Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Feb 1914, p. 3

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EI th ge A Pr AR Eso Come Early ? rom' FIRM CROICR OF COM. ING SRASON'S NEWEST Sur. Nas ' NOW ON HAND WEST VALUE IN CITY. Ashby the Tailor 76 Brock St. 'Phone 1518 DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS {7 enlating Pill for Wamen, $5 # box or three lor $10, Soid at ell brug Stores, or mailed to any Rddress on receipt of price. THE BcosELl Pita Co. 88 Catbarmies, Oufario, esiorea PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN, vi Vitality; for Nerve and Bring increases ** grey "a Tonic -will build you up, $3 a box, t drag stores, or hy meii on gp pid Boosey Deva Co, st. Catherines, Onr "4801a at Mahood's Drug Store." Dr. Hickey's Cure Speedy We guarantee that this pre- paration will give you quicker relief and cure the cough bet- ter than any other. It is bet- ter made of better and more costly ingredients, and it in- stantly Touches the Tickle gets rid of the annoying, phlegm, strengthens the 'bron- chial tubes and helps one throw off 4 cold easily. Every home should have this splendid rem- edy handy. Hundreds testify as to its goodness Twenty-five Cents Get a bottle to-day. Good for the kiddies, too--Only at BEST'S The Satisfactory Drug Store. exec le fs Hi Era It is NO new he aew i ght, bo ie pecfest ene Fitted by KEELEY Jr. Optometrist We Stiad tae Letves' 8 Doors Above the Dpera House All Cold Killing Goods at Reduced Prices | Underwear, | | Mafflers, I Overcoats and | Suits. | Come In and seeure bargains in these lines | for to-day as well as for | next season. i | {ed out, of the Body." : When JRelon. wes 3 og WAS IMPOSED OX WILLIAM YOUNG, OF STORRINGTON Eonnd Guilty of Assabliing and Bite ing Finger of John Banks -- Lat. tet's Finger Was Amputated. William Young, of the township of Stan ton; was {ound "guilty py Judge Price, on Saturday morning, on a charge of assault and causing bodi- Iy ham, and was tuvod $30 and costs. Young 'appeared before Jus. tice George Hunter recently and was committed for trial bore Judge Price, Une evining . during December Yomng, it appears, assaulted John | Banks, of the township. During ithe sentlo' which occurred Young bit lone of Banks' fingers so severely that it bad to be amputated in the ¥ Hotel * Dieu some weeks dater. . | For some weeks this case has been ieausing a great deal of interest a- mong the residents of this section of ithe county. When the case opened on Saturday morning the court room was crowded. The accused was willing to acknow: ledge that he bit Mr. Banks' finger, but stated that it was more on lesa an accident. The court codld not see iL that way. The aceused also staied that on the evening of #he row he happened to Be passing along when Banks called out some name, which ho thought was meant for him. Young claimed that during the scuffle he wits bitten on the face by Banks. Many witnesses were heard on behali ol the prosecution. All corroborated the statement of Mr. Banks that Young pulled him out of the 'buggy and started the fight. He stated that he had dsked Young net to fight but he paid no attention. and went for im. The evidence of Mrs. showed that Young had. started the light and also that he had pulled Banks out oi the buggy. In summoning up the case Price stated that the evidence of Cumpson was enough'to Young. Dr." Freeman, Sanu Cumpson Judge Mra, convict Danks swore who attended aMer the . unfortunate affair, that, when , 'anks came to him treatment the first joint of the finger had almost heen severed by the bite Although the finger had not been am putated al first he told Banks it would be impossible to save ft. I. L. Whiting, K.C., appeaned bhehali of the prosecution and 1. J Rigney appeared fot Young. for on WILLIAM COOK wing of th¢ Frontenac hockey team. Right Junior SHAVE TREES SUFFER Municipalities are Careless of Important Asset Dr. Pernow says that in "walking along the streets of any city one will find at least from twenty-five to fifty per cent, of the trees in a damaged condition." In the gmall towns of eastern Canada, it is safe to say that at least seventy-five per cent. of the shade-trees need attentien, for, un- like the eities, these towns employ 0 "tree doctors' to guard the health of 'the Trees, and even trimming is done but irregularly, and often care lessly. Yet if the shade trees in many of these towns were destroyed one of their chief attractions would be gone. There are several reasons why the trees in these old towns need atten- tion. . The chief is probably due lo defective crown development, the ro- sult of overcrowding. Misshapen and weakened crowns result in éx- cessive wind-break, . and ragged breaks, if left untrimined, provide the best possible entrance for fungi and inséct pests, so that a great number of these fine old shade-traes, which because of their very age are Good Digestion In perfect health, with regular d healthful action of the liver and Benen, you need not Know there is such a thing as digestion or indiges- tion. Unfortunately, showever, mod- ern life is artificial, and not maby people avoid suffering more or less from troubles of this nature. The t secret lies in. keeping the liver and kidneys in health and vigor, for then the food is passed quickly along the alimentary canal, Hie nutritive portions béing assiw- lated "in the blood stream and tb poisoned waste materials are an the liver and kidneys get | wrong you will obtain tly and ly by using 's, Kidney-Liver Pills. ir ¢ 'indigestion is to be eu cured it by enlivening the acti os > of v6 thoaght an ae ms relief most Mant The a photograph f the G finer lot of "good fellows" enjoyed their stay in Kingston to t ive Kingstonians appear Thomas and alexander Milne. secretary, Neil J, Morrison. above is In the unassisted, foes, are slowly lect » Mature should he and the unable, to shake off thesn dying through neg trees of whatever at least thirty feet apart municipal act empow ninnieipal councils to- remove trees! within this Hmit without the own- er's consent. judiciously towns of acted eastern upon in Canada, the old | the re- a new lease of life. The forestry branch of the department of the in terior, Ottawa, has on its staff a skilled silviculturist whose services are available to woodlot owners Municipal shade-trees are not! stric ly speaking, wood-lots, but munici palities so desiring could. doubtless secure the advice of this expert re garding the trees requiring removal Dark Days for Spinsters London Chronicle Even 'Dr. Pangloss might receive a shock from the facts disclosed by the réport of the Dominion Royal Commission just published. Our worthy optimists in this country bave always assumed that the cure for the preponderance of spinsters in the British Istes was for thess supar- fluous Iadies to migrate to the Do- minions and thera marry. Now, un- fortunately, the Commission's re- port suggests that (hey will not much better their position by making the 12,000 mile journey to Australia In Australia the chanees of marriage are much what they are in this old England. 'The. proportion of un married women to married women between the ages of twenty-five sud fifty is practically ideatical" in the two countries, The worst of it plusageé of one sex aggravates every social problem. The women who cannot marry must enter some trade or profession to live. There they in- exorably dislodge men or send down the man's rate of w ages. Thus, to the host of women who cannot by any possibility marry is added yet another multitude of women whom men would marry if they could and if they had not been driven to the wall by the competition of the orig- inal superfluity of spinster: is that the r 3 FRR NORMAN DERRY of the Frontenac hockey team, Left wing A Juvenile Guild Event church held a@ea and sale at the residence of Miss M. Ferguson, 125 lagol street, on Saturday afternoon The tables were dredsed with hops and valentines, and "the children who took part 'were dressed in red and white. The dining: room, in which the event was! held, was alse prettily decorated with pink tulips. tween twehty-seven and thirty dol lars from the salg and the proceeds are to be given io the funds of St Andrew's "ward at the General Hos- pital. Mrs. William J. Gaynor, Nav York, has announced her {ntention of go- ing abroad for a Yop laatudy fhase allan Vo with French and J. Lawrence Spiik. one of M7c- strange, # ructovs. ronto's. most prdminent en died av Safir lay ay 20g resiy kidney toouble, in the They are wearing fur species | If this provision were |. maining shade-trees would be given! } Junior The Juvenile Guild of St. Andrew % Miss Ferguson expects to realize be-. NE ENGINEERS IN KINGSTON. o' a number of the delegates, not be found. The ha limit, photograph. convenruon was In the front row coats, and top row are Joseph and A. EF, AT THE GRAND Julia Dean Money" 1 he brilliant, comedy Mark Swan, will Le the Grand tonight. 'The play deal humorously with a subject that has ave aspect to every wife, young or Bd and to every young, wom who expects to be ma od. dtd lightly and amusingly, but none | less effectiveyy, with the problem of { th 'allowance.' J 1 Dean appears in the: leading Mrs. Alden, a young wife role _ twho rebels in spirit if not in deed To-night in "Her Own success hy the attraction at the vife's as NORMAN MILLAN Rover of the Frontanas junior ho inst the stom which dec that she must ask her husband money whenever money is needed to defray the family éxpenses. The nation which confronts Mrs. Alder her husband, another married couple and still a third couple about to be married brings to light the various phases of the imporys a fair apportion: income between ment of the fs husband and wife, The incidents, though refreshingly amusing, combine to plead the com- mon eause of all wives everywhare In the case of/the- Aldens, however the situation suddenly i from Humor to grim seriousne comedy leapsh immediately plane of thrilling drajen, Miss Deaw is supported by an ex- cellent company which include! Helen. Lea, Mabel Carruthers, Maud Durand, Lionel Adams, Walter Wil- son, Phillips Tead and others. . Feathers" for the notable sugene Walier Towith i wii b to the The ses ¢ gager play, inal all star Grand Opera Hous: ing. The engagement | "Kephaldol BIDS PAIN DEFIANCE This remedy, new to Canada | though Well Known In Gréat Britain and on the Continent, brings to all wlio are "tos't on the thorny bed of pain' a means of speedy and grateful relief. Kephaldol offers the sufferer from Lumbago, Sciatica, or Rheumatism {quick and certain cure, even where the case is of long standing. No more is it necesgary to endure the agony. enforced immobility, back wracking and exhaustion of Luni- bago attacks, the torture of Sciatica- ridden limbs, the cramping grip of Rheumaliism. Kephaldo! is not only a sure. safe and natural remedy, but an exceptionally prompt-acting cure. the worn i for fear, There Is rothing in it to give rise to bad after-efécis--nothing to injure the heart or other organs. 'Thousands of letters from medical men testify to the onda] power of Kephaldo! to dispel pain ban {ish agonizing disease. Get a 50ec package of Kephaldol tablets your- nasiness self and experience these benefits. Kenhatto} Limited, a Latour Bt. ontreal. - 2 " great success, ore sand-witched Between them is the Kennelly, tone memorable performance, Thurs- nt question of | mily ! the ; Kephaldol may, be taken without! ® who were in attendance at the convention d Council of National Association of Marine Engineers held in Kingston, February 3rd to 6th. A could and the delegates two veteran marine engineers. grand anil George Fleming. day, Peb. 19 In view of the faet that aral companies are present- ing ine Feathers" on many playgoers are likely to doubt the authenticity of an announcement that the original all star cast ia to! be seen here, as is evident from in- quiries received at the 'box office. But everyone .is assured that "Fine Feathers" as it will be presented here is the identical cast and produc tion which ran last season Astor Theitre, New York. The gn yerful caste includes Wilton Lack- aye, Robert Edeson, Max Figman, tose Coghlan, Florence Rockwell and Lydia Dickson, a group of stars whose fame is known not only over America, but who have gained the praise of the London crities as well. "Fine Feathers," ns a play, is too well known to require deseription, having received more attention from newspapers and magazifies than any play produced in New York in years. "A Butterfly on the Wheel" An attraction of great merit will be the celebrated English divorce play, 'A Butterfly on the Wheel," at the Grand on Saturday, Feb. 21st, The success of this realistic drama in London and New York has béen most prbnounced and its presént tour is meeting with the same ém- phatic approval. Britain Going Ahead Toronto World During the six or seven years that {this talk of decadence has been pre- {valent land," what .has happened? "Ebg- says Sir George Paish, "has saved a sum of £2,000,000,600 ster- ling or $10,6060,000,000. Her in- come has gone up faster than it ever went before and the result is that we are in a position to do busi- ness in the future on a bigger scale than ever we did business in the i " In the past sixty years Bri- in has provided capital for impetial and 'foreign countries to the extent of the inconceivable amount of $17,- 500,000,000 and the greater part of RUBIE MILLAN Captain and centre of thé Frontenac junior 'hockey team. the railways of the world has been built with money furnished by one island, small in area but rich in its resources, and In the virility of its people. The United Kingdom has its problems but it is facing them in the same practical way that thése of the past have been met and solved. Sterne's Destitution, Laurence Sterne, the writer, waa |. the 'victim of thé intensest poverty. A little time before his death, being in a& state of destitution, he win: one evening (0 borrow £5 from ls friend Garrick. Upon arriving he heard mu- sie and knew that & party was going on. He heard the merry laughter snd, ently replacing the uplifted knocker, retraced his steps, We never feel our miseries so keenly ax when contrasted With the of others, and it is - that we realize Word And homeless near a tho 1 stood And ne near a thousind tables piued for Re on Wily Rose flaut, _ Some local SRW "prion on Tuesday. y fair and cold to-day ¢ the rokd,' mime Smart Waist Materials Full of style and original- ity of weave and design. The largest and most com- prehensive showing of style novelties that has ever been our privilege to show. A Few of the New Weaves a "The Busiest NOVELTY CREPE, SUEDE CLOTH, RATINE, BUTTONIE, BROCADE VESTING, SHADOW VOILE, CREPE VOILE, ETC, ETC. At Prices that are pleasingly small, "We invite your inspection" STEACY'S Store i in Town" all short a few as a complete snap at the pr Let us sho Odd Diner Setts We are oft ering about a dozen odd sets, Just as gobd set for vour own use, and a small pieces. - 1008, w them to vou. Fine China Our Tungsten in Current ty. than coal oil Ask us for Srices. Phone dr ROBERTSON'S, LIMITED Rich Out Glam | Lamp Will Save You 66 2-3 P.C. Rouse Hlumidation our speo- It 1s ¢hdaper In the long run to have electricity in the house wntnes and solidity, yet yon can wear them fort of an old shoe. Remember we carry bi gents' shoes, wear like iron. High-elges. ;

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