ts CHARGED AGAINST AGENT Grove, Out On Bail BURNING OF STATION ON JANUARY 20th LED TO HIS AR- REST, Charge Will be That Hoover, Who Was Agent, Set Fire to the Build. ing to Cover Up Shortage in His Accounts, Samuel Hoover, former C.J.R. stat- ion agent at Mountain Grove, will apper at the next sitting of the court of general sessions, to anfwer to the charge of theft, | with that of arson pending. On Thursday morning he ap- peared belore Magistrate Smith, of Sharbot Lake and was seni wp for trial. Although the charge of arson has not heen pressed ds yet, it is stated that when the case comes before the court the arson charge will be linclud- ed. It was expected on Friday, that Hoover would he released on bail of $1,000, ' Tho case arises as a result | of the five at the Mountain Grove C.P.R. station, noon on January 20th, when was burned to the ground, The fire started in the (freight sheds at the station at noon. The etatlon men were all at diner, and for that reason ithe fire got a jead- way, Thera was considerable freight in the shed at the time. The books in the office and most of the house- hold effects belonging to Mr. Hoover werd savel, The wind was blowing very bard from the north-edSt and carried the sparks upon the roofs of bulldings in the village. Several wore on fire many times. but the blaze was extinguished by the excel- - lent work of a bucket brigade. It is evident that te C. P. R. officiols thought that something was neculiar as they sent a couple of de- 'teotives to that vicinity a day or 80 | after the fire. "n Wednesday one of them placed Hoover, the ageny un- der arrest, It is believed thatMooy- or finding a deficit dn his accounts 1 at building vs Ah so NO MILITARY CONFERENGE. Re: Bebism The Military Men Not to Meet This Year. Ottawa. Jan. 30.--There will in. all probability be no military confer- ence: this year. For the past two years there have heen these confer- ences, and representative delegates from all parts of the country were brought her to discuss militar, mat- ters, It is stated that Col. Sam Hughes, minister of militia. has de- cided not to hold these every year, * chiefly on account of 'the expense, and because he does not think they are necessary every year. While they have heen very benefioial, it is thought that the same advantage could be moccomplished by holding them & second year or so. The other mila, meetings, such as the annual meeting of the different mili tary assotiations, will be held as us: ual. Fielding Steps Out. Montreal. Jan. 30.--Hon. Vielding has stepped out editorship of the Montreal 'Telegraph. He says Sir Hugh ham controlg. WwW. S. of ' the Herald- Gra. Golden Barbadoes table molasses, Ae. a quart, at Gilbert's. "Beef, Iron and Wine," son's. He. Gib DAILY MEMORANDA ©... Band at covered rink to-night Band at the Palace rink to-night and 'Saturday night. See top of page 2, right hand corner, for pro a Allen bilities. Musical Comedy, Grand Opera house, 8.15 pan Ban a at Fovsréd terpoon a an 2 morning for The New Currency Bill is not nearly of so much per- sonal importance to you as tho new dollar bill you have stowed away in your pocket. . Parliament © may' debate. Bankers may petition. Orators may orate. Well and goody: . But arterial you are much more interested in knowing where you can get. 100 cents worth of goods or service for that dollar of your own. You are not so much inter. ested in the price of bonds in Mexico, but you do want to know about the best market at |! your own front door. You find that the very best and most up-to-the-minute guide to this market is the ad- vertislng in The Whig and in other good newspapers. The advertising tells * you what goods are being offered and where and what the prices are People who get the most for - their money oe the students .of advertising. They buy with knowledge. They buy where are competitors and that insures the lowest market evenin covere children. rink Admission 10¢, .C! rink Saturday aff Saturdav | KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1914. WANTS LOSSES REFUNDED, r-- Chinese Ambassador Lost $50,000 in Bank Crash. Geneva, Switzeeland, Jan. 30. ~The Chinese ambassador at St. Petersburg, who yearly spénds the winter at his villa at Lugano, lost $0,000 in the {recent crash of the Cantonal bank {at Lugano, stated he had applied to OCEAN LIMITED DISCONTINUED. the federal government with. the view om tof having the money refunded. Ran at Rig Loss Last Winter and | By the failure of the Credit Trafic Now Less. 1 8inois bank of Locarno $180,000 of a i A {share obligation belonging to New oDitava. ane. Pha Bow: Frank York 'banks are lost. /The eal losses ' { VWAVS, 10° iof these two Swiss banks amount to formed Hon, HW. A. Fanmerson in © : parliament 'that the Ocean Limited nearly $5,000,000. Many directors : : have been arrested, including ope fed- train on the Intércolonial railway eral councillor ? > would be discontinued during Feb- | > ruary and March, ).ast vear it had Leese offset ooo dec fee fe been run at a great loss and this | year the. traffic was much less {han | DOMINION ESTIMATES. fast year a Hon. 6. P. Graham Ottawa, Jan. 30.--The de- Sima have struct minion estimates call for fif- ial" teen thousand dollars for a Mr. Cochrane stated that num- covered -- drill "hall at the ber of trains in fhe Mavitime Pro- Royal Military College, and vinees were also being taken off, ten thousand dollars for ord- Mr. Fmmerson asked if a change nance store buildings in would be made in the Maritime Ex- Kingstoir. press so that people leaving Ottawa There is a total reduction could cafch the train without hav- of $12,000,600 In the ing to spend the nicht in Montreal. mates this vear lefore the Qeean limited was put -oun the Maritime Fxpress leit Montreal at twelve o'tlock noon. Then it wns changed to 8.30 a.m. Now that the Ocean Limited is being taken off the Maritime Fxpress should again | leave at twelve o'clock 'so that the | people from points like Ottawa could | leave .in the morning and catch this | train at noon. 'W. B. Mr. Cochrane could not say what wonld be done. The hest interests of the whole country would be consid ered. Tes- +r "The hard the Interealon- n rr esti- deeb dee do dood Bob ob Bd Bd BB geoph + ddl dofeodededddododod dob Sd ddeded de NE HAS RRRIVED FOR A DIVORCE COURT Northrup, M. P. Wants Re- form In Procedure, and Gives Resolution Notice Ottawa, Jan. 30.--Either the estab | lishment of a ral divorcee court or else gdding divorce to the jurisdiction By Big Contraction ip Loans--Bank- | of Yo EE already ri is the ers Playing Politics. | rettedy favored by tw B. Northrup, Ottawa, Jan. 30.--~The statement of | M.P., Belleville, for the present di Canadian banks ior December furnishes | vorce situation. le has given notice food for reflection upon the causes of a resolution asking the government a, RUSINESS 1S CHECKED which led to the business depression to carefully consider a revision df the from which Canada suffered. Compare: | whole system by which divorce is now cd with a year ago, there is a de- | Secured. . crease of nearly fifty-nine millions in| "I am not going to discuss whether curfent loans in Canada. Such a tre- | divorce should or shoiild not be grasit- mendous withdrawal of money must | od," exclaimed Mr Northrup yester- have had a serious effect upon business day. "The. fac + that divorcee is conditions in this country and the obtainable hy law already. What | opinion is «quite freely expressed | seek a reform in the method. In among members of parliament - that the 'maritime provinces and in British political reasons have been at the [Columbia there are divorce courts bottom of the situation, If that is | People elsewhere have to come to par 80,:it may. be expected that the mat- liament. The operative effect of the ter will bo discussed in parliament at [system is that only the rich' or well: an early date, job can afiowd to institute Rroaeed; Compared with Noveinher, the De- ings for parliamentary divoree. i somber, MMemont shaw - dogreass. Jin. costs from $500 (0 $1,000 or more. ac: upwards of twenty millions, hoth in | cording to the number of witnesses, total assets and liabilities, a (the distance they have to he brought large decrease in paid up eapital ® due | and 80 jorth. Then in my judgment to the liquidation of the Sovereign | the senate committee on divorce are bank not the Hest judges of fact, while,when iste the bills reach the House of Commons, ddbdbdob bbb bd db bbd dpb db bpp | the members know little about the ; . TEMPERANCE CARRIED, ie cases except that they have a copy of # | the evidence. There is no opportunity & | to examine the witnesses &!| "The time has come « + when, 'if divorces are to he at all, the system ought to be varied to re- duce hoth the cost and the procedure." Toronto. Jan. 30.--The Canada Temperance act elec- tions carried in three wes- tern Ontario counties yester- day, with these majorities: Huron 2336 Peel 06, and Welland 2 Recounts will likely take place in the lat- ter two.: One hundred and four: bars are involved. necessary ALEXANDRIA BAY CASE. hdr bbb bret d New York Millionaire Sued for Run- ning Down a Boat. Watertown, N.Y., Jan. 30. rase "of George R. Cornwall Walter Smith, against Bradley, an action to 500 for damages in running down the plaintifi's boat at Alexandria Bay last summer, has been referred to George W. Reeves as special master. The case had been transferred to the admiralty "court. - There are several claimants because of this action and they must all come in and have their cases hoard along with Cornwall Smith and others. The delendant the steel + + " * Che and Edison rt $3, Frsossssses bpd bb db ddd deb bdob bbb pbb MOTHERS ONLY ELIGIBLE. ! recover A Requisite for Women Candidates for Kansas Legislature. Topeka, Kan., Jan, 30.--A woman to be a candidate for the Kansas legislature must be at least forty' vears old and the mother of child- ren. These are requirements, aceord- ing to Mrs. Lillian Mitchner, pro- sident of the Kansas W.C.T.V. It also is preferred, according Mrs. Mitchnor, that they have oflice and mixed to some extent politics before, such as having heen county superintendents or in some of the other offices to which women frequently have heen elected in Kane sas. or Since the passage' of the suffrage amendment last fall the women are taking a prominent and active part in 'Kansas politics. was the owner of yacht Klotowah and had her at Alexandria Bay last hammer, About five o'clock in the afternoon; when traffic on the river was at its height, she ran into the power hoat for hire owned by the plaintifis and sent hér to the bottom. The de- fendant is & millionaire of New York and Washington. : ONTARIO MILLERS LOBBYING AT OTTAWA Put Up The Plea That The Export Flour Trade Is Being "Ruined Ottawa, Jan. 30.--A delegation of the Ontario Millers' Association met « large number of members in room 16 yesterday to discuss the wheat, now before the housé in the amendment by Dr. Neely. The deleghtion alleged that the mill- ing export trade had been practically ruined by the new freight. rate regu- lations adopted by ithe British shipping pool in raising the rates on flour so high ythat wheat was shipped instead. The increased wheat was ground in Britain, which also gets the benefit of the by-products. As a result the On- tario and Canadian export: flour trade was falling off at an alarming rate. "Free wheat," it was stated, "is on dy of value for export. The Unrfted ited States for that product, according' States has as much hard wheat as to Louis Barthou, nt remier. Jn Canada. The only result on Canadian the comme of a debate in the Chamber free wheat would be to give the Chi- of Deputies," M: Barthou su, ed cago speculator a greater number of that a sum of $350,000 or \000 seasons wherein to fill his contracts. should he devoted to this purpose! The crux of the situation, the _dele- yearly. | {gation explained, lies altogether in ihe No further action, however, was tak- | Atlantic freight rates. ea in the malter, al the cham- | bey voted the issue of a loan of $46.1 v 000,000 for public works in Morocco. one a shock, They are actually high- = Ahan meat prices in Toronto : a - er, ys Use White Rose flour to, gét best re- pithy cider, 30c. a gallon, at Gil- 2 8. . i to held in ICAGO TO MARKET BUTTER. Furie Reduction Enables Windy City Ro Merchants to Profit. Chitugo, Jan. 30.--Bufter that has travelled 12,000 miles from New Zea- fand soon will be placed on sale in Chicago and other sections of ihe United States. A Chicago produce firm 'announced that it has signed contract for 300,000 pounds of butter to be shiptied this | yoar. Reduction of the tggifi on but-. ter from 5 to 2} cents a pdund is said to have enabled merchants to profit on importations. . i Part of the shipment will be re ceived by way of the 'acific coast and others by way of London. COTTON IN MOROCCO. Pnem---- France Should Develop Its Cultiva. : tion, Says Barthou. Paris, Jan. 30.--France's national duty §s to develop the cultivation of cotton in Morocco, so that the conn! try shall not he dependent on the Un- 4 Meat prices in Hamilton give STEAMER SANK And Forty or Fifty Lives Were Lost | A COLLISION UCCURRED| DAY MORNING SLIGHTED B Reichsvig Vice.-Presidents Were Not Cordially Received. Berlin, Jan. 31. The Kalser is be- ing sharply criticised by the judicial press for an alleged slight to the presient and two vice-presidents of] parliament on his fifty-fifth birthday. | It is reported that the Kaiser merely nodded to the afficials of the Reich- stag, while he shook hands eordially with the corresponding officer of the Prussian diet. / | a. Snubbed by King Munich, Jan. 30.--King Ludwig ITI of Bavaria administered a snub. yes- terday fto a soclety "of aristocratic women who agked him to become pa- tron of a movement to establish homes for sick amimals. He said: "Do not worry about diseased cats, Before dogs and horses. . Sick animals ought to be killed. DBestow your money on the sick poor and thus do some good with it." One Vessel Crashed Into Quarters of Another -- Survivors Got Away in Lifeboats Steamer Sank, Sleeping Norfolk, Va., Jan, 30.--Between forty and fifty lives were lost near here at {11.30 o'clock this morning, when the merchants line steamer Nantucket, in ; ' : {a dense fog, crashed into the old dom-| Ottawa, Jan. 30.--W. H. Taft will inion line steamer Munroe cutting her be the guest of the Puke of Con- in two. The Munroe was hound from naught when he arrives here this af- Norfolk to New York. She carried fif- ternoon from Toronto. A banquet to ty first class passengers, and a crew 'be tendered him by the Canadian Club of ninety or so. The collision occured Will be held in the Chateau Laurier. 'when most of the passengers and crew 1'remier Borden and Sir Wilfrid Laurier Taft With Governor-General | | were asleep. \ It is thought many wenss killed in {the lirst crash as the Nantucket struck ithe Monroe broadside right in the sleeping quarters. The Nantucket with bows stove in, stood hy and wireless ed for help. From all accounts the Munroe's sur- vivors got away in life boats helo i r re | The vietims were mostly New York and Virgita people. Wife<Beater Lashed Guelph, Jan, 30.--The sentence of the court was carved ont yesterday, and Robert Mitchell, the young Scotch- man, sentenced to ten days in county Jail and five lashes for wife-beating, way strapped te a triangle and given five strokes of the cat. 'TI'wo doctors were present. 'The prisoner took his punishment without a whimper. THEFT UF MONEY BAG ONE 'LAD WAS SENT TO THE IN- DUSTRIALY SOHOOL | | Another Was Given Taste of Cat-0'- Nine Tails and the Other Dismiss. ed -- They Stole Money From R H. Toye's Bread Waggon. When Harry,. Tommy. and Freddie poticed a_driver's .bag. in one. of. Lk. H. Toye's bread waggons when they were passing the bakery, a few days j 880, they were tempted to steal it. | The driver was in the bakery pre- | paring to load up his waggon again, so they would have a good chance. The scheme was soon planned. Harry purloined the bag, When it was opened it was found to contain heaps of money, ahout $15 in all, but it appeared to the youngsters like a fortune. ' A good deal of it was in small change. - In addition to the money there was a goodly num ber of bread checka. After the trio had divided the spoils the next thing to do get rid of the bag. One"suggested one place and another a different place... Finally they decided to leave the bread checks in thie bag and hide it around Swift's coal chutes. And this they did. But the lico got busy on the case and as' a result of their work Harry, Tommy and Freddie found themselves in. the juvenile court. on Friday morning charged with theft. The youngster who stole the bag denied it until he was strongly pressed, and - then admitted that he had taken thé bag and told where it could be "Tound Constable James Bateson was sent.to get the bag. It had been thrown into a secluded corner of the coal chutes, and it was found necessary to remove a plank hefofe it could - be taken out. Y The case was heard by the magis trate and as a result one boy, who has been before the magistrate sever- al times, was sent to the Industrial school, another given a taste of the cat-o-nine-tails, and the third was discharged. The Ind who was sent fo the In- dustrial school has given the police a great deal of trouble and it is felt that a term in the schapl will do him_good. fev. A. E. Smart, inspector for the Children's Aid Society, will leave to- night for Toronto with the hoy for -- STRUCK WITH WHP, A NAPANEE MAN LOSES HIS. EVE As a result of being hit in the eye with a- whip, John Bentlev. of Napa- nee, had the eve removed at the Kingston general hospital. on Friday morning. Dr. J. C. Connell pér- formed the overation. It appears that on Wednesday even- ing Leslie Shannon, who drives a eah for © Charles Anderson, hack driver, struck Bentley across the face with a horse whip. . The end of the lash evidently went in the eve. On Thursday morning Chiei Gra- ham. of the Napanee police force, came to the city with Bentley and placed him in the general hospital. On Thurelay moralag pe mphe ppeared shore 'olice Magistrate William Rockies of Navanee, on the charge of assauli. He is now out po- oa "Dr. Chase's Pils" at Gibson's. the vessel sank, twenty minutes after uk collision. Responsibility is not de- | cidéd. all | was to [1 he | 1 Chicago, Jan. 30.--Two women and will also be prominent guests: PAYMENT OF MONEY 10 QUEBEC MEMBER 'As Evidenoe Of Good Faith That Bill © Would Eventually Bo Through Quehee, Jan. 830.The first evidence was taken in the parliumentary inves- tigatfon of the graft charges against former members of Quebec legislature to-day. Mr. Beck, former editor oi the Montreal Herald, was a witness, and told of the payment of five hun- dred dollars cash to Mr. Moisseau through the medium of one Sampson. This was Just as evidence of good {faith that" the total of twenty-five hundred would bLe forthcoming when the bill was pusbed through. The I'he evidence caused quite sensation. { | ARRESTED FOR THEFT Montreal Man Placed Under Arrest by Constable Bateson Edward lane, aged 25, giving Mon- treal as his address, was Jiagua un: der arrest at noonjon Friday by Con- stable James Bateson on a charge of He is accused of stealing a Tu pater of-hoekey skates. and. boots) from a local batteryman. The theft i was reportedfito the police a couple of days ago, and Constable Bateson | was given the case. He found that the boots and skates had 'been sold by Lane to a second-hand dealer, and that tho latter had resold tifem. Lane, s0 it 1s' believed, is ready to plead guilty on the charge. GOVERNMENT DOWNS | | Dr. Neely's Motion to Remove Wheat i Duty. Ottawa; Jan. 30.---By' a vote of 102} { 57, a government majority of 45,1 parliament before adjourning for the state ball last evening, voted down the liberal smendment ealling for the vémoval of customs duty, submitted r, the member for Humbol- the exaeption of Mr. Maclean, South | York, who voted with the opposition. I'he roply to the speech from the T0 ABOLISH THE B Haron Pols Up a Majority of 2536 THE VOTE WAS CLOSE IN THE COUNTIES OF AND PEEL. | ------ Where Recounts Will Likely Take Place -- How the Vote Stood --- Temperance People Are Wild With Joy. WELLAND Goderich, Jan. 30.--The voice of the people on the Canada Temper anck act has been heard at the polls with amazement on the part of the antis and rejoicing in the part of the temperance workers. was carried on energetically by both fides. The most intelligent lecturers available have presented the inter pretation of the act in all its possible phases, and that electorate went to the polis with all possible enlighten- ment. The Dominion Alliance workers terminated their efforts in continued prayer and song service, which lasted all day,and naturally feel deep gratifi- cation. The license holders and their supporters feel their defeat keenly, but have taken it good-naturedly. When their three months' lease of liquor dispensing expires it will be seen what will be the real advantage of the act and the success or failure The campaign Lof its anticipated workings will de- velop. There are six hotels and one shop affected in Goderich itself, two hotels having been cut off and closed by the municipal council over a year ago. At Wingham the temperance work- ers of the town and vicinity celebrat~ ed the victory with a thanksgiving service in the town hall. Recount in 'Welsaand Probable Welland, Jan. 30.--Uniess a re- count which is almost a certainty. shows that the figures are wrong, Welland county temperance workers have carried the Canada temperance act after one of the most extensive and well-mangged campaigns ever carried on in Ontario by a majority of 36 de pat don hold of the liquor t border county with a firge number of licenses and a large foreign popu- lation. Three years ago there was a strong logal option campaign. Voting in"twelve 'municipalties re sulted in its careving in Thorold town ship with majorities, but not the quired three-fifths in Crowland ro- and Willoughby. Temperance people start- | 'o% od to work on the following day for the Canada temperance act, and con- tinued it until last night's victory, twelve municipalities beSng made dry, namely, Welland and Thorold towns, Port Colborne, Humberstone, Fort Erie, Bridgeburg, Chippewa village, Crowland, Humberstone, Bertie, Wil loughby dnd Stamford townships. Thorold 'Pelham: and Wainfleet town- ships being dry before. Forty-one bars, seven shops and one club people put up a splendid educational campaign. The liquor advocates were organized under the name of the has for a 0 as a Strong: raffic, being a | sidered } \ | HON. W. 8. FIELDING. Who may return to House of Commons as member for Yarmouth, N., S FIELDING MAY RETURN TO HOUSE OF COMMONS And Sit For Yarmouth, N. S.-- Would Be Strength To Liberals Mtawa, Jan. 30.--~Thew is an 'under- standing hers to-day that Hon. W. 8, Fielding, late minister of finance in the Laurier government, and who yes- terday resigned from the directorship of the Montreal Herald and Telegrapg will be back again in parliament be-. fore very long. The report states, that Mr. Fielding will seek re i in the constituenoy of Yarmouth, N.S., whew the present liberal member will . resign in his favor. ¥armouth is con- an absolute safe seat. Mr. Fielding will be a tower of strength to the liberals in economic discussions which will occupy the present' session. MONEY FOR KINGSTON WORK Which Has Been Placed in the Fed- eral Estimates. In the federal estimhtes issued: at Ottawa, ay, ihe sum of Sr Rn Df or improvements; Military College additional accommodation for cadets, $ Kingston Ordnance Stord bu ¥10,000. Gananoque post office, to complete repairs, $5,000; UBelleville harbor im- provements, $50,000; Bowmanville re pairs to wharf pier, $12,000; Brigh- reconstruction and extension of wharf, 215,550; Cobourg harbor im- provements, $50,000; Gananoque wharf, £18,000, Captured Second Phice The race horse, Paddy McCue, owned by A. Stafford, Seeley's Bay, captur- ed second place in the 2.35 trot and pace race in Ottawa on Thursday af- ternoon. The purse was $400. This racer was bred from the mare Di o li- | mat and sire owned by Frank McCue, dt. It was straight party vole, withlcense ars wiped 'opt. The temperance | Kingston. There were seven horses in the race. One box fine French toilet soap' throne was then passed. Before rising, {Business Men and Manufacturers' As- free with each purchase of 250. or aver Hon. Mr. Perley in the absence of the !minister of finance, submitted the esti- mates to the house. | SECRETLY MARRIED An English Lords Weds an American Abtress. Ottawa. Jan. 30.--Hon. Angus Mc- Donnell, a close friend of the Con- naughts, second son of the Earl of Antuim, announced to-day from Rideau hall where he is a guest, that be wag. secretaly married on Decem- her 13th last to Miss Ethel Wyn {Sylvia Arthur Jones, an actress who is now touring in the United States, The marriage took place at Evans- ton, 1. The Hon. Angus runs a ne fruit ranch near Vancouver, B.C BURNED: TO DEATH. | IN CHIEAGO FRE Two Women And an Infant Met Death In Apartment | one infant arc believed to have n {burned {o death in the destruction, at three o'clock this morning, of the | "babies" row," a five-storey apart iment building on the south side, so 'called because go many infants always swarmed around the entrances. The heroine: of the occasion was Mrs. Massover. who discovered the fire from spontancous combustion of rubbish in! the basement and alarmed. the ocen- | pants, boing herseli badly burned be- | fore escaping. In ten minutes after the alarm was given, a hundred wo- men and thirty babies in night gowns were being cared for at neighboring | buildings, while. their homes' crumbled | to the ground. Few men were in the | building, most of the hushands being night workers. Store Window Smashed { { During Thursday night a window at the rear of the stors of John Green, | shoe merchant, Princess street, was | | smashed, and it was helisred that a | j robbery had been committed. Se far | § be ascertained, nothing is miss- | sociation, Niagara Falls city strong petition at the same time Welland county did, asking for vote on the Canada temperance act. The government claimed the city must have a specidl voters' list so it wus not permitted to vote. presented as a ren. The Result in Brief Huron Peel § Welland FU 36 These figures are, of course, sub- ject to correctio. The official count will be made within the next few days. Licenses Cut Off 41 of at Best's Saturday. 20 1b. pails pure lard, $2.90, at Gil- IS ON SALE AT THE FOLLOW . ING CITY STORES Bucknell's News Depot ..205 King B, Clarke, J. W. & Co. ....353 Princess Frontenac Hotel ,....., ¢¢ Gibson's Drug Store ..Market McAuley"s Book Store ....03 MeGall's Cigar Store Cor. & King 9 Meleod's Grocery ....51 Union St. Falls) ...; ..... .e 54 Paul's Cigar Store ........ 318 Mediey's Drug Store 200 Vnlveulty =~ Prouse's Drug Store . "e 104 Vallean's Grocery ,.....508 Mesntreal The Canada Temperance act (popu- larly known as 'the Scott act) is a Dominion statute, and when adopted covers "he whole of a county except he cities, which are voted upow sep- arately. Like the provincial local option provisions, it prohibits all bar and shop sales within the county limits. It is unlike local aption in the particular that the provinck 1 law affects single municipalities, whereas | the federal law operates over a county area. Since 1890 no part oi the province had been under Scott act until last year, when the act went Into force in Manitoulin. Jt 4s claimed that most of the difficulties which in former years made the act difficult to enforce have 'mow been re- moved. Died at Brockville Brockyille, Jan. 80._Miss Agnes Senkler, who died here yesterday, was born in Docking, Norfolk, Eng- land, where her father, the Rev. E. J. Senkler, then resided. Thé family came {fo Canada when she was very} young, and after residing in Quebec and Sorel, removed to Brockville. She is survived by one brother, Judge Senkler of Perth, and by several nephews and nieces, inclu ling Judge i and Lieut.%Col. Buell of 8, trongest overalls mads, $1. -- ei Dut. 1 ROBERT J. REID : The I Undertaker . "Phone 577 Princess Street forgo L Jd * whe Ola Firm of 254 and 256 'Phone 147 for 4 ad The best lot we have ever Dressers, Stands and Beds. Ami line. Reasonable prices. At WE HAVE NOW IN STOOK A FULL SUPPLY OF "Phone 706.