Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Feb 1914, p. 11

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Winter Tours to +83 CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA and THE SUNNY TH. Fast tralus leave Kingston , making direct con- nection at roit and Buffalo for Florida and southern points. and at Chicago for, California and western pointe. "tC We cap make all arrangements ta bring yohr faniily and friends from the Old Country. Special attention will be giver them. For full particulars apply to J. P. HANLEY, Raliroad and Steamship Agent Cor, Jolinson and Outarlo Sts. i or ab T CANADIAN ato OF Bal Winter. Tours California and the South RETURN TICKETS AT LOW FARES "WESTERN CANADA For Winnipeg and Van- L. .couver Leave Toronto 10.20 p.m. Dally Compartment Library. Observation Car, Standard Sleeping Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars, Dining = Car, First vlass Coaches and Colonist Cars. Particulars regarding RAIL or O€- EAN tickets from F. CONWAY, C.P. A. City Ticket Office, Cor. Princess 'and Wellington Sts, Phone 1197. "Fruit-a-fives" HAGERSVILLE, ONT., Aug, 26th, 1013 "About two yeurs 2goy 1 found wy health inl a very bad state, My kidney and liver were tut doing their work, an I became all rundown. | fel* the neo of some good remedy, and having see "Fruit-a-tives" advertised, I decided t try Their effect, I found more ha: i y. Theif action was mild an the results all that could have bec: cx h My liver and kidneys resiune~d {hei nora ction after 1 fot taken upward of a dozen boses, and I regained me oi time vitality, Today, Iam as weil a ever, the besthealth | have cver evjicen and IT unbesitatingly give vou th testimonial for publication if yeu wisly » B.A, KELLY. In hundreds of letters received by ti Proiteastives Company, the sare ex hres sion is used "Froita-tires iv the le kidney edy in the world", At an rate, t! tablets have proved the le tothe lnndreds of men and women wih lave cured by taking them. s00 hos, 6 Tor $2.50, trial size, 25¢. At a dealers of sent oh receipt of price 1 Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. yom 0d relieves Croyp ateace, ItisaBOON to sufferers from Asthma, The aie antiseptic vapor, inapired with every breath, mahes breathi easy § #00thes the sore CEN: Shoring resthdd nights. It in to. young hildren. Send postal for ALL with iptive booklet, So Mar. § 19 SONIA April mouth te a 102d up eastboun 30.25 up x Pi ba 7g rie 3 a Mag 22 stbound $30 up. THE ROBERT REFORD CO. Limited General Agent, U0 King St. E., Toronte. - From NEW YORK "March 11 April 11 y' 16-27 Days, $1453175 4 AMERICAN Also Cruises the World through the - A ' INF 71 Notre Dame St.W, Montreal 'anama Canal, trips, ete. TE Ben Stating Cruise: y or Loca Agents H. BURG. ak Thomas Copley Telephcre 987 Drop a 10-13 Pine street when raniine' anyt ng done In the carpen- tery Het en given on all kinds of repairs new work; also hard. wood floors of all kinds. All will receive prompt attention. ween Street. orders 8hop, Sale Must be sold by Febreary 1, 1914. Three brick houses In of location, near University; open Plumbing and the latest im- 0,00 per year for $5, House on Queen street, near Clergy, $3.950.00, Cole & Stuichaler Bibby's Garage Phone's 201 & 917. WWE Made these shoes ime possible. But Inez told me of Blue-jay. I applied it and the pain stopped in 2a moment. In 48 * hours all 'three corns*eame out. No sorengss whatever. I never thought of the ¢oms from the moment I used Blue-jay. And now they are _gone, 'to never return, unless tight shoes cause new ones. This is the story of millions of corns which have been ended by Blue- jay. It will be the story of your corns when you use this one right method. Don't pare them. Paring never eadsacorn. Usethe modem method. A famous cheryist, by inventing =jay, has mad€ corr troubles needless. © Blue-jay takes corns out, without any trouble, without any annoyance. Apply itin a jiffy, then ¢ § the corn: gy . ft is taking out about one million corns a mont It is the method now used and endorsed by physicians. I Youowe to yourself a test. Blue-jay For Corns | 15-and 25 cents--at Druggists , Bauer & Black, Chicago aad New York The memory of a voyake on the Allan Line is one of luxary snd happiness. On' these fine steameth tomivrt and cone venience exceed the most blasé For rates, sa descriptive Poms Re brit agents or, ations of the . dates, and beautiful ALLAN LINE, = wes >. Toronto She was a perfectly formed womah on the ancient noble lines of Milo rather "than the "degenerate softhess of Medici. She grew stronger of limb and fuller of breath, quicker and steadier of eye and hand, cooler of nerve, in these demanding, compelling adventures among the rocks in this monntain air. She Was not a tall woman, indeed slightly under rather than over the medium size, bat she Was ko perfectly propottioned, she car- ried herself with the fearlessness of a roung chamois, that she looked taller than she was. There was not an otince Of superfluolis flesh upon" her, yet she had the grace of Hebe, the strength of Pallas Athene, and the swiftness df motiofi of Atalanta. Had she but carried bow and spear, had £he worn tunic and sandals, she might have stood for Didna and she would have had no causé td blush by com: parifon with the finest mode! of Praxiteles' chisel or the most splen- did and glowing example of Appelles' brush, Uncle Robert was delighted with her; his contribution to her western outfit was a small Winchester. She displayed astonishing' aptitude under his instructions and soon became won. derfully proficient with that deadly weapon and with a revolver also There was little ddnger to be appre hénded in' the daytime among the mountains, the more experienced men thought, sti! it wag wixe ror the girl always fo have a weapon in restdiness, 80 fn her journevings, either the Win- Chester was sling from her shoulder or carried in her hand, or else the Coit dangled av her hip. - At first 'she took both, but finally it was with reluc tance that she could he persuaded to take either. Nothing had ever hap pened. Save for a few birds now and then she had seemed the only tenant of the wilderness of her choice. One night after a camping experi- ence of nearly two weeks in'the moun- tains and just before the time for breaking ip awl going. back to civil ization, she antiounced that' early the next morniug she was going down the canon for & day's fishing excursion. None of the party Had ever foi lowed the littfe river very far, but it Was known that some ten miles below the stream merged in a lovely gem- like lake in a sort of crater in the mountains. From thence by a series of water falls it descended through the foothills to the distant plaing he yond. The others had arrangsd t climb: ene especially dangervns an ambition' provoking peak which ao, [{ ered above them and which had never before heen surmounted so far as they knew. Enid enjoyed mountain climbing. She liked the uplift in' feel. ing that came. from going higher and higher till some crest was gained; but on this occasion they urged her to ae- company thent in vain. When the fixity of her decision was estahlished she had a number of offers to accompany 'her, but deéclivied them all, bidding the others go thelr way. Mrs. Maitland, who was not feeling very well, old Kirkby, who bad climbed tov, many mountains to feel mich interest in that game, and Pete the horse wrangler, who had to look after the stock, remained in camp; | the others with the exception of Enid started at davbreak for their long as- cent. She waited until the sun was about an hour" Bigh' and ther bade good-bye to 'the' three atid Began the descetit of tlie éanon. Traveling light, for she was going far-Lfarther, indeed, than she kiew--she Teft her Winches ter at Home, but carried the revolver with the fishing tackle and substantial luncheon. ' . Now the river--a river by courtesy only--and the canon: turned sharply back oh" thethiselves just beyond the little meadow where thie" camp was pitched. Past the tenta that Nad been their home for this joyous period. the river ran due edst for a Pew hundred feet, after which it curved sharply, doubled "back and "flowed: westward for several nilles befors 1b gradually swung around to the east on its prop- er course sgain: It 'had been E#id's purpose to cut | atross the" hile whd trike the river where it turned eastward onde more, avoiding" the long detour back: In fact, she had declared her intention of doing that té Kirkby and .he had given her careful directions so that she should not get lost in the moun- tains. t 'But she hdd plenty of time and fo excuse or readol (OF edviNE if, she | never tired of the charm of the canon: theretore, Insténd of plunging directly Over the spur of the range, she fol lowed tie Taimilfar traf] and after she had passéd westward far bevond the limits of the camp to the turning, she décided, in adel 'with that at terly irrespongible thing. a woman's. will that she would net go down the canon that day after ali; but that she would' cross back over the range and strike the river &'Tew miles above the camp and go up the cadon: She Bad been up in' that direction a few (tithes, but" oily for & short Gis tance; was very sharp, If fact for = Ii would like to see what was up in that TINE 3 ERE « SIR unexplored section of the country and 20; with scarcely a momentary hesi- tation, ghe abandoned ber former plan and began the ascent of the range. Upon decisions s0 lightly taken what momentous consequences de pend? Whether she should go up the stream or down thesstream, whether she should follow the rivulet to its source or descend 'it to its mouth, was apparently a matter of little mo- ment, yet her whole life turned abso- lutely upon that decision. The idle and unconsidered choice of the houy was frought with gravest possibilities. Had that election been made with any suspicion, with'any foreknowledge, had it eomie as the result of careful rea: soning or farseeing of probabilities, it' might have been understandable, but an impulse, a whim, the vagrant idea of an idle hour, the careless chance of a moment, and behold! a life is changed. On one side were youth and innocence, freedom and happiness, a 'happy day, a' good rest by the cheerful fire at night; on the other, peril of life, struggle, love, jealousy, self sacrifice, devotion, suffer. ing, kuowledge--scarcely Eve hercelf when she stood apple in hand with ignorance and pleasure around her and enlightenment and sorrow before her, had greater choice to make. How fortunate we are that the fu- ture is veiled, that the psalmist's prayer that he might know his end and be certified how lgng he had to live is one that will not and cannot be granted; that it has been given to but One to foresee his own future, for no power apparently could enable us to stand up against what might be, because we are only human beings not sufficiently alight with thé spark divine, We wait for the end because we must, but thank God we know it not until it comes. Nothing of this appeared to the girl that bright sunny morning. Fate hid in those mountains under the guise of fancy. Lighthearted, caréfree, fitted with buoyant joy over every fact of life, she left the flowing water and scaled the cliff beyond which in the wilderness she was to find after all, the world. The ascent was Jenger apd more dificult and dangerous than she had imagined. when-she#first confronted it, perhaps it was typical and foretold her progress. More than once 'she had to stop and carefully examine the face of the canon wall for a practicable trail; more thah once she had to ex- ercise extremest care in her climb, but she wis a bold and fearless moun- tainéer by this time and at last sur- mounting every difficulty she stood panting slightly, a little tired, but triumphant upon the summit, The ground was rocky and broken, the timber line was close above her and she judged that she must be sev- eral miles from the camp. The canon was very crooked, she could see only a few hundred yards of it in any di} » KEPHALDOL; THE POSITIVE, SAFE CURE FOR HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA Syfferers fro these torturing ail ments will welcome the coming to Canada of the well-known European i remedy, Dr. Stohr's Kephaldol. Hitherto the use of most so-called ; Dtean rection: She scanned her circum: scribed limited horizon eagerly for the smoke from the great fire that they always Keps burning in the camp, bus not a sted of ir' way visible. She was evidently a thousand feet above the river whence she 'had ' come Her standing 'ground was a 'rocky ridge which. fell away more gently on the other side: for perhaps two hundred feet toward the same brook. She could see through vistas in the trees the uptossed peaks of the main range, bare, chaotic, smow crowned, lonely, majestic, terrible; The awe of the everlasting hills is greater than that of heaving seas. Save in ihe infrequent periods of calm, the ldttér always moves: the moun- tains are the same for all time. The is quiclt, noisy, living; . the mountains are calm, still<dead! The girl stood as 'it were on the roof 'of 'the world, a wolitary human being. so far as she knew, in the eye of God above her. Ah, but the oves divine look long and see far; things beyond the human ken are all re- vealed. None of the party had ever come this far from the camp in this direction she knew. And she was glad to be the first, ag she fatuously believed, to observe that majestic soli- tude. Surveying the great range she won. dered where the peak elimbers might be. Keen sighted though she was, she could mot discover them. The crest that they were attempting lay in ané other direction hidden by a nearer spur. She was in the very heart of the mountains; peaks and ridges rose all about her, so much so that the gen eral direction of the great range was lost. She was at the center of a far flung cocavity of crest and range. She marked one towering polit to the right of her that rose nrassively grand above all the others. Tomorrow she would climb to that high point and from its lofty elevations look upon the heav- ens above and the earth beneath, ave and the waters under the earth far below. Tomorrow!-it is gen- erally known that we do not usually attempt the high points in life's range at once, content are we with lower al- titudes today. > There was no sound above her; the rushing water over the rocks upon the nearer side she could hear faint- I¥: there was no wind about her to stir the long needles of the pines. It was very still, the Kind of a stillness of body whieh is the outward nud visible complement of that stillness of the soul in which men know God. There had been no earthquake; mo storm, the mountains had not heaved beneath her feet, the great and strong: wind had'not passed by, the rocks had not been rent and broken, yet Enid caught herself listening as if for a volce. The thrill of majesty, silence, loneliness was upon her. She stood--one stands when there is a chance of meeting God on the way, one does not kneel until he comes--with her raised. hands clasped, her head uplifted in exulta- tion unspeakable, God-conguered with her face to heaven upturned. "I will lift np mine eyes to the hills whence cometh my. salvation," her heart sang voicelessly, "We praise thee, oh, God, we: magnify thy" holy name forever," floated' through' her brain, in 'great appreciation 'of the marvelous work of the Almighty shap- } dullness and headache disappear. By Wf morning! the catarrh, ij or catarrhal sore throat will be gone, distressing, but truly needless: remedies has been attended with the | gravest danger on dccount of their! injurious: effect cn' the heart' andl 2% the "ascélit above the camp other organs. Kephaldo! may be taken with absolute sgfety. In thousands of cases Kephaldo! acts instantoneously--aects = where other remedies have proved useless. Yet its wpe is never attended by any | ill" after-effects. Tt has been recog- nized as a perfectly harmless remedy by the medical profession; who have made regular and prolonged trials of it in their ¢linics, on thousands of patients. If you would get quick and safe ré- lief from those distressing. pains and aches, get a 50c tuba of Kephaldol tablets from your - druggist to-day: and never be without a supply. Kep- haldor Limited, 31 Latour St., Mont real. | greatly the veteran Kirkby in the ll them as for the girl the -- Laxatives # A woman's | little «cloud hid on the horison belind {assist the average expiréd-term man 8 second offence and arrest him and]. {sued as thie Salvation Knowledge im't always it knows -~ --b The Girl Stood as It Were on ths Roof of the World. ing 'master hand. Caught up as it were into the heavens, her soul leaped to meet its maker. Thinking to find God she waited there on the heaven kissing hill. How long she stayed. she did not realivé; she tovk no note of time; it did not occur to her even to look at the-watch on her wrist, she had swept the skyline cut off as it were by the peaks when first she came, and when at last she turned away--even divin. est moments must have end--she looked not backward. She saw not a the rampart of the ages, as .it were; no bigger than a man's hand, a cloud full of portent and which would alarm camp and Maitland on' the mountain top. Both of them unfortunately unable to see it, une being oa [the other side of the range, and the other deep in the cknony and for. both of sun still (To Be Continued.) Helping Ex-Convicts. Montreal Star It "would "likely cost no more to lo' get into honest courses than ft does to track him and detect him in him 'and convict Wim and board in for another tefm at our we ian orga oftgs- Army---do look a part of" 'the work; but iv 10 be done systematically by state. - h-- ---------------- power, but when to press the button. face is her history th few. can read between the lings, Hudson Six, 40, $2,300 F.o.b., Toronto Hudson® Six 54, $2,950. No Hs or Ands or Biifd About a Hudson Six 5 JOU seldom need to shift gears, The motor flexf- bility takes care of the different speed and road To ride in'a six is a delight. The car starts as smoothly as # yacht. It develops speed smoothly and steadily. It glides over the It gives the séhsatibn of flying. It rides like : constant ing. It will run smootily --on high gear--at the pace of a man's walk. This isideal in congestedtraffic. It will "pickup" almost instantly to the speed of an express train. . This without changing a gear -- without touching a- leven Just a-slight pressure of the foot on the accelerator pedal is requis ed. There is no jerkiness. There is no annoying and tiring vibration, . See These New Fedtures HUDSON Six 54 has the true streamline body that = | comfortably séats four, five, six or sever passengers four speed transmission--left-side drive --right-hand (center) control--new, fast type Delco electric cranking and lightin, system, patented---entrance to driver's seat from both sides car--gasoline tank in dash™ new "dimming" electric headlights =--135-inch wheel base. Come, see for yourself the true Streamline Body and examine the smoothness and flexibility of a real six-cylinder car. W. P. PETERS, 117 Brock St., or Kingston Auto Co.'s Garage, cor. Queen and Bagot Sts. EE ORIGINAL GENUINE Instantaneous Lunch. Invigorating. = a rma ch Tw RCI a The Food-Drink for All Ages -- Highly Nulriious and Convenient Rich milk, with malted grain extracty in powder form--dissolves in water--iriore healthful than tea or coffee. Used in training athletes. The best diet for Infants, Growing Children, Invalids, and the Aged. It agrees with the weakest digestion. Ask for "HORLICK'S" --- All Chemists, Hotels, Cafés and Stores. Don't travel without it, Also keep it at home. A lunch in a minute, In Lunch Tablet form, also, ready to eat. Convenient----nutritious. Sal] CLOGGED NOSTRILS AND STUFFY HEAD OPEN AT ONCE--CURES COLDS AND CATARRH Instantlly Clears Aid Passages: You. the inflamed, swollen Breathe Freely; Dull Headaches, which lines the nose, head sad Goes; Nasty Catarrhal Discharge | throat; clears the air passages; Shops, stops nasty discharges and a feeling . " |of cleansing. soothing relief comes Get a small bottle anyway, just to | immediately. try it=-Apply a little in the nostrils Don't lay awake to-night strug- and instantly your clogged nose and |gling for breath, with head stuffed; stopped-up air passages of the head! nostrils closed, hawking. and. blow- will open; vou will breathe ar by] run Catarrh or a:cold, with its membrane --y running nose, foul mucous dropping cold<in-head/ into the throat, and raw dryness is End such misery now! Get the | small bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm" | "Ely's Cream Balm" and your eold at any drug store. This sweet, fra-|ov catarrh will surely disappear. grant balm dissolves by the heat of | Agent, Geo. W. Mahood. the nostrils; penetrates hnd heals | Put - your faith--just once--in LADIES and MEN'S, BOYS' and GIRL'S Hockey Shoes AT VERY LOW PRICES. BUY YOUR SKATING SHOES 72 Treadgold Cycle and Sporting: Goods Ga, Phone ALE --- STOUT -- LAGE PURE -- PALATABLE -- NUTRITIOUS -- e v rag 5. FOR SALE BY WINE xb SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE Bea LOCAL OPTION--Residents in the local option districts 'dan "legally 'order from this. brewery whatever ure fo pergpal o family we Welt _ JOHN LABATT, Lawto, _ Lavo,

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