Account by uugs + ut system of ou can open an interest ro k, no matter where you live, Li CARTING. ALBERT SAUNDERS, ALL KINDS OF the Readers of the A oy Sues cones on Wednesday. | | " Gibson's, Sys face Bab; by Dear bony 35.1 FOR GALE e Brite your remittance with the rd to whom you wish it credited, and we wil * mail bank book to the address given, éar rying out yo ruinstructions as fo. you want it delivered. mation, rh Write for. Howard rd S. Folger High Grade Bonds & Stocks, ot & Life Insurance District Manager of the - BQUITAHLE LIFF. ASSURANCE SOCIETY "Phone 915 uu "KENSINGTON PLACE" and planted, and the streets -macadame hed a this pleted Spring. Place" will be one of the most de- 2 htful residential spots in Kingston. EW 650x120 PERT LOTS LEFT. J. 0. HUTTON St. Kingston ' $4,000-Johnson Street, SiR location, rents $600 per year. $2,800--Montreal Street, double frame, rents $294 per year. $800 will handle this. $2,600--Division Street, first class frame dwelling. all improve ments, hot air furnace, gas, barfi and driveshed, very desirable residence. 400 feet on Alice Street Crescent, facing on Queen's College new grounds, very deep lots, a snap for a quick buyer. 140 x 210 feet, corner Division and Russell Streets, adjoining new Reglopolis College. Near the new factory sites. GEORGE uced in price to save money. of beautiful antique furni- ranges, 'etc, to choose Bonssholg goods bought, best x LESSES Cor. Princess and. Streets Phone 104" RT gon tue, A Brick of ® ® Delicious Ice Mage 3 th cy Da ox Troe any hour of the day. Assorted Flavors. g's Drug Store shi Phone 268 On ws BAWDEN For Sale By KINGSTON 56 BROCK ST. PHONE 68 A large, well-huilt, roomy house, in central location, eleven rooms, eight bedrooms. all modern con- venlences. A pew solid brick house on Albert St., near Brock, hot water neating electric light; all of the very best; a fully modern house, Double frame dwelling, Colling- wood St., near Union, lot 76 x 100. These are well worth the price we ask--$3,600 J. K. CARROLL, Manager. x nett T NTS ¥.. Dennison RED ATTORNEY, pad Foren ea, Designs, ._ ever, pi Write for es hort Exchanged All kinds of re Victor, Col ambia, Edison Blu§ Amberol, Edi- on o-uiluute, for exchange. Also ohonograj Sramophones and graf- noise fo rp sale. and let us ex- olain our plas. >. LALLEN'S For Double Stone House, Montreal pe CMAs emg nell Rent for $17.00"a 30 . Single Frame, Stephen a a sans nh For particulars VI. Godin So OO at Fite Fire Tonone 2c Dutton's. A. H. MacBrian, of Boston, was in } the city on Sundsy. | William piano tuner received at MoAulay's, 'Phone 564. "Syrup Figs," 95¢. Gibson's. i Be son, Sharbot Lake, §i spent the Week in Kingston. Sale! b yds: ten-towailing 25e, Hair ribbon 2 yds. 26¢. Dutton's, The market clerk is looking for the |} owner of a quarter of pork left in his | H. Cunningham, piano tuner, King street. lg orders at 'Auley's hook store, "Nyal's face cream," Wiibson's, | ves has re-issued the llen- | frew Journal aud promises to make a | wood Papes of He Prunella miters] Boe; English boots $1.00; slippers Dutton's. Keven, 25 | Gibsons, gd ATR taggin Miss A Keyes, sok street. Pittaferry, in visiting her aunt, R. Eloan. 214 Rideau street. wa fade cream," Mis§ Jennie MeClement, Mrs. The Board of Health was called ta this afternoon, to further consid- 'joe Srvesting question. "K * Gibsons. ol eB of Works to-morrow will the road paving tenders, {whith were received on Saturday. Removal! $10.00 guaranteed raincoats $7.00. Dutton's sale. « I Gowan and Maurice Middle- 21 Me er t ton, Hamilton, are visiting the for- mer's parents on Darra street, Oe Syrp Figs," 25c. Gibson's. | tons, fof the 42nd Lanark and Police been the sick list for several days. Constable Mullinger has also quite. ill, | "Nyal"s Worm Syrup." Gibson's. J. M. Farrell, police magistrate, addressed the young men's class of Cooke's church, on Sunday after- noon. Dutton's removal sale all trunks and suitcases less than cost. Must clear, | a be. "Kodak films." Gibson's. A meeting of the hingston preshy- tery has been called tor Tuesday, Mareh Jed, the session to be held at Queen's University. | "Sy Pigs," 25¢. Gibson's. i Few pairs high top boots $2.00. Dutton's removal sale. Herbert M. Taylor, of Regina, who formerly: resided in Kingston, came to the city. on Saturday afternoon to | 'renew old acquaintances. | Removal sale! Men's $5.00 pat- jent colt hoots $3.50. Dutton's. \ Another cold wave covers the great er part of Canada, the weather report says to«day. Kingston is getting her share of .it. "Nyal's Worm Syrup." Gibson's. Miss Emma Paynter, daughter of Me, and Mrs. Richard Paynter,' 106 York stroot, a graduate nurse of New York, was 'matried to Lester Wright, of "New York city, on Feb. 20th, Men! Don't miss buying Easter boots at Dutton's, sale---newest styles, or Figs," 25¢. Gibson's. Rev. 1. Campbell preached on Wolie Island on Sunday morning, his pulpit. here beng occupied bv Kev. Jd. B. Lmstone, who delivered a tine sermon on '"'lleaven " butions removal sale, "Kodak films." Gibson's. The funeral of the late Mrs. Wil liam Gillow took place from her late residence, 'Wolfe Island, on. Saturday afternoon. The funcral was very largely attended. #o¢ tins talcum powder, 15¢, your Removal Gr. Come. Dut- "Syrup Figs," 25¢. Gibson's. The children of the Anglican church ca throughout . the city were pre sented with mite mission boxes on Suggay, in which they will place Lefitén contributions and hand them in again at Easter. Sale! Dolls' turniture ton's. . ce. Dut- "Nyal's fact cream," Gibson's. Mr. and Mrs, Cnarles Howard, of New York, are in the city in a brief holiday. Mr. Howard, a big man, bath in Stature and heart, is one of the passenger men of the New York Central railway, Removal sale! Ladies' $1.0C boots $2.50. Dutton's. "Films developed." Gibson's. The splendid publication of Miss Machar, entitled "Storles of the British Empire,' is securing wide cie- culations ~ Within the past few days an order has been given for ninety of them 'for wee in the Toronto schools, dew short corsets left 35c. Dut- ton's removal sale. "Phone 230 Gibson's!" ior drugs. The listeners of St. " dor dr Angli- gan church were enraptured on Sun- lday evening with the eweet and clear sluging of Mrs, Gilding, Toronto. She has a splendid soprano voice distinctly to all parts py ria Mrs. Gilding 1 the guest of "Mrs. Compton, Frontenac street, and will be in the vty for two weeks. smart rr. Military Notes The following additional appoint- | 4 ments have beégn made wpen the re- organization of the 15th Prince Bd- ward regiment: to be captains: G. idler. C. F. Jarvis, K. D. Ferguson; be provisional captains: P. Wana- ry D. 8. Ainsworth, E. Croft; 40 be provisional li nts: G. 8. Strawbridge; J: E. Mulholland, H. F. Fralr, J. P. Welsh, T. H. Hammel, H, 8. Dodge. The period of tenure of command Renfrew regiment of Lieut.-Col. J. M, Balder- son, Perth, has been further extend od to Feb. 1st, 194, Ju" 'Syrup Figs," 2%. Gibson's. During. saes popular music 8 sheets 25¢. Prize packages, 1 sheets 10¢, © Dutton's. by oweye tailoress by trade. Under the auspi ish Canadian" Thea rgan- izatibn" i' Laurence IRVING Supported by his enti Tendon © company, includi In He Ma int Succes TYPHOON TUESDAY THE UNWRITTEN LAW WEDNESDAY EARNEST Prices 25, 50, 75¢, 81, $1.30, $2 Seats Now on Sale, Police Constable Clark has been on | ~ Club GRAND FANCY DRESS. CARNIVAL Covercd Rink To-night Feh 23rd at 8.30 p.m. Admission to spectators 25¢ Wrestling Match ove" Referde, "of @ US ASA Te Haaes VA, CLEAMOYN W oupaf tiragt Catoh-as-cateh cap. Style Re Ni Two Good Preliminaries BONING AND WRESTLING Wed., Eve'g, Feb. 25, 1914 Ontagie Hall, Son Be Just the (hing for Tuncheons, Homes, Ete. Two sizes, 10¢, At All Greeors. Fenwick, Hendry & Co. ( Distributors. At and The TWO DEATHS IN i: WITHIN FOUR DAYS; OF OTHER BACH The Stansbury Family Greatly Bes veaved -- Death of Miss Sarah Grace Stanshury on Saturday. On Saturday afternoon; death en- tered the home of Mr. and Mrs. John YOUNG emi. oR op Robs Kiog Stu ans WOMAN POR WASHING DISHES Ax Kicgen work, Apply Frontenac Hao YrRICR GIRL AT ONUE. APPLY TO WwW. Waolworth So. Ltd, 5 1 and 10e Swore NU RR WOUSEMAID, bd FAKE CARR Hy oe HR y dy, good 5 Box 6 WIE 0 EXPERIRBNCED WOMAN OR uinL for general housework. Good way- vs Apply 33 Division Street. TO0OMOTIVE FIREMEN) BRAK wages about 100; exp ary. Send age, post- care Whig. TES CAN BARN MONE AT home, spare thpe, no I al sens for partic ulars, Mutual Pub Hshing Co. Scranton, Penna. INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 pany 'corresponding fia For ERR Dn SH AS Be or rticu cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y, CAPABLE OLD COUNTRY DOMES. tics. Parties arriving twice month- ly. _Appleations must be mad well in advance. The Guild, 47 Pembroke St, Toronto, and 1 Drummond St), Montreal. AN WE Sax. NOW A C an to canvass PABLE SALES- Kingston for the Bale of New Hardy FEvVerblooming Roses, ornamental trees, shrubs Good opening for ngnt rty. Write I'elham Nursery Co, Toron- ", GOOD PROPOSITION TO RRIGHTY married or single, wishing women, a permanent position. Pull par- mrs iven ou appleation. Ap. to ta8 Mdrgaret Dunnetr, Kplrella corsetie LOST A BEACK CARDCASE PURSE CON- taining tive dellars. Finder please return to Whig office. WILL THE PERSON SEEN re KING up the pay envelope in front of Windsor Hotel Saturday afternoon please return to Whig office or 115 Lower Bagot St, and save traubk PAIR GOLD RIMMED on Sunday morning, 15th, tween 8t. George's Cathedral! vor. King and Witliam Sts for return to Whi E Ah: GLASSES b, be- and teward g office. BUSLN Ess NOTIOES KINGSTON SHORTHAND. TYPR. writing and Copying Bureau, 321 Queen St. All work strictly con. fidential. Rates moderate. HOTELS, ALBION HOTEL, CORNER MONTREAL and Queen streets: 33 bedrooms Rates moderate; centrally located, one block from street cars, House recently thoroughly renovated hest sable and yard accominoda- Sion; . M. Caines, Jroprietor. To CONTRACTORS Tenders will be peceived at the office of od undersigned, where plang and specifications may ha seen, up to, 12 o'clock, noon, on Saturday, the 8th inat, for :the several trades work ro § wire d in the ecvstruction of a College Pullding on Russel: Strast, in this city, for the Board of Trustees of the Reg- ivpolis College Lowest or any tender not neces accepted wM NEWLANDS & SON, sary re, 280 Wellington i carting done. Satisfaction gusran- teed. 867 Princess Street. PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, nd win marks and all growths an n ble hes removed permanent without scar; 27 years eXparionce Dr. Rimer J. Lake, Eve, Nose, Throat and Skin Specialist, 1] Bagot street. SOCAL" MASSAGE FOM FALLING hair, dandruff, etc, treated br ei- ectricity (new method). Latest ai ment in pnting, Jato manicuring, GRESE FEATHERE APPLY To Goldman, 3§7 Division 8 ---- EID COMFORT SUPER, Uy t a short yakine, Shine. ARply D sun son, 244 Pri sre in A FINE LOT OF WALNUT AND OAK sideboards, the bast we have ever had, at a reasonnhle at Turk's, MP e G01 ------------ ts oe WO YOUNG HORSES A ALL ROUND One. four years, other six. Price reasonable. Apply Kingston Mate Totress Co, Princess St price, ONE FRAME HOUSE AND BARN, corner Jlansdowne and Stank Sta, Jot 32 x 130; corner Nelson an York Ste, lot 38 fi. frontage on York St, second lot from corner of Alfred and York Bia, easy terms Apply 427 Albert 8 "| PmoNTENAC LOAN FINANCIAL AND INVEST. established President, Colonel Henry R. oney issued on city Ana properties, municipal an debentures; morigages 3 any {epasits recelved and Interest al- We 8. C. McGill, Manager, 27 Stes Street. EE -------------------------------------- LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company, Available assats, 341,187,215. In adition to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited "lability of city property, insured at lowest possible rates, Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange - & Strange, Agents. Phine 325. ment Soclety; farm DRXTAL A, E. KN APR, n A. L D. S. moved to 208 Princess DR, O. C. NASH, DEN' 287; Renton, assistant 13 Street. 'Phone 735. SPA KS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS 9 Wellington Strvet, (over Car. 5A 8s), Kingston. "Phone DR. TW. Princess In H. SIMPSON; 1.D.8., DD. ist, corner Princess and Bagot street. Entrance on Bagot street. Telenhone 6268 CATERING RSTIMATES GIVEN FOR RALL SUP pers, banquets, ajuners, jparties, ate Bllverware and cutle fant or Shrticnlare apply . Toye's King Bt, store. TER TO PARTIES, RALLA wedding breakfasts. banquets, etc also rent dishes, lable linens and Silverware Reid and Hambrook MP 30 Ualon street, ¥F. C aor Lo Alfred street Phones og, or WANTED--GENERAL WANTED, mare, 6 1100 GOOD ars old must and eit) and price: Kingston, hak RANG RO. An ibs, he o id. true ription # office, GENTLEMEN T™ BRING THEIR cloth and have It made up Into vup- to-date suits. Price and workman- ship Buaranteed to please. Press- ing and spalrin done on the shortest not Rompa Galloway 131 Brock street, near Bibby's Gar- age, HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR § ond-hand furniture, stoves, ete, me before selling your goods. Wa also have a large stock of new and second-hand furniture and stoves, which we will sell to clean out, at cost. J, Thompson, 333 Princess St, next to St. Andrew's Church. Wednesday, Feh. 25th, 10 am. 8S Sydepham St. Mahogany parlor pieces, Rattan and OC kera, Dak Davenport, Oak Lib- [* Oriental other Rugs, and other Curtains, Oak Side Dine - n Range, Gas Range, China , Clocks, Oak Hall Raek, § vir Cagpet, Oak and other I Te 4 Linen, Toilet Articles. N THE ALCTIONEER For Sale House Number 124° Victor- ia St., hetween Earl and John- « «Ch#ice location, two blocks from car line. House modera in every particular. Stunsbury, Raglan Road, for the sec- ond 'time 'fn four days, when their daughter, Miss Sarah Grace, passed to rest after a lingering illness. On Wednesday morning last the first break in the family occurred when their son, George' Alexander, passed He had been confined to the Hotel Dieu, suffering from typhoid fever, The late Miss Stansbury was a She was very popular with her many friends, who were grieved fo hear of her passing away. The funeral took place on Monday morning, from her late resi- dence to Cataraqui cemetry where the remains were placed in the vault beside those of her: brother. The deceased leaves," es Mer pa Albert CElnfe Tat' home: Mrs. 'A. Fletcher, of * Morley; Alta nipey. Contributions of $147 The cash offering at Brock Street 'Methodist church anniversary ser- Vices on Sunday was $147. This was ents, two Drothars and "tires. Sisters; : John in Florida and Jeune in Win-} 'n_ excess of the usual collection for gencral church purposés. It is a splendid showing, considering. that {during the past few months Brock | street church people have paid some $3530 of principal besides $864 of interést. They have alsa provided| for about a further $1,000 reduction: jof the debt, the entiré debt now standing at §4,100. HG "Filing developed." Gibson's, | } Wolfe Tsland, Ont. Apply Mcleod's Drug Store The O'BRIEN Cheese Hoo in Sanaa the Shai a 4 the bandage In bandaging hoop Can hi Spege grasp the end {about ar In the same way when remoxing the cheese the next day the lever can be turned. and the hoop lifted off { without any Knifing or hot water in the coldest weather. These advantages Lave long been looked for, and will be read- ily recognized by makers. Far further particulars apply to J. W. O'Brien, Patentee, | We ae Rootes Sale pL ARCHITECT REWLANDS & SON, ARCH teets, eto. Offices, 368 Bagot St Phone 608. 5, - eet ee eee ei POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER: chants' Bank Building, cornér Brock ana Wellington streets. Droy a SAT BUSINESS CHANCES CROCKERY, CHINA, tin and agateware, cheap rent, about $3,500, 656, GLASSWARE, fancy €o0ds: good location. Stock Owner retiring. Box Napanee, Ont. ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START a mail order business at home; no canvassing; be your own boss Send for fres booklet; tells how Heacock, 2,969 Lockport, N.Y. a To Ri -- | | "WE HAVE BEEN GETTING GROCERY STORE AND DWELLING, 152 Ontario street, or will sell grocery stock and fixtures with privilege of renting store and dwelling. Dolng a first class busi nes Good reason for selling, 'Aps ply F. X. Bazeau, on the premises -- CHOICE FARM, ONR RUNDRED and ninety-five acres, 9 miles from Kingston and 1 mile from Glen~ vale. Has an abundance of cholus pins. spruce and cedar and never. ailing water thereon. Well feno« ed. For further Jutormation A apply John Clark, RMD. 1, Westhroo LAUNCH "CONSTANCE," 30 FT. LONG a ft. beam, three eviinder maching Kony . electric lighted, elecs , wicker chairs, cushions. And all latest improveménts; will do 15 real miles with 8 passengers. The most up-to-date beat in Gans anoque.. Apply 8. C. Taylor, Gan- anoque, * 500 FOR nou IBLE 4 ROOM FRAME Jouse, on York St, improvements, all in good repair. Wil rent fof NE W BRICK ROUSE, hy = 'ot, fine location, on GOOD or: oN UNION ST. WEST, about 80% 50. NEW SOLID BRICK WYWOUSE O Johnson street, ) rooms; all me ern improvements: Sood Jocating: QL8Y Jorms. Apply t A. F, BOND, 2¢ Frontehae Ft. Phone 743 $3200-BRICK VENEER ROUSE, BEV. erley Street, partly furnished. Large lot; good Sutbul) dings, 370 NEW OUSE PATRICK St, modarn De Va nte) good sta ready for brick "veneer, EW FRAME HOUSE, ALL Sunroyementa, TEMAN & RDINER, YVSUR. ance, Money "n Loan. $7 Clarence 8t., Kingston. ' ro LET STORAGE FOR FURNITUR slean and dry. McCann, atreet. # Brock OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. "HAM. bers. Apply to Cunpingham & Mu dle, 79 Clarence St, PRIVATE GARAGE OR STORAGE for auto for the winter; clean snd dry. MeCann, 82 Brock St ELL 8 AT 830, B17, 4, 08, Also ofllces, stores, oto, McCann's Real Estate Agency, 8% Brock St. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN dry, atry rooms; our own lask and key. Frost's Clty Storage, 199 Quaen St, Phone $260 TWO wu RNISHE D ROOMS, Fu 1 light housekeepin 3 and every convenience, > Divieic ton 8 St ONE COMFORTABLE FURNISHED room, centrally located, suitable for one or two geutlemen, with or without hoard, Terms reasonable. Apply 142 Sydenham St. NISH- with Apply MUSIC. VIOLIN INSTRUCTION--MISS CHRIS. tine Cochrane, 78 Gore St, King ston, Telephone 128. TELGMANN SCHOOL OF MUSIC, SNe Frontenac street, V. Telg~ mann, BE, teacher of elocution and setion. Miss Norma and O. F, Telgmann, teachers of violin, mane dolin, plano, ete. Terms for tui: tion and concert engagements on application de UPHOLSTERER W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RK- pairing anit carpet = work, = hale Tehftrass renovating. Drop a card or call 3 Bagot street LEGAL CUNNINGHAM @& MUDIE, BARRIST. " ers and solicitors, Law Office, 70 Clarence street, Kingston. Genuine Scranton Coal for 45 years. It is the best coml for family use. Hard and soft wood and all deserip- tions of kindling nlways on hand. Why Are Your Neighbors So Happy ? Because the Wife Bought An EDDY'S WASHBOARD And Now--Wash day is a joke. All kinds of Washboards for all kinds of people.