Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Feb 1914, p. 9

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QUIT MEAT JF YOUR [NEEDLE FOUND EXIT "KIDNEYS ACT BADLY ake Tublepot 1 Sts If ch Hurts or Bladder Bothers. We are a nation of mest eaters and our blood is filled with uric acid, says a well-known authority, who ware. us to be Sonstanly on guard against kidney trouble. he kidneys do their utmost to frev fice. of this irritating = acid, weak from the overwork, Tr the eliminative tis and thus the waste is re the blood to poison the en a but they Sus the kidneys ache and feel like lumps of lead, and you have stinging pains in the back, or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or the blad- der is irritable, le, obliging you to seek relief during the night, when you have Savite headaches, nervous and dizzy Is, sleeplessness, acid stomach o1 iy in bad weather, get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast each and in' a few days yown fine. This famous is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juire, combined with lithia and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys to neutralize the acids in urine so it is no longer a source of irritation, thus ending wrinary and bladder dis orders, Jad Salts is inexpensi'e and cannot injure; makes a delightful effervescent lithin-water drink, ° and nobody can make a mistake by taking a little ocoasionally to keep the kidneys clean and active, Agent, G. W, Mahood Victoria CAFE 364 St. ton Finest Restaurant in the City Now O Proprietor. THIS N.W MEDICINE SAVES YOU MONEY We are driggists bine here in your town and make a liying out of the drug 'business,' but iis beeatse peo- ple have to have drugs and not be- cause we like to see people sufier-- we don't. Our duty is to render the best service wo can, and when some- one is ailing, we are interested in see ing them take the best medicine their is for their particular trowhle We don't recommend "cure-all," we don't helieve there are things. We don't want you to spend more than you have to. you get small wages, vou're sick none at all, should. got * the most vou your money. We recently came across a new remedy for increasing strength and building up people who are run-down and emaciated. We know that slight trouble sometimes grows a serious one, and to stop it. in beginning will Save you money . the end. This - new pound is called Rexall Olive Oil EMulsion. 1t is the vemedy (when vou are run-down, tired out, nervous--no mat ter what the cause. It doesn't mors Iv stimulate you and make you feel good for a few hours, but tnkes hold of the weakness and builds vou up to a healthy, normal condition. It is a real nerve-food tonic and builder of good blood, strong = mus ele, good digestion. It contains My nophosphites, which tose the nerves and pure Olive Oil, which nourishes the nerves, the blood and the entire Pleasant to take. Contains no alcohol or habit-forming drugs We promise that if vou are not per- fectly satisfied with it, we'll give hack your money as you toll uz. Sold the 9,000 Rexall Stores, town only by us. RI. * Mahood's Dnt. Some and and can of when you Tor a into the in hest AR sOON only at and in this Kin raton, ARTE) Drug Store, Jeff If Almost As Good As A Eo contact with a hard, harp point of a uedadle projecting about 1-16 of an inch. 1 immediately called to Mr. Carroll, 23 George street west, with whom I hoarded and told him 1 thought 1 had located the eanse of all my trouble. On coming up stairs he could see the point quite distinctly. Not having any pincers whioh would take hold of it, he took a pair of scissors and exiracted it intact, a two iach neadle. You can imagine what relief it was to know that my arch enemy was dethroned. [ had a good sleep, the first for some time, got up in the morning and danced a double clog around the house. My leg is stil swollen a litle hut is gradually subsiding and with care 1 expect to live to make a few more homes happy Remember he needle went into the palin of my right hand and our my left leg (fter forty-three years residence in my anatomy and having travelled about 12,606 miles. I have iL in my possession and intend to retain ft to the end as a souvenir of varied experience 9 AFTER IT HAD BEEN IN BODY OVER 40 YEARS An Interesting Story Told by J. A. McKim, of Smith's Falls--Ne¢eule Ran dn at Caturaqui. J. A. MeRim writes to the Smith's Falle Nex as follows: In the year 1870, IT was the harness and collar making at the village oi Waterloo Cataraqui), thiee miles north-west Kingston, where wag born where I have three sisters living, hich at ieast, can vouch for truthfulness this a summer's day in Jaly, 1870, mg a lusrness weedls wich done in the iollowing manner, by iGerting the thread in the eve and twisting fost by rolling with palm of right hand on right leg. On this par- ticular ul the seeond stroke the point up, 1 "hrought dawn my hgnd proity things not gol Edn too my sion, The needle came detached «| my hand thn ie out Horse 200 enraged in plus. {now of and one the ol of viz OCCaZIon, needle cocks SUFFERERS FROM PILES king on (his acen- Has Cured the hemorrhoid inflamed means ny thread and m the cen- on which 1 kick- doe- hy sine These Zam-Buk Friction on that are swollen, with blood, is what causes the terri pain and, stinging and smarting piles." Zam-Buk applied at night will needle'had entirely pass- be found to give case bofore morning. Thousands of persons have proved this. After probhing for a oo : ; e guided by the minute or two, he advised me io lanve | WHY not b guid y th it it that it probsbly would of others : not bother me, cause me suffering, or Mr. Thomas ! : Ce i, | Albert, k., neconvenwnce me in Any way. nm y f x the benefit 1 that he Was mistaken, for I have sui- [You 10 fered enough at. times, but not jor fram Zam-Buk. Last some years past. Since July, 1870, 1 greatly from piles I have been nlmost eontinually on Zam-Buk and found it ; road in different lines, for 'the |s0.1 continued it, and alter \ twenty-eight years in the piano three or four hoxes 1 am pleased t and organ line, twenty years with [%8¥ has eliccted a complete eure R. J. MeRowall. of Kingston, the Mr. G. A. Dufresne, 153-15 a 3 R Lp. Joseph street, St. Roch, Quebec, P.Q past 8 with A. H. McLarén, of Perth, ¢ " highly: recommend sole agent for the piano "Bell" in Zam Bul pan. 0 ulfer : Smith's Falls and county of Lanark. 24BC-J0K to everyone who. sulle But coming back to my text the Piles." X . . . 2% Magistrate Sanford needle, the first two months after | King's Co. N entering my hand, 1 suffered © much long from itching piles pain and had to have my cont put on 'yoo ured me.' by some person, after that I suffered 4 Mr. Wifliam Kenty, of Upper no more pain for at least three years, !mijo River. Hants Co. N S.. sa when I got a jar in the right shoulder suffered terribly from piles, t which lasted another month or 50 [,{ times being almost unbearnbla, 1 reminding me, of my enemy, for by lgried vamous ointments, but every- this time I considered it such and be- [thing I tried failed to do me the gan putting on plasters. and rubbing ! slightest good. 1 was tired of trying with liniments. 1 was then in Scho- various remedies, when I heard of liarie county, N.Y., and weit 4 {Zam-Buk, and thought as a last r physician in Albany, and told him {source I would give this 'balm 'a tr the situation®' as best I could. He | After a very short time Zam-Buk consoled me by giving me a bottle |fected a complete cure." of liquid and a box of some kind of | Zam-Buk is also a swe purgative, and as I am writing 1 linjuries and di eczema, ulcers wonder how I ever survived the dose, [varicose veins, burns, bruis and said 1 would be all O.K. in a [chaps, cold sores, ete. 500 box few days, which I certainly: was so | Li firuggists and stores post far a4 pain-was concerned, but, ok {fram Zam-Bak Co., my, the dose. Of course there was J Refuse harmful imitationd, no X-rays then or the case might have been different. It was five or six years after, before I received an- other reminder that my old partner was there still. I was then at Kiung- ston nd called 'on Dr. Fenwick and he told me I might expect a remind- er at any time but that it would eventually come out and I would be all right, AN this time' I was thinking, should it strike my heart I'm a gone goose. Oceasionally since 1 seriously inconvenienced "and suffered' considerably but had nat been trou- bled much for the past ten years till Oct. 9th, 1913, at Tyndhurst. On this date I placed a prano at, Mr. Nel.ongs, a farmer three miles in the country. It was a bad situation. I lifted more than I had been accusiom- Wd to for some time. After tea ! ook a sharp pain in my left leg rhich I thought was a strain, and at right al the hotel began to rub it with linimeént, which I continued for some days, and ever since then have sed, and taken everything advised 'or sciatic or rheumatism getting sometimes better, then as bad worse than ever, sometimes not b able to walk at all. 1 went from Lyndhurst to Brockville, where I re- nained for a weak visiting, from here I went to Prescott for nine or en 'days, all the time rubbing on oils 'and liniment and taking medi- cine internally till I was almost dis- couraged, thinking I was permanent- ly disabled. On the 7th day of February 1 was advised the use gocze oil pure and simple to soften the cords which had become hard and greatly swollen and on the night of the 12th, while the veins Ry brecehing of the window, and ran to the vards distant, and gorged ble ed the tor, about this time the ed out of sight. over experience as wt of "Phines must thank have 1 od summer | suffered stiarted to gave me relief, using writes wy but eiva use the ast I to irom of Ww says: "I suffered but Zam- Buk | Nine to ef- cure for skin MBes, cuts, ov free BUFFALO ARE THRIVING Antel y and Sheep Feb. 24. --Fi Elk, Mule, Deer, Moose, Ottawa, gures just the dominion buffalo park at Wain- wright, Alberta, now contains bultalo, 45 elk, 60 mule deer four antelope. There were and have been 1913. the Rocky Banff ' there moose, 21 elk, mountain sheep sheep. In the Elk Island park, Lomont, Aiberta, there are 41 elk, $1 buffalo, 29 moose and 52 mule deer. The parks branch, which ebarge of all dominion parks, r ports that the buffalo are thriving admirably under these their naturdl conditions, and are rapidly increas ing in number. Game birds ing In Mountains park are 31° buffalo, 2 10 mule deer, and seven Persian protection given by the park authori- ties. Picton Market Report Picton, Feb. 21.--The weekly market was again on the small side All kinds of produce met with a brisk demand. Butter was firm at 35 cents a pound." Eggs brought 35 cents a dozen; chickens from to 80 cents each; beef from 12 13 cents a pound; pork 15c a pound | lard 18¢ to 20c¢; hogs shipped this week realized $9.10 to $9.15 per| rubbing on the oil, my finger came in! 100 pounds. aN | | | | | i | pain {| Y | i | ine from | Toronto, for price. { ot {| vecially in supplied by the parks branch of the | department of the interior show that | 1,447 | 243} buffalo calves born in the park dur-| at | three | has | are | OF | gifo increasing rapidly owing to the ftvian | Hupshurg | Lf L 601 n 20] Leen { }2 f L PHILIP CLE AMON To wrestle VIENNA COURT MASTER Women For Vo for Censors of F Functions Frinee tenuovo the court of Vienna, where yther royal or peri rope, old-time traditions tained, and laws « ire strictly up-to-date. jurated a serviee fashion. Emperor Francis Joseph and s- Marie Annuneciata, » first lady of the land, other ladies of the family, * taken exception gances: of incurred the anathema the Romanp*Cathdle chrureh, the matter of slit skirts, and exs grand thin at ny ourt of { have beer uette nothing the i For h inaug femin Cens ha of ors of Arch who oflie- the perial te tho wich e8~ transparent { docolletage. Fnding were that . the either unwilling neapable to decide, or om violated the upon by the nuovo, at the court fes- this winter, has delegated the dames du palais station themselves at the entrance the state apartments the , under I i ¥ an"s dress ti insisted Fr e Mont proper ies eral of at but ting in reality 5 Censors the fem for of latier did no rements, 1 the d: beckoned chan directions oiler effender, an * regardless 8 to v their to the fair to withd nk and i ince who spent United Stated gran ds on of and oN | I 1 ish . iene' of Lhe le Lhi rough the role £1 villain grandmoth who an Aus stroyg strain o vein 1-bro roof pres archduches blood wins hh \igion I er Napoleo: of Be lacy Ie has olutely extremes has. (hus of far chamber de-ca entertain SH it nine content have the d royal at the andes court not Henuovo's u a a8 Censors ents, and n has | I'tince Mo vel chen of em v |» MUYY por MY WHISKERS Cov BUT 1 po. ry MARES WE LOK ame " Bovigy -- A > b= f LE i ov THINK -------- ~ iy MORE \ | | Youre Ful \ iA TT OWERE | ® wo ANG &} { 1 i with /Phillips on We does? ashion enforced, is] as | im-|, fashion | and |, ited | cha nberlains of determining. whether a Emperor, to| iy ving dames du palais for the pur rt -- The Intvardness of The Le don't fly the wder, b sed Headaches have drug t think the upper story. » closely allied to ople would not nuch their heads clea and their mental But when we to heartaches the seat of the not eure it by We have to go and get down to cannot reach diagnose, he: time head- ior a next you a and of the ile adacl and nd worry rtache uld on mot Bute aches 101 got it we could powaers ieep till omething whic ugs sielans cannot sand Time Trost sical origin, many of them with us in morning and 18 company for part of the day. over-eating, and oftener 1g or drinking the wrong over-dancing and Ages, only cure for the r 1it(1%' common sense.-- Hof- | the pretext of welcoming | | duce His | f 1a mp | adopted | { and tired. Starting the Day Right begin the day with a re you tired in the dornings Do you fail to benefit by he resiorative iufluehce of sleep, vhich should make good the energy and vitality consumed by the day's Do 3 grouch' | work rapidly Ith is becoming concerua- r habits you get f 1 alr in your sleeping ap- ents, and restore wasted vitality g Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. This great foqd curé does not in- sleep by any drugging effect, when you have been using it for days and get the nervous sys- conditien you find your- resting and sleeping naturally nd healthfully. By keeping up this storative treatment youn will be to p;uake good the waste and fis} exhausted nervous em with ew vigor and energy. This means horough cure of such symptoms as headache, sleeplessness, indigestion listless feelings. Ther youn are ut into ible he what | QUARTER (¢ CENTURY AGO REFORMS WwW NE TALKED OF FOR THE PENITENTIARY Bill Was Proposed for Parlinment in Regard tw the Matter--indeter- minate Sentence System Regard- ed as Essential by the Inspector. In. view of ihe recent investiga- tion held by the Prison Reform Com- mission in fo the conditions at the Penitentiary, it is of interest to note that twenty-five years ago, as the files of the WHig show, reforms were talked of for the penitentiary, and a bill was proposed for parliament, in regard to the matter. Mr Moylan was the inspector of penitentiar 8t-that time, and his report, .wh is as follows, is of special intere "The prospect of introducing a GES 9 TO 14 EE ------------------ OUR FRESH GROUND OOF. FEE AT 40c. CAN'T BE BEAT Try a sample order and be convinced. NOLAN'S GROCERY, Princess St, Phone 720. Prompt Delivery. PURIFY YOUR COMPLEXION reform in our penitentiary system is, I hope, soon to be realized Ij refer to the isolation of cellular] confinement of incorrigible and habi- | tual and also newly received viets Referring to the re-eniry convicts into society, Mr. Movia 4: "The criminal ought to re-en-| ier society only when he has given guarantees of safety by his good con-| diet and industry at the prison, and | not at the end of the. term fixed in advance by the law, as is the case in! fur present system which makes Punishment its sole aim "In a better ysten:, the penitentiary question tank of science, each person should | be studied carefully, and treated ac- | ecrding. to his character and accord- ing to the degree of moral idiocy | with which he is affected. J regard the indeterminate sentence system as | most essential to any plan of reform that may be devised This system | has no minimum term of sentence. | It somewhat like the ticket-of- | leave system in England. Under this | S¥stem a prisoner would be kept prison until those in charge of him vere satisfied that he was fit again | to hecome a member of society." con- of | which raises to the is in s---------- BUILDS HOME; HUSBAND TOILS. | Woman Saves for Lot and Puts Up House. ndusky, O., Feb. 24.-- Elizabjth Sissons is some wife, according "Mo Amos R. Sisson, laborer at the state oldiers' home. By saving out of her husband's meagre earnings she got enough money together to buy a small lot. Sisson didn't have time abd they could not afford to hire masons and carpenters and -plaster- s0 she set to work and built the y four-room house in which there what all concede the happiest homme in Houreville. ' Homeville is the little suburb just outlying the state soldiers' home grounds. is Toronto Street Market Toronto, Feb Wheat, gc, 96¢; oats, barley, bush., to hush., S5¢. 70c.; hay, $19; hay, -mixed, $16, per tom, $16, $17; - dressed hogs, heavy, $11, $11.50; dressed hogs, light, $12, $12.50; butter, dairy, 1b., 2%e¢., 33¢.; eg dozen., 40c., 45c.; Chickens, 1b., 18¢., 20c.; fowl, 1b. | 13¢., 16¢c.; ducks, 1b, 16c., 18c.; tur-} Leys, 1b., 24c., 26¢c.; geese, lb. 16c., 18c.; apples, bbl, $2.50, $4.50; tatoes, bag,; $1, $1.10; beef quarters, ckt.,, $11, $12.50 hindquarters, $14.50, $15.25; choice sides, cwt., $13, $13.75; medium, cwt., $11.50, $12; common, cwt.,, $9.50, $10; mutton, light, cwt., $10, $12; veal, prime, | cwt., $13, $15; lamb, cwt., $16, $17 23 bush., | §2c, rye, $18, $17; straw, f bus 62¢ beef, | beef, beef, Relics of Roman Rule Valuable discoveries of Roman | and Saxon relics have been made in| England at the excavations on the Roman site at Lowbury, on the Berk- | shire Downs, four miles west of Gor-| ing-on-Thames. A rectangular en-| closure containing several burrows has been unearthed and seventy-two Roman coins, some as early as the second «century have been fourid The coins belonged to the reign of Trojan, Antonius and Marcus Aure-| lius. Other discoveries included a | Lironze signet ring, daggers and | spearheads. The skeleton of a Saxon | warrior fully armed. was found | buried close at hand ! CUTICURA SOAP And Cuti use tends Their to prevent pore clog- blackhea and wholesome conditions Ointment. red- other un- of the skin. old throughout ' n. with tm ont of the ging, pimple ds, ness, roughne IN TOMATO eS AGHED ay En nese 7 em) LIMITED CANADA Doctors Will Tell You "Eat more fish and good fish, too." Acme Brand Young Herrings, in the big oval 'tin, are sweet, fresh caught, d flavored with Tomato sauce. Speci- ally put u Norway's cleanest packing house. p.m "Acre Brand" Young Herrings are sold all over Canada by every Grocer. Ask you W. GQ. Patric . ' "ray im sey W

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