our : ® Account by Mail Through our system of Banking by Mail ou ean open an interest account in this mo matter where you live. Forward your remittance with the names of those to whom you wish it eredited, and we will mail bank book to the address given, car- rying out yo ruinstruetions as to when you want it delivered. - Write for infor- mation. | Howard S. Folger ¢ INVESTMENT BROKER High Grade Bonds 3 & Shacks Dns Fire & Life Insurance Distriet Manager 5 the EQUITABLE LIFF ASSURANCE SOCIETY "KENSINGTON PLACE" The Plasa'will be: cubed shad ized this When comple Place" will be one of the most de- Pr residential spots 1d Kingston, A FEW 50x 120 FEET 1OTS LEFT. J. 0. HUTTON 4,000--Johnson Street, do town Toeation, Yents $600 per year. 2, '800--Montreal Street, doitblé frame, rents $294 per year. $800 will handle this. $2,600--Division Street, first class frame dwelling. all improve- ments, hot air furnace, gas, barn and driveshed, very desirable residence. 400 feet on Alice Street Crescent, facing on Queen's College: new grounds, very deep lots, a snap for & quick buyer. 140 x 210 feet, corner Division and Russell Streets, adjoining new Regiopolis Ngar the new factory sites. GEORGE All goods "fiw reduced in price. A splendid chance to save money. Big line of beautiful antique furni- ture, stoves, renges, etc., to choose from. Also household goods bought, best prices paid. L. LESSES Cor, Princess and Chatham Streets Phone 1047 Amotig the dies who have tried a sample brick of City Dairy lce Cream. If not, why not? Hoag's Drug Store Phone 258 Opp. YM.C.A. Aatidasieoataatadea BAWDEN For Sale By KINGSTON 56 BROCK ST. Victoria St, $4,100. Brock St., $4,000. Coliingwood St. ern, $3,600, Collingwood St., Albert St, new $4,800. | Princess St., $4.000. Alfred St., Colborne St., $4,100, Mack St. $3,300. Divigion St.. Centre St., $4,800 J. XK. CARROLL, Manager. FX a5 new brick, modern new brick, modern solid brick, mod frame, $2,200, brick, modern, solid brick, modern brick veneer, new brick, ---- R. J. RODGER 347 KING STREET Whers the Clock is on the Walk x iy Rents for $17. 00 a 'month. ngle , Stephen Street, improvements aa For PHONE 68. frame, modern, $3,000, large brick, modern, 9 rooms, double frame, $2,750. modern, etapats college, out the Mots at Yarker. 8. Thos Iam Har m Taronto oh Ww "Buy Abby Sali" 'at Gibson's. H, eh, pane tuner, 21 King. orders at Me ar § ask or New York, came to Ringaton on Wednesday and will spond guaranteed 3 few days here, ovall $10.00 y raincoats $7. 00. Duiton's sale on is keeping up the good There was no Soation of the court on Thursda, ning, "Thay Infants n. J Foods a IT dnes- como 'vy Margaret Moreland In the London C amedy' Success "Never Say Die" By Wm. H. Post Now ending its firts year at the Ap- pollo Theatre, London Prices: Mat. 25, 50, 75, - 08; Children 26, necompanied b y sn adult. van 25, 50, Tae, $1, $L30 SE ATS NOW ON SALE Wed' y, Mar. 4th hi Srl sirest. Ross, of Windsor, was in ! Hibs on Wednesday night and i hi zonuained over until Thursday to vis- fit friends "Buy Abby Salt" at Gibson's. Few pairs high top boots $2.00. Dutfton's removal, sale. Jy (Wriggley) Bell, B.Sc., who has been visiting rionds in town for the in Toronto. + "A Ble, kidney pill, 400." Gibsan's Major George h 'Gillispie left on Wadnesday afternoon for Winches- lj ter where he will inspect some ca- {det corps of that place. "Buy Tnfdnts' Foods" at Gibson's. Men's $4.50 gun metal boots, but- ton or lace, $3.25. Dutton's re- moval sale. = It is su snd that the fire which destroyed t Omemee armoury on Tuesday wnt was caused by an ov- er-hearted hot-air furnace. "Buv Ahly Salt" at Gibson's. The Kingston Yacht club' has been notified of the challenge of the Wa- tertown, N.Y. yacht club for the George cup, held by Toronto. "A 0c. kidney pill, 40c," Gibsan's. Col. Jlennington and avife, Prescott, ave viditing relatives in the city this jweek. They are the guests of their ungle, S. H. Johnston, Princess street. "Lysol," at Gibson's. A party of seventeen, from the lo- eal Court Stanley, Canadian Onder of Eoresters, left on Thursday to eo: remplify a degree at the Brockville jconrt in the evening. "Frosh plasters' at Gibson's. K, Ex. Comp. W. S. R. Murch, Kingston, has been selected grand second principal of the Royal Arch Masons-of* Canada. - F. VW. Forbes, Brockville, is the grand euperintend- ent of St. Lawrence district. "B0c. 'Health Salt," 40¢. Gibson's. Court Earl Roherts, I1.0.F,, held an enjoyable time in its lodge rooms on Wednesday evening, A good-sized gathering was in attendance and spent the time at various progressive games. At the close refreshments wore served. "Fresh plasters" b0c "Superb" dance music folio 15¢ during sale. Dutton's. Aceprding to the new United States income law all Americans residing a- broad are not exempt. from the five per cent. tax for all having an in- come in excess of $2,500, If this is not paid by March: lst, for 1913, the government will take steps ~ to collect it. "Lysol," at Gibson's. Capt. George Mackey, of St. therigies, has roturned home after spending a few days in the city, having been called here by the sud- den death of his sister, Mra. James Gillow, on Wolfe Island. Capt. Mac- key, who'is well-known here, will sail the steamer Chflie this season. FISHER DENIES CHARGE Makes Hot Reply to the Minister of Militia Ottawa, Feb. 25. ~--Hon. Sydney Fisher has given out a hot reply to Cpi, the Hon. Sam Hughes in con- nection with the charge made by the minister of militia in the commons on Monday last intimating that Mr. Fisher has received a considerable "sake-off" when the site for the Farcham military training camp wus purchased some years ago by te, lanrier government. isher says in part: 'There is A aint no foufidation what- ever fof this reckléss charge against me. am satisfied that the minis- ter Hi en he made that state- ment that there was no foundation for it. He has known me for many years, both as a private member in the house and as a minister, and he knows that nobody with any regard for decency or truth has ever sug- gested my obtaining pecuniary ad- (vantages from the public positiops at Gibson's. 1 Ca- 20 per cent. off all marked prices. Any pair of shoes In store at reduced price. Must be cleared to make room for spring goods, Call and see. We have &ll sizes and styles to suit every- or Sobstantiat in all "Substantial requetion 10 a Raa Ww I have occupied. 1 shall only add that this accusation is un- true in every particular, and if Col. the Hon. Sam nhs will under- take to. make 'that Reitent There pot the protection of the iyilege aot 4 datliagent u eriuingd action for libel will be taken out agripst him re next day." Hundred Autos Destroy Lynn, Mass., Feb. 26.-- Nearly 100 tomobiles weré lost in a fire which destroyed the Essex garage, a three- storey brick building - on Broad street, yesterday, causing a loss of $275,000. Stephen Athus, an em- ployee, is i Two firemen ili vere seriously burt when the sec- ond floor fell, and ten others were injured in a hot-air explosion. : The }{ ¢uuse of the fire is not known, Glowing Saluus Proven. Provost's, past month, loft to-day for his home | OLIVER MOROSCO OFFERS A Superb vroduction of the Most Britilant Gom TO ALL INTE nis RaRD IN HORTICUL- g of Torcrinte Erowers g sted -wiH be held ir day evening, the wk, dt which Mr a7th JTohn- 8 ally ttendance invited, | trus to show ap- preciatior J. BUSHE Ls La 'resident SELJIOR INTERCOLLEGIATE HOCKEY CHAMPIONSHIP Game Degins 8.15 pan. Admission: Gents Joc, Emdles 2c. Re- served Neats, including admission, $1.00 Plan opens Wednesday 8 am. SALMON CHEAPER! YOU CAN NOW AFFORD THE VERY BEST CREST BRAND % LJ. SOCKEYE SALMON 20¢ PER TIN FOR SANT WICHES Just the' thing for Luncheons, At Homes, Ete. Two sizes, 10c, and Tic At AM Grocers. Fenwick, Hendry & Co. (Distributors) WOMEN SEEK PROHIBITION ------ Serer Thousand te Demonstra'e for Measure in Kentucky Ky., ¥eb. 26~1t was an nounced here that several thousand members oi the Women's Christian Temperance (Union of this state will go to Urankiort, to. take part in the demonstration before the state legis- lature, in an cfiort te obtain the pass- age of a law submiiting to the people the question of state-wide nrohibition. (he state president, Mrs. Francis PF. Beauchamp, issued the call, Lexington, CONRW ALL HOTEL AFIRE Fifteen Persons Safely Escape From Burning Building Cornwall, Ont., Feb. 26. fink, did dalage to the. mew Windsor Hotel bere, on Wednesday, of several thou sand dollars. Fifteen persons, hoard- ers and help, made their way out safely. The building is owned hy Alex. Laplante, who owned the Wind- sor Hotel, burned here a few vears ago. William Williams was lessee, and owned the furniture and stock. will be the new speaker of the New Brunswick legislature. "A bbe. kidney y 40¢." Gibsan's. The Associated Boards of Trade ask. | ed the legislature: fo defer action on the workmen's compensation bill. COVERED RINK -- ere Toronto vs Queen's Thursday, Feb. 26 W. B. Dixon, member for Alberta} secutive ngs cent A word. Miutmum charge for ome lusertion, 23e.; three Insertions, | Ge; six, §1; one mouth, $3. a 1 on ¢ WOMAN FOR WASHING DISHES AND kitchen work. Apply Frontenac Hater 4 HOUSE. Ap- A MMD FOR GENERAL work: no washing or ironing Ply 1{3 Union BE W, i ------------------------ ben re AN EXPRIIENCED FARM HAND FOR 148i March or 1st A Apr, A. 1 Gio. bons, Barth Rosd MH Ol Cay. SMART GIRL FOR GENERAL HO work. Must he capable a references. Apply Mra. ® deed Union and Division sts. LADIES CAN BARN MONEY AT heme, spare {ime, no canvassing; \ Mutual Pub INTELLIGENT PI §3rn $100 Jionthiy corresponding oF Newspapers; No. funvassing Mend for particulars. Fress Sy cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. CAPABLE OLD COUNTRY DOMES. p Parties arriving 'twice month- tions must be made Advance, The Guild, St, Taranto, na St, Monte AN well in I'embro Drumm WE WANT NOW A C APARLE SALES- man to canvass Kingston for the gdle of New [Hardy BEverblooming Roses, orngmental trees, shrubs. Good op: Write I oe 4 enihg. for oignt party. ip Nursery Co., Toroa- If WILL START daily homg vering mirrors; YOU EARNING 34 in spate time, sil no capital, free ine t, giviag plans ot Redmond, Dept Mass WANTED---GENEKRAL WANTED, SMALL MODERN HOUSE, furnished or wnfugr rished, middie a 10° end of next April, within caRy distance ¢ NEON'; rent re sonable Box Ww hig hie TLEMEN TO "BRING THEIR cloth and have It made up lnto tp- to-date sults. Price and workm ship gharanteed to please, Pres Ing and repairing dene on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway 131 Brock street, near Bibby's Gar- age. BUSINESS CHANCES CROCKERY, CH tin and agate cheap re nt, about $3.50 "Boston, GLASSWAR ware, fancy go 3 good location, Stock Owner retiring. Box 1ee, Ont. ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START a mail order business at home; no canvassing: be your. own boss Send for free booklet; tells how Heacock, 3.0 Lockport, N) LOST PAIR GOL D-RIMMED EX B- GLASSES on Sunday Jnoraing, Feb. 16th, be- e's Cathedral and Reward tween Si. dy cor. King ANG William Sis. for return to Whig office. POSITION WA NTED ------------------------------ STHONG PRACTICAL NURSE DE- sires position as nurse fo inval gentlioman.or lady. Best reference oS. ABbly Box a4: W hig office. y CARTING. ALBERT SAUNDERS, ALL KINDS OF carting done. Satisfaction guaran: tee 51 Princess Street PERSONAL PROFESSIONAL SPIRELLA CORSET- e Al your service. Apneintments mr. convenience, 290 Wellington ny 1a tp ult yw Margaret Bunhe un, Bt, 10 3 MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. marks and all growths and skin blemishes removed permanently without scar; 27. years experience Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Noss Throat and Skin Specialist, 26% Bagot street. SCALP MASSAGE FON FALLIN hair; dandruff, etc, treated hy ei- ectricity (néw method). lates treatment - In shampooving. fae. massage, manlicuring, chiropody, ww. to-date styles in hair wo Mrs. Herod, graduate masseuse 13 Wellington St, Phone 1496 ours 10 to 13 am, and 3 to 6 p m., and by appointment. FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN ment Soclety president, Colonel Henry R. Smith Money issued on city and farm properties, municipal and country debentures; mortgages purchased: deposits received and interest al- lowed. S. Cc. McGill, Manager, 27 Clarence Street. AND established INVEST. 1863; LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLORE Fire Insyrahte Company, Available assets, ju! L187,216. In adition to which ti policyholders have for security the unlimited lability of city property, Insured at lowest possible rates." Before old or ping mew business get rates from Strange #: Strange. Agents. Phine 325. KN APP, n. A, L Ds. DDS, RE- 258 Princess Street. A, BE. mov ed te » DR, C. C. NA Renton, "Ph Street. : SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS 159 Wellington Street. (over Car ny 8), Kingston, 'Phone 346. 8. H. SIMPSON, L.D. D.DA, ist, corner Princess and street. Entrance on Bagot street. Telephone 626. nay DR. T nn 133 Princess | ENT. renewing | ve FOR SALE GEESE FEATHERS, "APPLY TO MRS. oldman, 387 Division St A SOLID COMFORT (OU but a short time. Apply son, 244 Princess cess St. § Hae, TWO ova rence engine new last year Whig office #5 US . Dawe w ApPIY ts gine ---------------------------------------- A FINE LOT OF WALNUT AND OAK sideboards, the best we have ever had, at a reasonable at Turk's. Phone 70) -------------- ma ------------------- WO YOUNG HORSES Al ALL ROUND One four years, other six. I'rice reasonable Apply Kingston Mat. tress Co, Princess St, ; A BAY Broan MARE IN weight 1260 Ibs, Will he auction « ht Square lings M eral, itarday eleten o'clock price, roLn, sold by hy Wil morning at ---- AND SOME Pll sHitable for host PUrDOsss also buy and sell all kinds of second-hand J. Thompson, 100 LBS, leys We new OF ROPE Cx St Andrew's church ONE FRAME rer fa Ho SB AND corner Lansdowne and rey Ste; lot 82 x 130; cornar Nelson an York Sta, let 32 fr. fro intage on Fork Second 3 of from cornee of Alfred and or, 1s, easy Apply 427 Albert 8* Y terms -- GROCERY STORE AND DWELLING 152 Ontario street, or - wilt sell grocery and fixtures with priviles ge renting store and & a first class busi- nm for selling. Ap- won the premises. conocer ARM, HUNDRED and ninety-five acrés, § miles from Kingston and 1 mile from Gl vale. llas an abundance of choles pine, spruce and cedar and nevers falling water thereon. Well fence ed. For further Information ap John Clark; RMD. 1, Westbroy cathrook #3500 FOR DOUBLE 7 ROOM FRAME FRAME Qouse, un York St, improvaments, all in good repair, Wil rent for * annur NEW RRICK ROUSE, ood "ot, fine location, on ' N UNION ST. WEST, about §0 x 90 agot | i NEW SOLID BRICK WOUSE ON Johnson street, ) rooms; all mode ern improvements; good locationg terms. Apply to A. r HOND, 26 Frontenac it. Phone 743 | $3200--BRICK VENEER ROUSE, BEV. aerley Street, partly furnished. Large lot; Food outbuildings. $2700-NEW HOUSE ON PATRICK St, modern improvements, good sta ble, ready for brick veneer, $1650--~NEW FRAME HOUSE, ALL improvements, BATEMAN & GARDINER, INSUR. ance. Money to n. 67 Clarescd 8t, Kingston. > ro LET CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIS "| ers and solicitors, Law Office, | Clarerice street, Kingston All kinds of records, Victor, Cok umbia, Edison Blue Amberol, Edi- son two-minute, for exchange. Also phonographs, gramophones and graf- onolas for sale. Call and let us ex- plain our plan. ALLEN'S Pons 259 118 Brook Se. For Sale House Number 124 Victor- ia St., between Earl and John- son; choice location, two blocks from car line. House modern in every particular. Apply McLeod's Drug Store New Telephone Directory Bell Telephone Company of Canada is soon to print a pew issue The of its OMcial Telephone for the District of including KINGSTON Partied who ' contemplate becom- ing suhscribers, or thoge who wish changes in their present entry should place their orders with the Local Manager at once to insure insertion in this issue. Directory Kastern Ontario, Connecting Companies Should also report a fons and pehanges in thelr list of subscribers, either to the Local Manager, or di- rect to the Special Agent's Pepart- ment, Montreal. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA *%0c. Gibson's. Records Exchanged -- BUSINESS NOTICES KINGSTON . TYPE. writing and g Bureau, 321 Queen St All work strictly con fidential. Rates moderate. | STORAGE rR FURNITURE, I FURNISHED ROOMS, ery nveniences Brock MOD 74 sean and street. ry. McCann, $3 BRIGHT, Anply A Brock St NC "Anply ES GIVEN FOR BALL SUP banquets, dinners, parties eto. Silverware and Sutlery § rent. For partfculars apply to H. Toye's King Bt, store. CATER TO PARTIES, Wedding breakfasts, banquets, stc also rent dlsben, .able linens ané Sliverware an ambrook M. P. Reid, 20 "Ualon street, F. C 1768 I Alfred street wB bry Phones [71] ar ~ urmowTERER W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RK pairing and i work, hal matiress renovat Drop 8 card or call 216 Bagot reat ARCHITECT WM. WM. NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI. tects, ete Offices, 268 Bagot & Phonb § ee -- eee POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants' ank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. Droy a card, E------------------------------r MUSIC. VIOLIN INSTRUCTION~-MISS CHRIS. tine Cochrane, 78 Gore Bt, King ston. Telephone 136. TELGMANN SCHOOL OF MUSIC, 214 Frontenac street. A. Telg- mann, B.E.,. teacher of Noo and action. Miss Norma and O. Telgmann, teachers of violin, man. dolin, piano, etc. Terms .for tul. tion and concert engagements or application. AWE OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. SHAM bers. Apply to Cunningham & Mu« die, 79 Clarence PRIVATE GARAGE OR STORAGE for auto for the winter: clean an@ dry. McCann, 82 Brock LINGS AT $30, 817, se, Also offices, stores, ete, eC ns Real Estate Agency, 82 Brock BEDROOMS nd lighted, in centra Address Box A, Whig ¥ ROXT PARL LOR AND el ated locality office ROOM OVER DOMINION EX- cor. Princess and Wel- Immediate possession. A. Shaw. OFFICE pre 1 Apply to D. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ULEAN dry, alry rooms; your own lack and ex: Frost's Si Storage. "0 Queen Bt, Phone §38b, ™ bs Pu RNISHED noow "URNISH. a, fo ving with was and igh ffranvenicnce. Apply 12 Division St ONE COMFORTABLE room, centrally for one or two gentlemen, without hoard. Terms 152 Sydenham Fir ISHED located, suitable with or reasonable, Apply HOTELS. ALBION HOTEL, CORNER MONTREAL and Queen streets: 33 bedrooms. Rates moderate; centrally located, one block from street cars. House recently . thoroughly renovated: best stable and yard accommoda~ tion, J. M. Caines, Proprietor. = Quality a F , 1s again. confined to his home with an {attack of congestion of the lungs, and his physiciaps have ordered that {ha Teceive mo one, excepting the members of his Jmmediate family. "Fresh plasters" at Gitson's, i ~ WE HAVE BEEN SELLING Genuine Scranton Coal for 48 years. It is the best coal for Hard and soft wood and a'l descriptions of kindling always. on hand. serve JAMES SWIFT & £0. PUT YOUR ORDER iN NOW faniily use. Finest Motorcycle in the World. Traigod Cyde ad Spring Goods