GIVES BRACTIOAL AID TO RET- $1 v 13.4Credit should. be ri is due. ge Department Briculture, | the 5 ' ¥ Martin Burrell as «has om a commendable Po. Ri to make {arming in. Canada more ctive and. profit- able' vd therefore a more attractive poleui. » The'ydarly appropriations have niigreatly' increaged and: every. effort has been made to 'obtain the services of the best men for. the various branches of the work: Agricultural Aid Act, in. aded for the distri- ong the provinces, 038 482 Ontario, $175, yinces proportion- heir lads arid to improve y the gtowing of clover. Co-op- eration among' farmers was assisted and present 'gov= |. E OPENING. \.g p/ oy ad . FN ; ul Yaad 8 J 7 Fd 4 SESSION i ---- CITY CHURCHES EMPTY + Edifices Occupying Property "Worth Millions For: Sale New York, Jan. 15. -- Deserted churches in the downtown business sections of Manhattan Island, tha most populous borough of Greater New Yorlk, oecupying property estim- ated to be worth: $8,000,000, are for sale, according to Eugene M. Camp, president of the Stabury society in an address yesterday at Church -of Incarnation. - Before long, the speak- ar added, there would be between fifteén and twenty million dollars worth of church property placed on the market. 3 "Still worse," Mr. Camp said, 'there are half a hundred churches, worth millions, that are. empty or nearly so, and whole actual achieve. mepts are not safficent' to warrant their exemption from payment of taxes. 5 Has Many Childless Families Paris, Jan. M.-The' slastics of French' families. just published by the Mimstry of Labor. show; a totsl of LL300,000, Of these 31,800,000 have no. children, while: 2,967,000 have only one child, 2,561,000 two, children and 1,800, 000 three childrey. p A A total of "182,000 have seven chil- dren, 95,000, 8 children; 45,000, 9 chil: the varios agricultural schools received financial'aid." " "+ | In regard to fruit growing, demon- stfation orchards ¢ purchased or rented. "Local "frait' societies 'were sub- sidiged and veold » storage warchousés 'established. + Co-operative egg and poul- try diveles were assisted, as was also the tobacco. growing industry. In Ontario, similar encouragement was Riven to The dif branches of agri- culgare' A field hukbandry building was added ) the Ontario Agricultural Col- Jeg. On behighf of the poultry industry an expertiyias. sent to Ireland and Den- mark, to study fo-opefative work. In Mani there were 'demonstra- tion X trains and special courses of Hopand, tor the purpose of en couraging r and "more profitable fuk SPE other provinces were aid- ed in the same way, CARriCultural Instruction Act of Wa sed on a report of C. C. J eateful "investigation" of 8 of the Dominion. ge the distribution of $10,- bi daring. a 'period of 'ten years, the: princes tactically aceord- Op oft The object" was to efficiency and equipment 'of tal" colleges and other, institu- educational. work in the dif- wof "agriculture 'and do- "Last year the amount 00,000, while this year dreng 20,000, 10. children 1,500, 13-chil: dren; 250, 15 childven; 79, 16 children; 34, 17 childrén; and 45, 15 or more. FORE S REAL REASON couraging of pure bred 'stock Thar- oughbred stock were sectired by, the government and lent to fdrmers who or- ganized themselves into societies for this work. The work of the experimental farms has received a new stimulus also. In all these and various other ways, a great deal has been 'done to make agriculture a more pradtical and satis factory vocation, which will appedl to vigorous young Canadians who want a career where they can accomplish something. . It should also result in great benefit to the whale eountrv ------ REPLIES TO BISHOP 1914 regarded as fairly satisfactory A MATTERS The U. S. Steel Corporation this month will pay to Great Northern Ore i Co. trustees a total of $5,533,5( senting the royalty 'on ore during 1913. 4 A group of preferred shareholders of New York Capitalists Ave Tuterested | the Union Pacific Railroad have entered in the Venture --. The Growth of a suit in the supreme court to prevent : . y the Union Pacific from making the pro the Canadian General Eléctric posed distribution of $82000000 Balti- Company. more and Ohio stock to common share- » holders. St. John, NB, 'Jan. 14~New York ~ . pr fig apitalists have leased a site adjoining| An 1erease of over $100,000,000 in the the Ford 'Motor Car Company's property | Output of Canadian bonds in 1913 as at Cold-Brook, three miles from the compared with 1912 5 xt a : city, and announce that as the Dominion | . The choice of C. E. Neill as an addi- Motor Car Company, Limited, théy will [tion to the board of directors: of the erect 'an automobile manufactory and) Royal Bank was well received in Man- also start a brick making industry, a y WON'T cLAIM 1 ARLDOM Dublin Clerk Says It is Too Fixe pensive for Him. Off Competition. _ Loudon, Jan. 14.--There is in Dubs New York, Jan. 14--Wall Street has in a retired clerk, who might be an {been looking for the practical, business earl if the title were worth having. | motive which actuated Henry Ford in Richard John Leeson, well on the | his sensational decision to distribute right side of three score years, is the |$10,000000 among his 25.000 employees. eighth Earl of Milltown, but he has And it believes it has found this prac- no anxiety to claim the title because [tical motive in tlie following story. it is absolutely a barren one which may be labeled interesting --if The late Countess of Milltown died [tr It § that. Ford engines and suddenly in her seventy-third . year |ce hier vital parts of the running some days ago. She was the last to ism have heen 'lately made by bear the Milltown title, which is now | Dodge Bros. of Detroit, who also own dormant. At the death of the seventh [about 15 per. cent. of the Ford com- earl there were two claimants to the pany's $2,000,000 capital stock. The con- title. One, Robert W. Leeson, has since [tract between the company and Dodge died, and Richard .John Leeson alone | Bros. expires about the middle of this remains. year and will not'be renewed. When asked if he intended taking For some months" it has been under- any steps in the matter, Mr. Leeson 1 Stood tin the, insides, automobile circles replied in the negative. "I would have ; of Detroit that Dodge)Bros, would start done so long ago if any estate were {In business for themselves after their going with the title. It is an awfully had expired, putting on the expensive business to establish a title, [market a thoroughly equipped six Mr. Whi » stated that Bishop Fal: One person told me that it 'wopld cost car for about $900. M; Ford lon had done gross. injustice to the | £1,000; another that it might cost aturally known of these pkins and clorgy and DR of the 'Church of | £5,000 before the lawyers were finish- | has also naturally feared this competi- 000. England when he said that: they were] 4. I have not the money to spare, | tion, because it was planned along the Year 'received $158.482. of preaching what they did not beliove. and so shall not make the claim | which have created the Ford suc- Went for equ ing. and 'tholle of us who knew Sotfiothies ! was backed by abundant fin: 00s, | The pro- of hy ing bishops of the chuch | | Adding New Equipment Reis. pesoticegs. | Bac moO. fof Engh, said Me. Whitman fy ding New Equipmen con a enn SY LL det hue 5. Bacon. indus: | pat sLafotiony is witroe > *1 Both the Grand Trunk and the Grand taken at least $1.600000 of, an ual pro- ations is; farm © Continuing, the - Cong ational fru Pacific have been ordering large- | fits from 'Dodge Bros. 'on. the Jord keeping, tobacco said that if She hiskion un ordig- y Of mew cquipment, as the following stock which they own and has Created a Dg: were also: helped | uy non of 'the ror ho wold igures will show.' The Grand Trunk condition in the labor market which will maple sugar jndustry, a strong: 'term' to dharase y he Factfic had, in addition to its regular make it impodSble or at Jeast exceed- Waning. ~~. 70 statement," He thos ht Teh ties *? Jequipment, for which it contracted two ,irigly difficult for them to, proceed 'with ed $195,733. of which ity that such tit ' fk LHt fas A years. ago. ten second class coachesy| the production of their: new car after ; jiRstruction through A for 'Lhe Iimorant. pom d we five colonist cars, fifteen sleeping cars tthe middle of the year tives. en - thousand 8 Six parlor cafe cars, six dining Bt on aiding the teaching ad iow Mould Rerept them as. true.) fue i cars, ten first-cla public schools. Build. who had rE Lace were many | fifteen express cf rs; fourte ure collefre' were "im. oe a no church - afliliations who expross cars, delivered | Blies erected : wou d also boleve them. ; as part of the large co Bi was. paid to the en- One wolld like to have called Bish- heen given out duri --| OD Fallon'$ notice to such countries as {Grand Trunk svst Spain, France and Portugal and | also lit during the past to the states of South Americi;-whers | héater Pacific type thé Roman Catholic chireh has held feight Mikad Sway for many centuries in view of switching the fact that the bishop is reported ta | while = there was contracted for last the press as saying. that Germany and [year in addition to other equipment, England had lost their religious faith delivered from time to time 7,000 40- as a result of having given up _ the [toh Hox cars: 1,000 50-ton 'gondola cars : worship of the Church of Rome." 75 Mikado locomotives, As 'for. ne Mr. Whitmore stated that when Migs jequipment contracted for during the pre- Keller, in her lecture on Saturday | Sent year, as the circumstances of the night, said that before she was abla {business of the shops tender g will per your liver, stom-|:0 read or talk;she" knew God, . but [mit the following figures an ng others, PAD, pure and|did wot know him by name, hs had no- avill show that the Grand Trunk system 1 PLSS--0r = merely | coivad a flash of truth that dispelled a [15' alive to the necessities 'bf its ex- gh cevery few days leloud that had troubled him for |#aNding business; five postal cars, 500 uw tic pills or castor fi 38 is Ihpo t, May Ilave Been Designed to Head "Dre- A NEW AUTOMOBILE FACTORY Bken oct IN NEW BRUNSWICK ---- No Salvation Outside the. Roman Catholic' Church, London, 'Ont., Jan. 14.--Rev. 1. p. Whitmore pastor of the Fir "Cotigro- Bdtional church; replied to a 'recent sermon - preached 'by Bishop Fallon, in which the latter referred to: the | non. oxistence 'of 'ualvhtion outsides the Ro- man, Catholiy church... Before going 'in- to this ww of the Bishop's sermon, tmpre 57-8 per cent. WESTERN SCHOOL DEBENTURES TO YIELD 7 3-4 per cent. WRITE FOR LIST Brent, Noxon & Co. treal financial circles. The Pierce, Butler and Pierce Mig. Canadian General Electric Co., Byracuse, N.Y. a $5,000,000 hard. Toronto, Jan. 14--"Twenty-five vears | Ware corporation, one of the oldest in 180," said Mr Frederick Nicholls, of he Stale, was | to-day placed "in. the the Canadian General 'Electric company; }-"2"1°5 02 a receiver. ] Tr -------- Jour assets consisted of 'our capital of Not even an expert aunist has ever $10,000.00, ten of us havifdg subscribed a sum of $1,000.00 each; to-day our as- discovered a woman who was deaf to flattery. sets are in the neighborhood $25.000, pn: » vel ™ 000.00, or a 'steady growth® and develop Pennsylvania has. ten thousand fee- ble-minded womén., ment at an average rate of $1,000,00000 a year for twenty-five vears in succes "Phe first Alaskan gold ' discoveries were made in 1896. ps ----- sion, and, as the chief officer of yom company, I may be pardoned if on: this oceasion I draw: 'aftention, with some little. personal pride, to the fase that 2 dividend has been earned' and. paid. in cach $707,948,900 Spent on Navies Washington, Jan. M4.--Just 797- ch ha whicl . | 948,900 . was expended last year in vear, The vered to uper Jiwenty- mdtives, fifteen es, 2,000 30-ton box cars State of Ohio, City of Toledo, { «.. twenty 'years. In ihe samp way - as [Stock cars, 10 baggage cq 4 Lucas County. 1 Miss Koller had known God in the [C1858 €oaches, 15 suburban cars, § midst of her darkness, the speaker felt JCars, 4 dining cars, 5 parlor cars, 10 44 sure that many in many parts of the |Bst:class coaches, 5 second-class and world knew him, but nof through the|P3ggage cars, 1; hrst-class coaches, 10 revelation by which Christians dave baggage cars, 5 express cars, 200 50 ton learned 'of Him. ' flat 'Cars, 300 40-ton flat cars ---- -------- Manitoba Rhodes Scholar The handle of a new cane for men Winnipeg, Jan. 15.--Simon. Abra. | résemblos a golf stick and contains Will straighten you |hamson, a student, in law: at Manito. | rééeptacies for cigarettes and match- «They work while|ba University, was to-day selected | o8; * Cent box from your | as Manitoba Rhodes scholar "for ) "The state of Hyerabad, India, hag Pp your head clear,| 1914. Ie is twenty-two. years old [79 'towns, 20,010 villages and a tot- and took his B.A. degree in 1912. al population of 1,132,109. or months. Don't / out a thousand years ren, their litle in-|. a 8bout a thousand yea Sold by all -Druggists, 16 Joulll 'meet a man who feels sorry| Sold by al Family Pllls for consti-| tle cleansing too. for his creditors. pation. : y r Sons tely. cleanse the 4 "sour, undigest- ISIE T00d and foul gases, cess bile from the liver out of the system the rae. 4 Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he No Stock Melon Senior partner of the firtn of ¥. J Cheney & Co, doing business in the Washington, Jan. 14--It is stated that City of Toledo, County aud State afore-|the American Telephone & Telegraph said, and that said firm will pay the | must sell its Western Union holdings to sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for meet the dissolution requitemients de- "ach and every case ,of Catarrh that a : p bv th i manded by the department of justice. cannot be cured bv the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Paid 15 Per Cent! Dividend Collingwood, Jan. 14.--THe 'directors Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of Decem- oi the Farrar Transportation compan: neld a meeting here and prepared the ber, A.D. 1886 (Seal) reports or the business. of "1913. = A dividend of 15 per cent. on the capital stock was 'declared. SOW "sick, headgcehy, bil- ated you feel, a Cas- A. W. GLEASON. Notary: Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern- ally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. FJ CHENEY & CO. Taledo, 0, © . ® h and every year since 'On organi- Munici d zation : \ New Mortgage Company 1. ge ; awa, Jan. 14~The Port Arthur | F For the Investmnet of Trust Funds Ontario Companies Incorporated construction by the seven maval pow- Syduey, N:S., Amherst, N. S. : A $1,000,000, capitalization: Todhunters . * at: britain spent' $235.743.489, while Ltd. and the Canadian Copper and As: Y: 1d F 5% I '6% Germany spent, $111,970,005. Japan [mor Plate Co, of the same share capi 1€ mg" rom 0 0 0 2,501,291 tonnage, Germany Rati * POR © Re second with a tonnage of 1,228 208: Toronto, Jan. 14--A reduction of Members Montreal Stock Exchange. practically $200,000 in total net revenue e H. W. NELLES, Mas 31st, 1913, according to thé 'afiimal re- port of 'the railway. : Capital Pald U; . « » 11,680,000 Reserve Fun « s&s « 13000000 Bank Bldgs--Fyinces SY. Cor. William and Cedar Sts. KINGSTON BRANCH, . E. E. NEWMAN, and William, Mortgage company Our list of Municipal Debentures includes: the de- Taronto, Jan. 14--The Ontatis Rand, ers of the world, the United States took last place, having spent but [tal, are recorded in the Ontario. Gazette WRITE US OR CALL AT OUR OFFICE AND CONSULT US, the United States is third with 921 - is the result of the operations of the / limited, has en incorporated - with a 00. bentures of Belleville, Peterboro, Renfrew, Calgary, Limited, "with ' $1,500,000 ands Cobalt standing second: in | the list. with ap. $18,105,151." Great Britain held her {for incorporation y x C F. B. McCURDY & CO. 844 tons; France fourth, with 876. Timiskaming and Northern Ontario rail- INCORPORATED 1869 phn Savings Department at all Branches. capital of $1,000, Edmonton, Fort: William, Parry Sound, Gace Bay, Sovth Silver and Mining company, with ) propriations = of S140,800,643. Great place as the first' naval power with Se ---- \ Result of Operations A 'K PHONE 1 ¥535, and Japan filth with 702,209. way for the fiscal year ended October Capital Authorized vw 8 28,000,000 . Drgn ge 'LONDON, ENG., OFFICE NEW YORK AGENGY : ; . $3 ' Ea By "Bud" Fisher : Sm ewe ------ 'Cheer up! Sunshine will eventually buncture the tivickest cloud. Es Financial Notes Financial outlook in Germany for TY -- { hear Taras Pt... { LOOKITHER SE in Delos il 0h""" , | | THERES CHARLES Fab Sv 0 oN GIVING ANOTHER BARGUEY T5 \ i Li as Gane. IF X HAD FX wAS TED 18 NY LEE WITH NOL gi T° 3 At That, Fp op NT ~ VE Je S\T Dowie HEY! vou WH THAT Suoeny # OTHE FACE AT ig Lr ree GUN COME (Nn HERE | QUICK AND Jott | | HAVE BEEN AGREST POLITICIAN AND BE IN THERE RIGHT Now } eh OF CUT MERE STARMNG WITH YoU, YOU SAPHEAD! FIND A BE * THE LY R Ab PICK up