Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Jan 1914, p. 5

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Toasts and Speeches Toasts for All Occasions, Seleeted ....... $1.00 Irish Toasts, by Shane Na Gael .......... 50 Scottish Toasts, by Ivor Ben Melvor......, 50 Great Speeches and How to Make Phem, by Kleiger: ................ ieee 13D How to Develop Self-Confidence in Speech and Manner, by Kleiger How to Read and Declaim,, by Keiser . .... National Proverhs--England . National Proverbs--Secotland German, Self-Taught, a new system . ... French, Self-Taught, a ney system . . . At . UGLOW"S 141 PRINCESS STREET .+« 125 35 35 25 on -~t Use Wheat Vigor FOR BREAKFAST Put up in 2 1b, Packages ' ' AT ALL GROCERS. Geo. Robertson. & Son, Limited Will soon be here. We are prepared for if --ARE YOU ?7-- Bee our selection of ~ OVERCOATINGS a before purchasing elsewhers. CRAWFORD & WALSH | the minister; | dan, of Queen's. 20% Off Electric Fixtures FOR BALANCE OF JANUARY Large Stock to Choose From. Cash Only W. |. MOORE & SON Wellington Street [SPECIAL SALE] % Men's Gun Metal Blucher, 'Box Calf 'Leather lined, Tan Calf Bhiche; regular $3.50 and $4, | felt and kid, regal and $1.25 PREACH ON SUNDAY. Announcements Made by the Various 'Demominations As To Their Sere vices-----Sermon Topics and Musical Programmes. Convocation Hall, Queen's Uaiver- sity. --The service to-morrow after- noon will be conducted by Prof. Mor- gan. St. Andrew's--Rev. S. J.-M. Comp- ton, B.I)., minister. Services 11 a.m. and 7 pm. 'Sunday school, 3 p.m. Students aad strangers welcome. St. Paul's--Mornmg prayer and holy communion, 11 o'clock; preacher, the vicar. Sunday school and 'vie far's Bible class, 3 'p.m. Evening prayer, 7 o'clock; preacher, the vicar. Queen street Methodist church--Rey, G. 1. Campbell, B.D., pastor. 11 a.m. subject "Defeated." ' 2.45 p.n:, Bible school adult class, 'and young men's club. Speaker, Dr. Coleman. 7 p.m., subject, "In Expectation Line." Pas- tor, both services. First Baptist church---Rev Douglas Laing, pastor, at both services. 11 am, "How the Women Ministered to Chnst." 7 p.m., "Comfort {for Troubled Hearts." Bible school at 2.45 p.m. Students and strangers cordially invited to aM the services. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Johnson street, between Bagot and Wellington streets--Sunday service, 11 am.; subject, "Life." Wednesday evening, testimonial meeting. Free public reading-rooms, same address, open every afternoon, except Sunday 3 to 5 o'clock. All are cordially in- vited to the services and the reading- room. ' . Bethel Congregational, corner ' Bar- rie and Johnson streets--\ ' Central church. Rev. A. I'. Mershon, minis- ter, will preach at 11 am. and '7 p.mg 'Volunteer. chorus choir; seats free to all. Sunday school, 3 p.m. Annual meeting of the school execu- tive Wednesday next, 6.30 pm. Amn- nual meeting of the church, Wednes- day, Jan. 28th, 7.30 p.m. St. James Church, corner Union and Arch streets. All seats free--Rev. T. W Savary, B.A. rector. The rectory, 152 Barrie streét,, Second Sunday af- ter Epiphany. 11 a.m. Morning Prayer and Holy Communion, sermon subject, "Ho, Every Ome." 4 p.m. Sunday school and Bible classes; 7 p.m. Even- ing Prayer and Address. CA. Girdler will give an account of the recent Students Volunteer convention. Brock street Methodist church, cor- ner of Montreal and Brock streets-- Rev. John Webdter, pasior. Residence, 212 Johnson street. 10 a.m., class meeting. 11 am., the pastor. An- them. 3 pm, Sabbath school, drotherhioad, and ladies Bible class. 7 p-m., preacher, the pastor. Anthem, "Onward Christian Soldiers." Mon- day, Y.P.S., "Annual Drive." Wed nesday, 8tp.m., mid-week service. Chalmers Presbyterian, corner. Bar- rie and - Harl-Rev. M. Macgillivray D.D., minister. Services, 11 a.m. 7 pm. Rev. D®% Jor Sunday school, 3 p-m., Bible class with Prof, - Mathe- son, 2.15 p.m. Wednesday, 7.30 p. ;, missionary evening. Addresses y P. IL. Jull, B/A., of the pollege. Collection also. Students and strangers ,cordially invited to all the services. Cooke's Presbyterian church, Rrock street--Mmister, Rev. J. W, ¥eln- tosh, M.A." Residence, 318 University avenue. . The pastor will comduet both services. 11 a.m.;, "The Book of Jonah." 7 pm., "The Christian Attitude to the Theatre." 3 pim., Sunday "school, with Bible classes for young men and young women. Mid-week meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Students apd strangers cordially in vited to all services. The People's Church Home--Corner Union and Collingwood streets. Rev. G. A. Lowes, minister. Residence, 124 Nelson street. The pastor at both services. Men oat of work or in trouble of any kind will 'always find the pastor to be "a man's man" that daily studies the probfems of men and is anxious to he a practical friend and big brother to all. A special invitation is extended to "the man on the street." Sydenham street Methodist church-- Rev. Alfred Brown, pastor. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The pastor will preach in the morning. Subject : "Under the Juniper Tree." In the evening the pastor will conduct the service and Rev. D. W. Snider. se cretary of the Liord's Day Alliance, The Annual General Meeting Head Office of the February next, at 12 o'clock noon By order of thé Board. Capital Authorized | Capital Paid Us Reserve Funds 325 Branches Savings Department at all Branches. LONDON, ENG., OFFICE Bank Bldgs--Princes 3. KINGSTON BRANCH, . 'preach. . Bible school at 2.45 P- mn, with adult, intermediate and jun- ior departments. Special invitation to students. - Cordial welcome to ali. Anthems, "The Way Is Long "And Weary," "As Pants the Heart"; solo, 'Harken Unto Me," Mrs. James Small. x Princets . Street Methodist Church, corper Princess and Albert streets, Rev. Frederick G. Robinson, minister; Parsonage 620 'Princess street--Mission- ary Anniv Services; 11 a.m. , Rev. Dr. Scott of Ceylon; 7 p.m., Platform Meeting, addresses by His Worship, Mayor Shaw, and Dean Coleman, of Queen's University. Junior League at 10 am. Class Meeting at close of morning sertice. - Sunday School and Bible Classes at 2.45 p.m. Epworth League, Monday at 8 p.m {eneral Prayer Meeting, Wednesday at 8 p.m. Special music at both services Sunday. The uptown church with a welcome for all--Come. St. George's Cathedral, The Very Rev. Dean Starr, M.A., rector; 263 King street, phone 920. Rev. C. K. Hourne, M.A, curate 60 William street. Second Sunday aitgr Epibhany, 8 a.m. Holy Communion; 11 matins and chor al communion service, preacher, he Dean, 3 p.n. Sunday school; 3.15 Bible class in chapel; 4.15 Baptisms; 7 p.m. The third sermon in special series to students, preacher, The Right Rev. Dr. Farthing, Lord Bishop of Montre al. Special music. The first banquet of St. George's Men's Club will be held in St, George's Hall at 7 ofclock Tues- day, the address will be given by Bishop Farthing, To-night the Little Damozel At the Grand Opera House to- night Lawrence Brough is appearing in that delightful comedy, "The Lit- tle Damozel," a delightful comedy. of English life dealing with two .very distinet types of society. The set- 3 JANUARY 1, 1914 MOCCASINS OVERSHOES SNOWSHOES HOCKEY BOOTS Enjoy winter weather by wearing good wear. makes winter like spring. For skaters--hockey laces, warm insoles, ports. warm foot- Our warm footwear ankle sup-" CAMPBELL'S tings give much opporunity for the unusual and the mingling of the ar- istocratic with the Bohemian shows somé very fine character drawing on the part of the author, Mr. Moncton Hofie One striking feature of this place in the climax of the second act. There is a sudden transition from laughter to tears, that calls for the very finest kind of acting. Miss Olga Esme in the role of "The Little Dam- ozel," is superb. She runs the gaunt- let of emotions with an art that is greater than art so. nearly natural is t Mr. Lawrence Brough as Redklaw Poole gives. a finished presentation of that weak. whimsical, but aitogeth- ar lovable character. Mr. Ruls Pyott &s the Hon. Fitzroy Locke is an actor of great merit with a part we shall not soon forget. This is 1 remarkably clever company and have a vehicle that will please ev- arybody. "The Little Damozel," is followed by "Confusion," a boister- Ss one act comedy 'written some- what afterjthe style of the best French light comedies. +The Late Capt. Griffith / At Sillsville, on December 27th, ohe of the most widely known and vghly respected residents passed way in the person of «Capt. David E. Griftith.. He was a life long re- sident of the township; born and fied on the same - farm. In His vounger days was a very active man, a model farmer, taking a keen in- Gor ahNADA Notice is hereby given that a Dividend at the rate of THIRTEEN Per Cent. Per Annum upon the Capital Stock of this Bank has this day been declared for the quarter ending 31st January, 1914, and that the same will be payable at the Head Office in this city and at its Branches on and after Monday, the 2nd Day of February, 1914, to shareholders of record of 23rd Jamdary, 1914. Bank in Toronto on Wednesday, the 18th of . Toronto, 16th December, 1913. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA INCORPORATED 1869 terest in all branghes pertmining to She farm. For a 'number of years he has Mved a retired life. He re- presented the township and county in municipal affairs. He was for vears captain of the Napanee T. C. tth Hussars. He was of U. E. L. -rarentage, his grandfather being a nephew of Philip Embury, who reached the dedicatory sermon, Oct. 30th 1768, of the old John Streat Methodist church, New York, the mother church of Methodism in the ww world. + Capt. Griffith was a Methodist in religion, In politics a ronservative. He leaves to mourn his loss one sister, Mrs. E. H. Dun- bar, and one brother, John on the sld homestead. ~ he Iroquois Club Ball The Iroquois Club are making elaborate plans for their first grand ball to be held in the City Hall, on January 27th, and the comm'itee are eaviug notling undone that would tend to make this coming affa'r their best effort yet. An out-of-town aug- mented orchestra of eleven pieces, with a string orchestra for waltzes fas been engaged for the occasion. Supper will be served in Ontario hall with Reid & Hambook as, cater- ers, and with dancing until 2.30 am everything points to the most sue- cessful dance that the popular club has run yet. . of Shareholders will be held at the GEQ. P. SCHOLFIELD, gorneral Manager. 157 § 26,000,000 11,680,000 13,000,000 Canada. . . NEW YORK AGENCY LT Cor, Williem and Coder Sh. } E. E. NEWMAN, Manager. Annual Clearing Sale of FURS Big Discounts in Every Line Camphell Bros. Designers and Makers of Fine Furs, GIVEN BY A. B. FARMER OF TO- RONTO. Before Queen's Political Science Club -- The Speaker Strongly Ad. vocated the Adoption of the Land Tax System. A. B. Farmer, of Toronto, lectured before the political science cluly of {neon's university on Friday afternoon on "Single Tax." By argument and illustration, My. Farmer sought to, show its moral basis and practical application, : and he set forth .figuresand statements on canvases concerming different phases of the question. This singular or unique tax, he (ferred to as a political movement iphilosophy of life. Mr. Farmer in \Yocating the tax on land, which jtermed altogether different than jother things, explained points of un- similarity _ between land and other | things which constitute wealth. "Land Js the gift of the Creator; land is an apportunity,"' he remarked. Mr. Farmer dwelt at some length in support of the argument of the single- taxers. Upon the value of land which is created by the growth of the com- munity, (thus the property of the community as a whole), he held, the tax should he levied to meet educat- ional requirements, police and five pro- tection, and the needs of public utili- ties, B One of the benefits fi the single tax re or ad- he on which Mr. Farmer metjtioned was that it would bé impossible for men hold land idle, which is a curse to any community. The tax on the land alone, if it could he done, he declared would be both just and expedient. Mr. Farmer advanced ways by which to get' at the correct value of land practicable. It is far easier, said he, to or .'| ABERNETHY'S | teeter re AR ARRAARA Arch Supports Special Sale of Chocolates . + In fancy boxes and in bufk, 30 cent value 0 Boxes for ... 5 Boxes for 0 Boxes for 0 Boxes for Cent Boxes for 0 Cent Boxes for $2.0 $1.7 $1.5 $1.0 7 6 for 20 cents, BEGIN THE NEW YEAR RIGHT Insist on Having Pasteurized Milk Be Sure it Phone 845. CoCr C02) ¢ Alarm Clocks 5 Only a few left, And to clear off at. 59 EACH rr is in Bottle PRICE'S Dining Chair Sale Rather than carry these over we will sell- them at manufacturers' prices. ; M A refia- DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS {\ "i gualating Pill for Westen. $5 a box or three for $10. Sold et all Drug Stores. or mailed to any address on receipt of price, Tue ScoseLl Deve Co, 88, Catharines, Ontario. = PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN, Yi: e Vim snd Vitality; for Nerve and Brin: increases "grey matter': a Tonle --will build you up. $3 a box, or two for $5, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt price. THE ScOBELL DRUG CO., St. Catharines, Ontario. 4 FLOUR Our Robin Hood brand of flour nas 8 gu tee in every bag for good hc ANDREW MACLEAN . Ontario Street. You have tried the rest; now to get at the correet value of {anh than anything else. Even now: the law gives assessors certain. powers which he intimated were not always exercised to a very large extent. Some of the factors to be considered in the valuation of land which he enumerat- ed, were its size, the problem of the corner lot, or the street. 0. Masters, president of the Political Science Club, presided at the meeting. A vote of thanks was tendered the speaker, om motion of R. M. Spankie and W. G. Mcintyre. Profs. W. W. Swanson, and 0. D. Skelton spoke briefly in relation to Mr. Farmer's lee- tore; and, in the main, in apprecia- tion of his arguments. -------------------- Elected Hts Officers .The District Orange Lodge of Len: nox district, held its annual meetin on January 13th, and elected the fol lowing officers : W. district master, W. | Dawson; district deputy master, T. W. Simpson; district. Rev. Nickles ~ distri secretary, Samuel MeNeil; first district turer, J. H. > | try us for 'the best at the low. | est prices In the city. We have a complete of | men's, ladies. and dren's Ji : | SHOES | OES | lecturer, W. Higgs; second distriet lee || Hartwick; Jivector of J » ceremonies , B. D. Storey. : Also a large stock of Screens fa Art Muslin, Tapestry, Burlaps, at Reid .Quality; 'Reid Low Prices. JAMES REID The Leading Undertaker Phone 147 for Ambulance STOVES AND RANGES. We have a large stock of Stoves and Ranges, also new and second-hand fur- niture, carpets and quilts. Come and see me if you want to save money on | all kinds of household goods. H. SUGARMAN, Ontario Phove 1380. Opposite Craig's Wholesale, Three brick houses, the best of location, near Queen's I | ouse on Queen street, ne: Clergy, $3.950.00. > 5 "

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