Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jan 1914, p. 3

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Sat. Jan. 17th A real old-time Free Souvenir Package Day next Sat. arday. "Over one thoWsand splendid packages will be give en away free, one to each cus- tomer SOUVENIR DAY These packages will be the finest and most useful ever give en.and will be handed out free- ly to each person making a purchase. At BESTS' The Satisfactory Drug Store. ~--~--WE SELL ---- Scranton Coal Co's Coal Belected from the celebrated Richmond No. 4 and Ontarlo No. 1 Mines, the best Anthracite Coal Mines in Pennsylvania Place your order with THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL CO. North End Ontario Street. To You All KEELEY Jr. - Optometrist We Grind the Lemues. 3 Doors Above the Opera House Dominion Fish Co. PHONE 520 EVERYTHING ON THE JUMP JENKINS HOOTING 20% 1050% --ON-- THE CITY OWNS AND TRY AND "abundant. 3 | upon RUY MORE, The City Property Committee Starts Gut With This Intention <= Will 'Arrange For Public Skating Rink on Cricket Field. The City Property committee, with Ald, Harrison at its head, has dtart- vd the your with the in.ention of cos serving the lands the City Coumerd controls and\ of adding to these pos sessions sue Bh Nps and tracts as it thinks . will be useful for civie pur poses in the years to come. The com: mittee held "its initial mecting on Wednesday niternoon, with the chair- man and Alda. Bews, Clugston, Gil- lespie, Richardson aud White in at. tendanee, Ald. Harrison introduced the' land question by declaring that the eorpor- ation should hold gil the lots it pos- seased and" buy additional areas. He referred (to the fact that in the last fow years a good deal of land had been picked up for speculative pur- poses,band that the City Couneil had not been alive to the importance of entering the field as a purchaser in the interests of Kingston's future. Land was needed for industries, school sites, ete. He hoped that a deal would soon be closed for the pur- chase by the city: of the Allen marsh and Belles - Island, as these traets should be owned by the city for indus- trial expansion. Ald. Bews wanted to know what propertivs the committee had control over at the present time. Tt was de cided to have an inventory prepared for mext meeting. Ald. Richardson drew 'attention the necessity of securing for industries for additional to land not only and schools, but also parks, and - play grounds for the children of Kingston. There werd sections which had no play grounds, and he held it to be the duty of the City Council ta pro. vide them. Ald. Harrison ' agreed. During his travels abroad last year he had noted that the chief European cities had play grounds for the children. There Was no reason why Kingston should not have them also. The.cost of fit- ting them up would he soall. Ald. Harrison made nf¥ntion of the fair grounds property, owned by the city for the past eighteen years. It had been frequently said that the buildings were ready to fall down. but he had been told by a builder that they were very substantial and only required a fair amount of money spent upon them to make them good, He had a plan for their: use which he pr¥mised to unfold at a future meet- in| Ald. Richardson remarked that when the buildings had stood the strain of the recént storms they must have been well. constructed. The chairman suggested that when the weather was fit for an automobile jaunt the committee should meet and make a tour of the city for the pur- pose of looking up vacant lands, and also ito view the committee land and building possessions. Ald. Bews urged the commitice to do something for the young people of the city by operating a free skating rink on the cricket field, which was admirably situated forsthe purpose. Ald. White wanted .to know if the flooding of this field 'would mjure the grass. He was in favor of a public | rink. Ald. Bews replied that there was not much. grass to injure. Besides, one of the baseball diamonds, which were not covered with grass, would 'almost suffice. Ald. Richardson stated that Ald. Kent, chairman of the Parks commit A Lot of Short Items Run In To Boys' Sweatefs, 50c, Dutton's. the made sale' Chalmers church from 4 to 6 Morrow, - 3 A. A. Vickers, Fort William, mil- Monaire, on Wednesday, martied Miss Marcella G. Finn, his steno gtapher, : e Miss Grace Clough, AT.CM,, teach- er at Whithy College, has returned, after spending the Christmas holidays in the city. "Buy Gripp Teblets" at Gibson's. The federal government has approv- ed the pufchase of 115 acres, for $46,000, for an experimental farm at Lennoxville, Que. At Guelph, 7. H. Mason, of Otta- Wa, was promoted to the presidency of the Ontario Agrisultural and Ex- perimental Union. \ Nora, the five-year-old daughter of W. S. Hughes, inspector of prisons, is quite ill, in Cornwall, where the fam- ily has been staying, Richard Langfad, vice 'president of the Squthern rallway committed suicide by gas poisoning in his bach- elor apartments in New York. "Fucalyptus Cough Tablets." Cib- son's. ; Madame J. Barreite of Montreal, bas celebrated her 107 birthday. She can walk alone, does not wear glasses and has excellent hearing. "Buy Gripp Tablets" at Gibson's. Hon. George A. Cox Toronto seri- ously ill remains about in the sams condition. For some days he has been unconscious for long periods. Boys' Fleece lined Underware, Ide, Dutton's, : Readers of the February issue of Woman's World will find the magazine full of timely suggestions, interesting stories and valuable articles. The archbishop of Canterbury again declines to make any statement upon the communion controversy which is still agitating English churchmen. "Buy Gripp Tablets" at Gibson's. Men's Lined Mocha Gloves, 75e, Dut ton's. Churches in the United States and Canada are giving at least $50,000,- 000 more annually for misstonany work than they gave eight 'years ago. 5 { On Thursday at io afternoon the first load of hay driven by a span of horses came across the ice from Wolie Island. It is surprising how fast the ice forme omce it has taken. "Hot water bottles." Gibson's: The assistance of the great pow- ers in the prevention of another war between Greece and Turkey is being sought by Premier Eleutherios Ven- izelos of Greece, "Buy Gripp Tablets" 'at Gibson's. The governor-general will make a trip to Toronto and Quebec at the end of the month. On Jan. 26th the duke will visit the ancient capital and oi-Feb. 2nd he goes to Toron- to. » Mr. Caswell, of 67 Lower Alfred street, has sent $2 1c the Whig for the poor relief fund. The inoney wil be turned over to the Associat- ed Charities. Other donations to this fund is greatly Jcesired. . The special numbers of Seribiner's Magazine, devoted to subjects of contemporary interest connected with advances in the art of living, have met with great popular favor, the Panama number having been ox- bausted completely in a few weeks. The numgber for February will be on "The Motor and the Highways." " COMMENT 1S AROUSED __TUT DATLY RRITISH WHIG, THURSDA Se wr LINE hd RTT THE SPORT "7 1h + SHORTER PERIODS ADVOCATED FOR JUNIOR TEAMS Picton - Clerks Organize Hockey Team -- Winter Race Meeting at Montreal Opencd on Thursday. | The Brockville Curling Club has twice defeated the Eastern Hospitai in the eastern group of the Central Ontario League. The Picton clerks have organized a hockey team with - the following offi- cers : Honorary president, B. R. Hep- burn, M.P.; president, S. Burns; vice president, R. Davison} secretary-trea- surer, Gerald Way;, executive, B. Cooper, B, Burns, 5. Snider. Toronto 'News : St. Michael's: will strike some opposition on Saturday when thew tackle Varsity at the Are na. If they get by the students they should have Little difficult in winning the group, 3 x / + The. winter race meeting at * Delori' mier Park, Montreal, opens on Thurs- day. A number of loeal horsemen have gone down for the occasion. The Federal Raseball League buga- boo is again said to be 'swinging over the Canadian League. Frank Shaugh- aessy, who holds the record for pilot ing winners in the minors, admits that he turned down an offer of 4. 800 to manage a club in the states. It was made to him on Saturday at Toronto. It is now reported that "Bullet" "Jack" 'Thoney, formerly of the To- roatos, will manage a 'Canadian Base ball League club. His arm. is said to have come back. A Quebec paper made a strong at tack. on President Quinn because he failed to appoint - French referces on the N.H.A. board: A Toronto sheot comes back with the declaration that the English réferces are bad enough. How would vou like to be the presi dent ? The race in the N.H.A. is decidedly ¢lose. Torontos, Ottawa, Canadiens and Quebec are all tie with three wins and two losses, while Wanderers one down, having won two and lost three. The "Toronto Ontarios are at the bottom of the heap, but with stretch of', es at home- should do: lot bétter, Toronto: News : $hree we MLy-minuie periods "would be a good thing for the O.H.A., especially in the Junior series. 'Ag a rule the junior teams are not in gondition to go the thirty mine utes at top clip, and the extra exer tion required hy the lads to try and keep up might be very injurious to +h» future health of boys around ecightesn vears of age. Ten-dollar Shees Soon New York, Jan. 15~In the opinion of speakers at the annual convention of the National Shoe Retailers' Asso ciation. which closed with a banquet, the retail price of shoes may reach 810 per pair. "Pure show laws" already adopted in twenty-five states and several mean sures of the same nature now pending in congress were given as the chia causes for increasing the price of foot wear. Both sneakers and a majority of the two hundred delegates present denounced. the legislation which would cause all shoes notimade entirely of leather to be stamped "adulterated" or "substitute leather." soon Tax Hotels More Than Saloons Albany, Jan. 15.--Hotels in New York city will be compelled to pay at least $600 a year above the license foc paid by saloons if recommendation Over an Appointmeént by Minister of Militia. It is recognized that the friends of tee, favored having a rink on the! cricket field. On motion of Ald. Clug Ida. Richardson and Bews hinted | to confer with i Ss. decided to 'withhold astion] on the proposal to purchase the pro- | perty next to, No. 2 fire station with | a view to renting the house to Fire Chief Armstrong so as closer to the station. The chairman and the city clerk ! were given authority to purchase ne-| cessary furniture for the clerk's new! office. ire | to have him | ---------------- NEW PACIFIC PORT On Foreshore at Head Sound. Vancouver, B.C, Jan. 15.--It is stated on good authority that the Do- mrinion government has made a grant of practically all o fthe foreshore at Newport, at the head of Howe Sund, to the Pacific Great Eastern railway for a seaport. The stipulation is that the company spend two million @ol- lars in making harbor improvements. SAGE TEA DARKENS HAIR TO ANY SHADE of Howe The use of Sage and Sulphur for restoring faded, gray hair to iis natural color dates back to grand mamery Hm > SEAL 10 Ree) tituly dark, an pollen Whororsr po Sian wd o took on that dal. 'faded or streak- appearance, ; was applied with 'won E But brewing at home is mussy and out-of-date. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for a 50 cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sags and Sulphur Hair Remedy," you will get this old. recipe which can be to { chance to get good "jobs." {held that they should not "he placed d | room keeper of Orillia was also im- militia have a good | But it is the minister of in positions of precedence to senior and qualified officers. There has been talk locally of a case in point. Major W. J. Neill, of Omemee, the new principal veterinary officer of the division, arrives to assume his duties on Friday, so it is expected. He has been on the Reserve of Officers for the past four or five vears and has been granted a commission in the Canadian Permanent. Army Veterinary Corps, over the heads of other officers now in the corps. He retains his fnajority which makes him senior to a captain and a lieutenant, who are the only of- ficers left, since Lieut.-Col. W. B. Hall, of Toronto, and. Lieut.-Col. James Massie, of Kingston, retired the first of the year. This permanent corps, of five detachments; of the veterinary service, was. organized a couple of Years agQ. Then, in his position as P.V.0. of the division, Major Neill will be head over thrée non-permanent lieutenant- colonels of the Canadian Army Vet- erinary Corps, namely, A. W. Harris, of Ottawa; KE. Ming, 4th Hussars, and J. W. Fisher, 10th Brigade, C.F.A. There is also Lieut.-Col. .W. J. Mor- gan, of Kingston, the veterinary offi- cer of the 9th Artillery Brigade. Major Neill has not been an army veterinary officer, but one of Col. Sam Hughes" old command, the 45th Vie toria Regiment. RELEASED ON PAROLE Mary Dolan, Sentenced For Life, Re- leased, A woman named Dolan, sent to penitentiary for life, for the murder of her infant child near Hawkestone, in 'the spring of 1010, has been re: leased after serving a little over three years. General breakdown, it is said, was the reason for granting her freedom. The Dolan case, which caused quite a sedsation in Simcoe county. st the time, arose out of the Snding of the Body of an infant in a suitcase, flost- ne the Narrows at Atherley. The- plicated in the crime and was sent to prison, made by Excise Commissioner W. W. Farley mm his report to the legialatur, +s carried out by that body. The re port will go to the senate and asseml, ly when they reconvens next week. Kingston Township Figures The official returns for the elect- ion of councillors for the township of Kingston is as follows: Redden, 331; Kish -294; Sproule, 259. I had been reported that Councillor Redden was third on the list instead of first. , Fo -------- Music Sale ! 3 sheets in package 100, worth 40¢, Dutton's, J. Stuart Campbell, Fredericton N.B., shot himseif through the heart He was a barrister, fortyrfive years old and single. He followed the stock markets. Annie Scroggins age foutteen. of Ft. Worth, Tex., has just married her second husband. Best Suitcase ever offered: for §1.50, arg Y, JANUARY » 51 BoM : -------- F. B. McCurdy & Co., 86 and 88 Brock St--H. W. Nelles, Manager. Closing Prices; Jan. 15th, Montreal. Cement pid. apetrnasnen Cement com. R80... Toronto Railway Brazilian ..... Textile Shawinigan Heteolt- ........... "....... Dominion Steel . Spamish River lasiter Twin City . RFI ell Telephone Buasheasy (hawiaranas sori vARS Otiaw aght, Heat and Power Coppers o,. Smelters | MRL Reading Union Pacific United' States Erie... 5. Need Lichison : Northern Pacific bas sesvasids Brooklyn Rapid Transit . Rubber Lehigh Valley American Can... . New Haven Railway . Southern Pacific . Steel |. Cotton May .. ah silaesivides fan... March Wheat -- May July Corn-- uly May Oats-- July Woodmen of the World The Woodmen of the World met on Wednesday evening for 'the purpose of installing officers. C. C. Harrison, on- don, presided, and the followine officers were oflicially placed in their respec ive offices: Council commander, W. Finnigan; lieutenant, E. Hugh- on; escort, Charles Maxam; clerk, James A. Fegg; secretary, B. Humt; banker, CC. Smith; watchman, F. Rudder; past council commander. Samuel McCullagh. After the in- stallation speeches were given hy C. ¢'. Harrison, of London, ,and Organi- zor (Corrigan. The affair ended with an oyster supper, to which wards of a hundred sat down. a Thursday's Market Thursday's market was very poorly attended. Tt constituted five sleigh and about eight persons selling some products" in the island department. The only articles that could be bought there were pork, chickens, eggs and butter, all in limited a- mounts. - Pork remains about the same, 15¢. to 16e. a $1.25 a pair; eggs, 50c. a dozen, ahd. butter from 30¢. to 3%. a Ib. There 'was one woman on the market with turkeys antl she asked as hich as 25¢. a ponnd for them: Nurse's Heroic Deed Middletown, N.Y., Jan. 15.--Miss Ethel Sutton, a nurse, walked bare foot over an eighth of a mile to arouse neighbors when the big summe: home of G. F. Norton, a broker, and W. 0. Hickcock, manufacturer, of New York, was destroyed by fire, 'I'he tem- perature was fifteen below. Weather Notes -ue arca of high pressure which cov cred Ontario and the middle states, esterday, has moved south-eastward to the Atlantic, and a very decided vise in temperature has occurred in hoth Ontariqy and Quebec. The wen ther, continues quite. mild in the west: crn provinces. The Mowat Memorial hospital auth- orities complain that they could not telephone to an outside point to reach « relative of an ill patient, until an account was paid. The bill had been passed by the board of governors, but no message could go through until the cash was paid over. This was done. The company's manager says he car: ried out headquarters' instructions. The matter will likely be taken up with the'company. "Rucalyptus Cough Tablets." Gib- Jutton's. son's. RRS, coREQUIP' First reported lost hut now found with all on board safe. GIRLS ! LOTS OF BEAUTIFUL AR Hair Coming Out? Faded, Being Back Its Color ; . and Lustre. Within ten minutes after an appl! cation of Danderine you cannot find a single trace of dandruff or fal hair and your sealp will not what will you most wi ter a few ' use, when / and downy at first-- f Dry, Thin, | with Danderihe and carefully draw '| amazing--your hair - will 'hiir is as pretty it through your hair, small strand at a time. The be light, flafty and = wavy, and have an ap- pearance of abundance; an incom- parable lustre, scftness and luxar- § , ance. Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter, and : ] Eoft as any-- that it has been neglected or careless up--4 Ib.; chickens! |' Money Never Went further than it's Fine these January clearance days at Steacy's. If we may use the expressiop, * Keon- outy is rampant." 'It is worth mueh to us to ef- fect a general clearance of our over stocks be- fore inventory. This announcement can scaree- ly be more than suggestive. In addition to the special values here given®look at the "not ad- vertised" specials to-morrow. Always more un- advertised than advertised specials at Steacy's. to $3.00. NOW 98c. and Venetian; regular NOW 98c. Kimonos--in flannelette, worth from £1.75 to $4.00. - NOW 98c. ' Coatings--all this season's: regular $1.50 8kirts--in Panama, Serge $3.50 to £9.00. Sheetings-- 8-4, 40c. quality, Nc 29¢. 9-4, 45¢ quality, Now 33c. Table Linen-- Pure linen, sun-bleached $1.35 quality, Now 89c. 75¢ quality, Now 49c. These are but a few--Come and see the rest. STEACY"S 'The Busiest Store in Town." IL 8 Cares Chocolare For Cooking and Drinking; also for Cake, Tcing and making Fudge. "AFRIEND OF THE FAMILY" for 50 years, who keeps pace with the times and im- proves all the while, is what they say about : EDDY'S WARES. Grandmother always used EDDY'S MATCH. ES. Mother knew their excellanee and bought also EDDY'S FIBREWARE and proved its worth. % ' In our time has been added EDDY'S TOILET FAPERS, sanitary and cheap, and many other articles for household use, all of the same known quality as : : EDDY'S MATCHT 3. ; You cannot do better than continue to buy from the old firm, whose slogan is The MOST of the Best for the LEAST , FOR BREAKFAST Put up in 2 Ib. Packages AT ALL GBOCERS. 'Geo. Robertson & Son, Rogar Work 'that lasts, the kind you can re- 1y on, not once, but every time, ; Is the kind we do. No matter What the trouble, If it's X TT WI TR MW SY A EW EE

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