Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Feb 1914, p. 5

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JUST PUBLISHEDNEW POPULAR EDITION life of Napoleon | ; B # * | HoLLaND ROSE, Litt. D. "Mr. Rose's 'Life of Napoleon,' in short, is statesmanlike in conception, impartial in treatment, accurate in detail, and attractive in'style. The best thing that has been written on Napoleon since Lan- frey left his tale half told. . .The book is likely to dy the authority for English readers on the greatest name in modern history.' --Athenaeum. Special Price, Only $1.70 Net. 141 Princess "ee Street esnane UGLOW'S, !* THOMAS LAMBERT Maker Of Men's Clothes Blue Worsted Suits are always fashionable and are very ser- viceable. We have a very special Blue Worsted, Indigo dye, which we will make up for $24.00 a suit. We also have a good selection of Brown and Grey Tweeds, which we will sell cheap. THOMAS LAMBERT 167 PRINCESS STREET Automobile For Sale Model 19, McLaughlin Buick, fully and in excellent condition. CHEAP FOR QUICK SALE. PORRITT GARAGE CO., Limited 210-14 Wellington Street. equipped - Cheap Living Rangoon Rice, 'per Wb... srk nese DE .:.8e .... 20C Patna Rice, perlb. ....... "Maple Leaf?' Valencia Raisins, 3 1bs. for ... For Sale at All Grocers. | SPECIA d t | ELECTRIC FIXTURES We will install in your home the following list of Fixtures Complete with Lamps and Shades, for the sum of $20.00 Hall, downstairs, 1 fixture; parlor, 1 3-light fix- ture; dining-room, 1 3-light fixture; kitchen, 1 drop; hall, upstairs, 1 fixture; bath room, 1 bracket; four bedrooms, 1 bracket in each. All of the above solid brass and guaranteed. v {W. J. MOORE & SON Wellington St. wow Zz Special Sale : Men's Tan Calf Viscolized Double 0 . Sole, One Lot Men's Box Calfileather- | Lined Viscol Sole, regular : $6.00 now | PATRONESSES REFUSE 'TO LEND THEIR SERVICES To Queen's Junior Year Function I the Event Was Held in the City Hall -- Alma Mater Society Discusses the Matter. The first representative student gathering this year turned out to the Alma Mater meeting on Satur- day evening. The reason for such a large attbndance especially of ladies was due to the agitation of the junior year dance committee to obtain permission to continue their dance until one o'clock, over-riding the present social function regu- lations which demand a- twelve o'clock closing. A communication was received from the ULevana society stating that the ladies were strictly opposed to holding the dance outside the college and desired to show their loyalty to the Alma Mater society in refusing to attend the dance unless it was held under the society's regulations. A motion was brought before the meeting that the constitution should be suspended for 4 week in order to allow the Junior Year the same privilege: that the fin- al year enjoyed at its dance. This motion was ruled out of order by the president since sufficient notice h d not been given as the constitution required in such cases when an amendment was included. Another motion was then brought forward that a comsuittee be ap- pointed to confer with the principal and regisrar in order to attempt to come to some agreement about the extension of time for the dance, on account of the peculiar <circum- stances that the present regulations have given rise to. But the motion, together with an amendment to the effact that the society showed iiseif in favor of an extension of time, was lost on the grounds thai such a step would be simply showing the college officials that the student body was unable to cope with the difficulties. The commitiee was then asked to report and brought in a recomaenda- tion that the society show itseli in favor of an extension of the time pro- vided the senate again. This report oopy. to the senate was lost. This was all the progress that could he made, if it could be called progress, as the matter in reality was,no further ahead than at the start. The ques- tion was hotly discussed and many breaches fof procedure were 'commit- ted, sonfe students at time not show- ing due 'respect to the chair. The la- dies were invited down from the gal- lery to vote, and for the first time this year, Bourinot had to be.consult- ed. The dance had been fixed to be held in the city hall. The patronesses or- iginally chosen, wives of university professors, reiused to act if the event was held outside of the gollege. A great many students in all facul- ties have been laid up with illness this year, more so than in previous years, and the hospital tickets are re- ceiving plenty of use. Songs for Children Under the pen name "Chanticleer" is recognized G. F. Joy, formerly of Kingston. "In Fairy Fane" (Na- tional Children's Home, London) is a little collection of children's songs, the sale of which will help on the home for consumptive children at Herpenden, Herts. They breathe a love of children of all ages and con- ditions of life. Mr. Joy has a pretty kpack with British vernacular, Going to Toronto - Miss Leocadia Gaudreau leaves for Toronto, where she will reside in future, having accepted a position in the Bank of Montreal in that city. On leaving her position with the Waormwith Piano €o., the staff pre- sented her with a purse of gold She has sincere wishes for success in her new position, Engagement Announced The engagement has been announc- el of Miss Grace Isabel Grange, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Alexander W. Grange, Napanee, to Oswald C. Lailey, son -of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lailey, ot Toronto. The marriage will take place Saturday, March 14th. His First Sunday "It was Smith's first Sunday as usher in church, and he was a bit flustered. Turning to a lady who en- tered, he said: "This way, madame, and I'll sew you into a sheet." district tobacco growers a co-operative organiza. Kingsville will form tion. INDIGESTION, GAS OR SICK, SOUR STOMACH Time It!--="Pape's Diapepsin"™ Makes Your Upset, Bloated Stomach Feel Fine in Five Minutes. "Really does" put bad stomachs in 'order--*really 'does' overcome fn- digestion, dyspepsia, gas, heartburn and sourness in five minutes--that--- Just that---makes Pape's Diapepsin the largest 'selling stomach regulator in the world. If what you wat fer- ments into stubborn lumps, you belch gas and eructate sour, undl- gested food and acid; head is dizzy and aches; breath foul, tongue coat- ; your insides filled with bile and ndigéstible waste, remember the moment "Pape's Diapepsin" comes in contact with the stomach all such distress vanishes. It's truly as- tonishing---almozt marvelous, and the joy is the harmlessness. A large fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin will give you a hundred dollars' worth of satisfaction or your druggist bands you your money back. It's worth its weight in gold to men and women who can't get their stomachs regulated. It belongs in your home--should always be kept handy in case of a sick, sour, upset stomach during the day or at might. It's the quickest, surest and most harmless stomach doctor in the world, | RA hd A DANCE DIFFICULTY was adopted, but a motion to send al STUDENT MOVEMENT A SERMON BY REV. COMPTON. S.J. M In Behalf of the Great Sthdent Mise sion Work -- "Spiritual Leader. ship and Its Price." Who will join in this intercession for the Student Christian Movement ? Surely, those who understand and sympathize with the movement, there fore we as a people should try to understand what ) this movement stands for, The above, in effect, were Rev, S. J. M. Compton's words in St. An- drew's church on Sunday morning. The preacher chose for his text Mat- thew ix,:29' "Believe: ye that I am able to do this." And, "According to your faith be it unto vou," and he used his text to illustrate the effi- cacy of prayer in connection with the day of prayer for students, Founded twenty years ago by a small group of students in Princeton university, the World's Christian Fe- deration comprises to-dav some 2, 170 colleges and universities who are interested in it, and who have mem- hers who are trying to encourage young men to enter the Christian missionary cause. Their conferences are good as a means of interchange of thought at first hand from the re- vresentatives of different countries. They are good as a power for peace, as all nationalities fraternize at these gatherings. The movement stands for the capture of all the umiversitics of the world for the Christian faith. Its leaders are the very finest type of men in the student weérld to-day. 1t stands for belief in the power of praver, in which atmosphere it lives and moves and had its origin. Since ils inception in the year 1883, in Princeton University, over 5,000 students have 'gone to foreign field§ as missionaries of the Christian church. For this reason and because of the creat confidence the federation has in prayer, this day is specially set apart as a day of prayer, and "according to the faith of the supplicant, the pray- er shall be answered." In the evening Mr. Compton dwelt on "Spiritual Leadership and Its [{ Price"--more' especially the price of leadership--a- leader must be conse: crated to Christ, a leader must know the way, and must. pay the price of knowing, through the anguish and perplexity of finding out the clear will of God. How is this done? By prayerful, thoughtful study. The lead- or must be prepared to meet the 'backward pull" of unresponsive men, and perhaps failure afterwards, but heroic perseverence will ultimately win. Leadership means drinking of the cup of which Christ drank. It means sometimes utter loneliness ahead, and alone! Leadership ap- pears an uninviting life, but true hon- orable men will not flinch, but will work onward and upward and win men to Christ, ¥ The splendid musjcal service of this church is always an inspiring feiture, but special mention might be made of the evening anthem, "Abide With Me," when the soit passages were sung by the choir as one voice, breathing an evening prayer. LETTERS TO THE. EDITOR Alexander Loftus Writes. About Canadian Theatrical Field kingston, Feb. 21.--(To the Editor) --1 had the pleasure of play- irz in Kingston last September, twelve months, with "The New Bar- nid," the celebrated English musi- cat comedy which I brought direct froic London, in its entirety, with a full chorus, and it was with refer- cuce to" the latter and the trouble munagers have in bringing girls so lar away from their homes that was possibly _ the reason why managers had always' secured their girls in New York, that I was interviewed by you. At the termination of the Cana- dian tour lasting two months, I ship- ped the entire company (with four exceptions) back to England from {Montreal the four remaining to go to New York, where I went myself. I have travelled through most of the theatres now in Canada, this being my second visit and I am convinced there is a big field open for theatrical enterprise in Canada, which English manugers are only just begging to know, ard in a few years when the towns have grown and the journeys can be arranged easier and more ecenomical, ng doubt more English plays will find their way over here. The theatres in Canada are surprisingly good and leave little to desired. I. have now been with "The But- terfly on the Wheel" company since last August, playing the English dip- lomat "Lord EHerdine," but I miss singing the "Little Bit of Sugar for the Bird," the topical song of "The Now Barmaid." ° At the termination of this tour I hope to go to the old eountry with a view to getting an- otlier play to travel Canada when 1 hope to again pay you another visit. ---Yours faithfully, ALEXANDER LOFTUS. be GRAND OPERA HOUSE "A Butterfly on the Wheel," duced on Saturday, Two presentations, tinee and night, of the Englisy divorce play, "A Butterfly on the Wheel," were well received at the Grand on Satur- day. The story, which allows due scope for a glimpse at the charat- ters, amusements .and scheming of the wealthy 'English principals, reaches the climax in the divorce court scene, in the 'hird act, where the Butterfly wife of the ¢Hon. Geo. Admaston, M.P."is being cross- examined by 'Sir Robert Fyfie," ti Pro- Admaston," the Butterfly, an actress of capability, was seen at her best in the witness box. journey to is of "Peggy" Roderick Collingwood, (P. J. Rol: low), under the eye of her husband's agents, the subsequent divorce suit, and clearing up of the whole plot, Insist on White Rose flour, ' 0. G, MONDAY, FEBRUAR serutinizing prosecutor for her hus-| band. Charlottle Lilliard as "Pegg | is fascinating. The principals in the cast are artists of attainment. | 2 This Week's Savings Offered At Aa ABERNE Sales of Small Lots etc., During February $1.49 ONLY, a small lot of Women's Evening Shoes, in Patent Straps, Kid Straps, Velvet Pumps and Kid Colonials, real good values, made by the best makers, Regular $3.50 values. Thi k, or while they last, . : » wee : $1.49 Special Sale good assortment from. Co CAMPBELL'S 'Annual Clearing Sale of Furs Big Discount in Every Line Campbell Bros. Designers and Makers of Fine Furs, 84 Princess Street STOVES AND RANGES. We have a large stock of Stoves and Ranges, also new and second-hand furs niture, carpets and quilts. Come and see me if you want to save money on all kinds of household goods, fH. SUGARMAN, 242 Ontario Street, Phone 1580. Opposite Craig's Wholesale. I QUEER THINGS IN REAL LIFE . Sometimes Trath Still is Than Fiction Death and the divorce. court, those two great dividers, were: recently ro- sponsible for an encounter in actual | life, stranger than many that have | tuken place on the stage or in a no- { vel, says the Mandhester Guardian. | 'A gentleman, who may be called 'Mr. L., lost his first wife many years ago and was left with one little girl. By-and-bye he married 'again, but af- ter some. years his 'second wife insti tuted divorce proceedings against him and a decree was granted. Mrs. L., who had become attached to her step- child, took charge of her. Mr. L. went abroad, where he got married a third time, and again a little girl was born to him. The child grew up, and her parents and she paid a visit this year to Mr. L's. mative land. During a walking tour it occurred to him that he was about to pass through the town where his second wife and first-born child were living, and be wrote to the for- mer, said by whom he was accom- Stranger i ied, 1 begged ission t kL. oe ae the} Py and begged. permission to call This was readily and even gracious- and jv granted, and he was received, with Mrs. and Miss L. on the footing of an old friend. A pleasant afternoon, to all appearances, must bave béen ex- pericnced in a party which included the daughter of a first wife, a second wile, a third wife, her child, the. fath- er of both daughters, and the husband of both wives. $3.75 and Women's $5.00 Tan Buttons and Bluchers. $1.98 Girls" Tan Button Boots, size 12 to 2. Regular $2.75 and $3.00. This week only $1.98 of Men's A to choose CANDY Fresh made every day---spec- ial 30c chocolates for 20c lb SAKELL'S, Next To Opera House ei-------------- ee Www YEAR RIGHT Insist on Having Pasteurized Milk Be Sure it is in Bottle mess, PRICE'S 1{ Cole & Studebaker AGENT Bibby's Garage Repairs and Auto Supply Phone's 201 & 917. ot Big Clearing Fumiture Sa Dining Room Chairs, 3 small and Arm Chairs, leather seats, only $15.00 per sett, New York Fruit Store Bweet Oranges, 16¢, 200 and 80c a dozen. Malaga Grapes, 30c a 1b, Bananas, 15¢ and 200 a dozen. * Figs, 15¢ = 1, Dates. 10¢ a 1b. 814 Princess Bt. Phone 14058 Sale of Shoes GENUINE REDUCTIONS 20 per cent. off all marked prices. Any pair of shoes In| store at reduced price. Must be cleared to make room for spring gooda. and see. We have all and styles to suit every- © Skbstantial reduction in qf { : o Richmond No. 4 and Ontario Mines, the best Anthracite © 2, The Leading Phone 147 for -- WE SELL Mines in Pennsylvania.

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