__THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY FROM TRAPPER TO WEARER. FEBRUARY (Registered.) FUR SALE To 50 Per Cent Discount JOHN McKAY, Limited Sankey Our new rugs, Scotch and English Linoleums are arriving every, day | from the best manufae- turers. [These are the | new patterns for ihe | coming spring of 1914. Why Pay High FIRST ULASS GOODS The Style ud Fitting will be RR Ram Tailor, The d 820 Princess Street. Opposite 3¢. Andrew's Ohurch. 0 Don't - Wait | Until you have a thousand dol- lars saved up to invest in a We heve some attrac- I tive propositions in real estate | «On easy terms. | $1,850 detached frams dwel- } in the west end. $800 i cash. I|§ $5,800, On new detached | brick residence, hot water heat- _ ing, good logation, $500 cash | will handle this. ll - $1,200, fached frame, 6 ; 8,. it. own. a a. 7 rooms, hot air furnace. electric light, Johnson St. $500 cash. | $3,900, new brick. 9 rooms, : hot air furnace, Johnson St. See office for full list. home. 82 BROCK STREET f | | Kingston. The First Step in buying ayeglasses is to call upon a registered optometrist. The next step of no less import- ance is to nave his pressei) ion filled vy a competent juticiaa Years ago this meant two costs and a division of responsibility. To-day In om offica both branches of this service are united under one roof, enab- ling us to guarantee depend- able glasses for just one charge--that of the glasses. $2, $3, $5 per pair. ---- I ----------" 1. §. Asselstine D. 0. §. 842 King St. Kingston, Out. February Furniture Carpet & Curtain Sale 1s the biggest bargain producer of the year. e | "PARLOR SUITES--Over 50 styles all reduced. Our solid mahogany $150 is reduced to $125, and is the best thing ever offered. Our $23.00 Suites for this month are down. to $30.00. PARLOR TABLES in oak and ma- hogany. all new styles, all reduced. RUGS, CARPETS, LINOLEUMS reduced in sympathy with our big furniture sale; special clear-outs. Some Tapestry Curtains reduced 204%. 1 Parlor Suite, 7 pieces, used; cost | $40; sell for $16. light oak, cost $635; sell for $30. Repair and Upholstering work "Phone 90. promptly done. Yours, , |T. F. HARRISON C0 [GRAND UNION OTEL *0= Sees: With the "Rooster" on ft. {s crowing louder as he Soon along chewing ant Only 45c, per pound. For 'moking. ' AT A. MACLEAN'S, Ontario Street. ' GENUINE REDUCTIONS 20 per cent. off all marked prices. Any pair of shoes in Store at reduced price. "Must be cleared to make room for spring goods. Call and see. We have all sizes and styles to suit every- one. Substa abbers, just 1 Sideboard and Extension Table,' 'REV. DR. HANSON OF MONTREAL IN ST "ANDREW'S. Rev. R. J, Bowen, Secretary of the Cavindian Bible Society, Preached in St. James' Church, Upon the subject of the uniqueness of the gospel of Jesus Christ, Rev. Dr. George ans the masterly Mont- real cleric, preached a scholarly ser- mon in St ne church on Sun- day evening. By his earnestness and the simple, practical way in which he developed his discourse the attention of the large congregation was riveted. The text was selected from Gala- tians 1, 11-12: "But I certify you, bre- thren, that the gospel which was reached of me is not after man. . For {I neither received it of man, neither was | taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ." The true gospel, as Dr. Hanson remarked, is not deriv- ed from any human source, or fasn- ioned from any human model. Or- dination by man without the prece- dence of the Holy Ghost is sacrilege, and he continued to show by illustra. tions the truth of the deep bridgeless chasm that yawns between the gospel | of Christ and that of any other reli- gions system. He pointed to the doctrine of the atonement, which in the Christian con- ception of the gospel God makes the atonement, while with other systems man is the maker. Nothing ean bring these together, said the preacher. "They* do not spring from the same | root. They are as fai apart as hea- i ven and earth." At this point, Dr. Hanson made a! fervent appeal for the indiviGual put- ting his life-blood into his or her work. Referring to the missiondry work, the preacher called for the dis- pensing of kid gloves by those engag- {ed in the same It is a principle of jlife, that if we are to redeem greatly | we must suffer greatly. Dr. Hanson's second illustration was the conditions of the 'gospel, and here he noted that with all other religious! (making special reference to Moham- | !medanism) salvation is by human | {merit In the face of this the doc! H ¥ ic X 8 J] ol SIV tor referred his hearers to the Chris-|toxicating liquors and explosives tian doctrine of free grace. Here he took occasion to say that the system of iRome, to a very large extent, is bas- ed upon salvation by human works. each addiiional |1t is crowding out slowly, but surely, | | evangelical truth in that church. Dr. | Hanson concluded with a few com- {forting remarks upon the personal Sa- viourhood of Jesus Christ, the securi- {ty of redemption he said being: "Come joe me and I will give thee rest." i | At. St. James' Church "We need more faith--nore faith! in our Saviour, and more faith in our power to convert," Rev. R. J. Bowen, | jsecretary of the Canadian Bible socie. | ity, declared in St. James church on Sunday. morning. "We need the faith that will not shrink," he added. The speaker chose as his text, Ro mans, X, 17... "So then faith cometh, | by Dearing, and hearing by the word of God." The world was moving today as it never did before and there was great |need. for missionary work 'And yet {there were many who when asked to help in missionary work, would state that they had no interest in this part of church work They claimed they were so busy in affairs relative to their own church, that they had no time to devote towards sending the gos pel to the uttermost parts of the world. Some even went so far as to state {that there was no need of a Bible so | ciety ! | The speaker referred to the grand| and noble work being carried on by! | this society, in the distribution of bi- bles The bible was being printed in | every language, and in this way, was | {serving a great power for good, and | {assisting in bringing men and women | to Christ. At Calvary Church There was a large congregation (Calvary church Sunday evening. Ih { Boyce . spake to the people ou Daniel. | | There was spedial, music. George Al lan rendered 'Face to Face With Christ Our Saviour," in fine voice. praise due Mr. Allan, leader, for his valuable service. { i The Cigarette Evil On Sunday evening, Rev. A. P. Mer- | ishon, pastor of Bethel Congregational | ichurch, preached on the, subject of the cigarette evil of the present day In opening his remarks the pastor stated | ithat for one year during his life he {had been a cigarette smoker. "I quit] ithe habit and have never wanted to go back to it again," said the pastor, | who stated that he learned to smoke under the college roof. ! Mr. Mershon stated that some peo- | {ple might think the pulpit of a church jis the wrong place to preach on such ia subject, but he was of the opposite opinion It was his aim to put him. self upon record as being interested in the welfare of the boys of our feity. | The cigarette evil is misjudged by the average man and woman of the community, said the tor. - The aim of the men in the business is to get the boys if the business is going to prosper. This is being done, which is shown by the increased number of cigarettes smoked by the people of North America during the past year. {Whether the boys have enough money or not the rules of the business state ;that they can be furnished with a por- tion of a age if they are una- ble to buy whole, said the preacher. "The day has arrived," said Mr. i Mgrshon, "when the business men of our land refuse to engage men who are addicted to the cigarette evil." Mr. Mershon gave the prescription of a noted doctor to cure the cigar- .ette habit. { The Late Elijah Burke The funeral of the late Elijah Burke, who passed away very sudden Iy. at his home at Oso statien, took place on Saturday morning at lc o'clock, and was one of the largest funerals ever held in that district Deceased was well known. all over the district, and very highly respec: ed. « Rev. F. Williamson of st church officiated at the service, 'as- sisted b ton. members of Loyal Oran {lodge No. 247, of which was a member, had chatge of the funera' The members of the srder attended in a body. i at Great is choir { | ona, desariptions, such as dry goods, gro- cerhes, jeluding bank books, etc.; seeds, seions 01 Rev. A. E. Smart, of Kings- EBRUARY 9, 1914. x "SYSTEM IT, WILL GO INTO EFFECT TUESDAY ON Week The Places to be Covered by the System in the Kingston District = The Rates fo be Charged Will Cover a Radius of Twenty] Miles, 5 The parcel post regulations will go into effect Monday at midnight. Mes- srs. Murray and Hebert, appointed to look after the distribution of the parcels in Kingston, will commence their work on Tuesday. The system will take in a radius of twenty miles and will include the fol- lowing outside places: Asselstine, Atkinson, Allan, Bath, Barriefield, Brick Lake, Battersea, Bry ©'s Mills, Berryton, Ballantyne, Ch&mbers, Camden East, Colbrook, Collin's Bay, Cataraqui, Cushendall, Central, Darcy, Desert Lake, Duffer- in, Emerald, &nterprise, Elginburg. Erie, Fellows, Glenvale, Glenburnie, Gananoque, Gananoque Junction, Garden Island, Hawley, Holleford, Hartington, Harrowsmith, Howe Isl- and. Inverary, Joyceville, Kepler, Kingston Station Keelerville, King- ston Mills, Kilborn, Lake Opinicon, Latimer, Leeds, Leland, Morven, Millhaven, Moscow, Murrall, Maple every one wish to Books Pictures sign, delicate in coloring, so charming They are designed by the best artis * of the art of color printing and known for th of the sentiment they express. ii revive the old Customs VALENTINE GIFTS CUPS PERSONAL GREET THE GIBSON ART CO.'S VALENTINES; Novél in de- in sentiment as to make of St. Valentine's Day. ts, executed by masters e delicacy and charm Ladies' Hand Bags Toilet Cases, etc., etc. OPEN NIGHTS The College Book Store Phona, 919 Lawn, Mount Chesney, Newburg, Odessa, Oates, Petworth, Pittsferry, Perth Road, Railton, Stella, Switzer- ville, Sharpton, Sydenham, Sunbury, Sharbot Lake, St. Lawrence. Simcoe Island, Thorp, Taylor, Violet, Ver- Wilton, Willlamsville, Wolfe Island, Willetsholme, Westbrook, Yarker. Articles of mail matter acceptable at the posi office, including farm and fac- tory products, merchandise of all in- ceut- hardware, confectionery, « dbs, roots, bedding, plants, ~vafts, and all other mat ter: not .included in the first class, and not excluded from/ the mails hy the general prohibitory regulations with respect to objectionable matter. In- are tings, AA Ate Pt at Nl a Advance prohibited ; The rates of postage five for the first pound, and one cent for pound or fraction to four pounds, and two ure cents thereof, up Kingston's Famous fur Store. ~ ANNUAL FUR SALE The uncertainties of cold winter weather to come makes the posses- sion of good furs a ne- cessity. : OUR BIG STOCK offers you a good selec- tion and a saving of from 10 to 50 per cent. off 'regular prices. To- / day we emphasize the Rich ('anadian ° Now ready fo lored, made al with moderate See the disp NEWMAN THE ALWAYS SUITS for SPRING Misses' and Ladies' Suits and Coats for Spring Nobby garments, beautifully tai- lines, and with price tickets at- tachegl, that will appeal to buyers a et A Pt it Ideas in Ir your inspection. ong the very latest sized purses. lay. & SHAW BUSY STORE. certs for each subsgquent pound to eleven pounds within a radius twenty miles from the place of ing, irrespective of provincial daries. Ten cents for the first pound and four cents for each subsequent pound or fraction. thereoi for all points in the province ;n which a pack- age is posted outside of the. twenty mile radius. The two men who will look after the distribution of pamcels in Kingston will be provided with a rig. hese two men will business for three months when the work will be awarded contract. a STOOK MARKETS H---------- . 8. McCurdy & Co., 86 and 8N Brock St.--H., W, Nelles, Manager. Closing Prices, Feb. 9th. y Cement pid R. & O. loronto Radway Brazilian Textile Shawiniggn Detroit up of mail- boun- Mink will always be a popular fur--its rich color and good wearing qualities make it a big seller. We offer all mink now at big redue- tions. the trial, by conduct as » $125.00 Stoles for $91.50 £75.00 Stoles for $52.50 $25.00 Stoles for $16.76 Des £12.00 Ties for...$7.756 $100.00 Muffs for $73.50 $65.00 Muffs for $43.50 £40.00 Muffs for $23.50 Montreal. 923 112% 142 wo 83% 140% 7 Dominion Steel | | Bell Telephone i Ottawa Light, Heat and Power Special low prices . New York i Coppers, Smelters CP.R. Reading Union Pacific .. United St Erie ..... BOO currrviiiies vin ' Northern Pacific .... . Brooklyn Rapid Trausit Lehigh Valley ........ .. American Can. .... Southern Pacific .. Sr ct. during our annual sale on all repairs and re- modelling. All Sales for Cash No Approval. Watch Our Windows May. March, Wheat Ma; Is in good demand just now, and we are happy to say that we have a nice clean. heat-giv- ing, heart cheering coal. Uptown customers may leave orders at 264 University Ave. Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts. Incuba Watch for our exhibit at the Poultry Show We are Sole Agents for the cele. brated CYPHERS Incubator Nu. 070 egg. ...$17.50 No. 1--144 egg . .. . $25.00 No. 2--244 egg. ...$34.00 No. 3390 egg. ...$10.00 Pirtable Houses. ...$10.00 Meat Scraps, Grit. Chick Food, Grit and Shell Boxes, Water Fountains, Leg Bands. July Corn-- | v . i} July ; cMay ......... WA Mi Thermometers 4 For the next change in the Weather, to be able to tell for Yourself just how cold it is at your own home. Our thermometers are well made and dependable. ts Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licenses, Ladie's Hudson ; Seal Coats | Gourdier Univeralty Avenue Dwelines Between Princess and Brock $3,600--Solid brick, nie rooms, furnace, gas and electric light, ceme« ent. $4,500--Detached brick, 9 rooms, furnace, gas and electric light. $5,600--Detached solid brick, '9 rooms, furnace, gas and electric light. $6,100---Detached holid brick, 10 rooms, hot water heating, gas, and light. All subject to possession May 1st, 1914, Fire Insurance Houses to Rent Money to Loan E. W. MULLIN Kingston's. Real Estate and Insuradce Broker Cor. Johnson and Division Streets, Phones: