THE MELTING POT GE Ar SOA STENTS DISAPPEAR | ™O QUEEN'S MEN SPN CANNOT o" LOCATED i BE ey i Their Friends Are Anxious -- G. Mj Macauley and 'C, R. Holdcroft ff Have Not. Been Heard From Since | 'Wednesday. The. sudden disappearance. . of '§ M. Macauley and C. R. Holderort, il BA ot two students at Queen's university, [fi has caused their friends a grestiy ~ deal of anxiety. Both were in &t-} § tendanee at the university until last ig Tedredol when they suddenly left [§ ] the city for parts unknown. Some plieation. of the friends of the two young men Rev. John Webster the pastor f +! state that South 1 {conducted the morning service but Stnig Mad thay ba T_T va preached at the Wolfe Island chareh G. 2 Al in. the evening. Before the Brother- nt ih aheaulay is 2 sélence Bue in the afternoon W. Dobson, of uity last fall. Since entering the CHURCH of Atheus, ---W. Brotherhoog in the Afterncon. 'Brock Street Methodist church '¢ calshyaten. its anniversary on Sun- , the preacher for the occasion gE & former pastor, the Rev, George Edwards, of Athens. The Sermons at both services were in- spiring and. of practical personal ap- A large and * enthusiastic gathering as addressed in Convocation Hall on n Sunday afternoon by De. O. e Ww of Westmount, Wue., spoke upon 'The Ualling of the Wide World," and based his Subject upon Peabn 1xxii,-8, Dr. Wallace opened lis address by saying that this text is mot the language of geography bur of purpose, that is, here is a call to the world's consciousness. This world consciousness will also teach us that this is the age of the melting pot. Systems of thought and human in- hm ' Framed Pictures at 25 to 33 31. 3% ! Discount, One of the larg est lines in the city at cost or less than cost price. C--All Popular Vocal and Instrumental Music at 10 RINTS OF $1.50 and $1.25 BOOKS AT 45 CENTS. Books by the most popular authors, such as Gene Stratton-Por- ter, Florence Barelay, Harold Bell Wright, Myrtle Reed, Win- ston Churchill, David Graham Phillips os Dixon, and others. Queen's championship hockey team from; : stititions, which have beem built up university he had pro himself to o x through the centuries are being gave a3 address on cbristianity in y, 4p re ol gn was sched- More than 1000 volumes to select searched to their foundations. This | \ luled to box in the 145 peunds ---- world consciousness will also make ys Special anniversary music wd ren- weight, on Saturday afternoon, but The College Bool Store aware of the titanic conflicts now in dered by the choir, and the Organist, o).; the time came he failed to ap- 160-162 Princess St. SOFERNIBEID 1 cents he + Bek Ste T TOBACCO rie ook Sina a |e lute arith Anthems were given. r ale sang a solo in the morn. POON : i It was expected that if he had (ak- 'ing, and a number was contributed en part in the event he would have by the mixed quartette, Drars, Miss R. Smith, J. N. Gi. WOR out and then would have been son and Charles Tupper. Miss Graco FeBt to Montreal on Friday of this Mitchell was heard with plensure ai Week to compete in the intercollegi- ato gssault-at-drms. It is stated Aer the evening Service. A quartette =- on the part of the privileged | was also tectively hn by that Macauléy comes from Carrying | Place. young men of our universities a | { Messrs. T. Auld, C. Tupper, 7T world endless thought. Even though | yfvies, and J. 'N. Gibson. pre Holderdft is a medical student be- s man serve in a narfow parish, or | "Willlam Drury, chairman of the 08 in his second year. He comes wn a circumscribed provines, financial committee of the church from Havelock, where his father is not qualified for the fpllest service, | made a statement regarding that & well-known doctor. ASKED TO GO ON THE LIST progress. The preacher cited specially the con- flict' between Christianity and Mo- hammpedianiem, and the present atl- tack upon the Christian churches by industrial and soeinl forces, Besides oie world's consciousness there should | N L TOK LA 3 : _ "Wood. Spec-| ial rates for quantities over 10 cords. Also wharf and other timber. unless he realizes the present task is spect of its standing, A good | related to world interests. The speak- | yhecial ounering was placed on the | er pointed oui that there was plates. Our new rugs, Beotch J and English Liroleums are arriving every day ' trom the best manufac furers. These are the 1 new patterns for fhe goming spring of 1914. : 'Why Pay High Prices? i wil give you FIRST CLASS GOODS a wr fred St. 33x 165.....$525 St, 83x 165.....$350 St, 33x110....5400 23 aay and Rt. Sasenssvars sss 31150 , 30x70......31300 St, 82x90......5400 a St, cor. 30x90 $1050 Tusurance and Loans #8 BROOK szRuET 40% 110. .3425 §650 lalso of a world character: Not ina { hundred years has the need of men {of great 'calibre been so acute as inow, and not in a hundred years have the forces making against the production of such an end been so many and seductive. f Addressed Evanpatival Alliance Monday Dr. Wallace addressed a meeting of the Evangelical Alliance in the Y.M.C.A parlors,' and this time his subject was "Ideals: im the Pulpit." The speaker laid. stress upon the importance of the . teaching function of the migistry, and dwelt upon 'three deals in detail that need- ed to be found in the vulpit message of to-day. These ideals are God, Sal- vation and Doom. = With regard = to doom it was pointed out that: while the hell fire preaching of the last gen- eration is no longer heard the truths upon which it rested are still sup ported by experience and science and need to be interpreted in terms of these to the present ~enaration. During sale .special prices quoted on "Newcombe", Canada's leading piano. Dutton's. Rrnest Mayer. of the Ontario Staal Produets Co., Gananoque, is at Frontenac hotel. PIT Ty EEE [yegiass LONSUUGUON The sama care and attention we use in the examination of eyes, and the fitting of good glasses, build for us the largest retail optical business in the city. The double service of registered optometrist and ex pert optician, guarantees per- fect satisfaction, and all at the cost of the glasses, $2.00, $3.00 $6.00 a pair. J. S. Asseistine B. 0. S. [or seme) $49 King St. Kingston, Ont, Glasses Made on Premises. February Ze | Cae & Furniture | Sale Special reductions on all lines. iAll goods purchased will be held at {yur risk until needed. This is the best sale of the Year, | The kernel of Mr. Edwards' sermon in the morning was a plea for the building up of moral character in the | individual life. To this end he in dulged in a thoughtful review of the trials of Job, deprived as he was of {his property, bereaved of his children, fs {and personally physically afflicted This; in Job's ease, as in mauy oth ers, was due because of sin in others, not so much in himself. Summing up, Mr. Edwards declared that man and woman should never lose sight of the faet of t' al devil. The Bible teaches this as much ns it does that there is a per sonal God. Again, he pointed out, and qualified, that uprightncss of life and conduet that will absolutel free us from trials and troubles. For-we need the storm as well as the calm in the building up of moral charac- ter, the day of adversitv as well as the day of prosperity. There is, said he, no purity of motive or upright- ness of life that lus from suspicion. You can never judge from the morning what the noon-day will bring forth, and from jhe noon-day what will materialize with the even. The vreacher con cluded with a warning against the -- damning sin of unbelief," which is so detrimental to the fostering of moral character. The text was the words of counsel to Job: "Acquaint pow thyself with Hm, and be at »son- ce; thereby good shall come nto | thee." (Job xxii-21) . QUIET IN POLICE CIRCLES No Arests and Not Even a Complaint Over the Week-End. These are very quiet days with the police. There were no arrests mede during the week-end, and not even a complaint was maae to the police. Cold weather generally makes business with the police very slack at times, although a few days ago, there were quite a large number of cases heard by the magistrate. Wedding at Centreville A quiet wedding was solemnized by Rev. Father McCarthy in the church of St. Anthony, Centreville, on Tuesday, February 17th, when | Margaret Emily, eldest daughter of Mrs. Thomas Whalen, was united in marriage to Matthew J. Cunning- hans, one of Kingston's most pros- perous business men. The bride was attended by her sister, Mise Jeunie, while Mr. Bernard Cunning- haw, brother of the groom, acted as best man. The groom's gift to the bride was a handsome brooch set with pearls, to the bridesmaid a gold {bracelet and to the best man a gold tie pin. The bride was the recipl ent of many costly presents. Mr. ond Mrs. Cunningham will reside at 79 Lower Bagot street, Kingston. GIVEN A FALSE ALARM Firemen Had Run in Cold For Nothing Some people evidently like to see the firemen on the jump. They have a mania for sending in false alarms. The . joker put one 'over the firemen on Sunday night, at three minutes to 10 o'clock when he called them to the foot of Prin- ceas street. Some person notified the firemen by telephone, saying "there is a fire at the foot of Prin- cess street; come at once. The firefighters turned out in rec- ord time, but there was nothing do- ing. The men and hertes had a run in the cold, and for no pur Weather ------------------ Preached at St. James Bishop Mills preached in St. James' church on Sunday morning, and delivered a strong sermon ap- pealing for strong service for Christ taking as his text the words, "Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God," Romans 1:1. Cape Vincent Boy Scouts Here Gn Saturday afternoon fifteen box scouts of Cape Vincent drove Kingston and spent an enjoyable time. They attended the Grand Opera house in a body to witness the performance of 'the show "The on the Wheel," and left for Cape Vincent at Five o'clock. § Weather Notes Another severe cold wave cov- ers. the greater portion of Canada, while a marked depression is situat- ed in the lower Mississippi valley. Fine very cold weather prevails gen- terally. Syal's. W Worm pe Gibson's. will absolutely free ' Said it Would Prevent Him From the Treating System Although there are some who throw stones at the "prohibited ligt," and say that it is of no use to the poer tippler who is trying to keep on the water wagon, there are also many who think it is a great help. tv y/ license "inspector, C. W. 'Wright, Ras just added two names to his lists and both of them were volunteers; that is, they asked to Lave their names put on the list, be- lieving 'that it would help them to do what was right. An interesting fact in connee- tion with one of the cases Is that the party who is a business man, went om the list belleving that it would protect him from the treat- ing system. There are about eighty- eight names on the list at present Removal sale! Clouds 1be¢; toques 15c; mitts 15e; vests or drawers 15e. Dutton's. Miss Machar represented the man's Council at peace meeting to-day. At her recuest the presidents of all the federated societies in the council were made members of the general committee. Ski-ing and snow-shoeing is enjoyed by many, "Kodak films." being Gibson's. aE Kingston's Famons Fur Stove. i Last I Week OF THE BIG | FUR SALE Zero Weather Continues No child should be without | Furs while we're sell- man, woman or ing them at such prices as these. | Mt FOR MEN. t i Adjustable fur il up. collars, $1.50 $2.00 up .$2.00 up .$14.85 $22.50 i Far Gauntlets | Fur Caps | Fur Coats | Fur-lined Coats il FOR WOMEN Mil Fur neck Pieces. ..... $1.00up Fur Muffs y Fur Coats . Fur-lined Coats ....$18.7% FOR CHILDREN Fur Setts ..... $1.75 up Far Muffs 2,25 up Fur Caps . $1.35 up Fur Coats . «30.90 oy All Bales for Cash Waich Our Windows GEORGE MLS & C0. | \ \ it is only fair 300 yards of fine quality cord velvet in dainty shades of brown, castor, nav Vy cream, full 24 inches wide, a quality, bought at a hig snap, and we pass it on to you. Tuesday 39c a yard. wine, I egular 7 15¢ bleached, in 5 . 250 yards of sheeting, bleached vard lengths, 2 yards and 21-4 yards wide, marked at special prices for Tuesday shoppers. and un- ATTA Large range than eveer Ladies' & Misses' Suits and Coats FOR £PRING hefore. Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. NO INTEREST IN IT ALD. HARRISON DOES NOT OWN { PART OF LAND | That the City Council Proposes to Purchase Near the Junction For Industrial Sites. Kingston, Feh.. 23.--(To the Edi- tor): I am told that some people have the impression that Ald. Harri: son, chairman of the City Property committee, has some interest in a por- Hn of the tract of factory sites late purchased by the corporation from Beh Gill. In justice to Mr. Harrison to state that during his absence from the city about a year ago 1 purchased from his son' the land he owned at the Junetion, so that he has now no connection what~ ever with that portion. Later om ill took an option from me, which is included in the larger area sold to the city. It has heen stated in the press that this tract purchased lies poh the city. This is not quite correct, as the portion of it referred to above ia within the city and doubtless boundaries will be 'extended as soou ap possible to embrace the whole sec- This year's Properly committee to be commended for its energy this and the growth: be assured as well as SS ire of all the ©. A MAC, COAL. Is in good demand just now, and we are happy to say that wa have a nice clean. heat-givs ing, heart cheering coal. Uptown customers may leave orders at 264 University Ava. , For the hoxt ange 1 weather, to ble teil Pe yourself My how cold it is at your own home. Our thermometers are neat, well made and dependable. Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians. Gourdier 3 Good Buys in Real Estate th Possession About May "y oe Soa brick ay ho a. bert St., 10 rooms, hot water heating. electric light and gas, side and front entrances, gar- age and deep lot. $3,600--S8emi-detached solid brick dwelling on University Avenue, 9 rooms, furnace, gas and elec- tric light. « $6,100--Detached. solid brick dwell- ing on University Avenue, 10 rooms, hot water heating, gas and electric light, side and front entrances. Complete list of properties paying well on the investment at office. Choice bullding lots and houses to rent. FIRE INSURANCE E. W. MULLIN Cor, Johnson and Division Streets. Phones: Office 539 . Res. 1456