PAGE FOURTEEN SALTS IS FINE FOR| = KIDNEYS, QUIT MEAT Flush the Kidneys at at once when Back + Hurts or Bladder Bothers. No man or woman who eats meat regularly can make a mistake bp} flushing the kidneys occasionafly, says a well-known authority. Mes forms uric acld which excites the Kidneys, they become over-worked from the strain, get sluggish and fall to filter the waste and poisons ~~ from the blood, then we get sick. ¢ Jearty all rheumatism, headaches, fer trouble, nervousness, dizziness, sleeplessness and urinary disorders come from singgish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache in the kidneys or your bnek hurts or if the urine is cloudy, cflensive, full of sediment, irregular of passage or at- tended by a sensation of scalding, stop eating meat and get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any phar- macy; take a tablespoonful in =a glass of water before breakfast and in a few days your kidneys will ael fine. This famous salts is ade from the acids oi grapes and lemon uice, combined with lithia, and has n used for genemstions to flush and stimulate the kidneys. also to neutralize the acids in urine so it no longer causes irritation, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts Is inexpensive and can- not injure; makas a delightful effer- vescent lithia-water drink, which everyone should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean andl active and the blood pare, thereby avoiding serious kidney com 7!lcatlons. Agent, George W. Mahood. M Ep. LPALIE MELVILLE, Ek ELT TIONER. JAPS KEEPS AS MUSEUM! BATTERED RUSSIAN FORTS IN- « SPIRATION TO CADETS Development Arvested--Millet Waves | } | | | | on Hillside Where Thousands Died | a Few Years Ago--A Joumaalist's Impressions. Port Arthur, the scene of bloodshed during [the ese war, is not a goahead town, ac- cording to Alex. Ramsay, who after eight years' connection with the Hong Kong Daily Press, reached Montreal yesterday on his way home to Scotland for a holiday. Port Ar- thur is an interesting example of ar- rested development, where the pro- mised development by the Russians was stayed by the outbreak of the war, so everything remains today. Mr. Ramsay, who before sailing for Canada visited the historic bat- tlefields, stated yesterday that the town and its environs is being pre- sserved as a monument to the suc- cess of the Japanese arms. In the town is a large in the atmosphere of Kingdom's success the tomorrow are "being <trijjned. How the Japanese ever got into the place despite the Russian defences, is a matter for wonder and admiration, and the havoe wrought the apparent, and on these ruins military - cadets gaze each day their promenades. Down on the waterfront is a huge mound---the foundatjons of what was to have been a large Russian church. Buildings about the town had reached the first or second storey of construction when hostilities stay- so much the Island generals' of the in == } | { writers, For perfect cleaning in all parts of the house this *Club" is famous. Old Dutch Cleanser does the work easily, thoroughly, |g : 3 ¥, quickly «does it with rea! £%W| economy and satisfaction. Saves Your Energy <L : lends Ally lof them being | eountrie ions: Make a parting apd tly with Cuticura Ointment. ue until whole scalp has been over. The next morning sham- 0 with' Cuticura Soap 2 and hot ray" be ble, but once ¥iand the ' f lof these ed development by the Russians The Japanese have not attempted lo carry on tho work. The Russian oi- fiers' mess has been turned into a military museum eanfaining the more portable war machinery in con nection with Russian tyvpe- selzed by the victorious Jap, sappers' tools weeh down by digging into the town from the north, cap- tured flags, the uniforms of officers killed in action. Around this roond are panels depicting the prowes 38 of the "Russian ainst cessful foes se the officers and their guests the Czar was toasted each night Japa y, appreciating the irony of the situation, left these dec- orations where they found them when as victors they took Jos ession quarter The res gister con the names of visitors. from of the earth, a lirge officers from va who have dismantled fortifications Port Arthur, according 'home-going scribe, is net as business place as it was under Russian regime ;men drove their : son of seige Russ tains rious the good a the there at the ZArri an eneniies . out 70,000 and the (Japanese Luan en Some HH Sprung up in curios pic Ked battiefield which for most part, in seas * with Kao- lyan mil In Korea there i: is about trade has & up on the a COATrse general satisfae- inspected the. the Russo-Japan- | military college and' forts is { tion { | tude is | fe f } f less sue- | ian | gazed when | | the | proportion | j over Before the yellow | dischars: b ol k I | tion x _THE'DAILY BRITISH WHIG SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1914 DIVORCE ACTION HAS CREATED SENSATION A.B L¥SUE MELVILLE. | LORD FITZWILLIAMS, NT. ® » Leslie- heiviile divo in i i i ireat Britain the way, was friend of rried 1 of atti- art of weaker Ramsay, ton introduced into the Hermit Kingdom is possibly not as hirh as « western power would have ablished, yet the fact re that in has cerjainly made good dur- ing the short time that she bas had Charge of affairs." Speaking of the in the Bast, {that it was mthe ple when they which the Ei affairs in the Orient. 17enient Japane se the pi with affairs Japan's ma The official that cof play the elder brother Korean While,' 'the ecivilizati ying to the said Mr iting new, situa- Mr i spaper I ) as to dominated In Houg Kong, BREAKS A COLD. IN A FEW HOURS--PAPE'S Kirst dgse of Pape's © s Cold Compound relives all the grippe misery-- Contains no quinine, fled-up! nuffling! ound" taken until three dose are Laks n will e ni srippe misery and break up a severe cold either in the head, chest oar or limb It promptly opens and anu passages; nose ram sick headache, dullnes ore th roat, sheezin stiffnes : pe's Cold © Don't, stay st Quit 1g of * » Cold ving and A dose Comy o hour : nasty | relieves feverishness, soreness and the and stores 8S nice Don't ound' f Known at drug asia t inconvenie a substitute. 1s aud CAUSES no aceept "| briska "RESPONDENT. where Mr. Ramsay has been connect- ed with the Héng Kong Daily Press in an editorial capacity for eight years, there are four well conducted English newspapers, while a fifth is being organized by Chinese capital- ists in the interests of the advanced rephblican party. In Shanghai there )are four English papers, one of them being conducted on American lines, but somewhat subdued in tone to comply with conservative British re- quirements. At Hankow there are two English papers and another is to be founded in Pekin. There are aiso three English papers in the for- eign settlement of Tein-tsin. A fea- ture of English journalism in-China is the large number of newspapers conducted by Chinese--even though the Chinese English is sometimes {quaint. In the main there is little | local news, the bulk of the matter | being cable and translations from vernacular papers. During the past 'ten years the number of Chinese i newspapers has more than doubled. WETTEST SPOT ON EARTH in Philippines, Seems to Hol Record Baguio in the Philippines, has bert strengthening its claim to be the wetlest place in the world. On July 29 the precipitation was 1.78 nches, Which nearly equals the world's mean rainfall for a year. But Baguio has done better than that; it made a world's record in July, 1911, with 91.53 inthes in four days, of which 33.70 inches' fell in a single day. When, 71% feet of water comes down 'in one storm it is time to look 'after the shingling of the ark | Baguio, ¢ TWOLENT FARE STANDS ------ Sin Cases Against It in "Nebraska Dismissed Lincoiu, Neb., Web. 14.--Judge T. ( Munger, of the federal district court, dismnissed the six cases pending against as many Nebraska railways to the constitutionality of thé Ne two-cent fare law and- the freight-rate law passed in Nebraska legislature. The made by the by the rail- tes | maximum {1507 by the motion to dismiss was and assented state to roads. A Fatal Defect everend Bascom Anthony, J elder of the Method church in Southern Georgia, tells a tory of .a negro pastor down his way who failed to give satisfaction to his flock A committee from the woagregation waited on him to re uest "his resignation | Look here!" demanded the | preacher Ww hut's de trouble wid {mah preachin' Don't I argufy?" "You sho does, eldah," agreed the pokesman "Don't 1 Seriptures?" "You suttinly does," other : "Den whut's wrong?" "Well, eldah," stated the the committee, "hit's dis way argufies and you 'sputities, don't show wherein!" The R presiding 'sputify = concernin' de admitted. the head of You but you r-- erful idio. y of the wT ee we TARR Yee Te Hudson Six 10, $2,300 Hudson Six, 54, $2,000 F.o.b., Toronto. Lasting Value of HUDSON Six 54 ECAUSE it is a six-cylinder car, and equipped with the wanted streamline body, the HUDSON Six 54 is a good investment. It will give you all you can desire of motor satisfaction. And will retain a used-car value sufficient to hold your annual motor-car outlay at a low figure. For bear in mind that depreciation in selling value of your car is more important to consider than even tire and gasoline expense. Remember that a popular, stylish car is easy to tum into money. And that no buyer will pay for a "back number." The Distinctive Car of the Year r a "HE HUDSON Six 54 is the distinctive car f the year. It is a six-cylinder car, with four-speed trans. Ask AnvSix Owner If He Would Go Back to a Four E would as soon go back to candles after us sing electric lights. Vibration disappears when you ride in a Six. Rough roads and smooth, hills and valleys, ruts and asphalt are alike to the six- -cylinder motor. Jerks and jars no longer annoy and fatigue. Bumps are gone. You glide instead of bouncing. See. the Triangle on the Radiator W. P. PETERS, 117 Brock St. Or Kingston Auto Co., Garage Cor. Queen & Bagot. ---------- -- Sea ------- mission, left side drive, right-hand (center) control, gasoline tank in dash, electrically lighted and started. Disappearing seats provide for carrying four, five, six or seven passengers, yet the car is compact and light in weight. It has 135-inch wheél-base, 36x414-inch tires, and all approved conveniences and luxuries, Many have called it the handsomest auto- mobile they ever saw. So flexible is its six-cylinder motor that it runs steadily and smoothly at the pace of a man's walk on high gear in congested traffic, yet jumps to express train speed at a touch of the accelerat@@ pedal. So easy is its control that drive it. And because of its simplicity and conve nience many women prefer it to the electric car: wo Se er -- ET pk a child may -- a -- 11:8 i - GIV EN FREE TO. CANADIAN } WOMEN By "EVERYWOMAN'S WORLD" CANADA'S GREATEST HOME MAGAZINE These beautiful dinner re made for us by one of England's | 1081 fainous manufacturers. They are delightfully decorated in rich-] oral rose designs with garlands of foliage in the very ncwest-pa.- terns. GACH SIT COMPRISES $7 PIECES, guaranteed full siza for family use--an absolutely complete dinner service for a family 2% twelve people The picture herewith was taken directly from a Taph ortho set, but fails to da justice to its quality, or the charm ott decoration. You wil proud to have such & dinner service in your home, and no matter how much you peid you could scoure netkieg more complete, serviceable or pleasing. a EVERYWOMAN'S WORLD * wants 150 married ladies at the heads of homes to obtain these magnificent dinner sets. You are not asked to spend any money or buy anything in order to obtain one of them for r your b home. Wea want evory Canadian housekeeper 10 become acquainted: with rr RTO AN'S WORLD," Canada's greatest monthly home maga. rine, IN who by their advice and rstions for the i IRVWOMAN'S WORLD," wilt & help us to maintain it, not es tho greatest Canadign rasgazine, hut to Rn it 80 necessary to ; Sunder that it will become an absolute jnstitution in every Cana. hous A very little effort on your patt--just a few minutes conversation with a few of *our friends--will help usin this work and can gain for you one of these magnificent complete 97-pisce dinner setr. This offer is absolutely unique in the history of Canadian jonrnalism. The wonderful thing about "EVERYWOMANS WORLD" is ios magazine is sold at a iption price Read this offer if you want one of these sets. I _"evemrwo MAN'S WORLD is nepded in every woman's home. Iiisa big, bright, bres entertainihg and instruc tive magazine, running from 40 to 62 It abounds nn charming short stories, Ive interesting Articles, news of the day, advices 'on howe management, the care of ehil tren, cooking. ete, It has an excellent fashion department and pattern gervice and show month the very latest fashions of New York, London aud Paris It departments of musie, giving its reeders each month a newand original sheet of music, departments of art, beauty hints, fam#s haaith, Toney Shaking hint | sr women and many other features that make it absolute! y 10 every home. "EVERYWOMANS WORLI Foi Niustroted by the foremost artists of both Canadas and the ited States, and its beauti'n! art covers in colors are sigs charm In fact, no expense has been spared {o makedit the me% interesting { useful magazine in Canada that this of only 50c. per year. Just think--only 50c. for 12 whole months' subscription. This Free Sample Copy for You 1" You waut to gain one of these beautiful dinner | and lot them see what a magnificent magesine they sets. write to ua to-day and. we will send yoa Tostegt paid, absolutely without charge or obligation. a ac of the current number of "EVERYWOMA 3 WORLD," which we ask you to resdever careinully nud prove to yourself that it is all we ciaim Jou ft ve greatest magazine value ju Cadade. Then it mmong your friendsand neighbors, show it to t WORLD. very interesting that © EVERYY readers during can ie into hats homes for an expe: Get t 1 tell "is "what * and ave will send with your cop WOMAN'S W mu. of only ir opinions on it. We want you they say sbout "EVERY WOMAN'S S018 Lerture tellin Ty many big features wilh give is To aualily for the awarding of of these magnificent dinner sets we ask from among your fricuds at obtained for same. out own opinions and the son nd experience you your eight su tions a we will ask you to suswer ns your advice asetol ben ging You Lave com sugges. AN'S WORLD" which we A Pi €X- WER. tions on ptotelien sith i ¥0 -- TO AN SOF THE QUE ae ios § wiads AS You a nt course, ur , much bet ne. "Should we Pm og! of on *Shognid we 6 pubibl) installment ol a: "8 WORLD» 1" you find any advan! Jo & patiesn service through which s Tou can eit patieris shells WORLD | Dubishes an original. sheet of iginal. 3 think this could be {iziuad given lon 1 department, which gives ba phsician In charge for long or ore ®ing an instaliment | each month, or do you think a month two ee ne between each like to see more of less mew idshions published m : that you secure us sight y yearly subscriptions to "EVERYWOMAN'S WORLD" - S50c. each and remit to us the $4.00 you will have le when ther subscribe and ask them what tat they oh " ont pe PY WOMAN'S W ORLD,"" or what Bom ik hgh jb ish. do No.ass oud for RVELYS Se EE what yon nk a our friends savy about ** » a " will help vaio keep it in its position of hoyse! FORLD Jou lv give us the information we iid i spok teagan a hit new snbseribers, for which we to ee on | handsomely. with Jour chates Of several usetuinnd en iy 3 i" for the magico! 3 of thes suggestions and your 'vical us That hess 1 §:-Pleve rr, Sots are warded. Bear in mind ha hia 's Se 9, 3 durual wilh ver 50,00 subscribers inal Ba Ei nd ia: 10 it. i pr ana Ei chief (oii ne eneedy ng EPI 1 fig Ta Tots plies tf open only to houssholders --martied Indies ho homes rite to-day snd iL your Sine cunt ot ores oRLD h new loatures we wil HIE ot if no obi ¥ fa Ba