8 are throu ber. mer Burnh 1 v i ing a week with Miss : Plam Hollow Briefs + Plum Hollow, Feb. 11. Miss An- nle Beach, Fopfar, who has been Ina 3 returned home on Sunday. A. B. Barber made a business trip "to Toronto last week. The oyster supper and rtainment at William Hause's takes place Wednesday ev- ening, : LIPeray J Folger Needs Telephone Folger, Feb. 9. --Messre A. and J. hauling tim- on the sick list, Is improving. rs. M. Bimp- son' visited her daughter, Mrs. W. V. Manion at Mississippi last week. J. Prasky is working at Flower Station. James Boyd, former agent Bene, has gone to his home at Wil- bur as the station is closed. What is needed here is a telephone. Since the telegraph office is closed. ---- i Emerald News | Emerald, Feb. 9.--The crossing the main shore is good now oH McMullin and R. Fowler are haul- ing timbers for a new dock. A dance was held in Emerald school last Tuesday night. ; valuable cow "James McKee ois Henderson is to last 'week. ill. Mrs. Frank iting her brother, H. Builch, Bath. avid McKee, Port Milford, is visiti friends here. Samuel Reid is vid ip in Pittsferry. Frankville Notes Frunkville, Feb. 9.-- Alexander Compo, of Athens, is engaged as sawyer in Wesley Sopher's mill logs are coming in fast. Burton Barber and W, M. Hanton are in To- ronto as delegates from Kitley Agri- cultural Society to the Good Fair Association, which takes place there, | Miss Anna Anglin, B. A. of June- | town, has been engaged as teacher for the year. Mrs. T. Venorman, of Brockville, has been visiting at her daughter, Mrs. Reverent A. E. Hag- ar. -- Newburgh Runaway Newburgh, Feb. 10---Much excitement was caused here to-day, when a team of horses owned by J. O"Ray, of Cen tréville, ran away. Mr. O'Ray had! taken @ load of logs to the saw mill, | and was unloading them when the horses became frightened at the saw and dashed down the* street. They wade a determined effort to get away, and on their mad career upset the logs. "ihe sleigh was afterwards over turned, and Mr. O'Ray was thrown against a telephone pole and received serious injuries. One leg was badly David Reid lost "10nd of young people, chaperoned by * Mr. j and bis left ann also suffered, [£ The horses suffered slight cuts and the sleigh was badly damaged Happenings at Morven Morven, Feb, 9.---Sleighing is somewhat Improved since the recent snow and rain. B. Jackson who sold Nis place to Mr. Brandon has taken possession of the place that he bought of A. VanSlyck further down the Yark road. The sawing machine is here doing up odd jobs. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Smith and little son Wilfrid, have returned from Boston, where they spent a month visiting their sons. W. R. Purdy's sale on 23rd of January was largely attended and things sold well, James Curran lost a two-year-old heifer for which he had been offered fifty dollars, The young people are practising for a .concert. ---- Notes From Salem Salem, Feb. 10.--Mrs. Charles Kemp, who has been very ill, is im- proving. Several from here attend- ed the Sunday school convention at Albury last Friday. The monthly meeting of the W, M. 8S. will be held at the home of Mrs. C. Carp- rike on Wednesday afternoon. H. White, Albert college, conducted ser- vices in Salem church on Sunday. Charles Kemp is able to be out after a few days' illness. Everett Mycott has purchased a gasoline engine. Robert Stapelton, Stouton, Sask. has been visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, Lont Centre were recent visitors at E. Wycott's. Harrowsmith Happenings Harrowsmith, Feb. 9.---A jolly and Mrs. Elgin Babcock drove to the home of William Dayis, Mur- vale, on Thursday evening, Febru- ary 3rd. A good time was spent with cards After refreshments all joined in singing old familiar melo- dies. Miss. Dollie Phillips uuder- went an operation in Kingston gen- eral hospital for cancer last Thurs- day. Miss James Coper has return- ed home after spending two weeks with friends at Godfrey, Miss Flora Stewart is visiting in Montreal. Dr. Alfred Lockhart, now resident of Toronto about last week in the vil- lage. Mrs. Aleck Irvin, Murvale, spent a day last week with her aunt, Mrs. J. Clow. News From Forest Forest, Feb. 6.--The dance held in Sydenham hall by the young men of Sydenham and vieinisy, was a grand success. A number from here attend- ed, the hockey game in Sydenham be- tween Sydenham and Battersea, with the usual result, Sydenham victorious. A load of high school students and a number - fcom Forest called on Archi- bald Trousdale on Wednesday evening last and had an enjoyable time. They were chaperoned by Mr. Trousdale's aunts, Mrs. Joyner and Mrs. Hamil- ton: Neil O'Connor had returned to Cobalt, after a visit at his home. Misy Jennie Nichols, of Rockwood. staff, spent Sunday at her home. Mrs. Ben- son Clark at her father's, A. Kavan- EAKS A BAD COLD INA JEFY 1 TRY 1 ends cold in a few hours t stay stuffed-op! You can end grippe and break up a severe cold either in head, chest, body or limbs, by taking a dose of "Pape's Cold Compound" every two hours until three doses are taken. it promptly opens clogged-up nos- trils and air passages in the head, stops nasty discharge or nose run- ning, relieves sick headagke, dull ness, feverishness, sore throat, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit bHiow- ing and shuffling! Ease Your throb- bing head-'-nothing else in the world gives such prompt relief as "Pape"s Cold Compound." which costs enly 25 cents at any drug store. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, and causes no inconvenience. Be sure you get the genuine. Kelly is visiting Miss Myrtle Ray- of Miss Beatrice ner, Miss Katie friends in Westport. mond is the guest Kelly. Reynoldston Reports Reynoldston, Feb. 9.--Miss Nellie .Jei- frey and Ralph Botting were quietly marrietl at Parham by Rev. Mr. Top- ping, on January 27th, and their friends are pleased to know that they will still reside here. James Jefirey is confined to the house, owing to injur- ies received by the upsetting of a load of hay. Frederick Haddock is supply- ing the school with wood. A. Rey- nolds is drawing wood to Verona. Mrs. Pero had a bee drawing wood from H. Moore's last week. Miss Edna and Edgar Genge, of the Kingston Busi- ness College, spent the week-end at home. Mrs. John Moore, of North Bay, is visiting. her parents and other relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. A. Leslie, at A. Reynolds'; Mrs. D. C. Snider, at Leslie's; Miss Myrtle Botting, at home. At Perth Road Perth Road, Feb. 10.--The rural telephone line, 'which has been out of order for the past week, is again in repair. Many of the people are cutting ice.' A pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Babcock by a number of the young folks on February 5th. Many of the young people attended the skating party on H. Campbell's swamp on Thursguy evening. Meth- odist service was held in Maple Leaf school house Sunday afternoon, as usual. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Darling. Opinicon, at William Ritch- jes; Mrs. J. Raymond at Mrs. Wm. Ennes; Mr. and Mrs. William Shales, ir. and Messrs, Walter and John Shalés at William Shales", sr.; Ralph McDonald is visiting friends at Maple Leafs. Herman Johnston has returned home from the Ennis i ---- Tearand Coffee hd pa Any analytical chem that tea and coffee contai Caffeine--an alkaloic headaches, drinking. An ordinary wup of te of tannin. coffee troubles is to quit It is absolutely free (roasted) and a small per Postum----must be w ages. . . Instant Postum----a soluble "ip a cup of hot water, with cream and sugar, makes a delight- ful beverage instantly. 30c and The cost per cup of both kinds is about the same. 45 a ' "" : ¢ ~ "There's a Reason" for POSSUM ! ~--sold by grocers everywhere. oh 3 Made by Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd; Windsor, Ont. i 3 > res liver and kidneys, and upsets the nerves. ~ Tannin--a drug whic aetion upon the tissues of Sneiey ~~ « - J But the greatest test of all is made in thousands of homes where it is daily proven by personal experience that biliousness, heart irritation and nervousness are very often caused by tea or coffee 11-2 to 3 grains of caffeine, and from 2 to 7 grains Therefore, the simple, easy way out of tea and "and use the pure food-drink _ POSTUM . harmful substance. Made only from prime wheat um contains the rich, nutritious values of the - grain--is a genuine food-drink, _Postum comes in two forms: - POSTUM Tannin Nowa Be ist can prove by analysis n two harmful drugs-- | that irritates the heart, h produces an astringent the stomach and bowels. a indigestion, a or coffee contains from these harmful beverages from these drugs or any cent. of molasses. Post- well boiled. 15¢ and 25¢ pack- powder. 'A teaspoonful stirrtd 50¢ tins. mines. i Petworth Reports | Petworth, Feb. 9th.-- George Wat- | son has finished his contract of sup- plying the wood for the school Ww. C. Bradford at George Hughes. Miss Laura Martin spent a few days last wéek the guest of Mrs. M. Bradfard. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Benn at W. Good- berrie's. Mr. and Mrs. W, Whitty at I¥ Bradford Mr. and Mrs, Archi- bald Gowdy at James Gowdy's, Mos- cow: Mrs. M. Walker, Toronto, at her sister's, Mrs. J. Kerr's; Mr. and Mrs. T. Bradford at W. Huffman's, Moscow; Mr. and Mrs. John Kerr at Edgar Hughes; Manford Garrison at Mrs. R. Yeoman's; Mr. and Mrs. M. Bradford at George Hughes; W. Lambert at R. Wager's, Colebrook; Mr. and Mrs. Bushey at A Gowdy's The young people of this place at- tended the variety shower given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. John Garri- son at her father's, Mr. Buck, Mos- cow. ; The L. 0. L. No. place, is progressing favorably der the management of their master, D. R. Garrison. ---------- Pittsburg Township Council Fownship of Pittsburg, Jan. 31.- The council met at 2 pai. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting confirmed. Communication from chairman of the Municipal Franchise Referendum committee, Toronto, te enlarging the municipal act so as to include married woman taxpayers. Re- solved : "That it is belief of this council that the existing municipal franchise act should be enlarged to in- clude married woman taxpayers, and that a copy of this resolution be sent to A. Rankin, M.P.P., requesting him to support the bill when brought up in the provincial legislature." Tho auditors presented their report, which was 'accepted. The treasurer authoriz- ed to have 200 copies printed. - Ac- counts passed : Thomas McAuley, sta- tionary, £1.50; county of Frontenac, tile, 855; Whig, printing, $11.35; A. J. Cowan, 815; S. Patterson, $15 (audi- tors); elerk, account salary, $20; C. Day, drawing stone and repairing two culverts, $5; Dr. C, A. Morrison, medi- cal health officer, expenses to Toron- to, $22; James Barnes, twenty-two loads of gravel, $2.20. Adjourned usn- til first Monday in March. -- Bogart Doings Bogart, Feb. 10.--Skating is the order of the day. T. O'Connor re- turned home to Kingston, Tuesday, after spending a very enjoyable trip with Mr, and Mrs. John McGrath, and friends of Moira. A baby girl arrived at Mr, and Mrs. David Lock- wood's home. Mr. and Mrs. John Healy spent Sunday in Sulphide. Mrs. D. Akey is recovering from illpess. A McConnell, of Harrow- 1080, "of this un- new ter spending a week with his sister, Mrs. J. F. McGrath. Miss Lena Fen- lon spent Friday and Saturday visit- ing her brother, M. Fenlon. Mrs T. {O'Connor is spending a few weeks A few from here att.nded the euchre and dance, held in Erasville on Monday, and all reported an enjoy- able time. = Our teacher, Miss Neltle Larkins, spent Saturday and Sunday with ber parents at Larkins. Mr J. Quinn purchased twenty head of from J. Harrison. Tam- nell spent Tuesday Moira. smith returned home last weak, af=]ston has APERTURE SIGHT ON ROS RIFLE bh OLD SIGHT CONTRASTED WITH NEW--WHY MINISTER O58 [EE-ENFIELT OPEN SIGH? DEFIES THE BRITISH WAR OFFICE. These sketches show the old Lee-Enfield open Ross rifle aperture sight used in the Canadian service.. The war dered the discontinuance of this sight sulted in a declaration of defiance from How. Sam Hughes. sight and the newer office or- in contests at Bisley, which has re. If the Cana- dian sight is prohibited Canadian soldiers will not be sent to Bisley. on Saturday necessitated the ploughing out of the roads. The Masonic meeting on Saturday night was poorly attended on account of | the inclemency of the weather. Miss | Aunet Donoghue has returned home from London. A number here attended the ball | in Erinsville on Monday night and the euchre party in Chippewa on Wednesday night. Mr. Dillibeau, | assistant manager for the Fallon | Bros, Kingston, erected a handsome ! monument in the Cassidy plot: on | Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wil- son spent Sunday at his father's, | George Wilson, A large load of | Magons drove to Tamworth to the banquet there on Friday night. Dr. Benson, Napanee, was in the village on Saturday. Archie Mens Camden Kast, called at J. Fairbairne's on Thursday. E. H. Perry has return- ed home after a short sojourn in! Cloyne. The Perry Bros. are filling | ice houses. ---- At Washburn's Corners Washburn's Corners, Feb. 9. farmers here are hauling logs and wood. Joshua jioulton had a bee on Saturday drawing timber to Hab- len's Crossing, to. be shipped over! the B. and W. railway. Miss H.| Washburn's many friends here are) pleased to hear "she has returned | from St. Vincent de Paul hospital. | and that her health is much improv-| ed. E. I. Suffel attended the agricul- | tural convention 'at Toronto last | week. W. Goodbody went to Brock- | ville last week to take a position as | fireman on the G.T.R. H. Day, of| Gananoque Jonction, 'was a visitor in | this vicinity last week. The evangel- | ists are about to close their services | at Soperton. Their new field of la- | bor will be at Chantry. Mrs. W. G. | ~The ; Parish's many friends will be pleas- | ed to learn that ber health is improv- | ing at San Antonia, where Mrs, Par- | ish is at present. Mrs. W. Sherdan, | Soperton, is enjoying a visit with her ! brother, Mr. Roddick, from the west. | At Stella, Amherst Island Stella, Feb. 9.--- An interesting | game of hockey was played on Wed- | uesday afternoon on the rink at Stella by Parrott"s Bay, and Stella teams. The ice was in first class condition. At the finish the score stood 3 to 2 in favor of Stella. Aj play entitled, The Old New Hamp- | shire Home," in three acts was pre- sented on Wednesday evening, Feb- 4th, in Victoria hall, by a number of the members of the Anglican church. The performers acted their parts wéll before a very large audience. The C. O. F. hall held its annual] ball in' Victoria hall on Friday even- ing, February 6th. Ohlman's or- chestra, Bath, provided the music for dancing. The islanders are now | driving on the ice as far as Black's | Point, ' which makes quite short cut to the city. A number from here attended the Wolfe Island horse races last week. George Bulch and family are spending a few days in Pittsburg. Capt. C. Paterson, Buffalo, is visiting friends here. Ie Building at Picton Picton, Feb, 9.--Work is sti ing on in the building of the armouries. It seems as If build- ing operations could go on all the | year round, now, as the men, sev-! eral days last week, were seen to be busy on the roof of the fine new | building which is fast approaching completion. 3 This will make a great improve- ment to the main street of the town, being situated in a very central po- sition mext the public library and |! nearly opposite the post office and custom house. ! An interesting and exciting game | of hockey was played on Saturday evening on the Picton arena between the Picton and Trenton junior O. H. | A. teams. Picton finally secured | the honors by the odd goal, the score | being Picton 6, Trenton 5. Previ- | ously each team had won one game, this game necessary to decide the rubber. : > | Picton's popular mayor coufinues | to improve nicely after his recent siékness and operation for appendi- citis, « ¥ Il go- | new Budget From Bethany, » Feb. 9.~~William Cran-' commanced moving farming implements to bis farm at Sillsville, which he ¥ purchased from James , of that place. Joseph Hicks has purchased a new gasoline engine and sawing outfit. Several from this part sttended the enter- Gainment Send Hill on the 30th inst. Quite a number from Bar- at the 'Royal ee on the service was held on the 1st inet. \ been { mother. | tending the obseguies of I'Mrs. GG. W. Palner. {held in | GINPI t | wrong som onto with her sister, who was ill Mr. and Mrs.. AMred Kent. of Nap- { anee, spent Tuesday last at George Hawleys. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hawley spent last week at Camden | East, the guests of their daughter, Mrs. John Bryant. Miss Ida Joyce | spent a few days last week, with Mr. and Mrs, William Joyce, of Gretna. Miss Bessie Rombough, has return- ed to Toronto. H. H. Beacham spent a couple of days last week with friends in this vicinity, Held Temperance Meeting Canvifton, Feb. 10.--The sleighing is extra {ine here now. Mr. Tutt, whe recently purchased the blacksmith { shop here from Mr. Kerr, sold it to | Nr. { his boyhood days here and will be wel- Honeywell. Mr. Honeywell spent comed back. John Clement has erect- ed a new dwelling and Mr. Woodock, {of Foxboro, has purchased the home lately occupied by Mr. Clement. There has been an unusually large amount of sicknéss in our village this winter. At present on the list are: Charles Knees, Mrs. Charles Haight, Mrs. Gorman, Mrs. Males, Bruce Watds, Mr. Frizzell and A. Gonsolus. Our death record has been large also. The remains of the late Mrs. G. 'W. Palmer were placed in the Belleville cemetery vault to-day, to await inter- ment in the spring I'he funeral ser- vice was held in the Methodist church at two o'clock. In the removal of Mrs. Palmer, our village loses a kind- faithful and aflectionate wife' and Last week Mr. and Mrs, John Czechowski, who are engaged on the farm of Joseph Waldron, lost their six-month-old baby. The par- ents are from Sweden and had only been in this country about two weeks and could not speak a word of Eng- lish. Mr. Waldron and 'kind neighbors showed Christian spirit and extended the hand of brother love, On Fri- day the remains oi the late William Armstrong were laid - at rest in the Cannifton cemetery. Deceased leaves several small children. On the remains of the late Mr. Merritt, father of Mrs. Woodcock, were taken to Moira for interment/ On Monday the late Mrs. Lewis Keller Was buried here. John Bush and family have re- turned from Saskatoon. (ongratula- ! Lueille Pollard, who friends by slipping fuictl) getting married. . They Corbyville. Mrs. Robert Kingston, and My. and Rosevear, of Toronto, ane their aunt, A meeting of the temperance people of Thurlow was the yown hall here on Fri- day night, for the purpose of organ- ization. ~ Afyer much discussion and many wordy of commendation on the faithful and fearless services of our in- ¢pector, Rev. I. P. Mclonis, who is heartily fuppotted by. the best citizens of our Aownship, a committee of sev- eral yas appointed, having for its prosidfan Rev. Mr. Brown, bf Fox- boro,/ and secretary, Rev. Mr. Kemp, of Cannifton. 5 Can't Do Without Them Gin Pills the only things that keep him well, 'PrENCE River, Ont, "Enclosed please find soc. for which kindly send te a box of GIN PILLS, as 1 don't feel that I can remain lop without some of them in the house. § find them so that if, 1 am out of house seems. to be all .. Kindly send pills by return mail." RICHARD HAMLYN. 1f you have any trouble in getti GIN "PILLS in your geighl . write direct tb us, og the regular retail price, soc. a box, 6 for $2.50, and we will 611 your order by at the same time giving the name of a nearby dealer who | GIN PILLS. There is no other remedy in the world that acts so quickly and so effectively in y Pain 'in mail, in bookkeeping, GhonRE service, general improvement, and all commercial subjects. Rates moderate. Informas tion free. = HF. Metalf - Principal dustproof everyone 2 ET hor tt <a id to work Pal for the digestion--a tonic to | the whole system: | 7A Cube te a Cup "Earl St., near Division, "FOR SALE Earl 8t., near Division, brick Veneer ..........$1,900.00 brick veneer ex2++.$2,000.00 Division St., near Earl, brick veneer ........ $2,000.00 Division St. near Earl, brick $2,150.00 cleaners Sas aras was $10.54 Tuec. Stationary Vacuum cleaners. Estimates cheerfully given. The kind you are looking is the kind we sell Scranton Coal Dominion 'vacuum Is good coal eu prompt Saturday | return he fin Suppres- | i 1 1] 1 1 Why Are Your Neighbors So Happy ? Because the Wife Bought An EDDY'S WASHBOARD And Now--Wash day ig a joke, 1 All kinds of Washboards for all kinds of péople. ! GASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria AVesetable Preparation fords simriating jhe Food egula! Jingihe Stomach and Barc. of 2 ECT Bears the Promates Digestion Cheerfid Signature ness and Rest.Contains neiter | , Opium Morphine nor Mineral. of Not NarcorTic. { ea | | Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CRNTAUR SOMPANY, NEW YORK SITY, Aperfect Remedy for Conshipa aig Sour Stomach Diarthecs, Worms. Convulsions, Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. FacSimle Signature of . Te Cen TAUR CarMPpAXY MONTREALENEW YORK s "w ee ------ Sutherland's Big RED LETTER SHOE SALE A Sweeping Clearance of Our Winter Stock at 20% DISCOUNT OFF All Shoes Women's Queens Quality, E. P. Reid, Vassar, Slat- er, ete., Men's Astoria, Monarch, Slater. $6.00 Shoes for $4 80 £3.00 Shoes for $4.00 $4.00 Shoes for $3.20 Ete, 20 Per Cent Discount Off All Boy's & Girl's Shoes "Also 12 tables of shoes, where heavy buying has broken up the sizes, at greatly reduced prices, LH THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES