Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Feb 1914, p. 5

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B , rr: J. HOLLAND ROSE, Litt. D. "Mr. Rose's 'Life of Napoleon,' in short, is statesmanlike i in conception, im in treatment, Sceurale in detail, and attractive in style. The best that has been written on Na leon sinee Lan-- Be his tale half told. . he book is likely i the authority for English readers on the es pame in modern history."--Athenaeum: Special Price, Only $1.70 Net. UGLOW'S, 14] ress THOMAS LAMBERT Maker Of Men's Clothes Blue Worsted Suits are always fashionable and are very ser- viceable. We have a very special Blue Worsted, Indigo dye, which we. will make up for $24.00 a suit. We also have a good selection of Brown and Grey Tweeds, which we will sell cheap. THOMAS LAMBERT 157 PRINCESS STREET 2 Automobile For Sale Model 19, McLaughlin Buick, fully equipped and in excellent condition. CHEAP FOR QUICK SALE. PORRITT GARAGE CO., Limited 210-14 Wellington Street. Cheap Living Rangoon Rice, per Ib. ........ooinvsviviinses 08 Patna Rice, perlb. ...............c.000, "Maple Leaf" Valencia Raisins, 3 fie, for . For Sale at All Grocers. ELECTRIC SPECIAL 35ers We will install in your home the following list | of Fixtures Complete with Lamps and Shades, for the sum of $20.00 Hall, downstairs, 1 fixture; parlor, 1 3-light fix- ture; dining-room, 1 3-light fixture; kitchen, 1 drop; hall, upstairs, 1 fixture; bath room, 1 bracket; four bedrooms, 1 bracket in each. All of the above solid brass and guaranteed. 'va aD0 | W. J. MOORE & SON Wellington St. Special Sale Men's Tan Calf Viscolized Double Sole. _THE DAT DISTINGUISHED ENGLISH ACTOR OPENS ENGAGEMENT. On Monday Night by the Production of "The Typhoon," a Very Strong Play -- The Audiencs Was Very Appreciative, Laurence Irving, who optned a three-nights engagement at the Grand on Monday night is the sec- ond renowned English actor to visit Kiugston this winter season under the auspices of the British-Canadian Theatrical Organization Society. The distinguished son of the famous Sic Henry Irving 'held the close attemn- tion of the audience till 11.40 o'clock for it was that close to mid- night when the curtain fell upon the last act of a play that is of unusual interest. "The Typhoon," was the title of the production, which is rewritten by Mr. Irving from Meldoor Lengy- el's play of the same name. It tells the story of a young gentleman of Japan who has been sent by his country to Paris to- secure fortifica- tion plans. Japanese and European principles and methods are brought into sharp contrast. The lesson of self-sacrifice, a, national trait of the Japanese, is strongly impressed. It is the Japanese role of "Taker- amo," that Mr. Irving assumes, and he fills it with marked success. Subtle acting in the forte of this dis- tinguished player who finds in his role in "The Typhoon," a part for which hie is admirably adopted. With a less gifted actor assuming the leading role, the play would be come very melodramatic, but the quiet and restrained acting of Mr, Irving in a very difficult part, plabes the production on a higher plane. Miss Mabel Hackney as "Helene" was Mr. Irving's chief support un- til the middle of the second act, when she is sent to the happyland by the strangulation method. It is unusual for a leading character to drop out £0 early in a play, but it was nec- essary in this case. Miss Hackney was delightful in her part. The company supporting the prin- cipals was particularly strong and \ included several native-born Japan: ese, so as to give the play greater reality. The scener of three of the acts was laid in Takeramo's flat i Paris, whera he was copying fortifi- ation plans, and everything here was thoroughly Japanese, with the exception of the servant of Taker amo. Some very fine acting was done by the three Japanese players Ichuro Hitai, Kakryiro Sumago, an« 8. Irogai. Another splendid charac ter was Harold Neville as "Renar {Beinsky." The 'only other female character in the play was that of "Therese," a part which was tak- en by Viola Compton, who had littl to do but what she did was done ex- cellently. The last act where Takeramo, ip the presence of his Japanese breth- ren quietly ends his life, after doing his duty to his country, is very im- pressive, and the closing dialogue shows the horror of the "Christian' Renard at the act of the Japanese and the contentment of the lat ter's fellow subjects at the noble aot of their comrade. The production is beautifully mounted, and. is one of the bes! dramas ever given here. Generous applause was accorded the company with an additional share for Mr Irving, who was given several cur tain calls at the close of the per- formance. Irving. and his "The Unwrit- This evening Mr. company will produce ten Law." "Never Say Die." The name of Nat C. Goodwin has came to typify al that is bes in splendid comedy, and his comin; to the Grand on Saturday, Feb. 28th matinee and night means more t its patrons than they realize at firs glance. For years past no one has eve cared what the play was, just so i was Naf. Goodwin; it was sure to be funny and good. To have that reputation and tHer to be coupled with a successful play 23 is the case with "Never Say Die,' his present stirring vehicle, is sure- ly a happy combination. William H. Post, the author, has fitted Mr. Goodwin as a tailor fits his model, till, like a glove, he wears the title role in 'Never Say Die." White Rose flour for all purposes. RESOURCES . $7,915,545.95 130,000.00 610,623.02 « 2,540277.52 2,659, Capital Authorized . Capital Paid Up Reserve Funds . 10 BOARD OF 'BEALTH ABour The Matter Discussed at a Special on Monday Afternoon--The Board Will Not Stind For Any Viola. tion, The Board of Health wet in special session on onday afternoon to cou. sider the position taken by the King- ston Ice company with reference to ice it bad cut in a prohibited area recently. The board ordered that the ce be Fewer souk house before more was stor but the compan wrote that it could not comply ith «he board's order. A lively dis- cussion ensued, the result of which was that the "board decided to pro- secute the company. Jt will be remembered that the ice company was given the privi of channeling the ice in to Rathbun's wharf, but instead of only taking this privilege they took another, by cut- ting the ice for use only a short dis- tance from shore and near a sew- er. This ice it placed in its storage house and afterwards started to place the better ice on top of it. An in- spection was made of the first cut ice by Pr. W. T. Connell and found to be 'contaminated. This was reported to the Bird of Health, which later on ordered the company to remove the impure ice before it placed any more in the house. The company was given ten days to comply but on Monday -that period had expired. The company emphatically stated in a letter sent to the board that it would not remove the first two tiers which were pronounced impure. | The letter written by R. E. Burns, in behalf of the company, explained that it had difficulty in securing teams, and if it had to lose ten days by removing the contaminated ice, there was a danger that the 7,000 'ons required to supply the needs of the city duffog a normally hot sum- ner could not be harvested. The com- »any is now filling its other houses. t offered to give . _bond, signed by {{. W. Richardson, G. Y. Chown and R. E. Burns, that 5 two contami- wmted tiers of ice would not be re- noved without permission of the Joard of Health. Alter the pure ice vas carted "away, the company would rermit the medical health officer to ieal up the house and then the impure ce would waste away, The discussion arose over this and he board finally decided that it vould enter proceedings. If the sompany still refuse to discard t the Board of Health will take ae, don and place a lock upon the ice use, thereby allowing the company wo further use of it until that. is 'emoved which is held to be a. men- we to the public. Dr. McCarthy said the board must tand by the people and protect them rom such pollution. The board onld not allow any company to nake a monkey out of it. Should Be Prosecuted Mr. McBratney was of the opinion hat the ice company should be pro- ecuted for cutting ice where it was wt staked out by the civic anthori- ies, and he was corroborated in this »y Dr. McCarthy, saying that the jompany has disobeved. and broken he laws, and for such a course . it should be summoned to court. , Mayor Shaw at this juncture said hat if the company did not remove he ice the board could lock up its storage house. The company seems that it has got too+long a distance to carry its, ice but Mr. McBratuvey daimed the down the river at Clay- on they have got skids onstructed vhich carry the ice almost hali. as far wain as in this city. Mr. Blackball introduced a motion wainst the euttibg of impure ice in he Rideau, hod after close consider; wtion of it, steps will be taken so hat after the lst of March the pre- sent' regulations will be amended ae- rordingly. At thie meeting on Monday noon it was also decided to con- struct a sewer on Raglan Road, he. tween Sydenham and Patrick streets. Arrangements were also made for the coming of Dr. J, DP. Maloney, district health officer, who will,' ou March 2nd, give an illustra ted lecture and moving picture hibition upon his work. This be held in, Ontario hall. Those present at the meeting were Mayor Shaw, Dr. W. McCarthy, D. Blackball, H. MecBratney, and Dr. A. ice to think after- ex- will THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA INCORPORATED 1069 EE ---- -------------------------- The STANDARD BANK of CANADA STATEMENT CONDENSED From Report to Dominion Gevernment, 31st Jan. ., 1914 ------------ 12,643.00 35,018,592.10 1,115,535.51 108,968.37 m------ $45,70.992.78 . Sales of Sraall Lots etc., During F ebruary $1.49 real ONLY, a small lot of Women's Evening Shoes, in Patent Straps, Kid Straps, Velvet Pumps and Kid Colonials, good values, made by the best makers, Regular $3.50 values. or while they last, : : ; Special Sale good assortment from. CAMPBELL'S Annual Clearing Sale of Furs|® Big Discount in Every Line Campbell Bros. Designers 553 Vakary of Fine 84 Princess Street ' STOVES AND RANGES, 'We have a large stock of Stoves and Ranges, also new and second-hand fur. niture, $hrpota and quilts. Come and see me You want to save Sang chmeiieteld Gesde y Onta, S$ Phone 1580. Opposite Crain's Wheicotle IR. | cer. mr LETTERS TO THE EDITOR B. Williamson, medical health offi- Double Assessor's Figures Kingston, Feb. 23.-(To the Idi- tor) ; Would: it not be much better for the city to buy Bell's Island- and also the marsh' for industries, as there would be both rail and water connection, and as to the price that can be easily got at. We all know that Mr. Gordon is the best assessor and land valuator in Ontario. Then 1 would suggest that a very honest and fair price' would be to give the persons who own the land just twice the price this property is assessed far. Surely mo one would object to this. CITIZEN, Archbishop's Pastoral The . Lenten pastoral of Archbishop Spratt appeals to the Roman Catho- lic people 'to do penance, and to live purer and better lives. His grace $ 25,000,000 i 11,680,000 : 13,000,000 . LR sirongly condemns the evils of intem- nerance. immodesty in women's dress {ing .and immoral dancing. The pas- toral refers. to. the fact that "even $3.75 and Women's $5.00 Tan Buttons and Bluchets. of Men's size 12 A week only to choose Phone 845. Sale of Shoes GENUINE REDUCTIONS 20 per cent. off all marked prices. Any pair of shoes In store at reduced price. Must be cleared to make room for spring goods. Call and see. We have all sizes and styles to suit every. , one. Substantial reduction in all SHOE * SCOTT'S 'Sige \ How To Prevent Acid Stomachs and Food Fermentation By a Stomach Specialist. As a specialist who has spent many rears in the. study and treatment of |, stomach troubles, | have been forced to the gonelusion that most people ~ho complain of stomach troubié pos- sess: stomachs that are absolutely healthy and yermal The real trouble that which causes all the pain and Shetty is acid In the stomach, us. anally do to, or aggravated by, food fermentation. Acid irritates the deli- cate lining of the stomach and, food fermentation causes 'wind which dis- ends the stomach abnormally, caus ing that full bloated feeling, Thus both acid and fermentation interfere with and retard the p tion. The stom 'and normal, but irritated salmost past endurance by these foreign clements acid and wind. such cases-- and they co ov per cent. of all stomach iMcultiss--the first and only step necessary is to neutralize the ac cid and stop the fermentation -by This week, $1 49 $1.98 Girls' Tan Button Boca | $2.75 and $3.00. This, Fresh made every day--spec- .ial 30c chocolates for 20c 1b "Insist on Having Pasteurized M Milk Be [Sure it is in Bottle PRIC E' S 2 . our pure women and girls have adopt- 325 Branches Canada. [o.oo Sn de {and dance which: are daily weakening ' Savings Department at all Branches. tbe standard of morals." LONDON, ENG., OFFICE NEW YORK AGENCY ft. John Ambulance Classes Rank Bldgs--Privies St Cor. William and Cedar Sis. ote of og begin Ton 206, L pm. in Y.W.CA. EE NEWMAN, W. A. Kennedy, urer. - Fee for members 50¢.; mon-members, $1, Jaking iz a little warm or cold water fately after cating, from one to two Isdshoantul Ss at bisurated magnes- ia, whi is doubtless the best and only really effective antacid and corrective known.- The acid will be neutralized and the fermentation stop- ped almost instantly. and 4 your stom- ach will at once pi rd Be food in a healthy, normal man sure to_ask your chemist for. the b) i: | 4 urated mag: agneaia, as avs found rid forms utterly lacking is . fany valuable properties. <3 LET 1 ow

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