Miss Maris Carruthers and Miss Ma- bel Brownfield served tea. |. Miss Edith Hague University av- énue, was hostess at a charmipg luncheon on 'Friday. At the e, Which was prettily arranged with pink tulips, covers were laid - for ¢ight and the guest of honor was Mise Marjorie Charlton, of Montreal, who is visiting Miss Hague. _SATURDAY, FEBRU. ONTARIO SYNOD DELEGATES ea : === = " Service Congress The following' have been selected as delegates from the Ontario svaod to " y attend the Canadian National Figs RoE LE Eu at oS a aware sr oi $1.50 and $1.25 Reprints at 35 Cents v. T. W. Savary,' Ww, x i Dediord- Jones, Re Thomas: Leah, 1. 50 and $1.25 Reprints at 35 conts. Re I : ot aan | A ssiideatdn The following books spi cially priced for Saturday only: -- following lay delegates, Froderiek A Woman of the orld, by Ella Wheeler Wilcox Saleh, hie oN iln, J.B. Carrol), A Woman Ventures, by David Graham Phillips. - FE. 4. R, Dargave]. The Price She Paid, by David Graham Phillips. Black Roek, by Ralph Connor. Miss 318, hy Rupert Hughes. Wanted a Chaperon, by Paul Leicester Ford. Marie Claire, by Marguerite Audoux. Monsieur Beaucaire, by Booth T rkington. Heralds of Empire, by Agnes C. Laut. Vera, the Medium, by Richard Harding Davis. Rev. A. BE. Smart will attend the stantine, Mrs, Holloway Waddell,! The second elass cadets are giving a CODETeS8, representing the Children's ALL OTHER REPRINTS SATURDAY ONLY 45 CENTS POPULAR 10 Cents per Copy * x = » A well attended meeting of the Badminton club was held at tha| Armouries on Wednesday, those pre=; Mrs. W. M. Campbell, (formerly Miss sent being: Colonel and Mrs. T.DR. Lillie Shaw), 141 Bagot street, will Hemming, Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Wag- receive 'on Thursday, March Sth, from ner, Captain and Mrs. Hagarty, Mr. four to six in the afternoon and in and Mrs. P. G ©. Campbell, Mrs. the évening, from eight. to ten o'clock. "{ Iva Martin, Mrs. Dawson, Mrs, Con- Rm. ; ; 3 ei oto Grace Hemming, Miss Sara iia. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Miss Bessie Smythe, Miss Loretta| Miss Norah Macnee and Mr. W.| Swift, Miss Christine Cochrane, Miss Kent Manee entertained at an excep-! Mamie Garrett, Miss Alleen Rogers, tionally jolly driving party on Wed. | Miss Madge Dawson, Miss Hilda nesday evening. Kent, Miss Doris Kent, - Miss Nora Macnee, Miss Mabel | Brownfield, Miss Marjorie Brown- field, Miss Madeline Hanson (Mon- treal), Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick, Col- onel Ogilvie, Major Hammond, Cap- tains Boak, Constantine and Mel- don and Messrs, Elwood McRae, Macklem, E. Van Leslie, Carruthers, | Vivien Bishop, R. Harrison, Heber Lafferty Benson and C. 8. Bower. bank 4 The Petworth Dam Bethel, Feb. 27.--(To' the Edit- 3 or): I wish to say a few words about Miss Kathleen Daly, Albert street, he Petworth dam, which is a nuis- was the hostess of the Reading Clap ance mot dnly to me, but you might | this week, | Soy to hundreds of farmers. I am; * s * la resident living one mile from Béth- | Mrs. W, W. Gibson, Union strect el in the north part of the township! i3 entertaining at an informal tea of Portland, I am a ratepayer and this afternoon. lund: owner. I have 150 acres on Mr. Stewart Robertson will come which I have to pay taxes but only up from Ottawa shortly to remain _fifty-nineacres in under pasture crops, town while his parents, Mr, and the remainder is flooded the year Mr. DD. Stewart Robertson are abroad around. My taxes last year were [. Mr. Kenneth Ross. of Montreal, $8 and 1 expect this year it will | ry Mrs. W. H., Craig, William street, |SPent a couple of days this week exceed that. If the land owners) Mixed Soft Wood entertained at an interesting bridge With Ne oy ediing Apglin on his and ratepayers would get up a peti- i terday afternoon, in homor of ber Way to Belleville, [tion and get signers with the town- and Hard Wood. Spec Fy Mes. ALK. Si of Winni- | Miss Ethel Drew Brooke who has ship's consent 1 will take the job of ial rates for quantities peg. at the tea hour a few been visiting Professor and Mrs. I. starting or getting it. If we can over 10 cords. Al80 | more friends dropped in. The tea O. Willhoft, William street, return: league together thé dam will cer- n imb | table, which was centred by a hrass ©d to Toronto to-day. | tainty have to be removed. wharf and other timber, basketful of jonquils, was in charge Colonel G. Hunter Ogilvie has! I all the readers of this will join Ww. OF of Mrs, H. E, Richardson and Mrs. been spending a few days in Carleton with ma, something will have to get ALLA! " 'Barrie St. 148-175 Brock Street THAT TOBACCO With the "Rooster" on it. | Is crowing louder as _he goes along. Ro Bui 5: Eo pound. For Sowing ang) ng. Miss Marie, Miss Dorothy and Miss sliding party «t the "Fort Hill to- Aid Society. It js expected that USIC, Vocal and Instrumental, Kathleen Carruthers, Miss Phyllis night, and a number of the seniors there will be 500. delegates at this Shortt, Miss Charlie Shortt, Miss are entertaining ata drive. rongress. The College Book Store 160-162 Princess St. OPEN NIGHTS! Phone. 919 RIE ose Cord Wood for Sale 'Ladies' 'Crepe Blouses Received this week a shipment of new styles * =» C. 8. Kirkpatrick. The guests in. Pluce. (moving. --WELLINGTON LAMBSON cluded Mrs. Mellis Ferguson, Mrs. R. D. 'Sutherland, Mrs. E. H. Pense, Mrs. - Arthur Evans, Mrs. P. E. Pri- deaux, Mrs, Cuthbert IF, Gummer, Mrs. W. B. Mudie, Miss Florence Cunningham, Miss Alice King, Miss Bessie Smythe, Miss Mabel Dalton, Miss Grace Martin, Miss Irene Swift, Migs Hilda Kent and Miss Jean Craig. Major Hammond "was hos: at a sliding party at the Fort hiil en Fri day afternoon. Among tha guests were: Mrs. P. G. C Campbe.l, Miss P. rllis Shortt, Miss Rose !lozers, Miss Marie Carruthers, Miss Dorothy Carruthers, Miss Madge Dawson,Miss Grace Hemming, Captain Heyman, "Messrs. G. S. Bowerbank, McRae, Carruthers, O. Tiffany Macklem and Cadets Roberts and Ince { Miss Isobel Macausland returned to Toronto on Thursday after a ds lightful visit with Miss Isabella Wal dron, King street. The Late Mrs. G. Bearup | The death occurred of 'Mrs. George { Bearup, of Wilson's Settlement, 3 . 0 'N.Y., on Tuesday, February 24th. Miss Isabella Macdonald is the The deceased was sixty-six years of guest of Miss Machar, Bagot street, age was taken suddenly ill at about for a few days. eleven o'clock and passed away at Mr. A. P. Christmas came to town about twelve o'clock, the cause f to-day from Toronto and is with death being heart disease. Peside Mrs. H. J. Wilkinson, Bagot strect. her husband Mrs. Bearup is Lviv | On 'Monday Mrs. Christmas and little ed by five daughters and four sons | Margaret will return with him to several of them living at Cape Vin-! Montreal. cent, N.Y Mr. W. A. Stark returned to Gan anoque on Friday, after spending the week in town. Mr. W. H. Drader, of Estevan, Sask., has been a guest in town for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bickford, of | Toronto, who have been spending the Mrs. P. C. Stevenson. Brock street' | winter abroad, expect to return home was hostess at "Bridge" on Friday |" March ith. afternodn, in honor of Mrs.. Charles {Nelles. of Toronto, who is Miss Elea- {nor Macdonald's guest. Cards were played at three tables and afterwards For the next chan, in the weather, to be able [Y tell RB yourself just how cold it is at your own home. Our thermometers are neal and dependable. hy in Ladies' White Crepe Blouses, with long shoulder effect and low collar; sev- eral styles to select from in all sizes, 3 well made lugs and | to Linoleums Our new rugs, Seofch and English Linoleums are arriving every day from the best manufae new patterns for the eoming spring of 1914; to 40, Priced at $1 Each Smith Bros. p Jewelers and Opticians, ~ Suits and Coats Another shipment of late ideas in Misses' L * < SAE EN b Optometry. | : The scientific, intelligent, drugless, | « efficient adaptation oi glasses for the | aid of vision and relief of headache | and eyestrain. Comgult H. C. Brown, | Dph.I)., in charge of the Rodger Op- | tical Parlors, when your eves require assistance. You are assured a = ough examingtion, without charge, and perfect lenses, if you need glasses. Mr. Frederick Gravelle and Mr. Wal- ter Gravelle, of Calgary, Alta., visiting friends in town. Mrs. Mellis Ferguson and her small |son, who have heen the guests of Mi wsmeusmemeeey (and Mrs. Malcolm Sutherland, Karl | street, returned St. Thomas to ! day. Mr. J. I. Whiting and Mr. A. B. Cun- ningham returned from Toronto to i day. Mr. Gordon Stark will leave for the West to-morrow, after spending the past two months at his home in Gananoque, Miss Machar, Bagot street, is in | Ottawa attending a meeting of the National Council of Women. Prof. L. W. R. Mulloy, of the Roy- al Military College, is spending the week-end in Iroquois. Miss Gertrude Wallace, of Iroquois, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. G. H. Williamson, Brock 'street. are Accused of Theft. Saturday afternoon Constabfes Jen- | kins and Sargeant placed under ar- rest James! Billings, aged | twenty- | Seven years, on a warrant taken out | by one, Thomas B. Craddock, charg- | ing him with the theft of $45. The accused was in a store on Princess street when taken in charge. to and Ladies' Coats and Suits received by express this morning. Breaking the News Ready-to-wear | Department keeps After seventeen years hard work and now forced out is the unpleasant | experience of D. A. Weese, Princess | street. He is now planning for a Lig sale'to clear out the entire stock, commencing March 9. abreast of the times, and anything in new style ladies' wearables that ave : desirable and has the approval of fash- eT ator ox 4 Fire often makes a rich man § to-day a poor man to-morrow. Arel you sufficiently protected? , We can | write you a poliey in any of a num- ber of strong companies. McCann. "Buy kidney pills," Gibson's. ,The sama care and attention We use in the examination of eyes, and the fitting of good glasses, bulld for us the largest retail optical business in the city. The double service of registered optometrist and ex- i pert optician, guarantees per- fect satisfaction, and all at the cost of the glasses, $2.00, $3.00 $5.00 a pair. ion experts will be found in our store Gourdier first. Mr. Colin Hamilton will come down Try us and see. from Deseronto to spend the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Colin Hamil ton, Earl street. Mr. Roger Clarke returned to Ham ilton on Wednesday, after spending a LOOK ALIVE!! HERE'S ' YOUR CHANCE! ! {Why Pay High Prices? For Sale $2360--A neat Bungalow, 138 + « Nelson St, 6 rooms, open . . fireplace, hargwood floors, Stationary tubs, large verandah; lot 66 X 132; stables. $150 cash wil this. ] $5100-- Detached brick, Union it.. 9 rooms, furnace, all © modern; lot 40 x 130 with $3500 Detached brick, 7 rooms, hot water healing 'bay window, parnge: Rideau $3360-KBrick;, 125 Nelson St, cor. Mfick, 7 rooms, A $495 ew brick, facing Vie- ~ toria Park, 9 rooms, hot water : $1900--Albert St., frame, 6 _ rooms, B. and C., large lot. 18000 olonial Brick, 13 rooms: hot water heating, Soaitral location; large sta- month in town. Mr. and Mrs. D. Stewart Robert- fon, Sydenham street, will leave, ear ly in March, for the Mediterranean trip. Mr. George K. Taylor, of Ganano- que, spent Friday in town. Miss Moag, who has been the guest; of Mrs. George MacDonald, Alfred | street, for the past ten days, veturn- ed to her home in Smith's Falls to- J. S. Asselstine 0. 0. §. 349 King St. Kingston, Ont. Glasses Made on Premises, av. Mr. aud Mrs. G. A. Bateman, Uni- B ruary | versity avenue, returnbd from Toronto { yesterday, after being with friends x - | and relatives for a week, i Carpet & Furniture {Continued on page 9.) Sunday School Rally The Presbyterian, Methodist, Con- d g |gregational and Baptist Sunday {schools of the city will have a rally {in Sydenham street Methodist church Special reductions on all lines. 'on Sunday afternoon.; Rev. W. T. G. All goods purchased will be held at Hrown, of Toronto, and Rev. BE. W. wr risk. antil needed. {Halpenny, provincial Sundav school This is the best sale of the year. secretary, will be the Seales, D. G. [Laidlaw, president of the loeal asso ciation, will preside. The children |of the primary departments of the | schools will in the large | Bible school hall, at which Miss B. | Laine, of Toronto, secretary for | primary work for the province, will {be one of the speakers. She is stop- {ping with Mr. and Mrs. Laidlaw, and Mr. Halpenny with Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Harrison. ---------------- A Military Luncheon A Royal Military C I was given on Friday, at Chateau Laurier, Ottawa, when Colonel L. P. Setiaton, CC mamiant * the Royal Military y was guest of College subjects i Hanson, of Montreal; Major "A. i Caldwell, of Toronto; Captain Arm- | ell and Major W. B.. Lipdsay, Winnipeg. of Removal sale! ' Prunella gaiters 50c; English boots $1.00; slippers 26c. Dutton's. Three of .the boys' classes, of Prin- cess Street Methodist church, held a [two hours the boys returned to the "hibit. Ontario hall, Monday, 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. Admission free. "Buy cough syrups" at Gibson's. club subjects were taken up hy Major | | strong, Lieut.-Col. Panet, A. T. Pow- ||} sleigh drivo on Thursday evening. Af- [i {ter driving around the city for about ij vs i school hall, where refreshments were served. } Public ' Kealth moving ex- [If iE ILLS & CO. CANADA Li GEORGE M KINGSTON New Spring Hats, New Spring Coals, New Spring Suits Every day now we are | receiving shipments of | the new goods for spring. Thousands of new hats have already arrived, the ladies' hats are being prepared-- from now on interest will center on the new spring styles. Finest and Larges t HATS on a s ever own Kingston, Watch for the date of 'our millinery open- ing ; re. _ Money saved by buy- ing Furs now. Low pric- es on all repairs. Watch Our Windows! GEORGE MILLS & C0. 126-128 PRINCESS 87. © i not in good health | CGecrge Chapman, formerly of Res- Calvin Folger gidence of ner nephew, W. F. Nickle, -M.P., on Saturday afternoon. The NEWMAN & SHAW THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. wrew: THE TOWN OF GANANOQUE | F***+BUILDERY The Death of Mrs. Henderson Tweed Gananoque, Feb. 28 -- Word was received here on Thursday by Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Landon, King street, of the serious illness of their daughter Mrs. Henderson, of Tweed. Mrs. Langdon left at once for her bedside. Later report has been re- ceived chronicling her death on Thursday evening. Deceased was a well known and highly esteemed resident of this town for many years. She was married about a year ago end located in the vicinity of Marl- bank. The remains are expected here this evening and the funeral will be held on Sunday afternoon. The Young People's Association of St. Andrew's church had arranged for a skating party last evening, but the rise in temperature, placed the at Hot Bed Sash Now is tlie time to order your Hot-Bed Sash. Make your garden pay by making a hot-bed. Have radishes, let- tuece. tomatoes, vegetables and flowers long before your neigh- or. Our Woodworking factory and Lumber Yards are at your disposal in selecting your ma- terial. S. Anglin & Co. SUPPLIESewassey | $1.750--No. 304 Albert 8t., detached rough-cast, between Johnson and Earl Sts., 6 rooms, lot 38 x 132, to a laneway. $6,000--Brick row with deep lot and outbuildings (¢ houses), rentils $732 per year. $3,000 will handle this and will yield 17 1-29% net on the investment. BUILDING LOTS Division St., 3 left. 2 lots, 32x 100 to a 10 foot lane- way, for $250 for both. 1 lot, corner, 35x 100 to a 10 foot laneway, for $350. Russell St,, 10 lots, 10 lots, each 28 x 120 to a lane- way, for $175 each, $3,100--Cor. Brock and Division Sts. solid brick hoase with barn, for a quick sale, E. W. MULLIN Furnished Houses =. Real Estate and Fire Insurance | Johnson & Division Sts. Ofiice 530 . Res. ice in such bad condition that it was deemed advisable to postpone the affair. J. E. Mills and daughter, Miss Ada Mills, spent a few days with friends in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Boyce are spending a short time in Brockville, guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Dalley. Mr. and Mrs. Cor, Bay and Wellington Sts. Phone 66 4 sees LUMBER, COAL & WOODasos ten, Man., were in town for a few days this week with relatives. They purpose leaving shortly to locate in Hamilton, ! The Late Miss Marion Folger The funeral of the late Miss Marion bi pron ae Wateh for xhibit at the 'atch for our e Poultry by Dean Starr conducted We are Sole Agents for ithe cele] . W. Savary. The casket brated 1 the was covered CYPHERS Incubator No. 070 egg....$17.50 No. 1--144 CBR i... No. 2-244 egg... No. 3390 egg... .510.00 Portable Houses Meat Scraps, Grit. and Shell Boxes, Bands. "Tooth brushes," .at Gibson's. din or . A lad appeared in juvenile court, whisk Fooe, rit 2 8S d ing, charged with an- ater u ins the classes in Catara- | beg : « Seat was suspended, | . the lad will be ined by a doe- or, his mother stating that he was Come. one of Dutton's removal sale. Ih = A