cleanse political 1 life. The bic cour} tractors will at least rejoice that Sul- zer and. Murphy had a¥ quarrel ad called each other bad names. with a little labour, and patience. It may cost Kingston an eflort to get rid of the debentures it has on hand, and representing money borrowed from the bank for public works, but think of the saving that will be ef- fected. And the city is in need of all the benefit there is in the trams. action. ' The Brantford Expositor comments on the fact that there are hundreds of men at large who are a menace to the health and life of the community. To be sure there are, but alienists can be found, as in' the Thaw oase, to say that they are harmless. They are only detected as dangerous when they commit murder. BIBBYS Suits and Oveércoats for Men and Boys at Less Than Wholesale Prices The city would probably sell its de- bentures faster to small investors if they were of the denomination of $500. Bermingham and Manchester, England, many years ago, had popu- lar sales of city securities because they 'were oi £100 each, and a larger number of people could afford to buy them. ° It keeps a poor workman busy look. ing for a. job. p-- A fit of blues will bring out a man's ws LP ------ yellow streak. "England, through her sports, liter ally wept when Carpentier whipped its champion in a boxing bout. And' now Ireland his been prostrated by the ignominious' defeat of her cham- pion by the same young Frenchman. The glory of the British Isles = has departed. At least some men and papers talk as if this were the case. A good cook hardly ever gets hers through a correspondence school rrr A man isn't necessarily charitable because he gives himself away. ---- His Elizabeth, The professor was telling the class | in English history of the Blizabethan era. He tuened to one of the young men and asked: "How old was Elizabeth, mes?" A The young man wore a far-away ex- pression "Eighteen on her last birthday, came the reply. TWO YEARS' TRIAL The Canadian Courier, from the pen rector | of W. F. Burditt, prints the exper- jence of St. John, N.B., with regard to commission government, not of the utilities but of the whole city. That experience is of a very satisfac tory character. Under the old dis- pensation, council rule, the public service suffered in" almost every de- partment. The streets were in a de- plorable condition. in Sey Edition) vice was ineffective. Practically the mains were replaced. Sagan % Tilted si stares oo oo BAS) ths, pro rata. Very few of the streets were paved. is one of the best ops Under commission government a pro- n Canada. gressive policy was adopted. As a TORONTO REPRESENTATIV result the central part of the city bas "ne 008 .. .... 32 ron st. | taken on a new appearance. aw Fors % cao... 3% Firth Ave. All this," it may be said, "might rup, Manager. and should be dome in any city, and RN rihrup, Manager os by any city council, be it large or pe | small, which is very true. Yet the peoples of St. John will say in reply that mach that might have ' been done by the old city council was not done, and that they are getting done better work and more of it, with greater celerity, - than' ever before. Moreover, it is being done with com- parative economy, and with a much clearer wand more distinct knowl- edge of what it costs." A jurther summing up is in these words : "Thousands of dollars have been saved the city as a result of the better systematization of the water and sewage department, better control, better discipline, and more efficient service. The first thing the commissioner did was to thoroughly reorganize the department. Sub- heads--a 'superintendent of works, and a ohief clerk--are directly respon- sible to the commissioner, and each subordinate official learned that effi- ciency instead of 'pull' is the pass- word to advancement. Similar re- marks would apply to other depart- ments." It has been asked whether com- mission government in St. John has let to a reduction in the rate of tax- ation. No, and it was not to be expected. What the -people clamour- ed for they received, better govern- mont and greater value for their money. The city has not yet had a second election under commission form jof government. The personnel of the commission may be changed, but it is hardly likely." The mem- bers have made good. They have been in the limelight of publicity, constantly, and all their acts have been subject to'the public view. The one great objection to commission government, in the estimation of Ald. Spence, of Toronto, is lack of pub- licity, and this objection does not hold in St. John. "The working of commission gov- ernment in St. Jobn," says - Mr. Burdett, '"'seems to indicate that its greatest advantage is not so much in any superiority of the personnel which it secures, as in the fact that by providing for the constant and un- divided attention of the people's representatives, to the city's affairs, it emsures prompt despatch of busi- ness 'and a degree of celerity in dealing with matters of public con: cern as they arise from day to day which was never known under the old system. Were the question of com- mission government again submitted to vote in St. John it is probable that the decision of three years ago would be confirmed by a largely in- creased majority." The unionists have at last awaken- ed 'to the nedessity of having a land scheme, for the benefit of the tenants. It has come from Walter Long, who has been thinkipg while Bonar Law hasbeen talking home rule and tariff reform. The wage of the farm la- bourer is too low." That the union- ists are willing to concede, now that Lloyd George has made it plain. They have got busy too late.. puBLCc OPINION Sure Thing Arthur Chronicle Canadians cannot all be Strath- conas, but they may be makers of Canada in some degree. Mr. Hol, sir hi tid Ought te Know, The water ser- ; Bactty Bead lathes Copyright 1912.7 Aled Deater & Cote MEN'S SUITS $8.50 We want you to see these suits, rich, dark shades of brown and grey tweeds, made in the new three-but- ton sack coat, sizes 35 to 42. Port {| ¢ See our sheepskin lined reefers, cor- duroy cloth, with fur collar, a beauty, regular $6.50 values, for .. A SOURCE OF INSPIRATION The Board of Trade is doing the city a benefit in providing an occa- sion when men with ideas can ex- press them and in a way to influence public opinion. The board has only one object to advance, namely, the good of the city, and its members have done a great deal, at a sacri- fice of time and means, to promote the causes they have espoused. At the banquet on Wednesday ev- ening, Dr. Robertson, the chairman of the Technical Commission, will speak, and he is expected to say something of the highest educational value. Lhe nature oi his address can be appreciated by its title, "'De- 'velopment of Eastern Ontario." The second large volume, constituting the _ report of the commission on techni- cal education, has been published, and it deals in w comprehensive way with the industrial and educational con- ~ ditions at home and abroad. In all - probability Dr. Robertson will touch _ on some phases of his most "exhaust-] ive enquiry, and will, before the Boards of Trade, open up avenues $i thought on the most important' sub- jects, - It'is fortunate that King- ston will hear him, and at this par- ticular: time. The other addresses will be timely and suggestive. Mr. Macleay, the Industrial Commissioner of Oswego, will 'probably stimulate, by his time; ly remarks, the work of the Indus- trial Bureau here, and Ald. Harrison has suggestions to make with regard to our tourist trade, which every _¢itizen should hear, The beginning of a new year is the time to widen out one's vision, and the. outlook becomes the clearer under the direction of men who have Seen much and are in a position to help others in their observations. A Good Advertisement Montreal Star. Arthur Haykes, who lost $200 in South Lanark, defends the election deposit. Mr. Hawkes always had a : A food sense of advertising values. 4 "a * Wort Soh MEN'S SUITS $12.50 That St. Catharines justice. who Regulor $15, $16.50 and $18.00 val- ined himself a dollar for failing to ues for £12.50. English whipcords clear off ¢ is all right if he did . . $ os cle off snow is a 1g e 1C Seoteh cheviots and worsteds, hand- tailored goods. - Sizes 34 to 44. See our Mackinaw Coats, heavy blue cloth, made with belt and with mil- itary collar; all sizes ......$4.75 Dobbs says it's hard to find a wo- man's pocket. He ought to know. money. He married for ---- ] Overdene. not quietly exercise his magisterial prerogative hy remitting the fine after court adjourned. Yes, "patience is a virtue," That is, it is unless One is so bent on calm content It looks like laziness. ¥o MEN'S UNDERWEAR T75c. Prices Rule High London Advertiser, The supply of beef cattle and hogs in the United States fell off, réspec- tively 5 and 7 per cent. last year. And yet they say there's no market for our live stock across the line. Value ns un Going Concern. "How much for the puppies, laddie?" "One 'arf. a crown, sir; tother's three shillin'." "Why is one sixpence more than the other?" "'Cos 'e swallered mornin'."--Tit-Bits. it Considerate, "I wonder why hE never tells truth." "Perhaps Ne is atria he might ceive some ome if he 'dld.™ OUR $15.00 ENGLISH SERGE SUITS Positively the best $15.00 Blue Suits in Canada, two and three but- ton models, soft, roll lapels, if you wish; semi-peg trousers and straight" trousers, sizes 34 to 42. the ih (24 dl wt : OUR SHOE SALE $9.00 and $6.00 Patent Leather Shoes for $2.50. Sizes left are 4 1-2, il d,51-2,6,61-2,°7 i "I am not so certain about her argu- {il was dreadfully so." iF" 'Genuine pure Scotch knit wool un- derwear, shirts and drawers, odd Ploces, all sizes, regular $1.00. $1.25, $1.50 values, for, per gai- ment slxpence this A Great Collection Toronto Globe. Sunday, the baseball evangel- said to have had collections aggregating nearly -$20,000 in Pitts: burg in three weeks.. He would be doing well jn baseball if he made that much in a whole season. Billy ist, is de- $1.00, $1.25 CAPS FOR 75¢. Soft wool knitted caps in plain grey, brown, gree or. white; the warmest thing that ever happened. 78, 80, 82 Princess St., Different. A Go Motto A Ueod out that suffragette's arguments Montreal Telegraph "Stand fast, Craigellachic !"" was Lord Strathcona's message to his despairing colleagues in one of the darkest hours of Canadian history. It was the motto of his life--and the motto he particularly applied to all things Canadian. We as a people will do well to remember it at' . the present juncture in the development of the country. "Were eT plain?" ments, but she Whyt The curate of a fashionable church was endeavoring to teach the signifi cance of white to a Sunday scho class ' "Why," said he, "does a bride in- variably desire to be clothed in white at her marriage?" As neo one answer- ed he explained "White," sald he, "stands for joy, and the wedding day is the most joyous occasion of a woman's life." A small boy queried: men all wear black?" Kingston Events Kingsto -25 YEARS AGO. "Why do the Profi. Carr-Harris is opposed to the kindergarten system of education. He says it is too heavy a strain, onthe brain of the children. The ice bridge between the city and Garden Island has now been formed, and is in a safe condition. Horses and sleighs came over it to-day with- out accident. During the year the sum of $6,545.63 was spent on Rockwood asylum. BIRTHDAYS OF NOTABLE MEN Tuesday, January Twenty-Seventh. G. M. Bosworth, vice-president of the C.P.R., familarly known as " "Boss" Bos- worth, was bora fifty-six years BES aoa » And they would gat sorfie ; And then 'they went | sfood By 1s the su Right in the brook to cuge ip thirst 2 food, under the presi- And then they chewed their dent of the traf- fic department of the big system. And as such has to look after the transportation of something like sixteen million passengers and thirty million tons of freight every vear. Yet he bears his heavy load with- out complaint and is always ready to assume added duties. Everything that troubles anyone also is usually Phillips Brooks. He who helps a child helps human+ ity with a distinctness, with an imme- diateness which no other help given to human creatures in any stage of their : ¢ Better Coal human life can possibly give again. Ha 3 Means Smaller The Cow. a} 1 like té watch tha cow: and think Coal Bills : That is why it pays to order SR Ladies' Men's & =* Of all it means to me, Coal that suits, & Boys' At home when I have milk to drink P. WALSH Or sometimes cream in tea, 53-37 Barrack Street COST PRICE The debate of the session will be 'that upon the waste of $100,000 upon the useless jaunt or junket of a mili tary party to England last year--with its sisters and its cousins and its aunts--at the public expense. Such + extravagances should not occur with- out the sanction of parliament. THE MONEY IN BONDS The Whig believes ' in the sale of city debentures to the people at par. In large blocks civic securi- ties cannot be readily disposed of. They are usually bought by the byok- ers who have to canvass for the dis- tribution of them among investors, and it costs a good deal of money to keep a competent corps of agents on the road. ' Their expenses must be paid by the municipality, and its bonds, in consequence, have to be sold at a discount. ~ Of course when the sum to be real- ; from the salo of debentures is Jango, it is necessary fo go {rom bo Dp TEIN Bl 1 fe Because T do not see the cow I never think about it 'But on the farm I wonder how We could get on without it I stood for quite a while to-day To see how milk is made. I watched a flock of cows when they Were feedifig In the £hade, rags at first Cc as Jonowias is a partial list of 8 We have for sale in Ki district: agaten And most important: it weuld seem Is this strange cud they chew, Because it turns to milk and gream A¥ soon as they are through. At milking time the farmer takes The milk and éream so sweet, And with the cream he. often makes The butter that we eat. - bal a» EDITORIAL NOTES If conservative England--conservas tive !in the fact that it moves slowly towards great reforms--can tax land values, surely Canada can contem- plate the subject without alarm. Cn nn, Jepan has launched a saval pro- gramme of prodigious proportions. Twelve super-dreadnouglits at a cost of $150,000,000. And the United Nem oe ames Bee ee BIS00 "aie vee Nee 4 essen $1500 Ses Has hoe Bl esas Wee fon So here with milk and cream to drink And butfer, too, you see I Mike to watch the cow and think of all it means to me. --Punctuated by T.. A. Daly. fess ses lege ave wae ers dow Whe Lew Wes tus Mee aa ow "eee Maen cee lees. sees Tes Maw Wan™ sa the Loudon market, and the money Flashes. There isn't much hope for the fellow oe eae Ware lenders have been absorbing of the dominion to a remarkable ex tent. $51,000,000 sue of New York the bonds Until a year or two ago there did not seem to be any limit to the capacity of the Londoners in this respect. But at last the market was ver-loadpd, and some Canadian de- ures sent to England were re- These were later put market and placed , Hate . at $106.07, sold them half an hour at $107.251 and of $550,000. The offer all the bonds or nome they were allowed that state could have sold _ | States war department sits up and asks the question that no one ans- wers--Where is Japan getting the money ? , ---------- . The federal . government minimizes the labour, or want of labour, crisis, and the finance minister sees signs of returning prosperity. Meanwhile the vision is demied to others\ and there are thousands in the larger cities in great distress. Of course the mil- lionaikes and their proteges do not feel the pinch of hard times. a -------------- Tha: John Dos proceedings in New York, -under the direction of the dis- trict' attorney, and rgvealing the me- thods taken by the peliticians to en- rich themselves, are : hod shouldered off on "Boss" Bosworth, whose capacity for work seems to be limitless. Steamships, hotels and telegraphs, one after the other, were shifted to his departmeént and are now operated under his supervision. He is a most 'unassuming man and does each day's work quietly and ef- fectively. eran gra-- Paris to Athens in 60 Hours Paris Jan, 27--Within eighteen months Western Europe will have dirpet railroad communication with Greece hy means of a projected new line comnecting the Avhe Larissa who makes a fool of himself twice in the same way, There are sO many oth- er ways. It's the easiest thing in the world to dope out a lot Of reasons why other people ought to be satisfied with what they have. . Time is money, but it isn't so scarce. Life is a cocktail in which we must take the bitter with the sweet. Quite naturglly an empty head: is most easily rattled. Matrimony has. caused many a man to drift'with the tted--N. Y. Times. -- Gave It Away. "Did voi ever gamble in stocks?" "No. I once thought 1 was gambling, but the gentlemen: who obtained my money knew bétter'--Washington Star. ; - "ar vlhes Wore of anos "saan Wem Bee CNN Lhe mem Blam Wee Was ow Mas Baw Moen wees aw see Wow an Jue DE Tes Nes ew Wen ee - $10,000] Ves vem maw nev mes ss BIB) B00 coves nos runonine For further Information apply te Sir James. Whitney. is' still: improv: