6K OF EXCITEMENT IN THE LEGISLATURE Liberal Leader Practised What He Preached HE STRUCK A BLOW AT CORRUPTION BY DRIVING OUT EVANTUREL From the Liberal Party ~-- The Es- timates Were Tabled in the Legis- lative on Friday Afternoon by Hon. I. B. Lucas, Toronto, Feb. 28.--An amazing crowded five days has marked the second week of the legislature. Any genuine excitement usually seems to be reserved until nearer the end of the session--for example, the Proudfoot' charges last year--but tbir time the color and the move- ment have begun early. It will be difficult for the rest of the year to keep up the pace, The Evanturel sensation of course hae oversadowed everything else, and the chief faet in connection with it is that N. W. Rowell has pit into practice what he has been preaching and when corruption appeared in his own party hg dealt with it courage- ously, and has driven the offending member from the liberal ranks. Apart entirely, however, from the big sensation, the week has seen de-! bates on three subjects of first-rank provineial importance--unemploy- nient, temperance and tax reform, and has seen the government vote down each of the three opposition amendments. One called their at- tention to the problem of unemploy- ment and for the creation of a depart- ment of labor. The second expressed regret that the government had taken no action to supplement their promise to introduce anti-treating legiglation and that they have not proposed measures to abolish the bar or otherwise effectively curtail the evils of the liquor trafic. The third proposed tax reform, petition- ed for by all classés of the people from all parts of the province and which the government has now again turned down, mes estimates for "the| ii 1 i to in 739 828 fe B. ny, Lucas, provinclil trousarer in the legislature yesterday afternoon, al- ong with" the main estimates for this year, passéd last session. The total amount required to be voted is $11, 768,710. Farther supplementary estimates will be brought down lat- er. In the estimates tabled yester- day $1,468000 is for expenditures on capital account. - For = the construction of public buildings the following are some of the items: Addition to the east wing of the parliament buildings $35,000; ad- ditional buildings at Brockville, $50,000. For the completion of new Central prison at Guelph there ds a vote of $125,000. The school for the deal at Belleville gets $78- 000 for two dormitories. Two dor- mitori@s at School for the blind at Brantford will cost $32,000, part of which is a revote. In the dapartment of lands, for- ests and mines, an extension is to be made to the fire ranging service. Hon. W. H. Hearst has recently tak- en over the provincial parks from the department of public works and a complete reorganization of this branch is under way. formerly Mias died at West Nfs. McDonald, Jennie Lambe, Picton, Superior, Wisconsin. DAILY MEMORANDA Band at Covered rink this afternoon and evening. See top of nage 3, right hand corner, for probabilities. Nat Goodwin in "Never Say Grand Opera House, 8:15 p.m, High tea Bethel church hall, day, Mareh 3rd, from 8 to 8 p.my mission 25c. Character Reading Reading. character from "handwriting is an old endeavor. Bat the reading of Pe Die,' Tues. Ad- character from a study pf ad- ver is far more inferest- A profitable, glance over in this 'pewspaper' the advertisements 'of the merchants whose places you ku Does not the merchant write 'is store character into his ad- vertisiag? Is it not possible to form a pretty good idea of the store from the manner in which '4t makes its anouncoments in hae and pay inate ention to typography r even more carefully wae READ OUT OF mstave Eyantire) of the x « Ph lect al "Xhol- d to sell for ten of his i ! DRFLY, to Hauor hits and dollars letter £5 this in the Ie #islat in himvout of attorney-gen undertaken to tak Evanturel may house THE LABOR PARTY HAVE DEMONSTRATIONS The Funds Raised Will be Used To Give Men Best Legal Talent London, Feb, 28.--~A demonstration by the labor party to welcome the la- bor leaders deported from South Al- rica, a month ago, because of their connection with the general strike, was held in the opera house, here, last night. The house was packed, al- though an admission fee of $1.25 was charged and the proceeds devoted to obtaining the best legal aid for the men, A suffragetie disturbance broke out in the hall while J. Ramsay Mac- , chairman of the labor party, and several of the" wee w ho « » reading Tect ¢ansed his Mr. Rowell, to ty forthwith.' z wince The tter up, and ellod from the 'speatting; men Pistuzhors were ejected, BARRIER Pb Rll PP deb Pe T0 TAX AUTOISTS St. wp Catharines, Ont, -- Feb. 28.--Dr. Jessop, mem- ber of the legislature for Lincoln, announced last night that the government will specially tax automobil- ists, and several hundred thousand dollars raised there- by will be devoted to road- making. ob bP Ede Bbbd had Goode ge eee Bed L INVENTS KNEE JOINT Mrs. Longworth's Fad Is Copied in Washington. Washington, Feb. 28.---Mrs. Nich- olas Longworth has introduced a new! fashion fad. It {3 the knee knot, which she wears on most of her gowns, The knot is copied by tiie leading women of Washington. It consists of a huge how of ribbon with many loops, which catches her draped' skirt in a bunch at her left knee. Mrs. Longworth is wearing black because of the recent death of her grandmother, but nevertheless her gowns are of the latest fashion. Crushed to Death. Toronto, Feb. 28.--While riding on the rear of the C.P.R. switch engine No. 2230, at Lambton Station, about nine o'clock last night, William Berry, who resided on Western avenue, was almost instantly killed by being crushed between the locomotive and a "freight ear. AN OFFICIAL PROBE NTO BENTON'S DEATR Has Beon Begun By The British Consul At Galveston, Texas El Paso, Tex., Feh. 23. Charles Ar- thur Percival, British consul at Gale veston, yesterday began an official probe for the British government into the death of William S. Benton at the hands oi. Mexican rebels under Pancos Villa: The cowsul /is conducting the investigation privately and is talking to all witnesses able to throw any light upon the last visit of Benton to Juarez, the man's character, temper, nationality, relations with the fed. meals and rebels, etc. 1 jovernor George Currie, of New Mex , and others, who have been prominent in protesting at the Ben- ton outr: since the Suction of the Engli n, ave aiding Mr. Per- ¢ival in gathering witnesses. An eve '| witness to the affair in the office of Villa, which preceded the death. of Benton, is said to have been {ound who will teil the British diplothat what in the room where many 'believe Henton was killed, 'and fee Retore and there will where Villa claims hé was put under Arreslt. or -------- "Films developed." Gibsdn's. Praises MYSTERIES the Scientific Accomplish. ments of Mawson London, Feb." 28.---Sir Ernest Shackleton, himself a famous Ant- arctic explorer, in an article in the Lendon Daily Mail on Dr. Mawson's expedition, says; "The discovery of ledges of a continent shelf will throw light on many oceanagraphic myster- ies. Indeed, science has everything to be grateful for in Mawson's achievement and nothing in which to fivd disappointment. From the sci- entific side the expedition has been eminently suecessful, From its sentimental side, I use the word ad- visedly and not in the meaning to which it has been debased to-day, it is equally remarkable. Sentiment and science have so far gone hand in hand (it will be « sorry day whén they are divorced). "The outstanding feature of Maw- son's inland journeys has been that tragic march in which two lives were lost. It has been a march that has shown once more to the world that men are capable of enduring and wolking against desperate odds with- out a thought of surrender." WAY OF STEALING GOLD Frenchman Gets A i, With Fillings in Teeth Paris. Feb. 28.--An expert criminal, Julien Lemas, was caught here in an ingenious manner. He snecialfizes in robbing dentists. Yesterday he called on a fashionable dentist and asked that a gold crown be fitted on one of his teeth. The dentist took a cast of the tooth and @« few minutes later' when he went into his lahoratory with the mold Lemas pocketed a gold set of teeth which had been leit for repairs hy an old manquis and also $100 worth of sheet gold. Lemas was arrested shortly after- wards and taken before a magistrate. He stramuously 'denied being the man sought and was about to he set free when the magistrate decided to send for the cast taken by the dentist. When this 'was brought to court: it was found to fit Temas' tooth exact- ly and the thief was held for trial. Gold AUTO ACCIDENT TRIAL Accused Convicted of Failure to Make Out Report. Watertown, Feb. 28.--Raymond J. Curtiss, formerly in the state highway office in this city and now occupying a similar position in Her- kimer, was convicted of having fail- ed to report an automobile accident to which his car was a party. The acciuent happeued on the evening of the same night of the Williamson- Miller fatal accident in Oswego. Curtiss struck the rig of a farmer named Bernard Cole, throwing Mr. Cole out and causing injuries which kept him in the hos- pital for seven weeks. It is. said that a damage suit brought by Mr. Cole against Mr. Curtiss was recently settled for $5,400. Francis E. Cullen represented Mr. Curtiss in the criminal action. The penalty for failure to report an ac- cident is not more than 2% years in prison or. a fine or both. FISHERIES PACT IN SIGHT Treaty Between Us. and Nearing Ratification Ottawa, Feb. 28.--Present indica- tions are that the fisheries treaty be- tween Canada and the United States, which have been pending the ratifica- tion at Washington since 1909, will be finally approved within a short time. When this is done there will be a settlement of many of the difli- culties which now exist :and which in several instances are causing hard- ship to Canadian fishermen. The marine department 'has been informed by Dr. Hugh Clark, the 'American fisheries commissioner, that the treaty is likely to To through in Marchl, Co-operation ac tion in regard to artificial propoga- tion is very likely to be one result of the treaty that will do much in maintaining * the fisheries in interna- tional waters. CAPTURED BY BRIGANDS Canada Missionary May Have Been Murder- ed in Albania. Berlin, Feb. 28.--The Vossische Zei- tung publishes a special despatch from Durazzo reporting that an Am- erican missionary who was travelling through the south from Elbassan, in Albania, has been captured by a band of brigands. According to one version he was killed. A mission' station in Albania * maintained by the American board of commissioners for foreign missions. Phineas BB. Kemmedy, their missionary, who was formerly stationed at Korto- hoha,, Albania, was recently in Dur- azzo. Ho has heen engaged in distri- bating relief jn the vicinity of Flbas- san among the Albanian sufferers from the effects oi the Balkan wars. INSPECTION | ENFORCED United States Applies Test to On- 'ario Cattle London, Ont, Feb. « 28. --~Cattle 'men | through this district, who have heen shipping cattle across the line in large numbers, 'have received a most severe setback as 'a result of the inspection law being enforced by the United Bureau of Animml Industry. y catile which it was understood were to be killed were, it was found, being used by the Am- ericans for breeding purposes because of their fine quality, and now the government is compelling' all cattle entering the States to {undergo the tuberculin test. Clayton Tripp, who lives south ot is the Picton waterworks reservoir, lost NO EXCLUSION Of Wister Will Be Tolerated By Liberals GOSSIP ABOUT KING CONVEYS FALSE IMPRESSION OF HIS INTENTIONS Unionist Talk About Another Came paign of Violence -- King George Will Aet Only Way. in & Constitutional London, Feb, 25 thing can be foretold rule settlement question, Ulster ex- clusion is dead. Nowve in Ireland will have it. Unionists and nationalists unite in denouncing the suggestion. Were it proposed by the government save for a strictly limited term of years, it would possibly split the lib- eral party. Unionists who now nize that their t to rush Asquith into s render ul be ning the won has failed, talking agai of a campaign lence. (Gossip concerning mtentions continues culated." There is, no evi- dence that the King has even hinted at the possibility of taking any steps, outside the steict constitutional usage. He continues to do everything to en- deavor and expresses with greater ary. Seraps of private individual conver- sations in a distorted form, retailed from mouth to mouth heard around the unionist vey a wholly false impression king's intentions. FISHING REGULATIONS HAVE BEEN ADOPTED And They Will Go Into into Effect At The Beginning Of 1915 in Both Countries Washington, Feb. The yesterday, passed a bill to put eficot, on January 1st, 1915, the fish- ing regulations recommended by the t. fishing commission of the United States and Canada for boundary wa- ters. The bill will he sent to | the house, to-day, 'for immediate' action The Canadian government has noti- fied the United States. that it would not consider itself bound to the terms if the United states had not acted by March 1st. The Canadian govern ment appproved the three years ago. a iar a any- of the home recog- Aly gin- are Irish cr the king's to freely however, be 10 promote a. compromise, his mind oce freedom than is custom of the 28. ~ senate, into Protest Missionary's Arrest 25. --~The Baptist Mis interviewed the for Ay in regard to the arrest of J. lowhill, a missionary stationed at San Salvador, in the Portuguese Congo. The action of the Portuguese colonial authorities' is ap- parently in retaliation for the action of the missionary in interferring with the methods of procuring native lahor for the colleétion of. rabher. London, Feb. sionary Society eign office yesterc Ss. More Pay For Militia Ottawa, Feb. 28.---Cantdian fantry association resolved to militia department to increa - of men attending camp; fir privates be paid $1 per ¢ Year $1.40, and third year of vio} | wionally | re | by reculations about r| see us THE TOWN OF DESERONTO |gud Several Deaths Repotted -- Two Hockey Matches Deseronto, Feb. 27. In a closely contested game of hockey between the Descronto high school 'and the Ca- tholic Young. Men's. Club, the latter won by a score of 8 to 7. The score at half time was 3 to 2 in favor of the C.Y.M.C, and at full time 5 to 5. overtime, the vesult of the first period being a tie, 6 to 6. In the Jast period the CY MC. came out on top, net- ting two goals to their opponents' one, thus ending the game by the seove of 5 to 7. very evenly was clean and fast. On Tuesday night a hockey match between Napanee seniors and Deser- onto was played on Warren's rink, re- sulting in a victory for Deseronto, 8 to 4 "After a ceived by that her watched and the game short illness, word was 're Mrs. Charles Bruyea, Sr., daughter, Maria, had died in Toronto. Deceased' was Mrs. Tho- mas Ilughes., She leaves nine children, Her brothers and sisters left to attend the funeral. Mrs. Richard Baxter received the sad news that her brother's wiie, Mrs, William Marrigan, had died on: Tues- day at Port Arthur. Deceased was formerly of Deseronto. The remains are to arrive Saturday at Mrs. Bax- ter's, and on Sunday the funeral will be held to Deseronto cemetery vault. Miss Gladys Thompson came home | on Tuesday, having spent a week: with her friend," Miss F. Gimlett. Mrs. Parker Hicks passed away on Wednes- day, after a lingering illness, The re- mains will be taken to Picton. A. S. Valleau, brother, will accompany them. ' the C.Y.M.C. had an "At Home" in its rooms on Monday evening. Walla Heaney is. progressing well, titer his severe of pneumonia. A number from attended - the horse races in Naj on Friday. Mis was presented Is" guild and Mark's church The club gave fore she left, on ¥. l, to take a | course ! 1 as a nurse-in- | traimng her | | | tack Anna vart ladies' guild, ¢ school of of gold. Stey | Sun | with her St. COERCE ERRANT HUSBAND | Wome n Obtain | Hor Rights for a Wronged Wife Féb. 28.--Three hundred women have wreaked an amusing but thoroughgoing venge- ance on the faithless husband of one of their friends Unable to bear her hushand's neg- leet and flirtation any longer, the wile decided to leave him. Taking teeir four ehildréh With her, She des parted for her parents' home, The husband immediately establiched the "ether woman" in her place. When this became known in the neighbor- hood the women organizéd a mob to remedy matters. It surrounded the he and a storming parily broke in and beat the woman. When the man reached 'home he informed that the invaders in- { terded to remain in possession until {his wife, on his telegraphic request, had actually resumed her proper place as mistress of the house. When they went away it was on a police assurance that everything was now in order Berlin, { Munich use, Joseph S. Bolton, the popular and efficient teller of 'the Bank of Mont- real, Picton, has been promoted to a position in the head office of the bank at Montreal. Joe is a Prince Edward county boy, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Bolton, High Shore road. After a fire starts it is too late to talk about insurance. Drop in and and we will show you how reasonable the insurance rates are? McCann. They played two ten-minute periods of | The two teams were | {sons prominent in such DISMISSED FATHERLESS AND ALSO THE JAMES MeGLYNN, "Who was ele servative associ recently DECISIONS BY JUDGE MAKE WIN IMPOSSIBLE The Scrutiny Count In Several Of The Places Were Sustained Welland, Ont., Feb. 28.--While the Canada temperance act election scru- tiny was not concluded yesterday, de- cisions by Judge Livingstone made a "dry" victory now impossible no maiter which way the remaining cases may be decided. His honor awarded the scrutiny count im No. 4 Thorold township, No. 1 Stamford and No 6 Stamford. This is a gain of eight in each of the first and last named and three in the other. WOLFE IsLAND. ed chairmg an of the Con ation of Wolfe Island CHURCH FOR BILLIARD HALL Other Montreal Churches Hav Met Similar Fate Montreal, Feb. -- Dominion Square. Methodist church 'may be turned into a billiard hall or a res- taurant. ' To-day there hangs up "tothe church a] sign advertising the church to: rent as a billiard hall, restaurant, ete, No building restrictions or agree- ment prohibiting the use of the: building for any purpose was in the agreement of sale, according to John Letlie, one of the men who sold the church, for the reason that such a procedure is not legal in the province of Quebec. The church at the pre- sent time is thoroughly commercial- izea. Stores surround it on every side, and the entrance is a small door on Windsor street. Dominion square church is not an exception. Erskine Presbyterian church, at the corner of St. Cathar- ine and Windsor streets, was trans- formed into a store; Emmanuel chureh, at the corner of Stanley and St. Catharine, is being used as a niotion-picture theatre, and the church of the Messiah, Beaver Hall Hill, is belpg used as a publishing house. ai. ( ICE FOR ALL PURPOSES Should be Cut in Pure Area Says Dr. Maloney That all ice to be used for both domestic and cooling purposes in Kingston should be cut within the pure area, is the opinion expressed by Dr. Maloney, district medical health officer, who is in the city. This, he said, was the opinion of the local board of health, and in this he agreed. Dr. Maloney was in Napanee on Thursday, and reports that the ser- ies of meetings for the purpose of putting on the health exhibit, were largely attended and much appreciat- ed. The doctor is arranging for. a series of meetings here next week for the purpose of giving the health exhibits. QUEEN WOULD SUPPRESS INDECENCIES IN CLUBS Her Majesty, However, Is Sneersd At By The Smart Sociely People London, Feb. 98.--Bociety is se riously concerned over the recent serious developments and there is talk of the queen setting herself at the head of a movement for sup. pressing indecencies" in dress in night clubs and gambling. Smart society openly sneers at the queen as a "Haus Frau." Gambling circles, which sprung up rapidly in West Tondon two years Mo. conflinue, despite the move of lice officers, and have brought wide- spr? ruin among the younger re presentatives of noble fi night clubs' more recent develop- ments are 3 2re laiygely in the idle class and: are now moving agains The Jo a light club. The queen has already intimated in various ways that per unwelcome at 'court. More stringent measures may follow. -------- Public health moving pictures ex- Juin, ibit, Ontario hall, Monday, 3 ; AGAINST HON. L. P, PELLETIER IN COMMONS Minister of Marine Admitted That He Had Dismissed 310 Officials Would Not Issue Orders to Emme ployees to Keep. Oun-of Politics, Ottawa, Feb. 28.--Parliament put in practically all Friday in dealing with the estimates of the marine de- partment. Hon. Mr. Hazen, who stated in response to direet questions by Mr. Kyte, that he had' dismissed £10 officials since taking office, was severely scored by liberal speakers. When asked by Mr. Carvell wheth- er or not he would issue instructions to present officials of his departs ment to keep out of polities, Mr. Hazen sald that no such instructions would be issued. He believed it would be unfair to issue any such or- der, as it would be casting suspiciof on every employee in the service. But if his attention were cilled to any speeific case of interference by a civil servant in his department, the matter would be dealt with in such way as to prevent its recurrence. Mr. Carvell in dealing with the thject of dismissals replied to an interruption by Hon. Mr. Pelletier with the statement: "You have dis missed with evidence and without evidence. You have dismissed the fatherles® and the widows, and you have even dismissed the dead. Let us hear no more from you." Ontario Still Leads Ottawa, Feb. 28.--The Ontario' Geld crops of last year, according to 3. Creelman, Guelph, were sixty-two cent. greater than the combined wd crops of the western provinces. htt dedobilob dd Sd ddd db dled dd & . THE CANADIAN SENATE 3. recent book 'on the' Canadian senate, The od from the able pen of Professor W. L. Grant, of Queen's Univer- sity, and is deserving of eare- ful attention. Many other reviews are published on the same page. CEP ee a Public office, many times, is noth- element. THEDAILY BRITISH WHIG IS GN SALE AT THE FOLLOW ING CITY STORES Buckaell"s News Depot .. Clarke, J. W. & Co: .... College Book Stare ...... Coulter's | i f+ li Paul's Cigar Store SetheeinlS Ji BORN LIDDELL~In Kingston, IT 27th, to Capt. and Mrs. Wm, Lida]. hay MU Sy Kingston, 791 P b, 22nd, 1914, to Mr. and be homes W. Murphy, a son. FORBPS--In rooion N.Y. Feb. 26 1314. Thomas Fortes, 'formerly "of Kingst Interment ar Er NY. > ROBERT J. REID aS