uN SUMMER ULY 6th TO AUGUST 14, 1814 or Teachers, extra-mural students Work for Entrance to ty of Education. for Science Spe. : a boratory and Field ses for Nature Study, Latin, French, J Physics, Chem- EY, und An Gen 1 lectures of Ro entrance exam dit rd a deg r infor: en to the public. tion except for ton address UEEN'S UNIVER- Kingston, Ontario, 3g In case of fire loss, Tugure, with W. H. Godwin & Son Now Is the Time to Get Rid of Those Ugly Spots, Do you know how easy it'is to re- move those ugly spots so that no one will call you freckle-face? Simply get an ounce of othine, double strength, from your druggist, 'and a few applications should show You how easy it Is to rid yourself of reckles and get d beautiful com- exion. The sun-and wings of Feb- nary and-March have a strong ten- dency to bring out freckles, and as @ result more othine is sold in these months. Be sure to ask for the dowrble strength othine, as thi is sold "under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove the freckles. : Wh. C. I. DEFEATED QUEEN'S Mi, BY 770 2. And Took the Round By 15 to 5 -- They Will Meet "Varsity IM. 1a the Finals for the Junior Cham- pionship. The Kingston Collegiate Tustitute hockey team is mow qualified to meet Varsity lI in the finals for the junior Intercollegiate silverware, having de feated Queen's 111 on Friday evening by a score of 7 to 2. On Wednesday evening last the K.C.1. boys won from the same team by 8 to 3, so they won the round by 15 to 5. The members of the team and ofli- cers are deserving of great eredit for the excellent showing made during the Season. The Queen's Players are a great deal heavier than the K.C.I. boys and they certainly used their weight to telling eliect when they thought it was need- ed. The management -of the Queen's outiit. was so anxious to win the game on Friday eveming that eleven players were in uniform. Ten of these were played. Mattin, Rutleigh and Zeron played jor about twenty min- utes, Every wan on the Collegiate. team played a great game on Friday even- ing. The defence worked well, consid- ering the heavy ice. "Bobbie" Fergu- son was right to the frogt with his lone rushes. On one occasion he broke through the Queen's defence and scored. During the first half the K. C. 1. boys were kept on the rush. When the gong rang after thirty minutes play the score was tied, 2--2. . Teland and Ferguson did the trick for K. C. 1. while Pope and Burwash found the nets for Queen's. The second half was all K. C. 1, Queen's being unable to get in on the goal. H. Toland scored after ten seconds play. J. Stewart secur- I jed the fourth goal on a pass from C. Toland. The same player got the fifth from the face off. Cook landed the sixth counter after a very clever play. He come duwn the ice on a lone rush. E-.cry person thought he was going score from the right hand side, t to the surprise of the crowd Cruse skated in behind the nets and - ed the puck into the net fron _he lett hand side. "Jimmie" Stewaft landed his third goal of the evening elght minutes before time was called. Pope; White and Burwash were the most effective men on the Queen's team. "Red" Elliott, who generally plays a fairly good game, was off color. The K. C. I. boys will likely play tie first of the home-and-home games with Varsity III about the first of next week. The teams lined up as follows: -- K. C. I.--Goal, C. Stewart; de- fence, Ferguson and Singleton; rov- #ler, H. Cook; centre, "Jimmie" Stew- The Bell Telephone Company of Canada, is soon to print a new issue of Its ial Telephone Directory District of Eastern Ontario, including | KINGSTON Parties who contemplate becom- 'Ing subscribers, or those who wish changes in their present entry should t place their orders with the Local anager at once to insure insertion n this issue. Connecting Companies Should also report additions and nges in their list of subscribers, r to the Local Manager, or di- ot to the Special Agent's Depart- , Montreal. THE BELL TELEPHONE BOMPANY OF CANADA | in the fiest of the OHA. art; wings, H. Toland and C. Toland. Queen's lIl.--Goal, Mallaock; de- fence, Spence and White; rover, Wil- son; centre, Elliott; wings, Burwash and Pope. Referee---Reg Crawford. Frontenac's Financial Loss liad it not been for the blow which the O.H.A. sub-committee handed out to the Junior Frontenacs, when it cancelled the certificate of Eupert Millan, the captain of the toam, the Frontenac management would have been able to report one of the most successful financial sea- some in the history of the club. With a few exceptions, the games, in which the Frontenacs have taken part, have been very largely attend- ed. The Belleville-Frontenac exhibi- tion drew the largest crowd. After the rink and other expenses had been paid there was a balance of about $206. The excursion which was run by the club to Belleville was a finan- cial success. The gate receipts for the Oshawa- I'rontenac game were very large. The sudden death game between Frontenacs and Oshawa which was pisyed at Belleville, was another money maker. The withdrawal of the Frontenacs from the O.H.A. mneant a great finan- cial loss. The expense of taking the team as far as Toronto amounted to about $176. The cancelling of the Frontenac- Oshawa game in Kingston on Thurs- day last, meant the loss of about $500, which would have been the team's share of the gate receipts. Some of the members of the sub- committee of the O.H.A. which bar- rod Millan, are reported to have said that they knew Millan should have not been playing. If that is the case it seems nothing but right that the sub-committee should recommend that a portion of the Frontenac's ex- penses be paid out of the O.H.A. gen- eral fund, for it should not have let Frontenacs leave for Orillia without first deciding the protest. : Queen's Stand Second In the Intercollegiate assault-at- arms at Montreal part of the events weve pulled off on Friday evéning. In the preliminaries 's men did fairly well. In the wrestling Rack: more and lost, while Bodds and Wilson won. In the boxing Hagey and Inman lost and Cole and Young won. The fenciag was to go on this morning between Queen's Gnd '| Toronto. The points made last night were: McGill, 9; Queen's, 8; Varsity, 7. ---- Orillia 8, Oshawa, 4. In the O.H.A. semi-final game at Orillia last night (the one which Frontenucs \ have been the cnstern team to cowtest) Oshawa was defeated by Orillia by 8 goals to 4. The return game is to be play: ed on Monday night in Oshawa, pro- {viding the Belleville protest against allowed. Oshawa is not OHA. Senior Final senior final , Joronto R. and A.A. team St. Michael's on Fri- dav night, by six goals to five. -------------- a ---- Chapman, Brockville, winter sports. by the artist of the "Sphere." picture, "driving a mixed team." DAILY BRITISH WHIG, we iia Is CANADA COMING TO THIS Canada has béen loath of late years to advertise herself as a coun- try of winter sports, but this year in some parts of the Dominion where the winters are well sustained and skating and there have been many. inducemenis held out to the people of the cities of Canada as well as those Of the United States, to come and engage in In Switzerland many mountain towns have become quite famous for this, notably, St. Moritz, where the above drawing was made The lady is, to use the 'subject of the They go in for many, which are being imitated by some of the tourists at the Canadian resorts in Quebec, Ontario, and British Columbia, nature of country is in spots conducive of this sort of thing. sleighing continuous, daring feats, where the climate and nme ------ OTTAWA REPRESENTATIVES WERE GIVEN THE DECISION Subject Was 'Resolved That Canada Should Have Compulsory Military Training." Convocation The Gitawa Collegiate hgtituto representatives were accorded the honors in the debate in which the Kingston Collegiate Institute stud- ents were pitted against them in Queen's Convocation hall on Friday evening. The judges, Principal Gordon, J. B. Walkem, K.C., and Robert Meek, dacided unanimously in favor of the visitors, although the claims of the K.C.IL. boys ran close. The Ottawa debaters were Charles Jeffrey and Leonard Moran. They were tendered the congratulations of their local opponents, Robert 8. Ray- son and Russell Germain, and, through the chairman, the congratu- Jatory feelings of the audience. Ot tawa apparently excelled K.C.I. in support of their point that Canada should have compulsory miltary training. Large Audience in Hall. vole of tharks for acting in tha capacity, took a comparatively short time to arrive at the decision, which Mr. Walkem announced. It was to the effect that Ottawa had been a little the better both in form and matter. He made special mention of the splendid manner in which Mr. Moran had followed his leader, and made his presentation of the Ottawa side of the question. Sixt) per cent. had been allowed for ma! ter and forty for its presemrtation Ottawa, as was said after, tried to influence very strongly one of the judges, for in two instances they quoted Principal Gordon to strength- enh their arguments. Walter H. Macnee, chairman ol thq Board of Education was the able chairman of the evening, and the hall was well filled with the in- stitute pupiks, parents, and interest ed frignds. During thie intermission, while the judg® were conferring, Miss Alice Goodwin executed a plea sing piano solo, and Miss Madson Walker played an acceptabla violin selection accompanied by her sister, Miss Ruth, E. O. Sliter, principal of the K.Cl., was called upon «at this time, and amoig other thing testified to the Interest in, and Ppro- gross made by his pupils in debatine and public speaking. A debate was a daily oceurrence in the class rooms of the institute. Mr. Sliter, az well as the chairman, said he hoped toa this debate wonld only be the fist of a series between the Collegiate Instinute at the Capisal®' and, its kindred place of learminy nere. Mr Macnee went one better than male representation at these events, when he remarked that he anticipated the young ladies sometimes being "the principles. The subject "Resolved, th : Can- ada should adopt a system of com- pulsory military training," was a live one, and the speches of the de- baters savored of thoughtful review Furred tongue, Bad Taste, Indig- estion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Headaches come from a torpid Myer and const(pat bowels, which ¢ause your stoma with undigested food, Which Sours and ferments like garbage in a swill barrel. That's the first step to untold misery---indigestion, gases, bad breath, yellow The Judges, who were tendered al Don't forget ] foul] little "insides: need u govd. skin, men-| cleausing, tgo, occasionally. and study of it All the speakers reviewed international political situ- ations and ancient and modern his tory. BANQUET A™ PICTON Creelman, of Ontario Agricul. tural College to Speak Picton, -Feb. In conuection with the four weeks' course in agriculture, heing held in the Picton office of the department, which closed Friday, Feb. 27th, and which has proved very successful, quite a number of young men attending, there will be held a farmers' banquet on March Gth.: Dr, Creelman, president of the Agricultural College at Guelph, has promised to give an address. The catering has been placed in the hands of the ladies' guild of the Anglican church. Another item of interest will ba the tee races at the Picton driving park, I'hursday, March 5th. 1 the weath- er holds there should be a good day's sport * class, mile heats; 3" and "CC classes, half mile heats. On March 3rd and 4th, in the Pic- ton market hall, a live stock judging convention will be held. Light and envy horses, sheep and swine and will be the principal sub- br. 26. dairy cattle jects, Picton most popular young men in the person of Joseph S. Bolton, for several years teller in the Bank of Montréal. He has been promoted to the head office at Montreal. is losing one of its Ice Nace Results 26.-~The February Bath Bath, Feb. Fubsday, Named race Jennie Pointer 1 Little Mack 3 a 1 Bath, resulted : races al 2th, Little Napanee Indicator lattle Frank 6 Time--.39}, 41, 40, I ) 1 3 1 2 a 3 2.50 class: King Pointer Laura Pointer Lady Dillon Bruno Bare Queen Deveras Flee . Fime---39;, 1508 <1 THe ~1% Free-for-ail Montell | 1 Sycke Direct : ae 2029 Chimes .... Ro condi Time--31, 28}, 32, There were a number of other horses entered also. The attendance was es- timated about 2,000, William EB. Kearse died in Roches- ter, N.Y., on Saturday, of Bright's disepse. Mr. Kearse is a son of the lale Michael Kearse, of Picton. He lived in Rechester for nearly twenty years. His wife died five months ago. i Few short corsets Meft.35e. Duts ton's removal sale. Mrs. Charles Hawkins died at her home in Picton early on the morning of Feb. 19th, 'foMowing an opera. tion. The deceased was the eldest dnughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Koch and was thirty years of age. YOURE BILIOUS AND CONSTIPATED | "LIVER 1S SLUGGISH-DIE A BOX horrible and nauseating. A Cascaret to-night] will surely straighten you out hy § tal fears, everything. that is morning--a 10-¢ent -box will to become filled | your head clear, stomach sweet, and bowels regular and make feel eheorful and bully for months. your children-- their gentle, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1914. LECTURE TO GARDENERS ------ By 8. C, Johnson, the Ontario Dem- 3 onstrator, An interesting lecture on vegetable growing was delivered in the police court room on Friday evening by S. (. Johnston, the govermment expert tario. For a good hour and a half Mr. Jolinston spoke and used lantern slides which added considerably in im- pressing the importance of this sub- encrs and farmers who assembled. ciety, remarked upon the exceptionally Jgood gathering of gardeners, and upon | the distance which came. There was by the name of C, L. cow, twenty-three miles from and Mr. Bushell did not hesitate mention the fact, as Mr. Hicks is a progressive: gardenér of the above place and takes a deep interest in pro- moting everything along such lines. Cataragui was repeesented and the Messrs, Cooke Bros. and F. Lan- caster were to be seen among several others. Mr. Johnston, "who has travelled over the greater portion of America, summed up the various' methods of vegetable production. His slides show- ed farm after farm and the species * of vegetables. The lecturer said: the Am- ericans go in for raicing on a larger geale, but the results in many cases are not so good as those obtained from Ontario methods. "There is now a wonderful. demand for greenhouse production of vegetables and Mr. Johnston showed several large houses of this kind throughout Canada and the states. The lecturer dwelt upon ent methods of irrigation important points. Ir. Bushell asked a question" per taining to the jorvestalling by-law, whereby gardeners are not allowed to sell to stores before a certain hour in the morning. The lecturer said that he bad never heard of anything of this nature on his travels and was of the opinion that Kingston was the only place where such a by-law was in force. A hearty vote of thanks was tender ed Mr. Johnston on behalf of the Hor- tieultural Society, by Walter Cooke, and was seconded by FF. Lancaster, oi Cataraqui. sonie of them here, 1 wel difier- other the and "Films developed." Gibson's. A very pretty but quiet wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr tad mrs. william Vosburg, Adol- phustown, when their eldest daugh- tor Leila Pearl, was united in mar- riage to Frederick Cole, Adolphus- town. "Hudnut's Taleum." Gibsons. Gerald Ferguson is moving his grocery stock from Picton fo Wel lington. Pope brothers will take possession of the store vacated by Mr. Ferguson. BREAKS A BAD COLD IN A JEFY! TRY IT "Pape's Cold Compound" ends cold and grippe in a few hours-- Don't stay stuffed-up! You can end grippe and break up a severe cold either in head, chest, body or limbs, by taking a dose of "Pape's Cold Compound" every two hours until three doses are taken. It promptly opens clogged-up nos- trils and air passages in the head, stops nasty discharge or nose run- ning, relieves sick headache, dull- ness, feverishness, sore throat, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blow- ing and snuffling! Ease your throb- bing head---nothing else in the world gives such prempt relief as "Pape's Cold Compound," which costs only 25 cents any drug store. it acts without assistance, tastes nice, and causes no inconvenience. Be sure you get the genuine. ---- ------ roth, THE OPEN at their singi $5.00. - Special sale price HARTZ MOUNTAIN FEMALES, guarantéed to breed, re NORWICH MALE CANARIES. regular $6.00, special sale. ; NORWICH FEMALE CANARIES, regular $3.00 birds, special sale price We have also fomales for these Bi that CAL sell for $2.00. Special sale price $1.33 A AG 1 \ © "We have just received 8 in. Jong, 6 in. wide, 8 in. high, 9 1-2 in. long by 6 1-2 ia. wide, i. 1 All birds mentioned in this advertisement are. and are guaranteed to orrive safely no matter what the without their singing qualities being in @ny way impal it it is anything in the way of a singing ca nary {unity fo the bird fanciers of Canada to secure a real singer © State, by nie. thie kind of bird you want. and o to-day and take advapiage of the. or postal note. demonstrator for the provinee of On- |. ject upon the good turn-out of gard- | R. of. Bushell, president of sthe so- || one in sitendance | Hicks, of Mos- 1 to} New York Fruit Store Sunkist Oranges, 15¢, 20c, 30¢, 4 Sn Fruit, " or 5 be and 4 15 and 20¢ a dozen, t . EUTABLIGNED TD oe Senile atfe And 4 dol : os n the ¥ x i ing stomach with pe aie carrying the antisentic vapor, with every breath, makes Breathing easy, soothes the sore throat, 2d stops the Cough, assuring restful nights. Cresolene ig igyal 10 mothers with young children ard na Asthma. Bend us postal for ALL DRUQGGISTS. Try CRESOLENR ANTISEPTIC THROAT Sather at. het peo oo us, 10, in s:anps, Vapo Cresolens Co. 62 Cortlea "5¢., N.Y. ding ins Miles Be Montreal, Can. . wl ta SuTerern from 15e a Ih. Dates, 10¢ a Ib! ---------- 314 Prins St Ponet08 'PHONE 1170 Automobile Co. Queen and Bagot 'Streets Storage, flepairing, Acces~ sories. We guarantee satisfaction Special Sale-Saturday and Monday == 50 Men's Blue Serge all sizes, 33 to fellows. : G OF OUR MONTREAL BR ANC} BIRD AND DOG FANCEERS IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO AS BREEDERS AND DEALERS IN VARIOUS PET ANIMALS, ETC. S X YOU IN DIRECT fFOUCH WITH THEM ALL, AND OUR BUYING POWER ENABLES US TO PUR- CHASE AT THE LOWEST PRICES OBTAINABLE : . J SINGING CANARIES WILL FORM A FEATURE IN OUR NEXT WEEK'S SELLING. Guaranteed Sweet SINGERS $3. ST. ANDREASBERG trained roller canaries Not @ common ordinary singer, or a w box, as all bird fanciers call them. Such sing ered foreigners is Hke the veices of the Melbas,, birds are unboxed after their travels, in spite of -the'lol qualities. These birds are ordinarily so HARTZ MOUNTAIN WARBLERS, male birds and guaranteed singers. portation of 1,0 00 of these birds at a specially low price, and we which merely covers cost of importing. These birds are noted of tone, and are usually sold for from 3.00 to We have made a direct im are closing them out at a price for their singing qualities, of flute-like clearness Don't Miss Picking Up Some of These Bargains Suits, fine quality, Indigo dyed, 44. Were sold in the regular way at $16.50 and $18.00. Take your choice Saturday and Monday for 38 Boys' 3 piece straight short pant suits, half price 100 Pairs Men's Dark Tweed Pants, all sizes; sold all over at $1.50. _On sale Saturday and aon Twenty-five Per Cent. br 1-4 off the price of any Boys' 2 Pieee Bloomer Pant Suits in the store 20 Dozen of Regular 50c Ties. Saturday and Mops The New Spring Hats are here and ready for you. Prices "just a little lower than the other Be sure and gethere Saturday or Monday, and sup- ply your wants in Men's and Boys' Wear. ONEY & CO. 127 Princess Street. $13.45 oso sons Be ON LE) OMIN BIRD:- SEEDS. BIRD #00 brass eanary bird Jepular price $2.0 0. + 1-2 in. high, regular vOYYYYw , this special sale at an wing dow ¢ t "3d same by cheque, Smt IMPORTERS BIRDS. FANCY FISH. DOC (ranidyvre 00D S. MONKEYS *oinaas GAGES. FISH GLOBES & AQUARI WILL PROVE A GREAT ADVANTAGE TO OUR , ALL OVER THE WORLD PUTS CONNECTION WITH Regula Price $6:00 . histler, but a genuine German Roller. A living music ingas is heard from the throats of fhese little feath- and TPetrazinis of the song bird tribe. When these ng time on the road, you will be astonished 1d for 36. but our special sele price is $3.25 lar prite $1.50. Special sale price .... price .... cages in twp different sizes: -- Special sale price fee $2.25, special sale price pped to the purchasers on their approval, distance may be or the weather conditions, presents an sscelldnt oppor- pr ce. money order