Here' s Good News for YOU Young Fellows Who want clothes of faultless fit and superb style, pretty patterns and dashing distinctiveness, clothes full of vim and youthfulness. This is the news you'll be glad to read because it tells vou of just the kind of clothes you like at pricés unusually inviting. You can come here with full confidence that you'll find a 'style, a pattern, and a quality vou want at a price you want to pay. A special lot of extra value suits for men who are young, in fact or feeling, specially priced, $15.00, $18.00 and £20.00. Suits full of "Dash and Go." Very exceptional values. LIVINGSTON"S BROCK STREET A little out of the way, but it will pay you to walk. WALDRON'S New Spring Suits A very large assortment .of beautifully Tailored Spring Png Suits, all this season's models. The materials are all the newest weaves and come in the latest colors. hy Every garment is strictly Hand-Tailored, and nothing but the best linings are used. 'A full range of every size. Prices $15 to $45 New Coats for Early ~ Spring Wear The Latest New York s Models. R.WALDRON |: Married at Dunkirk, N. Y, Dunkirk, N. Y. has many relatives in Kingston and vicinity. Was Chosen President At the biennial convention of the Bay af Quinte conference Epworth league, held in Bowmanville, week, Odessa, was elected president. Miss Thompson, Consecon, is treasurer. First Stage Across Ice The first stage since navigation closed was to be run on Monday to Cape Vincent. Owing to the Ameri- can channel being open it was impos- sible to run one any sooner. h cold days of Saturday and Sunday, however, have made ice fast. May Accept Invitation Rev. Alfred Bright, Ingersoll, son in-law of James Dennison, Portsmouth, has been invited to become assistant minister and director of the Young | People's Work in Parkdale Presbyter- | ian church, Toronto. He is serious. ly considering the invitation. Small Blaze Saturday Overheated stove pipes, at the resi- bridge, caused a fire at 1.35 o'clock on Saturday afternoon. wooden partition and ceiling caught fire. The damage is estimated at $20. Weather Notes Abnormally high pressure now cov ers the continent attended over Can- ada by decidedly extreme conditons continue in the west while from Ontario to the maritime provinces the prevailing high westerly winds accentuate the existing low tem- perature, A Summer Carnival It is proposed to hawe a summer carnival in Kingston this year, under the auspices of the Chautauqua As- sociation. It would be an occasion of music and speeches and recitations of an uplifting character. These carn) vals are conducted in hundreds of plac- es in the United States, and Canada jis to be invaded this year. Died in Victoria, B. C. A telegram received in the city news of thie death of Patrick Brown, in Victoria, B.C., on Friday. The deceased wes the youngest son of the late Patrick Brown, of this city. His sister, who resides on Bagrie street, received a letter and paper on Monday morning which had been poated a couple of days before his death, . e---- Old Pianos Exchanged We want old pianos and will make a liberal allowance for them in part payment towards new pianos, Vietro las or player pianos. We will give you 2 good new upright piano at #6 per month, $19 per month, on the plan. Kindly eal "Phone or write us and we you full particulars. €. W. f.imited, Montreal, Quechee, Kingston, 'Brockville. Saturday Afternoon Recital A recital by Lindsay. { hall, Queen's, on Saturday afternoon. A miscellangous programme arvanged by the Misses Knight and | Agnes Browne. Solos were most ac- | ceptably sung by Miss Waldron and | Migs Helen Wood, while piano selec "tions were rendered by Miss fMiss Bessie Dolan, Miss Shaw and | Miss Eileen Wright. Miss Chris- [tine Cochrane played on the violin in | ther usual pleasing manner. } 1 Ried-McBroom Wedding wedding which came as a ur prise to their many friends wa emuized ou Monday, when Miss Florence Mc\Veale McBroom, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Me Broom, Rideau street, was united in marriage to Gilbert John Reid, of this city. Rev J wo Me Intosh officiated. Both parties are well known _ in this city. Gilbert Reid played on Queen's senior | rugby squad for two years. Urgent Call for Workers Queen Street Methodist church, pres- ented the claims of the Christian min- istry to the young people. There was an urgent call for workers. H pointed out the difficulties and dis- abilities in the work It was a hard #nd strenuous life, but after all it was a glorious life, that of being a vervant of Jesus Christ. Kingston, 50 highly privileged and the centre of so much intellectual life should send out a great many more young men ih- to the ministry than she does. Building All Winter "This has been a great winter for the building trade," remarked a con tractor to the Whig, on Saturday. Hs! stated that not in many years had the | ter tine, for work on the construction of houses. + "I have been putting up houses all winter," he added. "Of course there were many days too rough to work ontside but on these days I could find plenty of work to do on inside work." Asked as to the prospects for build- ing' in the spring, Sontracions state that they arc looking for a good sea- son's work One stated that he al- ready had been given N contract to build two new houses. B. S. Guess Still Living: B. S. Guess, of Harrowsmith, who | of hay thwown from the hay presser W. H. Wilmot, son of John F. Wil- [since the accident occurred. ymot, Detroit, Mich., was married at |Lockhart, who hapsned to be in Har- ., on January 24th to rowsmith, and Dr. Ashcroft, the osteo- Miss Alice C. Hubbard. Mr. Wilmot last Rev. 8.'T. Tucker, B.D., of The pathological dence of A. €. Knapp, near Cataraqui | Paper on a cold weather. The |' on Sunday morning conveyed the sad or a player piano at'| instalment | at our warefooms. will give | Ottawa, | a eo 3 the Kingston Ladies | { Musical club was held in Convocation | had been | Knight, | February 2nd, | | matched junior | Rev. G. I. Campbell, on Sunday, in | weather been so favorable in the win. { was struck last Wednesday by a bale | either team beng able to score. and paralysed from his neck down, was | still ving + oa onda, and is putting | of $15,000 to the Byron a Dr. W. E. Wil- an the family phy. sician, has been in constant attendance ath, are assisting Dr Wilkins. Miss suild, of Kingston, and Miss Abbott are the nurses in charge and, while the doctors consider the chances of recov- {ery very slight indeed, everything pos- {sible is being done to improve Mr. Guess' condition. The Neces ary Knowledge For the examination of your and grinding the lenses you re quire is extensive. The optometrist i=-evesight specialist--must be a grada- ate of a wecognized college, where he secures, a thorough understanding of mathematics; physics, and anatomy, physiology «and ability 'to diagnose conditions of the eve. i This must be followed by practical ex- | perience in optical laboratories. H. {Us Brown, Oph.D., optometri at the | Rodger Optical Parlors says : "Several American umiversities have, in the past {eight years, founded departments of optometry with a two-year course, for | the scientific study of eye refraction {without the use of drugs (drops).' | Our optometrist, H. C. Brown, Oph.D., {is a graduate and thoroughly exper- ienced in optical science, His exami- pations are most thorough ' and the eyes [Dis j lenses ground are of the finest quality. Consult him. R. J. Rodger, "Where { the Clock is on the Walk." 347: King | street, | HOCKEY AND | AND CURLING R. M. C. TO PLAY } McGILL II, IN MONTREAL, 'Varsity 1. Will Meet the Winners | -- Ladies Curling Rinks Chosen | For Tankard Games in Belleville. | The senior hockey team of the Roy- al Military: college which last week won its group from Queen's II, ex- pects to meet McGill II, in Montreal {at the end of the week. If the sold- j1ers win this round with the red and white, they will clash with Varsity II, in the finals of the intermediate Intercollegiate series. Jy defeating McMaster university, 6 to 3, in To- ronto on Saturday morning, the Uni- versity of Toronto are now eligible to meet the winners of the eastern sec-- tions Varsity II won the round from McMaster by 14 to 5. "P 0's." Squeezed Out The Kingston permanent officers were defealed by 46 to 37 by the officers' team of the 41st regiment at Laseball in the Brockville armour-; ies on Saturday pight. The next game of the military ~ series will be played at the armouries here on Moonddy night, When the officers of the 14th regiment are to be matched with the leaders of this section, the officers of the 156th regiment of Belleville, Leeds Hockey, League Games The Leeds Hockey League games on Saturday resulted : Newboro, 2 Bee: { = Bay, 0. Flgin, I; Portland, . H. A. Seores Canadiens, 9; Torontos, 3. Wanderers, 4; Ottawa, 2. | Quebee, 6; Ontarios, 4. | | | To Play at Battersea The West End Hockey team, of Williamsville, will play an exhibition | zame at Battersea on Monday even- | wg. | McGill ©s Queen's | McGill and Queen's will play the return, game in Kingston on Friday February 20th at the eovered rink. It is altogether likely that the Var- sity-Queen's game will be played the following Friday. Play a Double Headey On Wednesday evening a double header will be played at the cov. ered rink In the first gam K. C. I. and Cadets II. will be Regiopolis and Queen's 111. will play the return game of intercollegiate. 5 to 3 Wins ihe Whig is asked "to decide this hos hey problem: Which score, 5-3 ot 4-2 is clGier to 4-4? I'he score of 5-3 is the veara Tie Game at The Pilgrims hockey aggregation of the city senior league, went to Deser- onto on Satarday evening and played Deseronto | ' stinctive New Fashions In 'Spring Corsets The main Features--The bust is low, few bones, new ma- terial almost devoid of dressing-and unstretchable, wlich insures its keeping shape, the neat finishing of the bone These and other desirable points you will find in our new French Model Corsets asing. Just received a large shipment of New Silks CHARMEUSE SILKS, SATIN METEOR, DUCHESSE SILKS, PAILLETTE SELKS, NOVELTY SILKS, ranging from 36 to 40 inches wide. Many distinet novel- ties you will not see in other stores, are now ready, To-Morrow Morning We Will Place on Sale 100 Copies Butterick's l:arge Spring Fashion Book Pages of the latest novelties for spring and early;summer. You may select any Butterick, Pattern FREE Special Price For To-Morrow Only, FREE with each book. John Laidlaw & Son. | a team of that place. The result was |e a tie, the final score being four all, Curling Games At. the curling rink in the match for the gold medal, first round, J. B. Walkem won from Dr. Goodwin by 13 to 10. In the regular club games Mr. Walkem dcyeated S. Kil- patrick, 10 to 6. Ladies Curling Rinks Chosen The two rinks to represent the i Kingston Ladies" Curling Club in the Ontario Tankard games in Belle- ville, on Thursday, will be: Miss M. Ferris, Mrs. W. R. Givens, | Miss A. Fairlie, Miss Mabel Dalton, skip Miss L. Tandy, Miss A. Bireh, Miss M. Gordon, Miss M. Betts, skip. The point competitibn games were played at the local rink on Monday morning. Cataraqui Wins Trophy The Cataraqui seniors won the sen- {ior hockey trophy for the township hockey league by defeating (lenburnie {by & score of 3 to 0 at Cataraqui on | Saturday afternoon. The jupior game hetween Elginburg and Cataragui resulted in a tie, { Lord Strathcona madd a bequest natarinm for consumptives, [.ondon. Ont. Valentine gifts: Collage Book Store Jaeger's Pure Wool Slippers $1.15 and ¥u A W e sell other kinds, and at less money, but we w ant vou to know that Dr. Jaeger's Wool Slippers arc worth thiee times as much as any other slipper, beeause they are warmer, and that i is what yon buy a wool slipper for, for eomfort. ASK FOR DR. JAEGER'S SLIPPERS, LADIES AND GEN- TLEMEN'S, $1. rs