the family who were all attached to hinfon this outing. Enid Maitland, a girl of a kind that Kirkby had never geen, before, had won the old man's heart during the weeks spent on the Maitland ranch. He bad grown fond of her, and he, did not think that Mr. James Armstrong merited ihat which he evidently . so, overwhelmingly desired. Kirkby was well along in years, but he was quite 1110 LL) ter Tours : ¥ Sénd ¥t on Trinh iO : JX yaa ried hos others al > nr else come LU 6. ere © ors a CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA and THE|[ have my greatest success. So = tached coupon to-day and I wir se: ty SUNNY SOUTH. Fast tralus leave Kingston daily, making direct con. nection at' Detroit and Buffalo for capable ot playing a man's game for Florida and ponthern points. and at all that, and he intended to play it in Chicago for California and westarn We can make all arrangements to bring your family and friends from the OM Country. Special attention will be given them For full particulars apply to J. P, HANLEY, Raflroad and Steamship Agent | Cor. Johnson and Ontario Sts or ------ rin gre ai: CHAPTER lil. This me ans a box of "Fruit-a-tives" for everv the evening of the Eczema JAirst day in the wilderness. Urinary For two days siuce leaving the In the head « awa; are hundreds etters and photographs wagon, the Maitland party with its from grateful wien a we n who hay ured of sicku « ft loug train of bugros heavily packed, Fruit i lany of tl letters iis horsemen and the stea(ly plodders permis ior 4 N on foot, had advanced into unexplored of the factors in 1 lemand for "Fruit ve hich is now sold in every hut there is a vast difference between | iy. J ome. land almost inaccessible retreats of -- making love to 4 woman and loviug . £ 4 4 A\\ J the mountains--into the primitive in . . : * : ie % ome. 1 have just found that out for the, | 4 i Ms Ve § 703 \ deed! 'In this delightful spot they had | uO : "e alers or sent on receipt of ring by wen published by Uves," This is one yecupied per- haps the first time since creation Unpacking the burros, setting up| the tents, making the camp, bullding | Nobody scanned™ Enid 'Maitland's : 1,152,000 Boxes Sold 'Last Year. wagon, onegfoot on the high break, his keen and somewhat fierce brown eves | Six of These Fruit Liver Tablets for Every Man, ¥; fer nor worse thab most men, perhaps | but little that came before him that | Iam et "There was a saving grace in that | betfer in store for sich a superb wom. CANADIAN Fire "450 THX Lie 'showing my ADb1-|.6he Stlfered tio Mitérraption, sayink' | mate higher (han With the croms| Tmapes yond the Letters. that hasever been 11 ntrodnced to the people of the Dominion RA § Taany. p 0 abit "True, unless the himan rice has | seio nd t pho tormerly Teaving Tor] | Were cured. It xiv instant relief cloustiess of this in her mind as she | #ud the hemlocks of the poem as well, f mives, no h h i . » 1 ide f the o a . HI : i Ma : rest of the party. tain torrent fed by the eternal snows pro HY have no idea of the enormous number of "Fruit Train No, 8, formerly leaving Is true You are the judge and once, But never in such ungentle ways, withdrawn, | my hundr » whose letters ¢ against a real red-blogded man like company as they saw her sitting her [& mountain brook joined the creek iA Sa di hy Biya r time whetl wu try my Appli- "If red-blooded be evidenced mainly a, oronto 5 par aly, arriving : i' . 8 Pm. 3 by lacking of sif control, perhaps 1| a gallop, he had 'waved his hand as | everlasting hills--half an acre of open between Sudbury and Toronto, leav- have met that would not need apol- | B : ; ; ' SCBTo ! ; o this year, this number will be [urther inereased. Standard Sleeping Cars Toronto to v mail, in plain scarcely | sheer for perk@ps five hundred feet, » 1 ) t 1 ther imereased Marie are carried on t No, 27.1 { [full information *abont Your Appl. "Don't gay that. "Evidently I make ersons : erred eo E, 5 Bie ed : beautiful. A thousand feet above ran perso . : Ys ix tablets for ¢ VETY man, woman Leave Toronto 10.20 pm est peak Jn the main range. ronto 'to Winnipeg have replied in exactly the same lan- Colonis Ee meaning to bim--"1 am né longer a fu the clear air and radiant sunshine has a guarantee in every bag for| |he difféfence between their years J > 3 campfire. It was went pass unchallengéd. C. 8 KIRKPATRICK Ontario Street. Woman that I have ever made love to, 'PHONE 1170 RIL Hl; I am ashamed of it, but | thank God al / nent camp had been made. Wood am going "to do it, too. Ti many . BT . as soft as milk. There was pas Jan. 22 ASCANIA Feb. 71 Storage, Repairing, Seses- ple with wham yon train. 1 was born the other side of the mountain brool Bteamers will call Plymouth east- We Guarantees Satisfaction. making that [ am not especially proud Westbound the results, especially since 1 have Her. the fire, had used up the late rems strong, but there are possibilities in | What troubled present aspect. She | oooh om (0 0 Opportunity would | hen vou can co thf Perfume to ell nniong your a h ! ! : VY 3 £4 . | thls imsrance. points, ; d : hic face more closely thdn he, sitting humped up on the front seat of the head sunk almost tb the level of his : knee, his long whip in his hand, his taking in every detail of what was go- Do 3 i . ing on about him. Indeed there was | Woman and Child in the minion. , it be i or not, i-do on 'feel that) ne fairly enough represented the aver. [old Kirkby did not see, - the Appi Wie cured Ly Way--yet." * | Age; but surely fate bad somethin, r . . In seven short years, "Fruit-a-tives" has become the tured, write to him to-day nt last word, which gave him 'a lithe an. A girl of such attainments and -- most famous and the most wide ly used medicine in Canada raha Mich § I t. H = Wald Ed To on fre mY ih bok oni Rupe] Tear e would have spoken, but| such infinite possibilities, she must The Story and the Letters. | | Ey IE he hives and [med] [1 have been wobed before, but--" | yiap.. Perhaps there was a subeon- | primeval; yes, the murmuring pmes | Joven those who t: "Fruit-a-tives" regularly and recom- mend these famous fruit juice tablets to their friend i - 1 il i « S i i * 2.30pm. | when all others fail member, I use| become suddenly blind," he said softly silently Walled to be overtaken by the | by the side of a rapidiy rushing moun. J onta 2.0 pm, arriving Winnipeg-8 C88 ¥ & Bins has bedn, temporarily with- i T send on trial to prove what!T say] under his breath , "i -- ' 3 } . "Peal maving rated book and] : There were curious glances and |of the lofty peaks of the great range. | @-11ves™' that are bemg 'used hy those wishing to regain Winntpeg 1.30 p.m., arriving Toron-| | Having = . Ae ar oTiC 1 Sippose you have never run up| strange &peculations in that little | A Jevel siretch of grassy land where | their Lcalth to 9 am, has been temporarily 1 > ' p Train No. 27 has | been resumed and m ad ; o Wwell worth | me before. horse alone. A few moments before | Was dotted with clumps of.pines and | ou bos dr, ove L3H "= thousand gros boxes ol betw en Toronto and Sudbury, James Armstrong had passed them at | great boulders rolled down from the Fruit-a-tives" were sold. As there are one hundr« | ance. or not . a » vy Sudbury 5.66 a.m. ; as ) forty four boxes ina gross, this means that over one million Train No. 28 has been resumed FREE INFORMATION COUPON have mot. Yet there are men that 1| he dashed by and had smiled at them, | clearing. On the opposite side of the one hundred thousand boxes were sold in TO1 Ad ing Sudbury. 10.45 p.m. daily, arriv-] | } ¥ ©. Nite Marshall Mich hope giving him a certain assurance, | brook the canon wall rose almost p 8 ot XES Were Ki I 12. And ing Torgwts § am 1 State St. Marshall, Mich. § | ize for their qualities even to i, { althov co 6 was 1 although his confidence was Sudbury and Toronto ault Ste Tap] our il ed book and | Mr. James Armstrong." warranted by the facts. ending in jagged, needle-edged pin- 2 2 7 e Of b His demeanor wasnot in consonance | nacles of rock, sharp, picturesque and these cars returning i : but poor progress In my wooing ? FOR WINNIPEG AND VANCOU VER Never hive [ met with a woman quite the timber line, and four thousand Compariinens . Liliary i Address . aa trae TET Nee like you"--and in that indeed lay feet above that the crest of the great- tion Car, Standard 8 some of #sher charm, and she might Vaneoryar, Tourist ol on Ca The white tents of the little encamp- Dining « First Class Coacl . guage and With exactly the same ment which had gleamed so brightly Particulars from ¥., © £ * A. City Fieker Dive. away FLOU RB hoy. 1 must be fifteen. years older f of Colorado, how stood dim and ghost- Our Robin Hood brand of flour than you are, for | am thirty-five, a g like in the red refection of a huge good quality was not quite so great as he declared, ' . 8 i 3 a | CCR TAI oar. ANDREW MACLEAN but womanlike the girl let the state { -------- at am-------------- -------- "And | wouldn't tnsuit your intel 42 Clarence St. Phone 56% ligence by saying you are .the only Kingston first Hime. I marvel at the past, and ; f ' t% #0 | pitched their tents and the perma- A bil Co that I have been saved for this op- was abundant, the water at hand was utomo 1 e . ortunity 1 want to win you, and | as cold as ice, as clear as crystal and I | From Br IAN SERVICE: Me. | 4 and got 8 things 1 dci't match up with the peo- turage for the horses and burros on | Feb, 28 ASCANIA Mar 14 sories. out here, and l've made myself. There 1. The whole place was a little amph Mar. § ALAUNIA Mare, 21 4 are things that have happened in the : / theater which humanity ¢ 7d Clam' BEI Sasthotind {ie 3 a» of, and 1 am not at all satisfied with | He Crushed Her to Him and Kissed i 30. " , f TT p p know you the } 2 THE ROBERT roy ©0., Limited +f met you. The better I Kk ukiPs ehik Bh d some General Agent, 50 King St. KE. Toron less pleased I am with Jim Arm- | With Enid's somewhat grave and some- der of the day which was theirs whe 30 handsome bottles of our de i I " me, | rather believe, and with you for threw oY Preaecupation a "WY | tome tomorrow to explore the coun- | SHO, tinh he "Cate toll 10 oa eh 3 ation BERMUDA inspiration, God!"--the man flung out | And easily, however, and joined read: |... "\ " jn iho' range, to try the| stisk, ahd ia addition overy boy can weenrcanun | 1 bottic, & chk yom | them alt in his band with a fine gesture of de- fly enough in the merry conversation tain a doi ie U2 We ed hdohey ¥ x Laur 1 kates rubber o f th x stream th tumbled dow a SUcCces- 8.8 + termination. "They say that the east ' © the way. WS. "BEMUDIAN," (twin screw, 5 g . . 3 sion of waterfalls to the right of the | . 3, 10,514 and west don't naturally mingle, but Mr. Robert Maitland, as Armstrong camp and roared and ryshed merrily tons displacement, sails from New Yorl t's a lie: von and I 'can beat the ; has said, had known him {rom a boy 10 am, 11, 18, =bruary, 4.11.18, world." Sy There were things in his career of March. Submari ; : x ; rot 2 ny + chestra. : Revol, trip 38 houses, 20 miu The woman thrilled to his gatlant neh Nuelud bi not Sud okid wot Blea. » ya - 7 a irs , ve, but they were o! e past, he utes, Fastest, newest, and only steam. | wooing Any woman would have done a around its feet until, swelled by the ve Boor Under OUR Fem bursemant «7 fn! pha : UFACTURING co. DEPT. H. 186 TCRONTO. ONT. gun Guadaloupe, Damini¢ e, St. Lucia, Barbadoes and Demer. (To Be Continued.) 0,000 FOR RADIUM Bavarian Chamber Were Unanrimo us | | For the Parchase Feb. 7.-In the Bava chaniher an estimate of £30,000 purchase of radium and ne<othar passed its first. reading by an j unanimous vote. The Jminister who earnestly "ior a little while; it's best Most of these things were known |recommended it to the house said that 1 0; 1 wonld not take the finest, noblest | to old Kirkby, who with 'masterly [the goyernment means to balk specu- we - A -- " I > man on earth--' £Kkill, amusing nonchalance and amaz ators in radio-active substances. Aus- | - ~ 12 Feb, "And T am not that." ing profanity, albeit most of it under | tria has already offered Bavaria a con 3 MID 28 Feb: i + ALLAN LINE i IRIAN 5 Mar. "Unless I loved him. There is some- | his breath lest he shock the ladies, | siderable quantity of radium irom hes 1 ' x Bn volume of the brook, it lost jtgelf in se ' y st | reflected, and Armstrong was after # er landing passengers at the dock in a LP , Ms to so; some,of them would have lost g : rest. and other steamers from New York she was not quite swept off her feet, | Philadelphia brother, but they were scorn and contempt her father would | Do As Others Do, i ake St. Thomas, St. Croix, St vay's Ready that" she answered "Nobody quite | Armstrong, having certainly by this matter! --had it been placed before | t i ; : up there in the wilds she had eaten organs of digestion and elimination has been proved to be H ANLEY, or « 8 KIRKPATRIC x « half way promise to think about it. | Deen committéd to his care, and for & CO,, Montreal, Can, increased am rather glad, especially if the even | 'NCreasec ~ minutes since.' Armstrong's devoted friends. They If you have not tried this matchless family medicine; you do not know 1 s sine | 4 § r 5 3 the system of impu: Try them now--and now. Alwaysof the have to be with you either you have | Jand himself. was ignorant, and which 8 alitax St, Jorm a) oh | tentative acquiescence in the possibili- hen a £8 i and Sebt 1 oy. Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire, England. tree-clud depths far beneath. Tonight Bermuda without transfer, . oy di ra in | their heads, but Enid Maitland was all a pretty good sort. Mr. Maitland The evening meal was over. Enid , : 3 very high.. His experiences of men be Tr nd 419 NOS quis Jose Hej palate. toe " at | have regarded the menu, how bis gore this time-tested --world proved--home remedy which guits ime reache ars iscre sou . ae n olive. 8 reve eo x SPOUS like you has ever made love to:me, {Me reached vears of discretion, Ould } yim on the old colonial mahogany of the best corrective ,and p eventiv e of the . merous cup E: and certainly not in your way, and : be safely entrusted with the pré ious . ailments cau y ' iL 0 v y 2 ei a : the coarse homely: fare with the zest | Agents, . Kingston; QUEBEC i Rome A shen 8 v 1 was sorry that von could not be | whom hi« affection grew as his knowl- - : $ - temper of my way is 10 be Interrupted | AS for Mrs. Majtland and the two} wha neans NAVE ter digestion, sounder sleep, brighter eyes, LLAN NE - "I am. glad, t00," admitted the man, | knew nothing about his past, indeed vhat it means to hay tier digestion, sounder sleep, brig y ; same excellence--in all climates ; in every season--Beecham's Pills are gat to be mine or else you would have | had they been known to him might bold everywhere in Conada and Li 8. America. In oxes 25 ce wa rest after labor, tomorrow play after West Indles--New 5.8, SGUIANAY | | an exceedingly cool young person, 'for | Standards were not at all those of his could mot help think with 2 pom. 9, 21 February, 7, 21 March, Tor | hack an had b A, bh I me. No or "1 like A r ad been different; he thought that so ee th ¥ myself the I like to hear you say things like would have risen--hers, too, for that and benefits most" people. Tried for three grnerations, . the dining-room in Philadelphia. But sed by defective or irregular action of the For full information apply to J that's the reason 1 have given you a | [reasure of the young girl who had : § relis soned ranger IAMSHIP CO, LTD, Quebec, fering ip taken with us on this adventure, but now I | €d&eé of and acquaintanceship with her \and relish of the most seasone Ee (The Larpest Sale of Any Medicine in the World) by anything like the outburst of a few | &irls and the youngster, they were . cles omplexi h come after Beecham's Pills have cleared "For I declare I couldn't help it. Ir I | there were it of which Muit: Sarer cOmpleKi hd p SRP acide . 1 have caused him to withhold even his Th T d T t d R d To LIVERY i lo decide that it could never 'be, and to) rie 9 rus e eme 18 Feb. . "Leave me: to myself." said the giri-| thes. For full in- InG AN : { Mm formation apply local To GLASGOW agents or ---- From Portiand Hoxton to London & Havre thing very attractive about your per- | tooled along the four nervous, excited | ™nes. The 'government attached a | 05 King 8t. W., TORONTO ¢ or IN TITIAN 18 Feb. sonality: whe alue o radi han nezo I don't know in my heart | bronchos that drew the big supply she value t wdium than n thorium whether it is that, or--" wagon, Kirkby was Maitland"s bldest With all due chution towards the so "Good," said the man, as she hesi-| and most valued friend. ile had been called successful cures, opinions of t el tated. "That's enough." He gathered | the latter's deputy sherifl, he had lyedieal faculty of Munich confirmed | up the reins and whirled his horse | been a cowboy and s bern & lwith absolite positivenéss that the | suddenly in the road. "I am going Mighty hunter and a successful miner, | prolongation of life and alleviation of back. I'll wait for your return to | and now, although he had acquired'a {pain unquestjonably followed the rot take advantage of the great saving we are offering at a. Denver, and then--" | reasonable competence, and had a nice | treatment of (HB sick with radio-active . mn rn ------ ines { "That's best,". answered the girl. little wife and & pleasant -home in tie substances She stretched out her hand to him, { mountain village at the entrance io legnitig bi ard. If he had been a | the canon, he drove stage for pleas | different kind of 3 man he would have } gre. father han for jitoht He haa Railway Company Patrolled Track | kissed it; as it was he took ft in his | BIven over his daily twenty-five mile : " : Ti } Ac oda Owing to Theat en own hand and almost crushed it sith | Jaunt from Morrison to Troutdale tc po ' a fierce grip | other hands fora shert space that he en, I eh. 7-dn Sngeuerer of "We'll shake on that, Httle girl," he might spend a"Hitie time with his old thre a] io an yok Ryu fells y oi said, and then without a backward | which Chancellor of the Exchequer glance he put spurs to his horse and | Llovd-George proposed to return to Saliopey furiously down the road. " London from Glasgow, the - railw ay No, she decided then and there, she | i company took wnnsual precantions (o aid not love him, not yet. W hether | [3 3) LUNE ME - mire the safety of the cabinet min LLOYD GEORGE COSTLY KING GEORGE NAVY PLUG CHEWING TOBACCO IS IN A CLA yet she was half bound to him. The recollection of his kigs was not al together a pleasant memory; he had uot done himself any good by. that bold assault upon het modesty, that reckless attempt to rifle the treasure of her lips. No man had ever réhny touched her heart, although many had engaged her interest. Her 'experience therefore was not definitive or econ- clusive. If she had truly loved James Armstrong, in spite of all that she might have said, she would hage thrilled to the' remembrance of that Prof, lon ckly Relieved of Both sy by Using Iti you suffer from "any form of Rheumatism, remember that RHEU- MA goes to work guickly to remove the vause; not simply ot relieve the distress. Many yéary' use has dem- onstisted that ft goes to the seat of the disease and expels the poisonous matter 'through the natural channels --she ever would she could not tell And | gy a a sister. They 'tried to persuade him to travel hy another train, bat ke re fused to do so. Mr. Llovd.Geobge ar rived here safely, hat the patrolling and examining of the track cost the company a good deal of money. 250th Anniversary Treaty Brantford, Feb. 7.~This year is the 250th anniversary "of the treaty of thé alliance with the 'ancient confederacy of 'the Five Nation. Indisns, since then changed to the Bix Nations. - A edm- mon error is committed almost daily: by citizens and press fin referring to Joseph Brant as "Chief" Brant. Major RED LETTER SLE 20% DISCOUNT OFF All Shoes -, Probably just the shoes that you will need are here awaiting you. . 7 a, Gordon J. Smith, 1 t, st wild caress. The chances, therefore, | "he kidneys, bowels, Hver and skin. | Ly - Judisn ehiel, 1 oT : ; # ; "For mahy Vears I was troubled|that Brant was never a chief and wax were somewhat heavily against hia with Rheumatism, also with Bright's never so called by the Indians. He that morning as he reds down the Disease of the Kidneys. | suffered: was Capt. Joseph Brant, and wot ; awfully. Tried many advertised rem- chief. His son, however, John Brant, His experiences In love afgirs were | pdies, After using your truly re- was made a chief, i markable preparation; RHEUMA, 1} . . on Aa ---- Do means the first) oman he had was fully preps "Prof. C. J. Bud-| The smallest wire made conrmer- kissed--remember, suspicious reader, . 3 or. soe i a 3 a p long, Sound View, Conn cially in the United 'States is 5-1080 that be was not from Philadelphia-- RHEUMA is =enaranteed by J. B.'of an imeh in diameter. The dies hers were not the first ears fate 2 wl ng ents a It surpasses all others in Guali'y ond flavour becanse the process by which itis made differs from others. --It i is deli- ~ ciously sweet and no-irritating. as Hail glove, SUTHERLAND & BRO. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES SOLD EVERYWHERE: 10c A PLUQ ROCK city THBALED id Menufacturers, QUEBEC _ which he had poured passionate Rrotestations, He wag neler bet: McLeod. who sells it for 50 cents a through which #t is drawn are gen < bottle. wine diamonds, <«.