Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Feb 1914, p. 6

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Thousands of wives, mothers and sisters are enthusiastic in thelr praise of ORRINE, because it has cured their loved ones of the "Drink Hab- it" and thereby brought happiness to their homes. Can be given secretly. ORRINE costs only $1.00 per box, Ask for Free Booklet. Geo. W. Ma- hood, cor. Princess and Bagot Sts, Mtme------------ | TO INSURE SUCCESS | IN YOUR BAKING | Use only Couper's Baking Powder The Best that money can liuy. ~ D. COUPER 341-3 Princess Street Phone 76 Prompt Delivery COAST SEALED OYSTERS ee Famous For Beauty Her Hair 4 I Mrs, Esther Emery | Weackes to Her K Threatened Tells How She Made New Halr Grow, "People say I have the most beauti- Tul hair in the Sather Faery, now "f don't know at i @m proud of my hair, for it has grown #80 in Just twelve hort months "till now It reaches my knees Last year it was 'anything but beautiful 1 thought I was growing bald A year ago my hair Was thin and scraggly and coming out at an alarming rate, Little bald spots appeared all over my scafp, which was covered with dandruff ald itched like fury all the time. I cannot tell Son OW many hair tonics I tried to gave my hair and make it grow again. Some of them helped by taking out the ndruft for a while, but it came right ek again and my hair grew thinner than ever. "My success is no secret and I think that any man or woman can do the 'Same with their hair if they will per- vere as I have done. A friend, know- ng my condition, sent me a EHpping from the New York Herald which ad- ¥ised people who were growing bald to use a prescription consisting of § oz jun, & vz. Lavona (de Composce) 12 dr. of Menthol Qrysials. I got so things from my druggist and ¥od them myself. I allowed the pres paration to stand several hours before using, Then I applied it each night amd morning, ybbing right into my Jealp with the Ager tips 4i') the skin alrly glowed. The resul's were im- mediate, When I combed my hair next mornt only a few straggling hairs came away instead of the handful J ~ avas aceustomed to gather, The dan- druff left me this time for good, for I have never scen a speck on my head 'since. In less than a week tiny little hairs appeared all over my scealp and these grew so rapidly that soon I look- €d Hke a different woman. They have kept right on growing until new they are as you see them now, A physician has told me that Lavona contains the pure Juice 'of a4 rare South American * shrub that possesses marvellous gual- fties for forcing a growth of hair and eartalnly after m# own experiencec J ean well belleve it. Did | use more than the first treatment? Oh, certain- iv 1 am using it to-day. I go to any drug store and have 8 oz. put up at a time. It lasts about a month and costs very Hitle. I'm not going to stop any way floor." t that, but certainly 1 untit my hair reaches the | $6. Miss Martha Fisher, Torénte, was awarded $590 for damage to charac- fer on account of allegations that the man sie married deceived her. Companies obtaining charters will have hereafter to start within 'one year and finish within three yorr ¥ ? A letter from Vithjalnier Stefan- son has been received at Ottawa, an- nouncing his expectation of joining the southern party. The Owen Sound and Georgian 'Bay Motor Club, just organized, will post five thousand signs to direct motorists and insure safety of traffic. At a meeting of the board of direc tors -of the Royal Trust company, Montreal, HH. V. Meredith, vice-prosi- dont of the company, was elected president in place of the late Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal. Sir William C. Van Horne was elected vice-president. ------ LIVE STOCK MARKETS The Prices Paid at the Vartous Cen. tres Toronto Union Stock Yurds, Feb. 10.--~Reeeipts were very small, 21 cars, 200 cattle, 3887 hogs, 93 sheep and jambs, 117 calves. Cattle---Although receipts of cattle were light, prices were not any high er, the highest price being 83.25. Choice butchers' steers, $3.23; medium butchers' steers, 27.50 to #3; medium butchers' steers, #7. to $7.25; conmimon butchers' steers, $6 to 26.00; choice butchers' heifers, 87.75 to #8; common butchers' heifers, $7 to 87.60; choice cows, $6.00 to $7.25; good cows, #6 to $6.20; canners, $3.30 to $4.25. Fecders and stockers--Not enough to supply the démant. Choice steers, $7 to %7.25; medium steers, $6.50 to ;_stockers, $5.75 to $6.25. Milkets and springers=Not many on sale, at #G0 to #935 each; bulk sold at $70 to 380. f Calves----About 117 calves sold at firm prices, Choice veala, $10 to £11.30; common to good, §6 to 29. Sheep and lambs--The market for sheep and lambs continued firm. Sheep, $6.60 to $7; culls and ewes, #4 to £6.25 lawbs, choice ewes and wothers, $9 to #.50, Hogs--Receipts light and prices steady. Selects fed and watered, $9.15 and $5.85 f.0.b. cars, and £9.40 weighed off cars. Montreal Prices Montreal, Feb. 9.--About 800 head of butchers' cattle, 160 calves, 2v0 sheep and lambs, and 1,850 hogs, were offered for sale at the Point St. Charles stockyards to-day. : The offerings of live stock at this market during the week were 1,200 cattle, 300 calves, 3500 sheep and lambs and 3,000 hogs. There were three carloads of good No. 3 cattle on the market, which met with a good sale at from 6 to 8 cents a pound. Prime beefs sold at about one- quarter of a cent per pound above | last week's prices, at from 73, cents to 8% cents per pound. Pretty good animals sold at 515) cents to 73% cents, and the common ( stock 414 cents per pound. Calves sold at from 5 cents to 7 Cents per pound. Sheep sold at 63% cents to 6 cents per pound; lambs, 8 cents to 84 cents per pound. Good lot of hogs sold at 98; cents to near 10 cents per pound. ; Chieage Live Stock i Chicago, Feb, 9.--Cattle--Re- | eejpts, 20,000; market strong; | béeves, $7.10 to $9.50; Texas steers, | $6.85 to $8.10; stockers and feed- ! ers, $5.50 to $8.10; cows and heif- ers, $3.60 to $8.55; calves, $7.25 to $10.25. Hogs-- Receipts, 60,000; market' strong; light, $8.60 'to $8.771%; mixed, $3.50 to $8.75; heavy, $8.40 to $8.50; pigs, $7.50 to $8.55; bulk of sales, $8.65 to $8.70. : Sheep--Roveipts, 22,000; markets | Steady; native $4.10 to $5.95; yeaur- lings, $5.70 to $6.85; lambs, native, $6.80 to $7.80. aha East Buffalo Cattle | Hast Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 9. Cattle--Receipts, 3,000; active and steady to 10¢ higher. Prime steers $9 to $9.26, shipping $8 to $8.75, butehers $7. to $8.50, heifers §6 to $8.16, cows $3.75 to $7.25, bulls $5.35 to $7.60, stockers and feeders $6 to 37, stock heifers $6.26 to $5.76, fresh cows a springers slow, $5 to $6 lower, $35 to $85. Veals--Roceipts--660 active and steady, $6 to $12. Hogs Receipts, | 13,000, active and Ge to 10e high- er. Heavy, $9 to $9.15, mited, | 30.20 to $9.25, yorkers and pigs, 30.26 to $9.20, roughs, $8.25 to | $8.40, stags, $6.60 to $7.25, dairies | $9 to $9.25. - A Made Strong by Vi A caso has just come our atien- tion from St. Augustine, Flu. Mra W, B. Mamoey had sufiered for wo vets from nervous ration and ind tion. She had ne ¢ a miserable. After : m and fit it. L fwas as well -- ATLY 900; adtive: sheép }5¢ to 25¢ high- or; lambs steady. Lambs $5.60 to £8.49, yearlings $5 to $7.40, wethers $6.145't0 $6.40, ewes 33 to $6; sheep, mized, "36 to $6.15. : KINGSTON MARINEMEN - ; Are in Attendance at the Convention . In Ottawa ! Frances King, E. A. Turner, Capt. Robért Fraser Capt, John F. Sow- ards and E. E. Horsey, are in Ot- tawa, attending be convention of the Dominion Marine association which is being held in the Chatéaa Lavrier. The members of the sociation are all connected with navigation on the rivers im eastern Canada and the great lakes, and the objet of the convention is to discuss matters of general interest to these! engaged in inland navigation. The convention opened Tuesday and win be brought to a close to-night, wiih a big banquet at the Royal Ottawa Golf club at which Hon. J. D. Haz. en and othér cabinet ministhis will speak ANOTHER TREMOJ Cold Weather or an Earth Slide the ; Cause Toronto, Feb. 11. --Another slight tremor was redorded at the observa tory here, to-day. The scientisis say it is the extremely cold weather contracting the earth's surface, or a big slide in the interior of the glo that has caused the quakes. So far no damage has been reported fromm any quarter of the carth, although the quake was felt, yesterday, in mest parts of the world. et bcm st WERE SENT TO PRISON The Term hmposed Upon Eight Suft- » ragettes London, Feb, 11, court magistrates, tosday, sentenced to four days imprisonment each, sight suffragettes who took part iu disorders attendant upon the Em- meline demonstration, yesterday af- ternoor™in connection with the op- ening of parliament. All the prison- ers declined to: furnish: bonds foi their future good kehaviour ANXIOUS TIMES FOR PARENTS Children Often Seem Pining Awa and Ordinary Medicine Does Not Felp Them. The health of children between the ages of twelve 'and eighteen years, particularly in the caso of ghls, is in Bow stree! source of serious worry to nearly every | mother. The growth and developmen: takes so much of thei in many be going into a décline. The appetit, is fickle, brightness gives way to de pression; there are often serious head aches, fits of dwzzness, or occasional fainting and a complaint of wear; ness at the slightest exertion. Ordi nary medicines will not bring 'relief The blood has beoome thin and wa tery, and the child must have some thing that will bring the blood back to its mormal condition. At this stage no other medicine can equal Dy Wiliams' Pink Pills. Their whol mission is to make new blood, whic reaches every part oi the body, bring ing back health, 'strength and energy Mrs. James Haems, Port Rowan, Ont., says: "At the age of thirteen my daughter began to look very pale and seemed listless and ahways tired work or in those awusements of girl hood. In fact she just seemed to drag herself about, complaining of alway being tired; did not eat well, and did not sleep well at night. I took he: to our doctor who said sheAvas anae mic, aud advised me to give her Dr Williams' Pink Pills. She took the Pills for nearly two months when and lively as any gir! could be, gained nicely im weight, and lhas since enjoyed perfect health. 1am Guite sure that what the Pills did for my daughter they will do for other pale, weak girls. 1 have also used! Ur. Wiliams' Pink Pills myself with the best results and can epeak of them in terms of greatest praise." Sold by all medicine' dealers or by mail at 'H0e. a box or six boxes for 22.50 from the Pr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. James Ernest Carley, a member of the staff of the Canada Carriage com- pany, and Mies Roselma Marguerite Sawers;, both of Brockvillé, were mar ried on Tuesday. as- strength that * cases they actually scem to: he | CONSIDERED WORK OF ASSIST. | ING POOR OF OITY | Much Clothing is Needed == Rev. A E. Smart 10 be Remunerated for the Work he Has Done. The Associated Charities imecting was held, on Tuesday alter- noon. The foHowing members wes fpresent ©: W. J. Crothers, ¥. J. Hoag, 'i. 8. Bale, Rev, Douglas 'Laing, Frei erick Welch, Mrs. W. G. Jordan, Miss A. M. Maehar, Miss Muckleston and Miss Going. The president, W. J. |Urothers; was in the chair. Un motion. of Mr. Welch ¥55 was banded over to the Poor Relief society of the eity to be used in relief work. | Miss Going * reported that clothing had 'been distributed to. seventy-three 'families. Of that number she bad vis- ited forty. As a result of these fam- |ities being visited the amount {clothing which had been sent ins {very fow. The committee would be very grateful if aitizens would' send suitable winter clothing to St. Georges ball at any time. Children's clothing js very much needed. , Rev, A. E. Smart, who has aided so faithfully in the work during the try- ing period, made his report for Jan- nary. As a result of the employment bureau which had been opemed 144 ! persons had applied for work. Of that number 101 were married, 39 were single and fonr were widows. [hirty- three were furnished with some little work. The stone quarry, which hal been opened by the 'ety, bad been tho means of helping some. | Several complaints had been heared about the amount of money which bad been paid to the men for their quarry work. The city is payiag # ia toise for stone breaking. Une case | was referred to where a man had ont: recsived £1.25 for four days' work. lt Iwas stated that 'men must be experi lenced at .stome breaking if they are to | make a reasonable wage. " | Miss Muckleston, seeretary ol | Poor Relief, stated that many | are being received daily by the fetv. During the past mouth | 5350 had been spent on reliel work \ committeeof W, J. Crothers, TF. I Welch and F. J. Hoag was appointed | to look into the matter of giving Mr. {Smart some romuneration for bis work. The members of this societ] fecl that Mr. Smart has been very f i . work among the needy nd for reason is entitled to come remuneration. Although Mr. J is appointed to look after the | duties of the Children's Aid Society, Ihe has been giving considerable time aiding the poor. monthly the calls [001- about ln ito the work of Grand Trunk at Exwosition y The Grand Trunk system has receiv ed word fron the chief of architecture of the Panama-Pacific International exposition, that the design. submitted {for the Grand Trink building at this great event which takes place during the vear 1915, has been approved. The information is of importance, as gre: being the Hirst rR ropoved Ermey dian railway buildings 'that will be erected at this exposition. It will 'in {a way set the pace for the balance of Fthe Railway Plaza in which this { building is sMuated and where all the j other Canadian railway buildings are {to be placed. The group of buildings, | therefore, will be of one design and all wilt follow the Grand Trunk style of | architecture, which is taken from the | Spanish Renaissance "and which fol [lows to a certain extent the geversl of | FEBRUARY 11, 1914. LONDON LIFE REPORT amd 4 THE FIRST DELIVERY Year Showed the Best Record | Of Newly<Organized Parcel Post Syse | : Ever Attained The annual report of the London Life Infuranoe cofnpany, published else- where in to-day's issue, shows that company to have enjoyed unusual pros- perity during 1913. In all depart- ments the record was the best in the company's 'history. In view of the conditions that existid during the gredter part of the year, the progress made is remarkably gratifying. This is particularly noticeable in the per- sistency of the business, the lupse rate for the year lwting lower than heve- tofore, and notwithstanding the large proportionate increase in business, the amount. of surrender values paid was | previous | strongor | than this of the increasing | round was wade at 2.30 o'clock to the than in the could be' no boss There actpally year, evidence tem. 7." The first delivery of the newly-or- ganized parcel post system was made in the city on Wednesday morning, when seventy-six pieces were distribu. ited by the local men in charge of this branch of the postal service, This number came into the city on Tues day evening from places all over this part tof the provimee, Toronto, Otta- wa, ete, They 'were of different weights.\ A number of jthe packages containing sweets and. candy sent by young men tos their Kingston youuj lady friends. , 'the first Wednesday delivery made in the city at nine o'elock the morning. 'Lhe carrier, covered whole city. This aiternpon wus in the another confidence of the public in the position (business section. of the company and the large increase in new business testifies to the ing popularity of the exceptionally fa- vorable plans of insurance it %ssues. 'The increase in the rate of interest earned, the exceptionally low mortal ity rate experienced and the decrease in the expense rate easily explain the splendid profit results. That these results, under present rates, are a third in excess of the original esti- mates, speaks volumes for the integ- | rity of the mamagement and the | straywhtiorward manner in which { the business is conducted. I'he basis upon which the policy liabilities have been valued indicates clearly the determination of the man- agement to establish the business on a solid foundation. . The fact that seventy-two per cent. of the Whole business, including the industrial branch, is being valued on a three per cent. interest basis and thit the balance is valued on u three and al iri w cent. basis, places the affairs | of the company in this respect in a stronger position than that of any other similar company on the conti nent. The whole report shows clearly that "Safety First'? is the watchword of the London Life and the rapid de- velopment now taking place is being made on an exceptionally sound foot- ing ) Only One "BROMO QUININE." i I'o get the genuive call for full anme, LANATIVE BROMO Ql NINE {Look for signature of EW GROVIL Cures a cold in one day. 20 he. | Mrs. Louise Palme , G. W, Palme Cannifton, died _on Satur 1 grow- 4 GETS SALARY INCREASE Be! { Commission Places $40 a Month as Minimum Work Portland, Ore, Feb. 11. Acting the belief that a self-respecting woman cannot live in comfort on legs than $40 a month or work to her full officiency if employed wore than fifiyv-one fwours a week, the In- dustrial \eltare Commission to-day put into efiect a ruling establish- ing these us the minimum wage and maximum bours of labor for women office workers in this city. Two thousand women are affected by the ruling; the list of employ- nents including stenographers, bookkeepers, office clerks and cash- jers im stores, moving picture theatres and other establishments. in Died Without Seeing Son London, Feb. 11.--Mrs Roberts, mother of Evan Roberts, the reviv- alist, who stirred Walés some years ago, died yesterday, having failed to see her son. The latter is the guest of Mrs. Penn Lewis, and persists In holding aloof from his family in spite of their urgent entreaties. Lev. W. G. Clarke, B.A., was unani- wously invited to the pastorate of the Tabernacie, Belleville, for the fourgh year. * Farmers' bank depositors may be reimbursed and stock holders relieved from double liability, Fhe Swedish cabinet has because of differences with over the land defences. The Earl of Minto has suffered a re- resigned the king day. Eighteen days ago she smitten with paralysis. She was daughter of the late John and was 'born in Hungerford. Rosevear was | lapse' and his condition is very seri- J lay & yond. Don't buy White Rose if you want a ' cheap flour. New Invention Enables Anyone to Play Piano or Organ With: out Lessons A Detroit musician has invented a wonderful new system which enables any person or little child to learn to play the piano or organ in one even- ing. Even though you know abso- lutely nothing about music or have never touched a piano or organ, you Can now leatn to play in'an hour or two. People who do not know oun note from another are able to play their favorite music with this meth- od "without any assistance whatever from anyone. This new system which is called the Numeral Method, is sold in Can- ada by the Numeral Method Muaic Co, of Canada, and as they are desir- ous of at once making it known in every locality, they are making the following speelal free trial and hall- price offer to our readers. You are not asked to send any money until you have tried and aro satisfled with the new method. The Numeral Company Is willing to send it to you on one week's free trial, and you wiil not have to pay them one cent unless you desire to keep i*. There are no express charges to be paid, as everything will be sent by mail. Simply write a letter or post card to the Numeral Method Music Co. of Canada, 116C Curry Hall, Windsor, Ontarlo, saying "Please send me the Num- eral Method on sevén days' free trial." If you are satisfied after try- ing it, the Method and fifty different pieces of sheet music will cost you only $5, although the regular price | of these is $10. You should not de- | lay writing, as the Numeral Company will not continue this special half- price offer indefinitely. Later on the Method and fifty pieces of music will be sold at the regular price. a A Telia DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS 5": gulating Piil for Women. $6 a box or three ior $10. Sold at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any address on receipt af price. THE Bconenl Daua Co, Bt, Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHON OL FOR MEN. 20 | scheme of architecture of the main pnl aces at the exposition. The location of the building is in grounds and faces on the south side { the entrances for the ferries from the | neross Si | Franciseds Bav. On the west 'side it {faces the machinery palace. Un the | porth side are located the beautiful | sunken gardens, | the landscape scheme | tion, and ou the east Francisco Bay. Estimates for : . | this handsome building, * which will contain 10,000 feet of floor space, are now being seceured and will proceed at an early date. {many towns and cities of the exposi side is It | fue intention of the Grand Trunk to | install one of the finest exhibits they | have you assembled for this exhibition Fand one which will place before the { prople of the world Canada's illimit- | able resources. its scemic attractions | and its hannts for fish and gave. Help the poor by stiending tea and {sale at Knights of Columbus hall | Thursday, 3.30 to. 10.30 Ad- | mission, 10c, Onee tried pa. always used, White Rose ! one of the best parts of 'the exhibition ! { She did not take interest fin her school that will be part of | construction | 13 1 Schlitz in Brown Bottles does not have that disagreeable taste ' » so often found in beer in light bottles. We reprint below an extractyfrom an opinion rendered by anothér famous San | the construction of | scientist: "Bottles of strong glass should be Leyser, See that crown selected. They should never be of colorless glass, inasmuch as through the influence of light the beer will not only take on a disagreeable odor and taste, but will also become turbid." (Lintner.) Director of the Brewing Academy in Tenth Edition, Stutigart, 1900, page 680 or cork 1, oivnided *' Schiz.. Extract from Die Malz and Bierbereitung. Published by E Augsburg This is one of the authorities quoted by Dr. Robert Wahl, President of the Wahl-Henius Institute of Fermentology, to corroborate his own opinion. Schlitz is made pure and the Brown Bottle _ keeps it pure from the brewery to your glass. ( Telephone No. 242 Rigney & Hicker, 136-138 Princess Rircel, Kingston, Out.

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