Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Feb 1914, p. 7

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Bank Jour by Mail Through our system of Banking by Mail You ean open an interest account in this bank, no matter where you live. Forward vour remittance with the names of those to whom you wish it eredited, and we wil! mail bank hook to the addréss given, car rying out yo ruinstructions as to when vou want it delivered. Write for infor- mation, The Bank of Toronto Capital and Reserve Funds $11,300,000 Market Square, Kingston, tl George B. McKay Howard S. INVESTMENT BROKER High Grade Bonds & Stocks. Fire & Life Insurance REAL ESTATE District M: anager of the EQUITABLE LJIFF ASSURANCE SOCIETY "Phone 9% Loca, Nores AND ITEMS OF GRNERAL INTEREST. Happenings ia "the OW City and Vicinity =What the Merchants Offer to the Readets of the Whig. "5le. "Emulsion," ' Removal sale ! cont price. Dutton's, Mrs. P. J. Tobin, Westport, is vis- iting her daughter, Mrs. E. J. Me- Cue, ine street. wants" at Gibson's. J. Pu Newell, of London, was in the city on Wednesday where he has noma business "to transact. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders recaiverd at MoAuley's "Phone 564 "Mot water bottles." Gibson's, Miss Addie Wilson, Athens, is 'spend- ing a week or so in Kingston a guest of Mrs. (Prof.) Nicol. Phone Gibson's for drug wants. Special prices this month on *New- combe," Canada's leading piano, Dut- ton's. co Gibson's, for drug wants. 8S. EK. Plumer, of Ottawa, was in the city on Wednesday, where he will main for a day or two. 'Phone Gibson's for drug wants ' Ladies' up-to-date dcessmaking. Terma moderate. Miss A. Keyes, 221 Princess street. Oc, Emwsion,"' 25¢, Talbot Snyder, of the fire depart- ment, has recovered from his severe illness and is now enjoying a few holi- days. H.' Cunningham, pieno tuner, King street. Leave opders at Anley's book store. 'Send to Gibson's for drug wants." Parcel post. Miss E. Lacey, of Sydenham, eames to the city on Tuesday evening, where the will visit her mother, who is con- fined in the hospital, ' "Send to Gibson's for drug wants." Parcel post. Mrs. Joseph Wenbhorn and her 2e. Gibson's, ; All trunks less that Gibson's. 2 Me- don, "KENSINGTON PLA CE" The Plazas will be curbed and planted, and the streets macadam- ized this Spring. When completed "Kensington Place" will be one of the most de- lightful residential spots in Kingston A FEW 5060x120 FEET LOTS LEFT. J. 0. HUTTON 18 Market St. Ki SOME ATTRACTIVE INVESTMENTS. $4,000---Johnson Street, downtown location, rents $600 per year. $2,800-- Montreal Street, double frame, rents $294 per year. $300 vill handle this. $2 Braid nd Street, first class frame dwelling, all improve- : ments, hot air furnace, gas, barn and driveshed, very desirable * residence. ; 400 rou on Alice Street Crescent, facing on Queen's College new grounds, very deep lots, a snap for a quick buyer. 140 x 210 feet, corner Division and Russell Streets, adjoining new Reglopolis College. Near the new factory sites. GEORGE BAWDEN Holiday Sale urniture All ds now reduced in price. A sp id chance to save money. Big lige of beautiful antique furni- ture, stoves, ranges, eic.,, to choose KINGSTON m, Also household goods bought, best pricea paid. L. LESSES Cor. Princess and Chitnam Streets Phone 104" © A Brick of Delicious Ice Cream Made by the City Dairy of Toronto can be delivered at your door at any hour of the day. Assorted Flavors. Hoag's Drug Store YMCA. Phone 258 bf Kingston, Ont. 56 BROCK ST. PHONE 68. A large, well-built, in central location, eight bedrooms. all venlences. A. new solid brick house. on Albert St,' near Brock, hot water neating electric light; all of the very best; a fully modern house. . Double 'frame dwelling, Colling- wood St., near Union, lot 75 x 100, These are well worth the price we ask--$3,600, . J. K. CARROLL, Manager. roomy house, eleven rooms, modern con- CLEARANCE SALE OF WIN- TER HATS *8 trimmed hats for $3.00. $5 shapes for $1.25 Everything is to be regardless of cost, next few weeks, MISS E. D. HAMILTON B70 Princess Street. Opposite Y.M.CA. Phone 126 cleared during the SPECIAL SALE OF BOOTS AND SHOES FOR 15 DAYS. An our fall and winter stock muy cleared at prices that wil greatly astonish you. That We can sava you 25 to 50 per cent. on every pair, ok x a AN Bluch price R250 Men's strong working * Boots, worth $2.00, our ne Men's extra coarse Blucher Bouts, really ae 32.50, our price Warren's ¥ Deserve the attention of -our Eyesight Specialist, . C. Brown, Oph. D. The examination of your eyes is made by the most approved scientific system, guaranteeing fccurdcy, and lenses are ground in our own laboratory. If you have blurred vision at times, have strained vour-eyos causing headaches and nervous- ness, consult our Optometrist if iis methods d his services e ta you. leather y ong e Vict Ri Bluoher Ad oe... $i h $1.45 orth you a good new Harold, of Buffalo, N.Y.; who 'has been visiting Captain and Mrs. R. Wemborn, on Queen st reef, has return ed home. "Phone Gibson's for drug wants.' Children of Mary tea and sale, Knights of Columbus hall. Valentine, homemade and candy tables. Feb, 126h, 3.30 to 10.30 p.m. Admission 10k. Parcel post paid on goods Gibson's Red Cross drug store. On Wednesday morning, at an earl hour, the death occurred in the Hotel Dieu, of Mrs. Isabella Johnson, widow of the late Pressly Ward, aged seven- ty-iwo years, } 0c. Emulsion," 25e. Gibson's. Several out-of-town guests attendud the Charity ball on Tuesday evening. A goodly number were here from Sy- denham and included Mr. and Mrs. (i, M. McNaughton, Miss Daniels, D. Kar- ley, M. Chisholm, J. R. Dier, W,. French and 'R. H. Elliott, all of S. denham. Parcel post miles of Kingston Cross Drug Store. Mrs. G. H. Williamson, Brock street ! was summoned to Iroquois to-day, owing to the serious condition of he: mother, who was stricken with illnes: as a webult' of the shock she receive! when the earthquake of Tuesday after noon shook her home to a very mark- ed extent, M230" Gibson's, for drug wants The death occurred at the general hospital on Tilesday evening of Mrs. Elizabeth McKane, of Pittsburg, aged 68 years. The funeral will take place from the residence of her son, Burns McKane, 454 Barri street, on Thursday, "Phone Gibson's for drug wants.' Primrose and Dockstader minstrels company, which. plays in the Grand Opera House on Wednesday evening, arrived in the (ity Wednesday morn- ing. The Edison talking picture com- pany, to muké way for the minstrel troupe, will play in Gananoque {Wed ay evening, and return here on | Thursday to complete its engagement of a week, | from paid within twent, by Gibson's Rel 3 3 MATINEE DAILY AT 2.30 Genulane TALKING Pictures 25¢ to All 1 ts Now on TO-NIGHT World's Greatest United PRIMROSE and ~~ DOCKSTADER In Their Spectacular Re. vival of Genuine Old-Time Minstrelsys With an all-promineht dgereégation' of hurnt cork celebrities. The tour is under the personal direc- tion of od Jeart Burgess. PRICES--20¢ $LO0 ana $1.50 SATS NOW ON SATE: Monday, Feb. 16th Kathleen .| PARLOW VIOLINIST Assisted by Miss Ursula : oe Matinee tn iy Theatre ---- CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First tusertion 16 a word. Esch von- Secutive insertion thereafter, hai Cent & word, Migimum charge for one lusertlom, 25e.; three Inserti fhe: six, ull one month, 82. HELP WANTED nmin Sn RTL LC DINING ROOM GIRL WANTED AT the Hatal Royal A GIRL FOR TAL J Mov we WORK Apply | Lor King Street. GIRL "ro ASSIST IN MOL SEWORK, _ Goon wages. APRlY at once, Division Sj. tee et ee AN ASSISTANT SALESMAN IN LUM. ber yard. Apply The Frontenac Lumber & Coal Co. A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, MUST have references. Apply to Mrs. |: Mi. Pense, 8% Core Si. AN EXPERIENCED HOUSL MAI Apply to Miss Ferguson, Sireet before eight och evening, » www a 10ST Sr Forum [4 we. t FOR BALE 3 ON SATURDAY] IN STREET CAR, OR between LI 4 4 aha riers hoige, 'geld and pearl heart locke and chaln. Reward at Whig office SATURDAY MORNING, (7th) RE- tween Quesn St. and Ontario St, Gem's English, pach, Pinder will he rewar C.F.G., 8 Queen St SITUATIONS V $150 FOR thoanghtful man or woman ror help. ing us elreulate Bible diterature Bible tlouse, Depaciment 13, Brant. rord. TEACHERS WANTED vermin etme cota pec sian TEACHER FOR SS. Ne. 8, BARRIE Township, County of Frontenac, for 1914 Duties to commence 2nd aay of March. Salary $300 per annua. Protestant preferred. Ap. ply, stating experience, to George Salmond, Sec. ~Treas, Fernleigh Ont, « CARTING, A YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN HotU work and cave of child. Apply br evening to Mrs. Herbert W allace i§ Frontenac Street, "TREMEN, BbOuL $100; a Send age w hig LOCOMOTIVE men, BRAKE. eXpers post- A CATNERL person va ih Ho sine ERA MAY earn $00 NT ny corresponding for newspapers. no canvassing Send for particulars. Fress Synd- cate, 3,969 Lockport, NY Ww ANT Naw A C APABLE SAL man to vass Kingston for 1 vale ef w Hardy Rverbloomi Roses, ornamental trees, shrub Good opening for --migat part. Write I'elham Nursery Co., Toro: - ta nD FOR HOME WORK centre piece, table cushion tops, ete time experience ; material 1pplied; ir Nat LADIES WAN embroidering runners, spare sary Lawrence, Soprano. GRANT HALL Prices $1.50, $1.60 and 50c. Plan at Uglow's w ednesday Morning [NTERNATIONAL: TEMPLARS Public meeting will be held Y.M.C"A. parlors on Friday, at Mrs, Jennie Walker; of London 1 will address the meeting. past and present Good Templars a all friends of temperance are to he, Present. the p.m in 8 invited So ------ The Late Mrs. Kingsley There died at the residence of he daughter, Mrs. Conroy, Alfrdd street, on Tuesday morning, a woman of very exceptional worth, im the person Mrs. William Kingsley. Her husband survives her, together with these chil dred : John, Wolfe Island; Drs. P. 1. Frederick and Victor, Boston; De. Fd ward, Austria; Dr. William A., Mexico: Father W, Kingsley, and James V., Dorchester, Mass.: Mrs. Conway, oi this city, together with Alrs. Janssens and Miss [lizabeth, now of Germany. All have the sympathy the community in their <orrow of ol | | Old Pianos Exchanged We want old pianos and will make a liberal allowance for them in part payment towards petv pianos, Viciro- las or player pianos. We will give upright piano at! #6 per month, or a player piano at | $10 per month, on the instalment} Blan. Kindly call at our warerooms, hone or write us and we will give Cn full particulars. C. W. Lindsay, | Limited; 'Montreal, Quebec, Ottawn, Kingston, Brockville, | | Felt the Shock From conversation on the streets on lay it appears that the earth yuake shock was felt all over the cily. Une lady who resides on Prin | cees street stated that she felt slight shock and alse noticed one oi | the doors in the house move. Anoth-' er lady living on King street stated that the pictures were moved slightly on the wall, in her home. Twin Babies Dead sympathy of a wide circle of friends is extended to Mr. and Mrs. James: Dillon, York street, over the death of their twin babies, who aid on Wednesday morming. The : "$l chamois vests," Gibson's. The Dominion Alliance will investi gate the vote in Welland cast in the recent clection under the Canada tem- apce act. Phone Gibson's for drug wants. Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst, ad- drésing a Loudon gathering, he- guiled the police into making a false arrest. R. J. RODGER 'Opieat Parlors, 347 Ki Street Where the Clock 2 Jy, walk i i a - a Lo ah FR HERE --a "Hot water bottles." Gibson's, Andrew Carnegie gives $2,000,000 to be used thepngh the churches for the Framotion of international peace. iibson's for drug wants.' | i of | Berlin, | Just the thing for Luncheons, Homéw, Ete. Two sizes, 16e. and ft All Grocers. Fenwick, Hendry & Co. (Distributor) At erent ---- How Is Your Weight ? ORDER of GOOD: ---------- ee eof Aelessbortede dented So dob deste bbb I WANTED. An alert, aggressive repre- sentative to solicit insurance for the Equitable Life Assur- ance Society. Continuous or part time employment, An attractive contract to &suit- able person. Easy money earned in spare hours. Apply * - to Howard 8. Folger, Agency | Manager, 44 Clarence "St. > | : : Whale | "| FRONTENAC ALBERT SAUNDERS. carling done, teed, O53 ALL KINDS OF tion guaran- I'rincess Street PERSONAL y» WART BIRTH. ill gre owths and skin Jemuved permanently, yea rs s3herishe : Eye, Bar, Noss Skin' Bpecislist, 25 27 Dr. Eimer 5 'Lake, Throat and Bagot street. SCALP MASSAGE FON halr, dandruff, ete, ectricity (new method), Latest treatment ia shampooing, face massage, manicuring, Up-to-date styles in Mrs, Herod, graduate masseuse 159 Wellington St, Phone 1495. Hours 10 to 12 am., and 3 bp m., and by appointment. FINANCIAL FAL LINY treated by ei- LOAN AND INVES ment Soclety: established 1883 president, Colonel Henry 13 Smith Money issued on ci and farm and country Tne rigages purchased; ved and Interest al . McGill, Manager, Street. | | 2 \ Clarence bo ERPOOL, LONDON AND GLORE Fire Tnsirhne e Company, Avallable assets, 87,216. In adition to which the pA RE LR have for security the unlimited Hability of city property, insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange 2. Strange ------ tr tn A SOLID COMFORT © AWNINGS AND 1 sr falls . OR JANUARY SALE, aN CHOICR FARM, ONE NEW TTAPPLY TO MRS; Vision St. E FEATHER joldman, 387 mreseebimtinaav UTTER, vith but a shart time. Apply D. J. Dawe eon, 244 Princess St i) ENTS--PLAC RYO order now, oy oa to delivery al time in the ng. Frank - Cooke, 38 arama st. or b WALNUT AND 8 we ante » X #, P. GASOLINE nya $195, that cost $355. ie in yon will demonstrate I for Go ng Princess £1, Kingston Mattress Eat CAPILLE rom y AS al an racord "ne 250. Ma bottle oz, ey and is by Mme. Mer, bikin Princesa St. © Eat tanle ---------- ---------- 1G ARS BY ¥ vor Rr « 16 ARS DIR from the ¥ Perfec receipt of Bannan Supe 5 416 Nq¢ 6th St, Allent i eet ete ei ----t ei FRAME ROUSE AND BARN, orner Lansdowne and Stanle Sta, lot 33 x 180; corner Nelson ney York Sta, tat ft. frontage- on York St, second tot from corner of Alfred York Sts, easy terme Apply Albert 8° -------- DWELLING, or win He fixtures wit ROCKERY STORE AND 2 Ontario' street stack e of RUNDRED and ninety-five acres, § miles from Kingston and 1 mile from Gi vale. Has in abundance of o pine, spruce and cedar and ne Vale falling water thereon. Well fe ed. For further information ap John Clark, RM.D. 1, Westbroo, SY AN¢ TL," 30 FT. LONG ey Hr i machine, r lighted, eles irs, ¢ 1shions, ménts; will Sengers. in Gan~ lor, Gan- SAUNCH "0 ft. b h FOR "Dot ne. house, on York T ROOM PR FR AMB + improvements, Wiil rent "for HOUSE, cation, on ST. WEST, | BRICK HOUSE Johnson street, 9 rooms; all ern Improvements: good location; ansy terms Apply to . BOND, 26 Frontenac St. Phone 743 BRICK lot, fine UNION t 60 x ¢ NOLID Agents. Phine 326. TENT YOUNG L ADY A er help, in a small family, . mpanion to an elderly lady agot & BUSINESS CHANCES AS or Hood DENTAL BA, LS, DDN, RE- 258 Princess Street. DR, C. OC. NASH, DEN" aT) DPR. T. I, Renton, assistant 133 Princess Street. 'Phone 738. SP ARKS AND SPARKS, A. E. KN APP, moved to | ee -- DENTISTS 159 Wellington Street. (over: (lar 4 novsky's), Kingston, 'Phone 246. CROCKERY, CHINA, tin and agatewaras, fancy 800d: cheap rent, good location, Stock about, $3,600, ner retiring, Box 158, Napanee, Ont GLASSWANFE, ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN' START a mail order business at home; no canvassing: be your own bossa. Send for free booklet; tells how Heacoo kK, 2,969 Lockport, N.Y. HOTELS, ALBION HOTEL, CORNER MONTREAL and Quegn streets: 13 bedrooms, Rateg moderate; centrally located, one Diock from street cars. House recently thoroughly renovated; best stable and yard accomméda- tion, JM. Calnes, Proprietor. ARCHITROT ARCHI- ~ Offices, 268 'Bagot 8st ARCH HITROTS, MER. Bank Building, corner Fra, Welllugton streets. Dro; a car --THE Knickerbocker HOSPITAL Tra zg Seb wl far eneral the Nurses offers o training to stu requisite educa- Thorough, instruction 1 1e8 of the nursin rs address RVISOR OF Amsterdam York City, N.Y. A ve IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARGARET KELOW, LATE OF While it true is that too much woight "is not to be desired yet the fact remains that many men and wo- mea are thin to the point of danger, Fhis danger lies in their having no re serve force or nerve powers to combat [deadly diseases. A liktle extra fles), {is needed by all to feel woll and to looks well, and this dalls up the ques (Hon of how . 'best to increase tho weight, Physicians and chomists hy experiments Layo solved the problew of increasing the while and red cor. Puseles of the blood by: the administra tion of i} grain nuclape tahlots, and this is usually followsd by an m orease of weight. Obteln in sealed packages, and take for a period oi several months, according to diree- tions with package. THE Crry OF KINGSTON, WwWiDow, Be H REY F} that all persons hav. 1st the estate of the t Kelow, who, died ith January required to file the same dersigned on or before 1914, after ate SX will proes distribute the assets among the parties sautied. Dated this 20th day of January, 1914. J. RIGNEY, Solicitor for Executor, COVERED RINK R MCILvs KCI Queen's III. vs, Regiopolis WEDNESDAY, FEB. 11 the w hic ed to "the For Sale House Numbér 124 Victor. ia St. between Ear] and John- son; choice location, two blocks from 'ear line. House modery in every particular. Apply ¥eteod's Drug Store | Firat' game Renin 7.30 pom. sharp Admission 23e, Rewer ved Seats now oun sale at Rink Oflice. 23¢. extra. COVERED RINK JUNIOR O, Mi. A. HOCKEY MATCH (Oshawa vs. Frontenacs Monday, Feb. 16th Geme Begins 8.15 p.m. Admission 33¢. Reserved wa, toelnd- 8S. H. SIMPSON, LDS, D.DS, DENT. ist, corner [D'rincess and Bagot street. lntrance on Bagot street | Telephone 626. CATERING WSTIMATES GIVEN FOR BALL pers, banquets, TR ALL FAS etc, 'Bliverware and cutle! rent. Far particulars apply H. Toye's King St, store. ATER TO PARTIES, Wedding breakfasts: bar Daquets, sid Also rent dishes, tah nens and silver re Reld 0 Ualon street, F, 176 Alfred stree! os, wE a and Jjueng Shs ! Hambrook Phones 4% ar 80 wa NTED--GENERAL HED, DEPARTMENT OR A H furnished house for young | | | | married couple Box Whig: office 116 | GENTLEMEN TO BRING "THER cloth and have ft made up Into up to-date aults. Price and workman- ship guarantecd to please. ing and repairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Gallow ay | IY Brock street, near Bibhy nr. | age. | A ---- ST PRICES PAID FOR SEC- HIGH $2700---NEW $1650 N BATEMAN STORAGE AGE FOR 1 OFFICE ¢ {STORAGE FOR FU ONE $3200--BRICK VENEER HOU SE, BEV. erley. Street, partly furnish Large lot; i. good tr by Jing, HOUSE ON PATRICK modern Improvements, good sta ready for brick veneer, EW FRAME HOUSE, ALL Improvements GARDINE! INSUR- ance, Money to Loan. Rr Clarence » 8t., Kingston. St, ble, TO LET LF) 8 IN CLARENCE Sv, TA Apnly to Cunrcingham & Mus 9 Bt. larenre PRIVATE STORAGE or auto ANA SE or: pin ronace dry. cCann, 82 Brock n PWELLINGS AT 830, m7, 1 Alro offices, stores, ete, ti Real Estate Agence v. 8% Brock ITUR our 'lean and dry. NR street. ais o own J Sua. vag y Sto dry, Sry roo and ke Fro Queen. Ee. Phone Si COMFORTABLE room, centrally for one or tw without hoard Apply 152 FURNISH located, suital » gentlemen, with or Terms reasonable. 8 1 Syde nham FURNISHED ROOMS TT Press- wi ™ IH ON WITHOUT ROARD, WORK. men 102 preferred, Price reasons. Earl St. ing Lin MUSIO. ond-hand furniture, stoves, ete, Sea me before selling your goods, Wey also have a large stock of new and | second-hand furniture which we will sell to J VIOLIN INSTRUCTION=-M 88 8 CHRIS tine Cochrane, 78 Gore , King- ston. Telephone 136. t Princess Andrew's church. UPHOLSTERER J. GAVINE, UPrHOLSTERING, RE- pairing and carpet work, halr mattress renovating. Drop a card or call 218 Bagot Street. LEGAL CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIST, ers and solicitors, Law Office, 7¢ Clarence etreet, Kingston "The cost. J. Thompson, St, next to St. Ww All kinds of records, Victor, Col- umbia, Edison Blue Amberol, son two-minute, for exchange, phonographs, gramophones and gratf- opolas for sale. Call and let us ex- plain our plan. 4 ALLEN'S TELGMANN SCHOOL OF MUSIC KINGSTON hq oy street. teacher of siocufifiy Miss Norma and O, Telgmann, teachers of violin, mane dolin, plane, ste. Terms stor tut. tlon and concert engagements on application. Frontenac mann, BE, and action. BUSINESS NOTICES SHORTHAND, TYPB, writing and Copying Bureau, Queen 8t. All work strictly cone fidential. Rates moderate. Bear Saw His Shadow' A late Spring is probable. We can keep you all warm with Genuine Scranton Coal JAMES SWIFT & C0 For Sale Double Stone House, Montreal 300 Rents for $17.00 a 'month, Single Frame, Bephen Street, "= Phone 253 338 Meveh Si |

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