wits whic "commusrosvEvTS vv. WAVE TO TELL. Throughout the Adjoining Coun~ ties--Tural Fvents, and Move. ments of the People, hen Cherry Valley News "Cherry Valley, Jan. 12--The clection paised off quietly. * Milton Young was elected reeve, School re-opened on the Sth with Miss Clara Hienman as teacher for another year. The remains of the late Thomas English were placed in the vault here on Tuesday last. Miss Ma: Smith is visiting at Trenton. Mrs. C, Earle spent 3 few days in town recently. The stork Jett a baby girl at Frederick Heffern's on January 8th. h ---- Frankville Notes Prankville, Jan. 12.--~Heary John- ston is 'here from 'the west visiting ro- latives. Miss' Mary McDonald is spendi her holidays with friends here, 'was a large crowd at the court in Montgomery's hall, in Prapkville, ©" on Jan. 9th. Miss B! Loverette goes to Poole's Resort, to teach. © boys and girls have had gréat sport skating at Lehigh's Corners. 1, Johnsom, of Athens, spent. Monday in towh. Death of Brother. {pr Riis 'Lily Jeffrey in charge. MacGregor has he ing - wood. for 'the school. last week, Perry made a busi- he spent the last two months, Mr. Brown and 'George Hamilton, Ardach, Saturday last. MacGregor Story's; 'RB. last Sunday ; shall, Arden, was an over-Sunday visi- tor at L Delay's; Harold Neal at J. Perry's last. evening. Oscar Huffman was a recent visitor at John MecCaus- land's; James Perry was a Sunday visi- tor atthe farm. Percy King is iil, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Spent Sunday at -onnors at Joseph Perry's * Glenvale Gleanings Glenvale, Jan. 12.--~The contest held in the Preshyterian church on Friday evening was a success. 'Dr. W. Span- kie, Wolfe Igland; ably presided. ~The school re-opened on Monday, Jan. 5th, with Miss Black, Cataraqui, {as teacher. Miss Kathleen Over: vinit- ed in Kingston during-the past week, the guest of Mrs, William Amey, Ri- dean stregt. Little "Jimmy" = Gor don, who has been: seriously ill of Prsamonis, is convalescent, Visitors: r and Mrs. Thampson, Mountain at W. C, Frumon's; Mr. and Mrs. © Frederick Ellerbeck, Pleasant Valley, at J. Ellerbeck's: Capt. ; Daryau, Kingston, at R. J. Eller beck's; George Woodman, Wolfe 1s land, at J. Cramer's, Grove Murvale, Jan. 12--F, Bower, of Har- rowsmith, 18 in this vicinity with his buzz saw. Mrs, J. Taggart is seriously ill Mrs. C Brown is visiting friends at Verona, © Mrs. William Wallace re- ceived word last week telling her of the /. death of Wer brother, Sanford Simmdus at Sterhing Station, NY. Mr, and Mrs Mutton. spent Friday with friends at Yarker. Mr. Farrs, Colcbrooke, has been re-engaged as teacher for another | year: "George McQuaid is sporting a néw cutter. The boys have started a rink on the creek. George Goad. pur chased a fine horse last week. SHmue! Roblip,, the" few station caretaker, i keeping - everything spick and sp Visitots:<sMr. and: Mrs. Stone, Toronto at Maxwell Purdy's; H. Lynn, Westport, at Willidui * Shellington's. At Meyer's Cave, Myer's:Cave, Jan. 12--The snow storm. was much appreciated by the lnmbermen, . as the roads 'were getting MOTHER 11S CHILD'S a Aen Rn bia Coated or it beso Give 4 Syrup of Figs." ; a. Don't 'se6ld 'your fretful, peevish child. See If tongne is coated; this is & hd little stomach, liver and 'bowels are clogged with sour wate, 'When listless, pale, feverish, full of cold, breath bad, throat sore, qoes- n't eat, 8 or act naturally, has Site indigestion. diarrhoea, give a teaspoonful of - "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the foul ie, the sour bile and fi ing passes out of tha ¥e a well and-play~ Children love this ,* and moth- " vo) "fails to make their Mean and west : Kéep it handy, Mother! ttle given to-day savas siek shitg to morrow, but '| the genuine. 8! a a b50-cent bottle ; of Figs," which bies, children of gold here, so surely look and see that yours is made by tha ' "California Fig Syrup Company. lgang: of men taking out {wood for shipment. Wafts From Wilbur Wilbur, Jan. 12.--~The roads are in a viry bad condition owing 'to - the snow storm. Spmusl Jackson has: a od loading William Donald- son who was called to North Bay, to {the bedside of his wife who is serious- ly ill, has returned home accompanied by his little grandson, George Gard- ner. 'Mrs, S. Jackson is very ill. Miss Jda Richardson is. staying at illiam Donaldson's. A. MeDongil and Mrs. J. McAntyre, Calabogie, and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. William Gilmores, Elph- in, at 8. Jackson's. on at William Thomd¥'!/ "Misses Elsie Ieo and Hila Jacob ealled on friends hers last week. Mr. dnd Mrs. W. J, Bo¥d, Lavent, and James Boyd, Folger, spent the .weak-end atW. C. Boyd's; S, Jackson took a flying trip 'to Sharbot Lake last week, . Westbrok News. Westbrook! Jan. 10~A quict wedding was 'solemnized at the 'Methodist par- sonage, Cataraqai, on New Year's day, when Rev. J. England united in marriage Miss Annie, Smith, youngest daughter of Mrocand Mrs: James Smith to. hevi Storms, 'of Vetona + Mr. and Mrs. Joseph: Smith, of Odessa, Mrs. S. Rose- vear and' daughter, Ada, of Kingston, spent New, Year's day with Mr. and Mrs. G. WW. Smith. Leo Kenny "has re- sumed his' studies 'at Kingston business college. The teacliers have returned from holidaying at ; their. respective homes and resumed their duties, Mrs, 5. W. Smith spent Wednesday in Kingston, the guest of Mrs. Munsie, Mr. and Mrs. German Wager, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jackson, of Enterprise, Percy Thotp- ent in this vi- day with Mr: and Mrs son. Measles are. preval cinity, Maberly Couple 50 Years Wedded Maberly, Jan. 12.--An enjoyable vent was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Duffy on Monday, Jap. 12th, it being the anniversary of their golden wedding. Fifty years ago Mr. Dufly married Miss. Annie Buchanan and settled on the farm near the village, where they now re- side. A family of three bovs and one girl were born. They are : John, on the farm at home; George, gene- ral merchant in Maberly; ' Thomas, Lavoy, Sask.; and. Mrs. Robinson, of Hand back With contempt any other fig syrup. 0. Kingston. All the family were pre- ER ---------- Sy "~ a I... eso BE he - a va etty bare. 'School has re-opened with Charles contract of supply- A number from here attended the show in Cloyne ness trip to Arden last week. E. Delay is home from the Jumber. woods where passed through here enroute to Cloyne, Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mar- Miss Clara Gifs! + RINGSTON, atthe reupion. Mr. and *Mrs, y are both hale and hearty and althongh Mr, Dufiy + has not the cares of a farm life on bim anv more he is still able to do a good day's work. All extend heartiest com- gratulations and hope that this cou- ple may be spared to enjoy many more years of health and prosperity. Wagarville Wafts: Wagarville, Jan. 13.--Some of the farmers around here are drawing marsh hay. The many friends of Mrs. 8. Jackson are glad to see her ome after spending some time in the general hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Nel- son, Pittsburg, are moving into Ar- thur Cronk's house. (i. Benn, on the sick list, is somewhat better. Mrs. H. Smith is home after spending a couple of weeks visiting frienMs near Verona. School re-opened Jan. 5th, with Mr. Humphrey as teacher. J. Wagar, Kosser, Man., is visiting hia parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wagar. A few from around here attended the | parfy in the 1.0.0.F. hall, Parham. E. Cronk, who has been very ill at H. Crowk's, is better, and has gone to his home at Enterprise. Mrs. ¥. Petera held service in the church' last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ricks, of Moscow, at W. McCumber's. Mra Sarah. McCumber and family spent Sunday at T. Wagar's. Sunbury Notes Sunbury, Jan. 10~The Farmers' Ipstitute meetings held Friday after noon and evening was fairly well at tended. The discussions given by tho speakers was attentively listened to. M#. A. Sharp has been quite unwell for some days. The present teacher, * Mr. Vanluven, is boarding 'at Xlbert Webb's. A. McDonald is | becoming quite active again{ = Mrs. | William Gibson and Mrs. GQ. Red path are visiting friends at Water town, N.Y. All cheese factories have now closed dnd a number have had {their business for the year finished, {and with the hest results Much | sympathy is express for Mr. and iMrs. B. Ball's in th@ death of their young son. 'The funeral took place on Friday and the remains interred in Sand Hill vault. The skating rinks are now open amd much sport is en: joyed by the younger people in the evenings. Dr. y. McDonald and wife from the west are visiting in the vil- lage.. Some of the people are hauling firewood. Centreville Tidings Centreville, - Jan. meeting of the county council which will be held in the town hall on Mon- day James A. Warner, Colebrooke, will take the place of W. J. Haggerty Groyden. in the contest J. Warner fot 95 votes; C. Lochhead 334; , II Wagar, 2113 and W. J. Haggerty, 286, Tho firdt thoee were elected. A number from here attended church at Wesley onh- Sunday. it being the 50th anniversary of the dedication of the Methodist church there. . School re-opened on Monday" with the same | 12. At the next | Easy and Pract : : FOR ONTARIO, WEDNESUAY, JANUARY 14, 1014 ical Suggestions THE HOME DRESSMAKER Polka-dotted crepe de chine is used quires 2 with plain satin to make this dress. chine There. are. many other combination however, that are .just as effective. When made as illustrated, size 16 re- galt dh d td VERY DAINTY FROCK. A model. for young women depict- ing the latest ideas from' Pafis. It is carried out in self-figured crepe de chine and satin, but other materials 1 be eombived in live manner with , plain satin, yards, of figured crepe de 50 a yard, and 4 yards of 36 inches wide, at $1.50 + yard and 34 yard of all-over lace, 18 inches wide An opportunity is afforded to intro- duce a lace tunic in the event of light colored satin being used for the mod- el. The tunic is a part of the skirt; being cut in two pieces. Sometimes instead of all over lace being employ- ed for the vest, embroidered net is used, and the effect is unusually pret- ty. Nothing consorts better with crepe de chine than does heavy em- broidery, the bolder the design, the better. Floral effects, however, are extrenfely fashionable just now. Face the underbody from neck edge to double "00" perforations for yoke, 4s the first step in magking the waist. Close under-arm and sleeve seams as notched, gather lower edge of front and back between double "TT" pers forations. Sew stay to gathered edge, centers even, small "o" perforation at under-arm seam. Sew coMar to neck edge as notched. Close shoulder seam of outer front and back: plait, creas- ing on slot pegrferations, lap to small perforations and tack.. Gather lower edges between double TT" perforations. Arrange on underbody front and back, cénters even (double "oo" perforations indicate . center- front, single small "0" perforations, center-back) stitch lower edges to- gether bringing lower side edges to- gether at under-arm seam. Bring sin- gle large "O" perforations at shoulder in underbody and in outside together and tack. Now, slash the skirt down the fold at center-back to large "O" perfora- tion for opening. Join gores as notch ed, plait extension, creasing ot slot perforations, lap to small "0" perfora- tions and press. Sew to lower edge of waist over stay, centers even. Close back seam of 'tunic from large "O™ perforation to lower edge; finish edges for opening. To plait, crease on slot perforations, lap to small "o" perforations and press, or small "0" perforations and press, of, omit plaits and gather entire uppér edge. Adjust to position on skirt, cen- ters and upper edges even; if gathered, bring large "O" perforation to side seam. Another new and pretty way to de- velop this frock is to have the blouse and tunic of cluny or'Venic lace, com- bined with one of the heavier qualities of Valenciennes, at $ "0 ted, corresponding! $o. Two of his sons, George and William, of | Syracuse, arrived in time for the fun- eral. The other son was unable to be present. Among the friends present were Mr. and Mrs, Oliver, of Sydney : Mr. and Mrs. Amos Marvin and Mrs. Stella Marvin and son, of Belleville : Jesse Marvin and wife and T. Ayrhart and wife, of Carrying Place: Mr. C. Allison and- son, of Picton. Inferment took place in Burr's cemetery, Mrs, Elias Pine is seriously ill © in i Bglleville at her son's, Sylvester Pine's {Mr. Pine came home to the farm last | night and reports no change, | Miss Elva Locklin left on Saturdas {for Napanee to resume her work as teacher in. the collegiate, Mrs. J. R { Marvip has been ill. Mrs. A. Hogle 11s also on the Sick list but is about the thouse again. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Morden spent Wednesday evening ir Wellington, the guests of Clayton Mor den ®Miss Gena McFaul, of Wellington snent last week the guest of Mrs. Or {villa Morden and Mrs. Bruce McFaul On Tuesday evening Mr. and Mr Charlie McFanl entertained a number tof their friends from the village, Mr {and Mrs. Richardson, of Fish Lake, are ispending this week with their son, Or {yal School opened on Monday wit! Miss Towriss, of Picton. as teach The jVt1ss icton, as teacher. T {Hillier municipal election was held or | Monday, Jan. Sth. resulti nthe r election of Councillors Loc lin, Morto | Foster and 'Palmer, Edwin Clark ireeve of Hillier by acclamation. 1 ------ News From Phittipsville Philipsville, Jan. 12.-Miles Lock {wood is very low, Mrs. Miles Lock {wood's body was placed in the vault at Elgin on Dec. 26th. Mrs, Pa- trick Kelly still: keeps ahout the same with very little hopes of. her recovery. Master J. [. Laishlev thas returned from Toronto where {he spent his holidays with his fath- jer, and has taken up his studies at | the village school. Miss Lillian | Blackburn has returned from Mon {treal to the home of his uncle, W. IB. Phelps, and is receiving the glad | hand of her many friends over the, {improvement of her health.' Floyd { Denny is getting up a nice lot of {wood. William Chant was elected | trustee at the annual school meeting for S.S. No. 9. William C. Stevens is hauling man- ure from the village to his farm. Several fartlers are going to use fer- tilizers on their several crops this spring. Charles Peer is getting big orders for fruit trees from Stone | and Wellington nugseries. William C. | Stevens will commence early in March {to lay the cement foundations for his {large barns and stables 'en the same | ground where the other buildings were { burned last summer. | The local option people ase very uch pleased over the mmjority they i received for the act. Wilson Chase {has his teams hauling wood to his {brick and tile yard. George Watt thas returned from the hospital, | where he had an operation perform- Miss 'Dora Carr, of Syracuse, N. {Y., is visiting at her father's, Na- } PAGES 9 TO 18 misfortune to fall down cellar at home of A. Henderson, Lake Blo and 'was injured quite badly. W. Earl who, has been ill for months is improv rapidly, ; Bullis, of Watson atchewan visiting in this locality, The paid here for cattle are eno M. W. Ear] is still! out buying the Montreal market... C Boothe, a graduse of Kingson Mc School, will teach at Barryton year and W. Boothe has : Position as teacher near Kemp Mr. Stewart, of Ottawa attended Poultry Club meetings in Af this week. Mrs. Clarissa Barnes no better. Grave doubts are tained for her recovery. 0 Ross has been electéd our seh trustee for 1914. Mr. and Mrs. W& G. Parish, of Athens, are quart at Hotel Meyér, San Anton, Texas Mrs, Parish stood the long jou well and her many friends that her stay in that genial elim may greatly benefit her health. Pear] Stevens is engaged to Eloida echool. John Hollingswo and family, Winnipeg, are visitors at the home of Mrs. N. Holingsworth, Sheldon's Corners. -------- TO-MAKE MEN BEHAVE ce Tae - ol ho 3 ch Start Crusade Against Expectorats ors and Mashers. : Denver; Colg., Jan. 13--Mere man in Denver starts the new year facing a lot of trouble as a result of a cam= paign that Mrs. Alma v. Lafferty hes: ; wdrted. She is enlisting other club women in her crusade against expec torating, profanity, vulgar words, fiip-+ ting, goo-goo eyes. Mrs. Lafferty proposes to have ihe club women station ihemsslves on downtown corners and "call" amy man who is guilty of any one of these offences, and in more pronounced cases to have the offender arrested and appear against him in municipal court, 3 She proposes to see to it that a woman may walk the streets withput. her ears being shocked with vile lan- guage or her skirts soiled with tobac- co juice. ARE VERY ENERGETIC ---- No Luring Girls From Denmark to America. ' Copenhagen, Jan. 14.--The Society for the Protection Against = White Slavery has become * very energetic here, and is especially actiye in pre- venting the luring of girls 'to Am- erica. In their recent report the di rectors declare that they have watch. ed closely" the Mormon agitation in Dynmark, for the society ; the Mormons a. great danger. society states that several hundred | girls, especially from Jutland, 3 taken to America every year. Toronto Street Market Toronto, Jan. 13.--~Wheat, bush., Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Vaness and Mr 'and | Mrs, Norman Jackson, spent New Year's | 24d : - k 2 X AND SLEEVE A . 5 en, teachers a8 last year. Mrs. Long is D wT Lh rapidly regaining her former health; 90c. to 92c.; oats, bush.,'80c. to 400.; fil arr's, bhi ii jthan Carr's. A large crowd went to barley, bush.,. 62c., to 640.; rye, bush. {the carnival at Delta Saturday even- Miss Loretta. FKvans spent Friday even ing at Mrs. P. Shannon's. The young people of this vicinity have been en- {Joying themselves the past week, tak- {ing in the parties in Chippewa, and tat Camden East. The annual meeting . 1 No. 5454. Sizes 14, 16, 18 and 20 years. 63c. to T0c.; hay, No. 1.,"8IR to $19; hay, mixed, $15 to $16; straw, per ton, $16 to $18; dressed hogs, heavy, S11 to $11.50; dressed hogs, light, $12 to $12.50; butter dairy, Ib. 30c. to 33c.; epgs, doz., 48c. to 50c.; chicks jing. Rev. F. Chisholm has purchased | the residence and lands in the vil {lage of Miles Lockwood and will take { possession as soon as Mr. Loodwood | moves. i . of .the Centreville Agricultural society will' ba held in the town hall hers on Jan, 17th. Mrs. Miles McKeown has returned to Napance after spending a faw weeks with her mother. Mrs. P. Kearns. Rev. Mr. and Mrsi Rowland, Enterprise, took dinner at C. Loch- thead's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. { Ingoldshy took tea at W. Lawler's on Wadnesday. Mrs. Noble MuoGill, is nugting at T. J. Winter's, Newburgh; Miss Theressa Dewey, ~ Rochester, visiting her sister, Mrs. E. J. Perry. These Home Dressmaking turned to Ottawa, to finish her normal course. Congratulations to R. Miller, who was elected. peeve. The social gathering 'on 'Thursday evening in the Methodist ohurch was largely attended the' programme consisted. of speeches, recitations, spelling contest and » number of fine 'Selections on 'thé violin by S. Shibley and ' E Babcock, A. Brown is preparing to build a new house next spring. ~The ladies' aid is to meet at the home of Mrs. J. Carr. next Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. J. Huff spent Sunday at M. Love's, Camden Fast: W. Metzler add family, Odessa, at R. Asselstine'sy Miss (Grace Wallace and niece, Gladys, at J. BE. Storn's; (i. Kedden: and family, . Florjda, at W. Hufl's; Mrs." McLean, Harrowsmith," at H. Snider's. is Barrviefield Budget Barriefield, Jan. 12.--Mrs. Gray very ill and has gone to the hospital. Mr. York, city, wisited the school and the children were glad to see him. He was their , former teacher, Mr. Alex- ander and! family have removed from "Ihe Maples" and he has taken ovet Mf. (5: Medley's store. T. Turner, who visited friends at Perth Road, has return home." Master Arthur Sals- this newspaper from the very latest styles by The Pictorial Review. ens, lb., 16c. to 18e.;: fowl, Ib. 120. to 1l4e.; ducks, 1b., 18¢, to 1Be.; tur- keys, lb., 22c. to. 25¢.; geese, 1b. 160. to 18c.; apples, bbl, $250 to $4.50; potatoes, bag, $1; beef, fore auarters, cwt., $1150 to 813; beef, hindquarters, cwt., 814,50 to 816; beef choice sides, cwt., $13 to 814: beef, medinm, ewt., $11.50 to 812.50. beef, common, cwt,, $9.50 to $10.50: mut ton, light, cwt., 210 to R12: veal common, ewt., 11.50 to 213.50: veal, prime, cwt., 213 to $14.50; lamb, cwt., 215 to $16.50. At Washburn's Corners : Washburn's Corners, Jan. 10, -- {From morning till night teams are hauling wood, logs and hay. . The evangelists who have been holding {religious services at Washburn's and 2 ner | Sheldon's Cormers are now holing was elected councillor for this seetion | meetings at Soperton. On Monday ai the township. School has te- lgword reached here of the death of opened with Miss Jones as teacher. {Buoch Marshall, of Chicago. The Miss Mary Warner spent the week-end {remains will arrive at Athens for in- with" her sister, Mrs. H. Anderson, Na- {terment on Thursday. Miss S. Top-. panee. Farmers are taki advantage | ning, of Sheldon's Corners had the of the sleighing to. bring Joga to the | : : mill. Peter Lee, of Alexandria Bay, | N.Y., is - visiting with hig brother, Charles Lee. Mrs. 'Charles Benn is | slowly improving from her recent ill- ness. Mrs. William Shangrow is im- proving after her accident. Mrs, r- shall Hart is recovering from' a | tack of appendicitis. Mrs. Mern Card | and young daughter came to George | Lucas' for a visit at Christmas.' They were both taken ill and have not yet been able to return home, i articles are prepared especially for Keyes, of this place. James Warner = -- - ---- Sleigh Sale Let Every Boy or Girl Have a Sleigh J her aunt, bury has returned home, having visit- wd his aunt, 'Mrs. N. Stantom, Ir. Miss Apna Murray, city, is visiting Mrs. Murray. G. Walker, eity, visiting his sisters, Mrs. Neveri- son and Mrs. Quinn, has returned home. Thomas Pugh, of Montreal, visiting his home, has returned. Mr. and Mrs. Dwynell, of Syracuse, N.Y. having visited hér mother, Mrs. G edley, have returned home. Mrs. J, Pennes, of Cobalt, and her brother, F. , are visiting their sister. Miss + Muller has returned home from To- Death at Colebrook. Colebrook, . Jan. 12. The funeral of the late Charles Ward, an old and re- spected resident of this place, was held at his home here last Thursday afternoon. The house was filled with mourners. After the service the re- mains were conveyed to the milton vault. Mr. Ward suffered from rheu- matism several years.' For many years he had been a prominent figure onthe Napanee market every Satur- Long Point Locals Long 'Point, Jan. 10.--Misses Bryan and| Helena Singleton, spent the holidays at their homes here, returned to Ottawa Normal College on Monday. A number from here attended - the annual rural telephone meeting in Seeley's Bay on Saturday last. Municipal election on Monday caused considerable excite- ment. - School opened to-day. with Lena who Bors' Flat Runners, rei. 25¢. fo Boys' Round' Spring .funners or Roys' Round Spring Runners or Boys' Round Spring Runners or ~ 5 cents. First come get the good ones. Treadgil Cycle and r 1D cents. Girly', reg. 0c, for 30 cents. Girlie', reg. 73e, for 59 ents. Girls', reg. $1.00, for 70 conta. A bunch of Hockey Sticks for the boyy, reg. S0e, 40c, 35¢ aud 25¢ for rento. Miss W. Lotto, of Toronto, is bere visit ng her grandmother, Mrs. W. Medley. J. Stanton, city, spent Sunday with his pavents. J. Merch: ant, of the RM.C., has purchased the ome of Sergt. R. Gray. : ; At Storms Corners --., Corners, Jam 12.~Many are | Vantage of the fine sleighing and, hauling logs and wood. Death visited the homo of Mr. and Mrs. H. {55 and claimed one of their twin Miss Grace Asselstine has re ee. {SOUP TO NUTS ! EAT WITHOUT FEAR : ; ' ha : -' Digests Food When - | ? Stomach Can't |intestines. Headaches fromsstomach ==No Sourness, Gas, Indigestion fim absolutely unknown where Pape's ------ Diapepsin is used. 1t'really does all . You can eat anything your stom-|the work of a healthy stomach. It ach craves without fear of Indiges- {digests your meals when your stom- tion or Dyspepsia, or that your food ach can't. It leaves. 1 ferment Or sour on your stom-|ment, Sour Aud upset the E ach, it you will take Pape's Diapep- Get a sin occasionally. a day, and was known by hundreds of farmers and townspeople who ° did business. with him in his capacity as agent and demonstrator of the Wart- man pumps, from. the time of their inception up to about four or five years ago, when he was forced to re- tire from business on account of his age and ill-health. He is survived by his wife and one daughter, Mrs. Ar- thur Baker, oi Moscow. 3 Miss Bailey, Ottawa, and her fath- er, from Kingston, spent several Hays the guests of her sister, Mrs, T. A. 757 88 Princess Sporting Goods Co James Bevens, Gananoque, #8 teach- et. Jacob Bryan, who the mis- fortune to lose one of his eyes, is improving. «Aliss Myrtle McKinley, who spént the holidays with her sis- ter, Mrs. J. Singleton, has returned to her school. . and Mrs. M. Slack and daughter, Maude, were week-end guests at Charles 0'Con- nor's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Slack visited al Mrs. M. Fodey's, Outlet, on Mon- day. Mrs. I. Murphy, who visited | at J. Bryan's, Kas returbéd'tc her | home in Potsdam, N.Y. Johnston | Moorhead and Wiss Florence Town- send made a trip to Gananoque on Wednesday. ~ Recent' visitors; Mr. and Mrs. J. Fodey, | Outlet, pt A. , Mooretown, at Slack's; James Bevens, Mrs. Nellis, Bryan, a Mrs, S. Burns; Messrs Thomas and John Slacp and Osa Lappan, Wil- stead, at C. 0'Connor's; Mr, and Mrs. B. Sly, Mrs. George Sly, . Miss Viola Sly, Ellisville: ¢ i ; Mes. George Sin- € quan- tity of Men's Suits, Boys' Suits, Mee Pane y which we will sell for 25 per cent. off for cash. Also a large assortment of Ladies' Skirts, Which we will sell at same discount. © 8 fay YEE Men's, Boys' and Ladies' Boots and . Rubbers. These will also be sold at 25 per cent. diseo He We are now taking stock and have a Allisomville, Jan..d0 & you eat will be digestel: a ¥ iy vice of | 3 dugted Mm