Anant oy Through our system of Banking by Mail ou ean open an interest account in this rE fier where where you iv live. Forward h it rater hy pip il u wis we Ww pio to the address given, car- rying out yo ruinstrug you want it delivered: RR Pie's Forum | IEEE WS ww " por. woe, GEESE FRAT Xr MRS. Goldman, St ro poly B. %. ye son, 244 Prin 8 ne TWO YR wT. te engine with reverse Ww inst year Apply "En Ww hig offices LOST GOLD BRACELET SET WITH three amethy sin, on Sunday after noon between Earl, Barrie or Id. vislun Sts. heward for its return to} this office. La * Béneland's Inline CARTING. ner. i. : ALBERT SAUNDERS, DS OF KIN Sarting done. Satisfaction guaran- teed. 0537 Princess Street. 387 DIv) The ee cold A SOLID COMFORT Abe i of 1 sino oH bein but a short os as to when Write for infor- LAWS ohned - mt ese ge A FINE LOT OF WALNUT AND OAK sideboards, the best wo have ever Furl at A. reasonable PD 1 Laurence IRVING | NG King p G wo AN oni Na Supported by his entire London Hotel company, including 1 OFFICE 'GIRLTAT ONCE. FW. yf oot rth' £ 5 "¥ " 4 0 i 0, t § yds. teatovelling 256. | MABEL HACKNEY wre on and 15¢'S Hair ribbon g yds. 26c. Dutton"s. Ab. 3) [lf Yn His Most Brilliant Successes Plano super, NU RSE _HOUSENAID, 40 TAKE CARE TONIGHT Leave orders st Dabs one Yee ood WARES. oh gor: has been appoint THE UNWRITTEN LAW LADIES CAN EARN MONRY AT of ithe house, committee WEDNESDAY. home, spare time, no -cahvassing: send for particulars. Mutual Pub: Hshing Co, Scranton, Penna. THE IMPO R T ANCE OF 'BEING EARNEST IGENT RE --------------, Prices 23, 50, T3e, $1, $1.50, $2 AN INTE fran ny Seats Now om Sale, i a spape COVERED RINK Send 5% yascion SEJIOR INTERCOLLEG ae HOCKEY © on TEA ROOMS. 338 iE : a tow days in Cornwall. ibson's Hq Angrove the auto ud in Br last s i%p PERSONAL tenac : PROFESSIONAL SPIRELLA CORSET- flere at your service, Appointments made to suit your convenience 3H Dunnett, 290 Wellington hone 878 price, at To 10 Wo You NG HORSES A1 ALL ROUND One four years, other six. Price reasonable. Apply Kingston Mats Areas Cao., Princess St. OL MA are" 1 A a _r skin hes removed : Cxperigncy EH Joar; hroat and Skin Specta Bagot street. SCALR HAS ir, ---- 100 LBS. OF ROPE AND SOME PULe loys suitable for beat purposes. We also buy amd sell all kinds of new and sovond. hand furniture, StOVeS, eo Thompson, 333 Prin- cess St, or to St. Andrew's church. alist, 264 wih ALLIN ONE FRAME HOUSE AND Bn test corner ji\Dadowne and Stanle; » , Jot 33 x 130; corner Nélson am k Sts, lot $2 ft. on easy terms PERSON 5 canvassing. id Salers Pres Fress Syndi- he ibe a ons nglish boots $1.00; slippers Dutton's, 2.5 frontage «+ Secon ot fr Massie Alfred and York Sts, sy Thar Apply 427 Albert GROCERY STORE AND DWELLING 152 Ontario street, &r will grocery stock and fixtures w privilege of renting stove and Dolng a first class bugis 100d reason for selling; Apes X. Bazeau, on the premises. ) has returned [Thome 'after one week's stay in the general hospital, where he waderwent, a minor Dpeestion.. sf Dea Goin in A Rom 25 4'rincess street. +Nyal's cream," Kiibson' "The. Yo Fo fon crn will re held Lomight im in Grant hall, the committee having od the terms and the SYeRt WI clon i filme. MAN OF FAIR EDUCATION personality for local work. One interdsted in church and child welfare work hreforted. lary to start $2.00 a day. ML stalling references, Boy 224, w is 'oMice, AND 8 . Howard S. F olger oh ; INVESTMENT BROKER High Grade Bonds & Stocks, Fire & Life Insurance REAL TE L ESTA District Manager of the EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SQCIETY AT "Phone 915 FINANCIAL NTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Boclety; established 1863: president, Colonel Henry R. Smith, Money issued on city and far properties, municipal and country debentures; mortgages purchased; {eposita Jecsived and Interest al- C. McGill, Manager, 27 CAPABLE OLD COU NTRY "DOMES- {ies Parties arriving twice month- Applications must be made Well 14n advance. The Guild, - 47 Pembroke S§t, Torofito, : and 71 Drummond, St., Montreal, WE WANT NOW A CAPABLE SALES. sale of New Hardy Everblooming Roser, ornamental shrubs, Good Being for Ly. Write Pelliam Nursery Co., dron-) to, CHOICE FARM, ONE RUNDR and ninety-five acres, 9 dolles 8 Kingston and 1 mile Silent vale, Has an abundance of ae pine, spruce and cedar and pevats ine Water theréon. Well fi or further Information oo a guaranteed Clarence tea ACO $7. 00. Dutton's sale. The late Rev. T. W. Jolifle, of Bow- manville, Jeit an estate valued at 814,378. His widow has a life in- terest . and, afterwards his . children inherit it. "Sy Figs," 25c. Gibson's. Ditton's Rerioval sale. all trunks and suitcases less than cost. Must clear, cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. CHAMPIONS LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insur: hoe Company, Available John Clark, RM.D. 1, Westbroo assets, $61,187.21 In adition to rts which the STL LI have for! $3300 FOR Y URLE 7 ROOM FRAWE security the unlimited lability of house, on York St. limprovements, city. property, Insured at lowest all in good repair. W' il rent for possible rates. Before renewing $336 per annum, pid or giving new busin got | $4500 FO! NEW BRICK HOUSE, rates from tah ® trange, mide . ood "ot, fine lotation, on Agents, Phine 325. Alber GOOD Lon ox, UNION ST. WEST, about 60 x NEW SOLID * prick HOUSE 0 Johnson streat, ) rooms; all ern Improvements: good looat CIRY teria. Apply to A. F. BOND, 20 Frontenac it. iy ab PROPOSITION 10 BRIGHT en, married or single, wishing a permanert position. ull par- Hcilats jven on abplication, TA BY iss aret. Dun Bpireila corsetiere, %i%o Wellington x The Plasss will Toronto vs Queen's Thursday, Feb. 26 Game Begin 515 pam. Admission: Gents 50c, Ladies 235¢. Re served Seats, including Admission, 81,00 Plan opens Wednesday 8 sm. BALMON OCHEAPBR! YOU CAN NOW AFFORD THE VERY BEST Goo w [RENgRaTON PLACE". and planted, the streets macadams "Kensie, thie Spring. ofie of the most de~ 603120 PHBT LOTS LEFT. J. 0. HUTTON J H. Gordan, the manager of the Nat. Goodwin company, was in "the gity on Tuesday to make ar ni for the visit of this star \ {next Batupday. g a a s Worm Syrup." Gil "al Hhort Corsets Rett ral ton's removal sale. The quiet spell of the police was broken this. forencon when Cons table Jenkins arrested a man on a churge of drunkenness. It was the first arvest in three days. . Few, pairs high top boots $2.00. Dutton's removal sale. {Nyal's Worm Syrun." Gibson's. The report of the Prison Reform Commission has not gone forward ta parliamebt : yot, and it may be some time before it. does. "'We have 'a lot of work to do upon it," said a cow- missioner. Removal sale! Men's $5.00 pat- ent colt boots $3.50. Dutton's. "Kodak [Bais." Gibeon's. Sherili B. WNaterworth, of ILoun- don, Rr down, Ts 1. . Luscombe, a barfifter, on Tuesday morning, to serve a term in Portsmouth pitenti- ary. The lawyer was accused of>mis- appropriating funds. Figs." 5c. Gibson's. Don't miss buying your Faster 'boots at Dutton's. Removal sale---newest styles. Aliss Baskill; superintendent nurses at the pemeral hospital, will speak before the Girls' Fellowship Chub of the Y.W.CA. on Wednesday night, on "Personal Hygiene." It is n free lecture. '"Nyal's face cream," Gibson's. Removal = sale! Clouds 10¢; toques 16c: mitts 1Ge; vests or drawers 10c. Dutton's. "Kodak filme." Gibson' 8. A three'year sentence in the peni tentinry. was. given Joseph Warren in Toronto police court, and when this term is served 'the prisoner will have spent twenty-nine apd a half years of Kis life bekind the barriers of that institution. "Phone Gibbon's, 230" drug wants. 60c' "Superb' 'dance music folio 15e during sale. Dutton's. If the present cold smap continues for the remaining four days of this month--and the chances are that it will--February, 1914, will have the honor of being the coldest month in the history of this city. Several won- ther records have been broken nlréady "8: Figs," 25¢, Gibson's. Due 's Rory: sale. Come. A.mew fire alarm box, to be known as 74, has been placed the corner of Union and Frontenac streets; This "inew. box was secured as a result of SE tition from the board of edu- ication, 'asking for a box near the BUSINESS NOTICES DENTAL A, E. KNAPP, BA, moved to 2 DR, ©. CO. NASH, DENT 187 . Renton, assistant ° 13 Btreet, 'Phone 736. SPAR we AND PARKS, DENTISTS 159 'Wellington Street, (over Car. ouvsky's), Kingston. 'Phone 348. NG fA JaoRTRAND. writing an ng A, All work fidéntial. TY VE. Bureau, 321 strictly cone Rate modsrate. L.D. DDS, RE- 38 Princess Street. DR. T. A $3200-DRICK VENEER ROUSE, BEV. etley _ Street, partly furnished Large lot; Hood 0 outbuildings. pad "Ay YRS: aaah nodern improvements, good sf ble, ready Har ih edly 850 NEW RAME HOUSE, ALL [) INSUR- DINER, ance, Money To univ §7 Clarente 8t., Kingston: t- Du LEGAL 'SOME ATTRACTIVE I INVESTMENTS. ® 3 eons Street, downtown. location, rents $600 per year. i Sirosty double frame, rents $294 per year. $800 S00 n yo first class frame dwelling. all improve- ments, hot air furnace, gas, barn and driveshed, very desirable residence. 400 feet on Alice Street Crescent, facing on Queen's College new grounds, very deep lots, a snap for & quick buyer. 140 x 310 feet, corner Division and Russell Streets, adjoining new Reglopolls College. . Near the new factory sites. GEORGE BAWDEN || CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIST. & and solicitors, Law Office, it larence street, Kingston. 8. H. SIMPSON; L.D.S., D.D.3, DENT. 1st, corner Princess and agot street. Entrance on Bagot nas Televhone 638. $2 : UPHO:STERER W. J. GAVINE, VPROLSTERING, Ba. tins and Qatpe 0 LET FURNITURS Rn McCann, 8! CATERING WSATIMATRS GIVEN FOR BALL SUP. rs, banquets, dinners, Parties Sitvore rware and to wows he mee satfery. H. Toye's King St, store. CATHR TO PARTIES, BALLS Wedding breakfasts, banquets, atc alsv rent dishes, .able linens and silverware, Reid and Hambrook MP 0. Union. street, F. C 3 o Alfred tree sTomA AGE se. 5 &% CR ST. MAM. Be eA & Mu- PRIVATE GARAGE Ny fond or auto for 6 winter; clean an ary. McCann, 83 Brock Bt. dt ------ wn ne. Socanns "WIL. TINGS AT A om 3 ae $i Brock Bt. flan nifice teal Fatt STORAGE ¥ FOR FURNITURE, OL dry, alry rooms; your own snd key. Frost's Clty Storage Queen St, Phaine §36b or call {action | Sale vdenbam St. SAGE a, pieces, Rattan and other rockers, Oak Davenport, Oak Lib- rary Table, 'Oriontal and other Rugs, Tape stry and other Curtains, Oak Hide- Three Good, Preliminaries board, Oak China Cabinet, Diners, Nor- DOXING AND 1 WRESTLING man Range, Gas Range, China, Glass- Wed, bw | Feb. 25, 1914]; if Bed Linen, EY sitet Artie 10s. ALLEN THE AUCTIONEER Phone 2562. 113 Brock St, = Records Exchange All kinds of records, Vietor, Col- umbia, Edison Biue Amberol, Edi- son two-minute, for exchange. Also phonographs, gramophones and graf- onolas for sale. Call and let us ex- plain our plan, ALLEN'S Phine 259 ote es to M 20c PER TIN Wrestling Mateh J. Pews, Referee, of Q. UA. A. PIIILLIPS wa, CUEAMON Best two out of three. Cateh-as-cateh- an Style OFFICES IN CLA bers. Aphiy to die, 79 Clarence Aambrook, Shores "ie WANTED--GENERAL WANTED, STRONG ROAD I mare, § years old, weighing about 1100 _ lbs, must be guaranteed sound, true and city broken. Give description and price, Box 2M, Whig office, Kingston. GOOD For Sale By KINGSTON aa goods Seduced in price. A splendid Sow save money. Big line of Deautitur, antique furni- Je stoves, ranges, etc., to choose Also household goods bought, best prices paid. L. LESSES Cor. Princess snd Chatham Streets Phone 1047 Ma ttresses, : TWO FrRnsHED ROOMS, FURNISH. ed, for lig oukekeeping with gas and HS convenience. Apply 212 Division St onfarle Hal : r of GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR cloth and have It made up into up- to-date sults. Price and workman- ship gu ranieed to please. Press. lug and repairing 'done on the shortest notice. Thomas Gallowey 31 Brock street, near Bibby's Gar- a ONE COMFORTABLE FURNISH room; centrally located, suitab! for one or two gentlemen, with or without board. Terms reasonable, Apply 152 Sydénham St. - MUSIC. + VIOLIN INSTRUCTION~MISS OHRIS- tine Cochrane, 78 Gore St, King: ston. Telephone 134 USK Frontenae gtreet. VOrelae mann, B.E, teacher HA siooniie and action. Miss Norma and O, F. Telgmann, teachers of violin, man« dolin, plano, ete. Terms for tul- tion and concert engagements on application ARCHITECT NEWLANDS & SON, tects, ge Phone 608 POWER & SON, ARC HITEOTS, MER. chants' Bank Building, = corner { Brock and Welllngton streets. Drop Are YOU Among the number who have tried a sample brick of City Daity ce Cream. If not, why not? 88 BROCK ST.° PHONE 68. A large, well-huilt, roomy house, In cantrml location eleven rooms, eight bedrooms, all modern con- veniences. A new solid brick house on Albert St, near Brock, hot water neating electric lights all of the very best; a fully modern house. Double frame dwelling, Colling- wood 'St., near Union, lot 75 x 100. These are well worth the price we ask---$3,600, £ J. K. CARROLL, Manager. ARCHI- Offices, 358 Bagot St TELEMANN SCHOOL OF 34, 118 Reack NS: For Sale House Number 124 Victor fa 8t., between Harl and John- son; choice location; two blocks from car line. House modern in every particular. BUSINESS CHANCES CROCKERY, CHINA, tin and agateware, fancy goods; cheap rent, good location. Stock about $3,500. Owner retiring. Box 568, Napanee, Oat. 'Just the thing for Lubcheons, At Homes, Ete. Two sizes, 10c. and The At All Grocers. 4 Fenwick. Hendry & Co. (Distributors. ) GLASSWARE, HOTELS. ALBION HOTEL, CORNER MONTHEAL and Queen streets; 33 bedrooms. Rates moderate; centrally located, one block from street cars, Hou recently thoroughly renovate best stable and yard ae ommodes tion, . M. Caines, Proprietor. WE HAVE BEEN GETTING Genuine Scranton Coal nee pe terre -------------- ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START a mail order business at home; no canvassing: be your own boss Send for tree booklet; tells how Heacock, 2,969 Lockport, N.Y. NEW HOSPITAL WING Will Be Shortly Opened-=Furnishing of Rooms. It is expected that it will be only a short time until the new wing of | the Kingston general hospital will be opened. At a meeting of the Wo- man's association of tus general hos- pital held on Monday afternoon sev eral matters of interest were dis. cussed. The reports of the different Apply © Meleod's Dmg Store A RIE, (Catlegiate Institute and Victoria haool. eRenr's Worm Svrup."' Gibson's. Pavid Morton, Tweed, who recently died, aged seventyifive years, did not | "froth cating 'many doughouts A. pie, as has been publish ' did not eat either of the ils. Heart failure resulted from committees which have charge of the furnishings were presented. Some of the new furmishings have arrived. The Woman's association is fur nishing nine rooms and three pan- tries... Twelve friends are furnishing a room each. There are still nine rooms to: be furnished. Mrs. T. Milo i night by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph er ---------- Garo a Card Party The cuchrs party given on Monday La- mourens, 278 Wellington street, was a 'most enjoyable event. Several hours - were. speit in ecards, after which refreshments were served. Dur- for 48 years. It is the best coal for family use, Hard and soft wood and all descrip- tions of kindling always on hand. and Mrs. George McGowan were pointed the visiting ladies for month. condition, due to acute indigestion, with which he was afll- icted ap- tho "evening Piano selections were the ng he by M VE Do Not Procrastinate When suffering from strain not inctease 'the teotblo by. a in off having your eyes attended to. C. Brown, 'Oph.D., in 'charge of Rodger Optiea, ors, is a thor! oughly experient eyesight specialist, and will pive vou eve comfort and re- lief from strivin. "Bdward Frasso won the firs} prize for the gentlemen aud Mrs. Joseph Maddock was awarded first prize for the ladies. Mrs. J. Lambert and D ji. Ctr were the winters of the con- so ation prizes. A special features, at A ose of he Senine's etertaln t;, was tango: By ih little daughter of and little . son of 'Men. Lamour- eaux. Mrs. De Laroche elayed the accompaniment. Lectures Concluded 'The gpecial series 'of lecturcs, givin for teachers and held in Con. vocation Hall, by ens. C Coleman. has been completed Ae Jas being held on y. Certificates will bo grant. ed by D Qoleman, and and these will | education by the department of The "lectures were very la JAMES SWIFT & C0. hag Why Are Your Neighbors So Happy ? Because the Wife Bought An EDDY'S WASHBOARD And Now--Wash day is a joke. All Kinds of Washboards for all kiuds of people. S wan. rely attended. Kingston's Women's Club Laurence Irving will address an open meeting of the Kingston Women's Club in Sydenbam church ball, Wednesday, Feb, 25th at 4 Pp. Subject, "The Drama as a Factor in Social ss." All in "Phone 230 Gibson's" for drugs. Mrs. John White, Brockville, died suddenly during Sunday might; Touis Halladay, heatt disease was the cause. She was | Halladey, Flgin, being treated for appendicitis, "Films developed. ibson" (J seCenty-one years of age, her maiden name being Miss' Agnée Rorison, '| Mrs. George tare, Brockville, aged ty years, died on Sunday. A member of a wellknown Westport familv. Her husband was the for- hushand, &ix sons and one daughter Brock- | gurvive. strongly {terested are cordially invited. mer jailer at Brockville. CU "Films developed." Gibson's. last, i American diplomat "wedding aniversary. { urged United States to repeal the epee {Kingston the Good Mr. and Mis, A. J. Drew, Kingston is again entitled to be! ville, celebrated,' on Saturday has not Jolie court case this, They were united in matriage in nama tolls exemption Clause, onthe ofning there was a Smith's Falls in 1864 and have Br '"Nyal's face cream," Gibson's. ~~ sheot, and again on T) od in Brockville since 1880. They are! Two German steamship lines have marning there were no cases ~ hoth enjoying excellent health. extended their North Atlantic agrees téred "Syrup Figs," 2. Gibgon's: ment for deventy: years, | son. of Edward died at Brockville hospital on Sunday avoMlas. He was Double sta douse, : Boat 2 vy tor $17.00 0 $1,300 Rents for a m ++. Frame, math oo called ington the Good," as there, their golden R. J. RODGER ae | Where the Clock 1s on the Wai