A dln a ho Reeds Bi : ---- JOHN McKAY, LTD., Kingston's Reliable Fur House. 149-157 Brock St. Our stock 1s complete fn all Hoes. At turers. Our new rugs, Scofch and English Linoleums are arriving every, day from the best manufae- These are the new, patterns for the coming spring of 1914. For Spectacles or Eyeglasses { With Almost Invisible Frames and Mountings. For an Examination of the Eyes by a Registered Optomet- rist aid to the Eyes that will of Fyestrain and Head- direct to For Fd you achiey J. 8. Asseistine D. 0. S. | i * etfs a 842 King St. Kingston, Ont, Mid-Winter Furniture & Carpet Sale fit pays to buy now. Stocks are large, prices are low, everything is reduced. Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Oilcloth, Curtains, ete. coe Why Pay High Prices ? I will give you FIRST CLASS GOODS will be | The Style aud, Kitting The Finish und Workmanship wil be Perfect. The Price will be from $5.38 te 97.00 LOWER than you have Been paying. ww | ¥ Repair and TUpholstering Work promptly attended to, 10 per cent. less than usual prices. Phone 90. Yours, T. F. HARRISON C0 Kingston Cement Products Factory kas cement blocks slild, bricks and lintels always on hand at reasonable prices. Anything in cement made to order. Corner of Charles and Patriek Manager - HF. Noman COAL! The kind you are looking is the kind we sell Scranton Coal Is good coal and we guarantee prompt defivery : Booth & Co. Foot of West Stree (Limited) - Head of Queen Street. Courses in bookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting, civil service, general improvement, and all commercial subjects. 'Rates moderate. Informa J] tion free, : { ILE. Metall - Prin od A BE LY BRITISH HELD 178 ANNUAL MEETING 1¥ ST. GEORGE'S HALL Was Given, in Which Some of ¢ School Children Took Part. . The annual meeting of the King: ston Humane society was. held on Monday evening in St. George's hall. A good-sized ' crowd was entertained to a delightful concert which pre- ceded the business meeting. Various speakers included Mayor Shaw, Rev, 8. J. M. Compton, Dr. T. B, Scott (of Ceylon), Rev. J. W. Mclntosh, and W. HN. Gill," of Regiopolis Uollege, gave very interesting ad- dresses, which made a good impres- sion upon' the "Band of Mercy" sup- porters organized throughout the city in the difierent schools. In nd. dition songs and recitations were rendered by the pupils of Cataraqui, Central, Frontenac, Louise, Macdon- ald and Sydenham schools. The pu pil who was to have represented Vic- toria school was unable to do so on account of illness. Miss A. M. Machar, who has been doing splendid wagk along the lines of creating a spirit of kindness 'to dumb animals among the = al children, and at various times throughout the term she pave visits to the schools and gives ~ talk to the pupils. The movement is known ay the "Band of | Mercy," which al- ready has a large number of adher- ents, Mayor Shaw was chairman of evening. He impressed upon the audience the value of the humane society , and asked what would * the city be like if it did not have this organization. | Rev. Mr. Compton aroused the children to a keen. interest, and told them to be watchful to do their part in' connection with this good work. He asked them sogkeep their open. apd iffdey On Monday Evening a me oo] the eyes n éyer saw any; one ill-uging an Mhimal'to report that person to a' member of 'the humane society, and .in so doing they il aid wonderfully in the Le work. Rev. T. B., Scott, of Ceylon, gave a very pleasing address. He said that when a person dies in Ceylon natives think that his sou] is born into some animal. For this reason the: ani- mals are treated with much kindness and to imjure one is considered crime. Rev. Mr. McIntosh was pleased see the children so ably take part. He strongly commended society's au to t their the movement. Mr. Gill, of Regiopolis College, also | hoped it would be continued by the pupils to the succeeding generations. The business meeting which fol fowed was brief. - The report was read by J. R. C. Dobbs and the society to be in a fairly condition. The following chosen (as a board of directors the year: TLieut.-Col. J. Massie, Prof. F. 0. Willhofit, Col. H. G. Ogil- vie, W. H. N. Gill, Miss M. Betts. A vote of thanks was tendered to Mrs. J. H. V. Crowe, who, when she was in the city, did such good work, She was chosen as an' hon- orary member of the society. WwW. F. Nickle, M.P., and Dr. A. E. Ross, M.P.P., were chosen as honorary pre- sidents. good were for IF YOUR WHIG COMES IRREGULAR- LY, LATE OR SOIL- ED, 'PHONE 243. PROF. MORISON'S LECTURE bethan Seamen." J. L. Morison, M.A., professor of history in Queen's University, favor- ed the collegiate students, Monday night, with wm thoroughly interesting illustrated address on "Elizabethan Seamen.""' to the new world by three differing motives. Mareo Polo's descriptions of the wealth of Cathay and Zipangn 'had set men's brain ens of British seamen risked their all to find the way to China, Davis, Fro- bisher and others by the north-west passage, Willoughby by the north- east. In spite of disaster and tragedy which overteok many of these men, the torch was handed on, so that unbroken chain of Arctic explorers ex- still thrill with the story of Capt. Seott's adventures... Others, among them Sir Walter Raleigh, de- sired to find a great English empire, to rival Spain's Mexico and Peru. Raleigh's map, showing the position of Manoa, the city of fabulous wealth, which drew that daring courtier like a lode-star, until he forfeited his life for its sake. Then there were the others, our English sea-dogs, Hawkins and Drake, fearless pirates, who braved the deep and the Spaniard, and brovwht gold and jewels home to their queen. Their wonderful voyages are fascinat- ing, and their fight with the Armada, one of England's greatest victories. It was in the time of Henry VIII and Flizabeth that the foundation of Buitain's naval power was laid. The lante¥n slides showed the warships of that time and this, and the men who commanded them. i A vote of thanks was moved by Kenneth Ta, and seconded by Miss Janet Sa s, and heartily appland-' ed by the students. Sand Hill Church Event A On First ist church was present' the annual tea mepting and entertain-' jment, at the Sand ill Presbyterian , church. Rev. Nr. Steers, pastor, acted 'as chairman. The ¢ econtribut- ed : Ei ae in; lnsteo- men! ons 3 ly iW Cb ad 8. A. Salsbury; solos, Mrs, T, J. Turnerand, Miss Muriel Breathwaite, Clare Smith; H. Ti at importance of this "Band of Herey" | | heartily endorsed the good work 'and |}lf showed ~ [f| To the Collegiate Students on *"'Eliza- 4 He told how men' were led ||| on fire, and doz- ||| an' lif tends from that day to this, when we | chief | Prof. Morison ' threw on the screen |i| ouday evening, the choir of E TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1914. 0 gl eS ed ALD, F Of the Buresn formation. | On Monday aiterncon the of Industry ized for the . year. was elected chairman, R CHATRMAN He and other members of the civic itdustries S. R. MeCann t w committee--Alds. J. and A. W. Richardson--were presen Robert Meek, J. M. Campbell and H. Dyde, the president and members . wit constitute the bureau, of the Board of Trade, which, the aldermen, were also in attendance. : A number of matters were cussed. The most important was to ask if it ie Utilities commission Hydro-Eleotric commission prepared to supply power to ston, and, ii so, when. The ing was held in the Board of | rooms. The body of Mrs. Baker, in solid ice in River St. Clair. "Spearmint gum," 50c. box. ons. | Kingston's Famous Fur Store The Big Genuine | Annual Sale of Fine Furs not only on Furs, but on every article of win- ter / found in our store. wearing apparel Ladies' Long Hudson Seal $150.00, now -------------------------- Ladies' Muskrat-lined Jackets; Western Sable collar and reveres, reduced to..$20.75 All Ladies' Cloth Coats at less than half price from $9.89 down to . This sale is for every- : body and we have snaps galore in winter goods to offer to our men pat- rons. Winter hats, eaps, gloves, fur coats, fur gauntlets, fur collars, fur-lineg coats and far- all trimmed coats are marked away down. 50 dozen Winter Soft Hats, worth up to $2.50, for. $1.00 Men's Raccoon Coats, regular up to $90, for $58.50 Men's Fur Coats, many kinds Al. Beaver, calf, &c., up to $30 7 Men's Heavy Leather Driving Mitts, 75¢ and $1.00. for 8O¢ -Men's Winter Caps, all kinds, at §1 Tic and 50¢, now 5c 35¢ | All Sales for Cash | No Approval. Watch Our Windows of uduerry ana || Bureau and Information organ- Ald. W. J. Fair the Hil 1. dis- a resolution passed requesting the Fi. e Is King- meet.- Trade Detroit, was found embedded head: downward Gib- Is on and it means | ; | BigDiscounts Jackets regular price up to il $ { {| |to get the merchants [il |ernment to make if a criminal ' [fence to dp false advertising. i Such a system will be the Neferendens home. Up-to-date in every respect Aevelopment. parations, hints on nursing. Y The C 160162 Princess St. _ AUDEL'S HOUSEHOLD ees, HINTS AND RECEIPTS OF THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW: 3,000 pages; 45 paged index: bound in TEN GOOD REASONS why you should have Audel's It will tell you how to nurse and treat the sick. members of your family in good health. proving the condition, of your househeld ng the care of the human body, the comp * labors of the kitchen, the laundry, and house cleaning can youn how te embellish rooms (stencilling, ete), halls, polish floors, metals, furniture, glassware, ete. 7. It will give much information regarding proper diet, chemistry of food stimulants, obesity, 'excellent advice as to the care, feeding, etc, of infants and children, 1 tains hundreds of easily prepared recipes for cleaning, dyeing and improvin 10. It contains more valuable matter than anv other boak twice the & EVERY WOMAN NEEDS Audel's Household Helps, Hints and Recipes. Practical forrgulae. trated: substantially bound; 3,000 references; a mine of practical information for everybody with Meets the multifarious requirements of health benefits, time-saving methods, ready comforts meeting help in aceldents, ideas for women, helps to home workers, kitchen conveniences. Trade secrets, naked facts. MOTHERS WILL FIND in its compact pages and illustrations many reliable and helps and hints for the care of children, child's wardrobe economics, dieting little ones, diseases of children, preparing for maternity, easy ways to give medicine, first aid in accidents, home nursing, kitchen conven- icnces, cooking economics, to reduce laundry labor, dress secrets, how to remain young, healthful heating. BUSINESS WOMEN can work wondérs and ma eeints for the reduction of labor, making perfumes aud lotions, preparing salable articles, beautifying pre- woman with eves and mind to read and she gets it at once in Household Helps, Hints and Recipes. > " r= = me me Household Helps, Hints and Receipts:-- 2. It will tell you how to keep yourself and the it will'give you much information regarding the care, and im- 00ds of every nature. 4. It will give you sound advice cancern- exion, teeth, hair, baths, sleep, etc. §. .It will show how the be lightened and made pleasant. 6. It will teach th, 8. etc. 8. It gives ness, 9 It con- various materials used in the ze. lus- a home, the household. Practical recipes, gencies, economical processes, quick « Beauty production, form And ail in one convenient sized volume. th in health and emer ? easily practical e¢ 3 good income through the use of the various re- 'OUNG WOMEN will find abundant information te relieve and overcome blemishes, restoring faded complexion, Strengthening musples and nerves, pure, harmless cogmetics, preserving footwear, improving Jewelry, reducing and Increasing wel ars ki I & renovating garments, care of the vit rE: a en , BMont hands, gh have this book. Hohe by hygiene for girs, improving the figure, glossy hair, bright eyes, comfartable feet. Every wants what she wants when she wants (t, re Book Store OPEN NIGHTS Underwear, sell \ Will ior be dreaded i you wear good~ewarm rc er such as we > For the weather, yourself just how cold it is at your own home. next change in the to be able to tell for TET TTY ETT TTT EET EEE TET. Our thermometers are neat, well mide and dependable. Underwear for Ladies, Underwear for Gentlemen, Underwear for Girls, Underwear for Boys, Underwear for Infants, Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Ladies' Coats, rat lined sable collar and reveres, £40.00, cluding brands. prevail. All the best makes, in- Imperial, Pen- man, Watson, ' Hewson, Oxford and ° Puritan Right prices Ladie's Coats, rat lin- ed mink collar and re- veres $40.00. : Ladies' Rat Coat, 50 in, long, $40,00. W. F. Gourdier 78 Brock Street THE ALWAYS RETAIL MERCHANTS Heard Addresses by Members Dominion Association On Monday evening thirty retail | | merchants gathered in the City Coun- cil chamber for the purpose of lis- {|{tening to T. J. Maher, of Tdronto, {|R. C. Doyle, of Ottalva, and ex- i | Mayor A. Patterson, of Brockville, | | three members of the Dominion Re- {tail Merchants' association. The intention of this association is of the domin- ion to get into closer. toush with one { Janother. There is no idea of any | | combine: : The association will ask the gov- of- The subject of the Fmployees' Compensa- [{tion act as it affects the 'retail mer- {ichant, was also brought before the | {gathering as also was the'co-gpera- tive system of store keeping. {| One of the speakers dwelt. upon the credit reporting system which is being organized by the association. of keeping the merchants in better touch regarding those who appear on ~what is known as the "black list," that is those who will not pay their debts. Woman Teachers Meet The regular meeting of the Woman Teachers' Association was held in the Y.M.C.A. rooms on Wednesday af- ternoon, Jan. 2Ist. Although a number of the teachers were 'unable to be present on account of the phy- sical training cldss, there was a good attendance. After some important items of business had been settled, Soott, lately of Cerlon, meeting. the Per 'alk proved very intéresting and instruc- tive as she gave a vivid account of the trip to that beautiful island | and of the conditions there and also in Southern. India. At the close of the address a hearty vote of thanks | io Mrs. Scott was moved by Miss Connor and seconded by" Miss Emma | NEWMAN & SHAW of Real Estate The Basis of All Wealth A detached solid brie Ared St, containing water heating, B. snd C, electric light, for $3,100, May Ist. BUSY STORE. dwelling on rooms, hot furnace, Ponncany k 10 RUILDING LOTS $275~=Chestant St. (33 by 100.) R500 Mack St. (33 by #6) F1000-Athert St. (33 hy 99), Victoria Park. TO RENT, A new houge om Frontensme St, mods ~~ ern, $25 per month. - FIRE INSURANCE. REAL ESTATE, Ruyiang, Selling aad Renting. E. W. MULLIN, Cor. Johnson and Division Sts. Phonen 530 snd 1436. Custom Sawing Our saw mill is now pre- pared to receive logs and tim-. ber to be manufactured into boards and plank, or anything else desired. facing First-class work. ---- S. ANGLIN & C0 Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts. Ly Wi AA AMY: wil be sour ts you'll permit on ] 9! 4 |» Every person should have some lind of outdoor. exercise, either snowshoe- ing, toboggani skating. We have all the necessa : Snowshoes from $2.50. to $3.50.