Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Jan 1914, p. 2

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WINTER CO COATS WITH | WARM FUR COLLARS | Muskrat and Otter or Persian Lamb Collars $50.00 Up. All! Furs Reduced 20 To 50 Per Cent | JOHN McKAY, LTD, For Spectacles or Eyeglasses and Mountings. For "an - Examination of the With Eyes by a Registered Optomet- rist For ald to the Eyes that will r'd you of Eyestrain and Head- achée--come direct to J. S. Asseistine D. 0. §. Mid- Winter Furniture & Carpet Sale It pays to buy now. large, prices are low, everything is Our new Tugs, Scotch | and English Linoleums are arriving every, day | from the best manufac- | turers. [These are the new patterns for the coming spring of 1914, Stocks are reduced. Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Oilcloth, Curtains, etc. > Repair 'and Upholstering Work promptly attended to. 10 per cent. than usual ng Plione 90. ck res- 10 rooms, furn- "modern, Union foe ene | onel 6. A. ver interesting meet of Badminton was held on eda afternoon, in the Armouries, and was largel attended. A tournament was played, for prizes offered by Colonel ind Mrs. Henri Panet, and these--two handsome silver cups--were won by Mrs. Maurice V. Plummer and Pro- fessor P. G. C. Campbell. Some oi the members present were Colonel and Mrs. Panet, Mrs. J. N. S. Leslie, Mrs. Iva Martin, 'Mrs. J. B. Carruthers, Mrs. FP. Strange, a Duwinn, Murs. J. C. Strange, T. Hem- ming, P. Ene, Major and Mrs. o Plummer, Ye aud Mss. George 0. Wagner, r. rs. E H. Pense, Miss Marie Carruthers, Miss Bessie Smythe, Miss Nora Macnee, Miss Dorothy Carruthers, Miss Madge Dawson, Miss Kathleen Carruthers, Miss Aileen R 8, Miss Mabel Brownfield, Miss Phyllis Shortt, Miss Marjorie Brownfield, Miss Charl ie | Shortt, Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick, Miss Rose Rogers, Miss Loretta Swift, Miss | Mamie Garrett, Miss Doris Kent, Col: H, 0 ilvie, Major Hammond, , Captains Boak, Constantine, H. Lafierty, Harrison, J. Elwood, FE. V. Lesslie, McRae, Carruthers, 0. T. Maclem, Bishop, and Professor Callan- | dar. ee Mrs. Harry Tandy and Miss Lettice Tandy ehtertained at a delightful tea, on Thursday afternoon, at their home on King street. Mrs. Harrison, of Dunkirk, N.Y., who is her house guest, received with Mrs. Tandy in the drawing-room, where a great many pink carnations were the chosen flow- ers for decoration. In the dining i room the tea table looked most artis- tie, being centred with a bowl of love ly red tulips, surrounded by red can- | dles in silver sticks. The same flow- ers were used in the library. Mrs. James Hamilton poured tea, Mis. Herbert Robinson Safies, while the ices were cut by Mrs. E. J. B. Pense. The irls assisting them were : Miss Mabel Becca: Miss Marion Redden, Miss | Fanny Sullivan, Miss Miss Mollie Saunders, Miss Edith Goodwin, Miss, Hilda Hague, Miss Madge Dawson, Miss Marjorie Brown- field, and Miss Marian Leslie. ! There was a smaller attendance than | usual at the Curling Tea on Wednes day aiternoon. Miss Betis and ha rink were the hostesses of the day.| Miss Cartwright presided at the - tes and Miss Phyllis Knight sisted Those present were: Mrs. BD. Brown, Mrs, Arthur Craig, Miss Carrie Waldron, Miss Marion Redden, Miss Lettice. Tandy, Miss Ethel Waldion, Miss Mabel Dalton, Miss Anna Fairlic and Miss Minnie Crothers. Mrs. Harold W. Nelles, William street, was hostess at a very enjoy: able bridge on Friday afternoon. Her guests were Mrs, G. Giles, Mrs. W. A. Simson, Mrs. R. Halloway Wad: dell, Mrs. D. S. Robeftson, Mrs. F. Strange, Mrs. AW Winnett, Mrs, W. A. Mitchell, Mrs, P. E. Prideaux, Mrs. H.1. Ashby, Mrs. James Hamilton, Miss Bessie Smythe, and Miss Florrio Cunningham. May Rogers, Miss Evelyn Gilbert entertained formally at a very jolly dance on Wed- | nesday svening at her home on Centre street. uests were Miss Minnie Alten, _--- a Mo arion Booth, Miss Mauda halmers, Miss Alma Aiken, Miss Lil: ao Murray, Miss Jessie Slater, and Messrs M. Stewart, W. Stewart, R. Dickson, H. Wade, G. Raitt, J. Marsh and F, Smail. . | « Mrs. W. R. Givens, "Maitland House," entertained at lunch on Thursday, in honor of Miss Audrey Guernon, of New York, who is the guest of Mrs. Neil C. Polson, Jr., Stuart street. Miss Nettie and .Jean Johnson, Uni- varsity Avenue, entertained at a deo- lightful miscellanious shower, . yester- day afternoon, in honor of the bride of néxt week, Miss Hattie Day! Ric B.A. Miss Ibrena Jenkins and Miss I. | Mayell, Princess street, left on Thurs: | day for Toronto and Detroit, where | they will spend lwo months, Mrs. M. S. Sutherland, Earl street, will receive next Monday, and after- wards on the lst and 2nd Mondays of : the month during the winter. Mve. Alexander Macphail, street, will receive next and afterwirds on the 1st Thursdays ot the month, Clergy Thursday and 3rd Mrs. N, C. Polson, University ave: nue, has issued: invitations jor an "Xt Home" oh Thursday, January 2nd. - - - - Mrs. W. Hobart Dyde, Johnson street, was hobtess at a very interest: ing bridge of five tables on Wednes- day evemng. - - » Mrs. John Gaskin, 201 Earl strod will receive on Mobday, and after wards on the first and tnird Mondays in the month. Cid Mrs. James Massie, Earl street, will entertain at bri on Tuesday even ing, in honor of rs. George oung. Nr. FE. W. Belton, 216 Albert street, will receive Tuesday, instead of Friday, as previously Sunounced. Mrs. James Fair, 380 Brock street, | will receive on the third Wednesday of I: each mouth during the season. The antital Arts' dance at Queen's will be held in Grant Hall, on' Friday, {January the twenty-third. Mrs. George Mahood, Gore street, will not receive Again this season. Fy or two 'in town this week, Mrs, William 1 arty, Stuart | og ail Yes from Toronte nesday, "and brought 'Miss Florence Kerr back with them for a Visit Br. J. JeCaminidge. Pocippes, N. is the gues his sister, Mrs. Halligan, Ghee street. rr Miss Helen Dini, of Halifax, youn % est daughter of the late General C. Drury and Mrs. Drury, Halifax, is the guest.in Toronto of Mrs. Henry Pa. terson. Miss Hilda Kent returned, on Wed: nesday, from Pembroke, where she was {| the guest of Mrs. James Forgie. Ex-Cadet Charles Slater, i. R. Meikle, ing friends month, returned home yesterday. P rofessor Manley "B. Baker, Queen's, is spending a few days Montreal. Miss Violet Britton, Miss Stark, Miss Gussie Wright, My, Erie Britton and Mr. Gordon Stark came up from Gananoque for the Bachelors' dance last night. Mr. Gordon Smith, Johnson street, is in Montreal for the week-end. who has been visit- Miss Helen Diummond is expected in town next week from /Toronto, to visit] Mrs. George Hague, University Aven- ue. Mrs. G. M. Macdonnell, University Avenue, is 'the guest of Mrs. Campbell Laidlaw, in Ottawa. Mrs. H. Dyckman arrived yesterday from Westfield, Mass., and is the guest of Mrs. James Lesslie, William street. . Miss Clancy, of Port Huron, will ax rive in town next week to visit Miss Etta Ward, Johnson street. Mrs. Douglas Hammond, has return- ed from Brockville, where she has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kohl. The Bishop of Nova Scotia, who has been the guest of fis daughter, Mrs. Charles Kirkpatrick, Frontenac street left vesterday for Montreal. Major H. T. Hughes went to Mon: real on Friday. - = Mr. Arthur Bick, Mr. Tlarold Hill iand Mr. Ross Byron went to Mont: réal on the Queen's hockey excursion yesterday. Miss Helen Fralick, Miss Lillian Mundell's guest. Miss Ethel Hawley, of Napanee, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs; Herbert Saunders, Alice street. out Mr. and Mrs. George Mahood, Gore street, will leave, néxt Wednesday, for a trip to the sold country and the Woe Vps jodi . Robert Laird, Toronto, spent a He ex. pects to start for the coast in a few days. Mrs. Ross Bradley, who has been the guest of Mrs. W. A. Mitchell this week, returned to her home in Jamestown, L.L, to-day. Miss Kthel Hawley, Naparge, is on a visit to Mrs, Saunders, Alired street. Mrf and Mrs. W. St. P. Hughes, of Ottawa, were called to Cornwall, their daughter, Norah, aged five years, who was visiting her 'grandmother, Wirs. Mo Leod, having been taken seriously ill, Her condition is still critical. (Continued on Page 3.) Fall and Wister Impoftations, Provost, Brook street, has received all his fall and winter importations for his order ilori department; t variety of terns to ch from; siuo" bie rw ~ ready-made clothing was never bettet in- | sine em---- Prof. Clark, of Queen's lectures in Ricton on Jan, 27th on 'Storms and Weather Forecasting." The Tabard Inn Library at Gib- son's Red Cross Drug Store has a membership of near 500. Clean new books are always found in it. FEORS | At Low Prices Every day we convince feonle that this store is far the best place te by furs. Ourlong exper- ience as manufacturers enables us to offer the most desirable furs in ex- clusive styles. Big Variety e always carry such a big stock, you are al: ways sure to be suited here. Half Price Sale of Coats, on Wed- | Hp Saturday Night Specials of Mont- ih eal, has been spending a few days in {| in Ottawa for the past {{ of jj mj Edith || of Belleville, - is | | ations: De, R. BE. Sparks, Sided All Popular biggest selling books of the da y. All Popular Music, vocal and instrumental, 10 cents per copy. Tne largest stock of music in the city. . Latest Dance Folios containing all this season's hits. Reprint Fiction of $1.50 and $1.25 books at 45 cents. More than 1000 to select from of the 160-162 Princess St. A ER CRIB ON SS i Rr No. 1-500 Yards of Dress Goods and Coat- ings, this season's goods and i na wide variety of shades, in. plain and fanev weaves, tweeds, bro#ades, taffeta cloths Venetian cloths, ete., 45 to 64 inches wide, priced up to $1.25 a yard. Monday morning - 2-150 Yards Fine Quality Byoad Cloth, suitable for evening wraps in dainty shades of mauve, old rose, tan, reseda, grey, maroon; 52 inches wide. Marked at $1.25 a yvard.. A, 75 Monday Morning Snap ....... C No. 3--175 Yards of Fancy Velvets, in Bro- eades and Shot ¢ fects, ail this esason's roods, $1.00 and $1.25 lines. For a Monday moraing snap. . .50c Custom Sawing Our saw mill is now pre- pared to receive logs and tim- ber to be manufactured into boards and plank, or anything "else desired, First-class work, -- WILL MAKE PROPOSITION TO BOARD OF EDUCATIH Regarding the Treatment of Child. ren's Teeth -- Trustee Meek and Secretary Macdouald Waited on Dental . Association on Friday Night. | Having in view arrangements where by the children att ng' the schools {will have their teeth "treated, Trustes 'Robert Meck and Secretary John Mac donald, of 'the Board of Education, on Friday night waite] on members of the Kingston Dental association, and gtfressed their views before the mem. The board is very anxious that some arrangements should be made whereby the cifildren will have. their teeth ten ded to, more especially those who are unable to pay' the cost of the treat ment. | Trustee Meék brought the matter to The College Book Store Phone. 919 "Made tn platinum, with sap- phires and pearls set in. The designs are mostly Eur opean and very attractive. 5 Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Optical Prescriptions 'Ground. Ladies' Coats, rat lined sable collar and reveres, $40.00, Ladie's Coats, rat lin- ed mink collar and re- veres $40.00. Ladies' Rat Coat, 50 in, long, $40.00. W. F. Gourdier 78 Brock Street Good Real St., frame, hot water heating, electrio light, gas, ; $2,750--Divisiow St., double frame 7 rooms each, rents $24 per $4.1 c St., new brick, 8 rooms, B. & O,, gas, electric light. $4,500~FEarl St, (double), rents Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts. the notice of the Board of Education sonie time ago, feeling that someth: ing should be done, as it' was shown by the alle a the school nurse, that the th You for dhe purpose of looking af. ter the children, " The dentists in Mre. Kavanagh's | tea room, ahd Julie i saber ees pre- aPotasoes, Potatoes H want the finest potatoes, i whe Daliwate, New Dritaich, " toes. Large, clean and white, , Crawford. "31 bath' sponges, 50e oo ns Wea herby, 1 Jota. James $144 per year. A mice building lot on Division St., (66 by 165), for $800. E. W, MULLIN,

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