agRits right here in your a living out of the ar , but it is hecause peo- Me have to have drugs and not be B we like to see people suffer-- don't. Our duly is to render the Test service we can, and when some is ailing, we are interested in see them take the best medicine ir is for their particular trouble. J ois recommend "'cure-alls," as 'don't believe there are such thi We don't want you to spend * more you have to. Some of got. sick lv small wages, and. when none at all, 'and you shold get ' the most youiesh for your ney, + oe A 3 ocentis came across ar new i for Snotemsing strength Ld u who are run-down 2 oT We know that a slight trouble sometimes grows into & serious one, and to stop it in the hogianing will save you money in the end. This new compound is oallad Rexall Olive Oil Fmulgion. It [a Ale taal remody when you are ' wn, tired out, nervous--no mat- tor what the eanse. It doesn't mere- ly stimulate yon and make you feel for a few hours, but takes Id of. the weakness and builds you up to a healthy, normal condition. It ia a real nervedood tonic and Builder of good blood, strong mus- eda; mood digestion. It contains Typophosphites, which tone the nerves wnd pure Olive Oil, which nourighes ' the nerves, the blood and the entire systom. Ploasent to take, Contains wa nleohol or habit-forming druee We promise that if yon are not per: factly satisfied with it, we'll give nek your money af S00f AR vom tall va Sold only af the 7,000 Rexall Stores, and in this town only Tv na, $1. Mahood's Ont. J Dmg Store, Kingston, "Phone 76 r For Your Christmas Groceries. Our stock is complete In all Hines. $41.8 Princess Street. , Prompt Delivery. (Coast Sealed Oysters.) D. COUPER a Acid Stomachs are Dangerous Nine-tenths of All Stomach Trouble Sald to be Due to Acidity. A Physiclan's Advice on Cause and 3 Cure, A famous physician whose succes:. ful researches into the cause and cure of Stomach and intestinal diseases have earned for him an interpational repuitation, said in the course Qa re: gent lecture that nearly all intestinal troubles, as well ay many diseases of vital ofglns, were directly trace. ble t derfinged cendition of -the el in torn wag due nide times to. excessive acidity sour stomach or Uwhich not only irritated the delicate lining of BC! but also set up gas. omach ulcers. It Is in. he condemns \ de note that $ patent medicines as wel) leat treatment for the Jtomach ting that he and his col 8 ies have secured remarkable re- [1t8 hy the use of ordindry bisurac. i magnesia, which, by he acidity of the food, source of the trouble, that it is as foolish to treat the stomach itself as it would be for a wan who stepped on a tack to rub llnamént: on the foot without first removing the tack, Rempve the tack and the foot will heal itself--neutrals ze the acid and stomach troubles will 18 Irritating medicines and m treatments are _aseless, 80 long as the contents of the stomach remain acid: remove the acidity, and there will be no need for medfcine= t Saflamed lining eof the stomach will then heal itself. Sufferers from peidity, sour stomach or heart burn show # small bottle of bisprated magnesia from their druggist, and takes a teaspoonful in a quarter of a glass of hot or cold 'water after meals; repeating in fifteen minutes if necessary, this bein the dose whic the doctor has found wiost efficdclou in All oases. neutralizing removes the He contends CITY COUNCIL SESSION £ PEACE OCELERRATION TO ~ | HELD IN KINGSTON | Council to Co-operate With Centen- ary Committes---A Refund of Tax. es to Mrs, BE. Gaskin, 3 7At the City Council meeting last evening Mayor Shaw and Alds. Bews, Couper, Fair, Graham, Gillespie, Han- ley, Harrison, Hoag, Hughes, Litton, McCann, Newman, Nickle, Peters, Richardson, Sutherland, Stroud and White' were in attendance. These - communications were read : Great Waterways Usion of Canada, re Georgian Bay can®l scheme and the Welland canal. 4 Organizing secretary of the Cana-| dian Peace Centenary Association, re holding a celebratioh in Kingston in the summer of 1915. Municipal Franchise Referendum com- mittee, re municipal franchige for mar. § tied women taxpayers. Childeen®s Aid Society, applying fof grant of $300, Ladies' Auxiliary, Hotel Dieu, ask- ing refund rent of city hall. R. J. McClelland, inspector of build- Masterly p iactories lo "oa fastary rates on m dends, and are expected to say nothing ot ste tha aver: ages and totals, that follow the 'eatablished custom, on the icheese that they y for, and not (include the sh te, which, as {pear as 1 cil 3 'the report '1 saw, was 2471 pounds, and' that ith Joes than the weight at the fac- mos ro ine teniionally, of course) ra . | | ! i i | Thanking you, Mr. Fditor, for space in your valuable paper, which is real- ly valuable, for a butcher at Bellrock was asked if ever rend his Bible and he replied in a solemn "manner : {*"No, bit 1 take the Whig." --.J, 1. { VANLUVEN, ter ----. | THE BIENNIAL MEETING {Of the French Canadian Fducational | - Association. The biennial meeting of the French | Canadina Educational association was [str corner held Monday night in their rooms, at of Princess and Montreal strepts. The treasurer's réport showed that there was at present a balance up" to this divi Color, G and p Hair that loses its color and lustre, or when it fadés, turns gray, dull and lifeless, is caused by a lack of sulphur in the hair. Our grandmo- ther made up a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur to keep her locks dark and beautiful, and thousands of wo- men and men who value that even color, that beautiful dark shade of hair which is so attractive use only this old-time recipe. Nowadays we got this famous mix- {ure by asking at any drug store for a 60-cent bottle of "Wyeth"s Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy," which darkens the hair fo naturally, so ev- efily, that nobody can pessibly tell it has been applied. Besides it takes oft dandruff, stops scalp itching and fali- ing hair. You just dampen & sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one smail strand at a timé. By morning the gray hair disappears, But what de- lights the ladies with Wyeth's Sage ings, recommending the appointment of Calvin Jackson as city chimney viewer. 3 Frontenac Lumber and Coal com- pany, "applying for the extension of their Grove Inn wharf, King street west, as per plan filed with city engi: néer, : Residents of Raglan Road, between Sydenham and Patrick street, asking for a sewer and gas main.----Cranted, on motion of Alds. Harrison and Cou- Tr. This resolution was adopted, on mo- tion of Alds. Harrison and Fair: That, whereas this city has been | se- lected by the Canadian Peace Centen- ary Association as ome of the cities in which to hold a celebration of the hundied years of peace between the British Empire and the United States, that the' above named association be notified that Kingston desires to be included in this list, and will take the necessary steps towards organizing a local committee which will form part of the general committee for this do- minion. Some time was occupied in a dis- cussion upon whether $19 taxes charg ed to and paid by Mrs. EF. Gaskin on an income alleged not to exist, should he remitted. The Finance committee recommended no action as the city solicitor had advised that the appli- cant was not legally entitled to the amount paid, not. having appealed to the éourt of revision. Ald.. Hoag held. .that. . Mrs. Gaskin was morally entitled to the refund, if not legally. Alds. Graham and Cou- per held , likewise, claiming that the city had no right to keep money * to which it was not entitled. Alds. the matter referred back again to the Finance committee for a further ve port. A resolution of Alds. Graham and Couper, to refund the amount, was carried on a yea and nay Vote, by I5 to 4, those voting nay being Alds. Fair, Marrison, McCann and Richasrd- son. In order to help out W, J. Baker against whom there has been a po lice court charge for the past two months for erecting an electric sign in front of the Orpheum the- atre on Princess street in violation of the city by-laws, Ald. Graham moved, seconded 'by Ald, Suther land that the city engineer and the fire chief be instructed to sign ihe necessary permit for Mr, Baker, This moion passed by a vote of 9 to 8 afer a lengthy discuesion, as fol lows: -- Nays--Mayor Shaw, and Alds. Baws, Couper, Harrison, Hughes, Hoag, Litton, Nickle--S8, Yeas--Alds. Graham, - Gilllespie, MoeCanon, Newman, Peters, Richard- gon, Stroud, Sutherland, White-- 9. On motion of Ald. Hughes, the eouncil decided to ask the Board of Education to prepare for use in the city schools short, interesting pamph- let dealing with such facts and data of the city as it sees fit. f A POWER PROPOSITION OFFERED TO KINGSTON. (Continued from page 1.) An adjustment vegarding the. fire in- Wuirance on the plant was left in the hands of the mayor, city treasurer and general manager of utilities. There is $34,000 insurance, $15,000 of which is on the boilers. Repairs Intake Pipe The commission authorized the man- ager to lave repairs made to the wa- terworks suction pipe, terminating at the Moutreal Tramsportation com- pany slip. The solicitor advised that the elaim of Mrs, Trotter, for damage Lo jro- nerty -on Division street, through the reezing of water pipes, should paid. The chiei ongineer of the Hydro- Electric Commission, in regard to the new lighting system, adviend against ----r Once people get acquainted with : the wonderful control which Dr. Chase's Syrup ot Linseed and Tur- pentine exerts over bronchitis, whooping cough, croup and colds it is pot easy to persuade them tha! anything else is "just as good." This is why the imitators never get very ar. In 1902 Mrs. Eugene ller, King street, Tfuro, N.8., wrote as follows: "From an infant one of my child- ren was troubled with bronchitis an! the léast cold would aggravate the trouble. We could not get anything to Jrelp him, and were often great- 1y alarmed. ' Hearing of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linséed and Turpentine as a treatment for bromchitis, we used it and are glad to state thit it ef {fected a complete cure. If any of the children take a cold or cough I give this medicine, and have known It to fail to bring of. M now writes she has in this me to be cough, and would § Lhe donde. Harrison and McCann wanted} | oe Don't Miss the Opening Chapters Dhever| shaw mers eo] a|rigs terned the the Mountains of Colorado FS the placing of ornamental standards, as this would detract from the general appearance. | The uniform position was on the cor ner buildings. | No action was taken on thé com- munication of the lLeavitt-Jackson Engineering company, recommending its "E" chlorinator, to be_connested [up with a cylinder containing 100 "pounds of liquid chlorine, which will (deliver the proper amount of chlorine per million imperial gallons. I'he manager reported the breaking down, through weur, of a motor gen- erator, seventy-five horse-power size, (alternating current, which, unless in {use it wap necessary to operate the big machine 'at night. He was empowered to purchase the electric armature re quired | To End Donnelly Lease lhe commission decided to this vear terminate the lease which the Donnel- ly Salvage and Wrecking company holds for whariage at the waterworks pump-house property. The yard will {be utilized for storage purposes, The lease expires in April. The company has been paying $300 a year rental. I'he 'matter was brought to a head hen Mr. Folger asked what repairs the eommission purposed making to the wharf, which has been abused hy ithe bouts and sea. | The manager's recommendation to re-paing, number and index all the city hydrants, was endorsed. The fire ohief will be supped with -the infor- mation. The matter of arranging for the dis- posal of three direct current moters, of Drs, J. Third and D. A. Black, and John Gilbert, grocer, was left with the manager. These are all that re main my tffeaving this west section clear for the alternating current. ! Those present at the meeting were: I. 1. Rigney, (chairman; R. H. Toye, J. H. Birkett, Dr. A, E//Ross and Mayor Shaw. | 1 | News From Napanee Napanee, Feb. 2 -- Miss Edith Nickle is'\visiting friends in Trenton. Mrs. (Rov.) Woodcoek, of Brockville, is visiting friends in town. Rev. J. P. Wilsen preached on Sunday last, at the re-opening of the Bridge street Methodist church in Belleville. E. E. Lucas who has been employed by J. I. .Boyes, has taken a position as traveller for a furniture company. Jolin Fralick, of Chicago, spent a few days in town last week, Mrs. Frank- iyh Vanluven, of Napanee, is visit- ing friends in Toronto. Leonard Rob- in on és dpemdling a few days in town with his family. Fred Knapp, of Newman and Livingston's grocery store, has accepted a position with J. L, Bayes, clothier. Mrs. W. B Cronk spent a few days in Belle ville. the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Jharles F. Meagher, Rev. L. Sharp preached dn Grace Methodist chureh t Sunday morning and Rev, C. W. DeMille preached in the evening. Dr. Stratton is ill, Members of the U. E. Loyalist chapter wore entertained at Hill Crest by their regent, Mrs. Har- v. The snow and hail storm on Saturday last was bad for the far- ming to: out. » Robinson i | QL ' "BEGINS ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5TH. street names on the | 8 only six| and sulphur is that, besides beauti- fully darkening the hair after a few applications, it also brings back the gloss and lustre and gives it an ap- pearance of abundance. Agent, Geo. W. Mahood. x on hand. CO. A. 'LaTour was the presiding offi- cer, and he gave an illuminated ad: dress on the work of the association in general. In conclusion, he stated that in this city, in former years, the local press had shown a great deal of animosity towards the city's French {Canadian population. Ai the present time both parties were on the mowt friendly terms except, perhaps on the great bi-lingual question, The election of these officers unanim- ous: Prafdent, J. E. H. Howison; vice:president, W. Guibored; secretary, P, Sicotte; twedsurer, J. Sauve audi- tor, 0. Beaudry. Of the officers elected, Messis. How- ison, Sauve and Beaudry served §n the sdme sapacity durihg the pdst two years. The president was tendered a vote of hearty appreciation for his'un- titing work of the past. The regular entertainments will - be held during the season and the annual TORONTO "At Home" will take place at the end In Centre of Shopping «i the month. i and Business District. ' 280 ROOMS 100 with Private Bathe Notes From Folg EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN PLAN Folger, Feb. 2.---Dr. Kilborn, Shar- A ia Carte Restaurant bot Lake, was' called, on Friday to SAM. H. THOMPSON, Bros. attend Elmer Burnham, who is very ill oi rhéumatic fever. Mrs. A. Simp- son has an attack of quinsy. S. Shanks and Messrs. A. and J. Sinip- son are shipping ties and cordwood. Rev. W. Hall, Plevna, conducted ser- vice here Saturday evening. William Campbell spent Sunday at home. Thomas Campbell, who has been at North Bay for two years, has come home for a visit. Mrs. D. Potter has returned to her home in Deloraine, Man., after a visit with relatives here. Visitors: Jobn Prasky, at S. Cam- eron's, Flower, on Friday; Mrs. V. Prasky, at W, J, Boyd's, Lavant; Miss lila Crawford, at A. Crawford's; Mes. W. J. Boyd, Lavant, spent a couple of 'days 'at her parental home here. The dominion eustom receipt show a decrease of seven hundre" thousand dollars for the month of January. QUIT MEAT IF YOUR KIDNEYS ACT BADLY Take Tablespoonful of Salts it Back Hurts or Bladder Bothers. We are a nation of meat eaters and our blood is filled with uric acid, says a well-known authority, who warns lus to be constantly on guard against | kidney trouble. theese factory, recently held, © we tS itmeys dg their hitost to ft were told by the cheesemaker that i ' bec * ry Iris ng a that this factory always used to be thew rg! ep am li S Ovary ork; behind the neighboring factories in } y ge Slufgiani 118 sumiialive we | rates on monthly dividends, but now or Slog and thus the Wame is Yo | arr Si » tained fn the blood to poison the en they all "look up" (or words of the tive system I | same efiect) to the monthly rates ; "ki ' i paid by this factory. As this party (heh the inary ache end joel ike has®mo personal knowledge of the pe th A ye Singing rates paid by this factory, com- De ral I onlin ® ne i x pated. with others, while we. run. it, der is ievitahle. obliging i) re pid Bak to say that, it pias, pat be- relief during the night, when you have then, as: many ol our old pa: 1c.vere headaches nervous and: dizzy | trons, 'as well as neighboring manu- |e Ils sled lessnoss acid stoma ot | facturers know, from the fact : that aly in b d weather tf ; {we had the best of makers and usu. onP Carma hout fou 4 & on ally manufactured for irom fe. to Vn Salts: t ok a id lt i ¢. less than our neighbors. Our pa- glass of he Wat st n a | trons (some Gi them in. particular), (Ea. and in'a few Heed San claiming that we should do this on hg will act fine This famous {account of the milk costing less per lie is made from the acid of os 10 pounds for delivery than. where | nd lemon juire, combined with fi they had. 'oppositidn' on the "routes i] as 3 Ia vied Jor aration Bs or bad roads to draw over And {flush and stimulate clogged kidneys, as manufacturers -in one of the ly © tvlize: the acids in urine so it neighboring factories, and receiving is no longer a source of irritation cReques as patrons. of the - Moscow thus ending urinary and bladder dis. factory for the past six seasons, we ' 'a are in a position to know that we have never had to "look up" to this {jsinre:; makes a delightful: effervescent tiactory for rates on monthly divi- lithis-water drink, and nobody end dends {to our patrons. As. com- [make a mistake by taking a little inces in this vieinity. Mrs. Thomas parison of the following rates paid oceasionally to keep the kidneys clean 'almer i¥ in poor health. Miss Cora |8t' Moscow for each of the six and active. Agent, G. W. Mahood. Buchanan and Miss Cora Wesley at- {months (May to October inclusive) . Buy this oven-tested flour ended the Sunday school convention the past season, after deducting 1 it Arden last| week. A fine new or- {pound from each 100 pounds of milk an has been purchased for St. Al- (or a total of 31.936 pounds for the san's church hy the ladies of the 'season) also the short: weights, and guild. for manu- y Your oven will certainly pro- duce more bread and better bread a8 a result of our oven test. From each shipment of wheat delivered at our mills we take a A Wester story of love and adventure, but one unlike any other ever before written, Virle, powerful, and with a fascination that will hold you a willing and pleased reader to the end. Sale' Must he sold by February 1, 1914, Three brick houses In the best of location, near Queen's University; 0 plumbing and the latest on provements, bringing a rental of $540,00 per year for. $6, 000,00, House on Queen street, near Clergy, $3.950.00. » HORACE F. NORMAN Real Estate and General Insure ance. 177 WELLINGTON ST. of his friends spent Sunday last in Kingston. OF BRELLROCK AND MOSCOW CHEESE FACTORY FIGURES E. L. Vanluven States That the People Do Not "Look Up" to Rates Paid at Moscow. Feb. 2.--At the annual of the pafroms of Moscow Moscow, meeting Gas Bills Reduced LIGHTS can be turned ON and OFF without matches if ons nected with our bypass. Saves time, gas and matches. Come in and see it in use. "Iwantu'" Gas Irons, $3.75. Reflej Lights, $1.80 and up. One only $10.00. amber art g lady with Berry's the Grand the firs this wee Maberly Matters Feb. 2-~Missionary meet held in St. Alban's church on Sunday, February Sth, when Rev. €. F. Clarke, oi Pakenham, the form: r rector, will be the special preacher. Villiam Davis is renewing acquaint. glass dome with ©§ In. fringe. for only $8.50. DAVID HALL 66 BROCK BT. - Phone 8385 or 858. Maberly, ing will be ers. Jui Salts is inexpensi'e and cannot Mrs. (Rev.) Hollingsworth has 2¢. per pound of cheese arrived home from the hospital. Mrs. |facturing, with the rates' that wa Meldron is visiting at the parsonage. lconld pay . our patrons at Rellrock, Mrs. H." Buchmnan spent a few days [to figure in the same way, and at at Mes. M. Marks'. John Acheson, { {he same price for manufacturing. Mr., has started to haul his logs to Mayv--Bellroek.. 91 3-10c.; Moscow, R. Taylor's saw mill in" Bathurst. [§9¢.; difference, 2 3-10c. Ernest Walroth spent Sunday at home, June--Bellrock, 21.01: Moscow, 98¢.; difference, Ae. Julv--Bellrock, $1.00 9-10¢.: Moscow, 08c,: differen 2 9-10e. Augnst--Dellrock, 1.04 2-5¢; cow, $1.01; difference, 3 2-5¢. September--Belirock, $1.11 3-10; Mos- cow, $1.11; difference, 3-10ec.- October--Bellrock, $1.16}; Moscow, £1.15; difference, lic. Now to multiply the total milk de- liverad at Bellrock factory each month by the difference in 'the vrate.of the same month. as shown above, I make the total difference $243.61. In other words the milk delivered at Bellrock (which is ahout one-third the quan- tity delivered at Moscow) brought our patrons $243.61 more ghan the same auantity delivered - oscow, or the Moscow patrons got times the ahave amount (3730.83) less for their mil: than the rate at Bellrock got. Yet in face of the-above facts (which | believe are eorreet and are without in- ténded deception) we told at a Ex-member Mosseau, Quebec, af- flicted with nervous prostration, has started a hunger ang sleep strike. To send photographs across the Atlantic is the latest discovery at Berlin, Germany. Mos- into flour. "We bake bread from % PURITY is fou If this bread is high in t 3 Quality and large in quantity we N_ use the shipment of wheat from. " which it came. Otherwise, we sell \ it The baking quality of flog: CATARRH CANNOT BE RED, with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they t th the seat of the disease a blood or constitutional Se, and in order to cure it you mi take internal remedies Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directiyv on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine, It was prescribed by one of the best physicia in this coun- try for vears and is scription. It is composed of the tonics Rrown, cgmbined with the best blood purifiers, hicting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combin- ation of the two ingredients is what produces such wanderful results in curing Catarrh. Send . for testimonial rea F. 1. CHENEY & LL, Praps., Tokedo, ©) Sold hy Oraguids prin §50 Take Hails Family Pills for consis