some day to be a beauty 'should have in ber chadhood. First, she ghould be allowed a great deal of fresh air. And, finally, she should be permitted at least ten hours of sleep every night, All the other things which Ameri can mothers lavish on their small daughters--fine clothes, expensive toys, a succession of partics--are Worse than useless. They arc actually harmful--to health and therefore to beauty, Perhaps you will lev me tell you a truss---unlike all others self-regulating, The support it gives automatically in- 'reases when there is any sudden move- ment or strain--as in working--s0 no strain can force your rupture out. And. in addition, the Cluthe Truss rovides the omly way ever discovered lor overcoming the weakness which is the real cause of rupture. Just how it does that--entirely auto natieally--js all explained in our free 00k. 300,000 People Have Tested It. The Cluthe Truss has such a remark- bly strengthening and bene ficlal effect -hat it has cured some of the worst ases on record----- ng them men and 'women 50 to ars old, who had beeh ruptured endorsements sent Send me your Free>Buwok and Trial Ofer. That Name a py, healthy, quiet Ghildhood. is assuredly the first essential in de- veloping beauty. j Physical loveliness' implies health, calm nerves, an untouched reserve strength. But often all three of these things are destroyed in little Ameri- ean girls before their tenth - birth- day, simply because they do mot Jive little about my childhood. My 'mother Was a very wise woman, She knew that my looks and disposition would be ruined ir I were dragged around with her all over the world, where her work called her. So she left me in a convent school in the country outside of Paris. had the great privilege of staying up till 8.30. We children were never given rich desserts and wweets. We had soups, a. little meat, a great many fresh vegetdbles," fruit and occasionally ice cream and small cakes, That is the sort of existence from One-piece dress for semi-dress wear showing a novel panel effect to be carried sut in a contrasting 'material. The n lower edge of waist over stay, centers qven, side seam at large "0" perfora- tion in stay. . The back of the skirt is finished in panel effect with a tuck on either side. This, however, may be replaced by gathers and a little belt or hali-belt. Women who are inclined to stoutness 20 to 50 years. wo A NEW PANEL EFFECT. Company. del is simple in effect, but af- The Bell Telephone OITY ASKED TO SECURE lights of Way For Bell Telephone company LOCAL DRUGGIST MAKES MANY FRIENDS G. W. Mahood reports they are fords splendid opportunities for elabo- ration by the use of rich materials and trimmings. will find the gathered effect always preferable to plaits unless the hgure 1s faultless. ~ amphe nh - 4 roitine® CONSTRUCTION GUIDEIS455 R COLLAR How the city to secure for it the necessary rights of way in allevs and over backs of lots so that the telephone poles on parts of King and Princess streets may be removed. The following is thy letter received from H. L. Hoyles, gen. ral solicitor of the company, by City Solicitor Givens : "In order to comply with your re guest to. remove: the poles on King streat, from Brock street to Princess, and on, Princess street, from King street' 40 Clergy) Swill "entail an esti: mated expense of $10,520, besides dis lisplacing plant valued at $3,260, less salvage thereon. "As it is, of course, impossible to make connection with individual sub- cribers direet. from the main under- ¢round leads, # might be dons in the case of electris light services, the re fuest of the city. also involves the obtaining of rights of ways in pivate CAME WITHIN AN ACE alleys and. the rear of lots to place Hy and" maintain underground laterals | op Being Serious Fire in a Chinese and distributing Ruben, and Poles and Laundry. to carry wires and cables on and over -- eres 2 wrivate, property in the blocks bounded There came within sh ate of Doing by 'King, Queen, Barrie and Princess | & very serious fire in the inese laun- fi ta g dry on Bagot street, near the corner gi . this matter of obtaining rights | of Brock street, on Sunday afternoon. ol Wav 15 one which can be mors sat- I'he prompt action of 3 Young pn isiactorily dealt with by the munici- living vr ol or EL a Spy. pality, than the company, I am in. 8g, Nad enigi the Kany his i structed: to say that if the city will ba 486 Pe occasion to go 30 his Star good enough to arrange for the neves: [on the, corner, near the laundry, whey, Soar emoug ange lor Se a? he noticed smoke coming into hia place from the laundry. He inumedi- ately investigated and found that the you man referred to was alroady investigating. The two Chinamen conducting the laundry were away at the time, so the young man, in order to gain an entrance to the shop, kicked in a door. The cause of the trouble was soon discovered. An old box. stove had in some manner been knocked over, the hot ooals falling out on the floor. Quite a lively blaze had been which a girl emerges with a good complexion, good teeth and a good fgure--an ensemble which is ap' ex- J ecllent foundation for good looks. My life there was of a most per- fect simplicity. Every morning the year rounu I got up at six o'clock. 11 had my bath and then wont od the right sort of life. Their parents love them dearly but not wisely, The children sufier from what 1 call "too muchness'--400 much food, Women the World Over. Hungary has over 5,000 women mem- bers of trade unions. In Australia ' the custom mariage is favored. Two women will be appointed to the ice force, y Sarah Todd, 'aged 103, is a duly registered voter in Eugene, Ore. Pennsylvania 'women have begun a fampaign against bachelor legislators. Mrs. Sadie Graham. who it is claim. making many friends through the QUICK benefit which Kingston people : veceive from the simple mixture of buckthorn hark, glycerine, ete., : known © as Adler-i-ka. This remedy became famous by curing appendicitis and it is the most thorough bowel cleanser known, acting on BOTH the lower and upper bowel. JUST ONE DOSE of Adler-i-ka relieves constipa- tion and gas on the stomach almost INMEDIATELY. 4 as a pastime, cent school elpotion in Toledo, 0. In Norway every woman who earps School teachers in Wisconsin Associa- ¥80 'a year in" the country and $110 in | tion of Los Angeley,. Cal., has a course the towns has a right to- vote. where women ar¢ taught to be efficient Twenty-three girls were born in 'saleswomen. twenty-three consecutive days recently | The grand jury recently selected in in a Denver maternity hospital. San Mateo county, Cal., will be con- Miss Margaret Ashton is one of the [trolled by women, having eleven of most eflicient. members of the Manches- their sex to eight men. ter (Emng.) city council. Mrs, Katherine R. Williams has Seen A union has been formed in England [elected president of the state conler- by the uncertified teachers with the ob- | ence of Charities and Corrections in wd is 102 years old, was recently abr- | ject of obtaining higher salaries. Wisconsin, k gested for flirting on the streets of | In England women can be elected as! The vity council of Calgiéry, Canada, Toledo, 0. city councilors, aldermen, mayors of (has decided to amend the charter of cities and to the Board of Sut og city so as to give the municipal of early sary rights of 'way and to have the same properly ednveyed by the pro prietors to the company on the lat- ter's regular right of 'way deeds, the company will be pleased to meet the city's request." Active campaign will be wagal for * Women's political rights in six states next years. Havana now bas a newspaper de voted to the interests of the eual Fights of women on the island. A Paris woman, Mme. Gossert, has just given birth to her twenty-fifth child In England women smoke in res- taurants, railway carriages and other Pe. Paderewski, wife of the renow- Bed pianist, raises poultry on her farmy A Woman's Variableness is Part of Her Charm Clothes have a great deal to do lecting to take ailvantage ot one ho Wives up to hoy Jrecepls, pow vi e spirit of youth {of the easiest an most alluring | trarily the ene who slo S ith Xouping mite th pr oi 30 it. | paths that lead away from old age. |all day in a dowdy wrapper, flip: nat in i wit} ay aE Lot her take heed. Nothing is so flapping slippers and hair in curl . Wearing the same gow The Countess of Warwick is to be franchise to all adult women. come a journalist and has taken a| One of the features of the operation Position of directing the woman's page [of motor buses in New York City will of a London daily newspaper. be women conductors, who will be at- By making a catch of 108 pounds | tired in natty uniforms. 2 J Mrs. Plante won. the championship Moslem women in Cario, who have - trophy at the Herne Bay angling fes- discarded the traditional veil, may be ; tival. emancipated if the movement whioh is No. 5455. Sizes 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust measure. ; wo Sn sad The female rowing crew of Wellesley now on foot proves successful." college outclasses the crews of men of | Farmers' wives in America constitute | 9 Is It ¢ othen colleges, according to Coach {the largest class of economically useful Rice of Columbia college women, for they produce tenths of Over 12,000 women voted at the re- [the poultry products of the nation. killing as monotony. papers, then dresses up extravagant- Ee ---- oy bat day after day however pretty they may. be, becomes monotonous. It has precisely the same effect on both wearer and observer as the con- stant drip of water or the ticking vf _ & clock has on the ear----it passes un- ced, and the chances are Be to 1 the woman who is content to fr the same clothes day after day nonetity ne part of woman's charm is her ess. She who does not ex: press something on moods in her dress is indeed hopeless--and ia grave mistake. She is neg- Little Miss Vivian Martin, the po: tite actress in "The Marriage Game" in New York is very young, but sha let fall a bit of wisdom worthy of her seniors when she said: "I don't think old age ever really comes to one who keeps up a sincere interest in pretty clothes." A "sincere in- terest in pretty clothes" is no more idle vanity than enthusiasm about 'the house one is to live in. The body is the home of the soul as the hous is 'the home of the body, and the woman who Keeps herself looking ly at night to appear in company, is 8s real a hypocrite as the man who ostentatiously goes to church and crushes the men in his employ al the week. The dowdy wrapper and the flap- ping slippers have a depressing ef- fect upon the spirits of their wearer and if she continues to wear them her spirit is too crushed to rise above dowdy wrappers. After « while she will begin to lose interest even in dressing for company. Oh. there is a very certain if subtle psychology time is the person in clothes. The usual eup of tea or coffee con- tains from 11-2 to 3 grains of caffeine, a drug which often produces aches, ails and discomfort; hut the habit ean be quickly overcome by using well-made Postum One of the most pl asing features; of this change from tea and coffee to Postum is the total absence of a sense started, burning quite a hole in the floor, but a few puils of water ex- tinguished it, and no ¢all was sent to the firemen. TRANSFERS ESTATES Property in Scotland Made Over to His Sons. London, Jan. 12.--Thb Marquis of Lansdowne hag transferred his estates in Scotland to his sons, those in Kincardineshire' going to Lord Kerry and those in Perthshire and MKin- rossshire to'the Hom. Charles Fitz making a the best all the : of someting missed. * But more iniportant is that 'good all over" feeling of returning health; and it's the finest trade possible to quit tea and eoffee and get well. nny Betty Vincent's Advice to Lovers. ; hably the cheerfulest, lest as good as you send? onsen in ten Hy ples tos abioutely unfair to be horri: to the pe closest to you just 1 moods of iN temper or because you know they'N stand it. : am "B. PP." writes: "1 red as and secretary in a small town, and emploved"s 'busi- necessitates our -ap "Ti public a great deal. Ts it imp for ma ¢0.go about with him unchaperon- ed?" maurice. 'The latter's share is esti- mated at ten thousand acres, and the estates going to his brother at some- thing less. ae . -------------- Roumania's King Critically m Vieuna, Jan. 13. Charles of i Hl He was In the event King Charles, who throne would revert endure his grumblings, whereas a less loving listener = would eithbr send him away or scold him. Per haps a girl whose day has gone wrong realizes that the young man has ha is. her jhuiahle servant will en- Te unreasoriable htess from for her. But isn't it I to annoy persons who you know will not resist you. simply because they Per-{love you? Why, if you 'must be 48 bee Ng -manfnasty to some oue, do you not select| Most certainly not, since you are his fiancee or bride willja man or woman who Will give you [business associates. The Silent communi: | Two more hours they Postum, made of prime wheat and a small per cent. of New Orleans molds- ses, is a pure food drink. Tt is wholeso ne and nourishing; and has a delicious snappy flavour, bat is entirely free from the drug, caffeine, in tea and coffee. Anyone can make a stand for the ol 1 £ ashioned fun that comes with health and the power to **do things." Suppos: you try it! "There's a Reason" for POSTUM \ Postum now Studs in two forms: : Regular Postun. nist be boiled 15 0 Instant Postum---is 4 soluble powda », of hot wajer dissolves instantly. ; The convenience of Instant Postum is apparent. But, whe prepared acs cording to directions, both kinds are ex ietly the same. The cost jer eup is about equal. : ~AiFOeers everywhere sel hoth ith kinds. .. Canadian Postum Cerenl Co, Ltd. Windsor, Ont a iristma K : 3 . : : : "Canoelled books," Me. Gibson's. P August 24th, 1865, and married Prin. cess Marie, daughter of the Duke of Saxe-Caboutg and Gotha. ---------- tis wnfisrstood that the oii ine in reply to speech from t throme will be moved in the senate by Sen- ator James 'Mason, Toronto, and se {otind by Senator Thorne, St. Johp, "Special $1 sponge for 50c" Gib. 26. minutes. : A scant teaspoonful stirred in a eup Si ter nd, 1 in During the meals not a sound | heard--a whisper, even, would be a grave offense bringing swift and every Friday the si their knees. The SON 8. ad A