Come Early? POR PIRST CHOICE OF COM. ING SEASON'S NEWRST SUIT- INGS,. |, ' NOW ON NAND BEST VALUE IN CITY, Ashby the Tailor 96 Brock St. Phone 1518 ---- ( OUR FRESH GROUND COF. \ FEE AT 40c. CAN'T BE BEAT Try a sample order and be convinced, NOLAN'S GROOFRY,"* Princess St, Phone 720. Prompt Delivery. T0 CURE A COLD the following instruct'ons are carried out we guarantee that any Head and Chest Cold, Grippe or Bronchitis can be cur- ed in one or two days If Take one Dover's Cold Break- er each hour for eight doses, one teaspoonful Dr. Hickey's Speedy Cure three or four times a day and the cold will surely fade away as the mist before the rising sun.' A doctor would charge you pos- sibly $5.00 This combination costs 50 cents, and will quicker and better BEST'S The Satistactofy Drug Store. cure wear Mie plain perfect near- We Grind tae Lenses. 8 Doors Abevr the Jpera House Another Big Day Saturday ~ON-- | Overcoats Prices lower than ever. 40 Dollar Coats for $25 35 Dollar Coats for $22 25 Dollar Coats for $18 20 Dollar Coats for $14 15 Dollar Coats for $10 Odd Coats, mostly vel- vet collars $35.75 Boys' Coats équally cheap. Some at half price. 0 Underwear, Scarfs and Gloves, all reduced for Saturday. }i sin, at D. Kirk's Miss Flossie As- BAVS T0 PELL -- Vews From. Villages. snd Farms "the Adjoinisg Com . HVE, aad Move ments of the People. Events at, Wilton Wilton, Feb, 6.--The Victoria Sun- day school held a successful concert luesday evening in the Orange hall. A fine programme. was given, Robert Longmore acting as chairman. 'The proceads amounted to nearly $25. The Kingston Y.W.C.A. Glee club gave a dplendid = musical programme in the | Presbyterian church lust evening. The {attendance was good amd the proceeds jamounted to $61. Campbelliord, is visiting friends in Wilton. Mr. and Mrs, B. Wheeler, Belleville; are renewing acquaintances hare. William Jordan, Holleford Happenings { Holleford, Feb, 6.--Quite a number from here attended the oyster supper at E. Freeman's, on the evening ' of the 3rd inst. Last Sunday, the Sun- day school was held in the moming to give those a chance who wished to at- tend the special service at Hartington in the afternoon. Sylvester Cronk, of Parham, who is staying af A. J. Red- mend's, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Vealy Sydenham, W. Albertson and Mrs. B. Babcock, visited the eity on Wednesday. 1. Freeman is making the rouds with his sawing machine. Rt. Martin had a namvow escape a few days ago, when heiwas gaught in the belt of the machine. Budget From Verena Verona, Feb 8.-- The vbek teams are drawing spar. The roads and lakes arg in good epndition The revivals at the Free Mpthodist church are well attended. The young folks miss the rink this winter. A large crowd from here attended the cuchre party and dance at Chippewa . Wednesday night. Among those present at Storms and Roda Ball Th ies are held at Chippewa every Wed nesday night. The party at-D Kennehan's Thursday night was wel attended. About fifty were present Mrs. Ryder is improving While drawing rock one of \W. Storm's horses sprained its leg y par- dessa Mourns Stage Driver Odessa, Feb. 6. ----Al grieved to hear of the death of Hagerman en Thursday Deceased will be greatly missed. The funeral service will be held in the Methodist church and will be conducted by Rev. S. T. Tucker, on Saturday afternoon. The Orange lodge and the A. U, U. W., both of which deceased was a member, will attend. There was a surprise party at C C. Montgomery's on Tuesday even- ing. The people in this vicinity are storing ice. Mrs. Elgin Parrott has returned 'home after a month's visit with friends in Sydenham and Kingston. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Turney a son, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sproule have returned home after two weeks' vacation in Kingston. were A. Eagle Hill, Feb. 5.--James Irvine made a business trip Tweed on Monday Joseph Rahin, Denbigh, finished drawing hay from Kittner's farm. H. Armstrong left here Mon- day, to visit his sister, Mrs. W. Low- ery, MiMbridge. William. John i§ hanling lumber to Caldwell station for J. 8. Lane. N. Ready had the misfortune to let his colts run away while drawing wdod from Adding- ton Road. Coming down a steep hill the tongue broke, and the colts broke away, and run a few rods, and were found tangled in the bush none the worse of their run. J. 8 Irvine spent Sunday at Stiens and A. Rosenblath's. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong visited Slate Falls Sunday, also M. Thompson at her home in Slate Falls. Eugene Mieske is still on the sick list. "Harry" John spent Tuesday even- ing at M. Ready's. Migs F. A, Ban- ford, teacher, Glenfield, spent Sun- day at M. Ready"s. A load of Snow Road folks spent Monday evening at A. Armstrong's. F. News From Northbrook Northbrook, Feb. 5.--Miss Maggie Cldrk, Flinton, is the guest of Miss A. Preslar. Mrs. 1, Clark, Strathcona is visiting heér brother in this vicinity. I. Searson, Cataraqui, is engaged as teacher at Perry Road school, John Thompson is some what improved. in health and has gone to Brockville hos- pital for treatment, in company with his son, Elva. William Both has ben engaged durigg the pagt week, loading lumber at Kaladar. Prayer meeting on Toesday night was' well attended. Frank Thompson made a flyir~ trip through here on Sunday. C. C. I'homp son is drawing hay from the Wood- cock arm. A number from here at- tended the oyster supper in Harlowe, this evening. John Smith is hauling ties to Kaladar. Mrs, Henry Barker, intends moving in Erwin Shier"s house J. L. aoyd will occupy the Peterson hotise in a short time. Mrs. Perkins is improving in health. Miss Mary Reid returned from Calabogie on Tuesday. Mrs, Charles Ruttan is spending a few days in Kingston, Kliled By Falling Door { McLean, Feb. 5.--The recent cold | weather has madé the" ice fine for skating again. H. Wood and daugh- ter attended the funeral of the lad, Stanley Asselsjine, who was Killed by a barn door falling on. him at Fifth Lake on Tuesday. Mra. W. Baboock, Mrs. J. KE, Smith and Mrs. J. J. Wa ger arc all ill. A. Foster and daugh- | ter, Frances, and Miss L. Patterson at- tended the Ladies' Aid tea at Moun- tain, Grove on Tuesday evening. The n in this vicinity are busy and ties to Jackson's Visitors : Misses Ida and "Marie Moods; Me, and Mrs. the ball were Miss Grace ! morning. hs W, Rawley's;' Mr fain" "Grove; = 3 wh Smith and Mps. George G y and rs! Snider, of W ville, at J, FE. Smith's; Misses L. Patterson d Death' of Desercaito Lady Deheronto. Feb. 6.---Another one of Dseronto elderly residents passed away in the person of Mrs. Muriel Colp relict of the lata Jacob Marsh, into the cellar at the home of her daughter, 'Mrs, Brook, in her 81st year. The funeral service was held at her late residence on Brant street on Monday afternoon. Rev, F, 8, Dowling officiating. Deceased was one of {he oldest members of the Preghytarian church. The remains were placed in the Deseronto ceme- tery vault. She is survived by two sons and one daug®¥ter: Messrs Par- ker Marsh, of Hamilton, and Wal- lace, of Napanee, and Mrs. W. Brooks, of Prince Edward. Migs Evalyn Fairbairn left week for Toronto to attend spring millinery openings. Ripen, of Wellington, spent Sunday with "her parents, Mr, and Mrs, E. A. Ripen. Miss Gwedoline Lloyd had the misfortune to fall on an icy- sidewalk and 'break her wrist. A The star right wing player of Q 1weckey team rush for to clear A and Aird went Queen's nearly Quigley and was wild. by naught again Box rushed, hut the Varsity drew first when Baillie went up alone and from outside the defence, Smith saw the puck. Time, 2 minutes. I'he game was de recovered Knee, Again. Queen's nearly scored rush by Walter Smith and MacK but the former shot wide. Varsit had a great chance on a rush by but his shot wus stopped, \ird's on the rebound. scored from a slash a8 Ir--y N third gale latter wad about to shoot. markable 't.a pen Fo stick, Se Queen's. pearly style by Laird. save when L. Smith puck about ten feet o net and shot, interceptec ut from \ acdpad number of gentlemen wént to Belle- ville Thursday night to see the hock- ey game between Kingston and Belleville. the very many friends of Mr. Rich- ard Rayburn learned of his death on Wednesday last, Miss Blanche Jones, of Néw York, is the guest of Miss Gwendoline Lloyd. The Pilgrim's Hockey team of Kingston is to play a game of hockey with the local team tonight on War- ren's rink ---- Athens News Budget Athens, Feb. 6.--Miss Greenham, Ad ison, 18 new employed at the rural telopnone central. Frank Blancher fins moved to" rooms in the Pierce (block, corner of Main and Victoria Streets. Until the Presbyterian manse 8 vacated Rev, William Usher, the Dew; pastor, is domiciled in Mrs, NS. Uovey's, Sarah street, house, Rov, Mr. McCormack Irhs accepted a call to the pastorate of thé Baptist church and G. 'W. Brown's brick house, on Chureh street, nas heen leased as a parsonage. Sessions of the Lod: rural dean- ery were held here on Wednesday; and a congregational banquet took place in tne evening Rev. George "dwards was at Delta last week at- tending the Sunday school and Ip worth League institute. Rev. J. K. Curtis, B.A. travelling secretary of the Sunda) school and Epworth League work, delivered » helpful dis- course in tho Methodist church on sabbath evening. Tie faneral of the late Miss Sarah Struthers, aged seventy seven, for- merly of Morton, took place on Sun- day afternoon, at the home of her nephew, William Cross? with whom she spent the most of her timo. 'A, convention is to he held to-day, Saturday and Sunday, inthe Holi. ness Movement church. On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. William Percival was hostess at a thimble tea in honor of her cousin, Mrs. Charles Grey, Brook- ville. About twenty-five ladies were present. On Tuesday evening a few voung people were preasantly en- ttertained at Mrs" John Layng's. Miss {Belle Wilise is having a few lady tiriends in to-day for a social after noon and evening together, Athons hockey team was sucoessiul in the match at Westport on Wed. nesday. A course of agriculture is to be conducted here next week. Alexander Campo is at Frapkville assisting * W, Soper in his recently purchased mill, S. Hollingsworth, W. Bradley and W. Towriss were in Ottawa this week. T. R. Beale, barrister, is dpandiig a few days in Toronto, i. Hamilton is spending some time with Chesterville friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Jobn- ston have been nding a couple of days at Jasper Sr and Mrs. A. BE, Cumming, Flgida, accompanied them. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 23c. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, Bradley, oi Woun-|1 J. pRB Frances Foster spent the week-end at +4. A. Coulter's. | after a lingering illness from a fall} this the! Miss Amy |sarvice a ennmeit OF TRADE Acorn THE BOARD IS VERY eats . Changes in Market Place Recom- mended -- Marviage of Miss Hes. sie Turner to Dr. Gliddon, of Ottawa. Gananoque, February 9. -- En- thusiastic meetings were held on Saturday evening in St. Andrew's lec- ture room for boys, and in Grace church lecture hall for the men, to J WHAT IS VINOL DAY, FEBRUARY 9 PAGE THREE : ? id ak ------ I About Which We Hear so Much? Our Druggist Tells You } After twenty years of study two, Tuesday. DADE || Fresh to strong westerly winds, : a air and very cold to-day and on a method by which alkaloids or me- eminent Fremch chests discovered pry ToWY £ ALSsdh dicipal curative elements of the cod's liver could be separated from the useé- | less oil or grease. The oil which has no | meglicinal value is thrown away, the healing, cubative properties blended with tomic iron and a medicinal wine which makes } thus comPning in one medicine the, two most world-famed tonics. Vinpl is not a decret medicine i " as discuss the Boys' Com i *- ment. Mr. Oruid, of Toone Soli. ered addresses, Along the line of community work a father and son Suggestions for a church base gue were freely discussed. The mid-winter ally of Grace Meth- odist 8. S. was held yesterday and Joruing : J. W. Knox of Montreal, Evening was conducted by J. Cairns of Ottawa. | At the session of the quarterly of- ficial board of Grace church, it was unanimously decided to invite Rev. Mr. town park and the town council front of the goal, put Hanley ma wed while Dhas recommended the enlargement of acrossthe clerk's room, the addition of ta- 'police head quarters to the town park It wag with deep regret g Brown of Sydenham street chure:, 16th. A canvass of the merchants was ade last week to see what they thought of the cutting off of two- | thirds of the cluster lights on King street and the almost unanimous ver- | dict was "Let there be Light." | The Board of Trade last week aite: | a thorough discussion passed the fol- | "That in the opin- | lowing resolution. ion of this board the lights on King street should be reinstated as in the fmonth of January." Messrs. Frederick J. Skinner, Dr. C. ird, J. T. Green, and Senator © were appointed as a committee to meet the trustees of the suggest a betterment of the conditions | at the park in the early spring. ! Messrs. A. W. Taylor, president; | and F. J. Skinner, ex-president of the | | WILLIAM W. DOBSON. {board were appointed as a committe: tn assist Reeve Darling and Deputy Reeve Wilson in presenting Ganan- oque's claim to grant on the good ! roads question, before the minister of public works, Senator Taylor reported that he had | secured Hon. Mr. Meighen, solicitor- general, to address the March meet- ing of the board. The market committee of the towr council, after a thorough investigation | of existing conditions at the market. | bles for produce, and the proper heat- ing of the place, also the rémoval of the firemen's meeting place to the dock-up building, and the chiinging of | ruilding, Two sho Crossing 'on the ice between this | lox and Dobson "were handled in-0Wn and Clayton ie Ly roid Fulied a without difficulty by team. now being made 1 At 12.30 o'clock on Saturday al christ chur¢h, Miss Bessie Turner, laughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bb. Aird, gave Blox a nasty tumble Furner, of this town was united in narriage to Dr. Glidden; of Ottawa. The ceremony was werformed by Rev. Walter Cox, before a good size gath. ering of relatives and friends. Dr. and Mrs. Gliddon left for a short hon- eymoon trip east and will then locate in Ottawa. i Arthur L. Skinner of Buffalo, N. Y., | i# spending a few days with relatives in town. Mrs. James McKellar, spend- ing the pagt few weeks in" Montreal the guest oX her daughter, Mrs. Wil- liam Ward returned home the latter part of the week. Miss Lehigh of Brockville, is the guest of Miss E. De Long. Mrs. A. W. Taylor and son left recently for Jacksonville, Florida, to spend a few months with Mrs. Tay- lor's brother. Jno. B. MeMurchy left last week to spend a few months in Jacksonville, Florida. W. J. Denni- son of Kingston has taken the posi- tion of bookkeeper for the Taylor Coal and Lumber company, to succeed J. W. Walker, who has secured a posi- tion in Ottawa. A SPLENDID RECORD Or the Work of the Union Company, Limited The thirteenth annual report of the Union Trust Co., Limited., appears | elsewhere in to-day's paper. It pre sents a splendid record for the year ending December 3lst last. The net profits for 1913, after payment of in terest on guaranteed investments, 4 cost management, "salaries, fees, 5 of every kind, amounted 1.05. Out this, there Mere, paid four" quarterly dividends at | the rate -10 per cent. per annun., £100,000; there was added to the r serve fund 100,000, and the balance. | 09,736.78, was carried forward. The { rve fund amounts to $050, O00, which almost equal to the company's paid up capital of 1,000, 000, These hgures show resulta of care- | ful and conservative management of Lhe i company's business, As an instance of the discrimination esercised in the matter of mortgages, it. nay be pointed out that of the applications , received from Ontario, only about for- | ty per cent. were accepted. Loans are made only in districts where property i ) | { Trust of and expen 2200.7 to of of now 18 is readily saleable. "Buv Grip Tablets" at Gibson's. In three Methodist churches .on Sunday night Queen's students pre- | sented reports of the great conven- tion in Kansas City, where 1,500 dei- nitely offered themselves for mission work. The addresses were interesi- ing. Prison sentence without term for first ofienders, leaving it to 'the Board of Pardons to determing how much longer than one year any particular conviet should serve, wi be sreoom- mended to the legislature hy Superin. tendent John B. v, of t New York stats prison rtment. "Kodak Films" Gibson's. Frederick Wilson, boys' secretary of the Y.M.C.A.. resumed his duties on Monday morning, after being con- fined to his home for the past ten days of grippe. "Flash Light Sheets," Gibson' A Zeppelin airship made a sixty-five miles An hour, a new re PO . od FEari Derby hax declined to sell his Bootle estate to Baron De. Forest, A Persian lamb was born at Upt on Insist on White Rose flour. ranch, Prince Edward Island i "Flash Light Sheets," Gibson's Eo banquet in the near future is in pros. | t bait league similar to the hockey 1eu- | was of a very interesting nature, The : service was Conducted by Mr. i Kingston, to preach anniversary ser- | ons in Grace church on Sunday, Mar. IN | stead of the present co-education, was sign of a very unique * i Kansas City convention will deliver an { til next Thursday. | for their victory over Varsity. | the Science dance. Pcellar window. » Appeared." , to instill into the hearts of those about "saw and touched Jesus, its ingredients are printedion every | dottle, and in all cases where the heal | ing, curative influence of cod liver oil, or the blood building, strengtheniag ¢ influence of tonic iron is needed, Vinol gives immediate benefit, for it casily assimilated and acceptable the weakest stomach, For all 'run-down, weakened condi- tions, and to cure chromic coughs, colds and bronchial troubles, Vinel is unexcelled. We will return your money if 1 fails. Geo, WV. ston, Ont, 8 to Mahood, druggist, King- THE WALS OF QUEEN'S LINE AT 4.43 SCIENCE DANCE AM, TICKY --_-- Students Not Attending Akhna Mat- er Meetings Sermon in Con- vocation Hall by Rev. Dr. Hanson, of Montreal. A session of the mock parliament which was to be held in corinection with the A M. S. on Saturday even- ing to discuss the question of a adies' | college in connection with Queen's, in- postponed on account of the slim au- dience. Science 15 presented the de Q"" pin for ap- proval by the society and the use of Grant hall was given to the Y.M.C.A. for Feburuary 17th in order to hold its meeting at" which one of the for ign missionary representatives of the address. A committee was appointed by the society to revise the constitu- tion and A. Truesdale was appointed as chief reporter for the Journal in medicine. The debate between the senior years in art, was postponed un- A vote of congra- tulation was passed to the hockey team There was some excitement Friday morning at the sale of the tickets for The slogan at these sales is "First come, first served" and consequently the first came at 4.15 a.m. to form the line. Not being able to get in the door of the engineering huilding, they secured admittance by a At five o'clock when hn. OF Special Interest To Out of- Town Shoppers Inauguration of PARCEL P Tuesday, February 10th - Our mail order department places vou on a foot- ing with Kingston customers, plus the low rates of the parveel post. Orders amounting to $5.00 or more will be packaged and delivered free of charge. The Rates to Any Post Office Within 20 Miles Are: 11 Ibts 22 During February, March and April, 1914, the Parcel Post will not accept any package weighing more than six pounds, Use Our Mail Order Departisient All Orders Given Prompt Attention. STEACY'S "The Busiest Store in Town' the caretaker arrived, he threatenea to turn these students who belonged to other faculties out in the cold, and balm for his indignant feelings had to be produced. At six o'clock, ever forty-men were there, and as there were only twenty-nine tickets to be sold, many were disappointed al- though they did wait until 9, when the sale opened. The final year in Science intend taking refreshments all at the same time at their dance, and various forms of amusement are being provid- ed for the occasion. Sermon in Convocation Hall Rev. Dr. Hanson, Erskine churen, Montreal, was the speaker at Convo- cation service on Sunday afternoon. The speaker took as his text the words "The Lord is Risen Indeed, and Hath He spoke about the Re- surrection of Christ and his real pre- server. No one denies theoretically the Resurrection of Christ. It is one thing to believe truth, it is another to be influenced by that truth. It is one thing to master a fact and another thing to be jnspired by it. If Christ! has risen and lived, has he risen and lived to us? The speaker said that what was to lim a positive certainty, he would like te begin a career The disciples owed their inspiration to Christ and to re- surrection. Only this inspiration could send them on their great mission of evangelization. The disciples heard, They said: "What our eyes have seen declare we unto you." vee A ---- CHINA) BARGAINS IN k SEE OUR JOB TABLES Exceptional values in odds and ends to clear at baggain prices. q 3 ii fl Very pretty pieces suitable for eard prizes. 1 At half price and in sor 1 These will interest you, ROBERTSON'S, LIMITED English Earthenware roa Nr rn ue cases less, In the resurrection of Christ, we have proof of life beyond death. Hope, sweet and serene was thus insured. We have now to do with a present, rot a past Christ, a living, not a dead Christ, Lord Tennyson believed Christ to be by his side. Finally, faith in Christ is not a mere intellectual con- ception of Him. It is a trust in a personal Christ who is close to us. 'Kodak Films Gibson's. Deseronto is being made a tem porary freight divisional point for the C.N,R. Toronto-Ottawa line, "Flash Light Sheets," Gibson's J.-B. Copland was elected chair man of the Brockville Collegiate hoard for the ensuing vear. \. Toronto pawnhroker bought wallet containing four ten dollar bills foe, 250. An Orange erth this year. walk will be held at P» " @ i 5 SNS ide It Means Healt Rteition= Hood's Karspariila 1 it. Thé bones, the muscles and all the} organs of the depend for their strength and tone and healthy ac- tion on pure blood. if the blood is very impure, the boues become ; the muscles become enfeebled, the step loses its elasticity, and there is Inability to perform the usual amount of labor. The skin loses its clearness, and pimples, blotches and other erup- taps appear, : jood's ' Sarsparilia makes pure .. It is positively unequalled in streatment of scrofula and other humors, eatarrh, EREA ti, fori pepsia, loss of appetite, that tired feeling and general debility. Hood's Sarsparilla is a pure, safe and ef- fective, remedy. . There is no other] medicine like it. Be sure to get Hood's and get it today. Al drug- gists. § Ea neatness and solidity, vet you ean wear them with fort, of an old shoe. gents' shoes, wear like iron. Our Tungsten Lamp Will Save You 66 2-3 P.C. in Current House 1lumination our spec- a It is cheaper in the long run to have electricity in the house than coal oil. J Ask us for prices. H. W. NEWMAN Electric Co3 Phone 441 rx 5 18 Princess Street ot Ug A PRC EE (Ged combine dredsiness, comfort and lo v hy Tov Our § wear, e com member we carry boys' and little High-class repairing. - . oid 2 LL