Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Feb 1914, p. 6

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C antea of Sweet Orafiges, 156, 20¢ And $0¢ & dozen Malaga Grapes, 20¢ a Ib. Bananas, 16¢c and 200 » . igs, 16¢ a Ib, Dates, 106 a Ib. #14 Prinéess se Phone 1408 . Thin men 'women who wonid to Increase pei: with 1 Dou ds of thy "stay re 4 i eating a little Sargol cir meals a while and note re- sults. Here i a good test worth try- ing. Pirst weigh yourself and measure yourself. Then take Sargol--ane tablet With every faeal--for fwo weeks, Then 0 welgh snd measure again: It fen't a question of how yon look ar feel or what your felends say and think. The sealed ald the tape measure will tel) their own story, and Iu any thin man or woman can easily add from i five, to eighty pounds in the firs t fone teen days by fellowing this simple i: | rection. And best of all, the new flegh grays put i Sargol does not of itself make Ar but mixing with your food, it turns the fats sugars and starches of yon have eaten, into rich, ripe fg ducing nourishment for the lood---prepares it in fated form which the bi necept All this nourishm passes from your body as waste, sargol stops the waste and doe quickly and makes the fat producing contents of the very same meals y nre satin now. develop pounds pounds of healthy flesh between and bones. "Bargol is fe, ple ficient and inexpe Druggiats sell it in forty tablets to a pack weight oN e hoxes-- on a4 guar. Inerease or moncy back, TO INSURE SUCCESS | IN YOUR BAKING Use only Couper's Baking Powder The Best that money can buy. [§/ D. COUPER | 341-23 Princess Street Phone 76 Prompt Delivery COAST SEALED OYSTERS -- Everything reduced 10 to 207, xg 5 Grand opportunity to save money. Iron Beds, $2.30, $3.50, $4.50 and up. Brass Beds, $11.50, $15.00, $18 and up. Springs and Mattresses, Dressers and Washstands, Chiffon- Jers in oak, mahogany, walnut, white 'enamel, at sale prices. R. J. REID last week | H. Dignem, 4 millfesd - from' Eganville,; Cidowell ' Station or Renfrew, Tor théir owh : Tequirements, though owing to the | very light crops, and the searcity of | fodder the number of live stock to |p HAVE TO TELL. {oe wintered over had been greatly! 2 reduced lust fall. A number: of | * Fron 3 arin larners are also engageed in dravy- | News Villages and a 8 ing sawlogs or shingle timber to J. | Miss Margaret Cochirane, a Graduate Throughout the Adjoining Couns|g [0 steam mill or in getting up fs and Move: | their sunply of frewocd. Mr. and | °F Kimgston Honpital, 3 \ Will Succeed Miss Margaret Mong. Mrs. William Drader, of Lampman, | are enjoying wn visit with rela- | The board of directors Ee) ow Runaing aud former neighbors in the vi- '5 he boas Sompital mit on Wilton, Peb. 1. "Wilton has a Stage © Miss Clara Fritsch, who en- day afternoon. Present, Ld Men running to Kingston once more, Wal- joyed a couple of months' rest with gonell, B. W. Robertson, Be shea L- ton Davy having recommenced and go-{ ner parents here at her old home, conpeil, I. McBratmoy, Miss Macdon: ing three times a week. Baxter Guess phas lel agalu for New York to re- oy) Dn' Gibson, Dr. Nilbom, Dr. F. entertained the Preshyterian choir at {#MMeé her duties as a professional Ryan. the home of his #ister, Mis, Burt, on |DUsre. Adam McLellan has arrived "Loo reported that the amount we Monday evening. AMr.Guess will go |8&uin from Renfrew to spend the val from the sale of Christmas to Kingston gemeral hospital this week | Dalance of the winter / with his go 0 ne had now reached a totsl of for treatment. Mrs. Lawrence, Sy-} daughter spd son-in-law. MF and ghee" Recent donations to this a denham, and Mr. and Mrs. Exnest | Mrs. J. 8. Lane. Albert Tuweed oo, 0 subscriptions of $5 each Day, Harrowsmith, have been visiting | 88d fiily dre moving on the farm goo Wap 00 76 . Drury (Montreal) at Alte. Burt's. A large number irom lately purchased by Bim wear Snake Mrs Brownfield, bir and MF; Meigh- here attended the tea and concert at Oreck. Charles Both ls away ob & op "ok Path £ ii > et Yarker on Monday evening. DRsine 8 trip to Arapriro and Ofta A cheque ior $100 was wiv from fii ai the o> E. Loyaiist chapter of the \ : : i Daughters of the Empire, Napanee, this Wot Tawnshiy Conn n being the annual tribution for the rife Island, Feb, 2. upg 8 » gMmial, to erect his new barn which will be | council met at 10.30 a. m Meom- ie natin etoite Fo . when completed one of the fipest in | bers all | present. Minutes lust gq 1.0.0.F., Napsduee. the vieinity. V. Bamford Is erect- | necting read and confirmed. Steam Mis Murgaret Cochrane was ap- ing a new work shop. A number | sont accounts passed:--M. O'Shea, pointed superinendent to succond Miss from here attended the C. M. B. A. | | monih captain, $70; J. Kennedy, Margaret Moag, her duties to hegin ball. W. B. MeDonald spent a few | ! month engineer, $50; James Davis, Feb 15th. Mics Cothrane: has had anys visiting Friends in Marys Lh dass nate, § ; E Kelly, 35 experience as superintendent in a hos ville. Schoo is progressin y: ireman, a Ho elly, sital in Montreal. antl has been acting- { ; de e able man- laying up, ; George Ratary, pita on Ini BL, an \ i LE ny _ Be nS Miss | | rs - : 3 69; John Craw hp os S Te Chl Moai a. Nora O'Brien spent a few days 5 days deck hand, $12.50; Nngston Recontly ghe has oo. with friends jo Marysville, MéeDonald, 10 days deck hand, ng Phvaie murs can the city ang who was threatened with Henderson 15 days well and favorably known 10 many 5 i " agai vo of the supporters of the hospital pleari i able to be around again. ry, The infec ol the tata] is Migs Stella McDonald is visiting at | meals, rmsirong, i | ne infiemary.of the hospital i /. G. Dignem"s. J. McDonald id | 14 days layi Jackson And there are but three xaeant building a new wharf. Prags, printing Swift the cottages I'wo application ' nd comp admission to the infirmary are hand, and these patients ate the first vacancies to be admitted. Some of the young cattle have been wold to give place for a better qual ity of stock. During the month of lanusiry over fiity dozen of eggs were laid by hens belonging to the hospi tal, which number about sixty. This is sufficiently encouraging to warrant the extension of the hen house so that the hospital may be supplied entirely ) fowl. In the month hundred dozen eggs MOWAT TAL St. Lawrence Wolfe Island St. Lawrence, Wolfe Island, Feb. 10.--G. A. Rattray has commenced Municipal took full boas for Notes From Entervrise t on and Enterprise, Feb. 9.-A. Walker, of nd Toronto, is spending a fow days in En terprise. Emerson Snyder has moved to Larkins, whece he intends working | on the railroad. Miss Evelyn Wagar and Mrs, Thompson called on 1. M Loucks, who was sick with grippe, roeve last wee Mra, HI. M. C. Wagar has HE ent returned home, after visiting a week with her son, Cyrus Wagar. Mr. and ibility in fire Mrs. I. M. Loucks spent one day last Walle week at I. Loucks". Mr Alice Mae | Mhile Winterg in the vi gregor and family spent Sunday at | heir property M. Loucks'. Mr ntends going | Paid: 15 to Toronto again, leaving levine oad o Loucks as 'manager of the store ; Mr. {HB : ns onretakey maint indigent patients. and Mrs. Jacob Loucks spent Thurs 8 caretaker t 1. M. Loucks ). J n, paid M. Dolan r hain was that the pre wisions of he pr oy T ih poi aE, k or are not working satisfactorily Nye. rim Os hig ors . a "We Iter the best gjnterasts of those pa Se oy 1 Ra Fel) 7 to. tt tients - who most need the eare avhich Snyder has belleville to = t woBnital afor Sires od "th e Hegre re. Mra. Rowland he hospital aft wds. Ti was suggest oy a ! howe Trer ed that Dr. E. Ryan and br. J. ( Bas Be edli ~ Wag e x a r the Connell should find an opportunity 10 on. Sydney Wagar, who is in 1 ! Hun t y ) Q yomts involved with th general hospital, is improving Mrs eS the Dat a ive With. the Johannalh Wagar, of Wagarville, is a visiting in Faterprise. A baby boy has come to stay at the home of By ron Sparks. for Nn Harry V Hist presented by the wmpany rewvieving them from aceur 1slander Loot case of HS owl same the steauier one were inity of count bushing udds, bush- Simcoe, $0 used there wis an 'informal discus the relations between the hospi he municipalities in regard to Towt Ip we (ree om on Black nwood, ; George | ance of g 500 Iritis This tion t law on | BE suc. Bril hig, el 3 on win york on road, Ysemp, stone fer ro fork on road, | te. for roc | charity to Norris, | Moved, Mk yn. | 'hac the reeve, Dr. Spankie, t { «s hereby appointed manager of the | teamer Wolla Islander for the se: | on 3514, with rull power to ac Trevelyan Briefs | his council would have power to lo the u 1 onall " Trevelyan, Bab. 10. A nuns] ping and manegewment of the ste rom here attended a roy ¥ |r and her trips; 2nd hat the Thomas Renen's, MeIntosh Mills, | oi Lire the ite and deck hao Friday evening Miss Hanh Leiter, subject to arrangement with = the Epent, tho rool ong in a A Eis manager, with autherity to dismiss and Mrs. "Je flood spent 8 © any or all of them at a ime for in Caintown Jith Mr and pss. I. | disobedience, Misconduct "or inedfic- Qabey. Mr. on Dai . XE rT {lency and to submit the names of yoar. Sunday st & Org { , o | (hose appointed by him: to the man. | Mills le A At North Green ad R. t tor approval at early a dete | (the residence Dixie spent "Mone in Brockville as possible. Carried. Hesolved } knock or We are pelased to learn Mrs. James | fu the appointment of captain and Hijacked from Warren is improved in health Mr { other officers for the steamer Wolfe rh Ror Donald Patience and Sister -~ Arour {ytander be deferred to next meeting. | yred eight ton visited Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Leed- | pocgicad that the following dog tax ol the y - geeenLly. vi 2 Fenlkind 46 parti M having Ho to 1303 he was an Leeder's: M. J $1 wach, Council adjous \ a in Mngland, Miss Nellie Slack, Watertown, fir t Monday in Maren o ne 5 o the J. H. Fulford, Brockville, has com- Messrs Mayme Anglin, Celiz Flood 2 " pn , #8 @ MM. | pieted thirty-three years of service as Mayine Leeder and Charles Leeder, G . . EE . agent for the Grand Trunk railway. Melntosh Mills: Messrs, John Flood, Sardine Factory for Jerusalom John W. Ridgeway is his competeat Fred Anglin, Stauley Leeder, Mcln Jerusalem, Feb. 12.--A company | assistani tosh Mills: Messrs. "Clint" Wash- | is about to be formed to run a sar- James Emest Carley, a member of burn and Edmond Hefferen, Athens: canning factory on the Sea | the stali of the Canada Carriage com- Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Leeder, Treve- [of Galilee, A local newspaper says | pany, and Miss -Roselma Marguerite Iyan; Ar. Fred Leeder, Trevelyan; | there are great shoals of sardines in | Sawers, both of Brockville, were mar Mo 3, Johan and Vincent Flood, |thig section, and a remunerative in- | ried on Tuesday. I'revely Mr. Donald Patience and dustry can be established if a con- C. H. Baker, Counsecon, fell pear the Sister Warburton cession can be obtained { Bellaville post office, on Monday -- The natives, who ade 'extremely | micht, and sustained a fracture of the Denbigh Doings poor, would benefit greatly by such, left arm, He also lost his pocket-book Denbigh, Feb, 7 an industry ontaining 819 Went sleighing quiet wedding took place at Red- ers have made on February 4th. The con with most of parties were William J. Alli conditions While in most of vadionga, and Mrs. Letitia er winters it took up all their spare Albury, Amehashurg =~ town- time to haw away and deliver their surplus hay and oats to near or dis- tant lumber camps, or taking their rane wheat to the mill to lap up theic sup- | tvaoen ply of flower for the season, many of Corporal them are this winter engaged in] ROCHA, drawing flour, pressed hay, oats and | rank of gone to 1 1 Laren-M DISTRICT DASHES, News Clipped "From "Our Many Ex. changes. Belleville's population is 11,593, an of '692 for the past year. The in ten years has bhéen 3,852. V ( ke, B.A., was unani- pastorate of the for the fourth niatters pertaining cap t Norsa se werease avi Faberuacle, o the Belleville, i & telephape in. ager J Crimmon was he wall by Tuceday's died in London, Eng., four years. He establish- Pre scott Telegraph. From 1873 { be agent of Ontario visitors at R. J. | 4g, O'Grady, Warburton; | N. Y:: dine There has been lately use el them under ex and farm en -------- ville, Help the poor by attending tea and | ner sale" at Knights of .Columbus hall | tracting tharsday, 3.30 to Hu p.m Ad on, | sion, 10¢, Clugston Jenkins consi hot ii -Broe Barrie and Di on street. Saddler H, Fields of the| nas be en promoted to thei Mae a Sergeant Saddler. iR > rigp, N wood form- mis Bro: purchased | sting of four ane of street, be-! Wel uenr has : Mrs was the event on January eldest daughter, ited in marriage to a boro. the b Mr. and Newhoro, James scene Ath, who We have a pice' assortment , at unoderate ble for aky room ts, 70c and up. Reflex NRE "CURE TY HOWOREY. a - p smokin of co hulls. The cigarcite etre instituted a , (left) du his Moboken rudd 'room, has ie 2 such attents now capacity business, - Lotters Eine OIE Tacky bul amen and men of to suffocatioy, in an effort to Fo anil themselves of the fee cure dlinics in tt room. The patients after baving holes al silva for use ay & mouth wash und are also supplied with wentlan roots which diny Gun (seate d) writing w We * "histories" of the cases, g Sthey Bertha" Joost of Ii HONORS TREMEX OUSLY DEAR Coronets and Robes With Necessary Fees Cost Thousands London Chironicie, Thousands of dollars ar: being paid for the patents for New. Year peerages. The cost of a peorage varie: far as fees and insignia are aon corned, but & pew peer would be for- tunase if Ne escaped under $£2.504, Apart from the fees paid io ihe Excheguer and the Heralds' Colloge, there 5 such things as coronets and robes to 'be considered. A coronet may never he needed, for It is worn ouly at a coronation. It costs from $1,500 to $2.000 or more. , It is said that many used at the last two cor- ounations were afterwards returned to their makers. The robes are wore often used, he- ing vogpired. al state funciions, such as the opening of parliament. They cost from $200 to $250. Lavge Amounts Paid The umount of the fees paid to Heralds' College depends upon the recipient of the honor. The coat of arms costs $380, but there are other incidentals such as quarterings and supporters, which entail munch re- search and expenditure, The fees payable by knights bach- elors were abolished in 1904, und those in connection with' the taking up of a title in abeyance were fixed at $500. It has been suggested that the recipient of an honor wust be in pos- sessfon of a certain sum of money, but this is incorrect, A new peer is aot required Lo possess large estates, ut po honor would be granted to Ine nol in u porition to support it. Many peerages have been declined recause of the extra expenditure would necessitate. now tne Clergymen Suffer Most Still, no layman'is ever muleted in this way to such an extent as clergymen when raised to the Epis- opal Hench Sir MHeory 3.ucy re ates that when Dr. Magee ; made Archbishop of York in 1881 "he haa to pay in fees an aggresate smun of lose an £8 There was the crown ive, whence issued the comge 'elire; the Home Office, which re- :eived IL and charged accordingly; «he Board of Green Cloth, 'which luimed homage fees amounting to -30; the Lord Great Chamberiain, ~vhose emissary extracted £10 from he Archbishop on kis way to take iis seat; the Dean and Chapter, who sot lees for everything, aod' then 'ha 1 20 guineas fob the bell-ring- rand £13 14s 8d for the choir. finally a sum of £28 was exicted. on he hapless Archbishop iaking his wat in the House of Lords are GRAND OPERA HOU SE *rimrose and Dockstader's Minstrels Gave Fine Performance A good-sized "audience witnessed the fine performance givem at the irand 'last night by Primrose and Jookstader's minstrels. It was without doubt the best minstrel en- eriaimment ever given here. Prim- rose and Dockstader, although well tp in years, are as eniertaining: as aver. Primrose danced remarkably well, while old Lew is as good In nonologue as one could wish.. He jo off some good comment on local nen and affairs. Both these old- imers sang several of the old songs Bat were welcomed as old friends. A number of new and interesting eustures were jatroduced by mem- ers of the company. "The Six Jrowe Hrothers" iu their musical et were perhaps the most popular. (ho production concluded with Primrose's "Down Home," depiet- ng a levee-at New Orleans, darkies rely irning from the cotton fields and "Down Home." Edison Talking Pictures The Edison talking pictures will be seen again at the Grand to-night, Friday and Saturday. The pic- were withdrawn on Wednesday ening to make way for the min- stred entertainment, "Her Own Money" After ita long engagement in New York City, "Her Own Money" by Mark Swan, with Julia Dean in the 'eading role, will be an attraction at the Grand on Monday, February 16sh. : While "Her Own Money," is a comedy, with its scenes and situat- ions and ditlogua all combining to make one of the most amusing pre- ductions of the last ten years, it had as it 'basis an important and vital idea. Miss Dean appears as Mrs, Alden, a young wife, who, in attempting to induce her husband to gomprehend and appreciate the pure- ly feminine view of domestic affairs, suddenly finds herself confronted-hv CLASSIC IN HELENA MAID Miss Hays of Grecian Type -- Her ' Beauty is Without Flaw Whe Measured by Laws of Ancient Greece, Says Hamilton Wolf. Helena, Mont., Feb. 12.--While Montana women are noted for their heauty, Treasure State there two who have been selected as t Edith Hayes, ! entire history of the ne have beea but 1 To Miss es of the Venus de Milo. 0 Rin formerly of Helena, ater of Billings, and now of Los cles, falls the distinction of hav- gwd gelocted by Hamilton Wolf, a noted artist and portrait painter of | Los Angeles, measured by the aucient ( as without flaw when laws of Hayes has a wide ireece. Mins civele of friends 4n Buite, of Ceo. A. Miss Bthel Hayes is the daughter Hayes, assistant stale treasurer, under State Treasurer T. B. i © schools. i I mercial Bank Billings. classic 1. Collins from 1897 to 1501 and secretary of state from 1801 until 405. During her residence in Hel- na Miss ayes attended the public {n 1905 she removed to 1 ih her parents, and two vears io -be entered the Los An- eles scaool of art and design. Her rather is now manager of the Com- and Trust company, of She is just 21 years old. Here are some of the requisites of beauty, according to Hamil- ling ton Wolf, the famous artist and por- t 0 rait painter: Strength of chargeter; correct proportion; distinction; col- r. Discussing the Montana girl's MOTHER LOSES IN APPEAL New York Appellate Court Rules ° Against Mrs. Piexotto New York, Feb. 12.--Teachers who become mothers neglect their duties to the public schools of New York and should pot expect to hold their positions. This, (hk efféct, was appellate division of the supreme sourt in unanimously reversing the case of Mrs. Bridget Plexotto, whom Justice Seabury had ordered rein. stated with full salary and interest Mrs. Piexotto was dismissed as a 'aacher {n April of last year on the technical charge of neglect of duty. In appeal to the courts the teacher et forth that she was not dismissed 'or neglect of duty, but for the spe- ;ific reason she absented herdelf to jecome a mother. The appellate court rules that Mrs. Piexotto should have sought relief irom the state commissioner of edu- ation, and not in the courts, but sven if called upon' to determine the #5ué It would rule the board of edu- 'ation properly could find "neglect of duty" in the absence for whatever reason or cause. The decision in part says; "It may be observed, however, that we regard it as exceedingly doubtful whether in any view of tho evidence, the majority commitiee re- port or the action of the board would warrant a decision that the relator (Mrs. Piexotto) was not removed on the ground of neglect of duty." -- ---- New Species of Trout | beauty, Artist Wolf is quoted as say- | ing: of her hair to the curve of her 8 perfect ; long Every line, from the graceful wave ankle, the breadth of the shoula- re, the broad, undulating waist, the lines of the limb, all mark her « a prototype of the Greek lady who | pos sed for the Venus de Milo. i black and whi beautiful? Mi test 1 and 1 hope to mike before it is sent to the will make The test of a woman's beauty is-- {f vou knew her in cold, merciless Xt would she still he Hayes hears that Miss Hayes picture that, salon in Paris, | our beauty-loving people { am going to paint realize how far from the great ideals of the masters they have strayed Long Point Budget Long Point, Feb. 10.-- Miss Jennie Moorehead, who has been visiting at John L ws, Gananoque, visited at Mrs. S. ¥ returned to and C. Bev- Moorehead's, has ansdowne. Messrs. F. jurns on Tuesday. Charles O'Con- nor made a business trip to Brock- Vv i t Free at Sand Bay on Monday. I t f Mr. Hill's Tarin "at and Mrs. J. 1 Weeks bas. rented a f iting at John Town miah Townsend, day. ille ow Tuesday. Miss Elva Warren s soriously ill. Some from here at- ended the funeral of the late James Mulvena, Charleston, is vis- | Moorehéad's. David send visited his brother Jere- Brockville, on Tues- Miss. Jennie Moorehead has re- urned to 1ansdowhe. after vigiting rieuds here. . Haskins has rented Berryton. . Mr. Singleton vitited at on Tuesday. Chris. farm in Cali- ornia, and expects to move soon. iattie ansgowne Miss Eileen O'Connor is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. J. Flood, Delta. Tye, here L Jos. called on the people week. Miss Kate A assessor, this rained nurse, is taking cgre of Miss | Elva Warren. and John R. Miss Helen Dargavel Dargavel, M.P.P., Elgin, were guests at tea on Tuesday at C visiting at. Sweet's Corners. has. O'Connor's. Miss Lena Tye is Recent visitors: Mrs, R. Moorehead, Outlot, J a J Delta, L C. O!Connor's; AMoorehéad, Warren's; at Mes. 8. Burns'; and J man, Seabrook's; and Mrs. at W, ones, Warren's; Mr. and Mrs. H. Elligville, at C. Week's; Mr. George Reed, Qutlet, at Moorehead's; Percy Flood, Mr. and Mrs. H. McArdle, yndhurst, F. Bevens, Gananoque, at Mr. and Mrs. Will Sweet's Corners, at W. George Sterry, Lyndhurst, Rev. Mr. Curtis Seeley"s Bay, at Townsend's; Dr. Alva Chap- Reston, Man., at Mrs. Susan Misses Blanche McKin- ohn Mrs. Curtis, ames ley and Dorothy Berry, Berryton, at J. Singleton's. v and E Lyndhurst Reports Lyndhurst, Feb. 11.--The stork isited the home of V. Landon left a little daughter. Miss Iva Warren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Warren, passed peace- fully away night of year of her age, Lyndhurst was visit € two o'clock. It for a a crisis which thréglens to end with divorcee. Mrs. Alden voices the plea of all | wives everywhere for a lowance"--for a fair share of the | family income with which to defray | ily and household expens.s. Mrs. an is perfectly willing to dole out money as his wife | not until lomestic Justice of his wife's demand for the| "allowance." The Aldens, the ~Heechers, Mrs Alden's younger sister and her; fiance and others concerned are all genuinely peal persons, humorously and dramatically varving aitiindes of wives, company of well known players, cluding Helou lee Mabel Car uthiass,, Maud Durand, Lionel Adams, W Wilson and Philip Tead. All Star Cast in 'Fine Feathews" Wilton, Lackaye, of ths famous all} star cast in "Fine Feathers," which ic coming to the Grand Opera House Thursday night, February 19%h is known. as America's foremost wit, | and his brilliant remarks and spas-| taneous epigrams are repeated on { the Strand as often as they are on (Broadway. Mr. Lachaye is acknow- ledged os one of the leading players of the English-speaking stage. Watch Gilbert's Padvie. sod Bon time sud slop crosking about High of. ML th, ® catiacwond aa lo! to Kingston op Thursday morning spend a few days. | © White Rose flour for all purposes. | the! he St oS th Sew at an early hour on the the 9th, in the eighteenth after a long illness. ed by an earth- iuake today .at t y minutes to thicgs lively Mr. andi Mrs. made few seconds. Willa Flood "and litle daughter, b "regular al- arjnes, cousin's, R. R. Guinn, of Warren's jare calling on friends around Lynd- wrst, R. R. Phillips, of St. is this week a visitor at his Tate's. Mr. and Mrs. Milestone, are at Mrs. J. for a short time. A soc ul | was held alt Richard Singleton's on Cath requests it but, | Friday might for the benefit of Rome felicity is in- missions. R. R. terrupted, can he understand the Hips drove to Berryton to- = Tate and R. spent the day, with relativ. saw mille are doing a rushing busi- uess bushand aud on Wednesday; Miss Dean is supported By a range irom twenty Six in- degrees below "zero. ) en mem So-- White Rose flour put up in 7, 22, cellecting 19, 98 Ib. packages at all grocers. The thermometer dropped still lower reports of temperature to thirty-four 0 tins Fremch st lo peas alter doz., at Uilbert's busy stores. | {1s a most brought For Wme years several very esting specimens of trout have taken in the lakes that are found in ithe boundaries of Algonquin Provin- [cial (Ontario) Park, situated in ihe "Highlands of Ontario," 200 miles north of Toronto, 170 miles west o: iOttawa and 250 miles west of Mon treal, During theiyear 1913 specimens wer in from Delano Lake, within a fow miles of the "Highland Tum," situated at Algonquin Park station on the line of the Grand Trunk rajlgay These spociviens resembled both {salmon and speckled trout, so much 80 that the superintendent of the park sent one of the specimens to Prof Prince, of the fisheries department, Oi tawa, who is probably the best au thority on 'fish culture fn America { Prof. Prince's report on this specimen interesting one to anglers Inte been {and reads as follows : Trout), [the "Tha specimen of peculiar trout hav, been carefully "examined and it really appears to be a hybrid, namely, the Brook Trout and Grey Trout (or Lake The dental features amd the nature of the vomer, as well as the peculiar volor and the shaps of the tail, all indicate a combination of two species, which, as is well known, are mow ®eparated further than they used to be. The Brook 'Trout and the Lake Trout were at ono Miss | i { Christivomer. | | time inoluded under the same Genus {Salvolinus, but they appear to be now separated into two Genera, the grey trout being put into the Cepus A hybrid specially con- separate Gemera is a remarkable and exceedingly interest- ing occurrence, 1 am most interested in this specimen and intend to Jook linto the question further as the na- ture of the egg and the features of liybridisation are #0 YeMAYRabls Bien: tifionlly that it is worth while trying some experimental work to see if the hybrids can be produced artibeially." nected with two Col. Sam Hughes intends to create an organization of power boat flects for defensive purposes on the great lakes. : 7 RE Areta- DR. DeVAR'S FRENCH PILLS ii: gulating Pill for Women. $5 a box or three for fin; Sold set's id Htores, or mailed to any address on recelpl of price. Tie ScoszLl Drie Co, Si ( ethariies, untario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN, Vitality; for Nerve and Emin; increases "grey matter': o Tonle will build you up. 3 a boy, or two for $5 at deng stores, or by mall ou rescint of price. . THR ScoBrLy Dura Co. St. Catharines, Ountarin 'Sold at Mahood's Drug Store." ( OUR FRESH GROUND OOF. \ FEE AT 40c. CAN'T BE BEAT Try a sample order and be Vim sna convinced. NOLAN'S GROCERY, . one 187" ER per, J Scranton Coal Co's Coal Selected from the celebrated Richmond No, 4 and Ontario No. 1 Mines, the best .Anthracite Coal Mines in Pennsylvania. Place your order with | THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL C0. North End Ontario Btrees. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA // INCORPORATED 1289 Capital Authorized . Capital Paid Up Reserve Funds ; © $ 25,000,000 11,680,000 12,000,000 $25 Branches Throughout Canada. Savings Department at all Branches, Loroon, FORO cs Fark Ld s--~Frinces SE. KINGSTON BRANCH, - © NEW YORK AGENCY Cor. Williaa and Cedar $s. €. E NEWMAN, Manager. the ruling made the other day by the . Ee AL

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