SA EAAS LLL Ld lbs Bld td FETT TPIT TIYITRTIRITITTYYYY Dennélly for the ars dance on Friday | ) evening, t [or Mrs. R. H. Partridge, who has been | . pb the guest of her parents, Mr. and P Mrs, R. Easton Burns, kas been b spending a few days in Toronto this pb week, PF 'Miss Agnes Gibson, University ave- nue, went to London, Ont., on Wed- nesday, for 'a week's visit. ! Very Rev, Dean Starr, Who spent a Miss I. Mowat is entertaining at a few days in Toronto this week, re dance this afternoon at the tea hour, turned home on Thursday. ; {in hodor of the girl students at tho, i v } "Residence." She will be assisted by ' Miss Laura Gibson, of Ottawa, who I her sister, Miss Ethelwyn Mowat, Miss came up fos the Arts dance last night |} Phipps (Port Dover), Miss Nina Fer is the guest of Miss Pessie Wilder, {guson and Miss Annie Fowler, and Bagot street. Lan : | {the other guests will be Miss Dorothy iss Saruh Willis, who is spending ! Goodwin, Miss Edith Goodwin, Miss the winter in town entertained a few 'May Maed I, Miss Helen Drum- friends informally at the tea houg on mond (Toronto), Miss Phyllis Knight, Friday afternoon, at her rooms on Miss Clirissie Wilson , (Burlington), Karl street. sam xy Miss Frances Fraser, Miss Florence | Mrs.: Norton-Taylor and Miss Lily Bissonette, and Messrs. Millett, Harri- Norton-Taylor, Wéllington street, hve) 'son, LayngaJ. K. Robertson, Profess- returned to town again, after spending lor J. I. Morison, Neil Stewart, W. some time in Halifax, Quebec, pu oe iE BN B00KS FORMERLY $150 PER COPY, NOW 50 CENTS By HAROLD BELL WRIGHT b In this present-day story of desert life and the national réclamation work we have a8 Sloan and Niglesome a4 book as man ever wrote; a story of big things, strong people, an B OAs. » He has delineated the passions, the longings, the motives, the loves and hatreds of men and women with added skill. and he has also with finer power analyzed human emotions and penetrated more keenly the depths.of the human soul. > The plot, through which there runs an intense love interést, is mighty in IL | conception sud is carried to a satisfactory close with the smoothness of running water. It is one of big incidents and rapid action, and bears a message as broad 'as humanity itself---The Ministry of Capital. : in his descriptions the author has exceeded his own past efforts. He Knows the desert and desert life, and has so vividly clothed his story with the local color and Breezy atmosphers of the West thal we also are privileged to see and know the great silent land and feel its spirit call A TALE OF THE CHRIST By General Lew Wallace This famous Religious-IHistorical Romance with its mighty story, brilliant pag- eantry, thrilling action asa deep religious reverence, hardly redulits an outline, for every one is familiar with the "Star of Bethlehem and The Three ise Men," the wonderful deseription of the "Charlot Race," and "Christ Healing the Sick on the Mount of Olives." The whole world has placed Ben-Hur" on a height of pre-eminence which no other novel of its time has reached. The clashing of rivalry and the deepest human passions, the perfect reproduction of brilliant Roman life, and the tense, fierce atmosphere of the arena have kept their deep fascination. By Florence L. Barclay. In this delightful love story, 4 worthy successor to "The Rosary," we follow the fortunes of thé young and lovely Lady Ingleby, recently widowed by the death of a hus- band who was never capable of really understanding her. While rusticating incog. in the country, she meets her heart's delight under the simple and classic name of "Jim". -- in reality an Earl--and these two proceed to fall deeply and rapturously in Tove with each other. When he learns her identity, a situation of singular power and fascination is developed, which Mrs, Barclay handles in a masterly manner. A most absorbing and unusual story. - A'phone to 919 will bring you a copy. The Win- Barbara Worthl}| 'Ben Bee de Bede de ite de bile > ye | FUR LINED COATS MEN'S FUR LINED COATS Men's Coon Coats, . Fur Muffs, Fur Stoles Stewart, Roger Clarke, Arthur Why. other eastern ' § ints. \ . . . : 3 po : > > 8 'e SC 8 ¢ v {« v . 3 in fan- tock, H. Whytock, Hibbert Donnelly, | Miss Mitchell who is out from Eng-! The above discounts appl) to ow Pl inted cata 'H. Connor, * North, Guy Macfarlane, land for the winter, is the guest - of k logue prices, a sure guarantee the sale ig genuine. | Macgregor, C. Ben Bate, McIntosh, Dr. Professor and Mrs, Mitchell, Victoria | | | I \ i McKay, Mr. McKay, Gilbert, Collamer street. | and All Manufactured Furs (Oalvia and Rox Corvin, on alii. ot X 1 JOHN McKAY, Limited Mrs. J. B. Carruthers, Mys. W. F. ' Winnipeg, who have been visiting the Kingston's Reliable Fur House. 149.157 Brock St. Nickle, Mrs, A. FE. Ross, Mrs, W. H. former's father in Gananoque nt | The College Book Store Macnee, Mrs. A. P. Chown, Mrs. Thursday in town. Mrs. Macallum, ' 160-162 Princess St. OPEN NIGHTS Phone. 919 | James Hamilton and Mrs. Maurice {formerly Miss Florence Franklin) has [fle--ee oo ued 'V, Plummer will be the patronesses at many friends in Kingstos { having at w= ithe Daughters of the Empire charity one time resided here. iball, fixed for February 10th. The | Miss 'Agnes Richardson, Unversity | stewards are Messrs. W. W. Gibson, 'Avenue, went up to Toronto yester- d'Esterre, Basil Fullerton, Arthur day where she will spend a week. Whytock, Stewart Crawford, N. C.| Major and Mrs. A. J. Wolli, Polson, Jr., W. Kent Macnee, E."V. street, are in Ottawa, snd will Iesslie, . Kenneth Mundell, Frederick there until after the State Ball. Skinner (Gananoque), and a represen- mr. Hughes who has been in Quebec | tative from Belleville. Ontario hall Miss Audrey came home from London will he occupied with bridge and sup- last night, 'Where they have beem visit- | per, the city hall being reserved for ing Mrs. Hughe's mother, Mrs. Bland. | dancing. Tickets may only be ob- Mrs. Hughes who has been. in Quebec tained from the Daughters of the Fm- jor the past week returned yesterday. pire and the stewards. . - * ® 9g . Earl be 2 Brooches ag ~~ M in platinum, with Mr. and Mrs, George Young, Univer- | 2 ade p sap- The Arts dance in Grant hall last sity Avenue, will leave next week for | evening was a' desided success, 'and Montreal. very much, enjoyed by those who were Miss Saunders returned from Montre- among thd fortunate 'guests. The floor al on Friday whece- she has been the of Grant hall was as usual in perfect guest of Mrs. John McNaughton. | condition for dancing, and Arbuckle's Mr. Alexander Paterson, of London, | orchestra played delightfully for the spent Wednesday in Kingston, with | eighteen dances. Supper was served in his mother, Mrs. J. C. Paterson. the reading room at quartette tables,| Miss Edith Hague went to Montreal each being centred by a vase of pink | this week to visit her auni Mrs. Fred- carnations and marcissi. The red-|erick Hague. | room was attractively arranged for| Mr. J, B. i siting out, and chairs and cushions rpending some time in town left to- were also ~invitingly arranged on the dav for New Bedford, Sask. | platform. The patromesses were most| Miss Vera Carson, has returned from handsomely gowned. Toronto. | re. | 1 ; ; phires and pearls set in." Ask to sce our special in Ladies' White Waists, tail- ored or fancy, in all sizes, only The designs are mostly Bure opean and very attractive. For Spectacles or Eyeglasses With Almost Invisible Frames and Mountings. For an Examination of the Eyes* by a Registered Optomet- rist. For aid to the Eyes that will r'd you of Eyestrain and Head- ache---come direct to L.'S. Asspistine D. 0. §. 842 King St. Kingston, Onit. Our new rugs, Scotch and English Linoleums are arriving every day from the best manufac- turers. [These are the new patterns for the coming epring of 1914. The best range of Corsets at $1.00 ever shown to Kingston buyers; all the popular models in the well-known Crompton and D. & A. makes; six stvles in any size, 18-30. $1 00 * To-night Stigling, who has been Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Optical Prescriptions Ground. . * x kx = Miss Helen Drummond, of Toronto, is the guest of Miss May Macdonnell, | University Avenue. Before returning | g to her home she will visit Mrs. W. F. | ¢ Nickle and Miss Hilda Hague., Mr. Roger Clarke, a graduate of Queen's, is visiting friends m town. Mr. Urquhart Meikle, who is home from the west, spent a few days this week with his mother at "The Avon- more," and is now in Ottawa for a short time. Miss Chrissie Wilson, of Burlington, is the guest of Mrs, T. F. Harrison, William street. . Mrs. F. W. Nelles, was hostess at an interesting bridge on Friday afternoon. There were three tables in play and the guests' were Mrs. W. A. Simson, Mrs. Hugh Macpherson, Mrs. H. L. Ashby, Mrs. Richard Waldron, Mrs. A. W. Winnett, Mrs. W. A. Mitchell, Mrs. C. Livings- ton, Mrs. C. Warwick, Mrs. Henry Wade, Mrs. W. B, Mudie, Mrs. Robert Gardiner, Mrs. Nedham. The winners of the pretty prizes were Mrs. Ashby, Pe Winnett and Mrs. Nedham. Williarp street, A A A A A AA A A AAA AN Underwear for all the familv--ladies gentlemen, misses, boys, and infants. All the wanted makes I hs ame Ladies' Coats, rat lined at popular] 5 sable collar and reveres, $40.00, great array of shades in wide width silk ribbons, at a yard ~ Ladie's Coats, rat lin- ed mink collar and re- veres $40.00. Phone 7 For Your Christmas Groceries. Our stock is complete in all lines. *¥ % ® =» Mrs. G. M. Giles, "Calderwood," was hostess at a small but gost én- joyable bridge on Thursday afternoon. She was assisted Tih serving tea by her daughter, Mrg. fatts, who is = her guest for the winter, and Miss Kath: fon, Crisp, The guests Fore Mes, Pp. i. Prideaux, Mrs. James Hamilton. 1 reo Btreet. i > 5. Fchutson, lise Mary ora, Mrs. Harold W. Nelles, Mrs. W. Prompt Delivery. A Simson, and Miss Eleanor Macdon- (Const Sealed Oysters.) ell. . - Miss Phipps, of Port Dover, is vis: iting Mrs. J. B. Mowat, Johnson street. ° Mrs. James Macparland and Mr. Arthur Macparland, spent a few days in Toronto this week. Mrs. C. W. Drury of Montreal is the guest of Mrs. Henri Panet, Earl streety Mr. and Mrs. Stuart' Sutherland | whose marriage took place recently | Ladies' Rat Coat, 50 in. long, $40.00. W. F. Gourdier Still selling the best kid glove in the trade at $1.00 a pair, All shades, all sizes and a guarantee with $1.00 each pair. Equal to many $1.25 lines. Our price <é An enjoyable Dutch luncheon was given at the Country Club on Friday in honour of Miss Audrey Gernonm, when covers were laid for eleven. D. COUPER eae -- in 'Toronto are now seitled in their} home, New Glasgow, N.8 | Mrs. James Rigney and her small son are home again after spending A shipment of shadow > laces just to hand. \ / Why Pay High Prices? I will give you Kingston Cement Products Factory in cement made to order. Corner of Charles and Patrick Mage . LF, Norman ~ Mid-Winter you have been paying. RPL SCR Opposite 9¢. Andrew's Church, Sale It pays to buy mow. Stocks reduced Oillcloth, Ourtains, etc. b it & 0 {R., was Captain Langford's best man. urmi re dar An> informal Dutch Tencheon was , are |Brenda Wurtele, Miss Susie Anglin, large, prices are low, everything is 8nd Miss Sherrin, who is Mrs. F. §. . Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Johnston's guest, some time in London ' with Mrs. Regan. (Continued on Page 3.) | The other guests.were: Mrs. Neil C, Polson, Jr., Miss Carlos Kirkgarrde, Miss Madge Dawson, Miss Hilda Kent, Migs Doris Kent, Miss Helen Campbedl, 'Miss Isabelle Waldron, Miss Rose Rogers, Miss Kathleen Carruthers and Miss Vera Onrson. { ar... | Miss Kathleen Saunders entertained at an informal bridge of two tables on Thursday evening, in honor of her guest, Miss Ethel Hawley, of Napa- nee, the other players being Mrs. Hal loway Waddell, Mrs. P. G. C. Camp- | bell, Mrs. W. H. Craig, Miss Norton- Taylor, Miss Marian Redden and Miss Mabel Brownfield. A_ marriage of interest to Kings- | tonians took place in Halifax recent- { ly, when Miss Betty Gravely was mar- iried to Cdptain R. J. 8. Langford, of the Royal Canadian Regiment, and ja graduate of fhe Royal Military Col- lege. Captain Keene Hemming, R.C. * oo "Read About The Big' Genuine Sale of Fine Furs m= On Page 9. given ut the Country Club on Wed- {nesday when the guests | included: Mrs. Austin Gillies, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss 'Marjorie Pense, Miss | Mrs. E. B. Wilson, 126 Union stree west, will receive next Tuesday = and 'eho following, Tuesday,' when Mrs. | Chris®ian ilson and « Miss Edith Machell of Fleming, Sask., will receive with her. Mrs. H. E. Richardson will receive, for the:first time since her marriage, at 154 Johnson street, on Wednesday and Thursday of next week, and af- terwards on the fourth Thursday of cach month. - * % % =» Miss May Macdonnell, University aventie, was hostess at a yery jolly snowshoe party on Wednesday evening in honor of Miss Helen Drummond. Mrs. James Hamilton, Sydenham street, is entertaining at bridge this afternoon, 'in honor of Mrs. Harrison, who is Mrs. Tandy's guest. Mra. W."R. "Givens," "Maitland, House", entertained at bridge on,Fri-| day afternoon, when Mjss Audrey' Gurnon was the rai d-etre. { way Mie saimon d-ge. | WATCH OUR WINDOWS Mrs. D. E. Mundell, Brock street, i entertaining a number of Jittle Miss J MAKERS oF FINE FURS, » - - It (one week earlier than started to-day usual) and means big reductions on the big- of Furs be- and } gest stock tween ~ Toronto Montreal x - - - - Professor 0. D. Skelton, University Avenue, went to Toronto on Frida Eleanor's friends at a very jolly party | this sfternoon. ¥ § the voluntary action of Canada Life 3 terests | 2 gus gd of the policyholders to the very best & TYvYY vw yew THE CANADA LIFE REPORT | Another Record Year For This Fine Old Company. It has become a matter of habit tofook for a favorable annual state- ment from our oldest liferoffice, and that printed to-day is no exception to the rule. AN along the line the accomplishment was good, and in many respects better than in any previous year. The policies issued in 1913 were for nearly $17,000,000 and those actually paid-for were for $15,349,- 1000, bringing the total business i force up to $153,121,364. The total {income for the year reached the en- ormous sum of $8,094,886, an in- crease of about $700,000. The assets now stand at $52,161,795 having increased in the year by over $3,860,000. ; The Canada Life has always moved along conservative lines, its ambition being for strength rather than mere size, and the president E. W. Cox, in his address announced the complete valaation of all bonds and debentures owned by the company on the am- ortization system. This re-valuation has been going on for some years, 'and means practically that the valu- under actual rate of interest realized. Thi method assumes that the securities will be held till maturity, when they will be at par, and it enables the company to ignore market values. This is a method of valuation which 'the Life Presidents' Assoclat- fon -is urging the different . 'states throughout the union to adopl, and management in ignoring the tempor- | ary of fluctuating market values is to be comnended. it is one more Indication of the solid and substantial nature of everything pertaihing to that great company. + The, death of Senator Cox was marked by a resolution of the direct-]® ors, in which the great valué of his he support of his without doubt, conserve the in NEWMAN & SHAW "THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE." Custom Sawing Our saw mill is now. pre- pared to receive logs and tim- ber to be manufactured into boards and plank, or anything else desired. First-class work. » 78 Brock Street {GOOD Investments In REAL ESTATE $2000--Johnson St., rents $210 per year (double frame). . $2050--William St, rents $216 per year (double frame), / $2000--Clergy St, rents $276 per year, (double brick fronts). $3850--~Chathamb St., rents $264 per Year, (double frame). $3100-Concension St, rents $360 per year, (frame row), 3 houses. $4000---King St, present rentals $324 per year (frame row), 3 houses. $4300--Brock St, rentals $360 per year, (double brick), $8000--Corrigan St, rentals $732 per . Year (6 houses, brick frowts). $7000--Bagot St, rentals $768" per, year, (4 houwes, brick). COMPLETE. LIST OF PROPERTIES RESIDENCES OR LOTS AT OFFICE Fire Insurance To Rent 169 Bagot St. $16 per month E. W. MULLIN, Cor. Johns n and Division Sts. Phone: 530 and 1456 Will be your clothes if you'll permit us