Automobile Co. Queen and Magot Streets. We Guarantes Satisfaction : --WE SELL -- Scranton Coal Co's Coal trom the celebrated Richmond No. 4 and Ontario Ne. 1 Mines, the best Anthracite Coa! Mines in Pennsylvania. Place your order with THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL CO. vorth End Ontario Strees FOR Earl St., near Division, brick veneer ..........$1.900.00 Bar] St., near Division, brick veneer .... $2,000.00 Division St., near Barl, brick veneer ..... $2,000.00 Division St. near Earl, brick veneer ..... $2,160.00 Dominion vacuum ~ cleaners al EA RR AE $10.50 Tuec. Stationary Vacuum cleaners, Estimates cheerfully given. H. 8. CRUMLEY | Theind you are looking is the kind we sel Scranton Coal odd ad ve grt on Booth & Co. Foot of West Street pre Kingston Cement Products Factory cement blocks sills, bricks and lintels always on hand st reasonable prices. Anything I ee mation and Pirie es and Pa Gorner of Phone 1304 Manager - N. F. Norman eee CRAAAALLLLALALLALAAALARMANS { | 70 INSURE SUCCESS | IN YOUR BAKING se only Couper's Baking Powder The Best that money can buy. D. COUPER 341-3 Princess Street Phone 76 Prompt Delivery COAST SEALED OYSTERS of Orrine for Drink Habit TRY IT AT OUR EXPENSE We are in earnest when we ask vou to give ORRINE a trial. You have nothing to risk and everything to gain, for your money will be re- turned if after a trial you fail to get results from ORRINE. This offer gives the wives and mothers of those who drink to excess an opportunity to try the ORRINE treatment. It is a very simple treatment, can be giv- en in the home without publicity or loss of time from business, and at a small price ORRINE is prepared in two forms: No. 1, secret treatment, a powder; ORRIN No. 2, in pill form, for those who desire to take woluntary treatment. Costs only $1.00 a box. Come in and talk over the matter with us. Ask for booklet. G. W. Mahood, cor, Princess and Bagot Streets. Herbert J. 8. Dennison _REGISTERED ATTORNEY, 18 King Street West, Toronto, Pa- tents, Tréde-Marks, Designs, Cupyright, protected every- where; eighteen years' exper fence. Write for booklet, Seal of Approval. Zutoo has made good. Zutoo has made itself indispensable to thousands who never before used a head: ache remedy, By sheer force of its me-it, i? has over- come the prejudice which these persons had against it because they thought all headache cures were alike. They wow kuow that Zutoo is different "The Brew that Grew" Labatt's London Lager Selling fast because made right THE TRUE FLAVOR-==AND Pure. TRY IT! LABATT'S ! INDIA PALE ALE XXX STOUT Made and matured in the old way THZ IDEAL BEVERAGES JOHN LABATT LIMITED LONDON, CANADA 30 JAMES McPARLAND AGENT 339.341 King Street vast Whenever you feel a headache coming on take NA-DRU-CO Headache Wafers "They stop headaches promptly and surely. Do not contain opium, morphine, pharacetin, acetanilid or other dangerous 25¢c. a box at your Druggist's. NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED. drugs. 128 Why Are Your Neighbors So Happy ? Because the Wife Bought An EDDY"S WASHBOARD And Now--Wash day is a joke. All kinds of Washboards for all kinds of people. LADIES' and MEN'S, BOYS | + and GIRL'S Hockey Shoes _ AT VERY LOW PRICES. "BUY YOUR SKATING SHOES { Treaigold Cycle and Sporting Goods Co. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1914. TTT pi fro " = h we i WOMEN, AS GENERAL RULE, ARE NOT GOOD GAMBLERS --, Carried Away and Maddened by De- sire for Gain, They Play Reck- lessly. I. 8. Pullegtor in American Magazine "Pew women are good gamblers. They are carried away and madden- ed by the desire for gain, and bridge coming ag a 'society, game reached them. It has developed a class of female card sharps thd furnishes the police with a naw problem, Chicago police have listed nearly two score clubs where women sharp- ers, some backed by men gamblers loot their victims. The police des pair of closing them, as most of them operate under 'charity' guises There are at least four Chicago wo- men who make a profession of bridge specializing in posing as society women in order to play at the larger summer and winter Tt sorte. "The extent to which gambling at bridge has spread among women it alarming, but it is impossible to se- cure statistics. There was a suicide of a Chicago man not long ago after which it was learned his wife had been losing from $100 to $1,500 a week for more than a vear in 'a 'friendly club.' " . -- TIDINGS FROM PICTON sudden Death of Mrs. Unaries nay lock on Wednesday Picton, Feb. 12.--Picton is shar ing in the terrible cold snap reported tnroughout the province, the ther mometer registering 20 Jbhelow zero yesterday morning and as low as 2¢ below this morning No ill effects are reported in' Pic ton from the earthquake on Tues day afternoon though the {iremol was distinctly felt by many of the residents. A terribly sudden death took of the wife of Charles Haylock earl; on Wednesday morning. The prev fous day she did her work as usua and was out at a religious service i the evening, where she felt unwell went home and passed away befor: morning. Fieart failure was th cause of death. At the parish house of the Anghi can church, Picton, last evening, th congregation held a reunion and re ception to the newly appointed rec itor, Rev. F. L. Barber Over 20 sat down to a sumptious tea Afte tea one of the churchwardens, R. E Wright, presided at a pleasant and harmonious meeting Rector Bla grave, of Belleville, was the speake: of the evening An address of wel come to the rector and his good wife was read by D. J. Shannon, seconded {by A. E. Wilson, and passed unani- mously, to which the rector suitably replied. HON. MR. FOSTER HURT Fingers Crushed Through Conductor Slanmming Door Ottawa. Feb. 13.--Hon. George E Foster met with a painful accident on his way home from the House of Commons yesterday morning. He was boarding a street car and the conductor, who did not notice that any one was at the door, shut it smartly upon Mr. Foster's fingers crushing them so badly that # will be some little time before Mr. Fos ter will be able to be in the house. RSET TS Finland's Barometric Stone ¢ is said that there is to be found in Finland a kind of stone that ac- tuaMy foretells ¢hanges in the wea- ther. In dry, fine weather the stone shows a dark gray color mottled with white spots, but before approaching showers or thick mists it blackens all over----most conspiciously, of course at the spaces which were previou sly white--and gradually returns to its former state as the weather improv- es Its prophetic warnings are regard- ed by manyc Finlanders as having 2 supernatural origin but a receni an- alysis of the stone explained the cause and shows there is nothing whatsoever mysterious in its action It is composed of a ground mass oi clay and fossilized organic matter with a little rock malt and nitre scattered throughout in grains and small patches. These salts absorl the aerial moisture as it increase | in amount and dissolve in it, form fog their white color as the driex atmosphere evaporates the moisture from black surface films, while the) regain them. ' Ask Your Doctor | You may cough tomorrow! Bet. ter be prepared for it when it| comes. Ask your doctor about | keeping Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the house. Then when the hard cold or cough first appears you have a doctor's medicine at | hand. Your doctor's approval | BREAK WHISKY'S GRIP ON YOUR LOVED ONES Drunkards will tell You with tear: of sincerity that they do not want t drink. The .eraving coming fron the inflamed membranes of the stom ach. drives them to it. Alcura will soothe the trembling nerves and remove the craving tha: fs ruining your home and stealing | an otherwise kind husband or father from vou. At costs only $1.00 per box and if it does not cure or benefit after a trial the money will be re- funded. : Alcura No. 1 is tasteless and cau be given secretly in tea, coffee or food. Alcurs No. 2 is taken volan- tarlly by those willing to help them- selves. Alcura can now be obtained at our store. Ask for free booklet tell ing all about it and give Alcura a trial . » "7. H. Sargent, druggist, 136 Prin- TREES FOR: PRAIRIES. Government Helps Prairie Farmers Establish Woodlots. For several years over two and a half million tree-seedlings and cut- tings have been distributed annually to the prairie farmers by the Domin- lon Government Forest Nursery Sta- tion at Indian Head. For the first eight months of the present year, al- most twelve thousand letters of in- quiry were received by this Nursery Station and the dema.d for seedlings this year has:so taxed the capacity of the nursery that it Las been found necessary to establish a branch nurs- ery near Saskatoon, The young trees are supplied only to bona fide farm-owners in Manitoba, Saskalcliewan apd Alberta, and then only in small lots not exceeding 500 seedlings in any one year. Applica- tions must be made on suitable forms supplied by the Forest Nursery Sta- tion. A charge of $1 per hundred for conifers, made, no order for Mas than 100 of any one species being taken. The success of western tree-planta- tions depends not so much on the cli- matic conditions, as is erroneously supposed, but rather on the care tak- an with the delicate~young seedlings before and after vlanting. To show he farmers how best to obtain suc- :essful results with their plantations, aine inspectors of tree-planting. are maintained by the Dominion Govern- ment in these provinces, and several bulletins bearing on this work has been ' issued by the Forestry Branch at Ottawa, and can be had on appli- cation. The principal trees planted in the West are ash, maple, cottonwood, willow and Russian poplar. The first two do well together, and ash espe- *ially is much in favor with the farm- ars, having probably the lowest death rate of any. Willow and poplar are usually, supplied as cuttings and to well together. The Russian willow is growing In popularity with the farmers on account of its ease of pro- pagation. Its quick:growing quali- ies, hardiness and freedom from dis- ogse. That spruce, larch (tamarack), ind Scotch pine will also do well on he prairies ig no longer question- able, The hest results are in all cade) ttained by planting the trees in the pring in belts at least twenty yards vide on well-prepared soil, such as ummer-fallow, or garden land, the rées being spaced about faur feet part and planted in rows to permit 1achine cultiviitiog in order to gro- ect the soil from weeds and evapor- tion until the trees grow large en- ugl for their branches to-meet A Good Word for Lennox. Before Justice Haughton Lennox wscended the Ontario Bench, and Mr. @. A. Little became Registrar qf the Surrogate Court for Simcoe County, poth were, it is almost needless to say, in politics, the former as Conser- vative member for the Federal riding of South Simcoe, and' the latter as x. P.P. for the corresponding Provin- cial riding, then known as Cardwell, but now algo called South: Simcoe. A Dominion election was on, and Mr. Little, as in honor bound, was ac- :ompanying his Federal confrere on 1 canvassing tour of the riding. Meet- ing one yeoman whom they both re- ognized as a supporter in former con- tests, Mr. Little alighted from the ouggy and, after greeting him, ven- ured the suppesition that his vote sould be counted upon for Mr, Len- aox. The farmer, however, did not give a ready assent. "I've been thinking, Mr. Little," he said, "that I'd sooner see South Simcoe represented by a practical man. 1 think we've. been sending too many of these smart law- sers to Parliament." Mr. Little looked round cautious- ly to see that Mr. Lennox was out of earshot, and then, lowering his voice, confidentially replied: "Well, JI that's all that's worrying you, you 1eedn't hesitate to vote for Lennox, for he's really' not much of a lawyer anyway: He Played Spare; The younger generation of Cana- dians forget- that Hon. Col. Sam Hughes, Minister of Militia, and James L. Hughes, ex-chief inspector of Toronto's schools, were famous lacrosse players. in their youth, In is auviobiography now appearing in rial form "Jimi" Hughes tells of ais "last game: "Four years after I gave up play- ng lacrosse, 1 received 2 telegram stating that 1 was to go to Montreal with Sam to a match with the Sam- rocks. Sam and I were in Durham wunty. We drove sixteen miles to Bowmanville, and after the train had started and was going too fast for pe to risk jumping off I was" told shat T waa 'spare' man. Tt was séally a dreadful trial "] saw our team beaten three straight games in fifteen short iy utes. The papers in Montreal Ea! next day that the victory would not have been won so easily if I had been playing. This gave a little re- lef to me." Open Columbia River. Dominion surveyors who have been ngaged during the past season mak- 1g an investigation of the Upper Co- tmbia river to determine the feasi- ility of opening a shipping route to de water, are compiling their find- gs to make a report to the Govera- «ent. Canada is interested in open- ag an economical all water route as a ouflet to the great wheat crop, and 3 open a market for the great coal eposits and to compete for. the ofl 'ade of the northwest when the in- ustry reaches a producing basis. a i hip Without Under Water Propellers Charles Bethune of Sydney, N.S, nnotinces that Re has completed a nolel of » ship &Hhout propellers »r any kind of riachinery under the water line. He says the invention is sractical for' Sten, Hners and that sac zo equipped could make the pas- sage from St. Paal's Taland to Landy 'sland, England, In fifty hours. ane Dr. Evans: Tovento, practising some wonths at Bawry's Bay, Tueada: A CIVIL SERVICE KNIGHT. Sir Joseph Pope Alone Has Achieved That Honor, : Among the civil servants of the Dominion there is only ene who bears the title of Knight. That one is Sir Joseph Pope, Under Secretary of State for External Affairs. Nor does he flaunt his title in the face of the public, says Franels A. Carman in Toronto Star Weekly. Look up his department in the telephone di- rectory of Ottawa and you will find him down as plain "Joseph Pope." But just as a matter of simple his- toric fact, he does occupy this uni- que position, and he does not occupy it without justification, He is Knight Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George for the very good reason that he has been able in a number of instances to per- form outstanding services for the ' Dominion, and he has been able to perform these outstanding services because he possessed qualifications which are exceedingly ware on this side of the Atlantic. The central fact of these special qualifications is a wide knowledge of the "savoir faire" of official life. He knows how to do things. He knows his way around Government offices, and he knows his way around royal courts. He is an authority on the etiquette of official and court circles --a branch of knowledge which is highly useful even in our democratic community. Of course, he did not pick this up in a day. He had a long apprenticeship under that mas- ter of statescraft and of the craft of managing men, Sir John A, Macdon- old. . The first occasion on' which Sir Joseph was chosen to represent the Canadian Government in the enter- tainment of guests~of state was in 1901, when our present King and Queen. visited us as the Duke and Duchiess of Cornwall and York Everyone remembers how successful that tour was, and in its success Mr Pope, as he then was, had a large part. It was for his services at that time he received his first mark of royal favor and entered the order of St. Michael and St. George as a Companion. Five years later he . accompanied Prince Arthur of Connaught on his tour through the Dominion, and in 1908 he was selected to receive Prince Fushimi of Japan on his visit to this country. Ju connection with b the vigit of Prince Arthur, Mr. Pope had bestowed upon him the Imperial Service Order, while the Japanese Government recognized his serviced to Prince Fushimi by conferring on him the order of the Sacred Treasure of the second class. In the same year as the latter, he was made a com panion of the Victorian Order by the King because of his assistance in the organization of the tercentenary at Quebec. His elevation to knight hood came in the New Year's honors of 1912. This tells the story of how Sir Joseph came to bear. so many titles, but it does not by any means tell the story of the part he has played in the history of Canada. He has represented the Canadian people around the Council Board in a num-+ ber of big diplomatic issues. He was attached to the staff of the British agent in the Behring Sea arbitration of 1893; and had a part in securing protection for thé inter- ests of Canadian sealers. He was agent of the Canadian Government in the. Joint High Commission which sat in Quebec and Washington dur- ing the early years of the Adminis- tration of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. He was associate secretary of the Alas- kan Boundary tribunal. He accom- panied Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux on his mission to Japan, which resulted in the limitation of Japanese im- migration to the Dominion. And just two years ago he again repre sented Canada in the international conference on pelagic sealing, which advanced the work begun fin the Behring Sea. arbitration. Sir Joseph 'is a native of Prince Edward Island, where he was born on August 16, 1854. His father was the Hon. William Henry Pope, who was one of the Fathers of Confeder- ation, and his uncle, Hon. J. C. Pope, was Minister of Marine and Fish- eries in the Cabinet of Sir John A. Macdonald: The "Dope" on "Thais," Miss Helen Stanley, one of the talented principals of the National Opera Co. of Montreal, narrates a conversation . which she heard be- tweén a French and 'an Italian chorus woman in the wings at & perform- ance of "Thais," the Massenet opera which was banned by Archbishop Bruches!i of Montreal. The conver- sation, barring the foreign accent of the participants, ran thus: "Say, what's this opera about?" , "Well, there was a woman in Alexandra, and she was not a very good woman. And there was a monk who dived in hiz monastery, and he came and said, 'I'm going to convert you,' but he couldn't do it, Then he went away in the desert to pray for the woman, and he fell in love with her. So he came back, and found her living in her monastery, and he sald, 'You come on to my monastery. 1 love you.' And sh) said, 'Nothing doing. I'm going away to Heaven!' " & tadents Are Honest. A novel way of transacting busi- ness has been devised by the students living in the north residence of To ronte University, in which there is fio person connected with a purchase but the buyer himself. No clerk in needed, for the fellows are upon their bonor to place in the cash box the exact price of the article they appropriate. When the Los was opened at the beginning of the pres- ent term a great many [.O.U.'s were found inside it, testifying to the large number of undergral. who were suffering temporary financial embarrassments during the Christ- mas term. All the promises were fulfilled in the first few days-of the term, and the small store is conttnu- ing to do business at the rate of from $6 to $10 a day. Any girl can use two beaux--- one to take her to places and the other 0 b ¥ The Phonograph with the new voice This wonderful Edison achievement is mote than an amusement phono- graph. It is a beautiful musical instru- / ment--beautiful in tone : and beautiful in design. EE It représents years of study and experiment in sound Toms and musical acoustics. The Special Reproducer, with its diamond pot, has given the instrument a new voice-- tones' of marvelous depth and a mellow sweetness. . The records are of a material heretofore unknown to record making. Xears of playing will not affect their perfect playing qualities. ison Discs are of the cabinet (horn- less) type, made of rare woods along graceful lines. Hear this new Edison. Compare it with any others you have heard. It is a decided advancement in musical reproduction. Edison Disc Phonograph NE with Sutomalie reccrd feed, powerful spring motor with worm gear, diamond-point reproducer automatic stop, Q Eanona, COATES, 138 PRICESS STRE ®T, 1% A. K. ROUTELY, 173 PRINC ESS STREET, EDISON DEALERS IN KINGSTON K. C For Cooking and Drinking, also for Oake, Icing and making Fudge. ORANGE LILY SAVED MY LIFE" These words or expressions have ing the same meaning are contained in hundreds of the letters I have re- ceived during the past year. Many were from women who had suffered agonles from falling of womb; others from women who had escaped dang- erous surgical operations, as the tumors and ulcers had been remove. ed by the action of Orange Lily; and others who had suffered from suppressed menstraation, faucor= rhoea, painful periods, etc, For all these and the other troubles known in general as Women's Disorders, Orange Lily furnishes a positl poem AJ} gefentific, never-failing cure. It suffering organs, and its operation is certain and beneficlai. As a trial actudlly proves Its: merit. [ hereby offer to send absolutely: free, a box worth 86c., sufficient for ten days' treatment, to every suffering woman who will write for it. Enclose 3 stamps, MRS. FRANCES E. CURRAH, Windsor, Ont. For Sale by the Leading Druggists Eve ywhere applied direet to the = SOLUTION. S bod: h ALSO A PRIZE Or 3 EE ear of this Posie Santee A A ---- TE ------ s for part falling ve WHAT TWO CITIES ARE BEPRESENTED By the aboye Two K . or, sesuan $50 IN GOLD MONEY! tend, in he Suviees wit Gan tioal. tn Sha for the prize, a prize ide © Be ath thot tiod Tor will be given to each person tied Try it at onge, It BaINIGH WAH A SANADA © 1 ie you about Nerve Troubles. i uk of Our neives are hk th telegraph wires. Thev are contiplicd and nourished by a portion" of the brain known kas the nerve vents 1 ke condition of the nerve cotitres depends upon the cond of the 'bodily healt \l hen the health 1s lowered sympaths Then that "we mented with "nerves," headaches, neu nervous debility. In such ca hie nothing to equal 'Wincarnis," th, 'Wine of ife,! " Wincarnis ' 1s a powerful nerve fod which acts directly upon the nerve centres and gives them new life and pew vitahty. The result is wonderful. . Will wou ty ft? Begin to get well FREE Send for a liberal (ree trial bottle of Enclose Six cents stamp ior f ® & Co., Lid., Wincarms Works, You can ol sg ular Sup Wine € al ate pety Wircagpi CORBMAN woh, Eogldad. ual eating °k plies and alerchants,