Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jan 1914, p. 2

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WINTER COATS WITH | WARM FUR COLLARS | At $15.00 | Fur-lined Coats Muskrat and Otter or Persian Lamb Collars $50.00 Up. All} Furs Reduced 20 To 50 Per Cent JOHN McKAY, LTD. 149-157 BROCK ST, KINGSTON. "PHONE 1170 Kingston Automobile Co. Queen and Bagot Streets. Storage, Repairing, Kose: wortes. We Guarantees Satisfaction. For Spectacles or Eyeglasses Almost Invisible Frames and Mountings. With For an Examination of the Eyes by a Registered Optomet- rist. For aid 10 the Eyes that will r'd you of Eyestrain and Head- ache--come direct to J. 8. Asseistine 0. 0. §. 842 King Sti . Kingston, Ont. Rugs and Linoleums | PLAYED IN THE MILITARY OFF. CERS LEAGUE, The 14th Defeated the 41st by 26 to 13 -- The 15th Won From King- ston Permanent Officers by 28 to 26. At the Armouries, on Monday night, the officers of the 14th Regiment took those of the 41st Regiment, of Brock- ville, "into camp' to the tune of 26 to 15, in a game in the Military Base- ball league. It was the second of the double-header, and concluded about 11.30 o'clock. This was the local rifle officers' first home game, after thé Belleville oflicers "had carried out a i tactical movement' which leit 'them i behind in that city last week. But ! Brockville's argument on Monday 'night was fairly persistent, and the 14th outplay them throughout. Capt. Campbell's team sccured a lead of five runs in the first few innings and, as '"'every little bit added to what they had made a little bit more," hit the region of 26 by the last inning. The teams were: l4th--Lieut. J, W. Stagg, c.; Capt. yw. UC. Campbell, p; Capt. W. Y. ib.; Capt. E. B. Sparks, 2b,; | \ Lieut. A. 'W. Winnett, 3b.; Lieut. 2.1 d'Esterre, r.s.; Lieut. GG. Bawden, l=; Lieut. L. C. Lockett, r.i.; Lieth. H. D. Wightman, Li. dlst--Llieut. F. Ryder, ¢.; Capt. H. 'H. Edwards, p.; Chpy, UT Wilkin- son; 1b.; Capt. R.A. Bowie, 2b; Capt. J. V. Brown, 3b.. Capt: W. M Edwards, r.s;; Lieut. C. Campbell, Ls; Lieut, C. R. McHenry, r.i.; Lieut. tJ. A. Bresnan, Lf. | The second game, that between the Kingston permanent oflicers and those $a BLE GROWERS Annual Meeting at Satdraqui C4 On Monyay. . The gnnyal Decting. of the - ston hraach the tario Vege- table Growers' association was held in the township hall at Uataraqui on Monday afterndon, following: the meet- ing of the agricultural society. During the discussion of matters ' having a bearmg on the interests of the vegetable growers it was shown that the aim of the associa. tion is to get the best seeds at the ! most reasonable prices, and to keep in check the continued encroachment | on the ple's rights of the hole of same who are con: tinually petitioning the government, and waiting on it in delagations to Stop small lots from coming in hy increasing duties on the same, last year one of the largest sale' houses in Henry Mette, of Quidlenberg, many, that if he continued to sell | his goods to the growers of Canada whole- until such time as he refused to sell the growers direct. The Ontario Vegetable Growers' a buyer, Mr. Kerr, oi Ottawa, procure seeds for it, and it will seeds and onions for and nearly everything they require in their business at an annual saving of from thirty to sixty per cent. In fact on some varieties, Jas high as two hundred per centy.aiter paying him ten per ¢eit. for transacting bu- siness for them. The impression has gone abroad that they had banded together to raise prices on our pro ducts. It is. incorrect. The election of officers resulted : President. R. J. Bushell, Bath sof the 15th Regiment, oi Belleville, was the snappier of the two exhibi- tions. The visiting military men won it by a close margin of 28 to 25 runs. They about held their own until the arms' had to ac Although their 4 in ten runs in the seventh and eighth, Belleville added nine and held a lead. The teams were: 15th Regiment--Lieut. P. K. Ketche- son, c.; Capt. W. J. Cook, p.; Lieut. . Hyman, 1b.; Capt. Tennant, ; Capt. R. D. Ponton, 3b.; Capt. . P. Allen, rs; Capt. W. H. Hud son, lLs.; Lieut. E. D. O'Flynn, ri; Lieut. J. J. Middleton, 1.1. Permanent Foree--Capt. C. F. Con- stantine, C.; Major D. Young, p.; Lieut. I.. M. Hughes, 1b.; Lieut.-('ol. HA. Panet, 2b.; Major J. E. Mills, 3b.; Lieut. H. P. Lafferty, r.s:; Capt. {H. E. Boak, l.s.; Lieut. C. V. Bishop, Li; Capt. H. A. Chisholm, r.f. - Col.-Sergt. W. Hall, of the I4th, and A. McNichol, of Toronto, acted in hoth games as umpire and base um pire, respectively, and gave mutual satisfaction. After- the game, before the visiting officers took the night trains for the cast and west, they were entertained by the local officeps in the mess rooms at Tete de Pont barracks and the Armouries. FORGOT T0 GIVE The City Engineer 'a Chance Make an Explanation. When the paving question was un- to Our new rugs, Scotch and English Linoleums are arriving every, day from the best manufae- turers. [These are the new patterns for the coming spring of 1914. Chil Carpet Warehouse. Mid-Winter Sale It pays to buy now. Stocks reduced. Oilcloth, Curtains, ete. Repair and Upholstering Work promptly attended to. 10 per cent. less than usual prices. Phone 90. T. F. HARRISON C0. 7 5 detached brick res idence, 10 rooms, furn- Furniture & Carpet are large, prices are low, everything is Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, SW. Kelly, W. der discussion by the City Council on Monday evening, Ald. Nickle re- marked that the city engineer should be given a chance to say whether or not a charge made against him at the last meeting of the Board Works by Ald. Fair was true or not. Ald. Fair stated that the engineer had inserted with a purpose the word '"'assist" in conneotion with the appointment of T. H. Mather, of Syracuse, N.Y., as consulting en- gineer, in regard to the paving of the street railway allowance. Ac cording to the motion passed by the board last yegr. Mr. Mather is to 'assist the city engineer in prepar- ing the Plans and specifications." The mayor ruled that the matter would have to be brought up under another order of business, but noth ing more was heard of it. To the Whig the city engineer stated that he made no change in the motion of the board. The motion appears on the books just as it pas- sed -------- Y.M.C.A. Boys Debate . On Monday evening, at the meet- i of the Young Men's Bible class, held in the Y.M.CCA. building, a de- bate took place between four memn- bers of the high school boys' club on the subject, "Resolved that elec- tricity is a grester power af' the present day than steam Haruld Farrar: and George Dawson werd' the speakers for the-affirmative 'While Wel lifigton Stnumons and" Clifford Roy- molds argued for the negative. J. 18. Kell Nb CS sunders and Rey, "». I. Campbell acted as judges, an decided in favor of the Tr ve by Seven pots to six. stint "Versatile" Return for Farewell The "Versatiles," that clever ' com- pany of English _ musical comedy stars, will return to the Grand Opera House om Friday and Saturday next offeri their former successes, "TU, the River," and "The C Ex- press," aiigmented by the addition of a score of new musical numbers. This will be the farewell of this popular in Canada, and will mark ace, all modern. Union Bt. ! G0 has $5,200 A brick dwelling, 7 | rooms, bath, furnace; § central location. ' the end of a forty weeks' tour, which has every important city in the dominion. - Council No. 121, C. 0. OC, FP.» Dataci] No. 12%, ioe Fey sh on' Monday evening for installation of hada) The installing were Dr. J. H. Bell and E. Woodman. The auditor's report showed everything in connection with the council to be ina flourishing condition. The officers in- stalled were : ' Past councillor, E. W.' liott; 'chief councillor, H. Hawley; vice-councillor, J. E. Hunty recorder H. Sharpe; assistant recorder, Mrs. J. Johuston; treasurer, C. G. Clark; pre- late, D: J. .Garbutt; marshal, T. Smithy warden, Miss M. Dunnett guard, R. Eke; sentry, J. Johnston; organist, Mrs. J. H. Truesdell. "Almond OG ; ~The Ladies' Guild of St. Paul's church, West, , Te'elected Mrs. H. Bohl as their president for the year. I "Long whisks," at Gibson's. ! 's, fiith inning, when their *"'brothers-in- | Marrison. : Walter : niesce to seven runs. ' Weston, Wesley ocal opponents shot | John | of! Road, (re-elected): vice-presidents; John Baker, Cataraqui: John Watts, Kingston: secretary-treasurer, E. K. Purdy, Kingston:~ directors, Leon Cooke, William Harpell, Cataraqni; Friendship, Kingston; Ienry Baiden, Portsméuth. The financial statement showed halance on hand. Epworth League Gathering A larve gathering turned out to Uueen Street Epworth League," on Monday evening, to hear addresses given by Rev. G. 1. Campbell and Rev. A. E. Smart. The former gave graphic account of his trip through { the Rockies last summer, and the | many things which he witnessed. Mr. | Smart spoke on his, 'werk in connec { tion with the Children's Aid Society. { During the course of the evening a solo was sung by Mrs. McHendry and {a duet by the Misses E. Ross and L Drury. a Robbed a Clothesline Clothes line thieves are at work. During the night "some 'person or persofis paid a visit to the yard of Dr. W. Gibson, William street, and cleared off with everything on the | line. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money if Pazo Oint ment fully to. cure Itohing, Blind Bleeding or. Protruding Piles. First application gives relief. 50c. G. W. Maxwell Very Low George W. Maxwell, Rideau street, is very low ait his home, and not ex- pected to live, | Cet your entries in for Central Ontario Poultry and Pigeon show hy Jan. 22nd. G, Holland, secretary, 126 Nelson street, city. A poor imitation of wickedness better - than the! real thing. "Long whisks," at Gibson's. is Kingston's Famons fur Store. AN Cloth Gaels Lss Tha Half Pri of buying in the very height of winter Ladies', Misses' and Children's Newest Style Cloth Coats made large 11} Only | Canada threatened [jy Ger- | they would cancel all orders they had i placed with him and order 'so more | Association this year has appointed || to !| buy | transplanting, | .TO AUTOMOBILE OWNERS. | | Audel's Answers on Automobiles and machinists 012 pages, 380 illustrations, receipts, tables and ready. reference. Giving elear, concise, explicit and practical information on eare, run- ning and repair. Answers on the following subjeets:-- How to Run an Automobile ° Timing and Balancing Ignition Clutches NK ; a new book for owners, operators Carburettors Brakes Gas Engine Operation ' Tires Motor Cycles Fuels Overhauling the Car The Drive ~~ Ball and Roller Bearings Electricity Storage Batteries GUARANTEE: --This book we guarantee to be in every way as repre- sented, and if not found satisfactory it ¢an be returned promptly and the amount paid will be willingly refunded RI $1.50 "+ The College Book Store 160-162 Princess St Phone. 919 : Made in platinum, with sap phires and pearls set In. Received this week, direct from Japan, a shipment of Genuine The designs are mostly Eur opean and very attractive. Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians. Tssuers of Marriage Licenses. Handwoven Japanese Crepe dainty materials, white only, "suitable for Waists, . Dresses, etc, very servicable, will wash and retain the original nature of the Crepe. Full 30 in- ches wide. Various quali- ties in stock, beginning in price per yard : 1 Sc. Ladies' Coats, rat lined sable collar and . reveres, $40.00, Ladie's Coats, rat lin- ed mink collar and re- veres $40.00. Ladies' Rat Coat, 50 in, long, $40.00. "W. F. Gourdier 78 Brock Street Good Real NEWMAN & SHAW THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. NIGHT CLASSES OPEN IN KINGSTON DURING THE FIRST WEEK IN FEBRUARY Classes Will be Established in Shop Arithmetic, Mechanical Drawing, Millinery and . Dressmaking as Starter. Indusinial classes will be com- menced in Kingston during the first weelC in "February. A splendid: ap- portunity will now be afforded those who are desirous of being' taught along. certain lines A meeting of the industrial and advisory committee, of the Board of Our saw mill is now pre pared to receive logs and tim- bet to be manufactured into boards and plank, or anything else desired. = First-class work. ue io, ulin Jot oi E. W. MULLIN, Estate Bought and Sold. Oor. Johnson and Division Sts. Division Education, of which Trustee W. J. { Renton is chairman was held on Mon- (day night, when steps were taken to (make a start with the classes in shop arithmetic, mechanical drawing, {dress making and - , millinery, The committee is now advertising for teachers for the work. The class in millinery and dress- making will be conducted in the Board of Education rooms, and thn © in shop arithmetic and mech- anical drawing, will be held in the Collegiate Institute. It is pointed out that there must be an enrollment sufficient to war- S. ANGLIN & ¢9 ' Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts. Board of Education rooms will be op- en next Friday night, when Prin- cipal Sliter,of the Collegiaté Institute with the secretary of the board will be present to give all the ation desired about the classes, Every person should have Some kind of outdour exe r Wi Br Ealing ing e have { Baowshoes

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